Education Module For Health Record Practice: Objectives
Education Module For Health Record Practice: Objectives
Education Module For Health Record Practice: Objectives
Health record officers are acutely aware of the need for proper facilities for the efficient
and effective operation of the health record services. In fact, it has been recognised for
some time that architects, health facility planners, administrators and heads of
departments, should plan for construction of specialty areas together, as a team.
Although in many instances this has in fact happened, for a number of departments
there has been little participation by health record officers (MROs). The reasons for
non-participation are varied and range from the MROs not being consulted or involved
because the planning authorities do not realise their ability in this area, or the MRO has
not been interested or has felt incapable of involvement in such a daunting task.
3. calculate space required for defined functions, staff and health record
The hospital administration is responsible for seeing that the health record services of
their institution have adequate facilities and equipment for the efficient day-to-day
operation of the service. The criteria to meet this standard includes:
2. the Office and work space should be sufficient for health record staff to perform
IFHIMA Education Module 8: Planning a Health Record Department (2012)
their duties and for other authorised personnel to work with health records,
including records on microfilm or computer
3. there should be sufficient storage space for health records to allow for future
storage needs. This includes:-
a) an active storage area with sufficient space to include all health records
currently in use by hospital staff, and
b) available space to provide for both active and inactive health records
being stored under statutory guidelines
4. areas for active and inactive health record storage should be sufficiently secure
to protect records against loss, damage, or use by unauthorised persons
The planning of a health record department, whether for a new hospital or relocation
within an existing hospital, should develop from the interaction of three people: the
health record officer, the facility's planning co-ordinator and the architect. The MRO
contributes ideas especially on the detailed functions of the proposed department; the
planning co-ordinator has an understanding of the total requirements within the facility
and co-ordinates all departmental planning and the architect is responsible for defining,
both verbally and graphically the building or complex to meet a specified objective.
To design a department which will offer both efficient and effective services, the
planning team must clearly define the functions of the department and the
inter-relationships of the proposed department with other departments/areas of the
facility. For example, will the health record department be responsible for transporting
health record, for ordering and storing health record forms, for cleaning the department
or will these functions be the responsibility of another department. This involves looking
at procedures to be performed, staff requirements for the performance of these
procedures, the flow of work planned for the department and the hours of services
offered. This information should be stated in clear, logical writing, with sufficient detail
for an architect to understand what is required. (Greenlaw & Biggs, 1979).
The six phases determined by the architects (Lindell, 1974) which they believe should
be observed when designing a new hospital department are as follows:
A.Definition phase, that is the definition of the precise need the design of the
department is to meet
D. Total facility phase which looks at wants, as compared to needs, compared
to available resources. A total hospital proposal is prepared to enable the
selection of the most viable scheme for the department
E.Process phase - at this stage attention is focused on the actual function of the
individual departments. This means that each proposed procedure to be
performed in a department is thoroughly analysed and assessed. Diagrams
illustrating the various processes and procedures, most of which were
completed in the definition phase, are extremely useful as graphic
expressions of physical requirements and associated services. It is at this
phase that attention must be paid to the welfare, comfort and health of
workers in the proposed requirements for the department.
F. Department design phase is the stage where the architect prepares final
proposals to enable an optimum design to be prepared and selected.
Detailed drawings of each department are prepared, including all special
requirements. There must be a systematic means of assessing and
comparing the various schemes to enable the planning team to reach a final
In this Unit we will concentrate on the first two phases since these require the greatest
participation by the health record officer and also have the greatest applicability in
improving the layout of an existing department.
When preparing for this first phase in the planning of a health record department,
there are five major points to be considered. These are:
4. system of communication within the health record department and between the
department and other areas of the facility
5. system to be used to transport health records within the department and to other
departments and wards.
1. Location
When determining location consideration must be given to the need for the
department to be centrally located where it will provide:
That is it should be:
· close to wards
2. Space
Regardless of the type of facility, when planning for space requirements for
records, personnel and equipment, the health record administrator must
consider the following:
Before calculating file space required, decide how many years of health
records should be kept in active filing and estimate the number of records
generated per year.
The retention schedules recommended by the local health authority for
health records should be considered when determining record activity.
These retention schedules usually take into consideration:
Once the proposed number of records and the activity rate have been
determined the estimated number of health records over the number of
years of active filing can be calculated. The steps required are as follows:
· The next step is to determine the average size of each health record
e.g. one record = 2cms of linear shelf space
· The total filing space required, therefore, for these health records can
be calculated as follows:
IFHIMA Education Module 8: Planning a Health Record Department (2012)
e.g. using the above example:
= 334 = 66.8
100 = 40 metres per primary section
Each terminal digit will therefore occupy 20 full shelves. Should,
however, the calculations show that each terminal digit will occupy only a
portion of a shelf one might want to adjust the number of shelving units to
be acquired (or reduce the space allotted to each terminal digit).
b) Secondary storage
To calculate the space required for secondary storage, divide the total
number of records to be stored by the number of records to 1 metre, i.e.
150,000 inactive records to be stored and there are 50 records to 1 metre
divide 150,000 by 50. Health records, however, are generally filed in serial
order in secondary storage allowing for shelves to be packed to capacity, and
this could allow for 80 records to 1 metre. The reason you can get more
records/metres is (i) no need to allow for growth of individual record and (ii)
no need for working space since there will be little movement. The
calculation would then be:
Consideration must be given to the space the patients' master index will
occupy. When all or part of the PMI is on cards, the space requirements can
be considerable. The steps to be followed in calculating the space needed to
file the index cards and guides are the same as those for the health record
The floor space is determined by the number of staff, desks, files and other
equipment necessary, and ample room must be provided for each employee.
Huffman (1994) recommends that the minimum space allocated for each
office worker should be 5.57m2, although this estimation may vary, it is still a
good guideline.
· the initiation of health record documentation and the design and control of
all record forms
· filing and retrieval of all inpatient and outpatient health records with an
inbuilt record control system
3. Staff required
attendances (if A&E reports are incorporated in the unit record) and research
undertaken by medical staff.
(a) Forecasting:
· defined how each task is to be divided into manageable work units or jobs
the next step is to forecast the number and type of staff required to perform
each job. That is, the MRO needs to be able to predict the number of direct
employee hours required to cover the jobs outlined in each job description.
There are a number of forecasting techniques used to cope with the
problems involved with human resource forecasting. For our purposes,
traditional statistical projection, could be used by using the correlation of staff
to patient discharges/deaths and attendances. The time to process one
health record of a discharged patient can be estimated as suggested in the
following hypothetical example:
70 x 20 x 7 = 9800 minutes or 163.3 hours
If each clerk worked 7.5 hours per day for five days, the number of staff
required for this process would be:
163.3 = 4.35
That is, 4.5 full-time equivalent staff members would be required to complete
the discharge procedure in a hospital with approximately 25,480 annual
A similar procedure could be undertaken for each job within the department
using the prepared job descriptions.
Hours Hours
Activity per week Activity per week
608 = 16.2
The MRO could then indicate the actual staff required for each job, e.g.
Relief staff based on estimated absences such as recreation leave, sick leave,
etc. should also be determined, as should supervisory and professional staff
Since privacy is desirable for the chief health record officer (for talks with
personnel, doctors, lawyers, administrators), a private office may be
necessary. However, in smaller hospitals the MRO may prefer to be with the
staff in the main department area.
4. Equipment
The number of staff and the functions of the department will determine the
equipment required.
a) Filing
The space should also be allocated for aisles and it is generally accepted
that main aisles should be 150-155 cms wide and secondary aisles 90-95
b) Computer facilities
c) Dictating/transcription
d) General
e) Special space
Keeping in mind that:
· desks should be arranged so that paper moves in a straight line and only
a short distance at a time
· amount of floor space required will depend largely on record activity and
whether or not data processing or microfilm programs are established,
The use of a movement diagram (Stoner, Collins & Yelton 1985) which is an
overlay of the flow of work through the layout, can assist with determining that
furniture and equipment are placed effectively.
When preparing a layout for the architect, the MRO should be able to use
appropriate terminology and blueprint symbols to illustrate the essential
features such as columns, lifts, doors, windows, furniture and equipment, etc.
This will give everyone including the MRO, a visual image of the proposed
6. System of communication
7. Transport
hospitals use motorised trolleys which need to be stored in the MRD when
not in use. Provision for all these needs must be considered in the definition
phase of filing.
8. Layout
· it is important that full use be made of available space. Desks and files
must be arranged to provide maximum efficiency, light and air
· use of colour - walls, floors, furniture and equipment (light colours for
walls - bright for accents and trims)
· equipment should be near user and the doors wide enough for record
· desks should face the same direction with 1 to 1 1/2 metres between
· it is best to place the file space to the back of the department - it should
not be placed near the main entrance (for safe keeping)
At the completion of the definition phase the MRO should be ready to prepare a
brief for the architects which will include the proposed functions and services of the
IFHIMA Education Module 8: Planning a Health Record Department (2012)
department, the preferred location, the capacity with regard to space, staff and
equipment, relationship to other departments, and any other design features to be
considered. Requirements may be illustrated by drawing a plan.
The brief should include work flow diagrams, and a proposed layout with specific
reference to ergonomic consideration in all aspects of the design. If the MRO does
not feel confident in making determinations on ergonomic issues an expert in this
area should be consulted.
Effective planning of a health record department for a new facility or in an existing one
is an important responsibility which should be readily accepted by the health record
officer. As discussed previously, the planning process MUST begin with clarification of
the FUNCTIONS to be performed and SERVICES to be offered. The health record
officer is the best person to undertake this important step and should be prepared to do
1. ACHS (1992) The Accreditation Guide: Standards for Australian Health Care
Facilities, 5th Ed. Syndey:ACHS.
5. Stoner, J.A.F., Collins, R.R. and Yetton, P.W. (1985) Management in Australia,
Sydney: Prentice-Hall.
6. Wakely, G. (1974) Health records Practice in New Zealand, 2nd Ed. Auckland:
National Health Statistics Centre, Department of Health.
. General description
Administer the health record services of a health care facility, including the
development, planning, implementation, evaluation and control of health care
systems and services
. Functions
The primary function of the MRO is the organisation and administration of patient
information systems in health care facilities
Develop, plan, implement and control health record systems and services
Retrieve, collect, compile and analyse data for internal and external statistical and
reporting purposes and for use in patient care, clinical and health service research,
evaluation and education
M.R.O. qualifications
The compilation of information contained in these modules is the property of IFHIMA, which reserves all rights
thereto, including copyrights. Neither the modules nor any parts thereof may be altered, republished, resold, or
duplicated, for commercial or any other purposes
IFHIMA Education Module 8: Planning a Health Record Department (2012)