Ropm - Oh:, ,, Sumanta Chatterjee, Apurba Paul

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Rahul Das, Oishik Chattopadhyay, Pratnadeep Biswas ,Monoram Das, Sumanta Chatterjee, Apurba Paul

JIS College of Engineering

Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things you can do. There is a mass
of research evidence to show that driving performance and reaction times are seriously affected by alcohol. Focusing
on the safety of the people driving a car we propose a safety system for safe driving. We are implementing an Intelligent
Alcohol Detection System with some other features to avoid accidents. The Alcohol Sensor is used to sense whether
the person driving the car has taken alcohol or not and this data is also given to ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter).
The ADC is used in this system because the signal comes from the sensor are analog in nature, so we want to convert
the analog signals into digital signal. If driving person is tired and sleeping, the eye blink sensor shall sense this
activity and start the buzzer. We also used tilt sensor to send the information whether the vehicle is running in normal
condition or not. GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) and GPS module provide vehicle location. In this
device we have implemented police alarm system, if the alcohol level is above the normal permitted level, then the
system will send car details to the nearest police station .And the driver will lost access to the car after the detection.
Alcohol sensor, ADC, GSM, Arduino, GPS

*Corresponding Author Email: Apurba Paul Phone:9874752090

GPS and GSM services. The designed system
involves in two sequences of actions as monitoring
and control. In monitoring phase, it senses and read
Even though driving under the influence of alcohol all the parameter values. In controlling phase system
is strictly prohibited, many flaunt this rule, which at responds automatically if any abnormalities in the
times result in road accidents. Even if the person above readings and controls the vehicle.
under the influence of alcohol walks away safe from
the scene of the accident due to the safety features of
the car, the pedestrians and smaller vehicles
involved in accidents are not so lucky. More than A. Hardware Requirements
2,000 people were booked for drunk driving on New
The following hardware we need to develop the
Year’s Eve
system: Arduino UNO, Alcohol detector Arduino
in Mumbai (455), Delhi (509), Kolkata (182), Chen
shield from JLCPCB, Alcohol Sensor (MQ3),
nai (263) and Bengaluru (667), according to various
Resistor 10K, Resistor 1K, 16x2 LCD, Power
news reports. There are more number of sensors
Supply, 10k POT, LED, LM358, Burgstips, Push
used in vehicle. Currently, some luxury cars have an
button, IR sensor, GPS module.
average of 100 sensors for enhancing performance
MQ3 alcohol gas sensor: It is made by using SnO2
[1]. Vikrant Kate et al. proposed smart car system material which has less conductivity in clean air.
with new features. It is useful in high intensity car Whenever it comes nearby alcohol gas its starts
accident and helpful for injured people on the road conducting highly according to the gas
side. GPS system is used to detect the location of a concentration. So user can sense the difference of
car accident. When the accident happened then output voltage using any microcontroller and can
through web API message will be sent to emergency detect the presence of Alcohol. This is low cost and
a suitable sensor for many applications for alcohol
service centre and victim guardians. The message
detection. This sensor has a long life and good
will give the information of longitude and latitude sensitivity. Some of the applications that can be
values. Using these values the position of the vehicle made by using this sensor are Alcohol gas alarm,
can be estimated [2]. Rajani kumari Pasupuleti et al. portable alcohol detector, gas alarms, Breathalyzer
developed a new system to reduce accidents and in etc.
case if an accident happened, system will inform the
owner and ambulance about this accident by using

ICNNEE2019: International Conference on Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials for Energy And Environment


GPS and GSM:The system can correctly send the
position of vehicle to the server centre by GPS
positioning. GPS module can receive the data by
connected to microcontroller development board
through RS232 port. GSM modem is a wireless
modem that works with GSM wireless network.

Fig. 1 MQ3 alcohol gas sensor

Eye Blink Sensor: It helps us to measure and
control the eye blink. There are two IR modules
present in eye blink sensor. IR receiver is used to
receive the reflected infrared rays of eye. If eye is
closed, the output of IR receiver is high otherwise
the output of IR receiver is low. Due to this we can
check the opening and closing of eye.IR transmitter
is used to transmit the infrared rays
Fig. 4 GPS and GSM

Sim 900A:This is an ultra compact and reliable

wireless module. The SIM900A is a complete Dual-
band GSM/GPRS solution in a SMT module which can
be embedded in the customer applications. Featuring
an industry-standard interface, the SIM900A delivers
GSM/GPRS 900/1800MHz performance for voice,
SMS, Data, and Fax in a small form factor and with
low power consumption. With a tiny configuration of
24mmx24mmx3mm, SIM900A can fit in almost all the
space requirements in user applications.

Fig. 2 Eye Blink Sensor

Tilt sensor: It is a device that produces an electrical

signal that varies with angular movement. Tilt
sensor is used to calculate right and left direction
movement of vehicle. Tilt sensor consist of a rolling
ball with a conductive plate beneath.

Fig. 5 SIM 900A

Fig.3 Tilt sensor

ICNNEE2019: International Conference on Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials for Energy And Environment


B: Proposed Circuit Diagram in our calculation, we are getting around 0.40 mg/L
in clean air so that we have set a threshold value of
alcohol while driving 0.80mg/L (just for

Fig. 6 Circuit diagram

Fig. 7 circuit using MQ3 sensor
1. Working principle:
In this Arduino Alcohol Detector Shield, we have
used a MQ3 sensor to detect present alcohol level in On encountering Alcohol smell the detector
the breath. A 16x2 LCD is used for displaying the displays the amount, and when alcohol smell is not
PPM Value of alcohol and an LM358 IC for encountered it displays normal.
converting alcohol level sensor output to digital
output (this function is optional). A buzzer is also
place for indicating high alcohol level in Circuit
Diagram. We have a comparator circuit for
comparing output voltage of Alcohol Sensor with
preset voltage (output connected at pin D7). Alcohol
sensor output is also connected at an analog pin of
Arduino (A0). Buzzer is connected at Pin D9.

Fig. 7 State of measurement

It is due to the driver’s negligence that traffic
accidents keep with a yearly increase of a high rate.
This paper proposed the new alcohol detection
system using alcohol, eye blink, and tilt sensors. In
this technique the alcohol will be detected
Fig. 6 workflow diagram immediately and regular traps the events driver and
third party. This research paper contributes
According to MQ3 datasheet, alcohol in clean air is intelligent car system to avoid accidents in case of
0.04 mg/L. So we power the circuit and find the drunk driving.
output voltage of MQ3 sensor in room air (assume
room has clean air) so I got 0.60 voltage. It means C. REFERENCES
when the sensor is giving 0.60v in the clean air then 1. Abdelhamid, S., Hassanein, H.S. and Takahara, G.,
alcohol will be 0.04 mg/L.Now we can find a 2014. Vehicle as a mobile sensor. Procedia Computer
multiplier by dividing alcohol by output voltage in Science, 34, pp.286-295.
clean air and we get 2. Vikrant Kate, Amol Karnavat, Tushar Ahirrao,
Multiplier = 0.40/0.60 ; Multiplier = 0.67 Sadhana Holkar, “ Smart Car System”, International
Now we have a formula for calculating alcohol Journal of Innovative Research & Development, ISSN
Alcohol = 0.67 * v ; Where v is the output voltage 2278 – 0211 (Online), Vol 4 Issue 2, Feb 2014.
of alcohol sensor. Now we know the least driving 3. Rajani kumari Pasupuleti, Ratna babu Yellamati,
“Design and Implementation of an Embedded In-
limit while drinking alcohol is around 0.5mg/L. But
Vehicle System With Multitask Management Using

ICNNEE2019: International Conference on Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials for Energy And Environment


RTOS”, International Journal of Electrical and Pratnadeep Biswas is a
Electronics Research ISSN 2348-6988 (online) Vol. 3, second year UG student of
Issue 4, pp: (168-174), Month: October - December Computer Science and
2015 Engineering from JIS
College of Engineering,
4. Qiang Ji, Zhiwei Zhu, and Peilin Lan, Real-Time Kalyani, Nadia, West
Nonintrusive Monitoring and Prediction of Driver Bengal, India.
Fatigue. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
VOL.53, NO.4, July 2004, pp.1052-1068. [5] S.P.
Bhumkar, V.V. Deotare, R.V.Babar, ” Accident
Avoidance and Detection on Highways”, International
Monoram Das is a second
Journal of Engineering Trends and year UG student of
TechnologyVolume3Issue2- 2012. Computer Science and
5. Zutao Zhang, Jiashu Zhang, “A Novel Vehicle Safety Engineering from JIS
Model: Vehicle speed Controller under Driver College of Engineering,
Fatigue”, “IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Kalyani, Nadia, West
Science and Network Security”, VOL.9 No.1, January Bengal, India.
6. M. Bertozzi, A. Broggi, M. Cellario, A. Fascioli, P.
Lombardi, and M.Porta, “Artifical vision in road Mr Apurba Paul, presently
vehicles,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.90,no. 7, pp. working as an Assistant
1258–1271, 2002 Professor at JIS College of
7. S. Tsugawa and Sadayuki, “Vision-based vehicle on Engineering, Kalyani,
japan: Machine vision systems and driving control Nadia, West Bengal,India.
systems,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. El. vol.41, no.4, pp. He has more than 10 years of
teaching experience.His
398–405, 1994 main research areas are
Natural Language
Processing, Embedded
Author Biographical Statements Systems, Data Mining,
Machine Learning. He is a
Rahul Das is a second year member of CSI and
UG student of Computer International Association for
Science and Engineering Engineers (IAENG) also.
from JIS College of
Mr. Sumanta Chatterjeeis
Engineering, Kalyani,
presently working as an
Nadia, West Bengal, India.
Assistant Professor of JIS
College of Engineering,
Kalyani, Nadia, West
Bengal. He has worked 2
years in the Industry and 8
Oishik Chattopadhyay is a years in the Academic
second year UG student of Sector. He has completed his
Computer Science and M.Tech degree in Computer
Engineering from JIS Science and Engineering
College of Engineering, from West Bengal
Kalyani, Nadia, West University of Technology.
Bengal, India. He is recently working on
the emerging research field
―E-Commerce‖ and
―Embedded System. He
has made significant
contribution on the research
field―Ecommerce and
―Embedded System. He is a
member of International
Association of Computer
Science and Information
Technology (IACSIT) and
also a member of
International Association for
Engineers (IAENG).

ICNNEE2019: International Conference on Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials for Energy And Environment


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