Syllabus 416 19

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SYLLABUS FOR MATH 416, Fall 2018

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

MTH 1311
Prerequisites: MATH 141, MATH 240 (or equivalent), MATLAB (or equivalent).
Text: Instructor’s notes
Instructor: Dr. Wojciech Czaja
Office: MTH 2105
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 10:00 - 10:50, or by appointment
Phone: (301) 405 - 5106
Email: wojtek (at) math (dot) umd (dot) edu
Class Web Page:∼wojtek/416 19.htm
Exams: There will be 3 midterm exams during the semester, each for the total of
100 points. The lowest score is dropped. They are tentatively scheduled on October
7, November 4, and December 2. The final exam is worth 200 points. The final exam
is on December 13, 2019, at 8:00 am.
Calculators: Calculators (and other electronic devices) will NOT be allowed for the
exams, but small (5 x 3 in.) note cards will be allowed during the exams.
Homework: On Friday of the week that has no exam scheduled, homework will be
assigned. (Homeworks are due the next Friday at the start of the class.) Each one is
worth 25 points, and there will 10 such assignments. The lowest 2 scores (including
absences) are dropped. Late homework will not be accepted.
Project: There will be a nonobligatory project due November 30, 2018, worth 50
points. This is for extra credit and will not extend the class maximum of 600 points.
Grading: The maximum point total is 600 points and the total used to calculate the
final grade is the minimum of the two numbers: 600 points and the largest score in
the class. The setting of letter grades will be based on the number of points and will
be no worse than: 50% - D, 60% - C, 75% - B, 90% - A.
Academic integrity: The University makes me remind you about its academic
integrity policies. So I do. Nobody, however, has to remind me that part of my job
is to make sure that these policies are obeyed.
Attendance and absences: You are responsible for the material covered in class,
whether you attend or not. You are also responsible for the announcements made
during class; they may include changes in the syllabus.
The instructor will adhere strictly to the official university policy on makeup ex-
ams. In particular, it is the policy of the University to excuse the absences of students
that result from the following causes: illness of the student, or illness of an immediate
family member; religious observance (where the nature of the observance prevents the

student from being present during the class period); participation in university ac-
tivities at the request of University authorities; and compelling circumstance beyond
the student’s control. Students claiming excused absence must apply in writing and
furnish documentary support for their assertion that absence resulted from one of
these causes. Moreover, foreseeable absences (such as those resulting from religious
holidays or participation in university-sponsored events) must be submitted in writ-
ing to the instructor by September 9, 2019. See the UMD’s Course Related Policy
website for more details.
Disabilities: If you have a disability disallowing you to test under the usual time or
in-class conditions, you may contact the office of Disabled Students Services (DSS).
(Please let me know by Sept. 9, 2019, if you think you may require these
services.) If they assess you as meriting private conditions and/or extra time, then
you may arrange to take your tests at DSS, with extra time as they indicate. You
must arrange this well in advance of a test. Remember: I need to sign the
Emergency closures: In case of an emergency that closes the University for an
extended period of time (for example, due to inclement weather), be sure to access
your email for instructions from me. Should any classes or exams be cancelled, please
check the class schedule page for updated schedule information.
Course evaluations: Your participation in the evaluation of courses through Course-
EvalUM is important to us, and helps improve teaching and learning at the University.
CourseEvalUM will be open for you to complete your evaluations for the Fall semester.
Evaluations are anonymous and will not be available to faculty until next semester,
so they cannot possibly affect your grade.
This course introduces students to the mathematical concepts arising in signal
analysis from the applied harmonic analysis point of view. Topics include applied
linear algebra, Fourier series, discrete Fourier transform, Fourier transform, Shan-
non Sampling Theorem, wavelet bases, multiresolution analysis, and discrete wavelet
Background Material: Numbers and Computer Arithmetic; Vector Spaces and Lin-
ear Transformations [1 week]
Finite frames and bases, Principal Components, Laplacian Eigenmaps [4 weeks]
Fourier Series, Discrete Fourier Transform [4 weeks]
Wavelet Bases, Discrete Wavelet Transform, [4 weeks]
Sampling, Quantization, Precision, and Accuracy, Applications to Coding, Detec-
tion, and Compression [2 weeks]

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