Ropm - Oh:, ,, Sumanta Chatterjee, Apurba Paul
Ropm - Oh:, ,, Sumanta Chatterjee, Apurba Paul
Ropm - Oh:, ,, Sumanta Chatterjee, Apurba Paul
Rahul Das, Oishik Chattopadhyay, Pratnadeep Biswas ,Monoram Das, Sumanta Chatterjee, Apurba Paul
ICNNEE2019: International Conference on Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials for Energy And Environment
Fig. 7 circuit using MQ3 sensor
1. Working principle:
In this Arduino Alcohol Detector Shield, we have
used a MQ3 sensor to detect present alcohol level in On encountering Alcohol smell the detector
the breath. A 16x2 LCD is used for displaying the displays the amount, and when alcohol smell is not
PPM Value of alcohol and an LM358 IC for encountered it displays normal.
converting alcohol level sensor output to digital
output (this function is optional). A buzzer is also
place for indicating high alcohol level in Circuit
Diagram. We have a comparator circuit for
comparing output voltage of Alcohol Sensor with
preset voltage (output connected at pin D7). Alcohol
sensor output is also connected at an analog pin of
Arduino (A0). Buzzer is connected at Pin D9.
It is due to the driver’s negligence that traffic
accidents keep with a yearly increase of a high rate.
This paper proposed the new alcohol detection
system using alcohol, eye blink, and tilt sensors. In
this technique the alcohol will be detected
Fig. 6 workflow diagram immediately and regular traps the events driver and
third party. This research paper contributes
According to MQ3 datasheet, alcohol in clean air is intelligent car system to avoid accidents in case of
0.04 mg/L. So we power the circuit and find the drunk driving.
output voltage of MQ3 sensor in room air (assume
room has clean air) so I got 0.60 voltage. It means C. REFERENCES
when the sensor is giving 0.60v in the clean air then 1. Abdelhamid, S., Hassanein, H.S. and Takahara, G.,
alcohol will be 0.04 mg/L.Now we can find a 2014. Vehicle as a mobile sensor. Procedia Computer
multiplier by dividing alcohol by output voltage in Science, 34, pp.286-295.
clean air and we get 2. Vikrant Kate, Amol Karnavat, Tushar Ahirrao,
Multiplier = 0.40/0.60 ; Multiplier = 0.67 Sadhana Holkar, “ Smart Car System”, International
Now we have a formula for calculating alcohol Journal of Innovative Research & Development, ISSN
Alcohol = 0.67 * v ; Where v is the output voltage 2278 – 0211 (Online), Vol 4 Issue 2, Feb 2014.
of alcohol sensor. Now we know the least driving 3. Rajani kumari Pasupuleti, Ratna babu Yellamati,
“Design and Implementation of an Embedded In-
limit while drinking alcohol is around 0.5mg/L. But
Vehicle System With Multitask Management Using
ICNNEE2019: International Conference on Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials for Energy And Environment
ICNNEE2019: International Conference on Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials for Energy And Environment