Marine Smart Trash (New)
Marine Smart Trash (New)
Marine Smart Trash (New)
The amount of waste which finds its way into lakes, rivers and the oceans are
a significant environmental problem and a major issue in modern society. Marine
plastic debris are considered as a global threat to marine biodiversity. A plethora of
species has been reported that plastic has caused mortality that succumbed to the
harmful effects of these marine pollutants such as drowning, gastro-intestinal
blockage, and stomach rupture among others (Kühn et al. 2015). Such wastes leaches
chemicals into the water, and can disrupt the normal ecological functions of the
bodies of water in large portion that flows into waterways, lakes, rivers where
pollution enters through both commercial and recreational means. These source of
pollution that comes from everyday use of aquatic vehicles, to the people using the
water as a source of entertainment, irresponsible throwing of garbage, leftover marine
waste quickly makes it way out to sea becomes introduced to the wildlife and causes
many different problems.In the Philippines, solid waste management remains a major
challenge especially in urban areas like Metro Manila. Improper wastes disposal,
inefficient wastes collection and lack of disposal facilities are among the dominant
concerns in the country’s solid waste management. Unless these are addressed, the
wastes generated from various sources will continually lead to health hazards and
serious environmental impacts such as ground and surface water contamination,
flooding, air pollution and spread of diseases.
These world wide epidemic rises together with different solutions in capturing
the debris that is introduced to the water. The present invention relates to a device to
be deployed within such bodies of water by capturing any pollutants that try to make
it into the system. Cleaning the ocean sometimes is an impossible task due to the
sheer massive lengths of waters worldwide. A cultural epiphany can occur, however,
if society makes an attempt to dispose of waste properly before it reaches the open
This study generally aims to design and develop a low cost, reliable,
sustainable, and efficient marine trash collector that could collect water borne plastics
and trash 24 hours a day in marina, ports, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water
where winds and minor water currents are constantly moving in a relatively controlled
Definition of Terms
Conceptual Model
The figure below shows the concept of Marine Trash Collector.