Anglo-French Conference On Time-Keeping at Sea

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Conference on Time-
keeping at Sea

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The Anglo-French Conference on Time-
keeping at Sea was a conference held in
London in June of 1917. The Conference
established the nautical date line and
adopted an ideal form of the terrestrial
time zone system for use at sea. It
recommended that time changes required
by changes of longitude be made in one-
hour steps. This recommendation was
adopted between 1920 and 1925 by all
major fleets, including British, French and
American. The rules applied to almost all
naval ships and to many non-naval ships.
Nevertheless, up to the Second World War,
the old practice of keeping local apparent
time prevailed on many independent
merchant ships.

The nautical date line is implied but not

explicitly drawn on time zone maps. It
follows the 180° meridian except where it
is interrupted by territorial waters adjacent
to land, forming gaps: it is a pole-to-pole
dashed line. Ships are required to adopt
the standard time of a country when they
are within its territorial waters, but must
revert to international time zones (15°
wide pole-to-pole gores) as soon as they
leave territorial waters. The 15° gore that
is offset from GMT or UT1 (not UTC) by
twelve hours is bisected by the nautical
date line into two 7.5° gores that differ
from GMT by ±12 hours.

In reality nautical time zones are used only

for radio communication etc. Internally on
the ship, e.g. for work and meal hours, the
ship may use a suitable time of its own
choosing. This includes fixed installations
such as oil rigs. For example, the
Norwegian Ekofisk oil rigs are located in
international water at longitude 3°E but
use Norwegian time.

See also
Marine chronometer

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Last edited 2 months ago by Milita grunt33

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