Space Efficient Computational Multi-Secret Sharing and Its Applications
Space Efficient Computational Multi-Secret Sharing and Its Applications
Space Efficient Computational Multi-Secret Sharing and Its Applications
1 Introduction
In this paper, we answer this question in the affirmative: we give a new MSSS
construction that achieves overhead that scales only logarithmically in `. Aside
from their intrinsic interest, we remark that such efficient MSSSs that do not
rely on an external public storage (see below for more elaborations).
The interesting cases when both `, n are poly(λ). For multi-secret sharing,
there are two simple cases; the total number of user n is small (however large is
the number of shares `), or the total number of shares ` is small. In the first case,
it follows that the range of all different thresholds would be small (smaller than
n). It is easy to see that we can simply group secrets with the same threshold into
one bigger secret chunk, and run the trivial application of Krawczyk’s scheme
[17] on the chunks, which yields an MSSS with each share size overhead at most
nλ for a very small n. Similarly, we can directly apply the Krawczyk’s scheme
[17] for the latter case, and the resulting `λ overhead is fine now as ` is small.
For many of the interesting cases, the number of shares and number of parties
are both significantly large. In particular, we will consider a general setting where
both n, ` are poly(λ). For example, in our multiparty computation application,
we will need to consider a (1, 2, 3, . . . , n)-MSSS (here ` = n). We are aiming to
achieve an asymptotically small overhead for each share size (O(log `) · λ). And
note that in this case, O(log n) is the same as O(log `), thus sometimes in the
paper, we used n, ` interchangeably for measuring space efficiency.
1.1 Our Results
We present a new construction for threshold MSSS (in this paper, we focus
entirely on threshold MSSSs, so we drop the adjective “threshold”) that achieves
share size O(m(1/t1 +· · ·+1/t` )+log `·λ) which is nearly optimal for large `. 6 As
the first term is inherent for carrying the information of the message, the second
term is the overhead that we try to minimize. Concretely, our contributions are
as follows:
A new dynamic threshold public key encryption scheme. The generic construc-
tion is useful only when it is applied to an efficient instantiation of DTPKE, and
obtaining such a scheme appears to be challenging. The only existing construc-
tion that offers a constant-size ciphertext for DTPKE is given by [6] (without
this property the encryption itself already precludes the possibility of our effi-
ciency target). However, the scheme requires O(n) public group elements, called
the combining key, and all elements in the combining key are used even for
decrypting a ciphertext with the threshold 1 (here n is the number of users).
This immediately prevents the above reduction from yielding an efficient MSSS.
Requiring some kind of combining key seems to be unavoidable in the construc-
tion of DTPKE with small ciphertexts and, moreover, this particular inefficiency
appears to be an inherent aspect of the existing system.
Note that there are three possible scenarios for an MSSS: few secrets to be shared
that can easily be realized using an efficient single secret sharing scheme, few people
to share the secrets for which the information dispersal algorithms will not be useful
since the threshold values are small, and many secrets to be shared among many
users that we consider in this work.
Taking all these facts into consideration, we propose a new DTPKE scheme
that has an allowed threshold range in the parameters. We then show how to
apply a degree reduction technique on the exponent that can be tuned to the
threshold range to yield our new construction. The result is a combining key that
scales linearly only in the size of the threshold range rather than the number
of users n.7 Specially, for a particular threshold range [t, 2t), if the combining
keys are distributed using an information dispersal scheme for the threshold t,
then the size of the share will be constant. Moreover, the structure of our new
scheme is algebraically simpler than the original scheme of [6]. These features
enable us to recursively apply our general construction to get an efficient MSSS.
Finally, we remark that the basic technical structure of this new DTPKE is
rather different from the one in [6] which might be of independent interest.
Paper overview. We recall the basic definitions and security requirements
in Section 2. To establish the basic relationship between MSSS and DTPKE,
we propose a generic construction for the computational MSSS in Section 3. In
Section 4, we first present a new construction of DTPKE since non of the existing
construction is well-suited for our purpose, then we propose an efficient MSSS
that employs the new construction of DTPKE. We also show an application of
our efficient MSSS to secure multi-party computation in Section 5.
2 Preliminaries
Notations: Let ` denote the number of secrets to be shared and n denote the
number of users, which will also be the upper bound for the threshold values.
We use (s1 , ..., s` ) to denote the secrets to be shared, and the letter t to denote
threshold values, i.e. each ti is associated with the secret si . The letter m is used
to denote the size of the secret. We let λ denote the security parameter.
2.1 Definitions
In this section, we give some definitions and the security requirements of the
multi-secret threshold schemes.
Remark. We assume that the share protocol also outputs some public parameters
required for the reconstruction protocol (such as description of the underlying
group system). For simplicity, we consider these as part of share for each user.
A multi-secret sharing scheme has to satisfy the following two properties:
– The challenger gives the set P of users and the thresholds values (t1 , ..., t` )
to the adversary.
– The adversary A submits the challenge threshold ti .
– The adversary also submits two global secrets → −
s (0) , →
− (0) (1)
s (1) where si 6= si
(0) (1)
and sj = sj , ∀j 6= i.
For simplicity, we just require the adversary to submit two global secrets
−s (0) , →
s (1) such that they differ only at the index i. It can be easily seen to
imply the general case.
– The challenger chooses a random bit b ∈ {0, 1}, runs the share protocol
({shk }Pk ∈P , params) ← Share(→
s (b) , P, {tk }, λ), and gives ({shk }k<ti , params)
to the adversary.
– Finally, A outputs a guess b0 .
A bilinear map group system is a tuple B = (p, G1 , G2 , GT , e) that consists of
elements as described above.
and also T ∈ GT , decide whether T is equal to e(g0 , h0 )k.f (γ) or some random
element of GT where k, α, γ ∈ Zp∗ .
The above strategy inherently requires overhead linear in `, as each secret
and key are treated independently. We need to deviate from this natural con-
struction and generalize Krawczyk’s idea in a fashion that meaningfully combines
information across secrets. To realize this plan, we apply a generalized version of
(threshold) encryption scheme so that the ciphertext can be created with flexible
thresholds while each user has only a single secret key.
We first give the formal definition of such a dynamic threshold public key en-
cryption (DTPKE), and describe a generic construction of MSSS using DTPKE
as a building block. This generic construction will serve as the stepping stone
for us to achieve an efficient MSSS.
Note that Delerablee et al. [6] included two more algorithms ValidateCT
and VerifyShare as parts of usual DTPKE scheme. Since those algorithms
are not essential for our purpose, and can easily be obtained using traditional
techniques, we omit them here.
if C = D.Enc(EK, t, M ), and ∀i ∈ [t], σi = D.ShareDecrypt(uski , C).
Security: We here give the security requirements of the primitive. Briefly, the se-
mantic security of the scheme guarantees that fewer than t users cannot decrypt
a ciphertext with the threshold t. Even if we allow an adversary to corrupt t − 1
users, we claim that the content of the ciphertext with the threshold t will still
be semantically secure. Consider the following game between a P.P.T adversary
A and a challenger C:
– The adversary A submits a threshold t.
– The challenger simulates the Setup algorithm and gets the system pa-
rameters (M K, CK, EK). It then gives the public parameters params =
(EK, CK) to the adversary.
– A is allowed to make corrupt queries. To respond the queries, the challenger
runs D.KeyGen to get secret key-public key pairs and sends the corre-
sponding keys (upk1 , usk1 ), . . . , (upkq , uskq ) to A.
– A submits two messages M0 and M1 with the threshold t. The challenger
randomly chooses b ∈ {0, 1}, and sends Cb as an encryption of Mb to A.
– A can adaptively make extra q 0 corrupt queries.
– Finally, A outputs a guess b0 and wins the game if b0 = b.
We require in the above game that q + q 0 < t. The advantage of A is defined
Advcpa Pr[b0 = b] − 1 .
A = 2
We say a dynamic threshold public key encryption scheme is semantically secure
if for any polynomial time adversary A the advantage Advcpa A is a negligible
function of λ.
Remark. The adversary can also make “ShareDecrypt” queries, and get some
decryption shares of a ciphertext for some particular users. However, the “Cor-
rupt” queries give more advantages in comparison to ShareDecrypt queries, and
even we allow the adversary to corrupt up to t users in proving the security of
the ciphertext with the threshold t. Thus, allowing only corrupt queries would
be enough for the security definition.
bulletin board. In addition, each user is given a secret key as a share. To recon-
struct the secret si , ti users jointly decrypt the corresponding ciphertext and
get the plaintext as the secret si . To construct an actual MSSS and remove the
reliance on a bulletin board, we need to further distribute the bulletin board
data among users. The ciphertexts can be distributed via an information disper-
sal scheme (IDS) without affecting the security. But all the combining keys are
required to be able to decrypt even a ciphertext with the threshold 1. Thus, all
of them should be given to each user.
Formally, given an information dispersal algorithm IDS, and a DTPKE scheme
D=(D.Setup, D.KeyGen, D.Enc, D.ShareDecrypt, D.Combine), a multi-
secret threshold sharing scheme can be obtained as follows:
Share: The algorithm takes the security parameter λ, the set of users P =
{1, . . . , n}, the secrets s1 , ..., sl to be distributed, and the threshold values
{ti }i∈[`] . It first calls D.Setup(λ) to get the parameters (M K, EK, CK).
It then runs D.KeyGen to get the secret keys and the public keys
{(upkj , uskj )}j=1,...,n
for the users.
The algorithm then encrypts each secret and computes ci = D.Enc(EK, ti , si )
for the secrets si using its threshold ti .
Next, the algorithm distributes each ci by running an IDS on it using thresh-
old ti . Suppose the shares are {ci,j }i∈[`],j∈[n] .
This algorithm ends with each user j receiving his key pair (uskj , upkj ), the
combining key CK, and ` shares (c1,j , ..., c`,j ) for ciphertexts.
Reconstruct: Assume there is a set S of users that jointly run the protocol
in order to get the corresponding secret sk , and each user holds a share
(uskj , upkj , CK, {ci,j }) where j ∈ S, i ∈ [`], and |S| ≥ tk . They first
jointly reconstruct ck using the IDS reconstruct algorithm on the shares
{ck,j }j∈S . Then each user in the set S runs D.ShareDecrypt on ck to
get a decryption share σk,j . Finally, they jointly compute the secret as
sk = D.Combine({σk,j }, ck , CK).
Remark. Regarding efficiency, the size of each user’s share will be |CK| + |usk| +
|upk| + i=1 |ci,j |. In order to guarantee sub-linear size share, we need to ensure
the ciphertext size to be small. Furthermore, we demand a dynamic threshold
encryption scheme such that either (i) the combining key of the scheme is con-
stant or (ii) the structure of the scheme enables us to employ IDS on CK such
that each share size of CK will be at most sub-linear.
Security. The security of the generic MSSS construction follows from the seman-
tic security of the DTPKE scheme. Formally,
Theorem 1. If D is a semantically secure DTPKE scheme, then the construc-
tion given above is a computationally secure MSSS.
Proof. Assume there is an adversary that breaks the security of the multi-secret
threshold scheme; then we can build an algorithm B that breaks the security of
the scheme D. Consider the following game between the algorithm B and the
adversary A.
(c1 , . . . , ci∗ −1 , ci∗ , ci∗ +1 , . . . , cl )
so that we cannot directly use it for an efficient MSSS. Let us first recall the
construction of [6] to approach the challenge of providing an efficient DTPKE.
The construction employs an arbitrary bilinear map group system. Let e :
G1 × G2 → GT be a bilinear map, and g and h be two randomly selected
generators for the groups G1 ,G2 , respectively. In the scheme, the encryption key
EK consists of (2n + 2) group elements (u, v, {hα.γ }2n−1 i=0 , D) where u = g
v = e(g, h) , and D consists of (n − 1) random integers (d1 , ..., dn−1 ) from Zp ;8
and the combining key consists of (n − 1) group elements (h, hγ , ..., hγ ) and
D. The secret key of user j is g γ+j .
The encryption algorithm computes the header and the session key for a
threshold t of users as (Hdr = (C1 = u−k , C2 = hkαP (γ) ), K = v k )
P (γ) = (γ + x) · (γ + x) ,
x=1 x∈D1
4 Main Construction
In this section, we will give our main construction of MSSS with nearly optimal
share size. We first propose a new construction of DTPKE for a given threshold
D forms a set of dummy users, which will be combined with the set of users in order
to be consistent with the threshold values.
The decryption procedure uses a special aggregate technique, which employs a simple
fact that a product of inverses of coprime polynomials can be written as a sum of
inverses of affine polynomials. For the detailed description, we refer the paper [6].
range [δ0 , δ1 ) which is more efficient than that of [6] in the sense that the combin-
ing (and encryption) key grows linearly only in the range of the threshold values
rather than the total number of users. Such a DTPKE scheme has an important
property in our context: for threshold range [δ0 , 2δ0 ), if one distributes combin-
ing keys via an IDS using threshold δ0 , then each share size will be constant. We
then show how our generic construction can be adapted to exploit this efficiency
property of the new DTPKE to get our actual space efficient multi-secret sharing
As described in Sect. 3.3, the construction of [6] requires a linearly-size (in total
number of users n) “combining key,” which prevents the scheme from yielding
an efficient MSSS. We here propose a new construction for DTPKE so that the
combining (and encryption) key grows linearly in the range of the threshold t.
The new scheme enables senders to specify an arbitrary threshold for the cipher-
text in a given range [δ0 , δ1 ), and—as in [6]— achieves optimal size ciphertexts
(a constant number of group elements). Additionally, our scheme is algebraically
simpler than the original scheme of [6].
In more detail, the new scheme creates the secret key of a user i as usk =
g P (γ) where P (γ) is the evaluation of a (δ1 − 1)-degree polynomial P (x) at
a secret point γ. For a random k, α, the encryption algorithm of the scheme
encodes the evaluation of a (t − δ0 )-degree polynomial A(x) into C2 = hkαA(γ)
as a part of ciphertext. During the decryption, each user pairs a secret key with
the ciphertext C2 in order to form a decryption share e(g, h)kαA(γ)P (γ) which
will have the evaluation of a (δ1 − δ0 + t − 1)-degree polynomial at the secret
point γ in the exponent. The essential point for correctness here is to remove the
dependence between the decryption share and the threshold t in the exponent.
We observe that using simple linear algebra, t users can find t coefficients to
remove (t − 1) higher terms of P (x)A(x), arriving at a polynomial with degree
(δ1 − δ0 ). With one more small trick, we can bring it down to δ1 − δ0 − 1. Thus,
the combining key containing (δ1 − δ0 − 1) corresponding powers will be enough
to complete the decryption. Security will follow because when there is a deficit
in the number of decryption shares, then there will necessarily be a leftover term
in the exponent that masks the session key. Formally, given a threshold interval
[δ0 , δ1 ), our DTPKE is as follows:
– Setup: The algorithm first chooses parameters defining a bilinear map sys-
tem for a given security parameter λ: B = (p, G1 , G2 , GT , e) where e : G1 ×
G2 → GT is a bilinear map and |p| = λ. The algorithm then randomly chooses
two integers γ, α ∈ Zp∗ , and two generators g ∈ G1 and h ∈ G2 . It also ran-
domly selects (δ1 − δ0 − 1) integers xi ∈ Zp∗ . The algorithm then outputs the
Note that giving a construction for a specific threshold range is a generalization of
the previous DTPKE. If the range can be simply defined as [1, n], our new scheme
implies the regular DTPKE given by [6].
master secret key msk = (g, α, γ), the encryption key
δ1 −δ0 −1 δ1 −δ0 −1
EK = u, v, {hα.γ }i=0 , {xi }i=1
– KeyGen:(i, msk) The algorithm takes the master secret key msk as input.
It assigns an integer i ∈ Zp∗ to each user as his upk, and constructs the
(δ1 − 1)-degree polynomial Pi (x) = iδ1 −1 xδ1 −1 + · · · + i2 x2 + ix + 1. It then
outputs the user’s key pairs as usk = g Pi (γ) and upk = i for all users.
– Enc(t, δ0 , δ1 , EK, M ): The algorithm takes as input the encryption key EK,
a threshold value t ∈ [δ0 , δ1 ), and a message M . It randomly chooses an
integer k ∈ Zp∗ and calculates the ciphertext C = (C1 , C2 , C3 ) as
C1 = u−k , C2 = hkαA(γ) , C3 = K · M,
where the polynomial A(x) = (x + x1 ) . . . (x + xt−δ0 ) and K = v k is used as
a session key. Since A(·) is (t − δ0 )-degree polynomial, and t ∈ [δ0 , δ1 ), the
second component C2 = hkαA(γ) of the ciphertext can be computed from
EK (see the explanation below).
– ShareDecrypt(uski , C): The algorithm takes a ciphertext (C1 , C2 , C3 ) and
secret key of a user as inputs. It computes the decryption share as
σi = e(uski , C2 ) = e(g, h)k.α·Pi (γ)·A(γ) .
– Combine(CK, {σi }), {upki }): This algorithm takes the set of decryption
shares {σ1 , . . . , σt } and the identities {1, . . . , t} as inputs (w.l.o.g, we assume
that the shares are from users 1, . . . , t, and the Pi (·) are defined using the
coefficients h1, i, i2 . . . , iδ1 −1 i for i ∈ [t]).
It first finds t values a1 , . . . , at , (not all zero) that satisfy
ai Pi (x) = Q(x) ,
(Observe that the system has t unknowns and t − 1 constraints; hence the
nullspace has dimension at least 1.) It follows that:
Y Pt
(σiai ) = e(g, h)k.α·A(γ)· i=1 ai P i(γ)
and it is equal to e(g, h)kα·Q(γ)A(γ) for a (δ1 −δ0 )-degree polynomial Q(x)A(x).
We further define:
Y0 X
Q(x) · A(x) − H
R(x) = , where H = xi ai .
x i=1
In one formula, the combine algorithm then extracts the key as:
K = [e(C1 , hR(γ) ) σiai ]1/H
−kαγ R(γ)
= [e(g ,h )e(g, h)kαQ(γ)·A(γ) ]1/H
= e(g, h)
= e(g, h)kα
(All the above value can be computed from public values; see the details
below about correctness.)
Finally, it outputs C3 /K as the plaintext.
Efficiency: We can see that the construction has secret key and ciphertext both
given by a constant number of group elements; the encryption key and combining
key size grow linearly in the size of the range where the thresholds fall.
Correctness: Note that all the coefficients of the polynomial A(x) are public
and A(x) is with degree t − δ0 < δ1 − δ0 , thus the ciphertext C2 = (hαA(λ) )k is
δ1 −δ0 −1
computable from the public values hα , hαγ , . . . , hαγ contained in EK.
Furthermore, since the degree the coefficients of the polynomials {Pi (x)} are
all public, the equations for the linear system can easily be formed. Observe
that the coefficient matrix of the linear system has rank (t − 1) and there are t
unknowns for the equations. Thus, there are always a solution set for a1 , . . . , at .
More importantly,
P since the solution set of the linear system aims at reducing the
degree of i ai Pi (x), i.e., to kill the higher degree terms, the resulting polynomial
Q(x) will have degree [δ1 − 1 − (t − 1)] = δ1 − t.
Finally, the polynomial R(x) is equal to
Q(x) · A(x) − H X
, where H= xi ai
x i=1
is the constant term of Q(x)A(x). Thus, R(x) will have degree δ1 − δ0 − 1, and
all the coefficients are known (or defined by the values of ha1 , . . . , at i). It follows
δ1 −δ0 −1
that hR(γ) can be computed from the public values h, hγ , . . . , hγ that are
contained in the combining key.
Security: We first briefly explain the intuition for the security. In the KeyGen
algorithm, the rows of the Vandermonde matrix are used as the coefficients for
generating the polynomial Pi (x) in the secret keys. So, if we remove any column
from the coefficient matrix of the linear system, the resulting matrix will be
a Vandermonde matrix which has full rank. Thus, the system (1) with (t − 1)
equations will have only one solution, in which all ai are zero. However, the
system (1) with at most (t − 1) equations and t coefficients will have many
P Thus, when t < δ1 , using one such solution in which not all ai are zero
and ai · = 6 0, t users can decrease the degree on the exponent of the decryption
shares by at most t − 1. If the ciphertext is assigned threshold t0 > t, then the
leftover degree (on the exponent hiding K) will be larger than δ1 − δ0 . Thus,
the combining key will not be enough to compute the leftover term, and finish
the decryption. (Otherwise, the adversary can reduce degrees on the exponent
which violates the underlying assumption.)
Theorem 2. The dynamic threshold public key encryption scheme given above
is IND-CPA secure under MSE-DDH assumption.
Proof. Assume there is an adversary A that breaks the security of DTPKE, then
we claim that we build a simulator S that breaks the security of the assumption
MSE-DDH. Both the adversary and the simulator are given the threshold interval
[δ0 , δ1 ) and a threshold value t. The simulator S interacts with the adversary A
as follows:
– The simulator is given a group system B = (p, G1 , G2 , GT , e) and an MSE-
DDH instance in B. Thus, the simulator has two coprime polynomials f and
g with the degree (t − δ0 ), and with their distinct roots y1 , . . . , y(t−δ0 ) and
z1 , . . . , z(t−δ0 ) . S has also a sequence of exponentiations
δ1 +t−δ0 −1
k.γ.f (γ)
g0 , g0γ , . . . , g0γ , g0 ,
α.γ δ1 +t−δ0 +1
g0α , g0α.γ , . . . , g0 ,
δ1 −δ0 −1
h0 , hγ0 , . . . , h0γ ,
2.δ1 −2.δ0 +1
α.γ α.γ k.g(γ)
0 , h0 , . . . , h0 , h0
δ1 −δ0 −1
The simulator S then forms the set {xi }i=1 as follows: it sets the first
(t−δ0 ) elements as xi = zi where z1 , . . . , zt−δ0 are the roots of the polynomial
g; and the remaining elements xt−δ0 +1 , . . . , xδ1 −δ0 −1 are chosen as random
integers in Zp∗ . Finally, it gives the encryption key
δ1 −δ0 −1 δ1 −δ0 −1
EK = (u, v, {hα.γ }i=0 , {xi }i=1 )
to the adversary.
– When the adversary makes a corrupt query for a user with the identity id, the
simulator first picks a random integer i ∈ [n], and gives the corresponding
secret key uski = g Pi (γ) and public key upki = i to the adversary. Note
that since Pi (x) = iδ1 −1 .xδ1 −1 + · · · + i2 .x2 + i.x + 1 is an (δ1 − 1)-degree
f (γ).Pi (γ)
polynomial, the secret key uski = g0 can be computed from the given
Assume AdvDTA
is the advantage of A in breaking the security of the
construction, and AdvMS
is the advantage of S in breaking the security
of the assumption. If T = e(g0 , h0 )k.f (γ) , then A’ s view will be identical to a
real attack. Thus AdvDT
= | Pr[b0 = b] − 1/2| > . However, if T is just
random group element, then Pr[b0 = b] = 1/2. Therefore
1 1
≥| ± − |= .
2 2
secrets in the range of [δ/2, δ), we will run an independent instance of our general
construction of multi-secret sharing, instantiating the underlying DTPKE with
the new scheme we introduce in section 4.2.
Note that the generic construction will be slightly altered: for each threshold
range [δ/2, δ), the combining key CK is dispersed using an IDS with threshold
δ/2. Since our new DTPKE for threshold range [δ/2, δ) has the combining key
with the size O(δ/2) (growing linearly with the size of the range instead of
the largest threshold value n), running an IDS on this CK will yield share size
O(δ/2)/(δ/2) = O(1). Thus, we will have final share size |C|(1/t1 + 1/t2 + . . . +
1/t` )+O(log n) where |C| is the ciphertext size of each message and t1 , . . . , t` are
the threshold values for the corresponding secrets. The first term is essentially
the smallest size corresponding to the amount of information in the secrets, and
the second part is the overhead we are aiming to minimize in this paper.
Given an efficient IDS (IDA.Disperse, IDA.Rec), and our new DTPKE
(PD.Setup, PD.KeyGen, PD.Enc, PD.ShareDecrypt, PD.Combine),
the details of our final construction of multi-secret sharing are presented as
– Share: The algorithm takes the security parameter λ, the set P of n users,
and the secrets s1 , . . . , s` to be distributed as inputs. It first divides these
secrets into log n parts ∆1 , . . . , ∆log n , according to the threshold values,
where ∆u := [2u−1 , 2u ) for u = 1, . . . , log n. Here si with threshold ti belongs
to ∆u if ti ∈ ∆u . For each group ∆u , the algorithm runs PD.Setup(λ) to
generate parameters {(M Ku , EKu , CKu )}u=1,...,log n .
The algorithm then encrypts all the secrets using the corresponding master
public keys and the threshold values to generate the ciphertext {c1 , . . . , c` },
where ci = PD.Enc(EKu , ti , si ) if si is in group ∆u .
Now the algorithm runs the IDS on each ciphertext ci using thresholds ti ,
i.e., the shares of ci are generated as {ci,j }j=1,...,n ← IDA.Disperse(ci , ti ).
It also runs the IDS on each combining key CKu using threshold 2u−1 and
gets the shares {CKu,j }j=1,...,n .
For each user j, the algorithm runs PD.KeyGen on each range of thresh-
olds to generate key pairs (upkj,u , uskj,u ) ← PD.KeyGen(M Ku , j) for
j = 1, . . . , n. Also, it distributes the corresponding shares of ciphertexts
and combining keys to this user.
This algorithm ends with each user j receiving his shares of ciphertexts
{ci,j }i=1,...,` , his shares of combining keys {CKu,j }u=1,...,log n , and his key
pairs {(upkj,u , uskj,u )}u=1,...,log n .
Next, each user j in the set S partially decrypts the ciphertext, i.e.,
σk,j ← PD.ShareDecrypt(uskj,u , ck )
Efficiency: For each secret si with threshold ti such that ti ∈ [δ/2, δ) where
δ = 2u−1 for some u ∈ [log n], the corresponding ciphertext ci will be dispersed
using threshold ti which will have size |C|/ti (using, e.g., Rabin IDS [23], where
|C| is the ciphertext size). Thus, all the ciphertext shares have size |C|/t1 +
|C|/t2 + · · · + |C|/t` in total assuming all the ciphertexts are the same length.
Regarding the combining key shares, there are log n combining keys, each with
size |CKu | = O(2u ). They will be dispersed using threshold 2u−1 so that each
contributes O(1) to the share size. Hence, the total size from combining keys
is O(log n). Additionally, there are log n user secret keys with constant size (or
simply security parameter λ) each; thus the size from this part is O(log n). Since
we consider the case where both n, ` are poly(λ), each share size is bounded by
1 1
|C| + ··· + + O(log `).
t1 t`
Note that our ciphertexts have 2 more group elements than the plaintext, as
we consider the case that ` is large, this little overhead is subsumed by the
dominating terms. Here we ignore the λ factor at the overhead term.
As noted in the Introduction, we here also briefly compare the efficiency of
our construction with other schemes in the literature that utilize a public bulletin
board. Remark that our scheme achieves O(log `) share size for each user. If we
encrypt the shares of users with a secret key and put the encryptions in a public
bulletin board similar to [12, 18], then we achieve O(log `) size public storage
together with constant size share for each user, which is the secret key. Thus,
the total size of the bulletin board will be O(log ` · n). However, [12, 18] achieve
only O(` · n) size bulletin board.
Security: The only difference with the generic construction is that the combining
keys are also dispersed here. Note that, they are given out directly in the generic
construction, thus the security is not influenced. Combining Theorem 1 and
Theorem 2, we conclude the section with the following theorem:
Theorem 3. Suppose λ is the security parameter, under the MSE-DH assump-
tion, there exists a computational secure (t1 , . . . , t` )-multi-secret sharing scheme
distributing ` secrets with length m each, having share size at
1 1
O m · ( + · · · + ) + log ` .
t1 t`
To be more specific, a gradual VSS is a secret sharing scheme in which instead
of the secret s, the random secrets s1 , . . . , sn−1 where s1 + . . . + sn−1 = s, are
shared among users in a way that each si is shared with threshold i. 12 In
reconstruction protocol, the shares are released one by one in decreasing order
of thresholds. Particularly, in stage i of the reconstruction protocol, if at least
(i + 1) users provide correct shares, then the protocol outputs the corresponding
secret si . Otherwise, the protocol is aborted, and each user outputs a set of
corrupted users that did not provide correct shares. If there is no abort, each
user will eventually get the secret s = s1 + . . . + sn−1 . Remark that an abort
at stage i prevents the adversary from learning si , . . . , s1 and thus the secret s.
From this fact, the gradual VSS enables the protocol to preserve as much secrecy
as possible.
The gradual VSS can be seen as a (1, 2, . . . , n − 1)-MSSS that reconstructs
the secrets one by one in a decreasing order of the thresholds. In the distribution
of each secret, Hirt et al. [13] utilize (n − 1) independent Shamir secret sharing
schemes to implement gradual VSS. Thus, the first phase of the protocol results
in linear size shares for users in the terms of the number users. However, if the
protocol employs our construction given in section 4 as gradual secret sharing,
then the size of the shares will be only logarithmic in the number of users.
The only task left after replacing the “trivial” secret sharing scheme with our
efficient MSSS is that we have to make it verifiable. In other words, the users
should be convinced that the shares output by the protocol are valid. Besides,
they have to prove the validity of their shares when they pool them to get the
secrets si . Fortunately, it is not hard to turn our construction to a verifiable one.
In brief, in the Share protocol, each user receives a secret key, ciphertext shares
and combining key shares generated by the IDS. For the verifiability, the dealer
has to prove that the secret key is in the form g Pi (γ) which can be done easily by
checking some bilinear relation. The validity of the shares can be inherited from
a verifiable IDS [5] (or directly applying zk-SNARK [2, 10, 19, 20]). While in the
Reconstruct protocol, each user proves in zero-knowledge that the decryption
share is in the form of σ = e(g, h)kα·A(γ)·Pi (γ) which could be done efficiently
(e.g., σ-protocol type of ZK proof [24]). At last, each user proves the validity of
the shares of the ciphertexts and the combining keys (which can always be done
via zk-SNARK for practical instantiation) 13 . Note that for verifiability, some
extra communication is necessary, however, they do not belong to the private
states that each user has to store. For the details of each underlying tools, we
refer to the references [5, 7, 24].
The shares are the outputs of a general MPC protocol by running [9] in the first
phase. Note that even though the GMW protocol does not provide strong enough
robustness or fairness, however, malicious parties do not gain any advantage aborting
in this phase as they only see shares.
Here, it will be helpful to distinguish between a one-time public parameter-generation
and a full-time public bulletin board: the former is the one-time setup; more impor-
tantly, it can be performed by the data owners for our setting. However, the latter
requires the maintenance of the bulletin board during the life-time of the shares
6 Conclusions and Open Problems
In this paper, we constructed a share size (near) optimal multi-secret sharing
scheme in the computational setting. Our construction achieves a share/overhead
size grows logarithmically in the number of secrets, which significantly improves
the previously known results about multi-secret sharing that the share size grows
linear in the number of secrets. We use a tool of dynamic threshold public key
encryption scheme as the underlying building block. In order to achieve our
goal of share size efficiency, we constructed a new DTPKE that has a constant
size ciphertext and shorter combining key, which might be of independent in-
terests. We also demonstrate two interesting applications of our MSSS scheme
to decentralized storage network and to the setting of fair secure multiparty
There are also some open problems remain. Since a MSSS has a unique fea-
ture that multiple independent secrets can be shared without the need of sharing
them one by one, an interesting question could be finding other applications to
distributive cryptography that inherits our share size efficiency. Furthermore, our
main building block of a new, efficient DTPKE (and the underlying technique)
might also be applicable to e.g., constructions of attribute based encryption.
Also, showing some lower bound on the parameter efficiency on the DTPKE is
intriguing, intuitively, it seems hard to get a DTPKE scheme with all parameters
sublinear, since there is not enough space to encode the corresponding informa-
tion according to all the possible thresholds, but formally showing such a result
will be quite interesting.
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