Quotation DAQ011 - Intuenty Website Development
Quotation DAQ011 - Intuenty Website Development
Quotation DAQ011 - Intuenty Website Development
To : Emerico
Attn : Miss Sofia
Payment Details
Acc No : 8008712225
TOTAL 7,340.00
100% down payment before any assign job proceed. Payments are not refundable on any cancellation of any jobs. Digital ADS agrees to work
expeditiously with Client to complete the website no later than 60 days after agreement / invoice signed.
Client agrees to provide all design solution ALL the necessary materials within 2 weeks after the initial design approved.
First design artwork/theme/draft will be checked by the Client and approved before proceed to html coding construction. Digital ADS shall not be
liable for any errors not corrected by the Client where the Client has been provided with the initial design for checking, and has agreed to
proceed. Client understands that changing the new layout or design will incur additional charges under the charging rate of Digital ADS.
The package included 4 rounds of amendments. Spelling errors and malfunction will be adjusted for free on request during the web construction
and within 1 month after the website launched. Any amendments required 1 month after the project launched/web development will be
surcharged under Digital ADS Rate. The amendment fees/rate will be RM 170 per hour.
Digital ADS is not liable for any errors or omissions during the design process nor after web completion, it's the Client’s responsible to proof
check all the artwork / contents after website up on live. Any adjustment requested 1 month after the website completed & launched will be
charged on hourly basis.
The client unconditionally guarantees that any sources of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork provided to Digital ADS
for inclusion in the web design are owned by client, or that client has permission from the rightful owner/ copyright to use each of these sources.