Cub Cadet 71,102,122,123 Parts Manual

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Cub Cadel. PARTS CATALOG TC-113 CUB CADET ® TRACTORS SERIAL NOS. 400,000 AND BELOW CUB CADET CORPORATION « P.O. BOX 360930 » CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136 PRINTED INUS.A, 70: ALL CUB CADET SERVICING DEALERS FROM: CUB CADET SERVICE DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 30, 1991 SUBJECT: TC-113 ENCLOSED YOU WILL FIND REVISION NUMBER 26 OF THE TC-113 CUB CADET TRACTOR ILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOG COVERING TRACTORS MANUFACTURED BY INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER. THESE TRACTORS WERE MANUFACTURED BETWEEN 1960 AND 1971. THIS CATALOG HAS BEEN REPRINTED USING THE CURRENT PART NUMBERS AND KITS WHERE APPLICABLE, YOU SHOULD STILL KEEP YOUR OLD CATALOG AS A REFERENCE FOR PART NUMBERS YOU MAY HAVE IN YOUR INVENTORY THAT CUB CADET NO LONGER CARRIES. Cth Cadel. PARTS CATALOG TC-113 CUB CADET ® TRACTORS SERIAL NOS. 400,000 AND BELOW ISSUED 691 (CUB CADET CORPORATION « P.O, BOX 360930 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136 PRINTED INU.S.A, MAJOR SECTION INDEX CUB CADET i@ black tabs shown on the right-hand side of this page line up with the corresponding |tabs in the catalog. Tabs are quickly locat-| led by bending the catalog. INTRODUCTION This catalog contains a complete list of service parts for the International Cub Cadet ‘Tractors with Serial No, 400000 and below. For service parts for International Cub Cadet equipment, refer to CPE-2. For service parts for International Cub Cadet Tractors with Serial No, 400001 and above, refer to TC-157 Parts Catalog. As new Cub Cadet Tractors are developed and introduced to the territory, or when changes are made on tractors already listed herein, new and/or revised loose leaf pages will be issued, Following is @ brief summary of the sys tern used in compliling this catalog. It is to your advantage to carefully study this sum- mary. (1) GENERAL. This catalog is divided into sections with each section containing 2 com- plete listing of service parte for one or more tractor models. Each section is preceded by an Index Divider which lists the tractor mod- als, The Index Dividers and the section pages are identified by @ section designation (Section ‘A, Section B, etc.) which governs the sequence of the parts listings in the catalog. NOTE: The letters "I", "O", and "Z" are not used to designate sections due to the similarity to the numeric "1", pt gaa uae (2) INDEXES. There are two types of Indexes in this catalog, viz., A. Separate Index to Units for each Tractor, which includes - (2) Mustration. {2) Model designation and description. {3) Years built. {4) Basic units comprising equip- ment (If applicable). (5) Mounting frames or completing packages. (6) Attachments. (7) Conversion packages. B, Numerical Index of part numbers at the end of the catalog. In the "Page" column of this index, the page number is preceded by a letter which denotes fhe section in which the part number is listed. (3) ILLUSTRATIONS, The "Exploded View"! method which is used in this catalog, illustrates the parts in groups or units. Reference num. bers only are shown in each illustration. These numbers correspond to those in the reference number column in the list of parts associated with each "Exploded View". Unnumbered parts are the same as corresponding parts with reference numbers shown elsewhere in the illustrations. CAUTION: Reference numbers are not used when ordering parts. Always use International Harvester Part numbers or description when ordering. (4) PARTS LIST. The parts lists following the individual equipment index to units, are divided into groups or units and consist of - (a) Description of units. {b) Exploded views of units, {c) List of individual service paxte and assemblies keyed to the exploded views for easy identification, (d) Description of service parts, with information as needed to cover years used supersedence, optional notations, serial numbers (if any), ete, {e) Quantity, where necessary, of each individual part used in the unit, Where no quantity is in- dicated it is understood to mean that only "-1-"" is used. Appropriate references are made through- out the parts listings, when necessary to explain peculiarities, When complete units or individual parts of a unit are "closed-off" and/or are replaced by new parts, the information is reflected either by "Years Used" or by "Serial Number". The information which is peculiar to the pro- duction of the tractor is shown as part of the unit heading for complete units, or following the description for individual parts of a unit. Assemblies are shown in the unit lists to- gether with their component parts wherever these assemblies cannot adequately be identi- fied with a reference number in the illustration. In some cases the individual parts of an assem- bly are not available for service because dis- assembly of the components is considered im- practical, Such parts are marked with the symbol " -2. INTRODUCTION - Continued Whenever the terms "Right" or "Left" and “Front or "Rear" are used, it is understood to mean from a position behind and facing the equipment. Pneumatic tires and tubes shown in this catalog are not supplied as service parts. These items must be purchased locally. (5) PART NUMBERS, The policy governing part numbers is outlined in the pamphlet What is a Parts Number?" which has been Distributed throughout the company operations. (6) ATTACHING PARTS. Items in This category- auch as bolts, nute, screws, rivets, ete., are indented immediately under parts which they attach, They must be ordered separately a6 they are not component parts of the pieces they attach, (7) SERIAL NUMBERS AND LETTERS. The engine serial number is stamped on a plate on the left side of the engine. The chasis (or tractor) serial number is stamped on the right side of the reduction gear housing, or on a plate located on the top rear or left side rear face of the transmission case. The chasis serial numbers run consecu- tively regardless of the tractor model, how- ‘ever, no attempt is made to have the engine and chasis serial numbers correspond. ~ Customers are urged to supply the chasis serial numbers, when ordering parts, ale SECTION A CUB CADET INDEX TOUNTTS DESCRIPTION PACE i Pot Front and Connections Rear 20, US on Braion at Gosco Qorburgtor 8 Bisa BE BS Gear, Steering and Connactons Generator, Motor (or wactrs Sie leks a Handi, implement and Conr Eich Gives font sesso B Helse, Bato 0 Hood au Hovsing 8 6 Hira Uni 2 800 en " {Reso ehaigs io Uphtog, Eletti.. 13 Mechanism, Goar Shift ane}, Insvument Power Tako-Ol, Ti Product Graphics . eee Regulator, Voltage (lor wactors welche stator) Seat... Staniag Transmission Woights, Rear Whee! Wheels Front Rew Section 4 a TOIT aR International Cub Cadet Tractor equipped with Electric Starter (Right Front View) SECTION A 23. SECTION A CUB CADET KH-PA-30565, ‘710-3011 KH-PAg0564 710-011 KH-41-622-99 TC-113 SERVICE ENGINES Engine Assembly, Kohler K-161-T, 7 HP {Equipped with Retractable Starter) Complete replacement engine will be Kohler K-181, BHP, Spec. No. 30565 Screw, 3/8-16 X 1-1/8 G-Z Hox Hd Cap oon Engine Assembly, Kohler K-161-S, 7 HP sss (Equipped with Electric Starter) Complete replacement engine will be Kohler K-181, BHP, Spec. No. 30564 Screw, 318-16 x 1-1/8 C-Z Hox Hd Cap Engine Assembly, Short Block, Kohler A-238027, 7 HP .... Bearing Plate, Bearing & Bushing Bearing Plate Gasket Breaker Assembly Breaker Rod Camshaft Assembly Camshatt Cover ‘Camshatt Cover Gasket ‘Camshaft Pin Camshaft Spacers Connecting Rods Crankshaft Cylinder Block Assembly Exhaust Valves Front Oil Seal Governor Gear Assembly Governor Cross Shaft Assembly Governor Stop Spring Intake Valve Rear Oil Seal Spring Upper Retainer ‘Tappeis Valve Spring Valve Spring Retainer a storson A he SECTION A core frome Tera =k SES —a esa [ewan ti SEmES HP —CONTIRIED ' 2 NOTE | USE FOR Em | 5 Cre y 8 HP PARTS@MLY | — | 1 53 o @ 3 | i af +92 | | 9 73 68 32 Qo 1 6 QS \ + 70 s Oo i ” ad we Pi 5 9 2897's } 2 94 | “ee 34 5 | —— | | 7 A | Z oe | 10 9 of % 1 wl? So 1 15 4 : F98| : — ' ' | | | | | i { ! i ! 276 ; oo 0—o i Eesseeh eee 1 Trane Nt 14:20 Wing 1 ihn sa ape ‘ a] inezose7 Gast + taliae2oo04e Gather, vale Cove 2 3! KH-231847_ Element, Air Cleaner 1 19 KH-290086 Breather Assy ... 1 4] ivezsies6 Cover Ar Clana + tales Cover say, Ve { | ta Base, Ar Clee: i eee Wash ek } | Fo's000 ‘Seiow, 992 38 Sai tap 2 [re 2 Sev 832438 make F shravzstero 1 5 NLA 1 16/ KH-230008 1 aia 1 47/Kitzsco%0 2 2 raezoe70s Hoa 1 ie ean 2 | wHA027-10 Hout Blower (Used Spc, 1 a8INLA af 1 ‘aes 30) wie zsoz03 ola Hey ower Uren span. 1B ates [knx25-63 Washer 1 21] ki-230710 is ay | | ie SEN VASO AGA HELGE monn | * Gommea Harare to} .200049 Stud, Va Cover ne 1 | Purchase Localy -20- secrion - n he a eS seerion 4 iar TOTS er "aa TATE cme sgemm [ENGNG =KISY SERES-EHRC~COWRUED zala41-00.03 calkiannoteee al a7.060.01 25| NLA 25[1H-482000 27)imaor9s7-m1 te |iazatoeza 2 |i -89.08 ete sol asses a iat ass008 gel erresie 33] aies884 94] KHX-589-2 38} 01200071 a KH.200125.5 orl morse selina Pay |Tdsors 30| Ko. 8 238001 fo} wzatn07 3 41] KH-290170 ‘aliatasire7 43} NLA. 7120267 sal wiv zzosee 45] kibatont-10 46|asaeri 7] neat 79525 ‘| ki.zae8e7 40 | oraaar7es 50} KH-201708 51] 7reaee0 21 Ki.zs0010 53] KH.281820 4] sanoe Rt 55) Kiatort-o¢ ae 56) 1.988200. | 58 | NLA 59] Ki.204077 53/NtA Kites t2se7oR: 1128087 [in-t2t988 ! 60 | Ki s208t-17 61 | KH. 240082 TH-8409108 ee} KHx2542 63 |KH-290078 64 | KH.220876 6 |KH.250877, fincas Canals Spring, Actuating ..... “Teor Exaut Va tan png rc) Ebon Hove ast Cart Caper fe eo Beart Chola ip Fe, Exar Seal Fron Gh Saal Rear asket Stat ovemor Brg, Bal Fae Bs 19 (Used on Spec No. 30564) don este 38 Uaioe Bes ‘Serow, 1 Mint Block Assy Guido, Valve Insont, Exhaust Val Crankshaft. Nui, BS Xi Hie Washer .. Gasket, Head, Screw, 816-18 X 1-172 Hox Cap .. Ps 14 X34 (Unod on pus, 3580) Screw, No, 8-82 X 114 (Used on Spee. No. 30884), Seroon (Used on Spec No. 90564) wns Pe ats si Richer 8 bck (Used on Rega Bio lusezon pe Nk S68 Hox (Usodon Span Nase) Gasket, Fual Pump Pad. Cer, Pum cae ‘SSton a ani "ia ew Sap Pia Washoe on Linkage, Governor Bushing, Governer Brackot, Speed Conta [a ial ~K16y SERES-B HP ~GONTIRED. 66|Kt-290500.5 KH 25.56, 671KH.281355 60 |KH 204006 eal. 2a0149 TOIKH-A-235743-S ni KH 280814 {730.0469 ikHxo7=a6 712-8008. ralisvaszet7 ranisst70.01 lesat-as04 rolvasaausat 76] KH-47-150-08 7hro+47-15009 a yebisarte008 HKH.280249 so|NLa. IkH.47-160.03, KHXAST=t saline | kH-a-290971 38 i! al eelKH.236087 OT] KHa29s741 at f 9} £888 889 2 gge8 gene I KH X-75-10 KH-41-041.08 IKH-41-198-08, Hiatat474.08 etre iat ara08 tre 260008 NLA NA ta 41 057-40 Rea 200505 LA 1259516. inSrecae RY {KH-41-004.01 | kH-25.757-01 Shalt, Governor Wacher Pia, Governor Sp Bearing, Noodto Diso, Regulating Gear, Governor Layer, Govaror Stowe ta eo XT Hai Sp Washer, ane Screw, 48 Soll Tap Not td:20 Hex. ‘Spring, Govomor oe baie Oct Se sary eran Sir i i cis wi Ri MASSA KG ren et Tok Rl an i cz tener Ser, on teases ena a ae ‘aie abt a Tpuon (and on Silo Aaty (so on Soe No. 0588 meceugeaaret i ood Tonio Usedon Spee Neoteay" Pg, 98 Pip Plton Assy’ 020 OFS Piston Assy. 090 OFS Retainer, Pin Bn, Piston, St on Bin, Piston, 008 Gis. Fin, Piston, 010 O18 od Asty, Connecting, Red Assy: Gonnecing, Sto U8 Lock, Connecting Rod .. ‘Serow, Connecting Rod lip, Choke Cable ip, Thrttie Cable Ki, Gasket. . i, Carburetor Repair ** Common Hardware Burehaco Lecaly a SecTION A a section + | eee exon exczne eee feces ee " ann eucnean arate rene == Tear aay senres 7 we coe : I ! NOTE USE FOR Ki61 : oC. 7 HP PARTS ONLY i r I | i i | i | | I { | i | 1 i 46 | 144 | 1 on 96 998 ! 90 i » A ( i oa | | | | I I { ' ' I i | Q. As : i BS A, 8} section A ‘section 4 “Oral TEISy SEATED <7 Ws ORES “Sy exaaile “IGT SERIES 7 > “COM AAES ein ee Egy safcians onitene to a s ree a : EE cat ann | | }—alerote® ont dee mean | | a ee ' | Saou CBI ER 3 27 K¥.250048 2 ee ithe SABE Eo ! aja phew me | [seer we #eens i ret - a taza ee 7 ; sofntoss sea a “Pines EBaNR ER aeuaciress =} rhkane rr ber a hax25-68 Washer, S603 We oat se Sarturoes Assy (Fo compan wu. 4 5iNta Bracket, Choke Cable (Unit 8) 1 Wigan ce emma earacaceat ‘| fetetemaorenag oes See remy yA Niet sien | ies r W420 X x 4 sal KH-210223 Gasket, Carburoter .... 1 ima Hotes + diternt Eten conmmrted tim | | 7 t ‘KH-234402 Battle, Cynder Head Air 1 st ‘KH-290450 ‘Crankshaft 1 8 |is0086 Balla, Cyd A ! 36] 4018 Koy, Crankahal en 1 i Seas eee tack Wash a7 Nt ‘Washer, Flywheel Tension (Unit A) wou. 1 INL Clip, Choke Cable (Unit B) nen 1 30] KHeasta7e Faywhedl 1 10} 1H-263515-R91 Clip, Choke Cable (Unit A) ..... 1 39} KH-291263. Potey, Flywheel (Unit 8) 1 ' Ppt tt Grankcase As are ee 40) K4-8-231269 Cup As; "| SSRN 5 ikea Rae deat 1 Mejias ou an sina sabe Coo : ‘ate tue conve Fon peupeaine : Pale ae ee 49]1H-985208-R1 Pio, Flywheel Drive Cup 1 ‘s|ik-7esee Pg 1-1 Expansion 44/49 90080 fod ey, Comectg 1 16 /NLa Plato, Crankcaso 44| KH-B-280088-10 Rod Assy, Connecting, IOUS nme 1 forte Sertiaeae? * 45| KH.200525 Lock, Connecting Rod Serow 1 |Xeico5-12 Waster, ea x vex 062, 6h NLA Screw, Connactng Rd .. 2 | Piston Assy, Std 1 vfs lg eee net bese 9, i Basia rea ay oe i 18 IH-ST213 Bearing, Crankcase Ball 2 Platon Asay, 090 OFS wshose-1 Scone pons BeBe Se geenenmnome | Boats PRP SSE | ailicse2 — giacuteeorenandns 1 grant Ramee Pome 7 ae BE ERS ee | zat + BRE SESS) oo | ** Common Hardware Purchase Localy, sons oat em aan Er mae Pi wise 5 Ring, Compression (Not sarviced ‘ 65 | 1H-401968-R1 Line, Fue! Filter to Carburetor Fuel — 1 | Soaecepesar. ss | scligeanete ; al fg eceaneaeied tease, : | ‘separately, order ring se!) 1 ialanaal i soltiatmes ted Op ty , } saiaraeece coun Ge Hoed : i ssliccaaos Washer Ofer 7 fea ; seltoiasets0 ast Cynder Hod 1 [stots =! ' 7 or fe 7! KH-292617 ‘Govemot (Also order lever — ? i SEES a i seasommteeen a sola Fight Cama 2 eal itea007e——_Lntag, cota Blgivemae ena a : SiN Spring, Spark AGVENC won scnsnnsmenne 2 VNU Ley: Soe ee SEE } hea Pence rae! fe Het ise tee eels a | SS erfrirees Pr, cana : raixeste = SRS er on, 4 selec gin. sera oe ters 250004 Pee 7 81 I ‘KH-230540-S- ‘Shaft Assy, Govemor Cros cals cy ro Ua (SOG SMRBUr Soreness F iia banal cam, terion unit) oak 1.200876 Bushing, Cross Shaft .. ia bane ‘Tappet, Valve 3] KH. 200149 Diso, Governor Reauial ing ‘s|ict-220008 Var, ake. i Sean Sarees 66) KH-2307 » : See ee salazs0s77 Brace Speed Corte nt Tait . a via - 95 | KH-20¢8se Boating, Cross Shatt Neodke 1 saliidesioese cer ese te celta Pa. cape : ieee Suncare ee o7iNLA Magneto Assy (Lait A) ’ 70! KH-290164 ‘Tank Assy, Fuel wiFiler Ci 1 98] NLA Coil, Magnoto (Unit A) .. 1 asso te ea eee ela acess See nl an 2° Wagers Sr uae un : HSER? flan : IBA Stas tae EA cgeae—— B | Seema rin CE 72 { Waster 20K S802 ieee | (ox Hd Cap | Hox Hd'Cap : ig eae eee ola cutee aslicsesies reat Any ut ak Into von s8 741 NLA Nipple, 1/8 X 2/4 C-2 Pipe 1 | PiRd Sh Mech 7e|KitActoror Fer Ast, Ful om veoligtestest col pon ut : rejeizioue Bed Fal ar 7 | eva eat — T7IKH-A210490 Valve Assy, Nooclo 1 [786-0178 Washer, 17/64 X 9/6 X 06202 — 2 7a| KH-210470 ‘Screen, Filter ... zi 103 H-62188-6+1 Condenser, Ignition Coil (Unit 8). ‘791 KH-210467, Bowl, Fuel Filter Glass ..... 1 404! NLA Cable Assy, Condonsor to .. t 1 Becaker nit A) 801 KH-210468 Gaskat, Fuel Filter Bow... oe 104 |KH-A-290971 aay Condenser to see ‘11 KH-A-210477 Bail Assy, Fuol Filter Bow... 1 | Breaker (Unit B) cl ateare if ees tae tana peo ter cat — 83) 1H-144526-H1 ‘Steave, Fuel Lino: 2 Pa _ sistaahansasastevmeten Bae oe eae ue nt seg eco | acaba a ** Common Hardware Porchase Local mos Ter a SECTION 4 TOUT TOT SERTES 7 Wo —CONTENOED won na. 1. SECTION 8 TTT gb ee tttcntergy TENGENE “RIOT SERIES <7 A> ~CONTENUES. 7 108) a ta7ltH976200.R1 Bak Ove (Ut) ane) 1 ‘KH-47-150-03) 138! ‘Motor Generator (For components... ‘Seton wiWashor, 82 X 14 ’ i Sooltot pate ine doutear " * | seSban each losers Mageaersee OS oo atat.o1 1 | Bata EEO HOR mm olKiegases Cover, reser. : | Wthee, 616 Ba La mn EE Cenc estar fof mrza148 i. Mar Gane Noung. | Hd Mach ‘1991 NLA ‘Shim, Motor Generator Mounting .. 119 KH-52-041-11 Gasket, Breaker Cover .. 1 I Bak (Unt 8) sreluivec Pug, Spa (ChampOA) cnet 4a} NLA Biggh Mob Generate Mounirg 1 w2cecon: — Ser 9-16 x 78 62. tral tos 1 " forteG ' I vals i Ph ca) nn sat nieesters ‘1S1NLA Assy, Ground UIA) ace 1 viens ca | roar ' (Beyent Het art Re Ba™="" Hede4o-Rt ' } i sehen Sinn Semon an ‘ ‘coors i at, Magnet (Unit A) 1 12) ro.zas ——_ pyly Meter nmr 1 rela State Assy, Hevacialo Unt A) anf t (Weir) BERR VEC ccs & ual a7e250-Rt Got, Motor Gonecator Deve (Unt... 4 i Wastor (Se4x 189218.Gn-.. § sual KHL 220410 Mr, Exhaust 1 | pene | 1181 KH-290786 Cover, Retractable Starter (Unit) nan 1 ae cee eee tenes eines : perl ts ag Guu RaLIGiaA : 145 |tH-127074 Nipple, 1 1472. 1 vata Potor, Stator (it A) ‘| 147 | 742-0260 Nut Exhaust Multlor BROW LOK aos 1 k 148 | KH-X-60-50 ‘Screw, 8/16-18 X 9/8 Hex. 122} KH.201666 ‘Cord, Startor (Unit A) f 1 \ BESE IES * 88 Hex Soe 2 $22]H408868F01 Haneda, trae CMS (UAEA) co 4 alreaise kay 186X212 Sq Pate Uae). 1 124) KiLA 220616 Shoe Ay Fon Unit) nano 280A Ccamehat Aexy (Emo with t ‘eoin-2e0017 Lever, Filtlon Shoe Brake (Unit A) au. 1 fomactabl 3 sor 12/KH¥220610 Pat, Fiction Show (Unt A) 2 Hr Aza0I85S Gamba Asay EAE Vm 1 1 on orgeé sarin Spring, Fein Sho (UnitA) smn 2 | ‘waulomate compression eats) 128) NLA lato, Friction Shoe Spring (Unit A) 2 18 |kH-47-009-01 ‘Spring, Camshaft Actuating .. 1 $20} zzcens Washer, Fiber (Unit A) esvennnnnie 2 [KH-41-006-01 Gasket KI, Enging t s0}ata Washer, Brake (Unit A) 2 |KH-A290155-8 Kit, Camehat Replacomont os 131] KH-220618 Spring, Brako (Unit A) on i sae saela ‘Wosber, Brake Retainer (Unt A) ns | Burehase Local 123}un-a7e010-R1 Ring, Rearing (UntA) 1 | rach ange, temedite (Unt 1 \ 195|NLA Flango, Log Mount (Unit A). 1 | 1361NLA Flange, Mountir Init A) Peete | Ti BeuGeee— f ! SHEL HE Mach Pee i | | I I | | | ' | ! | i | i ! never salonase ' _— seo - sri 6 a PART YS aR Tes "Tomalttth sucen [erst Sk aranceo——e ! * CL RE as 8707) | aahorarstoat 860m RBM anna | a nestles | | “| seoncetata Sah | | eat Ball, Choke Shaft... 1 ' 24 Valve Assy, Choko (Furnish 1 | | ccompits Carturator Assy) | al Bec, Cao (Ort mnie 4 | 2slKHi232555 Spring, Throte see | otzzsse Sn, ta LmarAdutng | a Searetilea ay | | ae sermons Bangs =~ * | shores ent no | | (For carburetor 0-230500) | joss gee 5 Jes acene e tpovmeses spn. Hin pn ed anne | apocssoia Nao, Hen Spe none | 3|NLA ‘Shalt & Lever Assy, Throttle fi | 4 {NLA ‘Sorew, Throtle Lover Adjusting .. 1 t Peon, ‘Sorew, Isle Adjusting ot | 6} KH-200860 Spring, lle Adfustng SEW sane 4 | 7 $oah Thotle halk DUE gens 4 | | Sear ara | i Rema | | Yaseen at ‘ | Vee casa 10) Pg, 978 Aluminum Expansion. 1 | a epee | wl ea Nest ea 7 (Furnish Repair Kit KH-25-757-05) | a ee | | i RSE Sr | 14lv01.200878 Pin, oat & Lover 1 | 15|KH.25.787.03 leat 8 Lover Assy aed | elxi-200975 _Gaskot,Fuel Bow! Ping . 1 | s7iKH25-041-02 Gasket, Fuel Bow. 1 { Bow, Fool 1 ! | oe SECTION & -o- secraoN A Hy seecret0n srsre Hy ersten vere ar aT TOT a Tors THOTON GENERATOR = DELGO-RENT= TWGTOR GENERATOR — GELCO-RENY=—SONTENUED [=TRacTOnS MITW ELECTAIC STARTER iFraacroaa witn eLeSTAge Sfanren- a i { 26 t i t | 1 1 { { | I i 1 1 { | t i { { | { | { t I | { { t ' t 1H-s308202 ‘Motor Genorator Assy, 12 Volt 1 teltH-s96sa96 ‘Screw, Pole Shoo win 2 sintssoo7 Frage tty, Commune Ed van} tolin-10r079 alt, Fil Cot 2 | i oiNta Shoo, Polo wt i i i : aula Frame whler, vo En } alin. cca 2 2i{NLA Frame, DtV8 ENG oencerun 1 lig aalim-seses0o Cota Dive End 1 al wetor6see 12 circa: GRRRERORSy : als 1 ie Chelate sina 1 | fe sh Bf aio ; i 24lt-s2s600 oer, comms su rma ' i iseaser atesh” aha 1 asia Washer, Ove End Shah NutLock.. 1 | 25|-loctore Waste Eng Shan ut task | i i (Otesi HE rototsonoes a} n-taro4e | iene ae i 26)IH-1016172 Nut Drive End Shaft ' zrlmsioiee ate, ive End cas tol meters 4 1 (eaves tila Washor, Fld Terminal Sud Lock 4 sina Me Edo 1 rei NLA Washer, T 28| 94744 1 | enemas . i Gee wregtovoeh i i 19! 1H-1058753 ‘Washer, Terminal Stud Insulating ... 1 i BET OTE talus Busting, Belt Torin Ipsdatrg ~ } | 741-0961 Bearing, Drive End Ball 1 Ae, Bushing: Fis: : 80] 1H-1912008, Gasket, Drive End Retainer Plato... 1 15) 31/1 NLA, ive Er Beast 1 PERSE CL F802) wns 4 3)MMaron ah BiB Rat car | 16} Frame (Not servicod seperately) wu. 1 | SREB saer ae | Ragin a ie a esa RSE = : 2 NLA ‘shoe, Pole 1 t ERE Car ats asl setae 1 L H yeeros: sve 10+ seerion A -10- secrion a evectarcat syste FF TOTS War lug, Commutator End Boaring Woll 1 (Order Part No -1998007). at gue ak ort arr — oxen near SUSE reece PRRs ne tee apres \ ( sefivacores oot Tw La | B5I7860110 Wash THU Bo -vansnnnnnne 2 \ ehneteae2 ——puaing, Amat Toma sas 4 | Tasca i vee 7 |h-1088740 S04, Tein! AMARID wee | $8 |NLA Clip, Terminal to Brush wt { 89 tHe 124545 Key, No. § Woodeutf Aly-Sit ne | Y 40 /1H-1999004 Armature .. eee | ' SONA ‘Armatre a | ' TH Bopets) (ea wi 130198) i 41]tH-t040422 Holder, Brush OBES evens 1 | aa)na Pin, Commusator End DOW one 1 | ‘| m200668 Pi Divo End Donel 1 | 44 xH-20889 Pu Mtr Genera et aon 1 | i (asad Bertola? | dcjovasire Sir seve ue sfinore206R2 Bek Baton Hl Den ene 2 ! ee ai | id acter WLa7E298-Re Clamp Baten Hol DoH nn 4 | (Geeawn i HeFoe6) TEST? ane baste oon 46441005901 bowing, ConmularErd Bal ne 1 | sel see99 San Communor Eat Boag = 1 lenses nnorcaon 47|7505958 Col Feld- RM Shun (et012) 1 | | 7 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ‘Tip-8945e4-R1 Bracket, Charge Indicator vonsnin 1 | - ‘Setow, 10.84% 12-2 2 { Stan Hd tach 1 [pszsr082 Nut, 10-26 XZ Hox Mach Screw 2 i | 736-0722 Wastir, No. 100-2 Med Lock. 2 | t 21 708.000 Indicator Acty, Charge 3{1M-957601-RO1 Gable Ary, Charge ladctor to 1 | Takagi Baty fora | 44/1H.994585.R01 able Assy, Charge Indicator... | Stating Salt’ ' 5|1H117089 Grommet, Charge Instr Cabos + * Common Hardware Purchase Losaly ou section Hip ceerr0% seen ne Waar TITS TOTTION AND STARTING : \ view 7 i i 1 | i \ \ \ ' ' 1 i i ' \ i ' ' | ' i { | | | | i 2 {| | 1 { i i 1 i i | tal ade view Tractors with slectte storter Service Pars for Tractors wikloctic State (Gensists ofa” Unmarked pars & foto marked Unit A) Sonica Pans orate yyeon Unmarteg pars & Bose marked Unt) 1H.305522-892 ere lon (Unt A) 1 | IH-doase2-Re itch Ass) i oy rea Ba . : 1H-27805-A1 : 16 X Wa On arash h 1 { 1 t | | I i | { ' t i i | { { | | 1 i a i 1 2 |irorose - ‘nssoo.a1 1 isesegha i ne i 1 Washer Sen ie able, gion Col Poitve ‘Terminal to igniton Switch, (Ordar Hamess Assy} (Unit A) one SECTION 1 EectAICAL syste TORTTION. ANG STARTING -COnFTHUES TENT View of voltage regulator “owing connectont tate ade view ‘Tractors with rotrectable Sigs Brash Ua Bren” Unita) Grommet, Cable (Units A & B) . Such Any, Sang (et A) ‘Sit Pan Hd Mach i Masher, TGS X S18 X 049 049 C-Z ... Pee ae sebrorertaia (For latoring catlet eich Cable Seruieet, Batery Terminal we 1 (rer mess Ris unc ay eS an (Grr lamaséAsoy (Unt. A) emmon Hardyare ah ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TEMETEOH AN SYARTING “CONTINUED [ERETION AND STARTING ~CONTTWWED slnaersee gah ste + ney Made ne nme ees Sienna rah aa eg) Sere 8 9 C2 Han HaCap — 2 oat he ee cre riety yeas ERE ie i fase | ReARER ere ae sion guanine + (arnt gaa Sy ego see asasrea green eee eee ow satel 2846 {736-3020 jasher, ieee bis eee 1 10|1H-379595-R91 Hamens ABzy Cable (UNH AD im $ | ' (Upto Sonal No. 23000 8 above) IH-376288-R1 Clip, Choko Cablo Roisin eeuce-—— 1 se aes ce vimeent Gentes Teese t | ieee. 1 Ri e saute mauning to lrre-o14e Ce ! iz12-0708 Ne esD Se He UAB) toon f is ose ae C2 Gr t poms RARE Rar: || ae Gap tt ne) [tH-t2184t ‘Washer, No. 8 C-2 Med | —? mae EE Derveteawany | frases TRA HRSTEtIa eR | cease: rtm che pm —* iF 1 engine controle & iastument panel) reliant caisson Fag RES ican | : feo MGR ecumenism : meee IR wsiwtehacer: | 7 gnewpieemntoiyce 1 pea ; | cies ipsum ; |resme — ONMETENERTREL 4 ccs cn eri | ‘ pport bol | (Fumished with engi | | 18) H-121877-08 peta Ay, Volago (Unit) 1 { "Fasooe POR SSE gate OA en | He RSE reser |rs8-0320 Was, 140-2 Med Lock 2 | : oi gerne os | San acer on | RSA 17 Cable, einal to 1 ! Se er he | 1 ‘hamese assy) (Unk A) | Setanta ett ; Ge, cs ge cFuriohed with engine) | ze|iseastont hareso-rs Ihasrecoune lexere7 haaatars a (ieee eon [sours ' iL & = Sea a int ) "Boral NS. Boebs above atl, tgllon Sich 9 Geo Enea SAS BSS over, Baten Torminal (Unit ) Bot, Stanor Bolt, Batiary Hold Down mae Section & a3. ‘SECTION HE eeorrsoat svsren Hy steerer. vere m FF TTT ur FaaF TOUT TECECTRIC UTGHTING Wathor Se vodtowe et RR ‘ | ro} a Frage As, an 1 ‘S|NLA 1 {ba ‘Soren, 172-13 X' =e is Seo izatinnhoow . 3 «|na 1 {Teves Wem tacos OG fee ‘ sha Ssugor aay, Foot LH 1 ite 2, | |" Bera, 216 Xa 1 sia 3 . Wain SeUedtow sc | 1H-2750813-R1_—_ Product Graphio, International ....... 2 726-400 2 epee FASE 3 * Common Hardware Purchase Looaly o32- SECTION & nae secviON & Ha S0eer wera, ato onrices Ha _ ster Hera 0 onreces Tar eT oa ToT FENERS THENGERS | SCONTEWOED 1 {NLA FRetfectr, Fender. 21NLA BS-201082 resoree NLA, i seen! Noe Palas tree te 712-0267 Nut, 916-18 CZ Hex, sla i £1 eo roses roots rece | | | | | | | | | | n33- SECTION A nss- SECTION Hy c808¢ comma. ano ansrhieier pane ENGINE CONTAOLS AND INSTADWERT PANEL an ToT ad TOS ENGINE CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENT PANEL ‘HETHE CONTROLS AND TWSTAUUENT PANEL = CONTENOED 7 i i i | 1 i | i 1 { { | ' { | | | | | ‘ pian A) ons 1 |seesear0n Byte Aut si A) ¢ | aoosse-ne Fy an RO A) ee 4 ola Sed Aaa tpien ee). 1 Cio Sel No 28d 6 nesoses.noe Sing Ay ian) a 4 ‘Berd Athen : a os sassoe ny a eSeeaer { se: seorsen - seer ua ENGINE CONTROLS ANO INSTRUMENT PANEL ENGINE CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENT PANEL en Sen far ror enna mae acne 2 orld SSirnacS maa TsTRaTENT BETES 1 7lipes76205.R01 Swen Atty, String (Note A) oun 1 i We Hee es [peo Nistor die amedtaa’” 2 i i ik Kou Ceen 2 | | Para | ree c0s0 Pilate es x 90 x 069 02 2 ' Fess Wisner We 2 ieoaceo~ 3 i |rieseoe Nat 202 Hoe 3 al arene Bip On Oe ae on 4 ' \« ‘Screw, 8-92 X 9/8 0-2 Cr a | Bovtan ts ! ‘rao Ne eSP GLO oan F | ia Weiner e Skies =: | of cha Choe Cale Note) aw 4 ; Painthad longtes { tolyarcernes Locale As Tato | i" ‘Sree eae | | Ser dacs i |osgr20 | (Seite {[gra900.81 Sx, tarsal i Na Nas ke | |NOTEA ‘Tractors with electric startor | inoves Trace wih recibir i | { | ~ Common Hardyare | orate Lect ' 36 section ae section 6 ry WISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ‘MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT a TTT ToT Tac br raat apes | 27500058 Prodt Gp stUMEN ans 1 | I Para oon I 4 1H-2750813-R1 Product Graphic, Intemational ... 2 Capea { - NLA Product Graphics, Lubrication ... Hi { 5906091 Produk Graph Sat ANd ne 1 | ' Ofstaing novuciens” | i i ' | i { | | i I | i ' ! { | { | t ! i i | | | | WA NA TH2¢000-R1 7aeo%69 [ieser277-R1 |. 99906-m0 | riseeee Ti20708 [7120208 7359169 80821 36 SECTION A -36- section 4 Hy_tseeteneous ecurpvenr He scetsateous courean nat. ——Far OTT aa TET oan pevcnnen, fe ween srsenenion _ ale SECTION B 70 AND 100 INDEX TO UNITS: DESCRIPTION PAGE mon 3 a 2 At ‘ront and Connoctions .. a uit, is esicae Capertee ‘eet . fa a Hi a s g nga PB cc ‘ ate (eign & OHP (K241) ..... 10 2 Stoning and Comeef608 nn ise MEAS ta vacas wel ii 8 = g % g 8 7 g Ushing, Eletdo ® Macau, Gon Sit. 3s Patel naumant a eet te bani g Product Graig = @ 8 g Se Senet say B Tranemistn« a oe secTion @ 2 section 9 wen swore ir Faar TITS er oar OTE fo. stunts sasenien fou__nuware scm International Cub Cadet 100 Tractor equipped with Electric Starter (Right Front View) 3+ SECTION B 70 AND 100 KH-PA-30565, 710-0514 736-0169, 1H-28708-R1 KH-PA-30564 710-0514 736-0169 1H-25708-R1 KH+PA-487000 710-0514 tH-180982 1H-25708-R1 KKH-41-622-98 KH-47-522-44 TC-113, SERVICE ENGINES Engine Assembly, Kohler K-161-T, 7 HP (Equipped with Retractable Starter) Complete replacement engine will be Kobler K-181, BHP, Spec. No. 30565 ‘Screw, 9/8-16 X 1 C-Z Hex Hd Cap .. cae Washer, 9/8 C-Z Med Lock - Washer, 19/92 X 3/4 X11 (Used with Rear Mounting Bolts) Engine Assembly, Kohler K-161-S, 7 HP. (For Tractors Equipped with Electric Starter) ‘Complete replacement engine will be Kohler K-181, BHP, Spec. No. 30564 Sorow, 3/8-16 x 1 C-Z Hex Hd Cap Washer, 3/8 C-Z Med Lock Washer, 13/92 X 9/4 X11 Ga (Used with Rear Mounting Botts) Engine Assembly, Kohler K-241-A, 10 HP (For Tractors equipped with Electric Starter) Screw, 3/8-16 X 1 C-Z Hex Hd Cap ‘Washer, 2/8 C-Z Med Lock. ‘Washer, 12/32 X 9/4 X11 (Used with Rear Mounting Bolts) Engine Assembly, Short Block, Kohler A-238026, 7 HP... Engine Assembly, Short Block, Kohler C-235604, 10 HP .. Boaring Plate, Bearing & Bushing Bearing Plate Gasket Breaker Assembly Breaker Rod Camshaft Assembly Camshatt Cover Camshaft Cover Gasket Camshaft Pin Camshaft Spacers Connecting Rods Crankshaft Cylinder Block Assembly Exhaust Valves Front Oil Seal ‘Governor Gear Assembly ‘Govamor Cross Shaft Assembly Governor Stop Spring Intake Valve Rear Oil Seal ‘Spring Upper Retainer Tappets Valve Keeper Valve Spring Valve Spring Retainer a Pe iar TET ar Fa ostTe eS ‘ENGINE -K18y SERIES BHP ENGINE -K187 SERIES -@HP- CONTINUED NOTE USE FOR K181 8 HP PARTS ONLY - 8 ® 00000009; ‘ ' ‘ 2 1 i ; i ! | 2B sslarasuae ‘ + tl atznoon ‘ 1 trlteeasore ; : 1 taltarzooot ear ng 2 1 hie ‘ Teg Howat nnn 1 EE 8 ee a 1 Bliaor ——Vave Ei 4 Seton: W480 X94 Hox Gop é | * commen Hardware sen ae Gore filial) senna tay ey 3} KH-A290185S eworne ENGINE | Ki-41-980-03 24] koar.cap01 25| uA 28) nas2000 27| neaotssr-mt 301 KH-210223 KH-41-853-08 KHoTaO-t kH-292668 1 t 31} KH.298603 ‘921 1H-172548 88] KHX-588-4 2a KH-X-869-2 35] KH-290071 96} KH-230125.8 a7 29) 40) 4 a2| al £8: mste2a NA NA | 710-9015 KiH-8.298001 KH-250007-8. KH-230170 kH-231767 NA 7120287 “44! Ke-200804 a 4) 49) 50! 51) 82 84 55 87 | 50 co! a | | forxeste of KH-44-041-10 a.asea7t KH-41-755-25 ‘ki-234847 KH.A291725, kH.291728 712.0280 kH-290810 1KH-231820 tHs9200¢-Rt Ky-41.071-04 788-3087 IH.s35209-R1 NA 204077 ‘ Masts | 2ss7o-Rt | iw12s267 l-t21958 Ki52.04117 KH-240282 H-B400108 -230078 KeH-230476 | kH.290477 section TT ‘SERIES-@HP-~CONTINUED Pin, Camshaft... ‘Camshatt Assy, Spring, Actuating ‘Tappot, Exhaust Valve Kooper, Spring (Ordarin sts of 2) Etbow, Hose .. ‘Gasket, Carburator Carurotor Ass "Serow, 1/4 Brackot, Chota. Biate, oes sa on pee No. 30564) Pas eae ii cn Mii Bloc Assy Guide, Vaio 2 Ingo, Exhaust Vals sone Crarkshat Stud Nui, BS 18 Hox Washor oe Gasket, Hood ‘Soren, 8/1618 X 1-2 Hox Gap Hons, Cyindor Spacer Dipsick Assy . Pi, 14 Xi (Uned on Spee No, 30568) ‘Sore, No, 8.92 X 14 (Used on Spee No. 30868} ‘Seraon (Used on S90 NO. $0564) nn Flywhoe!| Aaa rte as No, 20564 Mitte en i See ete ee (Used on Et ge i8 Hor Use on Spec. TE Bo he ord onic. ans al Pu Pd ome wee iis seine ww -” [ERNE -K'6' SERTES-BHR- CORTES ce] 1 220640'5 RRS orl ke-zate8s 0] ko-z04068 69! KH-290149 70) KH.A 2957408 7 waste 735.0869 Bites Ties zal ki-20a8t7 7] 1as8170-01 ral Kreatas 1-01 75] Kiese.o4stt el KH-7-t6008 277] 47-1503 7a Kies715008 701 230248 ol NLA 81] KH-47-160.03 TREAT ee| misse ta Kivazcos7t | mecteec 4] NLA mM ast Kiaatant reoirs oe zor orl yatazasras ' eal ‘KH-238087- 80) KHX75-10 90! KR41-041-09 9 ig-108.00 991 Kiar 274.05 83] Ki-at-874-07 831 Ki-gt 874-08 83) KH-4t 874.00, 194) KH-230008 961 KH-41-067-10 961 KH-¢1-08 7-17 97| kH-230805 96) NLA 90) 1H-269515-Ro1 1H.376206-R1 [kH4t-004-01 KH-28-787-01, 38 SECTIONS TT ‘Shak, Governor Washar ne cael Boaring, Neodle ...... On come acne ee arraaare oo oe = por Sherton caer toni moe — ss Sint cee Siar Plug, Spark I Ses inion wit Cesare pages Sar ee Samat rcta Ltrs abl, Hah Ton ; gaa nn noo Slalor Ast (Used on Spee Ho. 20 Sen ST bap 8. Tension (Used on Rerasesrnen Used on See Pg, 98 Pp Gastat Pan. Pag, Of Sen! Rae fiee Sg Fig Sot Patan, 990 8 Piston Assy, 020 OS Piston Asy, 030 OS. RRotainar, Pin Bi, Bon Si me pach Bio 88: ROSA Seinacand: Bio as Lock, Connecting Rod ‘Screw, Connacting Rod .. lip, Choke Cable lp, Throtie Cable Ki, Gasket ‘Kit, Carburetor Repat. “* Gommon Hardware Purchase Lacaly enone section 8 ‘ewaine fees eae see geese eres esas = nr TESTIS ir paar Te BOT SRO SERTES 7 wees Naan ARIST SERTES =7-WF> CORT UE NOTE USE FOR Ki61 7 HP PARTS ONLY < Spe &. ‘ Pg ibang Rt io 1 | | ee aaa ee | sol Sorin Cheha Sha ui eae 1 | | Sei ha ha ur { | Bal, chee Sta Gun ane 1 ' | Soh tae an | asia Vale Ady, Cob anne 1 havarasnzt cater dey 1 aif ba Cone 4 1}KH1-200000 Spring, High Spend Neos 1 \ a a He Hove575701 1 cate op (cn 4 ities areca ' F | (Fumish complete Carburator Assy) | Ref No. 18, 0, 22, 28 & 25) 3 [Ke-2a5416 Needle Assy, High Speed .. ane | al Throttle (Fumish ... HE { | ‘comploto Carburetor Assy) { | \ 4 ices | (etch Gomaits Geroursiot Rasy) | 6|ki4.275220 Lover, Trl (Fah unm 4 | | er ee | 7 serow washer, Tole Leva 1 | {(Fumish complete Carburotor Assy) | al Sora, 892K 12 SH FIHE sone 1 | | ‘Mach I 8 | ex 2neaso ‘Spring, Throttle Lever 1 | | ecimemag tilletaeee Senin Aditia wenn 4 | Taian pg Ady S$ | serom, cota Te Vals } Sem ctatas Teags eg \ 14! Valve Assy, Throtile ie | | (Fumish complet: | 15) Plug, 3/8 Aluminum Expansion... 1 1 i FR a ct | ; a shat Laer dan Chelan 1 | Pubes ss \ ; " Hen th Spree ca, * | pon anced assy | \ | | | | | { \ 1 | acho Need Soat a ih Map ARES) Hy ssorst0 syste ELECTRICAL SYSTEu wun [MOTOR GENeRATOR — OELSO-REWy— “TRACTORS WITH ELECTRIC STARTER 2|IH-1944973 fiH-t816326 ajnta sINUA alsocezr rina TINA aimetaioes olnta sls ia 12] NLA 19[1H-1858753 tits veins tel sh siso1 | L OTT toma oxtenipnon THOTOR GENERATOR ~~ OELCO-REMY= “CONTINUED ietaacroas wiTm cLecTAre STARTER- Washor, Brush Arm Spa. Holder, Brush Ground BUSH oon ‘Scrow, No, 8X 1/4 C-SI. Raa Mech Screw No. 6X 5/16 CZSIt Rd Hd Mach Washor, Brush Lead Ataching ..... 2 Seraw Lock ‘Stud, Terminal Fits oneal NU, NO. T2C-ZHOX sanesnsnnnnns 4 ‘Washer, Flold Terminal Std Lock .. Washer, Terminal StU wasesennne 2 1 1 1 Washer, Terminal Sud Inslang Bushing. Fils Terminal Insulating Bosring, Feld Terminal inuleong inci Col, Feist of 2) Fremo (Not senisod eoperatay) Dive End Spacer In ee ORB It iS TotBEy ‘anesoseooe to}iisorzora 20ina 21iNa zeltr95900 4 2 25lin-so4to7e 2e|tnsorsi72 a 2a tH -1967048 20741-0081 30)tH-t012008 st]th-t97s089 a2)na 53 |H-1014880 4}th-809763, ashrse.or19 seliteatose arlisoss7a9 alsa soin-iases Screw, Polo Shoo losulaer, Feld Coll ‘shoe, Po Framo, Drive End Coter, Dive End Spacer ‘Not used inthis application ‘Not used inthis application ‘Washer, Dive End Shaft Nut Lock Nut, Drive End Shatt... Not used inthis application Plate, Orv End Groase Slinger Boating, Drive End Ball. (Gasket, Diva End Retainer Plate Plate, rive End Retalnor ‘Shoe, Plo ‘Sorow, Drive End Retalnor Plato Bot, Thee Washer, Thru Bot. ‘Bushing, Armature Terminal Insulating ‘Stud, Terminal Armature (lip, Terminal to Brush Koy, No, § Woodrut Aly-Sit Te a8 section @ a6 SECTION «| nH ELECTRICAL SYSTEM a ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ar TOIT ar Ter arena aneneon i nO orot aitaTon = oetoe-ne=— SSNs ————_"reaaa EtroaTor [Mracrons wits eieernge eFanven- 4olth-1999804 Armature (Used wih H-AT0NE5S, «1 i HERoiser ee : A alee HISGBEASTer se win Note aut tfs-tesodae Hote, Sash anaes at i ela Pio, Commutator End DOW canes 1 43ft.g09553 in, Divo End Dow! a % 441 KH-238563 Pulley, Motor Generator | fot ' fad not anata e wae (aetz0too7) sihorastere RAY Mtr Saar ot 1 | ete rl aii (Gnod STB sashn-aatees.n01 Bearing, Commutator End Ball... 1 asfn.te25089 Gea, commutator End Boarng ann 1 1 ypovassent wmf 47789-3956 ‘ol Field (Sot of 2) ot as2sio8e Ru, 3024 XZ tox ach Serow 2 a yg. Somme od Baaing Wel 6 0722 Wathor, No. 10-2 Moo Lock. 2 1 Par No. H-1699907) 2} 725.9029 Ineator Assy, Cherge 1 { ‘S11H-357881-R91 Cable Assy, Charge Indicator to... 1 i otage Rapotstar Satry Tema i 4{1H.994505-R91 Cabo Atay, Charge Inciator to. 1 [earreny ovoen Stang Shieh 5|1-117052 Grommet, Charge Indicator Caos 1 ** Common Hardnare Sorahare Lacaly | tline7s264.R2 Bot, Batory Hott Down. i faerar eve 18) (Sora stu 2 1 Cuca Gacet 00) ‘Sora Kio! wixcoer Rit iDz0 Peat om 8 alma Baty Hl | Gas eecen 98 Eo ona is i eee ,t eee ‘ora: “ue seorion 8 a secTioN h ELECTAICAL SYSTEM hh ELECTRICAL SYSTEM eee TET ar Tr FGHETION AND STARTING “m TGWITION AND STARTING -CONTINUED tate cei “1 en eee rn ven a el | | \ \ | | | | | | | | | | ' te tee, ue ' eo Z ' 2 ce 16 i hae | sina” 12 i ; Rear view of pedestal showing Viow of voltage regulator Top view of batteryfor 1 igntion switch Gnd starting swich ‘showing connections -Cub Cader 70 Tractor = { Cub Cadet 100 Tractor i | | \ | \ ! | I | | Top view of hattery for | = Gub Codet 100 Tractor | 65458 to 70829 | \ } { ae | | | xl ! 2 22 | Lett side view | tractors with refracteble stortor | alt side view tractors with electric starter ry ELECTAICAL SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SYSTEW a ome es S-rraRTTGON AND STRATEN CONTINUES "yaar ion AnD STARTING =COMTTORS cea aoe nn) ak, pte cnt sae eas, Spear cern asa | ee tale | Eras eee | Cae mins eae Set enes Tee | al eigen. 4 t Beet etn at an east ee ee, Ege Funes sins (Sana WAGs | Beg rnomenin rn. alugngaenns ous nycapetin eg earth ae RESO" Sema 4 eae . 3 SI UsEaEsORI lp. cake Wty a le Bee ERS ESE | j | eee ame 4 3| ina7e2e7-R02 : 1 | ae elector ann | eas : Si cane hes HRB | sn tb «| monies comune A) = 4 en as sen sua 1 o| esse + auc Ea Hoss | aE | of ecco | 1H-120592-HX | hse see 14 .970088-81 «Hage Hes ren | | | | Clip, Cable Hames (Unit A) Clip, Cable Hamess (Unit A) Oi aren nt mettre ies HES woz mua vonage ‘Regulator Mounting .. Bacon aternon. ni SECTION 8 a19- secrio @ Byer svsren Hy seer svsree mr aR TITS a rar TOT PELECTATE UIGHTING TeceOTArG LTOHTENE CONTINUED Top wew of tractor showing routing ‘of head light eable and tail light cable 1 Lait tide view | ‘of head light ' iN Pe UAE seas | NLA tiga oa Ay et Mourig on 13) ' Tyorae Wiberg 10 0-F viea 24 {lw-t201s 1 Resi Washer MRR ARRWES 8 ae { 2|rasozze —UnkAury, Hoaght Gesed Baa. 2 roves ap Tannctaetonwalsnae 8] W.e7705-R1 ing, Hooch Rong Font vcs & mle Bpontncmo least * 4) 1H-377304-R1 Ring, Headlight Retaining, Rear........ 2 16 )NLA Brackat, Taillight Mounting ... 1 ofa Fg, Headaht Camping 4 fr|itateuscot Tallgt ase (ny 1 lua Cale Ay, Hendight Gund lverziemr — Somesebenane ed 1 INA Cae Ay, hing Sve oc 1 TSI Eimer i 1 coat i Baie | sliaouoens case tag Hedi... Toa pays ' | tampon oP 1 9] 726-3028 Clip, Headlight Cable (On voltage Tallight. 1 lator muting brackat ower moo oiiek 2 { imauntng bot) Wather, 1 C2 Med isd ws 2 10} NLA Gable Assy, Lighting Switch to Taillight 1 Ring, Headlight Retaining 2 ‘11 | 728-9025 Ring, Headlight Clamping winrnnnin 2 : Brecht Vetage Roger Newing 1 havens Prout Grape, Headght Pana. 1 2|tygzooe | soem sag [i | -20- SECTION 8 oto" section @ Hy ssorezou svstow Heer. syste ir aa 7 ner ree fe mt x oxseus a SREETY STARTING SOTTO [SAFETY SIANTING SWATON —-CoMTWUcD [TRACTORS WITH ELECTRIC STARTING HSthactons WITH eLecTarc STARTING: { | | | | | i I | | i { i | | | ' | ! | | i | | | | | | | I | ' Tractors with electric starting | i I I | I i ' alnua oinfreement, Salty Switch i Rowase Lover tHesenigense — Reploor Any Yoage acca 4 LOMSEASSERI Cp Calo Hanoes One un 1 inaaeipeee pert svar 3 pein |p ase9 Heo 2 Madock nnn 2 ‘tlmtgapiaent Rog, hich aloe, a (aaa era oa ue 3 eet soueitt a | | IH-108341 Washer, 18/92 X 19/16 X06... 1 2in-aaes.—Harous Ay, Calo 1 asso NUE IRR 5 Slinetyasse Sch ney, Magee 1 \ ans eee cna 3 ! 798-0920 Washer, 14 C2 Med Lock ann 2 i 712-9008 Nut 14:20 0-2 Hox. 2 i 4 n-sveteente gate tas, Beton © 1 i Iroost a \ [roso119 1 | (Rese i | sliveorsece 1 ' iinSezeeca, Suet | | Hiren MSS oo | | Sfovanaess Hay, on 1 | 717259098 Sukh Ase, S80 SED ne | | ' ists Sey Se ig Oh | | i \ ' i i woe sbreenn isan ‘hwo shoes ‘hove rhea Irisottaa i e-se46s2-511 i oreees-At 384656-R1 10] 1 s94s7-As 71-765 |rsoer si|mgestouny {712-3001 12] 712061 13|732-2023, trer033e1 1 L va SECTION Package, Cuich Shaft Senco Nay We k 1-1 Hy Gollod ‘Sprlag ‘Spring, Cluich Loacing ... ‘Wather, 2182 x 1K 17 a” Bearing, Clutch Throwout Bal ‘Spring, Clutch Teasing Hub Asty, Prossuro Piato Dito, Clich Driving Hub Assy, Pressure Plate toca Bin, aX 1-112 Hy Colled Spring Plato Assy, Driving Bushing, Screw, 130 X38 Hox tid Gap Washoe, 144 Med Look concn ‘Bracket, Cluich Operating Yo Nut 174-20 Hoy Serow, 14-20 X iio Had Gap Lover, Clutch Release Bin, 8X 27/16 Hardened ses Pin, 8-X 214 Cot Fog, Che ieee tee Nut, 918-24 Hex Sell AIA cose 1 ‘Spring, Cutch Roleaso Rod Wathor, 1782 X 1318 X oF rsh [tose It 10} s702r0-Rs ” i | i i ! | | I | | | | | i | i ' ! | | ' ' \ i ! NLA NLA 736-3001 732-9018 cuter mai section 1 TT RTD Xa Sat Rand Washor, Spring... i Pedal Assy, Chtch and Brake oan. 4 i th Sola Spring, Gluch Pedal Ret ‘Spring, Cloch Driving Dice Common Hardware Borehase Localy a22- Section & -22- section 6 Hee Frm a0 onrvana wecanasus REAR FRANE AND ORIVING MEGHANISUS ier a ST er ar Yo T TRANS CKSEOTFFERERTEAC ne TTHANSMESSIOW CASE, DIFFERENTIAL ANG“ CONTIRUED [Reoustzon rouse [REDUCTION HOUSING o23- stcrioN 0 o23- SecrroN 8 PL proms n00 onavana weconrsus REAR FRAME AND OREVING MECHANISMS mr ETI Ar a TT Tinavsuiss ron SE, GEFFERENTIRE AO” CONTINUED 118A iti2teso-nt atmo 24840-R1 ' ai 717007 ' 4lri7s088 \ | 717088 | | 7179100 rfavnseer |rsromr |ncteoms sliver oir 10} ‘1H-950837-R2 W 1H-984899-ROT weer al 1H-950709-R1 ' tal mssariont 14) ri7so78 15] y.aase04 | 16] 1H.976216-R1 whan | 796.0901 | tasara2t-Rt 181 741-0061 { 191 1H-984700-R1 20 1H-985076-R91 21] 1H-94096-A1 | gate 22] manera ! 23] wssariani ‘Shlold, Tranemision C888 wr mon Rear Cover ‘Seren, 38-16 X 78 Hox Hd Cap.. 2 Cage woup,IH-STE74 al Bitforon 1 3846 Xt Hox Hd Cap... 6 Washer, 8 Med Lock. 6 Shim, Deron! Br nn Rotten soa? $him, Diforontal Brg Sotto 20 hin, Dien! Rochen sue Sh, teen Bi nnn B04 Ras aR Plato Assy, Transmistion .. 1 (Cage Rear Cover hig etd Ruomatve Sao. 1 Sion 8-16 X 18 Hox Ha Cop. 2 2 2 ‘ Beating, Dierontia! Cup ... Beating Assy Ditorontial Cone ‘Gasket, Trangmision Cas Beata Pins 1 Bat ca Dowel, Tepsmeson C880 oon 2 edison Fawing ‘Spacer, Divon Raducton.. a Reduction Drive -24T.. Daven Reduction Gear Pe Te CaS HexHa ip ‘Washer, 716 Med Lock . Gasket, Reduction Drive Housing... ee a elon een Veg ka Hag Ha Wastin vad sek Was A Shan Front halt. Biss fetuoon Dive Shalt Ses}, Roduoton Dive Shalt OF a. 4 Cayping, Gutch Shaft. Beda te caiad Boring Feeduotion Housing Blt Assy, Roduoon Housng 1 aro 8-18 X 12 Hox Hé Cop. 2 Screw, 38-18 X04 Hox Hd Gap, 1 1 Shah, Rosucton Divo ng Any, Redcton Bane ah howe TERAWSMISSION CASE, DIFFERENTIAL ANG” =CORTIRUET {ReOUGTZON HOUSING 25| wesa590 21| ti gasara.cos 1h 20 wiseoree.ra 29| tH-229472-C91 301 NLA 91! 1H-960768.A1 sel riratia 2a) \ 1 1 { 1 1 i { i | | Plug, 11/16 Expansion .. (Cage, Dilerental Rivet S16 X 1-18 Ra ia Pin, Dllarantial Pinion Shaft Lock. Cato Atty, Ditfrontal ... oar, Diferental Side Shak, Ditferontal Poon . ‘Gor, Diferontial Pinion -10T Goa, Difarontia! rive 48T . ** Common Hardware Purchaeo Localy REv26A 24 seorton zee secrion 0 BRL_"00" Femme x0 onavane wzStiyrsus Hi 2208 Fee 210 onsvan wédtanrsns a Ten ar rea musa encnan i pi en ramet Str Tra acon TTT OPP Oero@ W 18 19 2021° 23°25 26 9 28 29 ial 18 Huis ig Remit neon 1 MGNTORT ea cer :[rmane—cernigtometce sn 1 tmaneneay SARE 1 Satine | (Soria! No. $5788 & above) sro ' BBM Gara 1 urwe pesto | stress Typos == 1am ete at | tes 201IH-285689-R2 Spacer, This Speed Boar E vaewienes Tf 81717-2078 Gear, First & Reverso Spood of | Countershatt Brg. | ‘Sliding -13T | i 21/1498004-R2 Shin, counterhalt 2g Rater, |toceeom Goa Serond Ts pend Seg 1 ' oe IPAS Geli Bs ashe) elinoceserm: — deus reseed Sag” 1 2e| h-sosea ne ' Sor a SSF Goal Ne. Coco base) | 7|tnseq700.81 Sha, Tenemison Main 1 ‘| asoneore hin Combat i Fete, aes 1 2| 741-0360 Boating Assy, Transmission Mal cow 1 | | eaten 24 measoseeme Shin, courte Rota, ol misee7ou.At — Rotaner, Taraniaon an | : Seana 25|1H-427950 tu, Countardhat Fron Brg Lock. Senate BAeI8 X 144 | | 2611H-385688-R1 —_Retaher, Countershaft Brg... | i (ise odor Spacer MSeSBSs aaj to} na Musauinaineincy i | arlravasss gaa gan ound nnn 4 ‘i/r110387 Boog ey. comnanat ‘ 1 Frat 1 28/1H-950046-1 Gasket, Countarehatt Bg Realner in 4 \ yal7i7-091 ‘Spacer, 19 Speed Gear .... ' SSsesochat ag i y976es1-R1 Reiner Ouniaba Bp I ip aneal ie ‘Screw, 6/16-18 X 11/16 Hex Hid Gap i sal7 ‘Gear, Raverse Speed : i ae as SO}IHS86705-81 Cage, Transmission Main Shalt women 1 14! 7179081 ‘Spacer, Fish & Reverse Speed Gear... 1 | Fronerg 181717-9000 cour, Fst Speed 397 ‘ 21|1H.950869-A1 Bushing, PTO Sha Pet... ' 4 92/1H-987298-R11 Assy, Transmission Input acca. 1 | Srakeeuarangyen oo “* Common Hardware Purchase Locally, 15|7175089 Spec, Fist & Sdconé Speed Gow 25 section 8 -25- SecTroN 9 REAR FRAME AND DAIVING MECHANISMS it REAR FRAME ANO ORIVING MECHANISMS: a ren A FF TOIT TSEAR SHIAT WEGHARTSIT os [SEAR SHIEY WEGHANESW-CORTENUED I { \ 1]th971708 Koo, Geer SHRLVe" wun 4 | 217180147 bin, oar Shit Swivel oi ' | Ship Roahes | Sflnsrenta-Ri2 Lever Assy, Gear Shift 1 | 41703-0018 ‘Retainer, Gear Shift Swivel Spring... 2 i 51 792.0061 Spring, Gear SHRLOVET ssnsne 1 | &— 6f721-0106 ——ORIng, VEXSB XING onions f ' 7H 7090018 Shel, G08 SHR LVEF nnn 4 ' f sluioetes. net Howing any Gor Sit Lover ow f ! Hi Born R618 28 ! \ Favtop ' ; ofrivaior curser Suite 4 i YOPIHOSIS47-RI Gude, oar Shit Lover at I | 13] mse1e. casa oer Sit Lover Hawg 4 ' 19 2b M9815 R2 Sem, Sher FM ne 2 ! i Wathen Sie Mod wae iS | at 1H-952774-R3_—_Shatt, Second & Third Gear Shifter... 1 1 141 1H-958601-R@2 Package, Second & Third Shifter... 1 7 | Fork Service | ¥5| 741-0359 Ball, 9/8 Cr-St! Grado 3 .... 2 i ] (Geir Shier Poppa | 16] 792.0824 Spring, Goar Shier PopPEL sowune 2 ! 17|iss2770.R9 shat Fat Roverso Goar Shier 1 ' 18{1H.958800.R00.— Palage ie VERO nn 4 ! | ShitatPan Benes | 19} 721-0104 O-Ring, 12 X88 X 116 Ht ' * Common Hardware Purchase Localy i | | | | i 1 { { t i i 1 1 1 t -28- seorz0y 6 <2. sccrzon 0 HA "88 ane a onsen within EAR FRAME AND OREVENO MEGhANZSNS aa Yeats par TET onecteh Shave ToREePeN Shwe conse a ( | | | | | 13 | ed i 7 aoe 1 2 io 26 4 t 18 w | ‘ ee “ 2 | s ' “Na | i | | 5} 7199098 i 21) He gas04n-1 sae gees 33001 28 Tissoos r . (iaSaeae 7213008 O-Ring, OX VEX 116. 5 [ie aes {Graopér Shit Hana) 2a] mosziont — ORing, wx 9ex ute 9|729-9021 Breather, Creeper Drive Housing 1 ! (Creeper 1 i 251 709.0409 Yoke, Creoper Shit. 1 4}721.9000 Gasket, Creeper ive Hovtng ann 1 1 i} 24} 796-9061 ‘Spacer, Poppet Lever wt 5{7030610 ———_LevarAany, Croper Shit POPPE a. 1 | slreetoe eee ee : 2s] n-t0s408. Coupler 178 Pipe. 1 eset Bar BOS Cota pig | alia Nople, 18 21/4 Poo 1 7) 7114-90744 ‘Shalt, Creeper Drive Input 1 a | ‘1H-990868-R1 Extension, Shift Lover wD alrieotis Fig, Groper Div put Sha Soap [arseeeeRt Produ pie, reper Speed on. 4 slzszg019 9, DW inn 1 715-9011 Pla Bax 78 Hv Colca 1 | “ Hardware 10)717-9020 Colle, Shiter .. 1 | eee if reosie4 Carier ‘ ' falrrraeae an Paret 3 | {alraesous ast, Pant ear Tat 1 | 14|Hi-462060-R01 Bowing, Creeper Input Shat Bal... 4 | 18] 716-3007, ‘Ring, Input Shaft Brg Snap 1 | 16] 719-3026 ‘Cage, Input Shaft Bry r | 17) 721-8010 (6X 2-6/OX YSZ sera 1 | bs Sepa ee Sess | sel ratcoss Set opt Shalt Boy 0090 OF ee 4 \ | | 18]7169008 ng, nput SHAR BIG C090 ernne 1 j Reayapagyen one 20| 720-9008 Knob, Croopor Shit Lever. 1 | | ‘ i | | | | -27- section © “27 seorroN Bi THE 0 onavane wens Big rem 10 onsvan ueshanrsus ner Far TT nr ar TT T TRAVSWESSOH ORIVEN POWER TARE-OFE TTRAWSMISSTOR OATVEN POWER TAKE-OFF =CONTIRUED | ma 7 9 Jo M1184 18 16K J : oh 4 ass AL \ 1[1K40010% Guns Any, PTO Sha 1 >| IHSSI200-R1 Soa, PTOSHIN SHE nnn 1 2iNta Cover, Transmisson Caso Rows. 1 60-R1 Bushing, PTO Bier LOVEE on | ter Sparing (eros whan PTS eae i 22/1H951960-R1 Spring, PTO Shitor ‘Siow, 26-16 X24 Hox Hd Cop | : ieotenias iu Washoe, 98 Ned Lock sce 231 H-987905-R1 Spacer, PTO Shier Loar 1 S|tH-120107-61 Seal, PTOShaR Ot Al 1H-987302-R1 otanes Ascy, PTO Shalt OF | 710-0514 ‘Sorew, 818-16 X 1 Hox Hd Cap sina rn, Cover Lomor Dow ! r eluvaraate Fog 218 X68 Dep Drive {Input (ustated with renames ** Common Hardware Purchase Localy 5 3 1 |tH-s67296-11 Shan w/Buching, Trnemiseion 1 7 1 1 , — Wasim pata eC recone Guero aves BU hicwine © IH-357218-1 Pin, Cover Upper Dowel | | | | | | | | | 1 9 1H.387301-R11 Plato Asty, Transmission 1 Roar Cover “Serow, 08-16 X 344 HoxHd Cap 3 - Washer, 9/8 Mod Lock 3 40 th.380807-Ra 1 11 tH-see4ss-Rot 1 12 741-0960 1 19.1H-122781-R1 Ring, PTO Sheft Brg Snap 1 14 1HS81272-R2 Retainer. 1 15,1%-696960 Rng, PTO Shaft Brg Snap 1 tel asizeeRe —Clch, POSH rome 4 | zaso16 Seaton e208 as. | dial Dog Prot 17] NLA Lever Assy, PTO Stifter 1 10] IH.s51970-R31 log Asay, PTO Shier... 1 37100 Pin, THe X76 Ook i 1 ta) Na ‘Guo, PTO Shitar Rod | I 20. secr1oy 8 -20- Section 6 Big steers econ Big tee77 worn hr. ——ar OTIS fer od TOT STEERING. GEA AND COMNESTIONS TSTEERING GENE ANS CONNECTIONS COHN TENURE 7 | ' { { | \ I | | | ' | | | | | | ' I | | | ieee Gey cereale a trsnat ata oa : Slice awe eens Ioan RE caeigone 2 | [738-0169 ‘Washer, Lock, 3/8 Z 2 | 1H-994288-R14 Plug, Adjusting 1 ha eimessergy See Neo) : 2 in dros Hise Cag NOM) wee 1 ia on 161 1H-384801-AT Rod, Stooring Gear Drag (See Note) + 2|723-2001 ‘Saal, Stearing Gear .. 2 [7iesoor ‘Nut, 978-24 Hex Jam .. 2 scott lint wee ces eT fell iol wen dll ce eens inal 3{741-2000 Beara UF es Cole 1 | (Cub Cadet I Woov 40088¢-R81) 18} 1H-986796-R1 Ratainer, Steering Whee! Cap A\IH-O76400-R1 ‘Retainer, Bearing 1 | ‘Soe Note) (Cub: 100) Micmea a east ISTE ea ne ll et auc nie el r Nut, 1-18 ek 2 Ceaerbecer 6g y SlIH-s79R92-Rt ‘Stud, Cam Follower (Used at | ‘Hex Jam Sin eae ds Sud Can blowst Usa etme 1 201IN4O127T-RL Tube Assy, Housing 8 Jacket enn 1 cece: ELS SSTat Te ten tone ie wie ttasce ssh, 9 Goa toot 1 Retainer, Ball. cia GIIH-376478-R91 Package, Seal & Seal Retsiner oe SPREE ge J cheers, SRS | ie Wear a ease eae Screw, 16 Xe-ia Hox Heap 4 Inaane Ogeieytasern "| crete slin.275360 Fiting, 1/465 deg Anglo Drive Lubo 1 ‘nthe stooring gear exsombly. a ; pase ea isc eee eae aah | (Upto Sorat No, 76466) Hr me -29- Storr 8 [FRONT AXLE AND" COWNEGTIONS i | I | | | i i | | 11 t-gge63e-8 MS9118¢Rt 2| 759-9011 3} rer.2000 «| zess0%8 | meggegse mt | riasest | 760-2008 | rseccer 7) 250-008 | ‘736-0227 «70 320 | FBS i | { { t | | | | 1 i 1 1 i Parse vaca: | = a rentiac. foe a Fs 6p ah acter aia Rod, Ti osc it, 318-34 Hex Koyo Aas. Song AH Serow, 8816 Xa Hox Washer, tase x 12x Knuoklo Assy, Storing BH Serew, Ste Ie Ho i Washer tase 12x tt "Bin SiOEE Re sd Sg ** Common Hardware Purchase Locally TOTES aoe axe FRONT ARLE AND COMMECTIONS = section @ Ter -30- section 0 30 section 8 REAR ARLE oe near ETS per aaa TOIT mo sua sxxcn io __avane ssemipnen REAR AKUE TREAR RICE CONTINUES i I | | | | | | | | | | | | 1TINSSH17O-RL Ase Ay, Roar afrater cou peraic c|nsnaeene Suntec faa te ney 3! 741-0969 Bos (Veed | | aged sls Carr Ast, Roar ao LH 41Siorarun Ser ty Faw ht lmanesom — CRSUTERSSS igen? ‘ sain ontmnowniocae nnn clnameen —fgearnnnig oa the ara a “Troe EEE SE rows CEA aR Hid Oop ees FROWT WHEELS 7 t 1 { { t { ; O { t | i t | a _pxscnirn04 Boating Assy, Front Whoo! Bal Whool Assy, Front w.75 X . Rim for 4b0/8 00 X6 Ties’ Woo Ay, Prom 98 sn BRimior 6 KES08 Troe. Valve, TR-413 Tubeloss Typo REAR WHEEL WEIGHTS section 8 Tor f 2-2-----. tsstie7.A11 LA IN27 1608 |7ag0171 |ins7ete0-Rot 3| 734-9008 i | rro037 | hsareornas | ' | sae SECTION 8 Spncor, Dua Resr Whoo ‘ty, Dua Fos Woe Space Wess CaP Raw" 18 Waiter 710 Gd Pe Mad ‘Whoo! Assy, Rear wiSSA Rim for. 2 Aibel Ais, Roar w/ZJA$2 Ri. 2 beraskeabagtes Bolt, Rear Whoo! 10 Valve, TRAIS Tubolaes TYPO vane 2 aT na. sectiON 6 os section a oes TOT Tan TOTS o_o pesca — *aeaRES AD CORTESTIONS 1] m.seario-a1 alnsoarizats 3] un.se4720.R2 4) me are0a1-91 slues7o18.R1 elinsaerar-rt Tl soaree-Rs 3 4724-R1 0507 tHe ne NA NA 736-2001 Nt 11] NLA TH-19689-R1 ‘al msreerent lac, Brake Liang on ise Aasy, Brake onc Rotaine, Brake Lining... O-Ring, 1-918 X 1.978 x 992 Ball, 16 Cr Si Rod, Breke Push Pin, Brake Lever Pivot Lever, Brae Sera io aid Seid Sriser on PeBy ISB Ga Pedal Asay, Cue & Bate, ie Ae Soe Sold” Washer, Spring ‘Ary Chuich & Brake Pedal Bla VAX Tat Hy Called Spring Spring, Chtch Pod Rot Borate sy a3" sterson @ oa Section 8 HvoRAULIG SySTeM T i i | | i | i | i | i | | i | { { t 1 { | | t 1 { | | | 1 { ' | i | I | | I i i | | 1 1 1 { { { { { | 1 | { { { { 1 | 1 [igetas-p01 Fisorse | Fostoo Irae0119 Fsois ! 2linsersr-at | naaeis0.A01 4} m.e1s0.R01 i L TYDRAULLE UNIT OND RELATED PARTS Fiting, Hyd Pump 90 Deg Union... Hose Assy, Hyd 9 la Hose Assy, Hyd 14 In. TET er ar THYORAULEC WET AND RECATED PARTS “CONTINUED ** Common Hardware Purchase Locally nate SECTION © Byrom sista THVORAULIC UNIT AWD RELATED PARTS 7iNba TOES Hy eos ovsren TRVORAULTE RET AND RELATED PARTS SCOMT INES | Bracket, Frame Mounting of 39) 1H-707253-R1 O-Ring, 1G XAMVZX VB esse 1 eorse Hee Se ae ez Hox 24 Piysine Pomp Spool Vek ( |ri6008 Momaere eid 62 wo 8 oe et Ireco1se Wesnor 8 C2 Med L26 own 8 ea eae | eiNa Gyr A889 HY 1 ee tee ere eaai 18 aft Assy, ye Pu . 8|NLA Clovis Assy, Hyd Oyl End 1 {Includes hah ie a 10)NLA Clip, Cyl End Clovis Rivat Locking... 1 43) NLA ‘Shatt, Hyd Pump Ider te sa[nta Nut Locking Clip PuEh-On Type asl on, Hye Pump ier Sha 4 1 Gesaeee {2|m996149-R1 Rod, Hyd Pump Actatr Conta. sli ; 19 }na ot, Autor Cont Rod wine 2 ie Cover, Hyd Pomp Shut { acne les SOT a aT oS ala ‘Exonsion, Pune Spod 1 al pees sslucneeent meg cmp : |ih.947472-ROt Seal Hyd Pump Dro Sha "Sea ouiieBR Ub Ce woes | sein Rasen Hyd Pump : Foch €sp aol Seren, W220 Ve Hox Hd Cap. 1 16}7209000 Knob, Contol Laver Rod 1 sola Washar, Hyd Pump Resono Fiber 1 7 y-saers7-91 , ud saa Reanrtaee sly Paley Oh sea uara | Bai Nt Sid, Hyd Pump Resor 1 Hid Cup Pt Set sae ‘Nut, 3/8-16 Hox Jam .. 1 18}1H-386160-R1 Balt, Drive Pulley. wt 83] 1H-986970-AE ‘Washer, Hyd Pump ReservolrSud 1 so) Arm Assy, it 1 sa! : 2 i tooo EH i ! renee rhanexianstenta 2 I Fecha Nee ne tock ja Ws EH ser ‘ zolTo.70s0%6 Pin, S16X'%4 Dow 4 eee Loa eK 21] 3 57| tH-4osza1-Rt St T2008 2 \Wiporee beltbe cattery } HO18 a 2 eon Son SENS TET HIN cs 1 736-0929 Wash, 14 6-2 Med Lack ane 2 er Vase ra xaux igca.. 1 zalnta Rivet, 12x 14 Fd Sold ‘ : : | 725-0015 Gp, Cable Hames (For nae 4 za)NA Tube, Hyd Oy. 1 i Sebi abl ass | 24)NLA Guide, Hyer Godot cnn 4 I | { * common Hardware 25|IM-SS0420-R1 Ong, BOX 210X202. HMSO Oi Bex a Kae | Serchace ocaly 26)NLA Piston & Rod, Hycrauls Gylndor 4 ' aims Washer, Pitan & Rd B6CKUP wa 2 26) NLA ‘Head, Hyd Cylinder. 1 20282488. ORlng IE XII XNE cnn 8 ' Gijataie Gyinder Gulsoy so] Na Body 8 Vane, Hyd Pump 1 at I 1444687 Bea a Bz Automate Hex 1 | a2lin7oI0R! al, 816 0188 1 sana Sorina, yd Pu Bod 1 34{iK-S84779-R1 Pug, Pump Body Spring Retaining 1 96} 1H-S86268-R1 Gasket, Hyd Pump Body . 1 | 36] NLA Spacr, Spring Sleove 1 | a7|ms70W7Rt Pla 602X780 81 Spring 1 | 38| 716-2006 Fin, 18 X 4-1/4 Sk Spriog 2 i H evant -3- section 0 -- section ¢ By owreers 80 eaten SB Seetenns m0 nxroHes ner ToT Fane TTT apnea ossenrngn onan etsonengn ‘HIPCEENY HANOLE-AND”COMMETTIONS TRAPLEWENT WANGLE ANG COWNEEYTONS. “CONT ENUED 10|IMasa7s.Rt Brack, UtHande Shah cna 2 8 Seu sete x ae neciid Gap & { 111 1H-364696-R1 Grip, Lit Hand 1 Gommon Hardware Purchase Locally 7 i i i 1 | 1 i t 1 I 1 1 | i | i I 1 | | | | I ' { 1 { 1 | | i i | i i i { | i I | | \ ! \ | | ' { { | i | | i { | ' | \ i Alonsonne Pla tne Rl Rad one 4 alrecsozs Spry Romar Redoum + sluspecet Wher Romeshadtum 4 ate Alveret ac Pla Fad acne 4 slwisoeornet andeAey Ut 7 fod ura Ren plggond fepaayeaere aa rlpeeranse nee recur (Beoae " 703-0964 9 1y-400382-At -36- section @ 38. secrtow HL_cerrevns sso srrones Hy 2rrre ms ao narones a TET — er aT ar TREE PSE ATOR ANS DRRRORR [THREE POINT WITCH ANG ORAWGAR “CONTENUED +} Shut Love 1 Hors Pm abe : i ATSB RY Legh UR 1 | " "Som i 1 | fect ca eae Waster, 12 : | ; | 095 6-2 | WSeueTe RIT Pie As } au Be, ae x i i [ikon Set gi i ' Zp0119 Hieron 2 ; BESS 2 | | ceesrent 1 | 5| 711-9078 1 i «709-400 } Fess 3 Ti799-0403 Drawbar, Fired 4 Vacteoan Son, gente 7 3 * gonmon Haroare Patent scoly or SECTION © oa SECTION B nT SEAT AND SUPPORT HA 8247 200 surronr Pa TTT nr Tar THT o__matn pusenenion ti7sosu7 som 6 IHS7EI70-AOS 8 ESAS By a ecg beck I IH72876-C2 & ) 1 Is alert | [Feo RIB eamen 3 eee eee | fae ER Hemera | 738-0921 ‘Washer, 1/2 C-2 Med Lock .. ' | alua ‘Spring, Seat Support ae alNtA Pinte, Seat Clams 1 SORT on | ae | ‘Support Assy, Seat 1 { | Bae | : i ‘ { i i 1 -30 secrson 6 -38- secrron 0 PST eH mo ones Ce Beer wera. avo ontuces aR TOUTS oxszairnon te Pee pasony TeG6' GRICE AND FRAME CONFINED sunt WOOD, RICUE AN FRANE Frage As : 5 ern et epeteweevi of [tito = Saab ‘Screw, 2/8-16 X 1-1/4 Hex .. 2 | Bee ae X22 HOE nn 2 oly EH Moree Wad, 98 Med 160 sone 2 | neSeee Support Aan, Foot Lit 1 | rrooseo Br ate kine kde” | | Hisense Washer, 2/8 Med Lock eee t 7 ‘NLA Assy, Grille Panot 1 SpA EH cases | MNoseo eet ey } Pemex ee dacidtas” | | Wamer seed ee | | w4204000-R1 Sp, GilePand CUM wns 4 og ae ol wiseasoe-rt — segen, Cete : Seon ERECT 4 Leer Sue a ee CRIT. 3 : er a eaten canertack 2 | ree-cosn es x x09 0: Washer, 1eSe3nex coe: 3 | pibiinie aphaheeteiaueente \ * Congreso | Purchase Locally a2 sxorzon 8 “3 ° Bg 8661 wera, mo omruies fe, HF He TAL a0 omrtces ea a cae TOIT oa TOTS ooo. GAILLE AND FRAME CONTINUES Patios a 10] NLA Podostal ASSY on 1 ; | T3000 Sere ese Xk Ee 4 | | rscores Wastin, CZ MOSLOCK ve 4 | H1]IH-960176-R1 Bumper, HOOK nanan 2 42{1H.984906-R1 Spacer, Hood Rolle Lock wenn 2 13] IH-s93a90-R2 Roll, Hood Lock. “2 | 732-3008 : 3 [ross 2 | 736-0808 aoaeetecae taf H.204800-81 Grommet, nsremont Pana SL MSRUER She Ce area 3, | ntea79 Washo, No.10.C-2Ed Tooth .. 2% 1 Lock # - 16} weassoso. Fastener, Grito Seroon 2 . HE veczeutomuaa. « ** Common Hardware Purchase Locally -40- storzn 8 secrroN 0 BL t8e7 Herm ano ones Breer eras ano onruaes aa THs od Tore suenenen pia exsenirion “roe FENDERS | SCORTINOED | | | i | | | | s]x te Ft nen ‘l ey i Boe BRM: § : euicra— | ruone Han weztnem « sieeve rman ‘lias Gmpgeartmrs ons 3 (ie, MERAH oon 3 ie, “Rac ft es jreom HL Seats 8) NLA Fender Asty, RH von V singers! gem cor rurog¢ 6)NLA fecal Fen Frame Mouring «2 meg | eae naan Berns t rove inde « | | | | | | i | i | | | | | SS | Purchase Locally | | | | mae secTION 8 P89 conrro.s ao mornin pane, a 1~ section « EROTNE CONTROLS ANO INSTRUMENT PANEL ar an— sens ENGINE SRTROUS AND ENSTAUMENT PANEL [evome LS AND INSTAUWENT PANEL CONTINUED eee iam eer rlusreesnet oneh Ay Cty Moe Aone 4 \ jn ie acetate | [rasow | ReneaeeSegereen | i hase ; \ reese SN a esion, 2 | meme RS oz ton 3 iS | MNS evainlig 2 | |noTEA Tce th detour \ fneres —_Taconsoh wat saw | | "Common Hardware | seer na | | | th.se4ae2-Ro2 | tH-se4se9.R02 Bs-231082 IMs7e200-A1 Teaie2 [nyterser THS76206-Rt [riot | i Imeratedt | 1H-40ss62-Re | H-S79500-Ro2 | saseoe-At THS78aT RT stinooease-at Bigatihtconisod sopra rr pacago nase) Seas teat dace hy Som cua tg "Kad 6 ox : japeex ma oZRANE Mo, 10 02 Med Lock 10 Cab 2 3 Bt fn 2 3 le Hox Mach. C2. & t s i a ex a EE. be ee ee iz a i er a # £ ee zh i E Fe tr 2 e 4 i mir) (EE ( ( Tey seorron 8 ielocbe” is, Hoadk ae Symset oh ss Gio Panot re Mosel Mes! raph actors Product Graphie, Croeper ‘Spood Product Panel, fighting) un MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT PRODUCT CRAPRTOR ve oa04s7-Ro | we2rsoases secrszoy 9 TOT ra * Common Hardware Birehaco Lecaly, MISCELLANEOUS coureuENT UFECHY 8K z 4 3 736.0189 ae n SECTION C INDEX TO UNITS DESORIPTION PAGE palo Front and Connections 2 Fir 2 Box. Uily 6 Brakes and Gonneclises BB 8 # u s 2 8 Fogg acre 4 ate (RSH 2 he anders u Fane =o 2 oa, Soong and Conaetions 2 iar, Maar (oc bacore wigs i 3 eile a endl, pant and Connection 2 His es el 3 Hee Story % ted 2 Hessian addon = Ryaraube Unt sn a Van " ket ais 6 Uphing lotic ‘0 ‘Mochanism, Goar Shit. aco, losrumant Power Tako-ot "Tanerislon Divo roduet Graphioe ts Sag f Reet 8 s 2 section ¢ oe StcrION ¢ ekotNe enorme SIF TOTS ner aa TTT sunk pescnirien fe__nbinse rscuerion. International Cub Cadet.71 Tractors equipped with Electric Starter (Right Front View) 3. SECTION C nm KH-PA-30565 710-0514 796-0169 1H-25708-A1 KH-PA-30564 710-0514 736-0169 1H-25708-R1 KH-41-522-98 TC-113 SERVICE ENGINES Engine Assembly, Kohler K-161-T, 7 HP (Equipped with Retractable Starter) ‘Complete replacement engine will be Kohler K-181, .. BHP, Spec. No, 30565 ‘Screw, 9/8-16 X 1 C-Z Hex Hd Cap Washer, 3/8 C-2 Med Lock Washer, 13/92 X 8/4 X 11 Ga... (Used with Rear Mounting Bolts) Engine Assembly, Kohler K-161, 7 HP (For Tractors Equipped with Electric Starter) Complete replacement engine will be Kohler K-18}, .. BHP, Spec. No. 30564 Screw, 9/8-16 x 1 0-2 Hex Hd Cap .. Washer, 9/8 C-Z Med Lock Washer, 19/32 X 9/4 X 11 Ga (Used with Rear Mounting Botts) Engine Assembly, Short Block, Kohler A-238026, 7 HP . Bearing Plate, Bearing & Bushing Bearing Plate Gasket Breaker Assembly Breaker Rod ‘Camshaft Assembly ‘Camshaft Cover ‘Camshatt Cover Gasket ‘Camshaft Pin Camshaft Spacers Connecting Rods Crankshaft Cylinder Block Assembly Exhaust Valves Front Oil Seal Governor Gear Assembly Governor Cross Shaft Assembly Governor Stop Spring Intake Valve Rear Oil Seal Spring Upper Retainer Tappets Valve Keeper Valve Spring Valve Spring Retainer oan seoTIONG secTIONG hoe nar TOT TOR "2 ten oxscuurion wo ENGINE -K16) SERES~3 HP= NOTE USE FOR K181 8 HP PARTS ONLY 1 al amos : Err A oun 1 fal aon 4 Gove Arce 1 iagee ot Bags, Ar Cloanee i | 712-s008 1 SLES Raa 2 wl mans : 1 Je) ase ‘ bate one 1] aero 2 Baffle, Head . : 1 18) KH-230011 2 Hpstonerasenspes = 1 Il Ma Tete nS No, SoS ne am Bigger eden ee anon 1 EULER Sn ama cd ca | Blame Vine ean 4 Sewage coc} SES “conga aun ‘Stud, Valve Cover. 1 i Furene Loca 8- SECTION, “8. secTiONG. woe exorne war TOTS ear TTT no__auaa escrimon TENGWe SRST SEREE-A HP CONTIGS ‘SERIES EHP CONTINUED 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 20) 4s) 0] 5 63 6 65 Sean BRASS BeseseaRges Hratat-990.00 acaotesS revaroeect Ma |aezoeo 1H-401967-R1 we 2t000 K-41-853-08 KHIiaO-t | KH-z02680 4 Kt.205600 | inesrasca jwitesset liixsss-2 {230071 | RH-200125-S imstezo MA Ey Tosors | Kiso 239008 Ke. 200007-8 | kr-200170 jrsizat767 na 1712-0267 i 200554 | KeAat-041-10 | east Hiat-76525 | H-204047 | KHL A200726 es | 7t2-0080 | KH-280410 Ks20800 | 19200481 Kids a7t-o4 eae? thes88209.R1 NA. Ki-204877 * NA KaK2548 MH.25870.R1 1.125267 -t2t988 kis2041-17 Ku-240282 TH-9400106 KHK25-12 | KH-230078 | KH-230678 {i.200477 in, Camshatt Camehatt ABBY om Spring, Actuating ‘Teppat, Exhaust Vale .. Koepée, Spring (Crdorn sats oft) . E1bOV, HOBO ann Carburetor Assy ‘Sora, 11420 X a8 Bearing, Bal 5 Plate, Boar (sod on Spac No. 30554 Peeper ODOM Wak Oop one Mini Block Assy Guido, Vaio. Inoort Exhanst Vaio. rankshat Nut, BGK TB HEN ‘Gasket, Hoad : Sexo, S618 X 112 Hox Cap « Hod, Cylndo Pio, 14 X 44 (Used on Spec to. 30584) ‘ero, No. 8:32 X 11 (Used on Spee ‘Wo. 30564) ‘Scroen (Used on Spac No. 90564) yea (Used on Sono No. 20564 Fine Used ene Ne 88) = HCE cm "Rage ee a NSE Hox cusodon ‘No.'30885) bets ee ashes, Ful Pump Pa. Cover, Ful Pug Pad "Sto V4 200 Ms Hk GS Pit arr Wali oo Linkage, Governor Bushing, Governor... Bracket, Speed Control rere cel ass ears |e sae8 se! kr seees fe] KH 20048 tol wt a2se7198 n | KH.292614 | 7360469, cet bone 72 Ka.200617 ze] messi70-01 74) Kiat-451-05 75] wotazostst 76} ‘KH-47-150-03 77| Ko.47-160.08 7 KH-47-160.03 79| KH.290249 20! NLA 1! 7160.09 Hekisns eal esac a3 KH-A-290871 | t-62386-61 ea] a i NA os! xi-201261 | 736.0173 | so. 208057 a9] KHK7810 90! KH-41-041-09 911 KHatt-109-08 1 -41-067-10 (e007 97] KH.250805 8| NLA 99 | 1H 269516. Rot 1H-976296-A1 9 | | KE4t-004-0¢ | | | L H.28-757-01 Reticoten ‘Spring, Governor ‘Spacer Fd, Boar Gatien Cover Brealey Assy rock, Breaker Pon. Ponts ip. Bein Ga eden Sach 8) Cover, Besar nea xii ug Sak Lend, Breaker Used on peo, 90564 Condenser (Used on No. 30864) .... Sainte iad on apes Nek “Sn csc ok aon Usedon' Sete Tags wae te Sabi ey Tain Ur en eke + peso, 0264) Aan Uso Sp N56) Tension (Used on sea eee Pitn Ast 009 Piston AS87000 OS Rotanor, Pin Pia, Piston, Std woscig Pin ito O18 8 lod Assy, Connecting, . FOG ASSY, Soong: Sto us Lock, Connecting Rod Scrow, Connacting Rod amano ip, Choke Cable ip, Trae Cabl Kit, Gasket '6t, Carbuetor Repair ** Gommon Hardiyaro Borehazo Locally he ens — ERSTE SLT SERTES = WP ee “rexarie ther wenres 7 a> NES ~ NOTE USE FOR K161 7 HP PARTS ONLY b> 4 T t [ | 1 I | 1 { | ' i | | i | i | 1 t i i i i i i 1 i t { | t i | i | { 1 i { i 1 section ¢ SECTION ¢ Pa ir FART oo Hore ar TOR * GROTHE SRIGT-SEHTEE =F HS aT ENGES TERGTHE “RIOT SERIES =7 HES CONT Sir Any, Ratacabe } 2IKHN291725 Olt. aa) Sect 0 a i 25)KH.291728 Tub, OIE vernon ae eg ; 25)H.280285 get, Intake VEN oon ae Sige See a i 27lko4t-t06-08 Base, CPan a 1 ace 26 | KH-41-041-03 Gagkat, ¢ Oil Pan Base 1 9{H906163-R2 Element, Alr Cleaner Filter .. 1 {NlA Pay a Lc 4 4lig3-230088 ayer, Ar Cloanar a ‘xre-10 Bog Sere aus fal Nt Washer Balog eal i iota Bran 8|KHX276-7 Nut, Ar Glnnor Wing. a) 29[NLA Cover writer, Breather 1 | KH-220587 Gasket, Air Cleaner et) 30] KH-2a0048 2 7|MA Hong Ay. lov ae atlata aa e ots Washoe & {212008 4-20 C2 Hos i He Pease Stee | fe Waiter, 6 Mad Loc $ | bretbec orca S2|KH.230068 Plato Atty, Brother 1 }ne.zsedoe ati, eset 83)4G1-29008 Seal, eater en . oli2seane Ble Sega heed ea 94]101.281419 Fir, Breather 1 ee Teetd 35] KH-41-859-11 Gasturotor Assy (For opmpananie 1 Bale Ode Accson f Sei atin do ners “= KHxta0-4 ‘Sere wteral Toot Lock : Whey Meee Pare sare ed 1 nit ic 26 18 G2 Hey, ] 361 KH-210223 Gasket, Carburotor 1 Washor, 17/64 X 9/16 X Bee 37/1H-401967-R1 Elbow, Carburetor to Fuel Ling 1 ‘Clip, Choke Cable vse 1 (881 KH-230450 Crankshaft 1 Sra cre (ee ne sal 714s016 Koy, Crankshatt A aolns Washer, Frwhest Tension ccs 1 Graken fae For er nas 4 | (Engines with retractable sia) aif aasi276 talie.2o0007s cud, va 2 ib ‘ aah xie-2ars01 1 15|kH.220170 Igor, Exhaust Valve. ' tela Shak, Govern. ' 49(1G1-%6050 —_Sorom, Fhwhes! Ploy Sot. 17|0H-172568 Plug, 1-178 Expansion 1 AAlinaserTe.Rt Koy, v4 X 718 Paral. BINA Plate, Craniata } 4s 08 Gy doors 4 Ssh Cee eae lores 4 i fate ponds 0-0087 0 TSINLA, Bley Button, Crankease voce 1 i copwloy ' Brg Piao asia Seroon, Dive Cup Grass. flees Bearing, Crankcate Ball wuiwisimune 2 47 |1H-998288-R1 Pin, Flywhee! Drive Cup 21) KH-X-689-1 ‘Seal, Crankcase Brg Plate Oil ‘2iig-g zea Rod Assy, Connecting, Sid. {Bver odeg E5) SiKiB290088-10 RegAsy. Connectng 2161 2 oor Gaskat, Brg PIA onan 1 ‘es 230525 ‘Lock, Connecting Red Sorew 23) KH-x-583 ia sola ‘Serew, Connecting Rod . Common Hardware Forchase Lacaly i | | | | i | | | | - section ¢ ene wo Far TOUT Far eT section ¢ ENGINE “KIBT SERIES <7 >On HME Sarat “SRST SERIES “7 WS CORES stlio4te740t —PlsonAswy, SH. of 70] KHLA210480 Valve Assy, Nook 1 Stiiarerees Baton ANY: Stowe i slit stegs i setae See 1 oy 811 KH-210467, Bow, Fuel Filter Glass 1 sziMla 1 BINA } (62! KH-210468 Gasket, Fue! Filter Bow! 1 bd sa{k¥A210077 Bal Ay Fl Fite Bon 1 so} K.200008 —_etune, Pon Pin. 2 i | 84! KH-290706 Cover, Retractable Starter, 1 sali-za1424 log Sot Piston, se 1 1 SBLNBS Bg Set Peer ora | 5! KH.X.9604 ——_Gonnoctor, Fuel Tank 1 Saihizsiaar «RNB Sat pate SBS. ot 26|H-144526-H1 —_Sloovo, Fual Lin 2 | ss Fog, Compression (Not sericed 1 ‘7 nit200705 Nu Fuel Line ou Sept rr tn | plasereteled 88] H-401068-R1 Line, Fuel Fer to Carburetor Fool. 1 Py ng, 01 Conta (Not sO van 1 / opiate So 0] xn-gszot4 | SES s7|K¥49-78525 oud Cynder : 1 | ! ; 712-008 S0/KH-49-08602 Seren, OyindorHoad 1 a so}isiaaesd Wehr, cnr Hous 7 790-0469 e0)K0141-045-10 Gasket, ylnder Hood 1 fo}xs.2s0817 sping, ovemer af sila Carnal Assy Engines 1 e1Ti.200078 Linkage, Governor a siliarazorsss Sancta & 1 SelkAz057488 —Gaa Assy, ove 1 ‘win eecto eater” es Weahel, a8 of 62|NLA Flange, Intermediate 1 931 KH-251985 Pin, Governor St wwe Y aH baksced ‘Washer Thee kaa KBr 63} KH-47-089-01 ‘Spring, Camshalt Actuating 4 i Copper’ 6411014190609 Pl, CAEN nnn ‘ 84) tci-s0540:8 shat anny, Governor ora 1 oF ee oa RS Wena Se Cm a s5ret2soesd Sn: Ganthak, 83 => a 95]KH290476 Bushing, Cross Sha. t | paris eoltwa 2 s0}4H.290149 bisa, aoveror Rot 1 i eg te vee Rani mons | er}ks200000 a Bun iat Bae xk 200710 1 87/K01.290677 Brace, Speed Cont 1 0k 200010 2 0] KH-254866 aang, Coes Shalt Needle a 4 7O}KH-230011 tamer, Valve SpA ann 2 hese Plug, 1-178 Expancion 4 ‘ils-4e2000 Votre S09 Reta enn & 100} 9 AAey (NORE ene 4 i (Sir ne oT | trtonea 7elKH-2a0168 Tan Asi, Fol wt Cop 1 tot) wa Cot, Magnet 1 TSIKH-236685 ‘Cap, Fuel Filer = =f 102] NLA Clamp, Magnoto Coll ..... “2 ‘T4lKH-A-234167 ‘Strap, Fuel Tank 2 103] KH-A-235741 ‘Stator, See te UH 20244RT ‘Nut, 174-20 Esra: - i 710-0377, Seon fh Kpok 2 i Soro 120K to CE eB hon s-20 X 58 i is bap HOE cep 75]KH.206168 racket ALY, FOL TAN sucesnen 4 Condensar, Magna. 1 | ‘Soran Gon f 6: 3 ‘76{NLA Nipple, 1/8 X @/4 0-2 Pipe... 1 ‘He Sit Mach: 77}M-A210101 Fier Assy, Ful anion ae 4 wrserine Leek 7a}kH.210478 dy, Fuel Fier ep TWIBOE Store Wither, 1764 X94 x.062.02 .. 2 * Gonman Hardware 1 i i Burehase Locally ‘ t i | L te verer— ray rene sel nta Deca CN nnnnee tar REDETD Pil, tr an | cr|ieieees canes ipsioncal 4a OER ak GD nn sola cevereycaieay neater. al iznonD tor tot | eeecuacaran cess | veolricncanns GREG salsa hen heater : (Engines wih electric starter) 1 1 so] 202s AL Eat tater seal rcnee cleaner er Can 1 | sari 190] KH-47-160-08 ‘Bracket & Broakor Assy 1 192] NLA Spring, Starter REWIND veviicmmunee 1 til weetee.ct Breaker Point Set. 1 901 NLA. Pulley Assy, Retractable Staten anu 1 teh Bracket, Point Breaker (NOt wens 1 134|1H-608164-C91 Bearing, Retractable Startor Bat... 1 \ amare \ I Nene eee SS5|IMOSS7EORI Beret Rotate SHE oes 1 | ‘Zha'gnPan HO Nach, pe ean a tal aeat4st.01 Red, Braker. 4 ees a 1 areas ! [sta Se santas: § | Reiat ternal Toot a { ShFIHO Mach 1 ‘Wiosher, 10-24 X 90 0-2 St NLA ‘Sorow, 10-24 X 5/8 Parkorized .... 8 Ha Mach ! ‘Sit Fa Hd Mach 118] KH-52-061-11 Gasket, Breaker Cover nd t90[ts7est0Rt Ring, Ratalning .. tel ino Seat) ans 4 8A Mara Bata Rome Vil mass stung nn tal ; son selevane soe via bate Re 1181 NLA. Clip, Spark Plug Cable 1 saa lniea. oa ene ue 2016 Shoe At. Fn 119} ta Catio Assy, Ground 1 tae ate sana Som. enon 1 SIN en 124] H-200960 Magnet, Mag rn aa bat i 1 15] Ki¥220618 Plate, ion Shoo se a ea ees | [dso PERG RRARETEYiec: | eliza unm hen stobae | mamiom) SEE SIE 7 OZHEE oon 2 tarl nua Ineo, Kan. fyymece —iSRapeziateamtes 2 velco Rot ade Su a. joie RERSSaS aise ¢ i | velco Sa nn | dowrcanaie rangers 2 | seucoeaeats aa isola a | sarees } [ross ERERETExreznoxn 2 | tatotoemt su arg rears | EEE etotedtea nnn 2 [racer REE va wastes gin Ma Conor Mong AR feerooeor casa rh 124) NLA ‘Shim, Motor Generator Mounting ..... AR 1 1 Bolt 1 ‘Common Hardware | Perma ves a Dra coma J ' | H2eseo-n1 ‘Sorey, 8-18 X18 OZ 2 1 iia Washer, 88 Med Lok svnnnnee \ ‘Brace, Motor Gonerator Adjust 1 | Sonrsiste Kanes: | forrage | Bee Baxreo2 ann 4 | Rugia—— {| Washer tisek ax } \ REVERT TeanelREek sents Texan CONTENTED pecasieeremrieaea | “ Papeete | al Seige Sek eh 4 | seocenasn n | a Ba ath on | { ‘compote Carburetor Assy) | a BAPE Re hm | | a Fe Sata (tans 4 ' sefrienees ate, 1 27] KH-202556 ——_Sorow, Tholto Lovor Adtustng wow 1 sonbataets 28 ‘Sha & Lover Assy, Thotle 1 | | sunset at | peewee snared | vrass ext tag \ | 11ke.200869 Spring, High Speed Nood. 1 1 2 | kH-200810 Needle Assy, High Speed 7 sf ‘Not used in this application { 4 ‘Not uted in this application | ‘51 KH-200898 ‘Screw, Ide Adjusting ~1 | 6} K#-200980 Spring, ile Adjusting Screw | 7 Seal, Trott Shaft DUS ween 4 I ee | | Soro, Choke & Tote VaW@ on 4 | semictasa | 9 Valve Assy. Throtle 1 I YR em 10] Plug, 3/8 Aluminum Expansion ...... 1 | RSP Aun | 1 ey ede | (Fumish Ropair Kit KH-25-787-04) | 7 saastemtictts ais * | i NOREEN | | v2 Pare nnn 4 15| KH.25-787-03 Float & Lever Assy te | 18] KH-200875 ‘Gasket, Fuol Bow! Rng .... “1 | 17] KH-25-041-02 Gasket, Fuel Bow! 1 | 10 KH-200818 Bow, FUE! sn 1 | sof Gaskot Fol Bow Sax ca 1 | \ (Fumish Repair kit 25 | ( 20] KH-41-100-01 — Serew, FUO! BOW, srnnsnnn 1 i | ELECTAICAL sysrew ‘SECTION Hy seeetetca, ovore os SECTION + THOTOR SENCRATOR — ORLCO-FENY- r ' ' i | | i i I | | | | | | t t I ! | I I | | | | | | | | | i I I ' i | n-t90e007 { ! ; 2] weteeasra weso16324 | MA 5 [NLA 6 | weteaseer 7 | ‘NLA 7 | NLA o| rises of ma Bee an TNA sala 1 eer 31M oacon 15 | rns0 6 17 Weseot601 ta] H-s9e8866 to |iser207a 20] MLA 1 1 1 I { i "TRACTORS WITH ELECTAIC STARTER- Motor Ganerator Assy, 12 Volt Frame Assy, Commutator End. ‘Clamp Washer, Brush Arm Space Holder, Brush Ground Brush .. ‘Serow, No. 8x 4 0-2 St RoHd Mach ‘Scrow, No. 8 X 5/16 CZ SK. ora Mech ‘Washer, Bush Load Attaching Sotom Look NU, No, 12OZHE von Washer Fld Terminal Std Lock Washer, Torminal Std Washer, Tominal Stud Insulating ... Bushing, Feld Termina Insulating .. Bushing, Fld Terminal insta - CCl, Fits (Sat of 2) Frame (Not serviced soparatoly) Collar, Dive End Spacer Ins. ‘Screw, Pole Shoe Inulator, Feld Cot ‘Shoe, Pole .. TOTS her eo OUT TWOTOR GENERATOR — DELCO=RENY= “CONTINUED Itnacrons wit ELeCTAre STARTER= Buy NLA 22] 1H-1980901 2a] 25 H-1041078 26] tH-t918172 2 2a) merase 27410861 20] in-12008 3afno7se68 sala as) msovesso 3a 1H-808769 as} 300119 a msoetaee srlussesera sala soliroeas ‘oletoios ola sf roveze pie 4a{in-e00se3 sali 201079 i | i | Frame, Dive End Cota, Drive End Spacer. ‘Not used in this application ‘Not usod in this apptcation ‘Washor, Dive End Shaft Nut Lock ‘Nut Drive End Sha. Not usod inthis application Plate, Dive End Groase Siingor Bearing, Drive EA Bal een Gasket, Of End Rotaner Plato Plate, Drive End Retalne ‘Shoo, Polo ‘Scrow, Drive End Retainer Plato. Bolt, Tu. Washer, Thr Bott. Bushing, Armatie Terminal Inevlatng, ‘Stud, Terminal Armature Clip, Torna to Brush. Koy, No. § Woodrut Ay-Sit Armature (Used wt 13101951, ietiotce a fox Armature (Also ardor : i eo0ztg) (eee wis I-Tnor 9s Holder, Brush Insulatod . Pin, Commutator End Dowel. Pin, Ove End Doel. Pule, tor Sona Faded inst gnats 5p n10- section © eLectarcaL syste wot venirnion TWOTO GENERATOR = DELCO-RENY——SCNTINUED [raacrons WITH ELECTRIC STARTER | 45 11H-441805.R01 Boating, Conia E64 BA nn 4 4|ne-s929059 Soa, Commuter End Barna vas 1 47|750-958 cob Fl, RH ( Stun (ato?) 1 al Plug, Commutatr End Boarng Well 1 i (Ordor Part No, 1H-1839907) | | i 1 fonrreny noon | & Lenesee-Rt Pay | Bs-291082 ' (oe | 2 725-8028 ' | masrosns | anesesno1 sliss7eso ‘lusregossna ol, bane Has Down 2 [Kex276-7 ‘Nut, 1/4-20 Type A Wing ... 2 2|H9762082 Clamp, Bator HL DOWD cn 4 eet ELECTRICAL sySTeM J Braet, Chepe Inator Seu. (eda x eee Hut 10.24 2 ox Mach 10.24 XZ tox Mach Screw Waiher Ne 70 C2 Mead tack. Indicator Assy, Charge {Gable Assy, Chargo indeator to Saktge Atgsintor ator formal gable Atgy, Charge Indian 6. Staring Svich Grommet, Charge indicator Cables ** Qommen Hardware Purehaeo Looaly section ¢ one section ¢ one secrro¥ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Hy tte. ovsren aaa seed at went toate -q_opaanienon TGRTTION AND STARTING ST enti AID” STARTENG—COMTETORS TET ‘Tractors with retractable starter | | | 11 1H-404963.R1 —Hamess Asty, Cablo oil S]HSBAGRE-ROT Cable Asay Bata io Ground ann 1 |7io-sos ‘Serew, 14-2044 C2 Hox 1 21IH-992966-R92 —Cablo ABsy, BAHN 10 vnnsnnsinne 1 i Hees aga Soi | 736-0929 Washer, 140-2 Med Leck a. 1 | 710-0651 BRET OZ nn 1 [pepe Hier Weeesexowee | | 756-0119 Washer, Bie C-2 Mad Lock one 1 i : . 17120267 MUL BNEIBscccnnenensnnsics 1 AL H864910-R1 Cover, Batny Tein eucewnons 1 511H.970982-R1 Clip, Cable Hamoss (On RH cant ‘ar grite housing mounting Bai) | IL aa ELECTAIOAL s¥sTeW SecTION ¢ 3° SECTION ELECTAICAL svsTew T t | t t t | | | | 2] tgeooroe ss ca «nes “feces alrescan sola sla | | an. ECECIMIG. LIGHTING Rigs Bete ‘Gasket, Tal Brac, Tight Mount Soe ony, gh Clip, Talight Cable Snap On Panel Assy, Headight Mounting .... Ring, Headight Retaining Ping, Hea Care Ws S09 ES Wing Unit Asey, Sealed Boam Headight Cable Assy Lighng Sch to Magnate Pom Cereago Type AGC 10. Gablo Assy, Headlight 10 Ground .. Reeds teafaen iat et) raguletor TOTS er eo TESTES CIGATING SRTTATES 2 Volioge TR] ouocRY gana sey RH Heaton 1 i sla | See for Uobtna Suited 0 nn 1 talrascnes ip Hoag cae on tare 4 : | ‘ogiator oppor mountng ot) ss] rae-025 Cp Liking Sto aM a 1 \ pattems 16 }795:9000 rome, Talight Cabo. 1 ria Product Graghlo, Hendight Panel 4 ** Common Hardwz renase Locally, aa seTioN © howe tH.986982-R01 Package, Clie Shaft Sonice Tie-3014 ‘hut isk 1-178 HV Cotlod Sotho 2 rsnsore ee | Heates SPB SRR TR TT Sa os 9| H-991297-Re1 Boaring, Cluteh Throwout Ball 1 4| 792-9017 ‘Spring, Cute Teasing 1 517000218 = HUDBA), restr Pl enn 1 | 7612002 ota, Cuen Dring 1 7}rosca14 ——_HubAasy, Prove Pato 1 tae TiB 014A BUPA X 12 HYCO sn 2 i Pras any, Dig. 1 Shen } Soren BB a Hee tap 4 Wihin vated oak ree 4 hich Operating Yoko 1 Per ashoreaeg Yoke nitesO Kk aTCR al 2 Se tojtcesesr ' risen } riaosre 1 sa]iiesstzent 1 12|7125061 NR SR RKHER SEAL sees 4 13|750 2028 hh lane Ro (Asaaas San SSRIS aa 2 i tanta NA {700-001 15/NLA, iFefesso.nt I seline7oa7eRt s7i7ee-9018 18! 1H-399123-R1 | 712-9001 | i | i \ | | ' | | | ' | | i \ | | \ I | ne secri0. © Pogel Asey, Cluch & Brake, Big) x Smal 8 Sol Washer, Spring Arq, Cluich & Brake Pod Bin, V4 X 1-1/4 HV Coled ‘Spring ‘Spring, Clutch Pedal Return Spring, Clutch Diving Dieo.. Stl, Sate Switch Roles. tits iredrr ai Tut S24 Hox Jam "Birt lect” nis seorton ¢ a1s- ‘SECTION HH_ "1" Fae Ato onrvane wedianrons B10 Fran ovo onrvana wectanrsus ne. rar STE nee Fan TOR Tradition case OrRrEROTTAC aS ————— "ag iS or crore ETS Mar OES — Reoucrion Mousane InepuctroN nousiKe i i i | i i i | | | | | i | | I | | | | i | 1 i i { | i i | | | | | I I 1 { | { | -16- section ¢ a16- secrron ¢ 9} 741-0980 Boating Assy, Diferontal Cone . nh REAR FRAVE AND ORIVING MECHANISMS: ny REAR FRAME AND ORIVING MECHANISMS ee eae Se “ST TRANSMISSION CASE, OIFFERENTIAL WO SCOMTTHORD “S-raRNGMTSSYON CASE, OFFFERENTEAC AND’ CONTINUED ——~ Treostrish wastes [aeostion tts ima hil Tames n C080 enn 4 247172078 Shat, Reduoton De waacsemee 4 Tvausson SEs o-10 x50 Hoxtd Can. 2 asirecee Being Ay Reeton 1 a| sretse-et —onge wioup Instore 2 | i Signet 2shH-172590 Pug, 11718 Expansion 1 [tpecmons — SEeme a x) HaeHécap... ¢ $e f, 98 Med Lock 6 2711H-223472-C81 Case, Differential 1 ' ne Bw ma 3! 717-3097 fs, Differential Brg 1 7 Rotainor, .004 2 |tH-350768-R Pin, Dittorantial Pinion Shalt Lock ... 1 {717-3098 ‘Shim, Ditforential Brg ‘2al1H-222472-691 Caso wiDrive Goar, Ditlerential 1 1 Retainer, .007 | 1 sola (Goer, Diforontl Side. 2 s{ 7172090 hin arntal By. 1 i RomaentaS 2it-sso7e9.R1 Sha, otro Prien 1 6| 7179100 Shin Dierenl By. Bari79119 Pon Oferta 107 onan 2 ; Beiter eae | | S2|IMSSOTSTR Geer, Doren V0 ABT on 4 Tf soeaoec1 pw ay, Fae ‘ ! [vor HEMET Sonowaogane 1 ~ guron draw | Purchase Locally assoc: Siow S.18 X50 Hox Cap . 2 a} IH-STe74 Boning, Deron Cp 2 Le 1 101 H950887-R2 —Gashot, Transmission Case... { Re Re Gover Bate i i | 1 | | i \ | | ‘1 uegaagoo-not cage Any, Tasenasion t | eaeaest hig, 18-14 Aue Saf i | 12{ H950700-R1 owe Tanamiatlon C880 10 monom 2 1 Reduction Housing | 19] IH84719-R1 Spacer, Diven Reduction .. 1 | 14] r17-s073 Gow, Reduction Deve 847 1 i ‘sims ee eT ge cas | i ' Wiathir 710 Ned Lock concer, 1 { Yel tHoreet6.As — GasteFuducon Dive wooing 4 | 17| H.e84706-RE — Houtng, Redution DAV save f ie Seok Meas si 8 ' | 798.000 z i i TaSerdenns 3 i 101 74-0904 Boning Asay, Redveton DIVE wns 4 ! Shak Pont Be a 10] Ks84700-R1 Bing, Regucton rive Shat ‘ sn Sra 20] 1H-906076-F9t Sea, Rducton Dive Shaft Of eon 4 21) missanant Coping, Che Spat. Spring alters: — get th nn | Banepa on 29[IMSBA716-R11 Plate Assy, Racoon Housing i ret 1818 X 12 Hox Hd Cap. 2 ‘Serow 6-16 X34 Hex tig Gap © 8 o17- section © a1 section ¢ By 248 Frave avo ontvrns wechavrsus EAR FRAME AND ORTVENG MECHANTSHS war TOTS ner paar ToT a exacnrnon fe __mua tenn THRSMESSIO THRRSMESSION-CONTTRUES : : om hee Oreo 0 pre 1006 & 9 18 19 202) me 9 s ° | | | 1 }rexsn20 suing Rovere tor oe 2] 7179188 Gear Assy, Revere ier. sii 19|717-9079 Gow, Thi Speed 267 so|nsetnont gan piygeeeboret one 4 seen River aeons a pence rears: aif masntsRe sin coma Rt, 8 Pesnuned aa: i ames ae i sip coment 4 41761-0964 Bes psy, Transmission Main elit 1, Count Be 8DT, oon 208 | nee |nssnee gp Canta Rei, 9 8 et ar, Fst Ravers Spas. , 29] 11-950848-R2 Shin, Counterthat Brg Rata, we 1 \ TH. ‘AY Gear, Second & Third Het ! BING, ese G{IM-280S07-1 aa Sond Thi Speed. 24/ Ms094-R2 gu, Countrhat Ba Retiney, AR 1H-984703-R1_— Shalt, Transmission Main 1 28] 1H-427960 ‘Nut, Countershalt Front ig Look 1 ’ 2s|tHabe.fyten canton : beans | HaSSa SMTA SI MSRORARI ea pune tn uns 1 alee agp commrt tea ee "yeee x 1- 114 | ome fortes | | 1| . alee uyJeramesonin | ; \ i 261 1H-250846.R1 Gasket, Counterchat Brg Retsinor : tof cite aero af ns tl aentAR Regn gueartnte ne 4 i ‘ia ‘Serow, BUST K MAG Hovis Gap 4 s1lreeta7 gpd coool een ! ' Roar Moler 0) THS0A7O5 RI ge, Tranoiaion Man Sha on 1 at sajrieson yam ma ede | renga SY SERGEY tig POS Pt eens 4 talri7sone ear Reve p06 287 occu 4 22] HSSTESORIT ShuAey Trane ME oan 4 | {Tractor ih BIO) telr179001 Spacer Frs'& Ravers Spd Gaur 1 18|7179080 Goat Frat Speed 07. 1 * ganmon Harare Perches iy 16|717.9080 spac Fret 8 Second Speed Gear 17] 20050681 oar, Second S008 S87 on 4 tal71729060 spacer Second 8 Ths pace Gaur 4 Py reer rrave m0 onrvrna wictanrsus ST" © yea ena ano onavive wichinays STON © TGEARSHEFY WECHANTSW SSRI = Mace SATE EGHANTSH’ CONTINUED eae 1]1659717.0A Knob, Goar Shit Lover 1 ( i ‘Spring Retainer alert thay, on ‘{raote Penner lS 2 5] 792-9081 ‘Spring, Gear Shift Lever .. 1 &- cl721018¢ Ong, WAXSIBX 116 1 7| 709-0016 She, Boar Shit LOVEE neces 1 | A 2 tg-sseoes-R21 Routing As 1 ; alritsist Pia, Gear it Lover Swivel Stop. 1 | 1OlIH.OBIS@7-RI Gude, Gear SHE LOVE enn 4 | litera out ow ato neg | Seng epson Soot ataicen 8 | a—* ss|searzene Ro Sacnd khan Sir erent Pag ees Tash 4 | i peas 15{ 741-0359 Ball, 2/8 Cr-Stl Grade 3 ......... 2 es t (Goar Shier Poppat) e-—6 16} 732-0424 ‘Spring, Gear Stifter Poppet annie 2 17|1H-95277083 Shaky Frat Rovoree oar Sitar 1 | Me Msesomes Bea Bete a nt tolraroiea Ong, v2 x8 x 116 1 * Common Hardware Purchase Locally a9. storion 6 “ seorion 6 Hip" te so onavine weston Hy tee erie wo ontvnne vedas tear Sens fra ae eneete hve ToREEPER DRIVE CONTERIS 1 5 eee 3 an a Be bien l ue tb rh vt I i ‘yarsss MARR SERED niga: ose Rt } Rost a ae Tissot t 21721-3008 O-Ring, 8 x eS eH eae : (Grooper Shift Handle) ‘Pal tH.352210-Rt O-Ring, toKeexy" 1 3728-3021 Breather, Creeper Drive Housing ..... 1 20) 700.0100 ‘Yolo, Creeper Shit... ‘ af 721-3009 ‘Gasket, Creeper Drive Housing ‘ eae ees pagan 7 {703-0810 Lever Atsy, Creeper Shift Poppet ... 1 af me: ee . oe - : {703-1061 Coupling, ee DFHVER ni 1 | ui oon Bed Pe Mas ist Coica Siig | ela Nipple, 18X2-114Pipe 1 r]rvsaora stat cope ofe ptt eas 1 a7lisooeeet —enersen, Shore : sirieons Rng Caprio chat Sup + limarsaze4.Rt Prodvet raphe Creoper Speed au 1 Seger ORE EB cassie | | gommon Faxyaro to717s020 Cola, Shitor , | eee 11] 7503124 Cor Asty, Planet ie ' ‘al r-00e Gear, Planet. 3 1 1a) 720049 Washer, Plant Gear THUS! went I ‘ulinszese-Ro1 Boating, Cooper input Sat Bal... I 157169007 ing. put Shalt S00P os 1 i 16 719-3026 ‘Cage, Input Shaft Brg .... 1 { Miro BABE KANE onan 1 ' Grputbat 3 Cases tal 7a1-s011 Seal, Input Shaft Brg Cage OF anne 1 ssries002 lg puts Cae nena 20|720.3008 Knob, Creaper Shit Levor | AGAR FRAME AND ORIVING MECHANISUS section ¢ ae y+" rte ano onzvzna weshanzsus section | | | 3} 1H126107-61 4 1H-987902-R1 | roost s|Nun el marseso 1 7 mastesone 7hinssiesee 8] mss7ai6.At 9|1H-987901-A1t 10| msoeor-ne tal 741-0260 13|iH-r22701-81 14{iH-351272-R2 tefineooso velngsszn na 223016 7] NLA 1 | { | 1k-951070-Rat HSS 10 /NA ' L TRANSMISSION DRIVEN POWER TAKEO" Guard Assy, PTO hat. over, Transmission Caso Ro: Gover Opening (For use when Ts gmover ‘Si, e-16 X 1 Hox Hd Cop ‘Washer 28 Wed Locks ‘Seal, PTO Shaft Of Rolain, PTO Shaft Oi. Seals Me 16x tox He Cop Pin, Cover Lower Dowol Fiting, 16 X 65 Deg Drive ‘Type! Gashot, Roar Cover Opening... io when 810 fe romove askat PTO Sha Ol Seal Sg Rowinee Pin, Cover Upper Dowel. late Assy, Tanemission “Soro, 878-16 X 24 Hox Hd Cap ‘Washér, S78 Ned Lock 7 oni Con outro. bet, rs tin 10 at Sp rai Ring, PTO Shatt Brg Snap. Ha Halt Dog Pt Sat Lorin, Osi Pog Asay PTO shiner Bin, Hie X 7/16 Col Guido, PTO Shiter Red OTT 9 TT "FAMNGMESSTON DRIVEN POWER TAKE-OFF “CONTERTED Jo, 20/IH-351201-R1 21 11H-351068-R1 22 lmssto60-Rt 28 |1H-387305.R1 tH.987200-11 12.13.14 18 161% 19) oe 23 a1 291 ‘Sosl, PTO Shit Shalt Caller, PTO Stier Lover... ‘Spring, PTO Shitor Rod .. ‘Spacer, PTO Shiter Lever halt w/Bushing, Transmission... input {lusvated win ransmistanj * Common Hara erchaso Lecaly My a seoTiON ¢ ma section Hy Frave ano onrvine nebiinasus BAL 20#8 frase ano onrvane netanesis FaRT TOT er waa TEI ENGINE ORIVEN POWER TAKE-OFF TENGE ORIVEN POWER TAKE-OFF —~CHT OED | | | | | | | | | | | { 1 | | | | we seerrenoe 1H) H47947S RL ng, Sp 1 1 Tiarsase-nt 1 12|te0071-co1 Boning, Bal 1 [rieboee ' fajinasstoenet —Colepwiot Seow & Lack... i m.a7ss09-A1 1 | five S4473890.R1 Rod, Rear Chaeh wt ul Spring, Prssure (Ordor 769-3450). 1 feet pepabeeiomm tore Ia pn Puges a tel ia72e89R1 Buon, Wot enn 1 |ras0100 He RES TEREX I6 a 4 17|.25900-R1 Nu, 14-28 Hox sam 5 | ree169 Washer, 98 6-2 MEdLOOK sn 1 te|tH-27452-0 Spring, Comprossion 3 5] 1H499600-R1 Spring, 15 a Comproston run 4 toltna7sa7e.R1 Lever, Trow On .. 3 nia SpAKSt, SOG ennnnnnasin A 2o|ii473472A1 Seow, Spode Machine 3 zis as 2iliiarea7eRe1 shat, uch wt 732-9008 3 22|lHSs1970.R1 sping, Feion De 3 esd 03 — | alla lamp, Locating 2 SIina7347-R1 Plata, Proseue a i | Ita SAC A KAVEE SE PPD ons 4 Dito, Freon (Ordo 789-940) .. 1 ' 17593490 KR, PTOGI Spring & O16 ae 1 | * Conan Hardware Purchase Locally nee SECTION a STEERING MECHANISM BE STeeRENG mecmanrsu FF en Fane fo nun baer "Ser srEGRENS GEAR ARE COESTTORS ETM ‘SEAR AND” CORRECTIONS TSTEERING GEAR AND CONNECTIONS ~CONTINUED o22- section © 700-1008 Song Manado00). + 12|IH7S405R1 — Rotanr, Bearing Ba. 2 eae pu tn es 1 Reta | cessor ‘ 1 on a BLAH 2 Fae ote8 3 Ml mgoee.nt Pug. dusting a4 ze : riesots aR Mee 1 ma ; valzessore sol nape Na) on 2 ahres.soot 2 ys peas : ‘ol .geuer-mt Rd sire Gon oan (Se Ho) slur seoros-at 1 |yiaseee Mui SSEl Roeser ene) 3}ratSo0e i ‘| Not uted ts apptenton slinaredsont 1 1 Notused ie apteton slivcessraRt Lever nan : 10| Notusedin fis apleaton te sn : aafssrerm ety tog tt a slisrire tS ee aay | aijanmsenet cena nnn t sliv-e2s0ec1 Shug. cam Felomar 1 i pes weir goat 22|1.900001701 Rta, Ba. 2 zin.s9ast0R1 ty, Cam Folower Sud 1 zalMa Pe. 4 irisaees* Sciee VEE om tsa a | Htowo Shea ieee Bas A|narec.nos — Packagn Sel A Sex Robt ow 1 ee Sesurae exe ta Hocka ap clitcousenor Mion Sees 4 Nore ee eae (Ueda anaes i aang | sfiz7a5e0 ng, 14 85, Dive Lite 1 nit a ini AO tH508862.01 aber, FA, C2 rene 4 Porchac Local | Denese sees, Net esedin is pean | i \ | | Haro ae -29- seorron ¢ TT AACE AND CONNECTION tHespasze-na IWS0118¢-RI 750-9011 | 787-8000 7ps018 | s] thagyseo-at | | 759-3008 | 738-0207 7 o23- sEcTIoN ¢ thr me FF TOTS *TeeanT AEE AND” CONNECTIONS CoM NGED Pin, Front Aue Pivot siex ta 0 ‘te, Font oa Fing, 918 Dive Type SF L6 wan 8 gt Te ed ie ie SSE Ha ack 28 ogo Ay, i ernst Wathen ae BN SHORE AN bat ""Siahate tect” ee nae eae ert naa section ¢ x Tine TOTS nr. Fin TET anes, nate oxsennon a “Soman Ae TRENT RCE -CORTERUED A{IH-SS1170-11 Axle Asey, Rear 2 7e1-o187 ‘Seal, Roar Ado i... a|1H-ca4664-R2 Bushing, Roar Avo Cantor 411H-997322-811 —Caytior Assy, Roar Avo LH 1H-24840-R1 ‘Screw, 916-16 X 1 Hex Hd Gap s|721-2014 Gaskot, Rear Axle CAM nner 6|tH-978086-R1. Ring, Roar Ado Retaining Snap .n. 7 ‘Cariot Asty, Rony Axle RY rosett "Sera, 8.48 X 2.104 Hex FaCap po ier Fae TOHTT 26. section 25 SECTION ¢ tases woot To . —_piseairnon FROWT WHEELS T t | | t 4 1H-984981-R93 Bearing Assy, Front Whoo! Ball | : sficetorit pun Ol ered al sete: AISERNRIE Kon 2 alu ea Ran in sac |iscienoe ype ae NATE, [Wren Hoult gee aluannsonse Seanad eee MRSS aa 8 Reon CEH mitre o|MSro08 Ro! pha aay, Rear wBA nr 2 7 vee Tie sirsesoot iad erwin erin. 2 nea wee. wexonrs leon teens \ troser sat. Rea ies. | t 1H.987607-ROt Valve, TR-415 Tubolees Type 1]NLA, 1, Roar Whe (Approx 26 bs) ae 2 De Sea (fo ) * 3-12 Org 4 ie Eee i 11NLA Wosan Bes Rear rv 2 7 Soh snip Ss 4 Prego MAES en 3 736-0921 Washer i Wedd > ae "Common Hardhvare Purchaso Localy -26- section 6 n26- secrion « FaRF TT Far THT nouns ii no._sguats [BRAKES ANS CONNECTIONS t 1 |nisearse.A1 Disc, Brake Lining vrccssnmnnnnemn 2 at 14-984720-R2 Retainer, Brake Lining: <|naras.nt of trex ania maoera Pet Blah Pe tee aan ‘Nut, 278-16 Fe sw BORER tei cincegae" eas 101 Podal Asey, Clutch & Brake. Rival, 14 X aid Smal By we [ea oe [ren ihconey [Swans “BOUERASERre I Galled Spring 42/1H970278-R1 Spring, Cutch Podal Return . 1" ‘Common Hardware Boreraso Locally oar section sere SECTION aR TOTS oaRr TOF a ee tt TAVORAUCEE UNIT ANS" RECRYED PARTS. SS TRVORAUCIEUNET” RIG RELATED BATS SCoNSERUED 1|mgaeng6-n01 1 SiNLA Brokat Ay Hyd Pump Mounting 1 Traore i iS Senae le Raeee ys 2 2 rza7oe Nata 16 C20 2 | \Fae-69 2 736.0110 2 |fsteo 3 Eid i elma 1 2]th.s86t97-R1 tng, Hyd Pump $0 Dog Union... 2 3 s}tHsa6ta@-RO! Hote Ate, Hyd in 1 Here i 1H.986190-RO1 Hose Assy, Hyd 14 In HA oe svete section © 200 secrs0N HyonauLze system c sonia re THVDRAULLC UAT ANS RELATED PARTS. =CONTINOED MA ores eames | roves lan of NLA 10}! NLA thn 12] mhanst4o-ns to nua i se[na 15] IH se6ts2.At ‘eae |Terms [wa { 16] ran sooo 17 ipseotsr-mt | te] nsestco tointa { oosons to | arom atta | 112-9008 |nosors |recoses | za)ma 23/NLA 241A 25 |1H-350420-R1 ' ima az|sta zaiNa 29|rHh2seaa-Rt | sls sian salmerros0Rs solNa s4linsearro.nt 25] aaeo60.R sola raven Brac, Frame Meunng tun Ses 2 : Sow ae 1OX TCE Hor iC Washo, 38 0-2 Mad Lock yin Assy, Hy@ Clovis Ast, Hyd Gy End lp, Cyl End Clovis Rivet Locking Nut, Locking Cp Push-On Typo Rod, Hye Pump Actuator Contr. Actuator Contal Fd. PushOn Type. Extension, Pump Spool. Conus! Lovor 1, 1-20 Hylan insert Seton Aled X18 C2 Fei nxaee. Knob, Control Lover Rod Palloy, Ds : ‘sere, rage i Hoe Boo He Cup Pret Batt, Drive Pulley. ron ane KE OZ HERE ec moo Lock Pin, 6/16 X 914 Dowel ar, Frame Mounting Basi be ut, 14-20 0-2 Hox (Note B)... Screw, 1/420 X 1/2 C-2 Hox Hap Washor, 14 C-Z Med Lock .. (Note Bj lvot, 12 X 1-14 FLHd Solid Tube, Hydraulic Cylinder Guide, Hydraulic Cylinder 2 ae Spats 888) Piston & Rod, Hyerautic Cylinder. Washo, Piston & Rod Backup ns Head, Hydraulle Cyngor oss O-Ring, 1/4 X 1-12 X 118 {Hysraite Gyindor Guido) iettomirae ona Bante Bal, 16 Cr-88 Spring, Hyd Pomp Body... Plug, Pump Body Spring Rotaning Gazkat, Hyd Pump Booy ‘Spacor, Spring Sieov .. so ___ninorn pxsonrion TINORRULEE DT AND RECATED PARTS =O TRORD al IHATOAT-RY 236) 715-9008 301 H-707260-R1 40} 4 2] 4“ 4a 4s| 4s] a ry sl 5 82| | el 5 | s7| Sf NLA 7503715 MA 1 | NA NA NLA NLA NLA Ia MUA 712-0708. 710-0518 736-0169 736.0140 |reecors i i | I I | H-aoszat |insassrt lige7a76-R91 -986576-A1 |te-7a2040 “RI Pin, 892 X 718 Skt Spring. Pla, BX 11/8 SISPIING ovnnnein 2 Ong, 1-18 X 1-172 78 (Hysratie Pump Spool Valo} Fing, Hyd Pump Spool Velve Snap 1 Sorin, Hyd Pomp Spool Valve... 1 ‘Shale Assy, Hyd Pum DIV enn Gintdae Hal fr ayp OM mm" Shab HY PUMP MAE nnn 4 Soa. Hyd Pump Ir Sal 1 Gesarer ones Cover, Hyd Pump Shaft Seren Lock Washer, wu 6 SERS SR Tt ack Saal, Hyd Pump DAVE Shalt ovne 1 FRoservoir, Hyd Pump ‘ Screw, 1220 112 Hox Hd Cap .. 1 ‘Washer, Hyd Pump Reserlr Fiber 1 ‘S1U6, Hyd PUMP ROSENEI wae 1 Nut, 970-16 Hex Jam Washer, Hyd Pump Resorvolr Stud Pin, 16 X 1-112 St Spring. Weashor, 11/82 X 11/16 X.085 ‘Seraw wiiyon Pallet, 5/16-1 FV Hex Ha Cap iterated Seay aeen ted Washer, 98 0-2 ved Lock Washer, 192 X 9/4 X 18.Ga lip, Cabo Hamess (For. sectring cable harness}, ** Gommon Hardware Purchase Localy, TT 200 SecTioN © -2- Section Big covrenss a0 wrrones OnAWBANS AND HETOHES ner Far TOTS her Tar TOT 8] 1H.976900.R1 4/tevesteRt | H-g92601-Ra1 9] 1-400982-R1 [7360149 L THBCEMENT ANOLE” AWD COMECTTONS in; Handle Reloase Rod ... ‘Spring, Release Rod ROWAN ns 1 Washer, Reloase Rod Relum Spring Lock, Roleato Rod Han Assy, Li . Hondo Release (Not eaniced .. 1 parley er Bt Sip, Litre Rut et C2 oe Wester, ac Mas zak atcha, Ut. 8c AY, UE Ratchet cen SRS Ae Be wie a : iE q & o.__muat pusenenon TIMPLEMENT WANULE” AND CONNECTIONS Ring, PTO Shak Bg Sap fo n.gsiane-ne oh, PTO str ies 20) Hapa Ao - ink so aR TT 8 cise Porte SHIMLA Pin, 1/8 X 7/8 Hv Coiled Spring 1 1 & Oe e exanterheon 5 20/9042 R01 Lavr Ate, PTO Shifter 1 Wate Se hod toek 5 sfyemamny spe Baar: | 3] IH-126107-61 ‘Seal, PTO Shaft Oil te [714-3010 Pin, 232 X 8/8 Cot... i “aaa Pepiner, TO Shalt Of Soa! & 1 22|1H617057-R1 Pin, 4X1 Hv Cotad Sing “ 1 Slack Be eeeeegats ve ‘ 23) H.994240-R1— Washor, PTOShitior Arm BA von 1 ee . : 24|1H-49850D Spring PTO Sitar Arm ‘ 25{ NLA Washer, 1782 1946 X.065 4 7[Masimesa vuroanenttO erence” | om jaher REX EO S008 7 mosiasena Gates PTO Sha i Seal 1 \* Pin, 118 X 12 Cot 2 i : 27|1H-804251-R11 Lover Assy, PTO Conte! 1 8|ias7216:81 Pin, Cover Uppor Dow. 1 lesen ; . 2 ! i 1 1 1 |4.987200-R11 Tranemission .. 1 | Input fowteted vib bons * Common Hardware Borchavo Localy’ Se za Wan Fed Halt Dog Pt 1H.951201-R1 —_Sos!, PTO Shia Sha .. | | | | | | | ie 1 1 | | | | | | | | | | | -20- secrio# & -20- section BAe Free a40 one witness FEAR FRAWE AND OAIVING MECHANISMS aT TES er ar ers pusnenee mae sxscanon =e THETA ORTVEN POWER TRRESOFF TERGENE”GSLVEN PORER TAKEOFF —-ComP TOE T i i | | | | i s Pa i o~ Teer, 19 18 Issam ' a rn. Ort | “hae ; wliesrina en tn 5 had ; slant am we ‘ Rientl ' nesenat Nat can nnn 3 sluaotess-ne a ‘i 18] 1-274520 ‘Spring, Compression 3 NLA 1 10/1H-473476-At Lever, Throw-Out 8 1H-481526-R1 Hf 20/1H-473472-R1 ‘Screw, Special Machine .. 3 i ce ee ee : 6 Not wsedin his aplcston 22IH-551070.R1 Spring, Friction Diso 3 thywa 1 2aiNta Clare, Locating 2 nee si yoo —iartocwnsntgaone =| SIIMATSATIRL Plata, POB8U0 enone 1 * Common Hardyaro : Dan rte a comin! WR! Mataep cc | piewron: BERT vennsse 9 | Hd F B1 Sor’ tere 12|tH-60071-c91 Bearing, Ball 19 }irasst02-Re1 Geta Son 8 a I i ote section € oa secrion Beers neonanzs Bi seer0 9 eons ser Fae TENTS For Ter pxsenses ft senprion STEERING. GHAR AND” CORNECTIONS TSTEERENG: ERT AAO COMECTIONS -CGnFINUED | | ! ' | | I | | | | | | | | ! | i i { 1 i 1 | | | i i | 1 1 1 | ' i { t i | | ! ! | | 7004088 Soar Assy Stootng (Matted 200). + SaRgousEE.RY Pag Agus : fiecrrenge i Gardon rector [Frasers ‘Bocas Gat 1 710001 Pa SBIB 8819 GAB nnn 2 ‘239018 Sop, Ta od Ee foe Noa) 2 ress iM tose eOORS os ig aS Roe See NI mm 1 Not wd inthe appeaon teln.gassor-Rt Link Sting Goar Oop (Se Noa) 1 i Seal, storing a : nieaeet Na SO Ronen Senos 2729-5008 8007 C28 nnn ee Slee mieute| SIFAPSSIF" Grado, Geta Yor ! teliise8736-81 Retr, Soong Whoa ap wane 1 | Se aR | makes | 4] 270460. Raat, Ba nn 11H.980001-801 Ratna & Bak Assy i sliassscoRnt — Loyor8 Bot Assy is } bi oe : I cluvareoeent Pipa pinata t 20]1H-40127-R1 Tube Assy, Housing & Jacket 1 eh a eer njncesieeget anata nity | clicceove Bebeeneteatieg 8 ; j eS er et ay aaltepet.» ah \ ; atu stesent —t.can Pe Be angemne | alia srt ; HRS genie enone | Nine aria: | slI276472-Rot Package, Sal & Sol Ros 1 eons Seow MBN OMA HENCE sliswosenn BARRE hore ae an pt weld ; iSastaaetteaeeaty ; Penenygavanay clnzrseo Ft, m4050eq ar ilabo + | cones tau oltH-co8s62-ct Washer, Fat, Bronzo 1 | Purchase Locally att Not used in this application | eed ee | \ \ i i Reve m2 secriow oe SECTION ere FRONT AXLE m 7 TTT er i Se a nasony a ‘sonenon FRONT ARLE AND CORWECT IONS ERG ANCE ARO CONNECTIONS =CONTERUES ( rR 7 | | | { | i | | ' | | i | \ | | | i | | | | { | i | { | I ' \ \ | | "i ggeage ce Pi, Font Ade iat metiecay a Sieh 1 1 i a|reoso11 le, pane . 317579000 Fig, 16 Dive Type Se Lube 4lzz9s018 doin, Te Rog 2 Ree SSS t s|mseasse at Red, Laster Ma Saari el 7s0.2004 _Kowol Ay, Stat ® Se ee |rocorer —Wathwctate'etsie kit Se ‘[zposeoe un Ay, Ss aH Vrecozer —Wattac Vea Ge | ol 750.9120 Lin VFESS BAAR aicapacg' =: I yon Hardware orchere Locally -23- stcri0n 2. SECTION € FaaF =a Far TOT TREAT ARLE THERA RRCE CONTINUES t | | t | t t t ' 1, | 1[1HeS31170-A1 Ado Assy, oer mr al zar-o107 Seal, Roar Ae Oi 2 3|tsesgss.Re Bushing, Raa Axo Cart 2 3) retosee Resuming Udo a Sereaay ‘oris97323- R11) iN Garr Aan, Forfa UH ayitoraze ney Garr A [IH-2dea0-Rt ‘Screw, eee an sea slrotsote Gasket, Rear Axle CaMier rows 6 |th.s7e06s-AY 7 Float Axle Retaining Snap 7|NLa See eacaeee ce esti” eee (Stes wii BSSTRS od Beaty 710-2011 ‘Screw, 308-16 X 2-1/4 Hex Hd Cap ry WHEELS: WHEELS: a wm a" — ro oat oe i | | | | | | | \ I 1 | 1 ' 1 i 1 | | | | { | { 1 | | | | | | | | 1] onaes09 song Any ent Bet o 4 slovaosornea ici vse Parsee Lt a AN western IN aos aliens see tt (esis i taeda ! alineretes0s [reeset aw, TRASH tan Tee T 9{ 734-9004 Wheel Assy, sar wi7JA-12 Rim ... 2 REAR WHEEL WEIGHTS 1 ae 4 710-9027 Bolt, Roar Wheels 10 |iH-967807-R9t Valve, TR-415 Tuboloss Type 2 ht, Rear Whol (Approx 28 bs) (Fog Trt post Bott 1 yl Rc OEE, Te Bae wane mo * Common Hardwaro Purchase Lacaly -25- SECTION ho hoe er Fa TAT TRF TOS 28+ section BRAKES ANG CONNECTIONS ( ‘]tH98a7t6-R1 Oise, Brae Lining 2 2]insea7t7-R11 ite Assy, Bako. 1 alin-gee720-Re Rainer, Brake Lining « 1 ATIHTOORH-RI O-Ring, FONE K ASB XE vow 1 SHIHATOIE-RT Ball, @/16 Crst , | hseares-nt 4 7linsearze-mt A slincse72o-Rt Layer, Bato } Meta tek ca aeha = ; Setear ; slingagracRt Rog, Brake, 1 ne3sor Bo a8 KSI et th rolNA gl sey, Ce 8 Ba anf nce Bae MA RTNG Smal oe Btitcorg 736.8001 Washer Soo as si} ‘am, Chtch & Brak Pedal one f Tivwon: “Bh ax ilety « v8 Goled Spring 12|1H970278-A1 Spring, Clutch Pedal Roti .. + common Harcware Sefthate tocaly -26- section Brome sysren -28- secrron wvonauLte sysTEM TRYORAULEE UNIT AND RELATED PARTS 1 | | | | | | | | 1iH-396136-R91 1 112.0788 } 10-3160 ® 2 736-0119 Washer, 816 0-2 Med Lock a. 2 736-0140 Warr ase Xiao Ro 4 065 C-2 2lin-986187-R1 —Fiting, Hyd Pump 80 Dog Union... 2 B]1H-986198-ROI — HOsOASsy, YE SIA, ercionenins 1 41IN-306190-A91 Hose Assy, Hyd 14 In... | | | i { { } ' t ' ' t | I | | | 1 i i | 1 | i | { 1 1 { 1 i | i! { f i t f t | f i I t i i I | L TT nt axscurion TRVORAULIC UNIT AND WELATED PARTS SCOMTINUED Bracket Assy, Mount Bol 36-16 Re eo ig Hasse 16 aocy Mods Washer #208 «ate 065 Gaz recta any, 99 cue No de-16 6-2 9 Sa Sze: ‘chor 6-2 od Cae Common Hardware Borciase Locally Tos th HYORAULIC SYSTEM ei eae nh ‘HYDRAULIC SYSTEM eae soar TOTS ke rar rea TORRES RTT “RAE RECAVED PARTS SCOMTIHOED TROUT Dart ato RECTED PARTS nea ED na, Brace, Frome Mouning ! 35|1H-996960.R1 Gash, Hye Pump Body 1 7 Moree fa deaseaton 3 1 {oesee Seyagese xii 3 5] Mua Spacer, Spring lowve 5 [rocco Wathen 88 -2Medock on... 9 S7|IHATONZRS Pin, S192 X 7 ON SPHNG wnenen 1 aja Oylnder AS, HY ow 1 20] 7153004 Pl, 18 X 1-114 St Spiga 2 9/ NLA Clovis Assy. Hj PLEAD res 1 99| 1H-707259-R1 Ring, 1-114 X 1-1/2 X 18 «0 1 i eee : 1 Payable Pump Spoor vanes 101 NLA Clip, End Cl vat Locking. 1 i | 40| NLA ‘Ring, Hyd Pump Spool Valve Snap 1 stn ut Locking Clip PushOn Type... 1 1 lags en ai eae 411 1H-306871-R1 Spring, Hyd Pump Spool Val oa 1 12) mp Rehaor Co 1 ti 42] 759.0716 Shat Asay, ie Pum OF we 4 ss} esa cartel Red sens tinaudos Rao. 40) : aa poo! 1 43) NLA. ‘Shaft, Hyd Pump Inter ... 1 af NLA tonsion, Pum zi ‘i iD a 44) Baas uum sha aes F ‘ohtgsggiee rt mgt Lever ' MiezeacoRt ea eL i 45] NLA pisrran ey i ne 46] NLA Sera wiSprng Lock Washer... 8 Seas X76 Sh ita oon Knob, Corto! Lavo Rod 1 i ree : 47147676901 Se Hy PURO DIES ne 4 uy, i ‘Seton, 16-18 Xai Hox i aol NLA Reser, HYB PUMP senwinnien 1 i Soottstup Pret i i al Sera, 1220 X V2 Hox Cap... 1 t81H.996160.R1 Bot, Drvo Putey . 1 i so} NLA Washer, Hyd Pump Reson Fitor 19] NLA, Arm Assy, Lift 1 Uioomony Bey STORIE R os sitNLA Stud, Hy Pump ROEONOF ne 1 I~ Wishor Se Zin Tooth Lock 2 sel NU 316-16 HOF OM rccncees 1 sof ro.7ee008 Pi 116X214 Done oy cal Moses7e-R1 — Washoy, Hyd Pune Resonor Sud 1 A} NLA cor, Frame Mouning Brock. ee in, , ing « PHS 003 See amie Mounting 3 fa eae Pin, 8/16 X 1-1/2 Sit Spring iHbsor8 fen, aban We Cz a 55] NLA Washer, 11192 X 1116 X.085 [rssoe Washer 6-2 Med 20¢K ns 2 56 |MLA Sepramgezgion snetex 1 aan Pot 2K AM MESO one 4 \ 8 Hoe 4 te 2 Tube, Hydric Cynder 1 onsen ie eae uf ee 735014 Washer 1962 xX94x 166. 4 5042-1 ORI SEX BIB X82 orennone 1 Tote Wether 382 ModLaekc 4 i iste Cinder 6s) apres ee 1 Hama “" Piston & Rod, Hycaule Oylindor .. 1 | Sie, Goble Harpets or : a Washer, Piston & Rod Bach owe 2 | iit * commen Hardware Had, Hycaue Onder 1 Sort ae ain WH2S2ASRI— ONg, AX HIE KIB nee 8 (Rveraie Oyindor Hoss) od wa Body & Vato, Hyd PUP eas 4 aif tH.4446e7 Pl, 178.27 Automotive Hox Soc. 1 | = IH-17010-R1 39) NLA 94] s84773.81 t t L Feige Bal, 516 Crt Spring, Hyd Pomp Body. iu, Pump Body Spin ting 1 REVS < Hye ms a0 warns slinsreotens s|in.2o2so-801 “| | hw saree TANOLE ANG CONNECTIONS Pin, Handle Rolesse Rod... ‘Spring, Release Red ROW swine A ‘Washer, Release Rod Ret Spring ‘Lock, Roloase Rod Handle Assy, Lit od, Handle Release (Not serviced ‘oparately order it handle} ‘Stop, LH Arm « secri0N TOTS -20- secrion DRAEARS ANDO HITCHES SST PLEMENT HANDLE” AND” COMECTERE Coun 1OltH304799-R1 —Brackor, Lt Handle Shatt [NLA ‘Soro, 918-18 X a/4 Hos 11/1H-994696-R1 Grip, Lit Handle i 2 m4 ‘Common Hardware Purchase Locally o29- section -29- SECTION Hig res 00 earones Hy__orrrees me rons er ad Yo=Ty Tar TT THREE POINT FETGH BND ORARGAR TTHREE POINT HITCH ANG” ORAWGAR “CONTINUED T t ' t t [ | | | | t | t | [ t { | | { | | | 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 { | ' ' t { i | Purchase Looaly iy shat, 5 ' Hossa co =e | 2linsouess-A1 Leva Ut t | i" ‘So i = | Hots | {736-9005 Waener, 1 : | 1796-0272 Washer, 17/82 X 1-1 1 1 3/1H-954670-R11 Plate Agcy Lit 1 | A Pin, XT d |incoason: Saw 8 2 | toxtiac 1 736.0119 Washer Be 2 [Beaars Washer fa 3 | ese! Brera viru ' i 8[7rtg07e ———Spate, LR BOF wannsnncnnnne 4 | 17090400 Ling, Lower ie 4 | | eseee sips i | | Fortis Gea | 7irago.os | Orewa od : i Uiatecom, Seon, Mee eT Ha RaEAG.: 3 i I | i ** Common Hardware | ! | | | | -20- secTioN -20- SECTION € HA _82*" 89 surronr B52 m0 sue%00r Fai TOTS sear re vusen _ocvontenon nose _oxsenvenon, I T | | { t t t ' t ' { | 1 | | i t | | | 1 | 1 | 1 1 1 | 1 t 1 | 1 ‘6 <7 i | ' b | | i i { pee t}zsoc148 seat sey a | claus Ral, Sost Support RH 4 | 1712-0267 ‘Nut, §/16-18 C-2 Hex 2 1 eae Sea 8 alu RA, S08 SUPPOML ners 4 I7izoz67 Nuc sieeozten.” 2 yasoits «= Washo avio a Madioa alma Sigg, $08 | WMiboomn Ea SAbeiser co A | 708-0076 Wathen, 1982 X16 X unas | CL S|NLA Pin, Seat Pivot a. 1 |riaosre Bin, VOX 88 C2 Cate \ fata O18 8 S81 SUPPER ASE), one 1 \ Beate a \uvosoonr — “Ston"Wo-1e X89 Hox Hd Cap . © TINA Panel Assy. RearFrame Cover Back ae SECTION & oa seorzoN Hiy__s0887 METAL mo onreces Bia S087 era ano orrees a RODD SAELLE AND FAVE THOOG, GRILLE ANG FRAME ——COnFTHUEE | | | | | | | ' SUIHSO7EB7-RY——Shiald, Cute ieet724ts ‘Sorew, 1228 X “ Washer, No. 12 6-2 Lock NA Product Graphic, Hood Omament Insdessza ‘Setow wiext Tooth Lock Washer, 40.28 78 Hex Ha Mach “Common Hardware Purchase Locally 4 t 1 | t i { ‘Washer, 1382 13/18 X 062. L n32- secTION € 32. secrion € a SHEET METAL AND GRILLES a SHEET METAL AND GRILLES oar Ter Waar Ter (HOOD, GRILLE ANO FRAME CONTINUED TFENOERS : Sita Housing, Gre. 1 ( I Maoee ec bete c3 iy i [rbssee Soo atexi Cz i {r10.0520 Sem SENG K 1172 02 ne 2 i Hox HéCep 7 sha Gite... 1 rina Sip Aeey, itPant : [itso fe Eton ach Sie > S|ISB4808-Rt Seip, Gill Panel Clamp 4 aja $2008, 81 oe 1 so}na Pogesta 1 Min EAR eeres os | se [736-0160 Washer, 9B 0-2 Med Lack ow 4 11{i+992622-R1 Bumper, Hood 1 sles Spacer, Hood RoE Lk sence 2 1al7i0a015 Rode, Hood Lock, Bu 2 Ben eR SNCS soem | t4lotsodooe- 1 SIMA Bot Ch SH nn 4 irs SomteaeR ieee cd r Washer, 20:26 Tooth Lock 4 i | * Coman Haware | Pores ced | { i <39- ENGINE CONTROLS ANO INSTAUMENT PANEL section e a3 section Biot coercts ano msrattewr panes nr yaar Tr sane sen 736-0722 BS-231062 Iyesseas-Rot reeo7e2 | BS-231082 alinarezse.ay I reo. Watahs al ngo7a5.c2 ISSR HSrsasiRt n.gezese-R1 in-4szees | 7iu-s2601-00 | twa ont i 9] 10 | ENGINE CONTROLS AND” TNSTAOUENT PANEL Suton 2082 actors wiser ihr Switch Assy, Ligh (Tractors welt ‘Space, Uoning ? ver Pane Ratton. eon Uni Popa Elament evn 4 Product Graph, Instumert Panel 1 (hot sone earl rer Package Honsbaa-hey) nn ** Common Hardare Borchase Localy -3- secrs0N sae section € a MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ry MISCELLAMEQUS EQUIPMENT eed TTT kere a reas s =e ee 2 ore Teac ST haze 1 |iw-004e-Re1 Package, Product Graphiog oun. 1 ' Tnutuipont Panel | | i unt ' i : i one INLA Product Graphic, Headlight Panel... 1 2 Ghactts wich ira) Jin-e7ss2e4-At Product Graphic, Cr Speed... 1 : SYS ; Pie Sess I ' ' ' | | ' | | ' | I | I | in, Orla Het. 2 | BAER EELE es | aint. Bog ABS BBY 1 | ( (Meecons "Sousa C8 6H wo i \ Hoctia Gen | " Seton, 9/8 16 X 1-118 C2. 2 | | 76.0169 ashe. SB C:Z Med Lock ann 4 | [itesere77-rt ‘Spacer, Uslity Box ...... 4 1 lye sooo2s-a4 ‘ | [ness { | fs | i 1 1 |riz079e ! i Heer { I (igotes t | eoset i 1 | | | | | | i | | | I | | | | i sta) 123 SECTION F INDEX TO UNITS: DESCRIPTION alg Front and Connections ox, Uy Bihan ae Sone Garburstor aso, Trans Sonvots Engine. ile ission Drawbar Engine, 12 HP (K301A) . Fondors Frame. oar, Steoring and Connections Gencrtr, Mote (or tactre whlocis sie sane ‘and Conneetons sig Sina a iMeta Gags Lipig, etic fone ata Prout Grapes "S : Rogar, Volag (ar tate wlan Seat Stag Transnietin, yao, a, Roar Wht Wage ot Raat PAGE 28 8 RSSSEY BoB SF 0 8 2 secriow a section hoo Woe mr. =r tr sar =F xsonrton no oanen geen International Cub Cadet 123 Tractor equipped with Electric Lighting (Right Front View) | L its i 3. SECTION F 123 KH-PA-47504D 710-0514 736-0169 1H4-25708-R1 KHL77-622-12 Te-113 SERVICE ENGINES Engine Assembly, Kohler K-301-A, 12 HP Sorew, 318-16 X 1 C-Z HEX HI CAP sworn ‘Washer, 3/8 C-2 Med Look Washer, 19/32 X 9/4 X 11 Ga (Used with rear mounting botts) Engine Assembly, Short Block, Kohler C-235964, 12 HP ... Bearing Plate, Bearing & Bushing Bearing Plate Gasket Breaker Assembly Breaker Rod Camshatt Assembly Gamshatt Cover Camshatt Cover Gasket Camshaft Pin Camshatt Spacers Connecting Rods Crankshatt Cylinder Block Assembly Exhaust Valves, Front Ol Seal Governor Gear Assembly Governor Cross Shaft Assembly Governor Stop Spring Intake Valve Rear Oil Seal ‘Spring Upper Retainer ‘Tappets Valve Keeper Valve Spring Valve Spring Retainer nea He aa 9 ho 108 199106 I 97AN q m1 BN Nir sgttn ee, aS iY 35 Ne one 19 ro Q ae Z& 478 bb DS 73 J 34 Team ROTA 50, ~ 6! od eee I w % 5 ee HSS, - section oer secriox Ei TOT To Tewarne '=K301A-CONTINUED — [eae =KS01A CONTINUED peer 11712.0280 Nut Exhaust Muller bow Loe sans 4 281KH-AZ95O4 patch Sol No. 951060 & below) 1 Z8RiiAzsve62 —Bibetck Bera No: 851669 & alow) 1 Sane SCTE eae ari xn.208028 Ccamshat (Sail No Washo No, 10 Mod Loc enous 3 |. s400108 Seon wat ek ath ou 4 [ra Wathor, Chote Shar 2 i azo X 1 Coz Ran Ha Mach 27iNLA coves, Camshak (Sonal No. 1 S11H-985168-R2 Element, Alr Cleaner Filtor: 1 { 951869 & above) dlrci.zasion Cover, Caaer 1 Gasiat,Cemshat Cov 1 [Na pene eae ce : Cover, Fuel Pump Pad 1 ee Seton a0 ER slkHxa767 \ zr a2 b tediaal SWiK SEaKK-17 Gasol, Fo! Pump Pod Covet une 1 7a aulvsizasaes Tbe, ov ‘ ' s2lKi200@65 tan nha Valve ‘ ol KH-2as049 8K. 198.09 Base OLPan as : Ol isase77 4 joa Engen | ro.x400-71 1 ' See Tae on ac” ol KH 295054 } 34] KH.206953 Gasket OL Pan Bate wn. | koa Sere wisprna tack Washes 1 | ett ; | TBO N IB OZ ox ta Wack 35) KHA2S54508 Cover, Broather 4 tolie.2a56s2 Balla, Housing 180A seca 4 aol x2 12 11] 1H-263515-R91 Clip, Choke Cable ‘871 KH-275220, 1 1712-8008 "hie naooo © ax 1742-0006 1 r Washer, 1/4 Med Lock 1 -7 {798-0408 Washor 718% 6 x selrozasso1 ; ‘a ee } 30] kx-zas0e7 1 Ppveuly | theanee aS ! ashiazoste ic / : a Cranks AS (or £0N59 eons 4 eel wataosns7 eee ad | cael 4 cats hey acme 1 ‘s]x-20¢908 Bang, Noo 1 | fealatet pean deo ‘olkitzas00r Gude, Veo 2 [scr Ee ama Toe ack wn 2 171 KH.230170 nso, Exhaust Vaio 1 1 Hd ap’ 1 XT SHHo telkn-20stas.08 shat, Govemer 1 44)KH271030, Gasket CUTE carer A folts7259 Pug, 1-VB Expansion (Crantcase). 1 4slH.201510 how, Carburetor Fl Lie ous 4 zo) yua Pig, creas Bi 1 A6)i-474290 Crh nm 1 | Rerta Sap eect <7|xi+-20525 Koy, Cranks 4 asia lug, 5 Bitton (Crantoan® evens 4 48) 40147-75502 Fy wnonannn aa | Boating Pai) 40) KH.201601 Pay WO Die PIB, nae 1 minsrase Boating, Crankoase Ball wmnene 2 sole bath ee : (23) KH-47-082.08 ‘Seal, Crankcase Brg Plate Oil... 1 a Et eee | sasha Bay Sis RI Key AX IOSGPa nn | 24lnt296070 Gasket, Brg Pats, .008 52)0-41.071.08 A io SIIB Besse BSR i aR isrSas ne ee aI (25) KH-47-032-07 ‘Seal, Crankcase Oil (Flywhee!_ 1 fad : | Paap Eng 760-2207 ot “Common Hardie Purchase Locally TENGIWE =KSOTR =CoNFEMUES "= TERGTE SX SOTA =CONTTNDED ——SSssmurion : S2]na810 Sen De CUO ens Paimasnoo ay Vv Steg aie an i 1 {Order in sets of two) uf 1H-385293-Rt Pin, Flywheel! Drive Cup. 1 solici-2asoss tah, Valve Spring Uppor : ete bempiare| a NLA Washer, Connecting Rod Lock wns. 2 82) KH-236655, Cap, FUC! FIIOF .....0 seen 57 736-0140, ‘Washer, Connecting Rod .. oat 631 KH.A-296942 ee F yol Tank (Serial No. fas 2 58 TH-417116-C1 ‘Screw, Connecting Rod. 2 I Reyytzo x 11/6 C2 3 Sigs pike i lS, ee 3 Saas RRS ' | 7 : s4iNa, Nipple, VOX 0-2 Pipe ccnnen 1 & ia Pin Pee Rise a } a5{KHAZIO101 itor Assy, Fue. 1 ee fare tees Fagan Buon Bison Su, 1 fa hae aaro%e0 Valve Assy, Needio. 1 deat BRE SG o | ieee went on : 89) KH-210467 Bowl, Fuel Filter Glass 1 “| Sle eases 1 60] H-210468 ashes, Fool iter Bow. ' oa Brg rn Compr 1} 0121077 Bat Any FFM BOM ‘serviced soparatol scteoa 9 IH-3696 60-71 Clip, Cable Hames .. 1 “| Seaham | see Beis 6] kH-207670 99) Hent81-H J eee! ‘ sf ccoren a S7|KH-A297653 Lover, Governer. " 1 70] KH-47-089-01 ‘Spring, Camshaft Actuating | 212-3006 Seater a aS } Niwas BESRete jroo RL xsexaezez — 2 (Gone hs 381688 & abavey 861 KH.298498 Spring, GovoMer een 1 aces ee ees dese See. wlacene gue! Talnsi0205s27 Teapot, veo 2 ee a ISTE comes | 2s bec a a nme ee jicraem MOE Mtr area rjseneas ah, st strep pci Pee St non vshotsrio© wanes Ag soon id eee Reon secrion F “ seorion oo oe ™ a —~ Sen rawr 645 SOT erantt ROTA CONTINUED "Tenant RSOTK-CONTIMUET 1 | 104} KH+-A2967458 Goa Assy, Gover 1 ‘ariisisote7e Baca, Motor Gang Aut» 4 [Kaeser Orilathes fend 1 {rto-orte ‘Seren, mn er 18 XH C- rey =F, 105] KH231955 Pin, Govornar. Se {in-24640-8 x 1 | kitScae te Vash en BS \ E ae 1 \ ' her. tt tos! Kiba 2asoses Sueaen i Wate Hae nO ia Ox S| 107} KH-298476 Bushing, Cross Shaft sme 128] KH-231278 Pulley, Motor Generator Drive ... 1 106} KH.288277 Ro, Bal dot Tote. a 120] 1-401960-R1 Bo, Motor Ganorter DW vane 1 Fotainer, Toto Rod. a 120] y.o8se40.01 Mor, Exhaust ! Joint, 10-92 X 1/4 Ball . oat 1 Hex Hd i 8a Pa of t7a6 0110 Weshor, 28 CZ Med Loc an. Wainer Ror Mod toa 2000 4 a Washer Sie cau oez st a : Week4o072 Spoon shadst v4 {id ieee on a 191 | KH-295692 Tubs, Exhaust Mufilor 1 tielioizeye—t Oa on. see : ; : {iit Saou weak Wad 2 192] kH.237679 Ballo, Heat... af | W420 X 12-2 SitHax Hd Nach ita Washer, 17164 K 1X 062 CZ... 2 183) NLA Angle, Hanging Strap .. ete 113]1H-62188.61 Condenser, aiton Cait 4 |yssarrorct Ol. Mae sig gages 4 114|i+A-201899 Cable Asay. Condensorto Breskar 1 oe ce 118] KH-220292 Clip, Condenser to Breaker Cable .... 1 icilar ana et 7 tt ' 116] H.47-16008 Brackot & Broakar Assy. st laste canner He H7LIH-S218001 —Brohor Pont Sa. 1 Hette nHCEe Wemertececeeteete 64 ste! Bracket, Point Broskor (Not 1 e Foe 3 se ‘ jee 4 ‘ i i 19 | Hols a7.at104 1 ieiSerere : 120} KH-282535 1 i HX tu KH-47-755-01 (Git, Dynamic Balance Gear ae I | Instructions 1 tarfarszouets 1 | Seer : s22|uett0¢ Pug, Spark (CHAMPION sain 1 i | 2 {29} kiamosr 6 H-Tongon Spark Pg 1 | ; | Sie toe i 124 ote Generator (Forcamponerts .. 1 | teeta cer aa of ' [7100076 RRINTBAETE XA C2 osnan 2 | | Fort | r ‘Washer, 8/16 Med Lock wn 2 | t25]ki:201040 Shin, Motor Generator Mounng nu AR 125] NLA Be. Motor Generator Mounting ..... AR. | 126295073 1 HOR a | | | | | I I raven igus : ee seorton F ar TTT nr Torr eaRBIRETOR z *S TennaAEESkcarrangs SSRI 18) Gasket Needio Saat Furl won 1 Repairkt ket 25-757-01) el (mh repartee ai” | 20|40-200878 Pin, Float Lover 1 21]KH.25-757.08 Float Lover Assy 1 zlKs.20007= ashe, Fel Bow Rig 1 a|Ki.25-81-02 cachet, Fel Bowt 1 2lni256446 Bow Fu 1 1 (Fumish Ropar KH-25- 26|KH-47-100-08 Screw, Fuel Bow! ast Gash, uel Bow Seem | i a "| Pg, ase a a an 1 ean al Sieh Ratatat a Bat che Sah PURE cone 1 | Sanit Star Rey nr a Mave ote Iytznros Str onsen ns a Sacer i Sihicnplee Carrer assy" * | eeneraee 3|-295415 Notte Assy, High Spood 1 teers Seas eray | ne ' ‘ Satie Saker ! Sanna ( 5) | Assy, Throttle Shaft (Fur- 1 } Renee | }xi2762e3 Lover, Tota (Furie 1 | i Sil Seer fai | 7 Sorow w/Washer, Trot Lover. 1 | | Famhcompie Carter Aa i an Serew, 892 172 St Ft Hd Mach. 1 | Afra 20080 Spin, Tet Lae ens 4 \ so)mta Seo, THe ABUSING nay 4 | 1H}.235008 Saw tog 4 talvs.20ce80 pring Ide Ag Siro 1 * memitagaentaae a ¢ 1 Vat Assy, Tyo 1 Perez _ Gebietes Daur nS) 1 Sha a Lover Ay Che oo 4 ” Nozz, High Speed see oa, 1 ‘Carburetor Assy) | i | | i \ | {Fumish complete Garbureto has) | | (enh | i i | | ' t “2 Toro GENERATOR = OELOO-RERN™ 4 4 4 7 7| al al 101 rH 1 1 “4 2| 3 141 t 1 { { { { t | | | t i-sso8202 w-1999007 I 1 | fIH-1944873 fiH-t016324 FLA NLA, 1H-1946427 NLA NLA, { IH-t21044 MA serra Hwa MA in tsa7es NLA, TH-tosge04 tel reese 16} t7luteorsor tal ietocasee tol tor2078 20 | | Motor Generator ABSY, 12 Volt oss Framo Assy, Commutator End... Fra Pin Plog A, BAER Spring, Brush .. vn Washer, Bruch Arm Spa00 Holder, Brush Gro0d on. Bah .. ‘Serow, No.6 X 14 62S RONd'Mach ‘Serow No. 6 XB/16 CZSH Rad Mach Washer, Grush Load Attaching. Seraw Look ‘Stud; Terminal Flo Nut No, 120-2. ‘Washer, Field Terminal Stud Lock . Washer, Terminal Sd ensnnn ‘Washer, Terminal Stud Insulating Bushing, Feld Tormina! insulating .. Bushing, Fold Terminal insuiatng - insiso Coil, Feld (Set of wo) Frame (Not serviced separately) Colter, Drive End Spacer - Ins ‘Screw, Pete Shoo ... Insulator, Feld Col ‘Shoo, Pole StoTION ELECTRICAL SYSTEM [MOTOR GENERATOR = OELGOMREMV= —“CNTTVED ama 22] Ib-1085005 al »| 2slsouiore dsluasovore zl 2alin-souro4e | ravcass 20] wes912008 91} tH-t971900 eeltA 23) H-1014500 34| 1.900763 235] rasc119 935} ‘IH-1921962 37] w-1056740 aa] so] mous 40} wesa0500¢ 40} ‘NLA ailu-roaoeze aa|na 43200550 darovaseses Frame, DV EN8 enn Collar, rive End Space. Not usd inthis application Not usod in thie application ‘Washer, Dive End Shalt Nut Lock .. 4 \Nut, Drive End Shaft .. Not usod inthis application Plate, Drive End Grease Stingor Bowring, Orivo End Ball. Plate, Drive End Retainer ‘Shoo, Polo ‘Scraw, Drive End Retainer Plata Bot, Thru ‘Washer, Thru Bolt Bushing, Armature Terminal Insulating ‘Stud, Terminal ATMatH wenn (Clip, Terminal to Bruth .. Key, No. 5 Woosh Aly-Sit ‘Armature (Used with I-11019 WH Toea7 & TH T018 ‘Amature (also order end 484840) (Used wit -1 101956 Holdor, Brush insulated. in, Commutator End Dowel Pin, Divo End Dowol lly, Motor Gora NO). Included in motor generator assy) ri ELECTRICAL SYSTEM fro Bae nl ELECTRICAL SYSTEM dl SECTION F e res rons ered aERbacron = oreo ne R 1 - 45|1H441805-R01 Bowing, Commutator End Bal an 1 | { {6|in-o2s860 clamp, commuttor End Brang 1 i 2 47} 759-0988 Coil, Fisid (Set of two) .. ft 1 48} in-soeenes Plug, Commutator End Boating Welt | i 4999907), Bart No. BATTERY HOLOER | | | | ! | { | | | 1 { 1 1 i 1 Q7 | ' | 1 ' | | ‘t} Bok, Banay Hot Down [kar Na MO pe A Wag cos 2|s7620s-R2 Clamp, Baty HOKE DOW ens 1 1 | 1 | | 1 1 I 1 I t LS94584.Rt B8.201002 1796-0722 725-8023 1a.987881-RO1 41H-go4se5-Rot | stits7088 QZ AY ch Seron took Indicator Asey, Charge enn Gable Asey, Charge indicator to... 1 ‘Valiage Reguiator Battory Terria Cable Assy, Charge Indeatoro 1 ‘Sizing Svich Grommet, Charge Indicator Cables 1 * Common Hardware Burcheso Looaly on section F oe section By seorr70H svete Hy sormten: overex ead TOTS ter Far OuT suas petenrton ‘ met pxsceienion TORETION AND STARTING THSNETIGN AND” STARTING CONTINUED ‘Tractors with electric starting ‘]tH-aoes69.R1 Hames Assy, Cabo a syitsssase2 Sth Asay, Magnoto, a4 | , ya lene | 2in-c3e6-1 abl Assy, Baty to Megnato 4 = - {700481 Bok giet8xaKoz 1 oles et ov ny a Iago110 Wester Bis cczmodtod nn 1 Teese ee Seka ouhing cs | Feseer Nova i sl ‘ 73-02, Sih Ate, al in.sedaeu-not Cable As 1 |insessoa-a1 it Sons 1 resoi8 Sy $ [nSrekstar Wether Swen Not i | resasze Wathor 8 0-2 Mod Leek ng. s2]iHse2Ks0-R2 Koy, Switch 1 Hesee Warner, tzrsax oe : : | REBREe Ramesses i 1o| merry PESO 980K ven 4 4) gesaiont cot Baten Tonal enn 4 | sok i 14|1H-984554-R1 Clip, Cable (On tft bot soem Slaves cp caterers nn | Tecate atta ! Seer ere 16|1H-969660-R1 Glin, Oxble Hamoss (On motor | 7asa01 iain Garon * | Sonora oar mounseg ot) I AXE toxta oxp $ 16] 726-9015 Sip Gable (On upp LH nn A I Wash Mad Cock i | ofengine) | 7|IH-969650-R1Glp, cable Hamese (On batory& 1 17|re60e Gi Satay Searing SWIEN an 4 | in para eal | Sibi Seah? | 710-2000 1 | | i * ommon Hardware |ra5-0169 1 Perchase ocaay \7i20708 Ragulator, Voltage 0a 1 BEI amas & | | ai secrzon F a2 SECTION F Ha tecteten. svsren Ha ciscrmtone svsren nero TOTS ne. naar OE ft aetenrion sna, —bisennos “cTerectnte Cramrane TECESTATG CTGHTING CONTENTS | | | I | i | | 1 1 1 1 i i sac Tapas x aymouoea cng nt Tauern agit i) ou Harriers epi Ii taaasa fim, 18} Na ble Assy Uahtng Stich Io an. 4 Haas lee yal ' Fight ALIHABIGAS Cot, Tala Ase Oni { Terai hans oj ‘4l7269025 Op, Headlight Cabos (On vo | seoaso tenner | feqular oppor mount bo 712-3008 Nut, 4/6-20 0-2 Hox 181726-3028 Ihting Switch to Tailight 1 rab 28 Wathor, 1 0-2 Mod | Sable er raat atta Brosh Taig Mourn nn | Heso00 ee ee 161795.2008 Grom, Talght Cn cccas 1 |zs8.0920 Washer 78 6-2 Mad Lock vinta Product Gr tPandd 1F123008 Na 6.20 0-2 Hor 1 Seen | H-62801-DC ‘Switch Ass) phting .. ” ‘Hardware inserter am sea is 7285021 ip Taligh Cab Srapon faa Fara hy, Head Mang , 5 ©{INS89765-R1 Ring, Mesalght Rann TIIW-S00746.R1 Ring, Henaigh Clam a a acer sl 725-0222 Unit Assy, Sealod Beam Headlight 9]Htdo4ser-Ra1 Gabo Aeny, ging Stoo 1 note. [ine-s20114 ise, Cardy Type AGC 10 YOLNLA Cable Assy, Headlight lo Ground ‘ Hina Cable Assy, Lighting Sweh to LH. i As Uahing Sc 1 I \ | \ i | \ | | | i | | | | | { | { \ { ' I i Hig 248 R016 a0 onrvans wettanrsns roman TIRANSMISSTOW CASE OTFFERENTIA | WoReSTATze ORV ‘atd RELATED Bars SecrioN ToT soerro alyanoe a stisasaras slrsooe shut soues oe eeeeee ola DUE At, FN eyo we A Eas [Wteocer Maal eis | arr taint |revons HSE iecz 2 Ase apts elrasoste Aco, Oump Vie sta fo, Dp Vt : reir Pa amxan eztv cat syg la Pia A at is nl caw oir: ee e HOS, uxerexiwarcz a3- Hy 2088 Frame m0 omrvane uadtharsus ite [TEANGMESS TON CASE DIFFERENTIAL /OROSTATEC DSIVE"AND. RELATED PARTS" Vapi Tanta |ie2soso.ns Soran, 86 X88 Hox HE Cap spore ase te f Rae slsesos conn pa a tlnenn. se) ced Tenn 16|tH.29¢088.Ret Beating, vel Pion Sha | Rear Cop | r7tn.09s001.81 Shin, Rear Brg Cup.008 7|ri79124 Shin, Rear Brg Cup, 018... t7|7173128 stim, Rear Bg Cup, 007 { LL telrassore ro} Front Boaing Ast, Bova Pinon. oie Plug, Transmission Breather 21/1H-950897-R2 Gasket, Transmission C880... Roar Covor Pino * Gommon Hardware Purchase Locally SONTENUED Bearing, Bevel Pinion Shatt.. ip sectroN = BEBEBE nite secriow ara seerion & a (REAR FRAVE AND ORIVING MECHANISMS a REAR FRAME AND ORIVENG MECHANISMS. — wos — sseiiehin = Gan hare veseaenouse el reaey acca fee al se, Sip Orr Rt, nnn uzun MELSR ese xe HoxHsCe 2 | I el eircom ou ane cde ps anes ett enta | Fs s Pug, teers | {2775009 i Diet Bg Peter, nn 398 ca} nouns cat ein at Com Be 7 zeigen come Taman cea ep nen | ITITSIOD Si Oo Rt enn Saag Soe Toman te : | a af ; Sian 4 f | soly.smosrre sei : sefraronn a " soot erteiaiiwes | 27} 1.994008. AY 1 [i¥-s85525-Rt ‘Gipco Gano fe ‘ 2alrizcsat 1 51|715-01144 Pin, MAX 1-1/2 Coed S909 vewene 1 zal .seasis01 1 52 iNLA Clip, Suton Tube 1 0k 743-0973 1 53/NLA ‘ fe ! ; Rating. aR I iH afrizsts0 ‘ ey aaoscees BEG BM -ean Fen a wonm net 1 Retaloer, = an af raise a | bee sd rascae ' * Speen rttisse * ‘ St is | = i "Seon, Seo ainaae Ha Cap § | sal sowearnes ve asl ; Soo: ! Ee } sal rzas0% : a7] wzeurecn - salt gsores ' hig : | sof esore : | 40| 1H-350780-R1 1 } sana 7 | ‘alresoo 7 est ygeygaenn ISH Omen ptae ns : e Ss 7 lie oie 2 ' | \ { ; nest 717-9082 111H-398560-R01 7 1 1 { { { | ' t | | | { | | i I | i i 1 | | | | | | | | | 1 i 1 t 1 { i t { { 1 ' i t t I | | 2 '8/ $U-9001970.0009 |i 5] th-se0594-Ao1 | 7|.sv-so04800 2808 5 8] su-s101867 81741-0901 to} s04051-R1 13] th ao4as2-R1 n1s- sterion REAR FRAME ANO ORIVING NECHANISHS cis seerion + RVROSTAT IS TRANSNESSIOW Transmission ASSY, onrnonmnnerne A Hyérostate Drive Housing Assy (Includes at No.2) "Sct, V4-20 X TB HOK ocsone 2 Becta Cap Notusedin tis appleaton ‘ooing, Hyd Pump Sha Roter eli isaac 5091 Up nnn Bearing, Neo . Pin, Teanemision Housing Shel, Tranemision Hy Pus (Suse ea go Sanger? $S0'3004876.0070, housing ‘Sing easronA (iiss Bren coy hal Tanamsion yd Pomp an 4 (Used whransmission assy ne s0684s-A81) Boating, Ball. ‘Swathplate, ys Pomp Bia ys Pure TTT reimesesss-01 rebo-srnes | sass 14 i! IH-317776-R1 tshuvaocose. te|su-sioa1e6 t7|su-si00120 telsu-stesis6 tslou-srcooe zofsusioers1 21}8U-9004800-1508 aalausnoue 1 asisusvorree “rer THVOROSIATIC TRANSMISSION CONTINUED Oyindor Block Motor & Pump wieansmission ‘8 Pump (Used vtransin Sey 0863-01) Washer, Spring FIOM easwnnnsnne 2 Fog, yack Seno Washer, Hyd Oy Block Spring Rear 2 Block, Oytinder 2 ‘Spring, Hyd Cyindor BID ww Piston Assy, Hyd Pump & Motor otsiner, Hyd Piston Sipe. Plate, Hyd Gyl Block Valvo Pin, Hyd Pump Cyl Block ‘Swashplae, Hyd Motor (Order serve kit SU9510795). Shaft, Transmission Hyd Motor... * Common Hardware Borchase Locally Reve eae ce eee ah FEAR FRAME AND ORIVING MECHANISMS ry REAR FAAME AND ORTVING MECHANISMS: “a rene a = Bi an a a nd ares co a alevsuanr Pca tne Oita let ainoneaent tag hy a Ene an 4 lousowniom —raiyehaerofaisk nt | Ses ane 2e18u-s102875 Gasket, Transmission Housing wana. 1 ! seeieiee koro Insecont Magna Gam ery coe | s]moneree SIRE ap \ he pie ceatrt mmm | come ec ianeaneen \ ‘Scrow, 318-16 X 1-1/2. a 1 ‘housing SU.9510405-0001, shalt | | ‘$U-3101867 & O-ring IH-23707-R1) I 46]NH.981601-R01——Boarng, Chage PUMP annem 4 arluossee791 Son, Up . 1 aolnsnesent ng, conurHousng O1FHar an 1 ha be nati : solinacseot Asti en ownnnn 3 feat Sm Gas OS Re | Harboe doe sslisronze-t lng, 4064 x 196K 992... 2 surnamed 8 San aaIRY 9 jaaase7 Pug, 27 Auomoive 2 50/SU-s103101 Shalt Assy, Trunnion... 1 \ al ee 51/su-stor04s ‘hat Trunnon eee ; Giese test pe eeur : sa maraso.ns Pin, HE XSI SUSPHOG censuses 2 aloe vn Ce Pg ee oe petits por ey s9| Ring, Trunsion Shalt Snap ‘ ° che an Pt Pesaran is _ sé su-0000625-6004 2 secon Og exe nn 1 Sioa itotVaivo Plog | fever — tegen tnt aces | sefesout Ct Penner iat rasa Fssorn wna sr lsu.es000e5 Vato Atty, Conte Housing Chock. 2 ! 88 |SU-0008110-0160 Washer, Check Valve Housing 2 'eu.9sto7a5 Kit, Swashplato wiHtsg Sanke® woes | at. Hig» ey — i slums oaegcasea SB 4 ' Shed Vaive Housing Sma susie Fo a sohasscs ak ng ant an : i i Shoal Vaive Housing Largo (su-stoeces ; 41 |i-s90570-R2 Gather, Charge Pump Port econ 1 sean eerst gepatiann | asey 1H-397475-R93) Purchase Locally tefucweriat pan owes Pet nas sa | Nana Beas sous CER RIA LEE ER omen | SaRRREEEE TR, shame ERT | q See (Used wisk phy slope \ 1 [Bus00ests ate RA Uhlige ng Abe 1 1 1 1 i i | 1 1 | | | 1 { { | t L cr EV 283 th REAR FRAME AND DRIVING MECHARISMS: a REAR FRAME AND DRIVING MECHANISMS ae a Fe lee | | { w 9 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | | 1 Plate Assy, Dame 1 TIN Bracket Assy, Cam Pivot 1 [recite to dep Pan fe Beer t 1 Be ae |{1H-270783-R1 ‘Spacor, .408 X .68 X .083 ... 2 ‘31792-3012 ‘Spring, Damper Light. 1 I ‘inactis yng. depertony nn gat Ba. Om atom 4 { ie sides ‘9| tH-84040-RI Washer, Cam Retaining ..... 1 si7it-soss Pin, Dempor Spring Guide . 2 | cisoie | Pa Dee Soka os 3 sore Cenmoaings nn 4 ! haaatehaiints W]iH9R4OEO RI Reg. Spend Cont Connection | 17980110 Nat, 16-24 Hox { 1 H n1e- section a18- secrion Py 200 Fave m0 onsvane watnrsHs Big "228 rem ao onavio weariness mr ar TOUTE FART eT TTRAREMISSION CONTHOLS—COWTTHUED 1 A}rg01t Sa SNGRNK 20 manent | | eneiee | neces ESE at ox vena = 1 | ralrenore dea, E24 ron 1 | ‘Tha Ball i |rieacor Wiebe 24 Hoxton 1 | vals Lora Aty, $6004 Cont non 4 | 15| NLA Pin, 1/4 X 1-914 Dowol .... 1 161 NLA Bysenat Asay, Hand Control 1 Vosesccons — “EB 20 X98 62 wenn 4 BENAROASRR trlitoeenat P14 X72 Bowl ' 18{I14.090001.R1 Giip, Speod Contel Rod 1 to}na Rd, Speed Conta 1 | sola Inder, eae Rtton oon 4 ie ‘Sorow, 8.92 X 8 Hox Sood. | Sipe 21fINAGOS7-RI Pin, 1/4 X 1-1/4 Dowal 22] 71501148 Pin, 14 X 1-112 Hv Coiled Spring 1 abn Se eons Atego 4 | aalma Fata, Sng i 2817233010 ‘Washer, Frictional Diso sla Synge alma ash, Perl Spiga. 2] WIGAN TRALEE BP oes = NLA Soares Speed Conta 1 80] NLA ‘Swivel, Cam Centoring Actuator... 1 = ants Rosey, Cetaeg C4 oon 4 |asvoors ‘Nut, 14-28 Hox Jam 1 sence Yop. areata on ssltyjooms Pg xs 02 Rand nt NLA Bin, 176 X 9/8 Cot .. 1 oan Bose ote tat nnn 2 ; Rephacane Inisomons — "*Ebeilta x veeztin. 4 Waste at B5I.21992R1 Rg, over Rolhing “Common Hardware Burcheso Locally | | | | | | a. an 0 ben rrsrte bebe POWER TAKE-OFF at TENGINE ORIVEN POWER TAKE-OFF -CONTINUED ' | | | | | | | ' | 7 | | | | 2 | ; W i is * | K 4 1 | | | 6 | » i | 7 23 | be | ' | a 20 19 18 ! ' ' I |inst6726.62 PTOCUC AIRY wens rm Spring, Pressure (Ode 766480) 1 ‘| iHszsgga-Rt Fg, Cty t 151IH-478477-R2 Button, Tht. 1 al eee nee : telimarseesat out, War ' Se a t7lie25c0091 Nun 14-28 Hox da 8 essen eam ' se}teesn0 : vor, Had {NLA Bol, sai6 ae Ce 1 19 |1H-473478-Rt 3 matted |1H-481525-R1 Specer, ‘Handle 1 20} IH-479472-R1 ‘Screw, Special Machine 3 | 5| Notused in Wis apptzaton 21IMLATSA7D-ROY bal, OM nn ' 4 Notused inthis application 22|IK.581978-A1 Spring, Fon Die. 3 7} } alia Cian, Locating 2 | : ' 50-200 To chsh ae | rz soos 2 ' . salar ie bie ** Common Hardware ol marsrean 1 \ saan ss | bis, Feton (der 7509400) 4 | tollseses0 Paley Menor Acuaiog gen 1 MSEERES) Pola Meuer haat asco | | i Poetic Lvzsceens —— BaeMR ua Hox... 8 | ‘HGF Pt Set HYPIHATSATE-RL Ring, S089 vnennamnrninnnnn A { 12f6007%-C01—Bostng, Ba non at | ta|massicaRat Cotas Sc0W Benner 4 ' ! ceases ' L -20- section -20- section 6 By srser 0 eons Haste monsnrsn ar TET a ar TOT: STEERING: CAN HA COMMECTIONS TETEERING GEAR AND CONNECTIONS “CONTINUED 700-088 | — NLA NCA 736-3001 THs10809-R1 11H970278-R1 Spring, Clutch Pedal Retum .. i z last HIH-994097-R1 ip, Saoty Sitch Rel Frvworian BU 2H Cte on 4 | Seta | ata i Sin \ oli-secoseat \ rlipsom. | | | |IH-S040S1-R5 Pin, Broko Push . |r. Bal, 9/16 Dia Ort Tolins7e031-A1 O-Ring, 1918 X 1-48 X9182 11HH994720-R2 Retainer, Brake Lining... ‘2llH.93e719-R1 Disc, Bake Uning 19)0H.984717-R11 iso Asty, Brae... * Common Hardware Porehase Locally i { 1 { t 1 | t WyoRAULIC SvSTEM ae Bees secre : TTT 7 TOTS ‘WHET ANB RELATED PARTS THVORAUCTE: ONEY AND RELATED FARTS CONTINUED 411H-86190-R01 Hose Asty, Hyd 14 In, * Common Harahyare Burehaso Locally {{ugeoigeRo1 Page Ay ys ! SiNLA 1 Thome pier i is a BEd Serow SNe EE {rre07a8 5 zag 0110 Fisher 98.0.2 Med Lk nn 2 esis 3 E38 Wass taco rae ens | I ely Brachat Any Hyd Oy Supper ne 4 almsaoiaras rig. hyd Pane 90 Deg ibn. 2 ee, Mae stacesag nf eer ens. 3|1H-986138-R91 —_ Hoso Assy, Hyd 9 In. .... 1714-0142 Pin, 16 X 1-1/4 0-2 Cot wf e 1738-0188 Washer, 98°02 Med Cock. 2 i | ! | i | i i t t L -26- section -28- seorion F nr HYDRAULIC SYSTEM nh HYDRAULIC SYSTEM “1 — = TVORAUCIC ONEY- ANS” RELATED PRATS “COW INOED TRVORAUCIC UNIT ANG’ RELATED BARTS. “CONTINUED Ta teeming wanes =< Moauraat PPro spiieg oe EERE mann catty feo AE Mocmctatnn WA temctetytinws | ct ata He | eee cae af NLA Clovis Assy, Hyd Oyl End nese 1 98 {715-9004 Pin, 1/8 X 1-1/4 Sit Spring .... 2 101 NLA, Glip, Oyl End Clavis Rivet Locking... 1 91 H-707259-R1 Oeflegs es Ve I i w]ma ———atincrPamoNT = | gy apt Pomapat tS ta]sectcomt Rod Hy Punp Acar Conte. i ll pr ose sn ragga nn # ala Satter Mien Sims § hk ah aa on a, EPL a wa Fe iiexoccce | IMA Comite then 4 dime tnomndiowmen lk Reena nee 0 nese 1 afusemeses eo atop Dt an 1 idiots eee 5 RIA ae mn 4 1a aa ne ay i. nu ‘i agi" ‘Screw, 1/2-20 X 1/2 Hex Hd Cap... 1 |IH-20240-R1 forme, e618 REL an 50 le ‘Washer, Hyd Pump Reservoir Fiber 1 i Eocene 2 cA ietmptne nt zo) ro.709008 Pi, S18 X24 Dowel 1 sel NU, 16-18 HOR Jam so seca 2A Sogn, Fane Murig Bt! 3 sa|iHs96s70.A1 Washer, Hyd Pump ResenoirStid 1 | forte salre-7o2040 Pi 816 X 1-172 St Spciog 2 jeeoies Wainer 0 C2 Med sek” 3 55|NLA Washer, 1182 X 1116 X.065 vou 2 22)NLA Ive, 172 X 1-1 HE SOI nen Y ‘56 | NLA Screw wiNylon Peliot, S/16-18X wu. 1 Ce TI eee ieee I eet ee sea : ala ‘Gul, Hydrate Clade 1 near Base coy Spewent eae | pass Nee 1 sts en bt ee joie | eee Nl 27|NLA Washer, Piston & Rod Backup ... : ‘securing cable hamess) oo Sere ae (20) 1H-252463-R1 O-Ring, 16174 X 1-1/2 X 1/8 1 Purchase Locally | (Hycratite Cylinder Head) | sola ed 8 Va, Hye Pump sane 4 | stfeianesr Bg gr Ammotie sn 4 | 1 Soa | S2}IH-17010-R1 Ball, 6/16 Crst 1 1 ja Spring, Hyd Pump Body .. 1 ' | | | | t ' { 4 REV263 -2- secTiON 21 Secri0% 1 DORAWBARS AND HITCHES ‘ORAWBARS AND RETCHES 6. 99 $e ir, aR Moe pouae exsenirion a TUPCEMENY HAROLE” AND CONNECTIONS "ST TRRCEMENT FANDCE AND CONNECTIONS. “Coit IRUED——— O}lH-54750-R1 —Bracho, Lk Hende Shaft ii tate re: | ifsousens tq ino “Common Hardware Purchase Localy 111H-876907-R2 Pip, Mand Rotoaso Rod. | 732-3028 ‘Spring, Release Rod Retum 8/IH.57690-A1 Washer, Release Rod Retum | Sina a}in-s76ste-R1 Lock, Release Rod S1IH-c02601-R01 Hane Assy, Lit 6 Rod, Hando Roteaso (Not sored .. | opi order hand} ‘i ' Tliyseeraone Sip, are ie eee eget Wetter ce Wed \rasoere Waster, 72 Ratchet, Lit... ~28- section F 28 Section Hove eno nares DORAWBARS ANO HITCHES ner rar TS ker Tia TOT esceienion m panes oxsentrnen [TAREE POET HITE ARS OAAAR THREE POUNT HEVOH AND” ORARERE SCH TOES I | i ! 1 t | i | ' { | | { { t f i 7- 8|tH-seae7o.a11 tH-20240-R1 [73st {7388278 aa & (00000009; 3 l sy! IS +96 pee | M4 | 1 8 | I> | 1 finxarer 1 2 is aaneor 1 8 |iovzstecr i 4 rocotees + tala tla \ [Hitsc00 } | reso u shorn ela 1 48) aeas008 o]a 1 7hrareoro 8 | KH.204766 1 18| KH-250011 8] keca-zr10 tela a|ma + Bieta "7 1 oa |igsxeses j Bistenre : Sem RRMA oom: 10] vi.zoooa si, Vav Gover ‘tanga sane TEROWE=RtoT SERES-O HF -CONTINUED exorne 22 KH.41-990-08 a KH-A 2001858 |i aron001 25|NLA 2s ncszneD 27 |Ib-401967-Rt 28) KH.210023 30 at 3 33 34 35 38 Ktl-41-959.08 TKHoxeT40-1 k-252883 kv-235608 et72648 HX 583-4 KHX583-2 ka-230071 KH.220125-S 97] M-sT429 90 «0 a a a a 4s} 4s a7 asi 49} 60! 5 82 3 84 agi Ma MA TODOS KH-8.238001 ‘-230007-8, KH-290170 kH-291767 NLA, 7120287 1H. 220694 KH-41-041-10 wasea7t K-41-785-28. -za4e47 KH-A-231725 ku-291726 ‘7120280 KH-230410 4.231820 | 1H-532004-R1 551 Ki.4t.071-04 | reosea7 56} IHse5200.A1 orl NA ku.204977 NA | RAK26-18 1H.25870-A1 1H-126267 1H-t21988 60 | KH.52-041-17 61 | H-2t0282 |TH-8400106 \ 2] (rox-25-12 68 |KH.220078 (64 /KH-230676 KH-290477 98 THT Pin, Camshat Camshaft Assy Spring, Actuaing .. ‘Tappet, Exhauat Valve Keeper, Spring (Ordorin seta of to) Elbow, Hose Gather, CarbUFBF nnn Cashurotor Assy. ‘Boron, 4-20 K aa ie Mi Block Asny Guide, Valve ‘Sera, 1% 14 (Used on . Serpaig, 82% 14 Used on Spec Ser dn i i 8 Roseanne Sa Pasciitatecs a Fiat Bs Lock (Uso on RetiBeria tier Usedon spe... ead Ee mmene No, $0865) oat Fang a secTiONG 2 wnt ouscnvn TENGE =KIGTSERIES-B A —CORTIIUED 68| KH. 2305008, HK 25 58) 87| KH-291955, 68) KH-204868 69] KH-290149 70) KHAA295743.8 71 Kanata {796-0489 Titxera6. 1713-8006 72) kH.202617 73| W-Ss170-01 74] Kiat-411-01, 75] KHS2-061-11 781 KH-47-180-08 77 Ki-87-150-08 7a} KH-47-150-08 70} kH.200240 80] NLA at " | 4-47-150.09, [RAX-gt 82 80 88] KH-A250874 84) weete8-c1 84] NLA NA 051 KH-20t201 798.0179 86) KH.238087 87; KH-A298741 kH-299087 KHX.7810 1 KH-41-041-08 KH-41-100-06 83 3. Kt-41-007-10 KECGT067-11 | keH-230808, INA |1H-209516-Rot [IH76206.Rt |ta-co4or |is.zsr01 | 88 8 $ 88 aa8 2 8888 Sese 5 a POI sans Beackat, Cll (Uted on Spec Wo 90564). Plug, Spark. Load, Broaker (Used on Spec No. 30564) gy ute one ee eee piconet ee f See en meteareerete 2 § Kenseeearne™ (Used on Spec Sip, Choke Cable lip, Throtte Gable Ka, Gasket. Kit, Carburetor Papal. * Common Hardware Purchase Localy a section - SECTION 6 tone whore nr ——~raar IETS ner. 99a Terr rt sateen fans exsonrnen eee ‘SERIES <1 WP TERGTNE SKIBY SERIES =T WHORE MED NOTE USE FOR K161 7 HP PARTS ONLY oe secrzon secrton 6 Hi ENGINE, . a ENGINE i se nna rear TERGINE SRIGT SERIES <7 WP> CONTINUED Terentia Ror SERTES = HS TEONTENUES oe siya Stator Aas Bata0 vo eiki.z0r798 Tube Ol Flr 1 \ PAA | 261404290265 Inge nah Va ons 1 aliases Baga A ear 4 PIRES Base beg sk Waa ie "Seiow, 832% af8 Rid Wash” 2 ' Basa VCS Hox Ha tach lira Washer Ha. Med tack 3 Hhatx7s10 Bug, ae hie Ss % slitoastea-Re —Eloment Arcleaner Fier. 1 | i 2alKitds-061-00 Gasket OF PANBASE evans 4 4} gH.280899 Cover, Air Cleaner 1 NLA ‘Washer, Packing 1 20)NLA Cover wiFiter, Breather .. 1 spovxarer fu Ar ln Wing 1 ao}asmeee ——Gasit Broatar a 1:220537 leaner .. 31! NLA, ‘Stud, Breather Cover 1 eee erence : eh2008 fie ne 8 oe Ns i awa Hogan a Boe } a ees j r qemveee as | Secession ' i TEBE OL Si oc we ask 38}KH.220048 Seal, Broather iH ‘ i ibe punctate cay sajietzois9 Fl, Beaber. 1 tn rascut i Bl KH-234402 aff, Cylinder Head A 1 135] KH-41-853-11 Carburator Assy (For componente. | Eales win toa sa Scoot par under Gale of \ Bato Kaxi0o4 “See otra! Tooth Lock {sp 2a0054 SoantwfSping tack Washi" i Washer TSK ae Oo Tr | 14-20 X 3/8 C-2 Hex Hd Mach: ‘Hd Cap’ tofyya Brags, Paral Site as | se] Kii2t022a Gasket, Carburotr eal {712-9008 RRUUNE IBC oH ees | a7|M401067.R1 —_EMbow, Carbo Io FU Li8e ane |7oe.0360 Washer, fee one 688 7000 381KH2SI510 Crank nn 1 11] 269515.R01 Clip, choke Cabo. 1 8017149018 Kay, Cantal es talase2seees ie (oles ta, pen Teron ro. | anh esaie ‘ ‘sjotsoes ie SEE 1 ale : 42h ki.2a1501 Pullay w/Clutch Drive Pla, .. 1 14}KH.290007S 0, VON sans 2 ' Fiwboal 15|KH.250170 Inger, Exhaust Valve 1 49] KHX050 ——Scr0m, Freel Pulley 801 woonnonn 2 16)NLA Sha, Govern 1 4 easa7m 4 Key, 4X Paae 1 | {7/7288 Plug, 1-1/8 Expansion ... ml bata Apa Cup Asay, Hiyuhan! Drive cannes 7 olnia Plato, Cronkease 4 | Soro 652 Ce HS Tap od IFteso Sr ete | Wash 88 Ugh Lock ; owen Boe mexwnon 4 pester ' ja ERS ee v2 a, selma rer, Die Cop ss nes tla Bug, 8 Baton, Crarke9 an 1 47|14.385268.R1 Pin, Fywhoal Div Cup. ‘ | ere 48) KH-B-230039 Rod Assy, Connecting, Std... 1 2o|insT213 Baan, Crankonto Ball GBIKS250000-10 Roa Assy: Canecing Ot6US 2” | 211KH-XS684 Sua, Crankoas Brg Pato OF sane 1 4911H-250525 Look, Conneatng Rod SEW ane 2 i Be, i \ {Sonor Housng E) 1 22] KH-230071, Gasket, Brg Piat 1 SONA eee . | abot, By Pla ee \ BlKHX8532 Soa, Crankoate OF (Fhe cane 1 St /aargr49s Bon Set Sip ot I Paley Ena) SH/KH-41-87408 Piston Assy, 1 Bilktaiercos Paton ase. t 2é|KHA281725 ——ipstick "Common Hardware Burchase Locally section « section 6 ih ENGINE TESTIS rar TOTS Be AON amen ee scene rent Sor senres = we =a TERGT eer SeRES 7 soe ES Bin Biaton Std ae 1 e2|kH-210468 ‘Gasket, Fuel Filter Bow! mW f Ps i, Piston, 108 i SSIKH-AZION77 Bat Any, Fuel Fier Bont 1 Retainer, Piston Pn . 2 Sc 1 SSIKH-X-96041 Connector, Fuel Tank 1 a eo[ns44526H1 Sore, FUE on 1 87 |kH-220786 ‘Not, Fue! Lino 5 " S0/IH401968-RI ‘Une, Fua! Fiter to Carburetor Fuel... 1 se! Ring, Oil Controt (Not serviced wane 1 e0!kH.232614 Lever, Govamor ws 1 1 opting 8 Renae Son BK UAC i s7]k41-75525 Head, Cynder a By hg o 2H nn 4 ! fee ie 56[KH-41.085.02 Sra, Cindar Head (6 U86d su 7 | meninds wo rvs a |rse.04es Wath 90280 085 02 ou. 4 50|KH.220554 Washer, Cynder Hoad 7 90/KH-202617 Spring, Governor 1 60/KH.81.041-10 Gasket, Cylinder Head. 1 91]KH-200078 Linkage, Goveror 1 { ot (Engns with 1 selkH-A205748-8 Gear Assy, Gover. “4 ‘Neagouss eee i ‘ ! Wathet eae EET | 6 55S Gammal Asy Enghoe with. secre sar} soins gsiass 1 i eee ‘yee eek Hea ai sala Flange, nemodat on 631KH.A7-298.01 Spring, Camthat ACUEEND venue 1 sluanoues ee ee ieee When aa BS G4lkH41-20009 Pin, Cama. 1 ble. ge amshet, 008 in 98/KH.290476 Bushing, Cross Shaft... 220009 art 85 i eooene im, Camthat 10 a oshzaou "g Coveros Pendatin (aces sina Tappet, Veo. 2 ! Btithioml Dive 67/KH.20008 Val, into 1 ovasezar7 ett Spt Conte t 63)kH.200710 Vale, Ext 5 99]KH.224885 Boating, Cross Shalt NOC sence 1 afk. 200010 Spring, VAN cn 2 = oalth.r7es4e Pug, 1-78 Expanclon . 1 rolisi2z0011 eta, Ve Sprig 2 too! ees earned nn ' Sore) 71| 462000 Vat Sping Retainer ‘4 nt (Saree aT BS roH)NLA Cel Magna 1 72|KH-290164 Tank Assy, Fusl WINGY C8p ann 1 102] NLA Clamp, Magneto Col ..... 7a]k-208655 Cap, Fel Flor a) Wsligpagseres Si, Magn Téliciazeare7 Sip, Fuel Tent 2 Viet uctoxsa ce” iene ae a Midcap e Sow eek 3 Fortis Gap ; 78|KH-234168 Brackat Assy, Fuel Tank .... 1 + alma Nipple, 18X34 62 ipo 1 - ! TTiKHA2ION01 Fier Asay, Fut. ‘ | beter is" 781KH-210476 Body, Fuel Filter .. 1 [796-0173 Wethan, ITI64 X 3/4 X.0826-2 ... 2 7elKH-A-210680 Vato Assy, Noodo 1 sea Bracket, Cll Mounting 1 BOIKH-ZI0872 S860, FN noone 4 to7lit62186.01 Condenser gion Ca. 1 ex}ksi210%67 Bow Fue For Gas. 1 | ee | \ reo toca 1 | ( | | | “ seov108N 0 - * ho ho seorsen i TOTS nro ToT ie__geae oss aoa sescnenon TERGTAE IGT SERIES <7 We CONE TERGTRE LET SEREES =F WS sean Wioneche eos teed ce, 2 aresnes Inder Assy, Charge 1 3|m.57@91-R01 Cait Aug, Chivas ndeae 4 gt Sh tot t 4{1H-994585-RB1 Cable Assy, Chargo Indicator to... 1 ! ‘Staring Swish | slin.117989 Grommet Chageindettar Cb. 1 I | | * come Har | Birchase Localy ' | slaaragee Re Bot Babar HW Da nue 2 | KH-X-278-7 Nut, 144-20 Type A Wing nn, 2 | 1H.976208.R2 Clamp, Betory Hold Down cows 1 oe section 6 a secrion Ha tscrmen svsren Hy screen, svoren aR = Tu Far ToT xseuen as src TORET ESN ND” STARTES TIONTTION AND STARTING -CONTEWLES T | | | | | i i | | | | i 1 { 1 ' t ' i | ' | i | | | 1 { | | | { | | { t | Tractors. with eledtie storting | | | | | | | dl een tn ott anne 4 Sige, em tpt te nn 2 | RETEST con jee eg erer nn | eee cies oot frocorm Hasna czmaatoa 4 al nsaraernee ' | dl ozs : 1710-0481 1 | me. FP (eiesaee | Simonse st ie eter a | jeeee : oraesots cheno terse onmpar nae 1 ine fe eeasteten | | rR 1738-0 het TRA OBR OBOE. | Is ie Med eee Cover, Battary TeMMINA winnie 1 10|141-545190-R92 8, 1 | Ly Pag YEN ec iistac =f | Clon Cab nnn 2 riasoos eee U RMN 3 ati Hares (on tie 2 sila brute, veg Rogie, 4 speeds B errae tee a 2 Renee resco Wate WORMS Hox He Gi 12) (H-PRLU ee Prestolite 9948X, 12 Volt... 1 WEEE Me oznedtac 4 taluysieaesa sn Marte \ ie Ong rete 3 froscae Wat Mehran so 2 Purchase Locally, t | ** Common Hardware m1 storson ¢ wae secrzox BA _sucerston. vere ELECTRICAL SyStEM ni air TOUT aaa TOT MOOTTGRTTION AND STARTING =COVTTNIED seen _seseaaig —_____. ut [Not uted in this appilction 15|1H-402290-R1 Retainer, tgniton Sich 16|iH402208-R1 ——Socka,lgniton Switch . 17140736-02 Switch Assy, Bator igniton .. ‘Switch (Far Sacore eater 17ln.s70509-Re2 919 FEMKOA AY ay msrosenee slate ah THSSSEAT —— Wiashar" Sune Neiag ul asocene ‘ wes ' cliauoent ona, cage beor 4 21] NLA Block, Junction (For electic ., 1 | serene |iH-asdaso-RY ‘Spacer, Junation Block 1 aireom! ges Suton alnsewion —Gecaietepes rey a Spigeecemer creo Ree ron MERE Ireaie Es ovczumiton peas = EsRrenes ; zal Pedestal ASS (Rola 10 A600, awe 1 | ‘grila & frame listing) - i isaac aes \ Eeaee i “Common Hardware Porehaso Locally | | | | | | | { | | 1 | | | | 1 | | 1 | { | | 1 I 1 | { 1 { | | | t | 1 I | 1 | 1 { | | | | i I t 1 i 1 i i | | i i | | 1 i | 1 i t i | i 1 L oa section ax seorzon Hy storm. svsre Hy ciecrrion. sre ner. rar Tos aaa ToT fo sous 1 uaa ECRCTRRG CIGHTERE TECEOERIG CIGATING=COMTTNOED 7 t t I | | i 1 i | 1 1 1 { | | | t | ' { | ' 1 t { ' t | | | { | 1 1 1 IH-121846-001 HeITIeRL H-142480 1W-187720-91 H-121646-091 Sf se74s.An Thiysesrae.nt Hy 8 725-0222 sl1H-40z000.A1 |ineteorte to} NLA / ut] reagan =e ca tam, No, 87 fens ta Brace, alight Noung sen Ase, Ua be ox, cn Panel Assy, Headlight Mounting rtd i Pepe og, ee Siete ann Be BEE yes cate. et sept et ned separately) sa naouou \ sala ' 14! | 728-3025 | 15) i ecees 170500 a7 ' . sncs1 gee! BOER Assy, BH Headlight Un ASshiaht Gable Assy, Lighting Switch to... 1 Sle Ay. Loon tip, papell 1 Grommet, Tallight CIO ane Product Hessight Pane! . 1 | Graphic, Head Podesta Ay Rater hood, ‘onila & Trame ising), Pagkage, Weg Abas aes * Common Hardwaro Purenase Localy oe seovi0N at section 6 ‘cuuTen owe Far TOTS her Paar ours Tecaren™ SeonrEAUeD | | { | | I i i | i | 1 TiiMg96082-R01 Package, Chuch Shak Saniee ou.. t s51NLA, dey Ob & Bh Pedal oe 4 |rissore “Paola ee WW caked bataG | [Wtsccom: Bar VASA Sched sing 2 2} rono%e CA Leagan te|msro27e.Rt sping, Cen Pedal Ram ne 4 Fass SRSA iver 2 ne 17}7929018 Sprig, Cth Ding Dito nes AR learner ener tieeete ea eae selusostes-n1 ‘Strip, Safoty Switch Release Lover 1 | I ctors wi ‘starter) 4)732-9017 ‘Spring, Clutch Teasing ... mt lsisenea mee, asa state a 7 5]7000219 Hub Atty, Pressure Pat. 1 i ie | | a {761-002 iso, Chueh Driving 1 ! ‘Gammon Hardware riro9-9014 Hub Aeey roeture Pate Locating ¢ ! Cece Heats Bn MR THEW Coles Sony & ! | oltn.ongsse-a11 Plate Aty. Divi ai SIREN gga. mmm | | Wate Gehad ate eof | S]U224656-A1 —enhot, Cush Operating YOK ue 4 i Reel gehopoetne 4 710-9018 ree 2 | {| tise4es7-Ra Lever Cte Retote 1 I |ivonss Bh ge Rema taoned ot i 714-0474 Pin, 1/8 X 4 Cot. 1 | 11}IH993124-R1 Rod, Clutch Releasa rnsars T | al 712-9061 NUL 878-24 HOXSOIEAIQR socssane 1 | 13} 79290¢3 Sang, Chih Rooase Bod am 1 \ aS Water SORTER BSE. | tala Pedal Assy Chich 8 Bit iu 4 | NCA Beet Wine Sma BS. | ae | 798-2001 a | | -15- REAR FRAME ANO ORIVING MEGHANZSMS [TRANSMISSION CASE OTFFEREMTIAL AND [neouction Roustia | | | | | | | | | | | | | ' | | | | | | | | | | I i | | | | i | | section @ TOT aise secrz04 REAR FRAME ANO ORIVENG MEGHANISNS ur Far Tere TRINGMESSTON GAGE. OIFFERENTEAL AND CONTINUED {ReoucTION ROUSING hh REAR FRAME ANO ORIVING MECHANISMS: nh REAR FRAWE AND DRIVING MECHANISMS a ree WT, ve Ia Sl tenor $a B R BAeecnne fncmnar “Elenanioxseneciscen. 2 sslaanee —ratpsuyRoanonoua et wD! permgecn niger cas oat ; 3|717-9007 ‘Shim, Differential Brg Retainer, ..... 9 oF t oor af 2511H.380766-R1 in, Diferonal Pinion Shah Lock wav 1 43008 Shin itera Bry tae, 4g 291IH229472.001 Caso wiOriv Go, ional wn. 4 \ 30 |NLa Gost Ditoronél So 2 shiraina Sin nto, get 6} 717-3100 ‘Sig, Differential Brg Retainer, op 82|717.9118 Pinion, Differential -107 2 I $3)1H-950707-R1 Goa, Diforntal Ovo 467 ' sonics Rater | rao MRE nae con 4 ~ gape ine | 8 | seamen frauen ELS Senso. 2 | ehisTe Sn Oto «aire at ay nome = sofisrasre gaa rnioscusew = 4 | Tieng cap Ta em [IH 1 oe? 14 Auto Sq-Hd Pipe an 4 12} 1H-980700.R1 Dowel, Transmission Case to ... 2 | eskstan Rousing | ( 1a]tH.984710-R1 Spacer, Divon Reduction . ' \ sal 717-9076 Goer, Reduebon DrNv@-26T nes 4 | 18) NLA Retainer, Driven Re 1 { be oe Meath cs { { 10] tH-976218-AY vam Reduction Drive Housing wn. 1 t lynne Neg Ren ae 4 i veo, 12-18 X 2 Hex a Cae 2 [= Bais | | [nce atau aoe | Bs: Eee! Wo7e277-01 Bal 1-818 Cup . 1 serie gag aay teton de sth re ee | ‘Brg Ext Snap 20 | 1H-985076- ‘RO1 Seal, Reduction Drive Shalt OF wan 1 2ilth.ounse. m4 Coupling, Cluich Shatt_ 1 iSetae Bn HRS calcd Sg | zal wsseees. 4 Sashes Besvoten HoUEig en A | Bete sey. Reduction Housing ..... 1 | 29) 1H-sea7ta.Rtt { Rou, 38-18 X Ve Hox He Cap. Screw, Sete ad ox sass, ov SECTION @ aa seori0N « HHL Frave avo onturne wéshansus Hy %48 Fre ano ontvne wetinnzous waar TOTTI nr Far TOUT muses otscnienon ft etscnieion TARTS SSIOF *TrRanSMESSION ~CORTINOET pS bd i | i 1 i i i i ' t | 1/r41-020 Bushing, Revere ler Gear 1 19)717-907 1 airrrtee Goar Asty, Rverso ler 4 20 | sesse0.R2 1 ship-ssosse-at } {w } 21 |iH-s80841-R2 Shin, Countrthat Big Rota, nu. 20r \" ; | ‘008 rd 741-0984 5, Traission Mal... 1 22 98 1» Countrshat Brg Rotana, an ar ening Any Tenens [Mason R2 ip ota Ber, on 3a 8|717-9078 Gomr, First & Raverse Spood .. 1 23/1H-950643-R2_—_ Shin, Countersheft Brg Ratalner, i Stag 18 u O18 \ Speed ‘count clin.aaeso7-At Gow, Second & Thi wf 24|tH-ss0844-R2 Shin, Countrthat Bry Retalner, | Sag ara ST a eee 7|mesee70n2 Shut Tannin ah wnne 1 25/1H1427950 Nut, Gountorhalt Front Brg LOCK woo ; \ 8f7at-0360 Boating Atay, Transmission Man ae 1 28/IK-S38680-R1 Retainer, Co : 1 | Bhat Prom Baler” i {fit Seda pacar MSS ay 9|IH.384706-R1 Renner, Transmission Main. 1 27741-0988 Bening Avy, Counereah 1 i Som BIEIB X14 HoxHE Cap 3 | rae al ene zali-ssoece-A1 Gasket, Counteahalt Beg Rota un. 4 | ae 201i 976211-R1 Retainer, Counershat 1 11 /rataser Beatg Ay, COU renee 4 i ‘Soran, SHEA KAVA 4 H-906705.81 5, Trananlssion Malo Sha SS ee “| Sg eta one ' Eousiorshalt Be i fleas oo : ‘StHlH-s50850-R1 Bushing, PTOShat Pt. t 7174 a, Reverse oe ene i‘ Ultima ee atone ISA sana Tet oon | is ineea oar, Fiat Speed -96T 1 | oper selriaoee ‘Spacer, Fist & Second Speed Gear... $ ! Purehaeo acai I7|NSEE an en ped 7 1 | ssprrsmes ‘Spacer, Second & Third Speed Goer... 1 | | I 1 1 1 HH"? Free ano onrvine ecnanrsus eee HE 747 Franc ao ontvins wechantsus bindbatiial Fair TET tn ne Ter GEAR SRIEY WECRAREST See TOeAR SHIFT WECHANTSH —=CONTETE ee 1 |oree-nt Koob Assy, Shift Handlo ‘ 2 [sow Big, Goer Shit Sue! Song wn 1 SHMGTE2EAIE Lover ABS, BAF cnronine 41708-0018 Ftalner, Gear Shit Swivel Spring 2 51732-9041 ‘Spring, Goar Shit Lover af 1 &- oletoie4 Ofing, 12X58 X16 . 1 | | | | | | | i due tre ! ie Housing Assy, Gear Shit Lovor | ene { 3 ol7its181 Pin, Goar Shit Laver Swivel Sto | 10]IH-351547-R1 Guide, Gear Shit Lovor \ 11] 0818461 Gata Gow Shit Lever ous. 7 | aluassone ogmavte ret, ne aac oe ‘ | ; ‘ : in " | Tueibaa & ae 19/1H-952774-R3- Rod, Second & Third Gear Shier 1 = liane rag ge ee i wlrosie pags pong. 18|792-0424 ‘Spring, Gear Shifter Poppet 17/IH-952770-Ra Rod, Firat & Reverse Geer Shier. 1 ‘aliasseon.r09paciggo, Fat Revere Stor 4 i Fost, Bsst 4 Reverso t9\721-0104 OFIng, VEX BEX AAG cncnmime 4 * Common Hardware Purchase Locally 1 | | 1 H i { | ! | | | 1 i | ! | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 i | i | | 1 i L ai9- section @ [REAR FRAME ANO ORIVING MECHANISMS REAR FRAME ANO ORIVENG WEGHANTSNS ir 7 TOE GREER ORIVE T t i { { | I | re ToT Torah hive TET % { oa aot e % daw 21) 1H-sas04n.f Hinasads6-At (Fisoos Here jes zaltsscesent — onieg, vexaex i6 7 (Creeper Shit Lever) 2317090109 Yoho, CPEB ener 4 24|796-9081 ‘Spacer, Poppat Lever 1 25/ ‘Not used in this application 28] Not utenti aptaton al Not ued nhs apliaton liyaresese nt 1 os 1 26 oN -t ne 23 2}721-2008 OFRIg. BBX YOK voce Y (GrooBirsbie Haresoy alras.soas Broator, Crooper Deve Housing 4721-9000 Gasket, Creeper ive Housing nnn. 4 si70s.0410 Laver Assy, Creeper Shit Poppa ony 1 ones Fa BCE i 7I711-90744 ——_Shat, Croepor Driv ng. 1 {7160115 Ring. Cropor Dive Input Sha Snap + o|7172019 Counting, Direct Deve t FAsson Pla ax 78 1 10|717-9020 ‘ofr, Shier 1 tif 756-9124 Cantor Assy, Plant. 1 tal 717028 Gow, Planet svmsinnn 1735-5049 Washer, Planet Goat TAU secs 4 4ltiao284e-R01 Boeing, Cropor np Sha Bal... 4 18|716-9007 ing opt Shaft BG SOP nan 1 tel 719-0026 ogo, Input Shat By. 1 s7praraote SinugTiexene xaee 4 sal 7a1-sott ‘Seal, Input Shalt Brg C492 Owns 1 19} 716-9008 Fg gp Sat ra Cane ‘ 20] 720.9008 Knob, Creepar Shit Lever 1 =20- section <20- section & HH" Frm 0 onavans weSHansus Bi Frame 0 onsvina wees aR TOTES hipaa ears T FRAREMESSION ORIVEW POWER YARE-OF# TARNENESSTON DRIVEN POWER TAKE-OFF CONTINUED 15 16.1% Ve gy SOs 23 aN" 22 > tH-400r-0x Guard Aaty, PTO Shot ' sina Guide, PTO Shite Rod... 1 ina over, Trangmision Cate oa 1 Z0lW951201-81 Saal, PTOSShitor Sat. 1 | Sever pening For use whan P1S ' \ ir en soe & 21{IH951968-R1 Coat, PTOSHier LOVE nnn 4 \ Wash, 8 Wed Lock serene 8 zalin.ssi9s0-81 Spring PTO ShiterRos 4 ‘SHIH-426107-01 ‘Soal, PTO Shatt Oil. 1 23 /1H-987305-R1 Spacer, PTO SHIREE LEVEE nen 1 41 1H-987302-R1 Retains, PTO Shatt Oil Seal & Brg 1 29/1H-987298-R11 Shaft w/Bushing, Transmission... 1 { iioseie “Sion, brie et os Hd Cap” 7 i iro kato win params) i “e sina Pe, COVE LOM DOWD! asset oe Glez7ees9 ig 18 X85 D09DHV uvne irdhase local ' yee 7luW-351258-F2 Gasket, Rear Cover Oponing a. 1 7 For uaa wien PYO is removed} 71k-951288-R2 "Gasket, PTO Shafi Ol Seal t ‘Brg Rowiner eumoszaisnt in, Cover Upper DOW! senennonne 4 SIMSRT2O1-RI Plate Assy Tranemi8109 net | Beer Covte be “Serom,$0-16 X34 Hox Hd Cap rs ‘Washes Nod Lock 3 tolitsstesr-Ae Gast Rear Cove nomen 1 1H 9884990901 SHAH, PTD cena 12741-0960 Bearing, PTO Shait Ball. , t9liM-122701-Rt ing, PTO Shatt ky Snap 1 telinastereRe — Retsner evn # 15li656560 Ang, PIOSHA BY SHEP son 1 telin sg1a.6.Re Oke, PTO SA i asmn 1 iizeaoie Seren eso a Wan” | aH Dog Prat ‘7Jua Lover Assy, PTO SHIRT scnie teluasrerons: Regasy, prosnier 4 HSSHIGROY Regs Prose: : | } 1 t 1 na secrioN @ m2 secrioy hh REAR FRANE AND DRIVING MECHANISMS: iy REAR FRAME AND DRIVING MECHANISMS: i = - ERSTE SAVER PORER “FaEToRF — essai “TERETE” RIVET PORER TAKE-OFF —~COMt THLCE | ' 4 | 3 1] lt wo 1 ®@, 1 wm . i | v | | | t | 2 | ee m ee ‘uaa ; ieee aa aie i teeta ioicteen teas waa Set 2s : feta eter cect 2jmazaon isonet eee eS | NLA 1 roltH-47a47e-R Lover, Throw-Out .. 3 {796-0140 1 20IH-478472-R1 Screw, Special Machine 3 rae-0169 Wa, 98 02 Medtock 4 2110H-673479-F91 Sha, CUM seaenamnonenennine 1 S]IR-139641-81 Spring, 15 Ga Compression vassne 1 22{tH-631976-RY Spring, Friction Disc. 8 ola Space, Sng 1 a fut $20 Hox esucadg hme Clamp, Locating 2 [759-3490 Kit, PTO Olutch Spring 8 DISC nw 1 ‘| nema ty Peer ene! Maneatis 3 \ Hd Br So 11)1H-473476-R1 Ring, Snap o A2|IH-60071-091 Boating, Ball as nennmninnnne 1 Ye|massiceRes Gate weaSceW 8 Lok on 1 I i | | i i | | [cocers Seen AS a Hox Son... 3 | | | | | | ; i ' ' | ! By srr connnsu 7 i I i 1 i | | 1 i { t | | 1 1 { 1 t |7os-toes 1 1710-9003 ra6e8 sTwsvet7e-Rt NLA’ 21741-3000 |72330¢0 slin-gessze-A1 INCA 4 l-s2s06.c1 lu-se2st0-R1 net tae08 fsoes-n61 7 ierse0 8 ° |r4-soass2-01 ore. 10|1H.s8e081-Rot i 11 llk-s9¢26-Rt |riaaois v2lzzaco1e ' ‘alu. sa4e0r-rt iresoot | L -22- section ‘STEERING GEAR ANG CONNECTIONS IT 6 ote STEERING MECHANTSH fol tenn oenurion TSTEERENG GEAR AND CONNECTIONS “CONTINUED xt argo agemeer, 16 X 88 L9 GAB name 2 Wiaehor, tok 98- 2 weaewasateares: | 5 Yepar Column ‘Boal Stoetne Gear Lever & Bolt Assy Nt, 86-18 Hox da ‘Stud, Cam Follower Nut, Cam Follower Stud a Ext Toot Package, Seal & Seal Retalnor Fiting, 1/4 65 Dag Angle Drive Lube Weashor, Flat 0-2 Rotainer, Bearing Bal. Fotainer & Bal Assy Pm aR a Sat “Hla, Th Be Ene (Se Note ut, 9-24 Hex Lin, Steering Goa Drag (eo Not) Nut, 8-24 Hex Jars 4ytH4Te77-RI r I i | | | I i I i 1 i t 1 1 i | | 1 | i 1 { { | { | | | 1 | | t | t 1 | 1 L 1H-386904-RO1 1H-38908t-Rt NOTE (Cam & TUBE ABEY eens Rolainer, Bal. Not used inthis application Not used inthis application Frege pare ara rt incaes in bo the steering gear astomby. * Common Hardware Purchase Local SECTION G TOE REvaea T t t | { | 1 | | i t I i 1 i oa secrion oa Section 6 FRONT AXLE FRONT REE AND COWEETIONS y-aoaaze-ne HHO TOCA 750-9011 "787-8000 7233018 FRONT ARLE TOT Nr paar TOM TRRONT ARLE AWD” CONTEC TONS =COMPAAED Axo Pivot. AMA HY Bed ae Ato, Front Féng, £16 Drive Type Si Lube 4 8 8 Se Saati Kagehle Any, Staring Bet SMe eae ey Tae X 12X11 Ga eae aib se tt ae id Wastin Hae EK Ge BAR OLE He a g “* Common Hardware Purchase Locally 24 storson nea SECTION ¢ ee REAR AKLE rae TT Wi aot gun cnr n TREAR ARLE TRERR ANCE CONTENTED i | 1 | i t osname. na. : 2| 7210187 ‘Seal, Rear Axio Oil 2 <|ownene un terhinc ‘Ibeen eeayteyetloos | Hens RHO ces: apricoe—onutarhincrrs sjtoenen! a trnionawuug ~20- section @ secrz0n oes ner aa ToT FRONT MEETS TIT (W-984861-R99 Bearing Asty, Front Whoo! Ball {HHS61187-R11 Tube, Dust Rear Whoots 1 AMSEC R02 Whee Avy Fowa7EX 2 ain 4, Oya Rar Wheel Spar. 19 8 Rim for 4.80/4.00 X 6 Tiras {1H-27 1506 ‘Nat, 7/16-20 Cd Pitd Hox. 10 2nsoroso.nee Metis, om wae eOrn Minato a Ge Pid eae 19 Senos eek ee i So : | 270189-R04 Wha Ay. RearWSA Rin 2 " . ise a ise Type ‘31734-3004 Whoo! Assy, Roar wi7JA-12 Rim... 2 Bape | Bre XBL eee alrio-oz7 Bot, Rear Whelan 10 tH-s7207F01 Vat, TRIS Teles Te wn 2 TINLA ‘Weight, Rear Wo. 26's)... wi sea Approx 20 Ibs) Bolt 1 ** Common Hardware Purchase Locally RAKES 26 section ¢ secriox @ 1 { | | { { | 1 | | i | | i | sea 19-81 Ho3a7t7-AM1 We4720-Re Ha7e0a at -1701eR1 are Rt Yn.gearea-Rt p-searea.nt lt searzans 714-0507 rola NCA, " talths7oa7e-R1 ojsgatenion ES AND. CONNECTIONS Dito, Brake Lining Dito Atty, Brake. Fotainer, Brake Lining . ORing, 1-9/8 X 1-918 X 982. all, 16 Crsu, ‘Arm, Clutch & Brake Pedal. Pin, 1/4 X 1-14 Hy Colled Spring ‘Spring, Cutch Pedal Rota Serra torture =I ware section @ -ar- secr10% By oe srs Byrom svsron aT TOS Parr Ter cans ppasnirion sont sussneon THYORAULIG UNTT AND” RELATED PARTS TRVORAULTE UIT AWD RELATED PANTS SCOMTIMUED 1 1-336198-R01 1 Tieeres 2 PHb-3t00 712-0708 3 ae-0168 ogi 3 738-0119 Hseoiao wee. Boao ken: F Hsed143 ' ola Suppor 4 21tH.986197-R1—Fting, Hyd Pump 90 Dog Union... 2 pan maeeae eee Ce sftH.s8stsa-net Hose Any, : acta Beate tie Cz toi a t uibabad 1736-0169 ‘Wether, 278 C-2 Med Lock 2 4lin.sastso-not Hose Assy, Hyd 14 In a | 1 { 1 -28- section @ -28- SECTION G Wa roreste syste Hy rormense ersten a Te 7 TOT TRYORAULIE: UNIT AND RELATED PHATE COWTIRUED TRVORAGCES' OREY AND RECTED PARTE CO THTED i \ zn Brachot, Frome Mounog wenn 4 95|H-905960-R1 Gah, Hyd Pur Hate | Ta-oree Na, BeteO eNO eee g 1 ence | Hosbes Sermaeetex ez 8 SB INLA, Spacar, Spring Sloove 1 [asc ee ot seca Ss ll ela ocauaceead al sla. Cylinder Assy, Hyd. 1 81716-9004 Pi, VB X 14/4 SL SpINg nm 2 NLA ‘Clovis Assy, Hyd Oyl End. 1 SO|IMTOTEESRL Og UE XIE KY ent 10| NLA. Clip, Oy! End Clovis Rivet Locking... 1 | she hae sana sofa Fing, Hyd Pump Spool Vave Snap 1 \ 41ltH.396971-R1 Spring Hyd Pump Sp001 Vee nn 12|tH-$06140-R1 Rod, Hyd Pump Actustor Contol 1 lee a ae i 13] Hus Ager cont Ros 2 ‘| tinaodes ai No I asa ‘Sha Hyd Pomp ier aa tala Extnnsion, Pump Spool 1 a i Hast ne ae : 1s|tH-seetse-At Rod, Cont! Laver : i eaeeas Rumer ERSISAL Seen ees 18 1 asia Cover, Hyd Pump Shaft 1 i *D asin Serow wiSetng Lock Washer, cane 6 10}720.8000 Kb, Contl Laver od 1 SESE NA Bete ch ST IMSO6IST-AL PUY, DAV a ens Y : a it 6) Or asta} a7|ins47470-991 Sool, Hyd Pump DAO SRAM vane | Sects Gop Pe Sot sols Reserv, Hyd Pune . 1 19) 12061001 Bat, DAO PRY nen 1 “ ‘Sorew, 12.20% Va MoxHacap .. 1 ona Arg hssy Lt. 4 . a (Midoraons Been eR HER oe Sram ion \ Here ae nt Tooth ook 2 st|Ns Stud, Hye Pump ROEOROH oasnsens fe} To-7e¢008 Pin, 88X14 Dowel 1 sa Me aeaneeseamecesaceeaen tee miei eee : 83|Is86970.R1 Washer, Hyd Pump Rosen Stud 1 712-9006 SR ieee cece & S4{To-792040 in, BX 1-1/2 Sit Spring 2 | Hoses Seon ue x ta 2 2 " a Hee ee oo aauack 2 ss INA Washer 182 X 1116 X.085 vom 2 ee 36 ve 23a FAVOR 2X 1M EHSSOIS san 4 i Fawr tap ne Tex~ 7 ana “Tube Hyal Cinder 1 srl hm. ' ide 4 ams Gude, Hyde Cynder 1 riot Sew, 0-16 X16: ce (25) 1H-350429-Rt OF 88 X 813 X 3/32 ... 1 her ‘| Cabo opine 68s) (estes Watee PERC | NLA Piston & Rod, Hydraulic Cylinder. 1 [726-3018 ip, Cate Hares (For woes V 27, NLA ‘Washer, Piston & Rod Backup ...... 2 1 ae ne i 201 NA Hood, Hyeeaule CYR sani 1 | * compen Hace 20] 1H-252483-R1 O-Ring, 1-1/4 X 1-1/2 X 1/8 oe Giyerile Cynder oad) NLA Body & Valve, Hyd Pump 1 1 si] awea7 wn: Bo, 8 7 Alamo HOX ann 4 | SRIIMATOIORY Bal, SNE CESE cenrerernnens | aslMua Spo, Hyd Pup Body nn 4 | at|nese4779-R1 Plug, Pump Body Spring Rotaing 1 | i REV 264 -20- section @ -29- secTroN rivers 0 errones HE _eteens avo vrrones x war = aR ore TERRCENENY TARDE AIG" COMVECTIONS [CEMENT ms SOMTEETECRE EORTIROES ! | 8 -400882-R1 Spacer Assy Lit Rata 1 | Bek gale ea 3 | |ocorse Water se Bh Yooh Uae 02 3 1 10} c700.81 rack, Un Henge shat 2 | " ‘Sera, ot 16 Xe Hox oa i p- 7 * Common Hardware Purchase Localy s | = C3 oN ' { t t { { 1 { { { 1 A{IH-401466-2 Pin, Release Rod 21732-3005 Spring, Rd Return. ‘31736-2008 Washer, Spring .. slitt4014de-R1 Look Assy, Release Rod e SIN4o1ade-RI Grip 6|tH401441-R01 Handle w/Grp, Lit 7husse740.R2 Lit am ot 219 {712-0008 HL E 13 C2 Hoe 736-0921 Washer, V2 C-z Med iad 738.0872 Washer te xe 668 6 {703-0864 Ratchet, Ut -20- section 30 SecTI0N ¢ Hp ornreans avo nrrones Hip 29085 20 erro Fa TOTES Paar TOT a oxscarnn ane eexeuirren a [renee RSET ATTER ao CRA "ramet BELAY ITOH AID ORARGRT ESM NOES | I | 1 i 2 2 2 4}tnse4e77-A1 1 8|711-9078 1 6703-0400 1 710-3008 3 7i708.0404 egy FR Beetaions Sow, ecto RH Ha Sap: $ 1 ii | | * Gommen Hardware | Rorchave tocaly I SEAT AND SUPPORT SECTION 1H-985078-R1 Sete ei A Wane cae Gushion Sa isch Mn eee Maas Spring, Saat Support. Plato, Sat Spring Clamping... See SEN ees seo. dep ee a seeTi0N ¢ m3. section G Ber wera, mo onrsces Hy 888 erm. ano onrites ar TOTS aR Te Nog HM ggg ————buammuemon ott eetcntpmoe roee SAC Fe THB GRICE AND FANE =CONTTRUES | ( i | i | | 1 { { | i Frag hag ro, S018 8 Hix Scorn. tox ter Sega oet6x 212 Hox Washer, 978 Mod Lock Support Assy, Foot ‘Bo, Se ee Hak Wath 9 Nod Leek Feat BH Suppor hay Foe eR a Hoe Washer, 8 Med Lock ima Hoga A is [sos Sen bei 712.9009 NEL apn oor Losk FBS Wisi BRIG ee shizeorasrm sil cach it Shee na a Car Mash, No. 20:2 Tot Lock, | ie | | | i -20+ section ¢ Bi steer wera ano ones ne. pass TOGO. “GRICCE AND FAAVE-CONTITUED ‘ TINA, 1712-0708 [Ho.05t4 { {710-0520 i slinaossze-Rt INLA | 72.0049 40! t 1H-991947-R1 14 |1H-404785-R2 valuta M000 lraeanes San 13|1Ns92622.R1 14|1H-394006-R1 1S|1H-soge50-R2 elin4o2ae4-Re 191NLA HSt72418 ina { z0|798-9007 | Housing, Git. oo Nut 8-16 6-2 fox Serow, S816 X12 HEN an Re ‘Sera, 8-16 X 1-472 02... Hox Hd Cap. fee o Bracket Assy, Front Hood .. Podostal Assy .. ‘Seron, S16 ee Xa Washer 8 07 Med tock ‘Sorew, 878-16 X 1 Hex Hd Cap Bump HOO ee Spacer, Hood Rar Lock. Roker, Hood Lock, Rubber. Sern HOR HNC Hx Hd Cap. Nut, 14-20 Stover Hox Lock Washor, 17164 X 618X036 C2 Grom, netunent Panel High Assy, Qui at Teysemen lig Shi Priaexraseeuneee. Pin a2 ae Colc2 Wabhorimplemont i ‘Spring, Latch ‘Shget, Bottom Clutch Shield Soy, 1224178 Cz. Water A 12026 Pad, Hood Bumper asnnnninsons 2 Common Hardware Purchase Locally SHEET METAL AND GRILLES sxscnenow a section ¢ a3 SECTION 6 Ha eer vera: mio omtes B87 Herat avo onraces wer aR Ter q oan TOTES exscarnon ott basen FERGERS TFENOERS | » sae denne Won "Ee ; | ** Seren 10-24 X 88 O-2 Ad 4 | 738-0722 ‘Washer, No, 100-2 Med Lock . 4 : ‘3|1H-984743-R91 Fender Assy, LH .. 1 1 alnua Clune, Fonder Moving esnne 2 | Mig te ome 9 | (ime, “EERE ea | | 736-0169 ‘Washer, 2/8 C-Z Med Lock 4 | sla Fe : | glseerarsnn 2 | ai : rag t 1888 t tee | fro HS ereozuetan + | ee soma | | | |! _ secrion se seorton a ENGINE CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENT PANEL a ENGINE CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENT PANEL sar Ten ar Tens TENT SNTRGLS ATS THSYROMENT PANEL erat ERTROLS TO THETA Pa -CORTINTET FRGINE CONTAOCS AND INSTRIWENT PANEL “CONTINUED \ S]NHSTETOLRO Unk, Popo a { 10 Product Gropia, nstnant Panel 4 { \ Gece te tr | SETS ' " Paget Assy (S041 09, ane 1 \ \ ihe trae eng) | 42|7203010 Kab, Trola Lover. 1 | | i i ~ Gommon Haare I Faraz scaly | ' | | i | THS43918.R1 NA, INdeae74 7p8-0722 al ty-saasee-rot yasgre8 | BS-201082 | yesrease ns | i i 7120142 insateds tH.970598-R02 in-so736-c2 iH-9ssso2-Ay I375430-81 i.352488-R2 el iHsa26t wiegret Vane 8° wo oloctaia fighting) 7ltH-42801-00 Switch Assy, Lah lee Baca welts NLA. ‘Spacarghtog Swit ana igarone Usher Pats. Saceeny t -16- stcrion nae section ¢ IH-24840.R1 Sere, 910-16 XH6 CZ Hl He vrscetuanecus equreuent HA ees198€008 courmuenr mar TENS Rt sane — TOE sete ane seus orc Eb Tprcol haraacs Hidov4eaos — Pasape, Prodi Grass teaa banal cc Mosel Symbsl ' Mosol Symbol BH : — {Instrument Panel 3 i fadomar 4 \ Pin, Drain Hole Bin, Ne BCLS Box Assy, Us. -380026-R1 Exlension, Drawbar 10.0369 ‘Bol, gé-10 Xara C2 ik Bane tax 44 oz Sine 0709 Re gee oz tex 2008 Not e-13 6 Hoe 3169 Washer, 8 G-Z Nod 13d 0021 Washer, 12 ©-2 Med Lock . ‘Common Hardware Burchase Locally iets gn en a ale SECTION H 104 INDEX TO UNITS DESCRIPTION PAGE axe a s 2% 2 § a au » ° 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 ° 2 id a iat " Lighting, Blectric .. 18 Mechanism, Goer Shit 6 ano, astursont a “ Prue ie Ben a Saamont B Prodet Graphics 3 Regulator, Votago (lr actors wislac stator) " oat. " Siang 4 Tranenleson . 7 Weights, Roar i Wogns Rar wet 2 fr 5 heme fa storren ae oe seorz0% 0 rrr Terr a rer fot suscurnpa wan -oucnrnon : i f | | 1 i i | | | | | i | | | i | | | | i { | i | | { | | ' | | | ' Internationa Gub Cadet 104 Tractor | i | I | | | | i | | | -3- SEGTION H 104 KH-PA-46700D 710-0814 736-0169 1H.26708-A1 KH-47-522-44 TO-113 SERVICE ENGINES Enging Assembly, Kohler K-241-A, 10 HP. ‘Screw, 978-16 X 1 C-Z Hex Hd Cap ‘Washer, 3/8 C-Z Med Lock ... Washer, 13/32 X 9/4 X 11 Ga (Used with rear mounting bolts) Engine Assembly, Short Block, Kehler C-285604, 10 HP wane Bearing Plate, Bearing & Bushing Bearing Plate Gasket Breaker Assembly Breaker Rod Camshatt Assembly Camshatt Cover Camshaft Cover Gasket Camshatt Pin Camshatt Spacers Connecting Rods Crankshaft Cylinder Block Assembly Exhaust Valves. Front Oil Seal Governor Gear Assembly Governor Cross Shaft Assembly Governor Stop Spring Intake Vaive Rear Oil Seal ‘Spring Upper Retainer Tappets Valve Keeper Valve Spring Valve Spring Retainer nore KB Ae i ENGINE nh ENGINE: Tenamn SSaik—cowrniaes "ee ae SSOWTTRUET 1 20280 Mi Etat Ae Eo 2 one 1 stlig.zasre Gest 9,208 coe nnes AB ut nares : ietaaie sak 89a. 2 8 eee be CNET] 3 2S1KH-47-092.07 Seal, Crankoase Oil (Fywhoe! 1 Ie Wem Re eieglogns 3 sea cm wa he hake Sa aslaia2ssses —cbpsck 1 elmsesteen® Clement AFORE anne 4 eee etre Cover, Air Clee 1 11H-9409108 “Sorew wiSpring Leck Washer, aye ene ! ihe See ean aie SIKH-X-276-7 Nut AirCloanor Wing 1 | KH.205028 Gasket, Canal COVE nnn 1 i | slrtierscst Caio. Arlt vt sjgvese ony roped rian egg at Born. | ad a ‘wiSpring Lock Washer, 4 (90; KH-52-041-17 Gaskot, Fuel Pump Pad Cover 1 : $/4-00 X 814 COZ Hex Hd Mach” 1 alma ges neheoarsend 9 sijizaes na. orF ‘ oa Gate, Cynder Head Ae 1 ‘Sapr-esnaes Insert, Intake Valve sos.ssnse 1 hota Sea Beleeeg agen ougiaerets ! i {Sorial No, $1300 & aboie} 1 Hracioon Babe Be I ‘ slot2as0s+ gate, oor Ar (Sta Na vnme 4 | ! agra sehr 1 wonios aos Wate 1 aisanaate eee Ci el : 95|KH.A-205410-S 1 2088 en i $4880 L doom) se) to Gashot, Broathor 2 tolre2E6se Balle Howng 840 A nana 1 rigaars Sa uate core ' ae coi 111 1H-269515-RO1 Choke Cable 1 ia W 1 ae ee seca TT | 798-0489 ieee 4 seca = 1 a : 4 meat ‘a]ictaoa7sso erin Tote Cable... } " Issel Tato ' dolvoiasioxe Sea eater. : \ ‘sle.gnnss raat, cote. 1 ‘sfio.assia Pha Baber 4 ise or } ’ aa Sa ps : ae|Ki-z95i17 ‘Battio, Breathor 1 _ ao | Sashnse tsa a 1 | talrn.essass outa, Noo ' ; Ae (Gover So [ax7704 2 selramecors cu, ave 2 ' | KH-260170 Inkort, Exhaust Valve 4 441 KH-271090 1 teia.ania808 Shak Gora on ‘ 4s).2ur0 : ‘o}cs7ase Pug 10 Rapancon rene) 4 clnaowsre Ee Seema 5 4 ican 1 oa Pe cee esis f selrar-12.09 crnsahat : ‘Cap fo iasnsas Key, Crankshatt. an] aes SRS Bag rarcae omnane t (eh 14770502 Fave nine A 22 iH-sT436 Bearing, Crankcase Ball 49| kH.291501 Pulley wiClutch Drive Plato, Flywhool 1 221KH47.082.08 Seal Crankease Brg Pate Oi 1 s| KH-X-60-50 ‘Sorow. Flywheol Putoy Set 2 spekcrnaaes Ey ; i | 1 i | 1 I 1 1 L S1]th452779-Rt | Koy, 4X 78 Sq Paral. "Common Hardware Burchate Locally a Le re oT enaTne kee TA =CORTENUED "A PENGTHE SRESTA CONTE WED " — Rade BEE ase esn ae 2 See erat = nlenore eretagnnnaa Tt so Waa ‘8B LT Lock .. 1 (Order in sets of two) le 7 cup wiruy : 80|KH-235011 ‘Retainer, Valve Spring Ur 2 sshzosi0 rae eee eee ee ($4/1H-985293-R1 Pin, Flywheel Drive Cup: 1 ini 7 | (82! KH-236655 Cap, Fue! Fillor. 1 §5| KH-47-067-11 Rod Assy, Cor ing, Std... 1 1 (85) KH-47-087-12 Rod Asey, Semnecte Saige 1 89/KH-A-2se938 ‘Strep, Fue! Tank, 2 é BI eyes f sen Washer, Connecting Rod Lock. 2 I a Hers Cap. a Sfcove ate comes eR EEE a 80]tH-117110-01 —Serow, Connacting Rod 2 si Seah oe “ : Daan ie Jeet alec arias : # ‘KH-47-874-04 1 KH 24 Body, Pee aera pee eaves eae : geen {there Semen re it sshoveroser aarageat siporarea t our aoe ut ’ wt 2 gelesen canarias ng fetes oe nage ae giraan i botxairr yr Ses 1 lucene aceants : oehow eam ; oo 1 |KH-231509 pacer hs, SE si sslicerown — Gaaue Spa : a Somes ney slicing tet accel ecaresieung’ ancl 6 1 Sia8 8 eaosia Ete et sss tee gemenn 1 shane Na aan ot mine te Sen eee x aa Oz 8 ' = ‘ i ee ie ewer. 3 || twas : : f O6{NLA 1 st Metro detestndas olpsages ; 68 KH-47-041-15. Gasket, Cylinder Head wd { my 1 caiiarowot cunastany ' eos HE aon xo 2 7o}KH-47-088-01 ‘Spring, Camshaft Actuating 1 98) KH-235496 ‘Spring, Governor He ‘TAI KH-47-980-09 Pin, Oamshaf aa 99] KH-235086 Bracket, Speed Contret ...... 1 ares eae ECE eeltaee Eigse occas Tice NST She cama one g 1 1011 KH-296084 rackot isting Scrow 1 Talke206039 Brack, Fuel Tank wt ie Geren Meek ee i 7alko.0-235927 —Tappet Assy, Va. 2 eaxases Washer, 100K VX. B8E 02 ‘75|KiH-238000 Valve, intake 1 102| KH-238085 Spacer, Adjusting Sorow 1 sulecaiedl tl Toca aa i lisesi! <= pan agcla gia ‘ripn.236010 sping, Vad. 2 to4liaia.235748S Gear Assy, Governor 1 AES Suey Someta | | | | eee ia | | Bon ng | | | | | SECTION 1. stctr0N woe hoe. m vane Ye fer ar rer en nico. i soanen 0 Tear MSE aa —coNTGED 7 ros listgs1gss Pla, Gover ip ! 120] KH291270 1 NSS PANasher Tee Rave REST | ' Soper taal weaoraeort 1 106] KH-A-295256-S Shaft Assy, Govemor C1088 omni 4 130] H-999840-R01 to7|kH.208476 Busting, Gros Sha. | | KH-235277 Rod, Bail Joint Throttle: 1 [NLA idee 108 , sun cry c0|B5-03007 laine, Tole Rod 1 (Mercian, Speen Ena ier, cat ee ¥91|kH-295602 Tube, Exhaust Mtr. HHoly-9726R1 doe, 10.92 14 Ba 1 1 it Mite Ang cB 22]KH2.207070 Ball, HOA sere im ae ; 199|NLA ‘Angle, Hanging Stop pel tees eerie a linser7e7-c1 Clamp, Mutter, ‘a}kit2ai201 Cai enon fey \ ok a 7 iieeotes Suey wu lac aha. 2 |r207s8 Rut &0.16 dnd lon ne { a8 aie Coz SitHex Ha bach H In Waco, treet base es. 2 KHA720601 Cathet KR ENGIN senenne 4 | 1" condense, gion Col. 1 KiL297419 Gyn Hom afta Package. 1 o eeies Ignition | ! Sieg = aeons ge ‘t4}KH-A-201890 Cable Arey, Condanse lo Basia. 1 lzerer Botte en 1 t1s1kizet2e2 ip. Condonsor Sess Cable... 4 ! 4 196] KH-47-180-08 Bracket & Broaker Assy .... wf Wy gOusE RI : 4 | : - etesetoo-7 s7|IH6216501 —Broaer Pont Set 1 etdente i 419 Braka Pott Bakr Notegiced 1 ipesterr $ ray ee’ Ree 0 | eeuiMlattresee in. 4 ' ' See | Common Hardware traf wieratto4 Rod, Breaker 1 Sorhaae caly 120] H-299595 Coy, BOM OF a 1 TRAX t3it ‘Setaw wil ih eck | Wachor, 10:24 x 3% C.2 St Rid | Hd Mach 1 121] KH.S2061-11 — Gaskot, Breaker Cover ‘eal naHt0c Pl, Spark (Champion) nnevnne 1 25] Ku2a0s7 | ta4l oto Generator For compara { Sooarel pate wer Galas of \ muvee {roosts Sree x1 CHO on 2 | Hd Cap Washer, 6/16 Mod Lock .. 2 Y25IKH201149 Shin, Noor Generator Meuntng wn. AR | 125 {NLA htm, Motor Generator Mounting an. AR | i ee { 126 | KH-285973 ‘Bracket, Motor Generator Mounting 1 1 |IK-24840-81 Borel, 8-16 X 78 C2 Hex a ! | Washer, 978 Mod Lock 2 | tarls.2stars erage, Moor Ganrtr Autg 4 oo Sout iie ies oF t |inarouors 1 ' 1 ! 1 REVI oe secrion woo ‘ yenmsuneten t ' | | IKH-47-859-22 Cnrburotor Assy n KH-200089 Spring, High Speed Neode naan t ' 4 Seal.Tht Sta Dut a Sea De Ra Sftts Need, RSE wane | Stal ele Fuh 4 | Sere tear ty 4 Degen Thc a 4 nish complote Carburator Assy) afarees Lov, Te ih ' Somplole Garburetor Assy} ‘ coy, Teco: + 1 (Fumish compiote Carburotor Assy) ae eon, 098% 12 SUFIHE Ma. 4 df s01089 Spo ove ens soa Sewn Tate Aug ns tenons Some he Aung ' ‘2[KH-200080 ‘Spring, Idte Adjusting Screw tt sl sey Cch Tete ay } ema Tae 5 a ys Ay, : HOARE aztrn3 wl Pus, Arian expan. 4 eae tore bate 16! ‘Shaft & Laver Assy, Chok9 wesc 1 | (Fumish complete Carburotor Assy) 0 za, Hh Sends 1 \ Hoel Yeas enone “i TeaaGuRETOR —-CONTINUED | wel | aleve atht2sreras tala acre 2alki2so4t-c2 e084 ast i 28|KH.47-100.08 8 8 H-25-787-01 section 4 Reiranemeansare oettay | Fett routines Gasket, Fuel Bow! Ring cote Po. we ‘Gaskot, Fuel Bow Soom Gantt Rapa ka ices Fi ‘Serow, Fuol Bowl Plug, Idle Passage Pivot (Fue... 4 rsh complote Garburator Assy) ‘Spring, Choke Shaft Fumish . complete Carburetor Assy) Ball, Choke Shaft (Furnish socsnen ‘complate Carburetor Aes}) Valve Assy, Choke (Fumish onan. 1 ‘complote Carburetor Asey) 04, Caurctr (Orde ‘carbietor Ass) It Carbuaoe Ropai(Consiats .. 1 ‘tot No 9, 20,92, 598 28) ** Common Hardware Purchase Locally Ter we a secTion SECTION 1 By siecretons svsren Hig sotto ersten is Far THIS se aR TOIT oxsenirnen tonne eacnterion HOTGR “GENERATOR ~ DELOO-REAT= THOTOR GENERATOR = GELGO-REW=—~CONTIMUED we 19 T i | 1 1 { t | { | | 1 1 i i | 1 | 1 1 1 | 1 ' { { { 1 | t [ 1 1 1 i { ' I t t i 19908202 Moor Gonerator Ay, TEV ne 4 17 IH-1961991 Cola, Div End Spacer Iida ae 4 Hfssroor raga ty commen ad senso Samm Re She nnn 8 Frame vo 1 19] H-t9%2073, Insulator, Field Cod 2 Pog on v4 20} MLA see, oie af al ner9st97s Arm, auth 2 auina Frame, Orv End vf af 1H-1916924 ‘Spring, Brush .. - 2 peer Colar, Drive End Space 1 4]NLA Washer, Brush Arm Spavo.. 1 al [Not used inthis application SNL Holder, Brush Ground fe a ‘Not used in this application G1H968427 BHM nmin 2 25]ms0e9o7@ Wat, Di Ea Mack TINA sm o,8KMOZSt nn 4 6] 915172 Nut Drive End Sha wf Zina Seen Hee XSI CZSE 1 a Not Redo ie aptton 2 Wa047948 Pll, Die End Grate Singer ow 1 s|itor0es Warr, Bush Lead Atacting | : ! Srowlaee 2741-0061 Beating, Drv End Bal vt 8iNLA ‘Stud, Terminal Ftd 1 90) 1H-1912008 Gasket, ve End Retanor Pato. 1 1OlIH-t21743 Nu, No, 120-ZHer... ‘ 3111H-1971900 Plat, Drive End Realor ‘ nina Wosher, Ftd Termin Sud Look . 4 aaa 100, FOIE son 7 rani Washor,Teminl S48 won @ 83) 401450 Saw, End Ratan Pan 9 19} 1H-1050750 Washer, Tein Sl insuling 1 Sa) th.007€s Bot Ts 2 14] NLA. Bushing, Field Terminal Insulating .. 1 35! 796-0119 ‘Washer, Thru Bot 2 He Retomene RAS Fe Tomine 4 aol sven Bai, Aman Tr ; 181 750.9950 (oll, Feld (Sat of Wo). 4 Guan gore 1 tf Frame (Not Serco p89 a 1 ulna ea i "ST yoron GENERATOR = ELCO=REUT= SUS ES———— n10- se ELECTAICAL s¥sTEM t 90 tH124845 «o 40} a1 42] rr) ry “8 “a 47 “8 Hte-te50008 NLA | | t9aoee2 NA | H-200590 Votzatera | -et005 01 1020080 799-3388 jH-t048928 Key, No. § Woodeutf ANSI acess 1 Armaturo (Utod with IW-101051.. 4 Wnettotbe7 et for09 IHEDSESEA) Cede 18 Holder, Brush neuatad Pin, Commuter End Dowel Pin, Divo End Dowel on Polay, Motor Generator Ineo in motor gona Banting, Commutator End Ba ‘Clamp, Commutator End Bewsng .. 1 Col, Field (Set of to) mages eoucenragaae .cr40H TTF -10- Section x ELecTatcat syste ore etnies peer BATTERY HOLDER ; Hood, sfrasace tg eo 1 La nssozto Tres Soe eae fe, {ReaaaereRt 4) NLA 4 ‘Switch vm 1 stg jo 5! 1H-62801-D0_ ting .. 1 | inlA "Spacer Uatng Sich i | ‘ nest, cain 4 | | SSeS REE con) 1 rasseas cl nn cas on vt rpiatr oer rauntig bo i | | H-4o44o4-Rt Cable Assy. RH Head | i hestign Moostom Si NA Cabo Ate, Hoadight to Ground 10] yiowe746-R1 Ring Hoag Cam 3 IEE i ssl 725-0222 Unit Assy, Sealed Beam Hasdight.. 12] H.980745-R1 Ring, Hoacight Rotaning ... 13} 1H-40200-R1 Panel Asty, Hoadight Mounting ‘secrzon oe section 7 cen TEI te par rors ~ curt ai *"ecordltemrinoes ~sesten : | ( | ' | | i i I { | { { | i | | ‘1/IH-985982-A91 Package, Clutch Shatt Service 1 16) 1H-370278-R1 ‘Spring, Cluich Pedal Retum 1 Iriesore Bina iB AV Golo Sprig 1 | 177903018 pig Oleh Dg De wn AR alrsegore sping Cush ona 1 aeons Wain Sie i ‘ainiamuant a Say oven eeaw Loe? 1 ' 1 eet vevies i M-01207R05 Boning, Chish Mowe Ba an 4 ! 4| 782-2017 ‘Spring, Clutch Teasing 1 I ** Common Hardware | 1 Purchase Loc 5| 708-0218 ‘Hub Assy, Pressure Plate .. 1 : See el rer-002 Die, clutch Deg. wl | ‘7/703-0214 Hub Assy sre Plate Locating 1 : Vest, Mes eemuniegteeing, 3 ' | singacsse-ntt Plate Assy, Oi 1 ii Srecesar —"Boatiey: Divne i a er i = Ween ta adtoce no, olisesess.1 eratar Cash Operating Yoko. 1 Pe Nut, 17420 Hor . 2 roses seo i Hex Hd Cap. | ‘O]b294687-Re Lover. Such Ralease ' | ieee Be a te tanaa | | riaaere PE Mexar cot. 1 | 11] IH-999126-R1 ‘Rod, Clutch Release Boe | val712.9061 (Nut, 18-24 Hox Self-Align .. 1 { tolzaea0g9 ping OUch Rates Rod 1 \ es RE | \ vay As) CENA Bate nn | | cr "ee : | 706901 Maths Sprig. 1 | ssh dom, 8 Bae Peal. 4 TH-19689-F1 Pin, 14 X 1-1/4 Hv Colled Spiiig 2 -15- section a15- stcrz08 Binet rae ano onrvan wectanaens REAR FRAME AND DRIVING WECHANZSUS ir aT TESTIS ker ae TOT rman Ton Gage OrTFERERTIR AR Sepia age ourrEnrERL sno. -CORTEROED— [OR CASE, DIFFERENTEAL ANG ~CONTENUED REOUGTION HOUSING | eouctron HousiN ne seorz0¥ 16. seori0n Hy 20% 90e m0 onrive weSbinrs AR FRAME ano OREVENG MECN saa Tes far = ‘S-TyRanglSS1OW CASE, GIFFERENTTAC ANS SCOTHOED SSTTRRRSMISSTOW CASE OTFFERERTEAL Wh COnTTHUED | ecueriow Foust (fection nose ' tha tet, Tension Cate Rear oa 1 2417179078 Shak Redon DI nnnnsne 4 neem — “Sew, 08-1656 Hor Heap. 2 25|741-0982 Bening ABs, Redeton DAW a 4 2)/1H-976188-R91_—_ Case wiCup IH-ST974, Dilferentiat .. 1 I a 2slt.172590 Pug, 16 panto 1 Tib-2qago-Rt rew, 8-16 X 1 Hex Hd Cap... 6 | x Washer, 28 Med Lock 6 271 1H-229472-091 Cage, Dilforental an. au ' int SNe BREE 8 {717.9097 Shin iran rg Rtn, ann 9 | | er 1 2alIN.sso7ee.A1 Pn Deron Pon Sha ook a 1 4] 717500 Shi ar By Ptr, so|mzene cor catowowe Ge, Ont Ae gee ea eer so}nta ow, Diternta Sito 2 i, Daron Bry Rete, oun Bor i O14 “ an 31/1H-950769-R1 Shaft, Ditferential Pinion 1 8{717-3100 Pe 92 {717-3119 Pioien, Diferntal 107 wnssnanne 2 i 39[1H.350767-R1 Goat, Diferntel Dive 46T 1 "fname ' | rsrosr7 1 ' * Gompeon Harcuare i | Pltchats ocaly [i201 2 | S|MSTE7A Bowring Dien! Cy 2 ' 91741-0969, Basting Assy, Differential Cone ......, 2 | 10/1H-950837-R2 Gasket, Transmission Case Rear... 1 1 | Cover Plata | 11}/1H-984890-R01 Cage Assy, Transmission of | iiaedest Pig, 18 ho So 1 ! 12/1H-350798-R1 Dowel, Transmission Case to { 1 Roaseioa neva ! ta]m-seerisAt Spacer Driven Redton ' tul717074 Gar, Radon Dive -B6F : ! ss}yta Roxine,DfvenReductonGaat.. 1 ‘San THEN ye fox Ra r Washer 776 Med Leck sec {elina7e2i6-A1 Gasket Redveton Dive Housing on. Diwan sen tae gia aig the liege, fare (iWSeraar-A1 Wether, laduoton Hoag tal 741 8, Ras FV 741-0061 Beary Assy, Badoton Diva | ner004 sloureen — prstege oneSt 20|1H-385076-R01 Seal, Reduction Dive Shaft Gil 1 tit soqoge-nt ‘Coupling, Clutch Shaft... Ht So Ph Ba ist ccd ping” 2 1 22|IH-984725.R1 Gasket, Reduction Housing Cover | Prato 23|IH.984714R11 Pate Assy, Reduction Housing Ie ou, 8-18 X V2 Hex He Cap ‘a ‘Scrow, 98-16 X 4 Hox Ho Cap, | | | a17- Stcri0N nar section +1 He Frise ano onsvne weGhanus 2007 Fre 0 onrvina wihanzsus so var 5° rar ToT waste urn once eGR. TRANS SSTOR TTARGHT SSN CONTENTED om rte OP Oyoe tIr4n029 ———Butieg, Revere er 608 ns 4 te1717908 Spacer Second Thin Speed wn 1 ASS), ROVIEO HIE rn 1 Bauer eects 1917179079 Goa, Tht $p00d-28T cansensee 4 Siussoooe rt Shak Reese ha wax éap | 201 H-s0se00.82 Spacer, The Spe0d GOB eve 1 \ Washi tt Med took i ' Semen ae : a} a-0964 Asey, Transmssion Mn. 4 211H.950041-82 Shin, Countethalt ry Rtas, 2° i Shatter ead or a a8 sl7179078 Gear, Figt& Reverse Spood 1 22]tH.s50642.R2 —Shbp, Countorhat rg Rete, . 207 | Siig at | mF - af |l280s07.81 Goa, Second & Te Spee. 2alin.asoe4a.Re Shim, Countershat rg Retener, AR | Sidi TOPE Bok i oe 7|IH-94700-R1 hat, Tansibsin Mla os 1 zal oseeene lip, comarnat By Rea, AR sperm Reade Fenton an 4 [neste tan Garten Fert ra | f Counarshalt ron Bry Lack 4 o|iaee7os.n1 2elIH.SOSSEE-Rt — Aetaer, Counrshat a4 |e | Gee Sogn | ar | 741-0366 Bonting Assy, Courtershat 1 tofu coumertat Bont Pi 1 1 1 aii { mtershaft ae 29 |1H-380046.R1 Gasket, Countersha Brg Rotinor 1 1117614867 Boag Ay, Countraasne 4 bn Hipane pcaraas : | oe | Pees ROB ae | tal7s73091 Sacer, Reverse oe 1 : 1 SGsthorshet ae SOlIeeESAL age Tasmision Mn Sha. | verse | 19)717-9092 Goer, Fs ant : 31 |th-a8088@. At Bushing, PTO Shait Pilot .... 1 Tajreraoet ear. het BevcseSoned om 1 a2lIM.O7200-R11 Shalt Assy, Tansmision Inst at \ shades iS) 15|717-9090 Goa, FestSp0d $07 snnee 1 telri720n spar Fiat Seen Speed on 1 ~ gaa ate { t7limaaese.R1 Goat, Second Speed 387. | Conte bos By 4 Slaar201-Rtt Blt Aut, Tasnision ‘ I athe 28 Md Lack 3 tt "Seraw 3-16 X14 Hex HECap. 9 201A Hage Asey Pe Conv! cone 1 r Wastin ae Medlock soon. 8 Na Washer 8 838 X08 0l1ss00s7-R2 Guth Roar Cover 1 SofH.s82005.81 Knob PTO Shier Hane 1 ‘{twgsease-Ro1 shat, PTO 1 anna Pin, V0 X71 Hv Cold Spt0g aan 4 12l 741-0860 Beaing, PTO Sha Bal 1 |im-s87206-R13 — shalwoushing Transmission a 4 1 1 Input (liustrated with transmissior 13|1H-122701-R1 Ring, PTO Shatt rg Snap 1 | ‘lnvssiarane Recher 4 | * Gumon Hartyre 1 ! Borchase Lacaly 15]IH696960 ig, FTO ta wl : telinssi2se-A2 Clutch, PTO shi 1 i ti 283388 eee arse St i 1 ' | | | | | | -2 secri0K m2 secTi0N Big 200% F206 ano onrvzn wtanasus Hy 820° Franc a0 omrvee westanzeus mer FART TO er aa TOUS ENGINE OREVEN POWER TAKEOFF TENGE BAIVENFOWER TAKE-OFF CONTINUED 7 i I | I | I | { 1 { | 15|1H-479477-R2 —_Buton, Thrust (e i ; a 20 al 367 jesurena rou hay eI slneapeent igh ee ee eee ane e wini-27452.0 sping, Comprosion 3 aarti vce. djnteent et tothed £m Mm nnn 8 s[itaacent Seong 8 piles te EE TNLA ‘Screw, 3/8-1 “Zone 1 21/1H-478479-R91 Shaft, Clutch 1 { (Cr-Ree Truss Hd Mach 1 t 22|1H-531978-A1 ‘Spring, Friction Diso ...... 8 ‘ iret etn a ele eee : Pope lm " Kit, PTO Clutch Spring & Diso ..... 1 {Wa Game lamy : thnnarist Pw pee — ‘ bin Pann On A i soln-s2e8s-c1 1 i rae ; | | [onze : where ee | femmes! tuoe ona iinatsoons! Guugsrora so 4 | ‘Lock Nut, Bra | sal ‘Spring, Pressure (Order 750-3490) 1 | | | a STEERING MECHANISM. a STEERING MECHANISM [STEERING GEAR AND CONNECTIONS 7 TSTEERING GEAR ANO CONNECTIONS | | | i | \ | | | | | | i | | | | | | | | Inara ypepEER— Pep.amegtitiny 4 pears Masai ows: tele sagnesgooeegiow ¢ Es i AGES tn 0) 19 /1H-384801-R1 Link, Steering Gear Dr 1 eee a abee enielel freee BRR otimea oa HESS Pay dara ' | en ali 221 : 14 |tH-aot68s-At Tube. 1 iN 2 | j.eze0e-01 1 { sl tees10Rt Nut Cam Faw: 1 sliaosess-R1 Cama Tobe Assy 1 on Np oa ee ae ‘tfbemeotm maar ect : (OR SLE Sra pee ‘ae 17| 751-9012 ‘Cap, Steering Wheel (Soe Note)... 1 . je selooteeems ve gong sony 4 Tinareto 405060 de ESE ip Seeger tae — 4 ay ot ‘Washer, Fit 0-2 NOTE Those parts are not included in the Witenes nn vg nea Tonpeenarase sahnseer ase opera vara ete { t i 1 { { | | Purchase Locally, -23- section -2- SECTION tere ores ner Paar TOIT ker oar ET to uM. extern so nua somrion FRGRT AXLE AND CORRECTIONS TFRGNT AXLE” AND CONNECTIONS ~CONT EMUEO 7 i | | | { | | i | i i | | | { IWSOTTeLA aie x te HV Caled Spring Axio, Front Fiting, £16 Drive Type Si Lube hg Ti Bod Ni Se Be a Te me Saas ‘Seu Se a gs Washer ccumeennn = TR ae BARNS RE He alc pig “Common Hardware Burchase Locally “4 seorton <4 5 hoe REAR AXLE pees rer rane TET roar T= TEAR AKCE _ TREAR AXLE —-CONTINUED merrecianss | | | | | t | i | i | | | 4 2| 721-0187 3}1H-908674-ROt 4 tH.s97322-R11 2aeont | 7at-so14 | | |iassir7et i | ‘alo Asty, Rear. Seal, Rew Axlo Oi! Boating, Neode ‘Carter, Rear Axo LH ‘Serow, 8-16 X 1 Hox Hid Gap Gasket, Rear Axl Carrer. lng, Rear Asie Retaining Snap Cayton, Rear Axle BM ‘Soren, B16 X 211d Fide Hid mH vers HE ear i . pe ms TFRGWT WHEETS TREAR WHEELS ian | | i | I 2 | | i | i | ' | ' \ \ | | | ' | ' | y/ ' a 1 | ' ' | | | ' | | | i I | ' ' ' | { 111H-384881-R93_—Bearing Assy, Front Wheel Gall... 4 eee Tube, Dual Fear Whee! .. : anaeetee Roe Whoo ayy Frow9 78x... 2 ay Sr Dues 1 iin or 20000 Troe” 1a 271506, ‘Nut, 7116-20 Od Ped aluseresonoe Mima eee core Wihvon da Goh Meise #8 Sarees, Poms slineresse.n01 Whool Assy, Rear w/55A Rim for... 2 [roto Va, TRAYS Tubes Type 2 | wera 3|734-3004 Wheel Assy, Rear w/7JA-12 Rim... 2 REAR WHEEL MEXGHTS i tcckodisleneal beset 4 rose Bot Roa Wh © S5700701Vave, TAs Tubeless Type 2 i i | | | 1 | { ' t i | ae Fes Yn pn Fehon cee Not, 12-13 Hox Washer, W2 Med’ ** Common Hardwore urehase Localy 20° section -26- section» woes Homes n Far THIS er ud TT TBRRRES. ANS COMVEETIONS T | | | | | | | | | i | i | | | 1 %, | | eS | & | A << jo ll { 2 6 | | \ dw i | \e) * | | 8 oY $ | \ | | | | { | | | sftanoions a ton. 2 ( alates OueAny. one : | sleistomea Renta ousinve ce | dlwarmocmt ping ate 90x350 4 | slieotent —eabaecrat | 6 1H-384721-R1 Rod, Brake Push 1 | Thik-s84722-Rt Pin, Brak@ LOVEE PIVOE cacncrisierncer Y | 8 /1H-984723-R1 Lever, Beake. 1 | [= Sees kia seit ' | Set ea ' olyeazaroent og, Bake 1 | Tiaosor Pin es 2 ' \ sol eet i mas | [736-3001 Washer, Sprig . 1 I wha fvncueh inert ; (IH-19689-R1 Pin, 4 X 1-114 HY Coiled Spring 2 | selma nt syn Owens | | | + Gannon Haws | sem ina | | | | \ | | | | | | | | 27 storson 1 oar seerson ¥ Hig rrornunze sysren Ha rrm20 svsren TOs er. YO=ITE . ee soe UREY ARO RELAVES PARIS: TRYGWAULIE UNIT AND RELATED PARTS SCOT IROED | | | | | | | Borehese Lecally sinigme rot ef Br, ngerney ore aning 1 ini i iy setter ogden 5 ings aH figame eae gUREPoa cm i ree a eam f Icons ; fae =| Hei eS tug ’ | ie a \ es ey ey 2|4.988197-A1 —Fiting, Hyd Pump 90 Dog Union... 2 is BOR SeteRISEZOD wce 2 poesia ivi ioe Kame = BERS A Peg f foe oo. : (aested Wiesner Soc Wooten 3 s1in.990109.R01 Hose Any, Hyd 14 wt ' \ | * Congen Hardyare ! ! -28- Section 4 -20- SECTION a HYORAULIC SYSTEM nh MYORAULIC SYSTEM a : pa vi “4 aaliese4rre-Rt Pig, Pomp Boy SpingRlahing 1 (ai 3 selenite, Pom nae |rasarea 3 ssa sper, Spring Save 1 cha cdr Any, Hyd 1 S7IWLA7OG-RL PETA ENGNG 1 OMA Clovis Assy, Hyd Oyl End ae 381715-9004 Pin, 118 X 1-1/6 SI SPA .rnone 2 tolwa Cp, Cy End Gavi et Locking 1 Ser Bae I 11]NLA ‘Nut, Locking Clip Push-On Type .... aolna Ring, Hyd Pun Spoct Vebve Soup 4 Y2ltH-9a6149-R1 Rod, Hyd Pump Actuator Contol.. 1 i i 41(1H-986971-R1 Spring, Hyd Pump Spoo! Valve... 1 salua us, Actuator Control Rod 2 i : { Ben ype a2|7505715 Shalt Atay Hyd PUMP IV ne 4 14{Na Extension, Pump Spool 1 : ae a at salon hat Hye Pu ee nn 4 tslitaastsent fed, contol Lever 1 } ngoatent Nis, 4-20 yon ia 1 44] Gg Hyd Pump or Sha oe 4 Watson ReneS co | Sosetas ares ' asin Cor Hy Pump hat 1 16|720-9000 Koob, Convol Lever Rod wins: 1 ‘lua a are ae nlgostrat ra 2098 gan | | Soca ara 1 ‘Soo Hd Cup Pt Set en 47/H-347478-R91 Seal, Hyd Pump Drive Shatt 4a iNLA Rosorait, Hy PUMP nnn ai ‘Screw, 220% 172 HoxHd Cap .. 1 i 1811H-986160-R1 Bel, Drive Pulley sma Fock Assy Hy it HB aooe Sra \ {Hoses Seo 0X8 62 3 sola Washer, Hyd Pump Recaro bor 1 1795-0820 Waster 18 OZ Med 10k wows 2 sina Stud, Hyd Pump Resort 1 20} ‘Not used in this application: on Nut, 978-16 Hex Jam ct ( " Woe oe eee Bracket ; 53) 1H-386979-R1 ‘Washer, Hyd Pump Reservoir Stud 1 ' Seas salto — Pin S8X ESRI ann 2 {ros 0300 Waste 2M Lok wu 2 {nla Washer, 1198 K 1116 X.065 2 sda erie veu umes sala Sarai eae 8 NLA Tube, Hydraulic Cylinder 1 | ieee ce 2a Guide, Hyrauie Cynder es 4 oiheone 25}IHOS0420-AI O-Ring, 8X 819 X 942 . 1 Jeane | SAR ety Kas os. NA nang ate oe wie eter arate [Bose 28/ NLA ‘Head, Hydraulic Cylinder .. 1 I 1 ; hrassors lp, Gabe Harness (For 1 aalinasosens OF, vinx TIeK We. 9 eee eres 30!NLA '& Valve, Hyd Pum ... ae hie eet Scene ! ‘Soc Hd Pipa ! saluiroiont aa, st6 crs. 1 1 t i | | S3)NLA ‘Spring, Hyd Pump Body «once t i i i I I | | i L I t 1 4 7 RevaeT 290 se Hons aro rons T ENPUEMENT HANOLE”ARD”COMECHION | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I | | | | | | | | | | | | slnsowsene shrmece sass Timers 5 1H-401448-R1 el tH-d0144t-RO1 i Thiysseraone Pig, Release Rod ‘Spring, Rod Retumn Washer, Sping Lock Assy, Release Rod crI0" Te i THUPLEMENT HAROTE AR -20- DRANBARS AND HITCHES THECTIONS “CONT TROED t S|itdooss2-A1 Spacer Assy, Lit Ratchot I ‘Balt, 78-16 X 2-1/4 Sq Nik Gig i 0-16 Hox |eeoree 1O|it.984780-R1 Bracket, UR Hand Shaft i “* Common Hardware Purchase Locally SECTION 4 OTT DRAWBARS AND HITCHES: nh DRAWBARS AND HITCHES: aes 2 ae 1 | 1 | i i | —{d ! 3- | 1 1 | | i | \ { 1 Ae \ 4|thseas77A1 51711-3073 6} 798.0400 | 0 088 7I709-0401 Drawer, Fed ! fmcedons Strom Sentero id Gap} ' t i I | { t i | 1 t | | I lardware | * Common He Purchase Localy ' | { | | ' { | L as section 4 oe section W528 m0 sur Hy 808 80 unre waar TOT kat a yee onsennon ae teen oo 7 \ | I | I \ | i | | | | | | { { | i ‘ | 1 1 i 7 | | {\ Se 4 | i | 1 7 | i a7 e” | | | | | | tires santany ' 2 } Moan Mneea 3 [foeatie Wash, ere oad: 2 sina Aad Sat Support i Pe oa87 Nut, 5716-1 et Hex 2 Vases Wate ete oz Ned B sina 1 (Fidowe i etbewawe a cs A | {796-0075 vor, pr He x 1016 X.068... i | | int Pr, 200X812 SH 1 | Fiatoare eek Be C2 Ga 2 I [NLA over & Seat SuppOMt SEY, wunnens I { Rearerame \ |ucoussons —"*Scm 8.16 X8e Hox Cap... 6 ' T/A anol Assy, Rear Frame Covet uve. 1 | ba | SECTION ne SMEEY METAL AND GRILLES ote SHEET METAL AND GRILLES SeoTiOn Ten Ter ee ra TROOD, GAELLE AND FRAE “CHT SELLE AAO FARTE Washer, No. 12 0-2 6x Tooth... tock 5, # “* Gammon Hardware Burehaso Locally -39- SECTION H -23- seorzon + nh SHEET METAL AND GALES: a ‘SHEET METAL AND GALES oa Ton fea ToT SOD NGRICUE AND FRAIE=CONTIRUED "TreoERe SEAERIETHCN ja Pree api Ho Onenant ae woh Pe tenon ego SERIES Meets ima owing ote 1 Acree Hoe Hag i Pao otiete xt 62 3 i Fortis Gor 1710-0520 ‘Screw, 378-16 X 1-1/2 C-2 2 I ‘Hox Hd Cap slinaorseent Gite. 1 olga sip pag ! |796-0928 Washer Tube Mod toe. 4 {0} H.991967-A1 Spin HOS DOW cannes 2 11[1H-404785-R2 —_Brackot Assy, Front Hood .. 1 sala Peden sy, : 13000 Sor, 8 Sooo Hox Hd Ge 76.0169 Westen lB 02 Med Lak cm 4 Tease Show snse kt Rox Bs Sap” F to] 7e5007 Pad, Hoo’ Bumper 4 14} 1H-904906-1 Space, Hood Rar Lack 2 15]tpsa00so-Re Rol, Hon Lak ther 2 4 ibaa ‘Seton, 14-20 Xa 0 2 | Fer 2 lsd Nut, 1/4-20 Stover Hox Lock... 2 6 | 738-020 Waktor, 1784 X56 X.008 C2", 3 to} 1H-384908-R1 ‘Grommet, Instrument Panel .. 1 1 | maois9eRt Pope sine am i tiooet ‘ero ee HG 3 | Foon ts ih ' sal n4oHeor-At Late Aaa, Hood : ' 183 eels aw ez tat | twetan47@ Wee he wozen . on foae a8 seca 3 eats ~ lesan RENE TOM CLO agen B sha ih aay ie 1 iaebiae Westone Toisas: 8 Fat 003 Bok Ione ee 2 i FHiS08 Fae raaeet OZ swe § Inta for, Fender 2 1 Fhrseer Phe azy 3 | Besar Wor mplamont ig 2B i | * Common Harare 20/1H-402844-R3 Spring, Latch ve 2 i Purchase Locally a1 Not used In this application | 221 NLA ‘Shget, Bottom Clutch Shield | 1 { [lrt7e41s core. (gexec 4 1 i Washer, No. 120-2 Ext Tooth ue zalnua (Cuatd A8y, SUC509 THEO ence 4 \ i ' ma aun | ! sora isc | i | | | { i -24- SECTION 1 asa section Bi 701 comrots ano rasta pane Fi 02 comrmors ano sustains Pane. ier rar Ter i THETIC CONTACTS THO TISTROTENT ane TOT gunee T 1 1 I i | t i I i 1 | { { | | | | | | t | | | { { { { t ' | | { | | | | t | 1 tT yezagero-nt 1 ( west 3 |raeona 2 2 n4ovage nee 1 eeu ! «| prasees | 72919 Rea L Na sont HIS, WatereceMastiecs: | aja Coweta Le Pars. 1 i" Seay Ne Slresrerers1 URL Fopoa Benet nan | |ieseost yg, 210 On Bot Buon oun 1 ORT ¢| Revit Gap erent ' feekspeieeestteeaehy 7 Inerument tera hood, «1 | ona ‘frame listing) alsa Brack, Lohr Ground. elidoasonnt cable Ay, Ground (i Saat LoS NSa wii \ ater Jeszaeea ‘ah S24 Hox Mac Sa rola tp, Chae ote C080 on " H7a1-0100 Knob, Throttle Control © Gommnon Hardware Burchaso Locally eee oe seorioy a section 4 srscetimneos aavtPvent rsoe.Laneus eavzouene oar vers Hl — rae Terr . scnno4 =a anne roche aaa i ( e016 FE) Paghge, Prose raph i | Se ben oe | ! Medel Sbat { “1 Hed Se i iesrumon Parl ' . re ' i SS | ' | S | | | | | ' \ | | ' | | | | | ' | ! \ sha i ra 3 is Pine iwewen cc: E : ‘21H Box Assy, Util 1 Wron EeMaeaBEE a & a HERG x 18 02 wns 2 4 ‘ 1 Sah : a BEEN X02 wns 4 Inrzz08 Rte 07 te.. 1 red Nae ieeatix } Fees Ma Gecesia cs | FeSae! wes 2 Sed ae co | ** Common Hardware Borchase Localy, -36- SECTION -3 seorron NISCELLANEOUS EOUrPUENT Hy seecuanous eoureuenr OTT Tar sr ourcnenon s.__atntin peeenrnion | { | i | | | 1 { t i | | | | | | | 1 ae SECTION 3 105 INDEX TO UNITS: DESCRIPTION PAGE ox, Ut Bites ane Gatbu10 cg Sato, Tension Cont Fiona anaaiise Dea Sete Cee Engi, 10 HP (241A) Fondors Frame oar, Stesting end Connections Generator, Motor (or vactore weiss sare) Sato Hargla,implament and Connectons . Hitch, Three Bont Holaer, Battery = Housig, Biferenial and Reduction Hyerau loon (cate Ghia Uahing, Eacie anol esbum@nt nse Powot Tako Of bigise Bas Produel rep Regulate, Voltage (or racors whlch ear) winwe 14 oat Suartig ‘Transmission, Hycrostai Woiohts, Roar Whoet Wheels Front. Rear “2 secTiON aa sectzon ‘ewan wore ar Tes ur Far IT abuse exscnpes aa International Cub Cadet 105 Hydrostatic Tractor 3+ SECTION J 105 KH-PA-46700D 710-0514 736-0169 |H-25708-A1 KH87-522-44 To-113 ‘SERVICE ENGINES Engine Assembly, Kohler K-241-A, 10 HP ‘Screw, 3/8-16 X 1 C-Z Hex Hd Cap ‘Washer, 3/8 C-2 Med Lock Washer, 13/32 X 2/4 X 11 Ga (Used with rear mounting bolts) was Engine Assembly, Short Block, Kohler C-235604, 10 HP Bearing Plate, Bearing & Bushing Bearing Plate Gasket Breaker Assembly Breaker Rod Camshaft Assembly Camshatt Cover Camshatt Cover Gasket Camehatt Pin Camshatt Spacers Connecting Rods Crankshaft Cylinder Block Assembly Exhaust Valves Front Olt Seal Governor Gear Assembly Governor Cross Shaft Assembly Governor Stop Spring intake Valve Rear Oil Seal ‘Spring Upper Retainer Tappets Valve Keeper Valve Spring Valve Spring Retainer Woe oe steri¢n ‘engine - section so Farr TOTS Rr rant eran SETA -CORTTRED TeRGEHE aA SORT RRVED 117120960 Nut Exhaust Mutlr bow Lock. 1 241XH-295070 Gasol. Bg Pat, .005 . peepee : EURHS6Gr — Gathat Be Pe, 318 ie ‘Si SOS ae eine oS 3 25) KH-47-092-07 Seal, Crankeas Ol (FYWhOOL ane 1 In ‘StMach : 1 Paley Ena {Na 2 261 kH-A295909 pack 1 | n.sest6e-Re 1 7 IGigasone oye, Camshat } | ayansica ' Pate thier t ‘Gaskot, Camshaft Cover 8] Kx2767 1 Cover, Fuel Pune Pad 8] ku-27ss41 1 ‘Seo 14-20% 5 2 Fite Mach 7a 1 i ie ‘ 201 KH52.061-17 Gasket, Fuel Pump Pad Covor aw 4 | I 3] KH.295205 Tube, OF A 7|NLA a) i | 32] kH.230265 ' al kn-2asou9 ki-297568 at KETO i | kn-287677 i SET neath a taeessose | 208080 Ot1Pan Bese |iwsuorce ai ‘Gasket, CilPan Bete 1 ‘9! KH-236676 I : | 36h 2 10) wa 255052 S70 Bata coue ' ‘lnaasys nos \aifSeoe-17 Weiter 1 Mod bak 1 2 96] kn-2asea 1 796-0485 i | 30] Ket2as047 1 t2| oazorss0 i vei 2aee0s 40) KH-201092 1 / 1 13{xu-2apsa9 41] Ki 20511 “ esr] | 18 Fite, Broathor 1 ul {2} en-285197 Bata, Brator at 4“ carter Assy (Fo componente 1 eines | carbur ree math ia x70 Sepia fsbo BAe $6IKH-295007-S de, Val sansa 2 Hacap ‘71k.20017 inde, Exhaust Vatve 1 44|ra1271090 ——Gashat Carbuor.. 1 18|KH.235128-08 Shalt, Governor 1 45] KH.281510 19)0H-172848 Pug, 1-1/8 Expanslon (Crankoase) 4 slin.aos0e7-As ohn omse ea Peete i 45 | 1.47-142.00 al Ha Cap (471 KH-230525, jee Botany Pata" orate 48] k.47-755-02 2elineTase Bowring, Crankeate BA eens 2 49} KH-201691 23) kit47-032.08 Crankcase Brg Plate Ons 4 Bone Hcg BS 150] KH-x-60-50, ‘Screw, Fiywhos! Puley Sot. * Qommnon Hardware Barehase Localy seorron J e section Hen howe ar Tee ar eT 7 oon ay SYNINASETTORI Koy, 14X7188q Paral To; xs250011 Retr, Yaw Spt : S2lgtator.os Cup Asyy, Fyvted Die. 7elnaezoe0 Key, ato Sng Rone... (i iaas Race wes. (Soret aT ie hee 98 Glog ol Ki.205011 Ratner, Valve Spring Upper asec ell oop 53| KH-235190 », Drive Cup a a 82 KH-296655, ‘Cap, Fuel Fiter ‘5411H-995288-R1 Pin, Fhywheo! Orive Cup a 1 of 4 Mf 1 1 al qo.a.206000 Sap, Ful Tank ssliotaroe7-11 Red Assy, Comectig, $8 oe 4 i ien" Selicarasrt2 — RedAssy: comoctng, OvOUS 1 Hanean artisan sl Washer, Comcing Peek a 2 oe aM ede 7 , : silraeoud Wash Comacng Rod ens 2 SP ti tees aac ba or sy, Fu salwitt7i16.c1 —Serew, Connecting Rod eacnnnne 2 i i 6 ku.210470 solioirg7¢ot —Pleon Assy, Sif. 1 i SolRiarareoe Bron Arg 998 - 1 eee S| Ria7are0s Pilon Atay, 9008 uy 0] k210470 ' eplisiassr2 Pla, Pitan, Si 1 | kx-210487 sone Fin: Piton, 056 ' bl npg 61] e47o1801 Retainer, Piston Pin .. 0 2 lo gaits z0s207 lng Set Pinon, xd 1 See Saltczaseeg lng Sat bon 010 i 2) sane Saiisees Asi bebe SO 1 Sz]io1235000 Ring Sat Puton 00008 os 1 | ke291808 63) Ring, Top Compression (Not .. 1 93] IH-61161-H | ' Sarna eoparatny, ont fg | of ig, Cantor Compress (ot 04) rescesz6-Ht 2 Forced separa, oer oi) Inuarostnas i ( 85) Ring, Oil Controt (Not serviced .. 1 | pea. oer 8 95 ks 20766 2 pn | cs 1 i a. i ool Kr.2sss7e 1 one. : 96] NLA 1 S i | 97] Ki-a.z97659 1 6727088 ® | fiesboe | | Gal araetts 4 |rosouss 2 69) KHa7at000 1 0) 208 1 TO}RHA708801 Spring, Camshaft Acta own 1 96] Ka. z0s008 : 71] KH-47-980-09 Pin, Camshatt ne 1 100! KH-48-755-10 1 72| KH-275066, ‘Shim, Camshatt, .005 to 1-235084 1 Ta\kw-27e0e7 Shim, Camehat O10 a * * 1 73| KH-206999 racket, Fuel Tank 1 a Washer, 1/4 Med Look vceccnee 1 oo : exeses Wathen SER UER BEE | aes 3s i 102} KH-285085 Spacer, Adjusting SEH wane 1 7eltat-236008 EE 4 103) KH-275690 ‘Washer, Adjusting Screw Spacer... 1 104] KH-8.295748-8 Gear Assy. Governor 77|ke4-208010 2 IEREESIOS Oat SER se Common Hardwaro Birehaso Locally +» Wainer 38 Mao Lock. mar TET ara TIT rs oat otsonon (es REM acon TE 1 1051 KH-291955 Pin, Governor Step .. ae 1271 KH-281278 Brag, Motor Generator Adusting « { Kra2512 Washer 706% 8668," 4 {710.9088 Stim STOR TBOL net Soret | Hoetisc oseso-ns — Ser wiWasher, 282 4 won 4 1061 KH-A-295258- Shalt ASS, Governor C088 vet | Past in Mather, S16 Med L2¢K voce 4 orl xit29547 thing, Crete Sha... 1 if athe s@ Moa Lose ; 1 is Warhor 112k 78% 3862" 1 106] KH.295277 ‘Fld, Ball ont Trot a ' 126] KH-201276 Pulley, Motor Generator Drive ... 1 109! 98-95907 —_Rtaer, Thott Rod . 1 129] 1H-401960-R1 Belt, Motor Generator Drive: os NOlIMI9726R1 delet 082K EBA nreone Y j i" Wii 10-98 An Pa Hs 190) h.0099¢0-R0t aoe \> Water, No Med Los F ! co \ I 191]IH972568 Plug, 8 ExpaNON eerie 4 ao | oa 18 Expansi | zsa0119 Wester, 110 C2 Med Lock 1 tr2{kc.291201 Col, enon. oe | Warner sie xa ose62" | ioe00108 "rt wooing ack Washer" 2 |it.x400.72 Spacer Exhavel t i Wa Ka Coz et Mex Ha Mach 1 i* Washer (704K 1% 06802 2 1st] KH.265502 Tube, Exhaust Mute. 1 119|the2126-c1 Condenser, igaldon Col 1 182|KH-297079 Ballo, Hea. 1 ( ehciazatea9 catia Aaty Condenser to Braker 1 sssima ‘Anglo, Hanging Step 1 1151KH-220202 lip, Condanser to Brosker Cable 1 SSBC Clay Mater 1 161 KHA7-16000 Bracket & Broakor 1 t Sohkeg no _ * - ERS ne i r {7120700 BELGE znd Hox 1 ti7ine2i9001 —Breakor Poin Set... a | 1 TKH-47-004.01 Gaskot Kit, Engine wn... 1 w10/ [Braciot, Point Breaker (Not | 1 iced separate, | xn-zo7a10 Hood A Bato Package. { | (aris 89) | io 318260 8 belon) Is ‘Stew wiWsher, 892 KAM a 4 | avgorer7 Belle coreerccemeee sees i Zod shan Hatach | RHZ36576 Bato 1 i | Inout i sol k.47-411-04 1 { Net wre to i Jwzotsers Sore : s20|u-g92s05, a [ioosre. Siew i ESET 4 | tsteo.72 1 I |ipesrert 5 i i 5 ta] K.s2.041-41 1 | 122\1H-H100 Plug, Spark (Champion) ' i i ' 125|KH-250057 Kk. HLTanslon Spar Plug Cable. 1 i ' Baa (Repicos 987688 RON) ' ' 18) ole Ganaratar (Fox components 1 ' ! seo ol pane er cane i {710-0076 Sera Se10 X 1 02 2 | \ Forti \ kr Washer, SN6 Med Lock wns 2 \ taslkg2att49 Shin, Moar Gono Mout. AR | 125)NLA BBIp» Motor Genorator Mounting = AR | i ' ‘2elKu-295973 —Beackot, Meir Gpnerstr Mounting 1 ! iiceeaont “Seren IORI CZs | Ror ia | i | i | \ | | 1 | i i 1 | | | i Rev 26. ho secrs0N ENGINE SECTION J ar Ten 7 cans rene aa sxscnenon enmaTROTO Terra corranTeD { 185, Gasket, Naodlo Seat (Furnish 1 i Bepar kins 25-75751) 19 Noscle 8 Seat Assy Spring a. 1 ! RREU ' 20}KH-200578 Pi Fst 8 Let nnn 4 { 21] KH-25-767-08 Float & Lovor Assy ...... 1 ' 221 KH.200975 Gath Fuel BOW ANG enn 1 20] .25.041.02 Gasket, Fuel Bol. a4 ! al kH-295449 Bow, Fool a 1 25] Gasket, Fuel Bow! Screw, - 1 | | (Fumish Repair Kk 25-787.51) i 28|KH-47-100-08 _Serew, Ful Bowt penane A | a Pug, do Passage Riot FUP an 4 i Fi rte Sr ae) { 22 Spring, Choke Shalt (Furs one 4 | 1 Seales Satara eon | aol Bal, Choke Shalt Fumish ann 1 ! Somplo Cabawor heey) IkH-47-959-22 Carburetor ABEY on ‘ sol Yv Asey, hla Fash woo 1 ici 200888 Sping, High Spo0d Now noone 1 | eee earn 1 sete stl Body, Carburetor (Order. 1 al Seal, Tote Sha Dust Eur an ' Serato Ase] i Secaipaie Carburetor key) I [ize 7er0t Ki curt Repa (Conte 4 sIkii236415 ——Nood Atay, High Speed ecmsee 4 ! oTot No 12022, 298 25) al ‘Shaft, Throttle (Fumish 1 ! | complete Carburetor Assy ** Common Hardware: A tenet | Porchazo Localy Tr a i PER Soefiow Garboratr Ase) elk-276220 Lover, Tot (Fue coe 4 | ‘anplote Carburetor Aes 7 ‘Serew wWasher, Throwe Lover... 1 (Fumish complete Carburetor Assy) a Scrow, 8.02% V2 SI FHS Mach. 1 sli 200860 Spring, Thotle Lever 4 rolnta Soro, Tot ABUEENG awn tif-2ae066 Sree Asin 4 12lKH.200390 spn, Wl Ad Sw. 1 131 ‘Seem, Choke & Throtta Valve, 4 1 Ree cere Carrey AI) wl Valve Assy, Mle gon 1 1 (earn chip Gaia Ai 15) Plug, 2/8 Aluminum Expansion... 1 | {edi compnte Carbueer Aza) 16] ‘Shalt & Lever Assy, Choke . 1 / PRENE carpi eatnea Ai 1” Nozio igh Speed Needle on. 1 | (aemeh sSnpiore Careuretr Assy) | ' { A ~ section seorron v HA _sucotrseas overon Hy eorrzone vere THs mr Far THT [ROTOR GENERATOR = OELCO-REW= TROTGR GENERATOR = DELEO-REW= 7 t 1 | t | | | | | | | It I t Motor Generator Ay, {2 Vel none 4 ‘1o11H-19809968—_Gerow, Pole Shoo 2 Frag Asp Commuter El $ ‘9hin.10%2073 nal, Feld Cot 2 ec on ‘ 4 ails Fram, Drive End 1 2lim.so4sa79 2 ‘22ltH495e001 Cor, Drive End Space 1 Sfibiso1e824 Spring, Bush 2 2 Not ured in hie application anus Washer, Bush Am $9809 wseonie 1. si Not unod inthis spplton sinus Holder, Brush Ground 1 zeliH-soe1076 —— Waaher, Divo End Shak Nut Leck. 1 elirte4ee7 ruth 2 2olihto1si7e Nut Divo End Ghat. 1 7jNA Semyiens x weozsn 1 a ‘Not used inthis appliation 7]Nua Seen tes xeieczsr 1 2altrso4raee Pra, Oso End Groae Singer 1 GlIH-191068 ——_Weahor. Brush Load Aching pire ree cn ' Beran Look so|lMtor2e08 Gasket Oe End Retaner Pat. 1 sinta ‘td, Terminal Fits 1 1|-1971999 Plate, ve Ene Roan. 1 foliar Nu, Ne. 1202 snes salna h00, Pole 1 sina Wesher, Field Terminal Std Lock .. 4 89) 141014580 Sexe, Dive End Rater Pate... 8 t2iNLa Washer, Terminal Std senrenne 2 241 1H808769 Bo, THA enn 2 t9]0H-1866758 Washer, Terminal St Inviting... 381736-0110 Washer, Tru Bo 2 HINA scone pane tn ot oeliisenone Bag, Ame Te mst | Cidade ‘ arinuseseeo Su Tonal Amev « 1 16 Frame (Not sericed separately)... 1 a eee ‘ SolmeMses Key No. BWondl AY SI nn 17[1H-1051691 Collar, Drive End Spacer Inside... 1 ' t ! -10- seorron J -10- section Hy sscormon evsren eveornzent syste 7 Ses iar rer “S-TwraW GENERATOR =_DELCO=RanW=S¢GRTENOR——————_ grt seg Sannin 4o|tH-1999506 Amar For uso wih ei 101881, 4 ( i HNOIBe7 4 et totooy, aol doa (Ao 7 fra 00549) Po a | wat 1010) 4thes04042@ Holler, Brush led enennene 4 ve ein Pin, Commute En DOWN on 4 43114900598 Pin DYNO ED DOWD! ennnsnnan 4 44lKH1.286563 —_Puloy, Motor Generator (Not ! Ineludedin mato gonoralraséj | 45 |1H-441805-RO1 Bearing, Commutator End Ball 46)1626050 Clamp, Commuter Ed Boag a7i7s9998 coh, Fd Satoh ve). | Ao|niso1e920 yg, Comma End Baty Wet t (Ger ‘ 1 1 1 1 art No, 1H-1886807) | | | | | | | | | ‘Tisis7¢2e4.R2 Bolt, Battery Hold Down KHK2767 Nat, 14-40 Typo A Wiig 211H-976209-Re Camp, Batery Hold Down. { | | | | | | | | | | | | on secrio on secrz0n Hy terme vere Fp Seen srsren n Far eT a TORETIOW AIO STARTERS TGRETION AND” STARTING-CORTENUES | | | \ ! 1 : eae oan emt ruoasas ena 1 vans ay cate i et Ld 2 | wiring package 1H-59321-C91) Fon Nea Kes CZ. Coane alinsreerce gan. Boy Mag on 4 a a frost Bhaseroxaor enn | cele uaeea ea {712-9008 He 14-2 o-2 Hox { lip, Cable Hamoss (On mate 5 1 ogee to ! SeaSaetaras on te fase etitiwaranare | * ee * feet FM eta oo Tee eA cca. 4 ie j ; 736-3020 Washer WAX EOK OC. t Wiathee, 18 Med Locks cee i asm cite ae suas ; : ; Pogaee ame 4|720902 ole gion Cate t ee | Volpe Re dlitaned gf tH oa : ovo atten [pews Saat 9 geile helgoioeets 7 Fa EM KSB EZ Oc celeron "mney lrso17s Washe 1 eee sree Me NEL ERS woe frecne Mee aaaa= f oraeaaaes | | | | Seana | ! na SECTION J ni serio Pl ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ah ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Me rer ft vena 14|725-0028, Indicator Assy, Charge .. 1 t tslvaiaees te plone ‘ teltiaozzse.Rt Soca, lgniton Sich 1 17}h60796¢2 Sey sey, BARI HIN we ir.gessoe-n Ni owieh Nouning 1 SPEER Waban Suteki | slioucane Ho or ws 1 "iaSsssooms Nth SiRGrhtodhng ee i | 20lIH-404424-A1 Cable Asay, Charge Indicator .. 1 | “1 Not ued ats aptoton i 22|726-3021 le Sel Staring Sth na 1 | 29} nsoaee mt Sip oalo arene On batery wens 1 i {710-0000 Re SES CU CTH ns 1 fraggtep Wasi, 20 OZ Med Loc vn 1 Heats Nemes, i 2al Pedestal Assy (Referte hood, sennnn 4 se Shane ona $6021-091 Package, Wing n136 section 5 nia SECTION . By eorm08 svsre Hy ectst0 svsren ar TS Tae YTS ECECIATS CIGATINE “S-Terentate tronrana—-corrmmue tsetse $$ T t | | | i | 1 { | 1 | { i ' | | | | | | i | | Tiiesesoret Tag py 1 14iNLA eel Sr Vok 1 I Bre Taga eee 18|n-4ouae7 R01 Siro lobes an ash: 3 tr No. 10 Bet Toobh Lack =, 2 ha a 2 : ip, TAHA C0 2 | Site rane aay Sitch wT 1 W:s9921.001 Package, Wir 1 Sa eet tre iicdeagronee “Gelb ase } asrosasht ip nd alto Assy, eae 1 sage oe * Conan Harare Purchase Locally Spacer Ling Sa amen sey, ate ‘eng package SET C01) ee sangeet Cable Catia (on aiiaoe 1 enn, BH HeaRaHY nn ‘Cabo Asty, Honatight Ground. Ring, Hoaight Chmo irae edi : {1]728-0222 Unk Asn, Sealed Boom Heasight. Y2]th.900745-R1 Rng, Honaight Rata... 19]0H-402086-R1 Pano! Assy, Headlight Mounting . t n1a~ secrion ns secrron REAR FRAME AND ORIVING MECHANISUS Hp__2#" Frave ano ontvana wecianzsns Far TOTS ner aa Te 2 ptscnsrion fe muate “ort "2 TraaSHESSIOW ONSE, OFFFERERTEAT {TARNSMES STON CASE OFFFERENTIRE SCN SNORT [iwoaostATZC DRIVE’ AKO RELATED PARTS. Invonostatic OnIvE”ANO' RELATED PARTS ! { | | s|imrent Rede SRA ht rane an cymes aaa a J Invuwont "on ansexansachocuy 2 a WA ROG LOCK screenees 4 15} 709.0168 Beate reget a 3 sfocsennt etx Bt : | Re Em (4759-9009 1 14|785-3008, Grommet, Dump Valve Rod 1 sfiepges $——felsuniaes cae, mts 4 eee aatng, Bove! Pinion Shaft... 1 ols : es $atiraaa sti it 28 kms flrs Ginetta : 17/ 717-8125 ‘Shim, Roar 1 007 Yen enn | sat s]rcon tones Ding enone 1H ti Pt a salt sk re mya : selnoneessos preg sey B00 PE nn wirsem — gyanxavozwome 4 SITEAE ET Pa mn | Sm 4 Baars ig tal ee na ir ‘Scrow, 1/4-28 XB C 1 21/1H-980697-R2 Gasket, Transmission Caso Rear... 1 es sae BEB exanxiorcs, 1 ~ Benen Burehaso Locally, ais. seorr0N J nis. seerio 5 Hn REAR FRAME AND DRIVING MECHANISMS: Hi REAR FRAME AND DRIVING NECHANISMS 7 Sr Torre Baa sng mt sxe Trantor ose irene Ses ces rail tor case —orreenenranc SE nae WOROSTATIC ONIWE” AND’ AECRTEO Panis jnDNOSTATEG DRIVE" AND RELATED PARTS 2} n904080-R1t ae Aas, Tenarie6n C880 on 1 A5|INSTO7S Boning, Diora! CUP wenn @ Covet lassen — “Been S-10X 58 Hex Cap.. 2 45|717097 Sin, iret By Reiner, Bar aal7ar0177 lug 214 Atomot¥@ won | 'Sq-So0-Hd Drain. 471757-3098 4a 24ltH-994001-R1 Gasket, Traemition C820 TOP on 1 1 Cover 49i717-9099 or eigotomat cous Tomeleeain Tass: | aafrrsic0 4 Wathie Se Maatact nc, | ae (26) 721-3004 Gasket, Transmission Case Front... 1 ‘sol 1H-976287-A3 Digg, Floxibio Cour 1 | ie Sern SOR FS 4 27|n.994009-R1 Shalt, Bava Pinion. 1 | HB Gap ony vex oe : eel rir-stas Goar, Constant Mesh -€67 1 eeaeoteet Nut, 88-16 Gripco Center 4 20)1H925315-01 ing, Gear Rotaning 1 Sirona i yax taHvcome 1 90] 741-0078 Bern ep Bo PION ce 4 ' ae Bhatt Cone s2jMa lp, Seton Tube... 1 i ail7179127 lng, Pon Shah Frnt jer sala Brack, Suton Tube 1 ' Bfginon as not Bm A i Soren 0 Rae ' sil 7179120 + 1 ail 7179120 ‘tr : atl ri7t80 Fe i ri73t ie 3} 96000-81 or ail i7ate id a 9 ra6-0216 Pug, 2-18 n. Expansion... 3 Tranemision Asay, Hyon | Gis froreomparsnis eos st vndat | abla of iyetontae ranarssion) “ Sey, ete Vl Pe ~ Wad 26 Mas tock 34) .004827-R2t Tube wuts, Sueton 35,NA Bracket, Lover Rotallg 1736-3001 Waste Spring. ad Ho occa) Ne e208 Ha sek 7eas018 Fito Assy 97|1H-229672-001 Case Asey, Ditfrental 938] 1H-980767-R1 Gay, Diferantial Drive 487 .. NA Pivot, 618 X 1-1/8 Ra Hd 30] |1H.950788-R1 Pin, Differential Pinion Shaft Lock 40] 1H-950789-R1 Shaft, Diferental Pinion. 41) 797-8113 Pinton, Ditferential -10T ..... ala Goa, Diferona ido «31741-0359 Boag Atty, Diforntal Cone “BSI act pore as iE Vanni n16- section J -16- section J Hay 2878 Fre ao onavena wedhanrsus HA" ame ao onrvane wechantsus no Fan TOTS error TT n pxsen br wane esenirion "TORS ATS TRNSMTESTON TRVOROSTATIC. THANSWISSTON -COWTENUES Trareniaion Ay, ‘ ta1ihaost70.Rt Cytngor Boe, isi. 2 aan Hyaonate Bae” epetia Sin rot Oted wn Soci | 1311H-405170.R1 or Spang Prot 2 | ‘]tH.998660.61 Housing Assy includes i (Used itbaobt rend) athe? t o ‘ere 4.20 X 78 Hox sshinarrrent Bog. Hyd ner lk. ! Boots Cap ! Sprig Moar Washer Snap al Not used in this application 15|iH-294958-At Beste tite gener 2 815u.9001970-0003_Bosing, Hyd Pump ‘ 1 on " Bhat Rotor te! su-stosts6 Block, CYNEOF snes 411H.900847-801 $08, UP cnn ' 17 evstcoes Spica te ina wom 5|tH-seaso4.no1 . z 2 ercennr reer San 10l su-ssoaras ttn A879 PUMP a Gfir-e206st-RE1— Boating, NOOE vnnsnnnenens 4 | eeter : 7|SU-9004800-2508 Pin, Transmission Housing 2 19] su-st00104 Retainer, Hyd Piston Slipper wonmen 2 1 sisusiore67 ‘Shalt, Transmission Hyd PUMP wet 20|su-atcerar Plat, Hyd Cylinder Bock 1 Sresafeetion coy ' ae al eee ; 21} 8u-0004600-1508 in, Hyd Pump Cylinder UGEK non 4 eee ae Pe : 22) su-stooss Sasholate Hyd Motor (Orde on 4 tol H.co4ass-At Swashplate, Hyd Pune .. 1 | Saari SU 8a 0785 11H 2o4as2.A1 Bite Hyd Po 1 23lsusvorrse hat, Tansmiston Hy Motor cnn 1 a 24] su-ato2ee7 Plata, Hyd Motor ylinder sy 121 1H.998569-RO1 yeas ach Motor Bn 2 | Block Valve np (sod wrens tal su st0sts6 Bee. ee ee Binet Ised witansmission 26 | su-s102675 Gasket, Transmission Housing wun. 1 ey i eee “* Common Herehware Purchase Localy \ | | | ‘ i i REV ae -1- section J cure seori0N J Fp 208 Fre so once wise Pye" Fran avo ontvrna echinrsus net pant TET ee oar Ten iene secno8 ae aati -camnsareeven— ‘ana Pin, Commiatr End DoW ne 4 45/1H.200599 Pin Div End Dow , A4\poizassen pen, Moa cana et oe 1 includédln meter gover a } 1 45| 0448180591 Boating, Commutaor End Bt. 4e}ti1820859 Clamp, Commutaor End Beatrg ar}rsas0ss col Fit Gott). t 49} 1H-1048026 Commutato: Eod Bearing Wel 1 fe Coder Bartha Basson? | | | ! | i i | ‘i msresee Re Bol Boney Hot Down RieT67 Nt, 14-20 Type A Wiag 2|H-a76290-R2 Clamp, Battery Hold Down .. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | oR Ano sraa 2]insre2e7 Ree 710.0681 712-9006 7130967 7103018 796-0929 7380119 tH.964910-F1 726-9028 1H-97098e-Ft 712-9018 736-0171, — one ELecTATCAL svSTEM Haess Aes, able ot oes package INSSBDt-Cot) Asay, Bator to Magna. BS RE 10X94 C2 some Re te oz Hex Washer, 14 C-2 Mod Waher S462 Mod tae Washer 60500 000 Ye cover, Bary Terminal. ip, non Cabo. ip, ai Haron On or. ‘housing mounting bolt) as a Hex Ha Cap : Waster 7R6 0-2 Med Loc section « TT a ELECTRICAL sySTEN # TEGNETEON AND” STARTING “CONTINUED. 25 $007 |e hasorn rua Q]IH-assee0-R1 Gi, Cable Haroes (On mer wun | ct nt elresso15 Ole cabe Hamas (On \ Fiticain ety : ee HEB Ha Cap & Washoe ta hed ck toly.sistso.ns2 Regul, Ven i eae: sha Drs, Yagi on is SeeBy iat 736-0920 Washer, 14 0-2 Med Lock . 12 |tH-PRLU Battery, Prostolte 9948X, 12 Vol. | a \ Sean ti I | ‘SECTION ne SeoTION « nae seori0N Pa_teeotnzoa, svoren ELECTAIOAL SYSTEM Fa TOTS Far 10__stanta sauysttasse Feeccee 14}725-9029 18] manezse.s ‘16| 1H-402288-R1 17 tHeorse-c2 sessoes ASE tolioazise re "0 Besseson 29) hossouns 2a TORTAIGN AND STATING” CONTRO Sieh Ay, Magrec ee Wine ed BoB Uae Incr Asay, Cha Pete, ion Sich Soca gon SE ns ‘Syisp Avy, Battery HMMM ones Sees ey ‘ SEX ME OLHOX sn. 1 Washer, 918 0-2 Mad Lock... Nut, 98-16 C2 Hex. oa: Pedestal Assy (Rotor to hood, 1 ‘ato & frame stra}, 1 4 m4 a seorion x nase SECTION Ha seotren svete teeta svsreu wa TOTS ar TT no. mune pxsoneron pxsontrion ELESTALS LIGHTING *OTELECINIG CIGHTING CONTINUED ileees gst oe eel ieee rake ieee 4 pe sala foaeuie eae! es ec } | eee i Be ewes 4 isitaom gunna purges js Ha antenna 2 listen ORES moesae + 2) 726-3021 Clip, Taillight Cable 2 16) | Assy (Refer to hood, 1 Sse ne El vdortcll ter bese seg Taal reat freee | Heh ‘bolt from rear} ak cacee eat | Seat | S| ygaeoroe Sul acy Ung ‘| aman Any, Cale Not ‘ing page I 68227°001) 71708-9008 ip, Cable (On votage . 1 Ip, Hema Cale On yt. SIIHAOMOL RL — Cable Assy, RH Head vce oUt Aedign A i i 1 | i regulator upper mou i | | ! | I ol NLA ‘Cabo Atty, Hoadfghtto Ground 10] se07a6-A , Heap Cam 2 Hs Pata SSEC 2 i 11] 726-0082 Unit Assy, Sealed Beam Headlight 2 12|1H-880745-A1 lng, Hoedight tang onan 2 1 { L Ee seerton x ae secriou k hoe euros en ee Bt er : ets Seren ee aoe I | | | | i | { H.995082-01 Pagkage, ich Sha Sone a 1 sayy ‘nissee TRISH Caled | NA clrgpsow ste canoe 1 [sen Sg OGRE rar 2 IA saa 3{0991297-R01 Bowing, Chieh Trout Bal... 4 | 41792-9017, ‘Spring, Clutch Teasing 1 16/1H-970278-R1 5{70s.0218 ‘Hub Assy, Pressure Plato .. wD rl 7a2co18 {reso oie, Cho Ong 1 so aoninas 7/0990 Hub Ady Presse Pate Locating 4 FiBHNA Bh WAX veHV Coleg so |e ae | 2] ngeagsonts 1 | WSreeae } | Ie t | | 2It-s04656-R1 Bracket Chich Operating Yoko = 1 owe eS & | i Hox Hs Cap | ' 2Iieager-as Laver hich Rotate 1 Tiare Br BN ere Hewioed | | roar HBX 4.00 ccnsnnon 1 | I]ise0120R1 Rod cach Relea 1 Hriewost Nut B24 Hex Sogn on 1 i 11732-9028 ‘Spring, Clutch Release Rod 1 1 ea, ia REN aes: | I | | | | | ' | | i n16- seorzon x a1s- stori0¥ Ha *#8 Femme ano onrvive udSiinrsus Hip Pe88 Femi ano onrvrne wechanrsus er Far TOTS ne FF TT [TiawsuisstOy CASE OTFFERENTIAL AND ‘TTRAISMESSTON CASE, GIFFERENTIAL aN “CONTENTED id |neouetron HOUSING [ReouerroN nous ae seerton x ae seori0% ny REAR FRAME AND DAIVING MECHANISMS: nh ‘REAR FRAME ANO ORIVING MECHANISMS: oar Tern ear Ter Soreaelttor oe ore armas —— "rato orn orereReRTTR NE are Yaeovcrion neusina eboerton novetie 1} Nta SHO, Traneietion C860 acne t 20}iHoearients , { | Roster |urzwoont — 'Soee-16xs0 Hoxie cep 2 Ss 2 2|IHa7eI5BROs CusewOvpIM-STE7E Difornial 1 re (241717-9073 ‘Shaft, Reduction Drive .. mT I2sesont 2818 Hex Maen. § | | Washor, 9/8 Med | 25| 741.0862 Bear Assy, Reduction Drive... 1 31717-9097 ‘Shim, Ditterental Brg Retainer, oF t i Br of 25|IH.172590 Plug, 11/78 Expansion 1 4717-3008 ‘Shim, Diftorential Brg Retainer, ..... 40F 27/tH-229472-081 Case, Ditter 7 od | a a ne Pe Me saa oo 8 slr:73090 Sin eal Byte, 297 2)IH.9S0788-R1 Pin Dire Psion Sha Lock 1 : i 2alin.22se72.091 Cato Ay, erent! 1 cl7179100 Shim iron ig Retainer, 20 1 0299 o AR 20 [NLA Gear, Ditforential Sido. 2 7 ietosa64.c1 lato sy, Tranemiaion Catan. ‘91(1H-980769-R1 Shalt, Diferential Pinion aay 787.0177 “Bae at aelrirania Pinion, Diferontal-10T 2 tw2cossns Show ASN 98 Hox Hd Cap 2 SalI sso7e7R1 Goa fron Dive 4ST 4 i Wess ‘Biot STORIE RIAG cos 8 ShiST=74 ——Baarag HUM CUP nnn 2 air. : a |e1-0950 —_Baaing Ase, Doren! Cone... 2 Carron eae YolinaweearRe Galas Tramltn Case ann 4 | a | Seaton | ‘shyeamaee or cage Ae, Taunt an | i ii-aaaest ig, WAG Au Sed. ' 2 {2)ihas07e0.R Traanitsion Cato. Redicion Reine tlin.seerto-A1 Spacer, Divon Reducson iif sr aes got isla Page Oe ate ow ee i GE re dae iseraesem ‘lisse \ | reege | RE 18} 741-0861 | osname ote a | 20|1H-388076-R91 Seal, Redueton Drive Shaft Of... 1 lige caging oan PRO ae ac z2|l38e725.R1 Gasket, Racoon Housing | Serer Bae a1 section « -17- SECTION x Hi 0 90 om wants BL 150" Fra1e oo onavan weshanns Paar TOT aa ToT sou pessnuerion ome —oescmpnion THAMES TOT TTARNSMESSION -CONTINUED 781-3020 Bushing, Revorse lor Goar .... 7173188 ot Rovoreaidor itiiadae 4 aes 5 eu Fah Rowse oped ann See ‘ Sec AT Spend oa 4 Shy aaa so Pe 7ln.9047081 Shak, Tanamition Mah css 4 alrsasco gang egy Ten | farragare. dregs elIMs8e70451 tan, Tapamioon Mat ae 4 i hat Ett Bre. = Bene x tt Hot nae 8 ney sola Covers 8 Bovel Pion 157-4 tifr4t.09e7 Bong Any, Coumaba ca 4 | Roar! 7 selrrrsoe1 aay esau 18) 717-9082 Gear, Reverse Speed -35T . | [rere Speer Fiat Revere Speed 4 ts)rrr2000 oar, Ft Speed 387. ‘ 16] 7173080 Speser Feet Second Speed an 1 $7/1K-398596-R1 oar, Socond Speed -25T i | { { i | | i i 181717009 19 | 717-3079 |e 24} asooes na 22|in.ssce4e-Re so] asesana 25|1m. 427950 26/1 s05s00-Ft 27|ra1-0868 2|1H-s50846-R1 aolisvea tat so|1H394705-A1 S1}th.s50880-Rt 82|ihee7208-RI1 Spier. Sond Thin 55008 ou 1 Goat, Third Speed -26T resins 1 Spar, Te peed Gow Kann 4 Seaton Shin, Countarchat Brg Rosner, . 20° 004 = AR 9, Countorsha Brg Reta, ore ted a i, ft Brg tana, AR Shiny Count rg ‘Shin, Countrshat xy Retainer, . AR oo ut, Count Fo Bg Locka. 4 owner, Coun Bre spac Rea” en Ctr frakygecomnar ‘Gazket, Countorshatt Bg Retainer 1 remo Re Racteee : age, Transmission Main Sat. Fete Bushing, PTO Shaft Pilot Shel Assy, Traneisson Gecmevin to) * common Hardware Porat sey aH 1 | | | | | | | | REAR FRAUE AND OAIVENG MEGHANISHS ‘ortcnerion [GEAR SHIFT BEGHANTSE SECTION TOUT 22 _nvunen au TOERR SHEE ECRARTEN -CONTTRUED 1 tHaotase-rt t 2irisove7 3 |tnoszege-Rtt 700.018 | 7329061 | 721-0104 709-0916 |ttesedoes-Ras i Herter solsetserat 11] s51846-A1 12) 351540-R2 1S1IH-sse774-A3 14|IH-355601-R02 18] 741-0950 16 242 17] sser70-99 10]. 95soo-nes i solrevore | t I -1s- SECTION x Hie" Frame ano onze uidtanzsns Knob Assy, Shit Handle Pin, Gear Shit Swivel .. ‘Spring Retainer Lover Assy, Gear Shit. Fotainor, Gear Shit Swivel Spring ‘Spring, Gear Shit Levor O-Ring, we X58 X 1116 Shield, Gear Shit Lever Assy, Goa Shi Lover. Wepre SRGSOX re ox te Gop Pin, Goar Shit Lover Swivel Stop. Guide, Gear Shift Lover. Gatkat, Goas Shit Lovor Housing. Seruw, Shier Fork Washer, 816 Med icck”” Rod, Second & Thied Gear Shier. ackago, Second & Third Sir. Poa sree Ball, 98 CS C1300 8 evn 2 (Goar Shier Poppet) ‘Spring, Goar Shier PoppOE ewine 2 FRod, First 4 Raverte Goar Shir... 1 eee maar ORG, V2 XBEX VIE sn ** Sommon Hardware ase Locally, -19- section K <10- SECTION x Hyer Fr ano onze neers REAR FRAME AND DRIVING MECHANISMS a TOTS ar. haar nr TGREEPER ORIVE TEREEPER RIVE CONTINUED 1 tirieg02s ———_Hoysing, croopor Dre 1 81721-9011 Seal Input Sha Bip C290 OF. 4 iya9Se0e Pane eeT Aue 84 Aap. { Seen rioseat Seb sete neers. 4 to|r1e-9008 ing, npg ha Br 0090 non 4 o His $8.16 Hox 2 i —P 2017202008 Krab, Comper SHRLOVEE ene Arete Soper Hara arlisaasoar at Lee Gasper i : 1 HH-964496-A1 Pin, 3/16 X 1 Colled: 1 slreasoe! Breather, Cveper rive Housing. 1 ries Bh gis X24 Glee’ i 4}revsi0 Gastar Crepe Dive Howig 4 ise, GRE ABASeweaie: | s{roa.csio Lever Asey, Creopr Shin Poppot. 1 zeluvoseeiemt — Ofing, 14x98 x V18 : eseeu te Meese a eet | ter . . Divan : ae eH Sapien cnn | a coed i Seton 241706-0051 _Spacr, Poppet Lever. 1 r{rt1-so740 | dba as{iisosiee —_Couphg, 1 ip. ‘ aja Nipplo, 8 X 24/4 Pipe 1 olga ar|e200nce1— Exension, Shit Lave. ' |in-27s9264-As Product Gaphlo, Creeper Spoed .. 4 10) 17020 1 i | * common Hardvare i]7s0.10¢ Caer Assy, Planet. 1 1 Beret tSsy $21797.9022 a8 AN eee 8 \ {31736-2049 Waser, Pane Goat Th wont ! vale4e00.R01 Boag, Cope phan | | ' tslri6s007 Fog, put Shae Sap ana i caliwams tt cas suey | | i r7l721-9010 Ring, 27116 2-58 X 9182 ‘input Shaft Brg Cage) 20~ section =20- SECTION x. B__20%8 Fre a0 onrvina wechanrsus Hg eh? Fre ano onrvin wechawrss Fane TOT er F 11 {[YRAWSMISSIOW DRIVEN POWER TARE-OF TYRANSUESSLOW OATVEN POREHTAKE-OFE SBPENUED lise | | SIO — Cums TOS nn 4 Yer ane spec, PrOSNor Lome —— 1 ama eran cet telanes outa Prost Am 1 4 BTS tate re cesta 20) IH-904245-RO1 Lever Assy, PTO Shifior 1 B feeeastaartecs § AA) mooederst Arias PTO sie 1 F We Teco | ‘S/IH-126107-C1_ Seal, PTO Shaft Oil 1 [714-8010 Pin, 982 X 818 COt wae 1 41H-9970021 Bain, PTO Shalt O8 Seal aa 1 22] INS17057-R1 Pin, 14K 4 Hy Coiled Spag—_ 1 T0056 ‘Slr, 918-18 X 1 Hox Cap... 7 23] 1H-994249-R1_ Washer, PTO Shitor AmB 1 INA Pin, Cover LOWEr DOWEL anna 24|1H-49650 Spring, PTOShiRor Arm .——— 1 2789 eg 16 X65 Deg DA ne 1 2s|NLA Washer, 182X116 X m1 i 26) NLA Fog, PTO Gonxel Laver tik —. 1 Tlwestaenre aa Raw Cnr Oprag m1 [Bes ie Ne sf mssoore KAP SEaT Mn eee anal 27 sous Lover Assy, PTO Control 1 tfistemt PSone ed 4 sigenamas ey rroseaae te § : ey Tao 4 ac : oyna fe Tein om p YS, se matiaak 2 F Washor a Medan sree? 3 aalnta Hal any PTO cot sofrssns cada RCo : eee eee age IH] QEOREE Sha PID nnn 4 ails eee eof eae ay [MSS72O—-R11 — ShatwBuchng Tame 1 18]1H-22791-81 Ring, PTO Shaft By Snap on 4 | input Gowers’ wi vara Mosca suirrosato acme. ie 1541H-696960 eae ee 1 Purchase Locally solusszeene Tosa 1 BSE Os TR oe i Hi Halt Dog Pt: A711H951201-R1 Saal, PTO Shiter Shah t i i soma | ' | | | | 1 | | 121 13) 14) 8 1 1 ~21- SECTION x REAR FRAME AND ORIVING MECHANISMS TT HE __28F rrave 0 ontvina netnanasus 1h s46775-R92 Lin-47a464-At | 712-008 | H473860-F1 | H-473600-71 Hiu-4o169s-Re NLA 5 «fH 481825-R1 7| fa |iaroer at lH.sag0s-c1 ” | 1H-23026-F1 1H.20026-R1 .60072-01 | 0071-081 | asst02 Ret | arsar7 Re { i ENCES BREVEN” POWER TARE=OFF PTO Chitch Assy ola, Pe bs rent tt eC Lapel at gee: See vet tn sje nt Op ata nan Peso Dom ae 30 ing, Snap. Boating, Ball cen Cota wiSet Screw & Lock No, Brg ‘Spring, Prossure (Order 759-3490) 1 Bution, THUSE seen en TENGTE BR VEN” POWER TAREORF baw UD oymarouse-nt t7imasesont 19 |H.27452-D i niiieials aoluarasre.ns 2iluarasro.n01 el sor970-R1 aol 750.0400 | | i { | | { i Button, Wear.. Nut, 14-28 Hex Jam Spring, Compression .. Lover, Throw-Out ‘Scrow, Special Machine ‘Shalt, teh 6. ‘Spring, Fiction Diso Nut 14-28 Hox. : 61, PTO Clutch Spring & Disc .... ** Common Hardwere urchase Locally 10) " 12 13] w22- secrion x STEERING MECHANISM [ i 1-401987-F91 {710-2001 [741-9000 1723-3003 ke-sass22.A1 NLA H-s2008-01, HH-192510-81 H-se4096-Rot (IH-273960 H-908962-01 1.970405-R1 TH-s8o081-Rot 1H-g94286-Ft 714-9018 728-9018 m.seasornt Iriz2001 [STEERING GEAA AND COWECTEONS ers nae ‘sectr08 STEERING MECHANISM STEERING CERA BAO CONNECTIONS oer Assy, Soaring. {Composed ot pas oS S88 X 72 Hex os, GE cetmitnn teat oe ersencaia on vga, ae RA oo an tr tn an ore puter nd rae eae Baulgtro ton Washer, Fat 03 Pll ae Retainer, Boazng Bal... Retainer & Ball Assy Plug, Agung. Baca Oe tak Jog, Tle Rod End (S09 Noto) ‘ines Hex Look so Lk, Stang Coat Drag Ses OR Bez Ha Jam sane A semaovesst ts |miaotesr not ‘8 ssn 7 lravsore solaorges.1 rieSiee |nore i \ ' \ ' ' | \ | | i \ { | { ! i | | i ‘Tubo Atty, Housing & Jacket want (Gam & Tube ASSY ens 1 Retain, Ball un saan 2 Cap, Steering Whoo! (S00 Noto). t Whoo), Stoorng (S20 Noto) Wt, 56-18 6.2 Hex Jam “Those part are not included in tho stoorng goar assombly. Common Hardware Purchase Locally, -2- seor10H “29 seornox « overs were 10 TOTS er paar TOIT ARLE AR CONNECTIONS TERT REE RA CORTECTIONS CONT EMUES / 2 at 1H. s

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