Press Release 2
Press Release 2
Press Release 2
Performance Highlights
Historically the first quarter of a fiscal year has seen us delivering 17 to 22% of full year
revenues and profit after taxes. Our results in the first quarter of this fiscal year are in line
with our full year guidance and our historical first quarter performance.
The Q1 margins are lower because of onetime expenses associated with the recent
Telisma acquisition and foreign exchange loss on account of Euro fluctuation on
earnout related payout to Voxmobili shareholders. Without these onetime expenses our
profit after tax margin would be around 21%.
The other contributor is the change in business model we have pursued in the large
Asian markets for our Voxmobili Phone Backup service. We have, since the acquisition,
sold the product into over ten (10) telecom customers on a long term contract,
recurring revenue share basis rather than a onetime software licensing model. This
sacrifices short term revenues for larger, longer term revenue streams.
We want to re-iterate that our business cannot be looked at on a quarterly basis, as the
timing of the launch of new innovative products or the launch of the services in a new
customer impacts the results of a particular quarter, which are, on certain occasions
not entirely controlled by us. We maintain our guidance that we had given earlier on
2008-09 financial year performance.
During the quarter we also announced the acquisition of 100% stake in Telisma, a
leading European Speech Recognition company, for a consideration of 12 Million Euros.
Telisma is Europe’s leading Speech technology & language processing software
provider. Telisma’s speech recognition products & expertise will enable us to accelerate
our penetration into fast growing emerging markets by developing new speech
recognition language models.
Over time, Telisma’s advanced technology will be embedded into a significant part of
OnMobile’s new products and installed product base with existing customers. This
process will take two to three years to complete, but will result in a significant
enhancement in OnMobile’s market position and relationship with large customers. As a
result of this we expect a marginal drop in our PAT, in the short run.
Key Operational Highlights
OnMobile is the largest telecom VAS solutions provider in India. Incorporated in the year
2000, OnMobile was incubated at Infosys Technologies Limited. OnMobile is the first
Indian telecom VAS service company to go public.