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R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection UNIT - 1 : PROGRESSION AND SERIES [JEE — MAIN CRASH COURSE] Arithmetic Progression (AP) 1é ais the first erm and dis the common diference, then AP can be written as a.04d.042, a (n~1 a. ath term: T, = a+ (n— 1) d= ast term), where d = ah term from last: 7,’ =!—(n~ 1). Sum of n terms of an AP “The sum $, of m terms of an AP wit frst term “a” and common difference “dis S,= 2 (2a+(n-Ddlors,=" [ai] 2 2 Where [= last tem = a+ (n~ 1b ‘Thus, in generall, sum of n terms of AP is 5, = An” +B, Some important fects owt AP If a fixed number is added or subtracted to each term ‘of a given AP, then the resulting sequence is also an AAP, and its common difference remains same. If each term of an AP is multiplied by a fixed constant or divided by a fixed non-zero constant, then the resulting sequence is also an AP. If xy 25.%y one ANG YY Yas se ae WO AP'S then 4 E yy EY Xp 4 Ny +p ae also AP'S ‘Three terins in AP should preferably be taken as a d.a, a +d and four terms as a ~ 3d, a~ dha +d,a+ Md. MAP, a,= (112) (Gy + 04 4s FOF KS n. In AP. a, +0, =p + Gy.) = ds + dpa Insertion of Arithmetic Means [between two given numbers a and b we have to insert n ‘numbers A, Ags nA Such tha Ap, ney b form at AP, then we say that A,, Ap, + Ay af arithmetic means between a and b. Geometric Progression (GP) If asthe fist term and isthe common ai, ten GP can be-vaiien a8; ar, ar, ar’, ar’, ..., ar”. = {ast term), Same important facts about GP Tf each term of « GP is multiplied or divided by some fixed non-zero number, then the resulting Sequence is also & GP IE By Xp, Ay on aNd ye Ye d ABH wD . are two GP's them xy, ava, Aye os aM also GP's Office.: 606, 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi- Ph,; 0651-2562523, 9895508812, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSR. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES If xj, xy ty «= 18 @ GP of positive terms then log 2%, log 2, log x, ... is an AP and vice versa ‘Three numbers in GP can be taken as alr, a, ar and four terms in GP as alr’ afr, ar, ar’, This presentation is useful if product of terms is involved inthe pb, eerie terme shoul bo ten at In GP, yy. yn Oy Oy? By = Oa yy = 3p a 6 product of equidistant terms from start and cond is same. Insertion of Geometric Means Leta and b be two given numbers. Ifn numbers Gy, Go G, are inserted between a and b such thatthe sequence 4G, Gy, Gyy on Gy, Bis. & GB. Then the numbers G;, Gy .G,, are known as n geometric means (GM's) between aandb. Harmonic Progression (HP) A sequence a, a, yy --- Of non-zero numbers is ‘called a harmonic progression or a harmonic sequence, if the sequence +, ++ 1 progression. %1 %2 % ay nth term of an HP. The nth term of an HP is the reciprocal of the nth term of the corresponding AP. Thus, if ay, yy «oo dy 8 a HP and the common difference of the corresponding AP isd, ie, d= —! is an arithmetic LL then A On the mh term of the HP is given by a, i Fad In other words, nth term of an HP is the reciprocal of the nth term of the corresponding AP. Insertion of Harmonic Means Lava be two given non-zero numbers. I numbers Fy nH inert wen and such tat the seine iy Hi ly yD an then Hy rae called n harmonic means between and. Nowa Hy By aren HP VAT ein AP oR, Harmonic means of two given numbers « and b is na 2a aes AM, GM, and HM of two positive real numbers Let A, Gand H be arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic tmeans of two positive mumbers a and b, Then, Aa tt? Gu lab man = 20% “These tree means poses the following propetes: LAzGek A. 6, H form a GP, i, G? = AH. Tr A and G be the AM and GM between two. positive numbers, then the numbers are at {#-@ The equation having a und b a its roots in x? ~2Ax +650 IFA, GH are arithmetic, geomet, and harmonic imeans of tree given numbers a, Band, then he ‘equation having a, b, ¢ as its roots is x° — 3A + 3 7 Sigma (2) Operator Properties of sigma notations L Yaar a distributive over addition and subtraction) A ort 2 Sy ates 14 atin =n 1, (where a is constant)UNIT - 1 : PROGRESSION AND SERIES [JEE - MAIN 2019 CRASH COURSE] If a, ay ay .. isan arithmetic progression with common difference 1 and a + a + ay + == + 137 then the value of a, + ay + ds + + @ 100 8 © © 107 If the sides of a right-angled triangle are in AP then the sines of the acute angles are 4 v3 (@) none of these © 18 z Ix, 2y, 32 ar in AP. wher the dstnet numbers x.y, ae in GP, then the common ratio of the Gris @3 OB ©2 wm IF nl, 3 ml, and (n+ 1)! are im GR, thea nl, 5 x nl, and (n #1! are in (@ AP ) Ge (©) HP @) none of these Ina GP of even numberof terms, the sum of all terms is 5 times the sum of the odd terms. The common ratio of the GP is (a) -45 ) US, 4 (6) nove ofthese Let a= 11 1-1 (55 digits), b= 1+ 10-4 10? +o + 104 51 + 10° + 10" + 10% +o + 10%, then @asbte (b) a= be © b=ac (c= ab ‘The arithmetic mean of two postive numbers is 6 and ther geomecie mean G and harmonic mean H satisfy the cation G? +311 = 48, then product ofthe two numbers is 3% 32 2 @ 6 Ixelt+ata' + +jyal+boh + al Gan @ayteaes ay te-any (©) ay- ye #2e= (A) none of these Wha, b,¢ are im AP, a, bd are in GP then a, @ bd =e ae in (@) AP (GP (© HP (@) none of these The sum: (x + 29" + G+ CHD Ft 2 ee ee @ «+20? -a+ It +2 4+ ©) (+2 oes Ih (@) none of these +, and z 16. ‘The harmonic mean of the roots of the equation (+ V2).2 ~ (4+ y5)x+8 +205 =0 is @2 4 ©6 Ws Consider an infinite geometric series with the first term a and common ratio r. If its sum is 4 and the second term is 3/4, then If the sum of the first 2n terms of the AP 2, 5, 8, ss is equal to the sum of the first n terms of AP.57, 59, 61, «2 then m equals @D RON 1B ‘An inginite GP has the first term as a and sum 5, then, @a<-0 @)-10
10 Fifth term of a GP is 2, then the product of its first 9 terms is (a) 256 (©) 1024 wy siz (@) none of these Sum of infinite GP is 20 and sum of their squares is 100. The common ratio of GP is 3 8 5 OF @s wot 3 PLP EPIPY 49 = @ 25) 25 (e475 Ce) 475 If f@) is. polynomial funetion of the second degree. IF 1) = AL) and a,b, © are in AP, then FOO, S10) fC) ate in (@) GP () HP (©) avthmetio-geometric progression AP Let two numbers have arithmetic mean 9 and geometric mean 4. Then these numbers are the rots of the equation (@) x 4 18x + 16 = 0 (b) x - 184 + 16 (©) + 1Br= 16 = 0 (@) x? ~ 18-16 x= Saye Sore Het, whew for er b, carein AP and lal
0, let Sa—b, 2a + b, a +2 be in AP and (b + 1), ab + 1, (@~ 1)? are in GP, then the value of (a"! + 6°) is 4 ‘The value of Ecom(Z) equals OS ©8 M6 5 s s 5 as oS oF wt OD O77 O¢ Fe If the fint term of GP ay a>, ay is unity such thatthe quantity 4a, % 34a, has the least value then the sum t0 infinite number of terms of the sequence (@) cannot be found out as diverges s 7 5 wi 2 @8 oo 3 ©) 5 @ 7 Leta + ar, tar? 4 +e0anda tar; + are + + + 0 be two finite series of postive numbers with the same first term. The sum of the first series is ry and the sum of the second series is ra. The value of (7, + 73) 8 @ 12 ot © a1 @2 2 ‘The value of x that satisfies the relation +P Pat Pye (a) 2 c0s 36° (©) 2.c0s 144° (©) 2 sin 18° (@) none of these 4. ‘The value of n where n is a positive integer satisfying the equation 2 + (6. 2 - 4. 2) + (6. 3° = 43) 0+ 6.9 4m) = 140 @3 4 ©5 @7 12 3 « Given the sequence 101,101,101, .... 191 ‘The smallest value of me 'N such that the product, Of the first m terms of the sequence exceeds one lac is @9 WW © wR Consider the sequence $= 7+ 13 +21 +31+ + Ty, the value of Try is (@) 5013 (b) 5050 (¢) 5113. (@) 5213, {In an AP the series containing 99 terms, the sum of all the odd-numbered terms is 2550. the sum. of all the 99 terms of the AP is (a) 5010 (b) 5050. (€) 5100. (4) 5049 For which positive integers n is the ratio, (2) odd m only () even m only (c) n= 1 + 6k only, where k2 0 and ke (@) n= 1 + 3k, integer k 2 0 ‘The maximum value of the sum of the AP 50, 48, 46, 44, is (@) 618” (b) 450 (©) 558 (@) 650 ‘The coefficient of 2° in the product (x ~ 1) (x — 3) 0. 9) is (a) -99° (©) -2500 1 (@) none of these If E n= 55, then E n? is equal to (@) 385 (b) 506 (©) 1115 (@) 3025 ‘The next term of the GP x, 7 +2, x° + 10 is @o @6 me, oP osx [Number of increasing geometrical progression(s) with first term unity, such that any three consecutive terms, on doubling the middle become in AP is @O 1 ©2 —@ infinity Let ay, as, ay, 4, be real numbers satisfying 4 = 15,27 ~ 2a,>'0 and a, = 244.1 ~ 29 for ah tah ++ af be toc Hr EPEAT 0g, then yt ay +4455 " (2 (@) none of these the value of is equal to @1 ©0 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Rancl NEWTONCLASS 1, Ph.; 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8607613968,UNIT - 1 : PROGRESSION AND SERIES [JEE - MAIN 2019 CRASH COURSE] ‘The sum of the frst 24 terms ofthe AP a, ov it is tmnt 0 + 05+ 09 + 0st cpt ay = 205 8, (a) 1800 (b) 1350 (©) 900 (©) none of these “The fouth, seventh, and the lst term of a GP axe 10, 80, and 2560 respectively. Then the fist tern and numberof terms inthe GP are @ 3,10 ® 3.1 $ 4 © 4,10 @ 4,12 3 5 ‘Two numbers whose arithmetic mean is 34 and the geometric mean is 16, then the ratio of number (a) 5 or US () 4 or 14 (©) 2or 12 (@) 16 oF 1/16 If the first two terms of an HP are 2/5 and 12/13 respectively. Then the largest term is (@) 2nd term () 6th term (©) 4th term (@) 6th term “The sum of the series 1 41,1 to is 37" Txil “Tas @ Mw ©19 @ m2 Ina GP, T, + Ty = 216 and 7, : T= 1; 4 and all terms are integers, then its first term is @ 16 14 @R (@) none of these The sum of all the products of the first 10 natural numbers taken two at a time is (@) 1320 () 1500 (©) 3300 @ none of these Sum ofthe sees $= $= 45h op owls Fe (@) 2924 () TAB ©) 43 (@) HL ft, denotes te mh erm ofthe series 2-4 3+ 6 + Tbe TB + then tg is 4-1 AF SF + 1) 4 +2 IF a,x, b ae in AP, a, y, bare in GP, and a, = ba in HP such tha x= 92 and a > 0, 6 > 0 then (@) bi = 32 b) x =3 bt © %=s+2 — (@) nove ofthese Let sum of the frst three terms of GP with real terms is 13/12 and their product is ~1. Then the sum of infinite terms of GP is 4 7 1 2 @ OF © (@) none of these 8 If log, log 58 and 1og,9*~' are consecutive terms of a geometric sequence, then the number of integers that satisfy the system of inequalities Po x> 6 and id < Ris (@) 193 (b) 194 (©) 195 @) 196 If the first term of a GP ay, ay, ay, .. is unity ‘such that the quantity 4a + Say has the least ‘value then the sum to infinite number of terms of the sequence (@) cannot be found out as diverges 3 7 5 OF OF OF SOLUTIONS 1) Given suf 9 tems i 198 = 2pm ite] = 198 2 = Title 22 z Now 7. Tig Typ ate in AP > Ty=2 (a) If there ae 9 odd terms then Ty, Ty To. Ty will be Hence S; is an AP of n terms, but S, is an AP of =I terms with common difference 2d s 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSR. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES $b) Acconting to the given condition, 24a) Let ZC = 90° being presest and B = 90° ~ A . Th sides are a= and a rd. We Bae (+ S[aa+in-Dd] _ seas aa) +o (asing Pythagoras theorem) A Hence the sides are 3d, 4d, Sd. alb+e) b(c+a) cla+b) “Ce ob 2b + 0, e+ ay Cla + B) ae in AP (outlying each term by abc) Pict a)-a6+0=Ca+b)-P esa) Given x, 2y, 32 are in AP = 4y = 5-432 Bees Ba— b= Caras co-Be Also x,y. < ae in GP = y =n) = a7, where 0) +0b(b-a)= al) +b =) ris common ratio. (ba) (c(b+ a) +ab)=(c—b) [ale +b) +eb] Start es 3 ~ar bbe (6-2) (be a+ ab) =(c-6) (ae +ab +e) 3 Gr- D6 = 1) 20 r= 1B ore jioagwe= nl, 3 x nl, and (n+ 1)! are in GP = GxalPentxintD! are in AP u = 4b cae in AP Series 17, 21, 25, ..., 417 has common difference 4. = po ena hee ne 8 sin 16, 21.25... Goin Ce a Sn Sx niyand (n+ Dt ae 8,581 and 9! eae tastes with common temas ha. common Clealy 8! + 91 = 801 +9) = 25 <8) difference as LCM of 4 and 5 which is 20. Hence n!, 5 x nt, and (n + 1)! are in AP. ‘The first common term is 21. 10.(c) Consider the GP of 2n terms: a, ar, ar’,*—" Heace the serie is 21,41, 6, 411 which has an Now sum of fl ermage 4°), sum of odd 4+ ay = 137 Pa Brass] = 197 © According the question Pal 17 dae 97 = BL 5 0 % = To find ay + ay +=" + ay (49 terms) = l@+)+a+971 neh 11bya = 1410.4 10 + + 10 = 1011081 105-1 108-1" 10-1 sre4 Office.: 606 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9635508812, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSUNIT - 1 : PROGRESSION AND SERIES [JEE - MAIN 2019 CRASH COURSE] 12b)a +b = 12, ab + S26 2 48, ab + % = 48, a+b 2 ab =32 2 BOx=l+atdt wax similarly y = suyte-yee 140) Acooeding to the gven conditions 2b = a + cand & = ad then numbers a, a — b, d — c becomes a, a, -2b4+0 or, a~ ar, ar? arta Clearly (a = ar)? = @ (ar? ~ 2ar + a). Hence numbers are in GP. (x4 2)" -(x44)" (42)= 04D Set 2+ et Pes D) Fora te tee nt Required sum = (x + 2)"~ (r+ 1" (e@4+)-@+D=01 16.00) Harmonie mean H or roots and B is bens dap 5+ atp 4+ sti 174a) Sum = 4 and the second texm'= 34, it is given that the first term is a and common ratio r 15,(€) Since and ar = 3/4 > r= 2 4a 4a? " 4 a3 = e443 = @-Na@-39 => a=lor3 When a = 1, r= 3/4 and when a= 3, r= 1/4 18.(0) Given 2 +5 +8 + -~- 2n terms, = 57 +594 61+ m terms 2214+ Qn- 3] = 2 [4 + @- 1921 2 2 n+ 56 = bn4l 1940) S.= r But -10<-a
a>0andae5 = 0
Squaring (i, 400 a= Dividing (i) by (i, 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSR. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 24a) Required sum B24 49-207 44 4 64 8) ( Soy -axtaerestes asp 16 ($29) ag 025 = 1654425 = 225-0 =405 234d) Let fix) = ax? + be + c (a # 0). Now fil) = fi-l) >a+b+c=a-b+e = fi) sar +0 5 f() = 2ar S(@) = 2a*, f(b) = 2ab, f(e) = 2ac Sica in AP Ip] £(@),f'@) are f(c) are also in AP aot an” be oo samt Dy We un, 429 ad G 4+) <9 and Jab =4 2 = a+b=18 and ab =16 ‘The required equations x°—(a+b\x+ab=0 = Po 18r+ 16=0 2546) Here x= tL Since a, b, ¢ are in AP, , 1 — care in AP ei => 5), Zar in HP 261d) Given, a), a5, a3, ~~ be terms of AP ata tt 5 peated) gp 404 +@-0d) 7 2a +(p—Dd 2a +(q-Dd (2a, + @ - Nd) q = (a, +. - Nap 2a; (q - p) = dig ~ Vp - (P ~ Da) 2a, (9 p) = ata ~ p) day ad Si SN Se ay ty 420d a, +40q, AT 2740) Here a = ar + a = Per-1=0 Sra it Jie n+ 2 samy [Hoof AE alc mao Atk + 1) U2 + k~ 2) = 1980 4 (k~ 1) kk + 1) (E+ 2) = 8. 9. 10, Rene (ab + 17 = (a - 17 (+ 1 a=0,-20r 1 4 =1] = 1980 But a>0,soa= 1 andb= 4 Hence (a"' + 6") =2+4=6 fe fas 30(6) We have S = 5 (adding) Office.: 606 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9635508812, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSUNIT - 1 : PROGRESSION AND SERIES [JEE - MAIN 2019 CRASH COURSE] 31.(@) Let common ratio of GP be r T, =m 43n43 Series is 1, 7, 7°, P, Tyo = 4900 + 210 + 3 = 5113 37.44) AP is a, (a + d), (a + 2d) ~~ (a + 98d) ‘Sum of odd terms = 2550 (a+ 2d)+ (at Ad) +--+ (a +984) = 2550 “aie ~ faq 498] = 2550 oF 50a + 494) 2 = 2550 or a+ 49d = 51 ‘This is the SOth terms of AP. Hence Hence 1 and rz ate the roots of Sip.2 51 x 99 = 5049 ga) MAtDOn+ 12 = Porta a sige 6n(n1) ‘must be an integer soors hater 201 gst an inege = Qn 1) is divisible by 3 mE 1,4, 710, m8 of the Form of Gk +D.k20keT -(S21 5; 38()For maximum yalue ofthe given sequence t9 teen ( Sa atm wan ape ehh tor a a - ae smaller pontine nomber ofthe sequence BOSH 1464 EAE 4d 2 eea-yk 1-043 44404 So +5 2 = M40 53 = 28(50+0)=26x25~650 fe) Here, numberof factors n(n + 1) Qn + 1) — 2nm + 1) = 140 The coefficient of x” nin 1) Qn 1)=457 * 1499) mart 3540) 10 2 >105 = MM*D. > 5 2 say En = 55 MD 5 w+n> 110 a +11) @=10>0 = n>Wan=1 3e(e)5=74 194 21431 + + Ty ce Bae MnO) 13 +214 4 T, pT, 6 T, = 74648 + 104-04 (2, -T,_.) 10x11x21 = wen- 1100 10 =385 n-1 = 74 AS U2+(n- 22) 42(0)x,2 42,0 + 10 are in GP nl Me + 10)= 62 + 3F tet een 2 | ! > 4¢-10r+4=0 =TH@-Dine4) 3s wos S744 3n—4 Ween FOE 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSR. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 2 43.(b) Let the GP be 1,7. 7, 7°, ..., where r> 1 Let", *', **? be three consecutive terms of the GP Given, 1", 2°*', #**? are in AP > Per art! P_4r41=0 428 waa f 2 M406) 4, = 24, - 442 ay, 8p =r rep ein AP i ala? 435110" + 100d ul => 225 + 350° + 150d = 90 35d° + 150d + 135 = 0 = 21 Given @
ar”! = 2560. = Beartyeaseo 4-35 2 a an 4a 8 ane 12 4744) Let the two numbers be @ and b. Then, AM = 34 = Sth oar ba6 and GM = 16 => Jap = 169 ab =256 (i) (a — b) = (@ + bY = 4ab => (a - by = 68)" - 4 x 256 = 3600 = ab20 (On solving () and Gy we get a = 64 and b Hence ratio of number is 16 or 1/16, 48.(a) Let the HP be a’ avd’ a+2d avid 12 atd 13 = a=Sandd= 2 2 Now, nth term of the HP is — 2 at(i—bd 47-1Ta , ‘So, the mth term is largest when 47 ~ 17n has the Teast value 12 7-1n Clearly, is least for n = 2 Hence, 2nd term i the frgest ter, 494) $= alg 1, je] 2 50,6) a(t +) = 216 and = Peder Office.: 606 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2562523, 9635508812, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSUNIT - 1 : PROGRESSION AND SERIES [JEE - MAIN 2019 CRASH COURSE] then 2a(9) a= 12 and when then ~ 2a (1 - 8) = 216 2 22. which is not an integer 2 SL) To find the required sum, consider (424344 Pa Pe PEP ee 10? + 2 (required sum) toa P _100v20 | 4. z 6 where 5 = required sum 2 oan F_1anen 55 “2 |" 6 = 0, - HOf330 -42]=25 =i 4 52.0) S = ws = 5 Sx) 243464114 18+ (0? + 2) + (1? + 2) # (2742) +O HD+ Hence tig =49%% 2 54,(b).x is AM of a and b, y is GM of a and b, zis HM of a and 5 » \~ex Also given x = 9: 3 re¥'kooaPox=ayl => xe (8 1]- (0) 58a) Let 4, a, ar be three terms in’ GP, Product of terms = a? 1 (given) 4 tatar Now, sum of tems = 33 (gives) 2 B DR 12P + 25r + 12=0 Gr+4) Gr+3)=0 56.(a) 2, 6, 2k - 1) are in GP => k = 10 Now 2-1-6500 = G-342)>0 and 1x1< 100 = (= 100
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