Section 2

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SECTION 2: Student Perception Survey

Create a table of some sort to visually identify the results on the student perceptions survey.

What did you learn about yourself?

I learned a lot about myself as an educator. While I thought that my strengths were in
other areas, my students thought differently. As a teacher, it is important to know how your
actions are coming off to your students. Each student will have their own perspective of their
teacher, but there were a lot of similarities throughout this survey. I found that my students didn’t
believe I had a strength in care, when I felt that this was one of my main strengths. While this
was based mostly on asking students about their feelings, I was shocked with the result.
Another question that I found rather surprising was that the students do not know if I like
when they ask questions. In fact, I love when my students are asking questions. Though, in my
students’ perceptions they are not sure about this. I was also surprised by the question about
being allowed to talk to their YSU teacher. I talk to the class, small groups, and individual
students throughout each day in field. Therefore, I was confused as to why my students
questioned this.

What will you do differently for the unit and for student teaching based on this data? Use
the information about each area provided with the student survey to guide your reflection.

For my unit and for student teaching, I will be sure to take all of this information into
consideration. I will be more tuned into how my students are perceiving my actions in the class. I
want students to feel comfortable and welcomed when I am teaching the class. I want to make
students feel that their questions and feelings are valued. For care, I will be sure to make students
know that I care about their feelings in class and in general. I can do this by asking students how
their morning is or how they feel about a certain topic. For control, I will be sure that all students
know what they are tasked to do. As recommended by my supervisor, I will make students feel a
sense of urgency to complete assignments. As if this is not evident, students may take their time
completing and assignment and end up exhibiting off task behavior. For clarifying, I will ask
questions to assure that all students are understanding my instruction. If students are not
understanding, I will do my best to explain the concept better to help students. For challenge, I
will ask more thought provoking questions to make students think further about a concept. While
for captivating, I can make lessons more engaging and related to the students’ real lives. I can do
this by taking student interests into consideration, as well as, their love for hands-on activities.
Based on confer, I will a point to encourage student questions. As I thought I did do a good job
with this, I found that I will need to provide more positive praise for student questions. Lastly,
for consolidate, I will be sure to review what was learned after each lesson. This is something
that I do briefly, but I feel that I need to end a lesson with more detailed explanations of what the
students have learned. Overall, I hope to further my ability to effectively teach my students
during unit week and student teaching.

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