Statistical Mean
The statistical mean refers to the mean or average that is used
to derive the central tendency of the data in question. It is
determined by adding all the data points in a population and
then dividing the total by the number of points. The resulting
number is known as the mean or the average.
Central Tendency
Central tendency is defined as “the statistical measure that
identifies a single value as representative of an entire
distribution.” It aims to provide an accurate description of the
entire data. It is the single value that is most
typical/representative of the collected data. The term “number
crunching” is used to illustrate this aspect of data description.
The mean, median and mode are the three commonly used
measures of central tendency.
The mean uses every value in the data and hence is a good
representative of the data. The irony in this is that most of the
times this value never appears in the raw data.
Repeated samples drawn from the same population tend to have
similar means. The mean is therefore the measure of central
tendency that best resists the fluctuation between different
It is closely related to standard deviation, the most common
measure of dispersion.
The important disadvantage of mean is that it is sensitive to
extreme values/outliers, especially when the sample size is
small. Therefore, it is not an appropriate measure of central
tendency for skewed distribution.
Mean cannot be calculated for nominal or nonnominal ordinal
data. Even though mean can be calculated for numerical ordinal
data, many times it does not give a meaningful value, e.g. stage
of cancer.
Types of Mean
1. Weighted mean
Weighted mean is calculated when certain values in a data
set are more important than the others. A weight wi is
attached to each of the values xi to reflect this importance.
2. Geometric Mean
It is defined as the arithmetic mean of the values taken on a
log scale. It is also expressed as the nth root of the product of
an observation
Example, GM is an appropriate measure when values change
exponentially and in case of skewed distribution that can be
made symmetrical by a log transformation. GM is more
commonly used in microbiological and serological research.
One important disadvantage of GM is that it cannot be used
if any of the values are zero or negative.
3. Harmonic Mean
It is the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the
4. Athematic Mean
Arithmetic mean (or, simply, “mean”) is nothing but the
average. It is computed by adding all the values in the data
set divided by the number of observations in it. If we have the
raw data, mean is given b y the formula
For Example, if there are 50 students in the class, and to
calculate the average of their marks, we will divide the marks
obtained of every student by total number of students.