WEL Series Ph/Orp Electrodes: Iwaki America Inc
WEL Series Ph/Orp Electrodes: Iwaki America Inc
WEL Series Ph/Orp Electrodes: Iwaki America Inc
WEL Series
Instruction Manual
Proprietary Material
The information and descriptions contained herein are the property of WALCHEM.
Such information and descriptions may not be copied or reproduced by any means,
or disseminated or distributed without the express prior written permission of
WALCHEM, 5 Boynton Road, Holliston, MA 01746.
This document is for information purposes only and is subject to change without
P/N 180109.Q
April 2019
20.7 300
1.0 Operation............................................................ 3
17.2 250
37.7 100
43.3 110
48.8 120
54.4 130
60.0 140
65.5 150
71.1 160
76.6 170
82.2 180
Page 13
Coating of an electrode’s measuring surface can lead to erroneous readings including
The parts included vary with the model ordered. The electrode assembly always consists shortened span and slow response times. The type of coating determines the type of
of a replaceable pH or ORP electrode cartridge and a housing. The housing may contain cleaning technique.
an optional temperature compensation element, a reliable differential - type preampli-
fier with solution ground and/or a 4-20 mA transmitter. For in-line mounted models, a Soft coatings can be removed by vigorous stirring, by use of a squirt bottle, or very
molded tee or machined adapter are combined with and a mounting nut and o-ring. carefully, by gently wiping with a soft, clean non-abrasive paper or cloth. Hard coatings
should be chemically removed. The chemical used to remove the coating should be the
Electrode Cartridges: least harsh chemical that dissolves the coating in 1 or 2 minutes and does not attack the
There are several housings available. Each is best suited for specific applications: electrode’s materials of construction. For example, a calcium carbonate coating might
be removed with 5% HCl (muriatic acid).
WEL-PHF-NN is a flat surface glass pH electrode which will function well in almost any Oily or organic coatings are best removed with detergents or an appropriate solvent
application, and will perform especially well if the solution tends to coat an electrode that does not attack the electrode’s materials of construction. For example, isopropyl
with solids or oils. alcohol might be used but acetone should be avoided if the electrode’s body is made of
WEL-PHB-NN is a bulb-type glass pH electrode which will function well in clean Note: When using chemicals or solvents, care should be taken and appropriate eye,
chemical applications. face, hand, body and/or respiratory protection should be used.
WEL-PHH-NN is a flat surface glass pH electrode which is highly resistant to attack by Never abrade or sand a pH electrode’s surface. However, the measuring surface of an
acidic fluoride solutions that would quickly etch the glass of a standard pH electrode. ORP/REDOX electrode may be gently abraded by use of 600 grade wet silicon carbide
paper, jewelers rouge or very fine steel wool.
WEL-PHLI-NN is a flat surface glass pH electrode with a special gel suitable for use in
low ionic strength water, with conductivity between 10 and 100 µS/cm. 4.0 SPECIFICATIONS
There are two choices of ORP electrode cartridge.
The WEL-MVF-NN is a flat surface platinum electrode which will work in almost any
The WEL-MVR-NN uses a platinum rod and is used where the oxidizer level is below
0.25 mg/l.
Electrode Housings:
There are six housings available, which are selected based upon the type of electrode
cartridge used, and the type of instrument to be connected:
The 102581 housing contains a Pt1000 automatic temperature compensation (ATC) element
and differential preamplifier with solution ground. This housing is specified in pH
applications when the error due to changing temperature is significant to your process
(see table below), and the instrument that the electrode will connect to either does not
have an integral preamplifier or if the distance between the instrument and the electrode
will exceed 20-30 feet. It should not be specified for ORP applications, since no ATC is
used. It is supplied with a 20 ft. cable with tinned leads and it is dressed for use with the
W400, WebMaster and WIND series controllers.
The 191653-20 housing is identical to the 102581 housing except its cable is dressed
for use with the W100W, W100P, W600 and W900 series controllers.
Page 3 Page 12
SINGLE POINT CALIBRATIONS The 102606 housing contains only the differential preamplifier with solution ground,
Single point calibrations involve the use of one pH buffer. They are the easiest to make and does NOT contain the Pt1000 ATC element. This housing is specified when the
but can provide misleading results. They should only be used for quick checking from error due to temperature is insignificant to your process, and the instrument you will attach
time to time. does not have a preamplifier in it, or is more than 20-30 feet away. It would also be used
with an ORP cartridge, since there is no ATC used in ORP applications. It is supplied
TWO POINT CALIBRATIONS with a 20 ft. cable with tinned leads and it is dressed for use with the W400, WebMaster
As their name implies, 2 point calibrations use 2 pH buffers: for example, buffers 7.00 and WIND series controllers.
and 4.00 or buffers 7.00 and 10.00. Two point calibrations correct for the pH electrode’s
The 191652-20 housing is identical to the 102606 housing except its cable is dressed for
offset and span errors. Since both the offset and span vary with time, the 2 point method
use with the W100W, W100P, W600 and W900 series controllers.
is the preferred one.
The 102582 housing contains only the Pt1000 ATC element with solution ground, but
GRAB SAMPLE CALIBRATIONS does NOT contain the preamplifier. This is used in pH applications where the error due
The Grab Sample Calibration method is used when it is difficult or undesirable to to temperature is significant to your process, and the instrument to be attached contains
remove an electrode from a system. This method involves obtaining a sample of the an integral preamplifier, and will be located within 20-30 feet of the electrode. It should
liquid being measured and noting the meter’s reading at that time. The sample’s reading not be used in ORP applications. It is supplied with a 20 ft. cable with a BNC connector for
is obtained by use of a calibrated lab or portable meter and that reading is compared to the pH signal and tinned leads for the ATC and solution ground signals and it is dressed for
that of the on-line meter. The on-line meter is adjusted by the difference between the use with the WPHBW100 series controllers or external preamp box.
readings. It is important to use the difference between the readings because the system’s
reading may have changed in the intervening time. It is important that the sample being The 102607 housing contains neither an ATC element, nor the preamplifier. It should
measured by the lab meter be at the process temperature or erroneous results may occur be used in pH or ORP applications where the error due to temperature is insignificant
(See #11 on the previous page). to your process, and the instrument to be attached contains an integral preamplifier, and
will be located within 20-30 feet of the electrode. It is supplied with a 20 ft. coax cable
CALIBRATION PROCEDURES with a BNC connector and it is suitable for use with the WPHBW100 series controller
Stepwise calibration procedures are noted in the pH Meter’s Instruction Manual. The or external preamp box.
following suggestions will help make calibrations as accurate as possible:
The 191989 housing contains an internal Pt1000 ATC element, and a transmitter to
1. Before placing the electrode in a new buffer, use an absorbent paper towel or clean convert the pH mV signal to an isolated 4-20 mA signal proportional to 0-14 pH. It is
absorbent cloth to blot, not wipe, off any liquid that clings to the electrode. This action used to connect to any controller, PLC, SCADA, recorder, or datalogger with a 4-20 mA
will minimize carry-over that could contaminate the buffer. input.
The 191988 housing is similar to the 191989, except it is used for ORP cartridges, and
2. Always use fresh buffers. Safely dispose of the buffers after they have been used for
so has no ATC element and the 4-20 mA signal is proportional to -500 to 1000 mV.
calibration. Do not return them to their bottles; this action could contaminate the
pH Temperature Error Table:
3. Stir the electrode in the buffer to make certain that the fresh buffer quickly reaches °C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the electrode’s measuring surface. 5 .30 .24 .18 .12 .06 0 .06 .12 .18 .24 .30
INTERMITTENT OPERATION 15 .15 .12 .09 .06 .03 0 .03 .06 .09 .12 .15
Some facilities are only operated part of the time. When out of operation, electrodes 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
must not be allowed to be exposed to air and become dry. Electrodes should be removed
35 .15 .12 .09 .06 .03 0 .03 .06 .09 .12 .15
from such systems and stored in their bottles and caps or in a beaker, filled, preferably
with 4 buffer. In some instances, power to the meter is shut off; this condition can be 45 .30 .24 .18 .12 .06 0 .06 .12 .18 .24 .30
harmful to the electrodes. Electrodes should be disconnected from un-powered meters. 55 .45 .36 .27 .18 .09 0 .09 .18 .27 .36 .45
65 .60 .48 .36 .24 .12 0 .12 .24 .36 .48 .60
75 .75 .60 .45 .30 .15 0 .15 .30 .45 .60 .75
85 .90 .72 .54 .36 .18 0 .18 .36 .54 .72 .90
Page 11 Page 4
Mounting Adapters: 9. Electrodes should be replaced when their readings cannot be corrected by the
For in-line applications, included will be either a custom tee or mounting adapter that meter’s controls and/or when their speed of response is too slow for the application
fits into a standard tee, and the nut and o-ring that secures the housing to the adapter. for which they are being used. The frequency of electrode replacement is a function
of the application; electrodes operating in hot liquids at very high or very low pH
For submersion applications, all that is required is a standard 1” NPTF threaded coupling
values will have shorter lives than those operating at neutral pH and ambient temperature.
and the appropriate length of 1” pipe. These parts are supplied by the user.2.0
Installation 10. Coatings on an electrode’s surface prevent new liquids from contacting an electrode’s
measuring surface and can mimic the effects of electrode aging. Before concluding
General Guidelines that an electrode needs replacing, check the surface for coatings.
Note: After removing the electrode from the soaker bottle, be sure to remove the large
o-ring from the electrode. This o-ring prevents soaker solution from leaking out of the 11. Temperature affects electrode readings in two ways. First, the output of an electrode
bottle and is not part of the electrode. varies with temperature. For pH electrodes this effect can be corrected by manual
or automatic temperature compensation (ORP/REDOX readings are not correctable
Instructions for mounting the electrode into the process solution will vary greatly with for the effect of temperature changes). Second, the real pH or ORP value, independent
the type of electrode and the circumstances that are encountered in your application. of the electrode measuring the value or the use of temperature compensation, is temperature
Here are some general guidelines to assist you. Refer also to the typical installation dependent. This fact means, for example, that the readings at 25°C and 75°C will be (and,
drawings. in fact are) different.
The electrode should be mounted such that the measuring surfaces will always stay CALIBRATION
wet. If the electrode dries out, it will respond slowly to changing pH/ORP values for 24 As a rule, follow the procedure shown in the pH Meter’s Instruction Manual. These pro-
hours, and if dried out repeatedly, will fail prematurely. cedures will vary depending on whether the meter is a simple type with manual adjust-
ments, a micro-processor type or a pH transmitter.
For submersion applications, mount the electrode below the minimum solution level. If
the tank will be completely drained, plan on removing the electrode and storing it in tap FREQUENCY OF CALIBRATION
water (NOT DI water) or pH 4 buffer solution while the tank is empty. If this is undesir- The frequency of calibration is a function of many factors. These factors include:
able, a recirculation loop may be installed and the electrode mounted in-line. 1. The accuracy required by the application.
2. The value of the off-specification product versus the cost of calibration.
For in-line applications, where the electrode is installed in a pipe, the electrode should 3. The coating or abrasive nature of the application.
be placed on the discharge side of the pump (under positive pressure). A “U” trap should 4. The stability of the pH Electrode and pH Meter as a system.
be installed so that if the flow stops, the electrode is still immersed in the solution. If
the flow through the pipe can not be stopped to allow for cleaning and calibration of the The frequency of calibration is really determined by experience. At a new installa-
electrode, then the electrode should be placed in a by-pass line with isolation valves to tion, calibration might initially be checked every few hours or shift with the calibration
allow for electrode removal. Install the electrode vertically, with the measuring surface changes noted in a log. As a pattern of longer stability is found, the time between calibra-
pointing down, at least 5 degrees above horizontal. (Refer to Installation drawings) tion checks can be increased to once a day or once a week. Although the frequency of
calibration is solely the responsibility of the user, once a week is the longest recommend-
The electrode should be installed in an area where there is good solution movement and ed interval between calibrations.
where it will respond rapidly to chemical additions. The placement of the electrode rela-
tive to the placement of chemical replenishment, along with the quality of the mixing, SYSTEM CALIBRATION CONCEPTS
and the replenishment pump flow rate are all critical to accurate process control. The pH Electrode and the pH Meter should always be calibrated as a system. Electronic
calibration of a pH Meter with a pH signal simulator checks the meter only and does not
correct for imperfections of the pH Electrode. Even if perfect when new, the perfor-
mance of pH electrodes varies with time, usually in an unpredictable way. When chang-
ing electrodes or connecting an electrode to a different pH meter, re-calibration must be
Page 5 Page 10
3.0 Maintenance Typical Installation
The Combination pH/Reference Electrode or ORP (REDOX) Reference Electrode is ruggedly
made and easy to use. Because the pH responsive glass bulb or flat surface is relatively thin,
care should be taken so that the bulb does not become scratched or broken. It is also important 1
that ORP measuring surfaces are not scratched or gouged. The suggestions in this sheet are 2
The built-in sealed reference design of this electrode eliminates the need to add filling solutions
and minimizes reference dryout. This design feature also allows the electrode to be used in
pressurized systems (refer to specification sheets or consult the factory for maximum pressure/
temperature limit information).
Important Considerations
1. The pH Electrode is shipped in a plastic bottle or cap containing a solution of 4 buffer FLOW IN FLOW OUT
and potassium chloride. ORP (REDOX) Electrodes are shipped in caps containing a
piece of cotton wetted with tap water. The electrode should remain in the bottle
or cap until it is used. If the electrode is used infrequently, the bottle or cap and its SUBMERSION
solution should be saved and the electrode stored in it. pH
2. Electrodes are a form of a battery and have limited shelf lives. Electrodes in inventory
should be rotated so that older electrodes are used first.
3. Vigorous stirring brings a sample, buffer or rinse solution to the measuring surface COOLING TOWER
more quickly and will improve speed of response. Care must be taken to keep the electrode’s
measuring surface from striking a surface and getting scratched or broken.
4. After exposure to a sample, buffer or rinse solution, carryover can be minimized by METERING
blotting - never by wiping - the electrode with a clean, non-abrasive paper or a clean
cloth towel.
5. As a rinse solution, use a part of the next sample or buffer which is to be measured.
This action also will minimize contamination from carryover. HEAT
6. When calibrating, use a buffer close in value to that expected from the sample for 1
point calibrations or as the first buffer for 2 point calibrations (see below). This action
will minimize span errors.
7. Readings stabilize faster in some solutions than others; allow time for the reading to
stabilize. In general, with new electrodes stable readings in buffers are obtained in 10-
15 seconds.
8. All pH electrodes age with time. Aging is characterized by shortened span and slower
In-line Installation
speed of response. Aging is best detected by the 2 point calibration method. If the pH
meter has manual or microprocessor slope (span) controls, the controls can be adjusted
to compensate for electrode span errors (but will not affect the speed of the response).
Page 9 Page 6
Electrode Assembly Wiring Instructions
For submersion applications, attach the threaded end of the housing to a 1” NPTF For housings that contain the integral preamplifier, attach the 7-conductor cable directly
coupling and appropriate length of 1” pipe. This should be sealed to prevent the solution to the controller:
from contacting the electrode housing cable. Remove the protective cap from the end
of the electrode cartridge, and thread the cartridge into the housing until it is hand tight.
The o-ring should seat against the housing.
ELECTRODE For housings that contain the integral 4-20 mA transmitter, the wires have the following
BLK: -
For Walchem analog inputs, use the wiring instructions for the specific input board for an
For in-line applications, feed the electrode housing cable through the adapter nut. Remove
input type of 2-wire unpowered transmitter.
the protective cap from the end of the electrode cartridge, and thread the cartridge into the
housing until it is hand tight. The o-ring should seat against the housing. Place the large
For housings that do not contain the integral preamplifier, attach the male BNC connector
o-ring into the mounting adapter groove, then place the electrode housing into the tee,
on the housing to the female BNC connector on the instrument, and the optional temperature
and thread the adapter nut onto the tee until it is hand tight.
wires to the temperature input terminal strip on the instrument:
RED TC (polarity not critical for TC)
20 FT CABLE BLK: TC (polarity not critical for TC)
20 FT CABLE [TC= Temperature Compensation]
NUT NUT The non-amplified signal is extremely sensitive! Never cut, splice or otherwise harm the
(P/N 102586) (P/N 102586) integrity of the coaxial cable or BNC connector! If the distance between electrode and
instrument exceeds 20 feet, use the housing that contains a preamplifier, or purchase an
O-RING ELECTRODE O-RING ELECTRODE externally mounted preamplifier.
(P/N 102594) CARTRIDGE (P/N 102594) CARTRIDGE
¾" NPTF TEE (P/N 102884) ¾" NPTF TEE (P/N 102884)
Page 7 Page 8
Electrode Assembly Wiring Instructions
For submersion applications, attach the threaded end of the housing to a 1” NPTF For housings that contain the integral preamplifier, attach the 7-conductor cable directly
coupling and appropriate length of 1” pipe. This should be sealed to prevent the solution to the controller:
from contacting the electrode housing cable. Remove the protective cap from the end
of the electrode cartridge, and thread the cartridge into the housing until it is hand tight.
The o-ring should seat against the housing.
ELECTRODE For housings that contain the integral 4-20 mA transmitter, the wires have the following
BLK: -
For Walchem analog inputs, use the wiring instructions for the specific input board for an
For in-line applications, feed the electrode housing cable through the adapter nut. Remove
input type of 2-wire unpowered transmitter.
the protective cap from the end of the electrode cartridge, and thread the cartridge into the
housing until it is hand tight. The o-ring should seat against the housing. Place the large
For housings that do not contain the integral preamplifier, attach the male BNC connector
o-ring into the mounting adapter groove, then place the electrode housing into the tee,
on the housing to the female BNC connector on the instrument, and the optional temperature
and thread the adapter nut onto the tee until it is hand tight.
wires to the temperature input terminal strip on the instrument:
RED TC (polarity not critical for TC)
20 FT CABLE BLK: TC (polarity not critical for TC)
20 FT CABLE [TC= Temperature Compensation]
NUT NUT The non-amplified signal is extremely sensitive! Never cut, splice or otherwise harm the
(P/N 102586) (P/N 102586) integrity of the coaxial cable or BNC connector! If the distance between electrode and
instrument exceeds 20 feet, use the housing that contains a preamplifier, or purchase an
O-RING ELECTRODE O-RING ELECTRODE externally mounted preamplifier.
(P/N 102594) CARTRIDGE (P/N 102594) CARTRIDGE
¾" NPTF TEE (P/N 102884) ¾" NPTF TEE (P/N 102884)
Page 7 Page 8
3.0 Maintenance Typical Installation
The Combination pH/Reference Electrode or ORP (REDOX) Reference Electrode is ruggedly
made and easy to use. Because the pH responsive glass bulb or flat surface is relatively thin,
care should be taken so that the bulb does not become scratched or broken. It is also important 1
that ORP measuring surfaces are not scratched or gouged. The suggestions in this sheet are 2
The built-in sealed reference design of this electrode eliminates the need to add filling solutions
and minimizes reference dryout. This design feature also allows the electrode to be used in
pressurized systems (refer to specification sheets or consult the factory for maximum pressure/
temperature limit information).
Important Considerations
1. The pH Electrode is shipped in a plastic bottle or cap containing a solution of 4 buffer FLOW IN FLOW OUT
and potassium chloride. ORP (REDOX) Electrodes are shipped in caps containing a
piece of cotton wetted with tap water. The electrode should remain in the bottle
or cap until it is used. If the electrode is used infrequently, the bottle or cap and its SUBMERSION
solution should be saved and the electrode stored in it. pH
2. Electrodes are a form of a battery and have limited shelf lives. Electrodes in inventory
should be rotated so that older electrodes are used first.
3. Vigorous stirring brings a sample, buffer or rinse solution to the measuring surface COOLING TOWER
more quickly and will improve speed of response. Care must be taken to keep the electrode’s
measuring surface from striking a surface and getting scratched or broken.
4. After exposure to a sample, buffer or rinse solution, carryover can be minimized by METERING
blotting - never by wiping - the electrode with a clean, non-abrasive paper or a clean
cloth towel.
5. As a rinse solution, use a part of the next sample or buffer which is to be measured.
This action also will minimize contamination from carryover. HEAT
6. When calibrating, use a buffer close in value to that expected from the sample for 1
point calibrations or as the first buffer for 2 point calibrations (see below). This action
will minimize span errors.
7. Readings stabilize faster in some solutions than others; allow time for the reading to
stabilize. In general, with new electrodes stable readings in buffers are obtained in 10-
15 seconds.
8. All pH electrodes age with time. Aging is characterized by shortened span and slower
In-line Installation
speed of response. Aging is best detected by the 2 point calibration method. If the pH
meter has manual or microprocessor slope (span) controls, the controls can be adjusted
to compensate for electrode span errors (but will not affect the speed of the response).
Page 9 Page 6
Mounting Adapters: 9. Electrodes should be replaced when their readings cannot be corrected by the
For in-line applications, included will be either a custom tee or mounting adapter that meter’s controls and/or when their speed of response is too slow for the application
fits into a standard tee, and the nut and o-ring that secures the housing to the adapter. for which they are being used. The frequency of electrode replacement is a function
of the application; electrodes operating in hot liquids at very high or very low pH
For submersion applications, all that is required is a standard 1” NPTF threaded coupling
values will have shorter lives than those operating at neutral pH and ambient temperature.
and the appropriate length of 1” pipe. These parts are supplied by the user.2.0
Installation 10. Coatings on an electrode’s surface prevent new liquids from contacting an electrode’s
measuring surface and can mimic the effects of electrode aging. Before concluding
General Guidelines that an electrode needs replacing, check the surface for coatings.
Note: After removing the electrode from the soaker bottle, be sure to remove the large
o-ring from the electrode. This o-ring prevents soaker solution from leaking out of the 11. Temperature affects electrode readings in two ways. First, the output of an electrode
bottle and is not part of the electrode. varies with temperature. For pH electrodes this effect can be corrected by manual
or automatic temperature compensation (ORP/REDOX readings are not correctable
Instructions for mounting the electrode into the process solution will vary greatly with for the effect of temperature changes). Second, the real pH or ORP value, independent
the type of electrode and the circumstances that are encountered in your application. of the electrode measuring the value or the use of temperature compensation, is temperature
Here are some general guidelines to assist you. Refer also to the typical installation dependent. This fact means, for example, that the readings at 25°C and 75°C will be (and,
drawings. in fact are) different.
The electrode should be mounted such that the measuring surfaces will always stay CALIBRATION
wet. If the electrode dries out, it will respond slowly to changing pH/ORP values for 24 As a rule, follow the procedure shown in the pH Meter’s Instruction Manual. These pro-
hours, and if dried out repeatedly, will fail prematurely. cedures will vary depending on whether the meter is a simple type with manual adjust-
ments, a micro-processor type or a pH transmitter.
For submersion applications, mount the electrode below the minimum solution level. If
the tank will be completely drained, plan on removing the electrode and storing it in tap FREQUENCY OF CALIBRATION
water (NOT DI water) or pH 4 buffer solution while the tank is empty. If this is undesir- The frequency of calibration is a function of many factors. These factors include:
able, a recirculation loop may be installed and the electrode mounted in-line. 1. The accuracy required by the application.
2. The value of the off-specification product versus the cost of calibration.
For in-line applications, where the electrode is installed in a pipe, the electrode should 3. The coating or abrasive nature of the application.
be placed on the discharge side of the pump (under positive pressure). A “U” trap should 4. The stability of the pH Electrode and pH Meter as a system.
be installed so that if the flow stops, the electrode is still immersed in the solution. If
the flow through the pipe can not be stopped to allow for cleaning and calibration of the The frequency of calibration is really determined by experience. At a new installa-
electrode, then the electrode should be placed in a by-pass line with isolation valves to tion, calibration might initially be checked every few hours or shift with the calibration
allow for electrode removal. Install the electrode vertically, with the measuring surface changes noted in a log. As a pattern of longer stability is found, the time between calibra-
pointing down, at least 5 degrees above horizontal. (Refer to Installation drawings) tion checks can be increased to once a day or once a week. Although the frequency of
calibration is solely the responsibility of the user, once a week is the longest recommend-
The electrode should be installed in an area where there is good solution movement and ed interval between calibrations.
where it will respond rapidly to chemical additions. The placement of the electrode rela-
tive to the placement of chemical replenishment, along with the quality of the mixing, SYSTEM CALIBRATION CONCEPTS
and the replenishment pump flow rate are all critical to accurate process control. The pH Electrode and the pH Meter should always be calibrated as a system. Electronic
calibration of a pH Meter with a pH signal simulator checks the meter only and does not
correct for imperfections of the pH Electrode. Even if perfect when new, the perfor-
mance of pH electrodes varies with time, usually in an unpredictable way. When chang-
ing electrodes or connecting an electrode to a different pH meter, re-calibration must be
Page 5 Page 10
SINGLE POINT CALIBRATIONS The 102606 housing contains only the differential preamplifier with solution ground,
Single point calibrations involve the use of one pH buffer. They are the easiest to make and does NOT contain the Pt1000 ATC element. This housing is specified when the
but can provide misleading results. They should only be used for quick checking from error due to temperature is insignificant to your process, and the instrument you will attach
time to time. does not have a preamplifier in it, or is more than 20-30 feet away. It would also be used
with an ORP cartridge, since there is no ATC used in ORP applications. It is supplied
TWO POINT CALIBRATIONS with a 20 ft. cable with tinned leads and it is dressed for use with the W400, WebMaster
As their name implies, 2 point calibrations use 2 pH buffers: for example, buffers 7.00 and WIND series controllers.
and 4.00 or buffers 7.00 and 10.00. Two point calibrations correct for the pH electrode’s
The 191652-20 housing is identical to the 102606 housing except its cable is dressed for
offset and span errors. Since both the offset and span vary with time, the 2 point method
use with the W100W, W100P, W600 and W900 series controllers.
is the preferred one.
The 102582 housing contains only the Pt1000 ATC element with solution ground, but
GRAB SAMPLE CALIBRATIONS does NOT contain the preamplifier. This is used in pH applications where the error due
The Grab Sample Calibration method is used when it is difficult or undesirable to to temperature is significant to your process, and the instrument to be attached contains
remove an electrode from a system. This method involves obtaining a sample of the an integral preamplifier, and will be located within 20-30 feet of the electrode. It should
liquid being measured and noting the meter’s reading at that time. The sample’s reading not be used in ORP applications. It is supplied with a 20 ft. cable with a BNC connector for
is obtained by use of a calibrated lab or portable meter and that reading is compared to the pH signal and tinned leads for the ATC and solution ground signals and it is dressed for
that of the on-line meter. The on-line meter is adjusted by the difference between the use with the WPHBW100 series controllers or external preamp box.
readings. It is important to use the difference between the readings because the system’s
reading may have changed in the intervening time. It is important that the sample being The 102607 housing contains neither an ATC element, nor the preamplifier. It should
measured by the lab meter be at the process temperature or erroneous results may occur be used in pH or ORP applications where the error due to temperature is insignificant
(See #11 on the previous page). to your process, and the instrument to be attached contains an integral preamplifier, and
will be located within 20-30 feet of the electrode. It is supplied with a 20 ft. coax cable
CALIBRATION PROCEDURES with a BNC connector and it is suitable for use with the WPHBW100 series controller
Stepwise calibration procedures are noted in the pH Meter’s Instruction Manual. The or external preamp box.
following suggestions will help make calibrations as accurate as possible:
The 191989 housing contains an internal Pt1000 ATC element, and a transmitter to
1. Before placing the electrode in a new buffer, use an absorbent paper towel or clean convert the pH mV signal to an isolated 4-20 mA signal proportional to 0-14 pH. It is
absorbent cloth to blot, not wipe, off any liquid that clings to the electrode. This action used to connect to any controller, PLC, SCADA, recorder, or datalogger with a 4-20 mA
will minimize carry-over that could contaminate the buffer. input.
The 191988 housing is similar to the 191989, except it is used for ORP cartridges, and
2. Always use fresh buffers. Safely dispose of the buffers after they have been used for
so has no ATC element and the 4-20 mA signal is proportional to -500 to 1000 mV.
calibration. Do not return them to their bottles; this action could contaminate the
pH Temperature Error Table:
3. Stir the electrode in the buffer to make certain that the fresh buffer quickly reaches °C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the electrode’s measuring surface. 5 .30 .24 .18 .12 .06 0 .06 .12 .18 .24 .30
INTERMITTENT OPERATION 15 .15 .12 .09 .06 .03 0 .03 .06 .09 .12 .15
Some facilities are only operated part of the time. When out of operation, electrodes 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
must not be allowed to be exposed to air and become dry. Electrodes should be removed
35 .15 .12 .09 .06 .03 0 .03 .06 .09 .12 .15
from such systems and stored in their bottles and caps or in a beaker, filled, preferably
with 4 buffer. In some instances, power to the meter is shut off; this condition can be 45 .30 .24 .18 .12 .06 0 .06 .12 .18 .24 .30
harmful to the electrodes. Electrodes should be disconnected from un-powered meters. 55 .45 .36 .27 .18 .09 0 .09 .18 .27 .36 .45
65 .60 .48 .36 .24 .12 0 .12 .24 .36 .48 .60
75 .75 .60 .45 .30 .15 0 .15 .30 .45 .60 .75
85 .90 .72 .54 .36 .18 0 .18 .36 .54 .72 .90
Page 11 Page 4
Coating of an electrode’s measuring surface can lead to erroneous readings including
The parts included vary with the model ordered. The electrode assembly always consists shortened span and slow response times. The type of coating determines the type of
of a replaceable pH or ORP electrode cartridge and a housing. The housing may contain cleaning technique.
an optional temperature compensation element, a reliable differential - type preampli-
fier with solution ground and/or a 4-20 mA transmitter. For in-line mounted models, a Soft coatings can be removed by vigorous stirring, by use of a squirt bottle, or very
molded tee or machined adapter are combined with and a mounting nut and o-ring. carefully, by gently wiping with a soft, clean non-abrasive paper or cloth. Hard coatings
should be chemically removed. The chemical used to remove the coating should be the
Electrode Cartridges: least harsh chemical that dissolves the coating in 1 or 2 minutes and does not attack the
There are several housings available. Each is best suited for specific applications: electrode’s materials of construction. For example, a calcium carbonate coating might
be removed with 5% HCl (muriatic acid).
WEL-PHF-NN is a flat surface glass pH electrode which will function well in almost any Oily or organic coatings are best removed with detergents or an appropriate solvent
application, and will perform especially well if the solution tends to coat an electrode that does not attack the electrode’s materials of construction. For example, isopropyl
with solids or oils. alcohol might be used but acetone should be avoided if the electrode’s body is made of
WEL-PHB-NN is a bulb-type glass pH electrode which will function well in clean Note: When using chemicals or solvents, care should be taken and appropriate eye,
chemical applications. face, hand, body and/or respiratory protection should be used.
WEL-PHH-NN is a flat surface glass pH electrode which is highly resistant to attack by Never abrade or sand a pH electrode’s surface. However, the measuring surface of an
acidic fluoride solutions that would quickly etch the glass of a standard pH electrode. ORP/REDOX electrode may be gently abraded by use of 600 grade wet silicon carbide
paper, jewelers rouge or very fine steel wool.
WEL-PHLI-NN is a flat surface glass pH electrode with a special gel suitable for use in
low ionic strength water, with conductivity between 10 and 100 µS/cm. 4.0 SPECIFICATIONS
There are two choices of ORP electrode cartridge.
The WEL-MVF-NN is a flat surface platinum electrode which will work in almost any
The WEL-MVR-NN uses a platinum rod and is used where the oxidizer level is below
0.25 mg/l.
Electrode Housings:
There are six housings available, which are selected based upon the type of electrode
cartridge used, and the type of instrument to be connected:
The 102581 housing contains a Pt1000 automatic temperature compensation (ATC) element
and differential preamplifier with solution ground. This housing is specified in pH
applications when the error due to changing temperature is significant to your process
(see table below), and the instrument that the electrode will connect to either does not
have an integral preamplifier or if the distance between the instrument and the electrode
will exceed 20-30 feet. It should not be specified for ORP applications, since no ATC is
used. It is supplied with a 20 ft. cable with tinned leads and it is dressed for use with the
W400, WebMaster and WIND series controllers.
The 191653-20 housing is identical to the 102581 housing except its cable is dressed
for use with the W100W, W100P, W600 and W900 series controllers.
Page 3 Page 12
Table of Contents
Bar PSI Pressure (PSI) vs. Temperature (F)
24.1 350
20.7 300
1.0 Operation............................................................ 3
17.2 250
37.7 100
43.3 110
48.8 120
54.4 130
60.0 140
65.5 150
71.1 160
76.6 170
82.2 180
Page 13
Proprietary Material
The information and descriptions contained herein are the property of WALCHEM.
Such information and descriptions may not be copied or reproduced by any means,
or disseminated or distributed without the express prior written permission of
WALCHEM, 5 Boynton Road, Holliston, MA 01746.
This document is for information purposes only and is subject to change without
P/N 180109.Q
April 2019