Paper HRP Coca Cola Fix
Paper HRP Coca Cola Fix
Paper HRP Coca Cola Fix
Arranged by:
Athiya Hasna Meiliani 1610631020060
Fitri Nurhidayani 1610631020154
M. Aditya Anugrah Pratama 1610631020221
Nadia Nuroktavia RD 1610631020268
Septyani Elza Nurhandayani 1610631020342
Sifa Amalia 1610631020344
First of all, we praised to Allah SWT for His loves and graces for us. Thanks to Him for
helping us and giving us the chance to finish this assignment on time. And we would like to
say thank you to Mrs. Anggi Pasca Arnu SE,. MM. as the lecturer who always teaches us
and gives us much knowledge about the Management field.
This paper is made to fulfill Human Resources Management Planning’s assignment.
We composed this paper with various references and cooperation from each member of the
group, so we can complete this paper. For that, we would like to say thank you for everyone
who helped us in making this paper. And we hope this paper can hopefully add to the
knowledge and experience for us.
However, we realize this paper is not perfect yet. Because of the limitations of our
knowledge and experience, we are sure there are still many shortcomings in this paper,
therefore we welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism from readers for the
perfection of this paper. Thank you.
PREFACE ............................................................................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Definition of Human Resources ........................................................................................... 5
2.2 Definition of Planning .......................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Human Resource Planning ................................................................................................... 6
2.4 HR Planning at Different Levels ........................................................................................... 7
2.5 Objectives of Human Resource Planning ............................................................................. 8
2.6 Approaches to Human Resource Planning........................................................................... 8
2.7 Steps and Techniques for Human Resource Planning ......................................................... 10
2.8 Models of Human Resource Planning .................................................................................. 10
2.9 Challenges of Human Resource Planning ............................................................................ 12
3.1 Human Resource Planning in Coca Cola Bottling Company................................................. 14
3.2 Management of HR Management at PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia ................................. 14
4.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 19
4.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................................................. 19
BIBLIOGRAPHY...................................................................................................................... 20
1.1 Background
Human resources (HR) is one of the key factors in economic reform, namely to create quality and
skilled human resources with high competitiveness in highly competitive global competition. The
economic condition of the 21st century, marked by economic globalization, is a process of economic
activity and trade when countries around the world become an integrated and borderless state
The Coca-Cola company is one of the successful multinational companies. Established since a
few decades ago, this carbonated beverage producing company is considered to have good and
structured HR management. The company with a number of employees reaching 100,300 is
considered to have a very strong work culture in which discipline is one of the factors.
With branches approaching 200 countries and about 80% more revenue comes from businesses
outside the United States, Coca-Cola is accepted as a global company. However Coca-Cola, tends to
describe itself as a "multi-local" company like what happened at its headquarters in Atlanta but its
headquarters can be everywhere that presents the image of Coca-Cola with a "local face" in each
country where they do business. The Coca-Cola philosophy is "global thinking and acting locally"
which describes the management mentality of Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola's main business strategy is freedom to imitate suitable operations in accordance with
the behavior of the target market. At the same time, companies try to build the same mindset about
division of employees.
HR in the micro sense is simply a person who works or is a member of an organization called
personnel, employees, employees, workers, labor, etc. Whereas more specifically in terms of
human resources in the micro sense in the environment of an organization / company
pengertiaannya can be seen from three angles:
1. HR is a person who works and functions as an asset of an organization / company that can
be counted (quantit). In this sense the HR function is not different from the functions of
other assets, so it is grouped and referred to as a means of production, such as a machine,
computer (technological resources), investment (financial resources), buildings, cars
(material resources) etc.
2. HR is the potential that becomes the driving force of the organization / company. Every HR
has different potential, so its contribution to work to conclude Business Operational Plans
into business activities is not the same as each other. His contribution is in accordance with
the skills and expertise of each, must be respected, among others, in financial form. In
reality, the higher the skills and expertise, the greater the financial rewards that must be
given, which also affects the cost (production) of production, so that HR also functions as an
motivations, needs, etc. which require HR planning to be carried out, so that hired human
resources are in accordance with the needs of the company's organizations.
Based on the three terms of micro HR above, it means that the success of the organization /
company in achieving its objectives is not only determined by the amount of HR it engages in,
but is strongly influenced by the quality and competitive nature. Therefore, it can be concluded
that the existence of an organization / company cannot be better than the quality of its human
resources. In other words, the existence of an organization / company cannot exceed the
potential possessed by HR employed by it. As for workers (HR) and organizations / companies
the difference in potential means differences in achievements that have an impact on
differences in position / position, prestige and financial rewards / income. Besides that for the
organization / company the difference as stated above also means the difference in financing
(cost) that affects the financing (cost) of production. In other words, the greater the number of
human resources and the higher (rare) potential or HR expertise employed , then the greater the
investment in the form of providing fixed / monthly wages, incentives, bonuses, office benefits,
health funds, vehicles, maybe even housing etc.
Human Resources has a major role in every activity of the organization. Although supported
by facilities and infrastructure and excessive resources, but without the support of reliable
Human Resources, organizational activities will not be resolved properly. This shows that Human
Resources are the main key that must be considered with all their needs. As the main key,
Human Resources will determine the success of implementing organizational activities.1
Planning is the process of selecting and setting goals,strategies, methods, budgets, and
standards (benchmarks) of success activities. Planning is the process of formulating what goals
will be pursued for a period of time to come and what is done so that those goals can be
Basically planning is a intellectual process. By using it, managers try to look going forward,
guessing the possibilities, willing to be ready for unexpected things, mapping activities, and holding
sequences regular order to achieve goals. Planning that adequate must take place before the
Sofyandi Herman. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Edisi pertama. Cetakan Pertama.. (Yogyakarta:Graha
Ilmu, 2008), hal.6)
Hadari Nawawi, Perencanaan SDM untuk Organisasi Profit yang Kompetitif, (Yogyakarta:Gadjah Mada
University Press,2015),hal.29
2.3 Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning is the process of analyzing and identifying the need for and
availability of human resources so that the organization can meet its objectives. The focus of HR
planning is to ensure the organization has the right number of human resources, with the right
capabilities, at the right times, and in the right places. In HR planning, an organization must
consider the availability and allocation of people to jobs over long periods of time, not just for
the next month or even the next year.
Additionally, as part of the analyses, HR plans can include several approaches. Actions may
include shifting employees to other jobs in the organization, laying off employees or otherwise
cutting back the number of employees, retraining present employees, and/or increasing the
number of employees in certain areas. Factors to consider include the current employees’
knowledge, skills, and abilities and the expected vacancies resulting from retirements,
promotions, transfers, and discharges. To do this, HR planning requires efforts by HR
professionals working with executives and managers. The HR Best Practices box illustrates how
several firms have made HR plan-ning important.
Human resource planning (HRP), sometimes referred to as work force planning or personnel
planning, has been defined as the process of “getting the right number of qualified people into
the right job at the right time.”1 Put another way, HRP is “the system of matching the supply of
peopleinternally (existing employees)—and externally (those to be hired or searched for)—with
the openings the organization expects to have over a given time frame.”2 The Tennessee Valley
Authority (TVA) defines the HRP process as “the systematic assessment of future HR needs and
the determination of the actions required to meet those needs.”3 As the TVA’s definition
indicates, the first challenge of HRP is to translate the organization’s plans and objectives into a
timed schedule of employee requirements. Once the employee requirements have been
determined, HRP must devise plans for securing the necessary employees.
Basically, all organizations engage in human resource planning either formally or informally.
Some organizations do a good job and others a poor job. The long-term success of any
organization ultimately depends on having the right people in the right jobs at the right time.
Organization objectives and the strategies for achieving those objectives are meaningful only
when people with the appropriate talents, skills, and desire are available to carry out those
Human resource planning is as a plan that contains expectations for an individual employee
individually, and when fulfilling the requirements and being able to perform their duties as
expected by the company or organization, then the process of pursuing the career of the
employee will be achieved with the desired promotion or position (Frayol , 2010: 180). It can be
concluded that human resource planning is a strategy in determining the quality and quantity of
human resources in the future.3
Human Resource Planning (HRP) may be done at different levels and for different purposes.
National planners may make a HR plan at the national level whereas the strategists at a
company may make a HR plan at the unit level. The HR Planning thus operates at five levels.
1. HRP at National Level: HRP at the national level helps to plan for educational facilities, health
care facilities, agricultural and industrial development and employment plans, etc. The
government of the country plans for human resources at the national level. National plans
for HR forecast the demand and supply of human resources at the national level. It also
plans for occupational distribution, sectoral and regional allocation of human resources.
2. HRP at the Sectoral Level: HRP at the sectoral level helps to plan for a particular sector like
agriculture, industry, etc. It helps the government to allocate its resources to the various
sectors depending upon the priority accorded to the particular sector.
3. HRP at the Industry Level: HRP at the industry level takes into account the
output/operational level of the particular industry when manpower needs are considered.
(ISSN 2303-1174 A. Taroreh., F. Worang., C. Mintardjo. Perencanaan Sumber Daya. Vol.4 No.1 Maret 2016, Hal. 1263-
4 Hadari Nawawi, Perencanaan SDM untuk Organisasi Profit yang Kompetitif, (Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University
4. HRP at the Unit Level: HR Planning at the company level is based on the estimation of human
resource needs of the particular company in question. It is based on the business plan of the
company. A manpower plan helps to avoid the sudden disruption of the company’s
production since it indicates shortages of particular types of personnel, if any, in advance,
thus enabling the management to adopt suitable strategies to cope with the situation.
5. HRP at the Departmental Level: HRP at the departmental level looks at the manpower needs
of a particular department in an organization.
1. Assessing manpower needs for future and making plans for recruitment and selection.
7. Helping the organization to cope with the technological development and modernization.
8. Ensuring career planning of every employee of the organization and making succession
Human resource planning involves the activities listed below. Human resource planning
activities :
1. Scenario planning – making broad assessments of future environmental factors and their
likely impact on people requirements.
2. Demand forecasting – estimate future needs for people and competences by reference to
corporate and functional plans and forecasts of future activity levels.
3. Supply forecasting – estimate the supply of people by reference to analyses of current
resources and future availability, after allowing for wastage. The forecast will also take
account of labour market trends relating to the availability of skills and to demographics.
4. Forecasting requirements – analyse the demand and supply forecasts to identify future
deficits or surpluses with the help of models, where appropriate.
5. Action planning – prepare plans to deal with forecast defi cits through internal promotion,
training or external recruitment. If necessary, plan for unavoidable downsizing so as to avoid
any compulsory redundancies, if that is possible. Develop retention and fl exibility strategies.
2.7 Steps and Techniques for Human Resource Planning
1. Planning for future needs, can be done in a waysome people with the capabilities that the
company needs maintained for a period of time that can be estimated at the future.
2. Planning for the balance of the future, carried out by estimating the number of existing HR
which can be expected to remain within the company, then the difference betweenthis
number is the number that will be needed by the companybring the next step.
3. Planning for procurement and selection or dismissal while, the way is how the company
reaches the number of HR required.
4. Planning for development, how is it done training and adjustment of HR in the company
should be arranged so that the company will be guaranteed in terms of continuous filling of
experienced and qualified personnel.
( Muzayyanah. 2015. "Pentingnya Perencanaan Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Sebuah Organisasi", Jurnal
Muamalah,Volume V Nomor 1 (Juni 2015).hal.9
of HR needs, namely (1) indexation techniques, and (2) extrapolation. This indexation and
extrapolation technique is actually part of a more quantitative trend method.
Index analysis or ratio analysis is a forecasting technique that uses an index to determine the
growth of an organization. Companies in using this analysis are usually based on sales volume
records at a certain time as a basis. While for extrapolation techniques, it is often used in
estimating HR needs in the short term. The use of HR needs projections with extrapolation
techniques is based on data on the average growth of employees in certain departments /
As mentioned above, the core of HR planning is the availability of accurate data about HR
needs in a certain amount of time in quantity and quality. Various steps for implementing HR
planning through several processes and using quantitative and qualitative statistical methods /
techniques to obtain information number of employees (advantages or disadvantages) and what
actions should be taken by HR management on the possibilities of both. The process of the
description above can be simply seen in the picture below.
2.9 Challenges of Human Resource Planning
HR planning in an organization / company will be felt to be effective or not very dependent
on the quality and amount of information that is relevant and available for decision making. In
the practice of implementing effective HR planning, in the global era like now it will face
challenges that are not easy. One of the challenges that must be faced, among others (Henry
Simamora, 1997: 73)6:
1. Maintaining a competitive edge. In tough business competition, competitive advantage is
the goal of every business organization. The competitive advantage achieved and enjoyed by
the organization is only short-term because other organizations / companies also make an
effort to find and achieve competitive advantage with the same strategies that we do. So the
challenge from the HR perspective is to make strategies that offer sustainable competitive
advantage (sustainable competitive advantage).
2. Support the overall business strategy. The compilation of HR strategies to support the
overall business strategy is a challenge for several reasons (1) top management is not always
able to clearly articulate the company's business strategy, (2) the possibility of uncertainty or
disagreement regarding HR strategies that must be used to support the overall business
strategy , (3) large companies may have different business units.
3. Avoid excessive concentration on daily problems. Most managers devote more routine and
short-term perspectives. In this context HR planning has a challenge for the future in giving
birth to visionary people who are able to see a picture of the future integrally more than
anyone else around it.
4. Develop HR strategies that are in accordance with the organization's unique characteristics.
Become a task in planning future HR in developing business strategies different from
competitors. The uniqueness of the business strategy that is carried out between companies
is not exactly the same, but in maintaining a business strategy that has been successfully
implemented so far it becomes a very difficult thing so that it is easily emulated by
5. Overcoming environmental changes. A competitive business environment is a challenge for
planning programs, not only in the HR field but in terms of production planning, marketing,
and other budgeting.
6. Seize management commitment. HR planning in the midst of business competition in the
current global economic situation, HR departments / managers are often made dizzy
because they are rarely involved in planning business strategies at the corporate level. The
(Sunarta, ejournal Perencanaan Sumber Daya Manusia. Hal-7-11)
absence of involvement of the HR department in determining the company's business
strategy plan resulted in the achievement of overall organizational goals not optimal. This is
a challenge in the future in an effort to win every competition.
7. Translate the strategic plan into action. Another challenge in implementing HR planning and
business strategy planning is that there is often a lack of compatibility between good plans
and bad practices. By learning from this situation, it should be in the future before the plan
is realized must be tested and reviewed so that it can guarantee the success of a plan.
8. Accommodate changes. The final challenge in HR planning and corporate business strategy
planning is how all the plans that will be carried out can adjust to the dynamics of the era.
Planning that is not accommodative, not flexible, inflexible and insensitive to market
developments will only give birth to a collection of plans that are difficult to realize.
The Coca-Cola Company is a company from the United States in the field of non-
alcoholic beverages based in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. The birth of this freshness
idea came from John Styth Pemberton in 1889. John Smyth Pamberton was a pharmacist
who made colored caramel syrup in his backyard garden. Coca-Cola was first presented
on May 8, 1889 at Jacob’s Pharmacy. By placing it in a teapot, it is sold at a price of 5
The company runs a franchise system for its distribution since 1889 where The Coca-
Cola Company only produces syrup sold to various bottling companies throughout the
world that are granted exclusive marketing and sales rights. This company has been
listed on an exclusive marketing and sales exchange.
At first Coca-Cola was often called the Coke brand by consumers. Finally in 1941 the
company followed the popular tastes of the market. That same year, the trade name
Coke received the same advertising recognition as Coca-Cola, and since March 27, 1944,
Coke officially became a registered trademark of The Coca-Cola Company in the United
States. According to Interbrand in 2011, Coca-Cola is the most expensive brand in the
3.1.2 History of the Establishment of Coca-Cola in Indonesia
1) Coca-Cola in Indonesia
Coca-Cola in Indonesia consists of PT. Coca-Cola Indonesia (CCI) as a subsidiary of
The Coca-Cola Company and all its bottling plants, one of which is PT. Coca-Cola Bottling
Indonesia; namely Medan, Padang, Lampung, Bekasi, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya,
Balikpapan, Makassar, and Denpasar. CCBI manufactures and distributes Coca-Cola
products throughout Indonesia, except in North Sulawesi and Gorontalo. Coca-Cola was
first known in Indonesia in 1927 and began to be produced locally in 1932 in a factory
located in Jakarta.
2) Coca-Cola in Central Java
The name chosen is PT. Java Bottling Company, officially established on November 1,
1974 and began operations on December 5, 1976. In April 1992 PT. Pan Java Bottling
Company joined the Coca-cola Amatil Limited Australia, so that since then it changed its
name to PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java. Then since 1 July 2002 changed to
PT. Cocacola Bottling Indonesia. To support the supply of its products Coca-Cola
Distributions Indonesia Central Java (CCDI CJ) has 9 Sales Center (SC) offices in Bawen,
Semarang, Tegal, Kudus, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Purwokerto, Pekalongan and Madiun,
as well as several supporting Sub-Sales Center offices.
3.3 Structure of PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia West Java
PT. Coca-cola Bottling Indonesia - West Java is a company that engaged in bottling
and distribution of branded soft drinks Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Frestea, Ades and others. To
maintain quality drinks produced in accordance with the standards, the company PT. Coca-
Cola The company strictly applies the production process that is recognized international.
Meanwhile for the distribution of these products carried out specifically by PT. Coca-Cola
Amatil Indonesia - West Java. In the running this company is certainly supported by all
employees creating a work procedure that is the best, organized, and neat as a tool
achievement of goals set and outlined by the company previous.
One way to create a good, orderly and neat is to arrange the organizational
structure of the company as a hierarchy in the separation of clear and firm duties,
responsibilities and authorities in every part of the company.
Structure Organization
The highest leadership of PT. Coca-cola Botling Indonesia West Java Unit at hold by
the General Manager. General Manager is in charge of two companies, namely PT.
Indonesian Coca-cola Bottling West Java Unit as a company bottlers and Indonesian
Distributor of West Java Unit Distributor PT. Coca-Cola as product marketing for the West
Java and surrounding areas. General Manager served as a function planner for the
organization and company representatives for connect with the world outside the company,
society, and government. General Manager (GM) Is the highest leader in the Coca-Cola
Amatil Indonesia Central Java Company, which is in charge of:
1. Lead, manage, coordinate, organize and supervise all activities of the Coca-Cola Amatil
Indonesia Central Java company.
2. Responsible for all activities carried out by the Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java
company which has authority in the areas of Central Java, Yogyakarta Special Region and
3. Approve or not work programs carried out by each department
4. In charge of 6 departments each headed by a senior manager
5. In carrying out its duties a General Manager is assisted by a secretary in charge:
a. Helping the work of the General Manager in managing the smooth administration
or archives and correspondence of the General Manager
b. Set the protocol procedures of the company as needed
contains a description of the scope of the audit, the date and number of the audit
discrepancies found in the field and corrective actions. Previous audit reports and corrective
actions will be reviewed as part of the planning process.
3.5 Public Relations Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java Inside External and Internal
Public Relations of Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java was established since the
80s, the first reason for the formation of Public Relations at Coca- Cola Amatil Indonesia
Central Java because one is needed good communicator, which is to create a positive image
of the company and creating harmonious relationships both for internal and internal parties
external and make the situation unfavorable (unpleasant) become favorite. Therefore a
practitioner Public Relations is very necessary to support communication precise and
careful. In its development, a Public Relations practitioner must able to create a conducive
climate in the company, both between employees, as well as all work components at Coca-
Cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java. Not only that internal company with external parties also
always have effective communication informative and persuasive so that they can
strengthen relationships and creating positive opinions on external stakeholders. One of the
two-way communication is with written communication (online) or through information
boards. In external activities, communication is carried out by Public Relations Coca-Cola
Amatil Indonesia Central Java is informative, provides information about what activities will
be carried out by Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java and accept criticism, suggestions,
or comments from stakeholders.
3.6 Human Resource Planning in Coca Cola Bottling Company (Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia)
Human resources CCBI (Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia) who joined PT Coca-Cola
Amatil Indonesia produced products in high volume but low variations. The chosen process
strategy is to focus on the product. PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia only has one type of
product. In addition, the equipment used has special functions and little work orders and
guidelines because everything is standardized. This is evidenced by the existence of a
Standard Operating Procedure for company employees. HR Development refers to
competency-based HR management that integrates all career policies, training, recruitment,
assessment / work performance and so forth.
3.7 Management of HRM at PT Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia
At present, PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Persada has 250 workers. Even though
the process of making sure to use sophisticated machines still has to use human labor to
control the machines that are in the process of making Coca-Cola, also to check the quality
of the finished ones.
In addition, Coca Cola also uses workers to distribute Coca Cola from factories to
distributors so that they can reach the public. For example with a direct sales system. If
there is no one, they may be able to arrive at the distributor or the hands of the community.
And for production planning, production control, quality control and maintenance of
machinery and equipment also requires human labor.
a. HR Planning
The Human Resource CCBI ( coca-cola bottling Indonesia) company has planned
various HR strategies to support the probiotic pioneering strategy of family healthy
drinks. For example, by providing services through the web. In formulating their HR
Strategy, HR Managers must think of three fundamental Challenges, namely: (As in PT
Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia), the obligation to support productivity and efforts to
improve company performance. With the globalization of the world economy,
competition has increased very rapidly and it requires continuous improvement in
organizational performance.
Employees play a wider role in efforts to improve the performance of
entrepreneurs. Therefore all elements related to high-performance organizations - such
as technology-based production and technology-based teams need high level employee
commitment and competence. (In relation to the first two) it is a very important role in
managing performance, so that HR must be involved further in designing — not just
implementing the company's strategic plans.
b. HR Recruitment
PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia recruits or employs (fires) employees, here the
Company uses labor from the area around the factory as a form of corporate social
responsibility towards residents in the location of the company especially Sukabumi as a
manufacturing site that applies regional autonomy,
c. Labor Selection
The initial selection process carried out by PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia is by
checking the requirements in accordance with the qualifications or job descriptions
needed by the company itself and sent by prospective employees in the company email.
After initial selection, prospective employees who meet the criteria will be contacted by
the company.
d. HR Orientation and Placement
PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia conducts an orientation period, namely by
implementing standard criteria for applicants. With the existence of these standards
aims to notify the job des employees what the company needs. The orientation period is
carried out by introducing the initial activities regarding the work of employees in the
workplace. Then the employee follows a period of work activity. If from the jobtest the
new employee does a good job and meets the jobtest requirements then he will be
appointed as a permanent employee.
e. Workforce Training and Development
Meanwhile to encourage CCBI ( coca-cola bottling Indonesia) the quality of vigilance
from PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia, it always provides training to its employees in terms
of improving skills and soft skills about technical mastery of equipment and machinery
used to produce Coca Cola. By using a direct sales system through a fleet tasked with
delivering yakult to the hands of cons.
a) Graduate Trainee Program
CCBI ( coca-cola bottling Indonesia) Graduate Trainee Program (GTP) is
designed to encourage CCBI ( coca-cola bottling Indonesia) talented talent to
achieve challenging management level roles within the company. In this one-year
program, graduates will benefit from a career path structured in Sales & Marketing,
Supply Chain, Finance, Human Resource CCBI ( coca-cola bottling Indonesia) and
Business Services departments. They have the opportunity to hold real
responsibilities that have an impact on the business from day one. Since 1995, more
than 500 employees have been generated from this program, creating leaders with
competitive capabilities to deal with business dynamics.
b) Employee Training
To attract and retain the best talent, Coca Cola recognize the importance of
investing in employee development. Coca Cola empower employees with the
knowledge and skills needed to hone their best skills. The training and development
program began on the first day of the employee and continued throughout their
career at CCAI.
From year to year, Coca Cola design and implement training programs that are divided into
three categories:
Since 2011, we have carried out more than 80,000 training days for all of CCBI ( coca-cola
bottling Indonesia) employees throughout Indonesia. We help ensure that every employee has
complete provisions to achieve their best performance, because we believe investing in
competencies not only benefits employees, but also CCBI ( coca-cola bottling Indonesia)
companies, stakeholders, and investors. Besides that PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia also
provides rewards to its employees so as to increase employee motivation to improve
performance, and there is compensation for employees as a form of respect and gifts to
employees who excel; and adding (removing) products and product lines, here the Coca-Cola
Company continues to add work units in various corners of the archipelago so that it can reach
its target market share. In other words, implementation involves, uses, and applies all
management functions, planning, organizing staff depreciation, leading and controlling.
4.1 Conclusion
The existence of an organization / company cannot be better than the quality of its human
resources. This applies to every company including the Coca Cola company. The Coca Cola company
uses local employees in the country where they do business and combines them with management
experts from abroad. Coca Cola understands that there are advantages and disadvantages to the
existing culture so that cultural adjustments need to be made by combining the two to form a new
culture that is stronger and more effective.
The strategy of Coca Cola's human resource management is trying to enter the target
market by using existing resources in the target country because generally local workers are more
aware of the situation and are better prepared to enter existing markets. With the Graduate Training
Program, the implementation of the training has been carried out in a planned manner and adapted
to employee planning and development.
Besides that PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia also provides rewards to its employees so as to
increase employee motivation to improve performance, and there is compensation for employees as
a form of respect and gifts to employees who excel; and adding (removing) products and product
lines, here the Coca-Cola Company continues to add work units in various corners of the archipelago
so that it can reach its target market share.
Since 2011, Coca Cola Indonesia has carried out more than 80,000 training days for all of
CCBI ( coca-cola bottling Indonesia) employees throughout Indonesia. They help ensure that every
employee has complete provisions to achieve their best performance, because they believe investing
in competencies not only benefits employees, but also CCBI ( coca-cola bottling Indonesia)
companies, stakeholders, and investors.
4.2 Suggestion
To maintain human resources, companies need to manage resources and develop them well
so that the quality of employees is maintained and able to encourage employees to always do the
best for the company.
The need for careful planning, consideration and sound decision-making, careful and
creative implementation and monitoring of decisions and operations, and concern for employees
and the results are based on management skills so that quality human resources are created.
A. Taroreh., F. Worang., C. Mintardjo. Perencanaan Sumber Daya. Vol.4 .1 Maret 2016, Hal. 1263-
127 ISSN 2303-1174
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