This document outlines 14 Python practice exercises focused on syntax and semantics. The exercises include:
1) Using Python as a calculator and calculating the volume of a sphere
2) Defining a function that takes arithmetic operations and integers as arguments
3) Prompting user input to check if 3 sticks can form a triangle
4) Writing a recursive function to print the Fibonacci series
5) Using a Ramanujan formula to numerically approximate pi
This document outlines 14 Python practice exercises focused on syntax and semantics. The exercises include:
1) Using Python as a calculator and calculating the volume of a sphere
2) Defining a function that takes arithmetic operations and integers as arguments
3) Prompting user input to check if 3 sticks can form a triangle
4) Writing a recursive function to print the Fibonacci series
5) Using a Ramanujan formula to numerically approximate pi
This document outlines 14 Python practice exercises focused on syntax and semantics. The exercises include:
1) Using Python as a calculator and calculating the volume of a sphere
2) Defining a function that takes arithmetic operations and integers as arguments
3) Prompting user input to check if 3 sticks can form a triangle
4) Writing a recursive function to print the Fibonacci series
5) Using a Ramanujan formula to numerically approximate pi
This document outlines 14 Python practice exercises focused on syntax and semantics. The exercises include:
1) Using Python as a calculator and calculating the volume of a sphere
2) Defining a function that takes arithmetic operations and integers as arguments
3) Prompting user input to check if 3 sticks can form a triangle
4) Writing a recursive function to print the Fibonacci series
5) Using a Ramanujan formula to numerically approximate pi
(Programs are based on simple logic and are aimed to test your understanding of Python syntax and semantics. Only refer internet for Hints.)
1. Start Python interpreter and use it as a calculator. Initialize radius
with some integer value. Calculate the volume of a sphere. (To check: enclosing the operations with and without different combinations of parentheses) 2. A function object is a value that can be assigned to a variable or can be passed as an argument. Write a function calc that takes 3 arguments, FUNCTION NAME (ONE OF THE ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS), INTEGER1, andINTEGER2. And returns the output to a print function that prints in a formatted way, where it displays the result along with the input. For example, calc(add, x, y). 3. If you are given three sticks, you may or may not be able to arrange them in a triangle. Write a program that prompts the user to input 3 stick lengths and calls a function is_triangle to check whether the sticks can form a triangle or not. 4. Write a recursive function that prints fibonacci series of length n. Hint: Fibonacci Series is a series of numbers in which each number ( Fibonacci number ) is the sum of the two preceding numbers. The simplest is the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc. 5. The mathematician S Ramanujan found an infinite series that can be used to generate a numerical approximation of π. Write a function estimate_pi that uses this formula to compute and return an estimate of π. Compute summation until the last term is smaller than 10-15. And check the result by comparing it to math.pi. ∞ 1 2√2 (4k)! (1103 + 26390k) Π = 9801 ∑ 4 4k (k!) 396 k=0 6. Write a function my_reverse that takes string as an input, reverse it, without using in-built function and returns the reversed string. 7. Write a function find_count that takes string/list as first argument, index as second argument, and elem to search as a third argument. It returns the number of times and position of all the occurence of the elem following the parameter index. 8. Write a function that takes a list of numbers and returns the cumulative sum; that is, a new list where the ith element is the sum of first i+1 elements from the original list. For example a. Input list : [1,2,3] b. Output : [1,3,6] 9. Two words are anagrams if you can rearrange the letters from one to spell the other. Write a function called is_anagram that takes two strings and returns True if they are anagrams. 10. Write a function that accepts a string, store that string as a key in a dictionary, and it’s value is another dictionary, where key is character present in the word and it’s value is the frequency of that character in the word. For example, string : mississippi dct = { ‘mississippi’ : {‘m’:1, ‘i’:4, ‘s’:4, ‘p’:2}. Hint: Use get() function for character-frequency dictionary. 11. Read the file words.txt, call the function created in 10th problem to generate word-character-frequency dictionary. Now dump this dictionary into a pickle format. So that it can be loaded again directly as dictionary. Hint: Explore pickle module ( 12. Read the file words.txt, randomly select 200 words. And sort the file based on the length of the word in decreasing order. In case of a tie, sort, following the chronological sequence of words. Write the sorted list in a file. Hint: Use random.sample for selecting 200 words. Check sample function from random module. 13. The os module provides a function called walk. Read the documentation ( and write a function get_files_list using it to print the names of files, in a given directory and its subdirectories. 14. Write a function called sed that takes as argument a pattern string, a replacement string, and two filenames. It should read the contents from the first file and writes the contents into the second file. If pattern string appears anywhere in the file, it should be replaced with the replacement string. Note: All the arguments to the function sed should be accepted from command line.