Annexure Questionnaire "A" For People in The Society

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1. Name:
2. Cast:
3. Religion:
4. Age -
5. Designation:
6. Experience:
7. Educational Qualification:
8. Special Knowledge / Experience if any :

1. Is Dowry a part investment made by parents to ensure a astable

marital life ?
a) Yes b)No c) Any other explanation

2. Is it the bride’s parents who plays an important role in

perpetuating it?
a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

3. Is dowry a gift given by the bride’s parents ?

a) Yes b)No c) Any other explanation

4. Do you know any one who is interested to marry an women whose

parents can’t afford to pay dowry ?
a) Yes b)No c) Any other explanation

5. Is female feticide a natural offshoot of dowry menace ?

a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

6. Parent’s don’t want to have daughters. Is it because of dowry what

do you think ?
a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

7. Do you think that market forces have a role to play in promoting

a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

8. Do you start accumulating wealth when a baby girl is born ?

a) Yes b) No e) Any other explanation

9. Is the role of an Advocate is important in the trial of dowry cases ?

a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

10. Is the role of Women Advocate is important ?

a) Yes b)No e) Any other explanation

11. Parent’s might spent lakh in buying consumer goods for their
daughter’s as dowry but very few are wiling to give a share of the
parental property. What do you think ?
a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

12. Is the role of judiciary important in dowry cases ?

a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

13. Even the majority of educated girls expected their parents to give
them dowry?
a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

14. Gender and culture have important role in the formation of

attitude towards dowry ?
a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

15. Is the role of public vital in any dowry case ?

a) Yes b) No e) Any other explanation

16. The women should be given maximum liberty in choosing her

a) Yes b)No c) Any other explanation

17. Should the women have a voice in case of abortion of their female
a) Yes b)No c) Any other explanation

18. Should the educated parents save money for their daughters ?
a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

19. Dowry related domestic argument played in important role ?

a) Yes b)No c) Any other explanation

20. Daughters are viewed as Paray Dhan : -

a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

21. Should the daughters be treated as economic liability ?

a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

22. Would you like to have a baby girl as your Is* issue ?
a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

23. As a couple would you like to have a baby girl as your 1st
a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

24. Do you consider son as an economic investment for future well

a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

25. Do you consider girls are economic investment for future well
a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

26. Do you considered girl child as a burden ?

a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

27. Do you considered female feticide helps to lessen financial burden?

a) Yes b)No c) Any other explanation

28. Better pay Rs.500/- for abortion now then to pay Rs.5 /- Lakhs and
more later as dowry. What do you think ?
a) Yes b) No c) Any other explanation

29. Is it groom’s parents who plays important role in perpetuating

dowry offence ?
a) Yes b) No e) Any other explanation

30. Is it the bride who is responsible for the offence ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

31. Is education a passport to marriage ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

32. Is education for employment ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation


1. Name:
2. Cast:
3. Religion:
4. Age -
5. Designation:
6. Experience:
7. Educational Qualification:
8. Special Knowledge / Experience if any :

1. Are you in favour of marriage ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

2. Would you like to complete your education 1st then you will think
about your marriage ?
a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

3. Would you like to marry only after getting a job ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

4. Would you like if your parents will give valuables voluntarily to the
grooms family ?
a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

5. Would you like to marry a person on your own choice ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

6. Would you like to marry in a family who demands dowry ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

7. Would you like to have a baby girl as your 1st issue ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

8. Have you noticed the son-preference attitude of your parents ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

9. Is your sister-in-law is a friend to you ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

10. Are your parents pressurise you for your marriage ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

11. Given a choice will you go for live-in-relationship rather than a formal
marriage ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

12. Would you prefer to take dowry with you ?

a) Yes b) No.c) Any other explanation

13. Is Anti dowry law effective to curb this menace of dowry ?

a) Yes b) No.e) Any other explanation

14. Do you know what is Dowry Prohibition Act 1961 ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

15. Is it a problem for higher middle or lower class ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

16. Can empowerment of girls lessen the problem ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation


1. Name:
2. Cast:
3. Religion:
4. Age-
5. Designation:
6. Experience:
7. Educational Qualification:
8. Special Knowledge / Experience if any :

1. Are you in favour of live-in-relationship ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

2. Are you in favour of love marriage ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

3. Would you like to go for arrange marriage ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

4. Would you like to take valuable which is voluntarily given by your in

laws family ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

5. Would you like to marry a girl who has much higher financial standard
than yours ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

6. Will you demand dowry for marriage of yours ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

7. Would you like to have a baby girl as you 1st issue ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

8. Have you noticed son preference attitude of your parents ?

a) Yes b) No. e) Any other explanation

9. Do your parents expect you to bring dowry in your marriage ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

10. Would you prefer dowry ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

11. Is dowry a good system in a society ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

12. Is dowry a problem for a particular class ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

13. Do you know there is law for dowry prohibition ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

14. Is anti dowry law effective for curling this menace ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

1. Name:
2. Cast:
3. Religion:
4. Age-
5. Designation:
6. Experience:
7. Educational Qualification:
8. Special Knowledge / Experience if any :

1. If a good proposal comes are you ready to marry off your daughter in
between her education ?
a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

2. Are you ready to show your daughter to the prospective bride groom
and his family in the traditional way ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

3. Do you want your daughter to get a job 1st than only think about her
marriage ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

4. Are you ready to fulfill all the demands of the bride groom for
marriage of your daughter ?
a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

5. Are you ready to take back your daughter if she complains dowry
torture by her in laws after marriage ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

6. If your daughter simply complains about increasing dowry demands

over and above what you have given will you meet the same ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

7. Are you ready to give your daughter to one who before marriage
clearly and openly places their dowry demand ?
a) Yes b) No, c) Any other explanation

8. Are you ready to give your daughter to one who holds a higher status
than you ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

9. If your dauther complains dowry demand and torture will you go for
amicable settlement with the grooms family ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

10. Even if there is no demand from the grooms side would you like to
give dowry according to your standard and capacity ?
a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

11. Would you prefer to give dowry ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

12. Is dowry a good system ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

13. Is dowry a problem for higher middle lower class people ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

14. Do you know there is law for dowry prohibition ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

15. Is anti dowry law effective for curbing this menace ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

16. Would you like to display dowry given by you ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

17. Would you like your daughter to tell you all her small marital problems
or expect her to sort it out within her own family ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

18. Do you expect your daughter to look after you in times of need ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

19. Do you involve yourself in day to day affairs of your married daughter
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation
1. Name:
2. Cast:
3. Religion:
4. Age-
5. Designation:
6. Experience:
7. Educational Qualification:
8. Special Knowledge / Experience if any :

1. Will you see the socio economic status of the bride’s family while
choosing a girl for you son ?
a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

2. Would you like to choose a bride from a poor family if the bride
fulfills your other criteria ?
a) Yes . b) No. c) Any other explanation

3. Do you consider your dauther-in-laws education as important as your

son’s education ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

4. Would you like your daughter-in-law to engage in some work outside

your home ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

5. Would you like to choose bride on your own or prefer your sons choice
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

6. Would like to go for a working lady while choosing girl for your son ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

7. Is dowry a big problem irrespective of caste class / religion ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

8. Is dowry a problem for higher middle lower class ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

9. Do you know there is law for dowry prohibition ?

a) Yes b)No. c) Any other explanation

10. Do you think Anti dowry law is effective for curbing this menace ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

11. Will you feel your social status elevates after receiving a good amount
of dowry ?
a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

12. Is dowry a good tradition ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

13. Do you think dowry is most essential a marriage ?

a) Yes b) No. c) Any other explanation

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