Overview of The Recommendations On Cyber Security
Overview of The Recommendations On Cyber Security
Overview of The Recommendations On Cyber Security
1. Background
2. Cyber Security
3. Ongoing work - the test phase
2. The Cyber Security recommendation
New approach: Certification of OEM‘s organization & processes
The group developed a split approach for the cyber security assessment:
i) Assessment of relevant vehicle manufacturer management system
ii) Assessment and certification of vehicles
Sets out what good cyber security looks like through 10 principles
Describes a range of threats that should be considered in the design of a vehicle
Describes possible controls that could be used to mitigate risks
e.g. 3G, WiFi, ...
„Internet of
Things“ e.g. Battery status,
Vehicle functionalities, ...
e.g. Over the air
OEM Supplier „Neutral“ SD
Server Server Server
Updates, performance
data, eCall... Backend Servers
Camera Gateway
External storage devices /
Nomadic devices
e.g. CAN, Ethernet, ...
Radar, ...
Grid connection,
Diagnostic/ OBD II incl. smart charging
Maintenance Tools
GNSS – Global Navigation Satelite System , V2V – Vehice-to-Vehicle , V2I – Vehicle-to-Infrastructure , P/T – Powertrain , ECU – Electronic Control Unit , OBD – On Board Diagnostic
The proposal was drafted in a technology neutral way. This should give some flexibility to
vehicle manufacturers to decide how to ensure the cyber security of their vehicles.
A rigid definition of technical measures could be counterproductive, since the cyber security
environment is a very dynamic one. The risk is that any detailed technologies which are
mandated could become outdated/vulnerable and may block alternative, innovative,
approaches and therefore limit or counter the possibilities to ensure cyber security. There is
also a risk that a given solution may not be applicable to all vehicle designs. Thus the
proposal might force unsuitable technologies on vechicles.
Noting that guidance may be valuable in this area, the proposal and annexes do include
principles and mitigation measures which could be used. These are still at a low level of
How to obtain Cyber Security certification
• Organization & processes implemented to ensure cyber security over the development,
production and post-production phase and to cover the entire supply chain
OEM • It includes e.g. processes to identify, assess and categorize risks, processes used for
implements a CSMS testing the security, for monitoring, detection and response and processed used to keep
cyber security current
• The CSMS may be based on ISO/SAE 21434 „Cyber security engineering“
Assessment of the • National or Regional Authority assesses the CSMS of the vehicle manufacturer and
OEM‘s CSMS whether it is compliant to requirements
How to obtain Cyber Security certification
• During the development and production the vehicle manufacturer has to employ the
OEM CSMS processes to ensure cyber security
develops the • Risk assessment to be conducted
vehicle architecture • Security/protection measures to be implemented
• The effectiveness of security measures implemented needs to be tested and verified
Assessment of the • National or Regional Authority assesses the vehicle and whether it is compliant to the
vehicle requirements
Issuance of
• Requirements are established to ensure conformity of vehicles being produced
How to maintain compliance in the post-production phase?
Cyber security shall be ensured over the lifetime of the vehicle. This implies e.g. that
cyber security measures will have to be updated while the vehicle is in use.
Things to note:
• New approach, not yet implemented in UN Regulations or GTR’s
• Different to “durability requirements” where requirements have to be met after
160000 km of use
• It is technically and economically challenging to predict changing environment
over time and the future resource needed. For example at a certain point of time
more than software updates may be required to ensure cyber security.
Development Production
How to maintain compliance in the post-production phase?
The vehicle manufacturer has to ensure that the processes of the CSMS, based on the
requirements, are executed. The key requirements are monitoring for potential cyber
attacks, detection of them and having a well exercised response plan.
Within the response plan the manufacturer may define a range of reponse options to
pre-defined situations and trigger points for them. Implementation of some options
(such as reducing vehicle functionility) may need discussion with regulatory bodies.
Detection Response
Summary of the proposal
Questions & Answers
Consequence of non-compliance
If a vehicle manufacturer fails to maintain their CSMS, or serious deficienes are noted in it
(for instance they are unable to detect or respond to a cyber attack) the national or regional
authority may take appropriate action. This may include withdrawing the certificate.
Without a valid CSMS Certificate of Compliance the manufacturer would no longer able to
apply for a new vehicle certification for Cyber Security. Continued production of existing
certified vehicles may also be affected.
Questions & Answers
2. Why is there not a fixed length of time for how long vehicles should be supported?
The issue, if of interest, will have to be addressed by the national/regional jurisdictions or
UNECE may decide to develop a harmonized framework on this topic.
Questions & Answers
The regulations do not address this. The issue is comparable to recalls due to safety/non-
complaince issues. Such legal obligations are today dealt with on national/ regional basis.
A lack of support will not automatically make a vehicle unsafe/not secure and vice versa. For
all vehicles there is a risk that there is a vulnerability which may be exploited. The risk will
depend on possibility of an exploit, the ability/willingness of people to use it, and its
outcome. A vehicle will only definitively become unsafe if there is a vulnerability found which
has been exploited to affect its safety. A vehicle will be at risk of such exploitation until the
vulnerability is fixed. The fix will depend on the vulnerability and its exploitation. Support
should reduce the chance of a vulnerability being found and exploited but will not negate
such risks.
4. Are there detailed test procedures specified for checking the cyber security of a
No. Without knowing the system being submitted it is difficult to define detailed test
procedures suitable for an assessment, especially due to the high complexity of vehicle
An alternative approach was adopted. This is that the vehicle manufacturer shall provide a
reasoned argument regarding the sufficiency of their measures and testing. This provides an
appropriate method to certify a Cyber Security Management System and the ability to check
which measures the vehicle manufacturer has implemented to ensure cyber security for a
given vehicle.
An interpretation guidance document is being written during a test phase to help provide a
consistent approach to assessments.
The recommendation section and annexes do include principles and mitigation measures
which could be used for reference for during assessments.
Questions & Answers
5. How will the risks and mitigations listed in Chapters 4 and 5 and their
corresponding Annexes B and C be maintained?
Both sections note that they are not definitive and vehicle manufacturers should consider
other sources to maintain an up to date appreciation of all possible risks and mitigations.
3. Overview on the test phase
Next step – testing the proposal
Proposed timeline for the test phase
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Paris Geneva TBC Geneva
meeting meeting
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of participants Coordination Coordination Final
Preparation Assessment
(latest Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Evaluation
Phase Phase
Assessment Phase
Reg. amendments
Prep Report on TP