Tcvbfcvbbfurnouts: - A Flow Control Structure Providing Irrigation Water at The Head (Beginning) of An
Tcvbfcvbbfurnouts: - A Flow Control Structure Providing Irrigation Water at The Head (Beginning) of An
Tcvbfcvbbfurnouts: - A Flow Control Structure Providing Irrigation Water at The Head (Beginning) of An
- The connecting link between the supply or distribution canal operator (the NIA
or the Irrigator’s Association) representing the authority and the users (the
farmers). It follows that the design and operation of turnouts must satisfy the needs of
both parties as far as pofbxcvbxdssible. For example, the farmer will want to be
satisfied that he receives his due share of the water at the right time; and the operator
will want to be satisfied that the turnout structures exercise effective control over the
distribution of the supplies.
- At the very stage of general layout preparation & canal lining design, data for
tributary areas and ricefield elevations for turnouts should be pre-determined;
And a sufficient head at least 10 - 15 cm. reckoned from the water surface in the
lateral should be provided for a later turnout design. (Since the discharge
requirement through the turnout is greater during land soaking stage than during crop
maintenance stage, at least 15 cm. head reckoned from the water surface in the
lateral should be provided.)
- Water flows under a gate or opening; Highly recommended for turnouts, coupled with
a head regulator at U/S and a flow measuring device at D/S.
Thus for preliminary sizing of the orifice; the discharge equation can be taken as:
QREQ’D = (ATO * WD) / 1000 *(Req’d discharge for the turnout’s mfd, in cu. m./s)
(NOTE: “A” subject for T&E; until “HA >/= HL” satisfied)
Q = 0.65 * A * √(2gH)
QREQ’D = (ATO * WD) / 1000 *(Req’d discharge for the turnout’s mfd, in cu. m./s)
(NOTE: “A” & “HL” subject for T&E; until “QACTUAL>/= QREQ’D” satisfied)
Q = 0.65 * A * √(2gH)
*(See, “LECTURE- TURNOUTS- Attachment 2”; DESIGN AT NON-SUBMERGED ORIFICE, in “.pdf” format)
*(See, “LECTURE- TURNOUTS- Attachment 3”; TURNOUT USING PIPE CONDUIT, in “.pdf” format)