Tilt Derivative Made Easy 07-2016
Tilt Derivative Made Easy 07-2016
Tilt Derivative Made Easy 07-2016
The tilt angle θ of a magnetic anomaly A is equivalent to local phase and given by
𝜃 = tan−1 � � ,
where the numerator and denominator are vertical and horizontal derivatives of the
anomaly, respectively, the latter given by
(Verduzo et al., 2004). The tilt derivative offers several advantages in the interpretation
of magnetic anomalies. First, the dependence of θ on magnetization is the same in both
the horizontal and vertical derivatives, so weakly magnetic bodies are treated with the
same weight as strongly magnetic bodies. Second, θ has a very simple form over simple
bodies. Over a vertical contact, for example,
where x is horizontal distance from the contact and z is depth (Salem et al., 2007). As
noted by Salem et al. (2010), equation 1 provides a graphical means to estimate z from θ :
noting that θ = π/4 when x = z, we simply measure the horizontal distance between the
zero and π/4 contours of θ, and this distance provides an estimate of z along the
contour. Thus, the mapped shape of the zero contour indicates the mapped shape of the
causative source, and the horizontal distance between the zero and π/4 contours provides
an estimate of the depth of the body beneath the zero contour. Alternatively, we could
measure the horizontal distance between the zero and π/8 contours to find 0.4142z, or
measure the horizontal distance between the zero and π/16 contours to find 0.1989z, and
so on. Using smaller contour intervals provides better estimates of z. Although
somewhat cumbersome, horizontal distances can be determined either graphically or with
mapping algorithms, such as those found in ArcGIS, Oasis montaj, or other GIS utilities.
Each of the graphical measures described above is equivalent to estimating the horizontal
gradient of θ at x = 0. From equation 1, the horizontal gradient is given by
dθ/dh = z/(x2+z2),
and, at x = 0,
z = [dθ/dh] -1 . (2)
Equation 2 provides a very simple way to map both the edges and depths of causative
sources from reduced-to-pole magnetic anomalies without the need for graphical
methods: We simply map the values of [dθ/dh] -1 along the zero contour of θ.
In Oasis montaj, a map-based interpretation of the tilt derivative is a matter of just a few
steps. Starting with a grid of reduced-to-pole magnetic anomaly values, we do the
1. Calculate the tilt derivative using the standard Oasis montaj GX. By default, the tilt-
derivative GX provides both the tilt derivative and its horizontal gradient. (Magmap
Tilt Derivative)
2. Map the zero contour of the tilt derivative without labels. (Map Tools Contour )
3. Export the zero contour layer to a shapefile. (Map Export )
4. Import the shapefile back into a Geosoft database. Specify “New database with shape
database(s)”. The zero contour will be represented in the shape database as X and Y
channels. (Map Import).
5. Determine the value of the horizontal gradient at each x,y coordinate, thereby creating
another channel. (Grid and Image Utilities Sample a Grid )
6. Add a channel to the database representing the negative of the reciprocal of horizontal
gradient. (Database Tools Channel Math)
7. Tidy up the database as desired, decimating points based on X and Y and windowing
points based on depth.
8. Use colored symbols to plot the value of depth at each xy coordinate. (Map Tools
Symbols Zone Colored )
Figure 1 describes a synthetic test of the method described above. The total-field
anomaly caused by two rectangular prisms is shown in Figure 1A. Both prisms have
vertical sides, and magnetization and ambient field are both vertical; i.e., the anomaly is
reduced to the pole. The northern prism is at a depth of 1 km; the southern prism at a
depth of 2.5 km. Figure 2 shows the outline of the prisms and estimated depths, as
determined by the tilt-derivative method.
Figure 1. Synthetic test of the tilt-derivative method. (A) total-field anomaly over two vertical-sided
prisms. The northern prism is at a depth of 1 km; the southern prism is at a depth of 2.5 km.
Magnetization and ambient field are vertical. (B) Shape and depth of the two prisms as estimated with
the tilt-derivative method.
Figure 2 shows an application to real data. Total-field anomalies (Fig. 2A) are from
north-central Washington, north of Wenatchee (Blakely et al., 2012). Short-wavelength
anomalies in the southeast quadrant are caused by strongly magnetic rocks of the
Miocene Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG) exposed in this area. Long-wavelength
anomalies elsewhere are caused by pre-CRBG intrusive rocks, continental sediments, and
metamorphic rocks, essentially forming the magnetic basement throughout the area
(Blakely et al., 2012). Figure 2B shows an interpretation based on the tilt-derivative.
Figure 2. Figure 2. (A) Total-field magnetic anomaly from north-central Washington State. (B) Source
outlines and depths estimated from tilt derivative. Black lines, zero-contour of the tilt derivative;
colored dots, depths estimated from the reciprocal of the horizontal gradient of the tilt derivative.
Blakely, R.J., Sherrod, B.L., Wells, R.E., and Weaver, C.S., 2012, Peeking below
Columbia River flood basalts with high-resolution aeromagnetic data:
implications for central Washington earthquake hazards [abstract]: Abstract
GP13C-02, presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, California,
December 3-7, 2012.
Salem, A., Williams, S., Fairhead, J.D., Ravat, D., and Smith, R., 2007, Tilt-depth
method—a simple depth estimation method using first-order magnetic
derivatives: The Leading Edge, v. 26, p. 1502-1505.
Salem, A., Williams, S., Samson, Esuene, Fairhead, D., Ravat, D., and Blakely, R.J.,
2010, Sedimentary basins reconnaissance using the magnetic tilt-depth method:
Exploration Geophysics, v. 41, p. 198-209.
Verduzco, B., Fairhead, J.D., Green, C.M., and MacKenzie, C., 2004, New insights into
magnetic derivatives for structural mapping: The Leading Edge, v. 23, p. 116-