Minecraft Redstone Part1 Worksheet
Minecraft Redstone Part1 Worksheet
Minecraft Redstone Part1 Worksheet
Outreach Programme
Minecraft Redstone
Part 1 of 2: The Basics of Redstone
Created by
Ed Nutting
Organised by
The content is intended to be learnt through self-directed individual or pair game play, using
this worksheet as a guide.
There are a number of versions of the Minecraft game, not all of which are compatible with
this workshop:
Minecraft for Windows or Mac This version is compatible.
This is the normal version downloadable from the Minecraft
Minecraft for RaspberryPi This version is not compatible.
This version does not include the required Redstone features.
Minecraft Education Edition This version is compatible.
You may wish to set this up with your class before we arrive to
run the workshop.
1 Introduction
Hi! In this short workshop we’re going to try to introduce some of the concepts that elec-
tronic engineers use every day to design everything from your mobile phone, to computers
and laptops to the settings of a toaster.
Notes Notes about important stuff you need to be aware of (and possibly remem-
ber!). They are highlighted in red.
Questions Questions you should try to answer. Sometimes you’ll need to write things
down; other times you’ll need to build something in the game. They are
highlighted in yellow.
Ask a helper or the teacher to check your answers.
Goals Stuff you should have completed at the end of each section. They are
highlighted in green.
We’ll also write some information between parts and include plenty of screenshots to help
you out.
1. Open Minecraft
2. Log in
3. Go to Single Player
Click “Create New World”
Create New World (Stage 1)
Click “More World Options...”
Create New World (Stage 2)
Set “World Type” to “Superflat” by repeat clicking it.
Superflat Customisation
Click “Presets”
Select Redstone Ready preset (bottom of list)
Scroll to the bottom and click “Redstone Ready”
Finally, click “Use Preset” then “Done” then “Create New World”.
That’s it for the introduction - you should now have created your new world ready
for Redstone building.
You can build Redstone in any type of world, but Redstone Ready worlds make it
much easier.
2. How many blocks vertically downwards are there till you reach the bedrock?
2 Placing and Powering Redstone
Redstone Dust
Redstone Repeater
We can place Redstone dust on the ground to form wires. Wires move Redstone power
Four bits of Redstone dust placed on the ground
3. Place a Lamp at one end of the line (on the end, not next to it)
Redstone torches look similar to normal torches - don’t use the wrong one!
Powered wire going into lamp
The torch should be supplying power to the wire. The power should be traveling
down the wire into the lamp, so the lamp should light up.
2.2 Boosting power
Redstone power gets weaker the further it is from the source of power (i.e. the torch). A
“Repeater” allows us to boost the power.
Redstone power runs out after 15 blocks.
We can use a repeater to boost the power. A repeater is a power source, but it
only transmits power when it is supplied with power!
A repeater (Right: input wire, Left: output wire)
A repeater only accepts power in on one side and only outputs power on the other
2. Extend the wire so it is more than 15 blocks long (but less than 30!)
Notice how the Redstone power “runs out” after 15 blocks so the lamp doesn’t
switch on.
4. Find the block of Redstone dust where the power first runs out
Make sure your repeater points in the right direction.
The repeater boosts the power. Your lamp should now be switched on as power
now reaches the end of the wire.
You should now know how to:
3 Redstone Torches
Redstone torches output power in all directions except diagonally and except to the block
they are placed on.
Redstone torches don’t output power to either:
Redstone torches do not output power diagonally.
4. Using one torch at a time, place torches around, underneath, on top of and
hanging on the lamp. Work out which do and which don’t turn on the lamp.
6. Using one torch at a time, place torches around the lamp (including diago-
nally). Work out which do and which don’t turn on the lamp.
Lamp powered by torch underneath it
10. Place a Redstone wire on the ground directly underneath the torch
This last exercise can be confusing as Redstone dust looks like it’s lying on the
ground - it doesn’t look like a full block, but it does occupy a full block’s space
in the game. Thus the torch is directly above the Redstone dust and so it powers
the dust.
The wire should be powered as the torch outputs power downwards to the block
underneath it, which is the Redstone dust block in the wire.
You should now know which directions power flows from a Redstone torch.
A Redstone torch placed on a block has a special feature. If a block is powered (just like
we powered the lamp earlier) then any Redstone torch placed on the block will switch off!
Redstone torches on unpowered blocks switch on. Redstone torches on powered
blocks switch off.
2. Place a torch on the side or top of the block you just made
3. Build a wire on the ground going into the block (just like the wire we built
earlier going into the lamp)
5. Destroy and remake the torch while looking at the torch on the block. Notice
how the torch on the block switches off when power is put into the block.
Almost any block can be powered by passing power into it using a wire. Alter-
natively, you can power blocks by placing a torch underneath them or, for some
blocks, next to them, as we saw with the lamp earlier.
You should have seen the torch on the block switch off and on as you powered
and unpowered the block.
6. What would happen if you powered a block using a wire from a torch placed
on the same block?
7. When you power on the wire, is there a delay before the torch on the block
switches off?
You should now be able to work out whether a torch on a block will be on by
seeing if there is any power flowing into the block the torch is placed on.
A torch on a block is called a NOT gate.
Power going out from the torch on the block is called the “output”.
For a NOT gate (which is a torch on a block), the output is the opposite of
any inputs.
We call this a NOR gate when there is more than one input
2. Build a second NOT gate, three blocks in front of the first one
3. Connect the output of the first NOT gate to the input of the second using
a wire
Two NOT gates chained together
8. What happens when you power the input of the first NOT gate?
5. Build three wires - one going into each side of the block of the NOT gate
This makes it a NOR gate.
6. Build a wire from the output of the NOR gate (the torch on the block)
going into a lamp
7. Power and unpower the three inputs, one at a time and then multiple at
once. Observe what happens to the output (by looking at the lamp).
A 3-input NOR gate with the output wired to a lamp
12. If you wire all three inputs together, then put them into the block, is it the
same thing?
Any point where two wires join is called an OR gate because the power coming
out of the join is on if either of the inputs is on.
A NOR gate is an OR gate followed by a NOT gate, hence the name “NOR”
meaning “NOT-OR”.
You should now be able to build NOT and NOR gates using torches on blocks and
predict the output of a NOT or NOR gate given a set of inputs.
14. What is the output of a NOR gate, if it has three inputs of which two are
on and one is off?
4 Using NOR gates
NOR gates are the most basic building block for all electronic circuits - including Redstone
circuits. Amazingly, we can combine NOR gates to form anything from a simple lock to an
entire computer or mobile phone!
NOR gates for the building block of all circuits.
We can build other kinds of gate from a NOR gate. Let’s suppose we wanted to build a
locked door. Our locked door might require 4 levers to be put into the correct positions for
the door to open.
Let’s call the four levers of our lock inputs A, B, C and D. We want our door to open if A
and B and C and not D are switched on. It sounds like we’re going to need an AND gate!
An AND gate is easy to make. We have two inputs. We NOT each of them separately,
and then NOR the outputs of the NOT gates together. It looks like this:
A 2-input AND gate with the output wired to a lamp
AND gate: NOT the inputs, NOR the results together
The output of an AND gate is on only if both of its inputs are on.
1. Build a NOT gate (placing the torch on top of the block not on the side)
2. Build a NOT gate next to this (this time, place the torch on the side of the
block not on the top)
3. Build a third NOT gate, like the first - torch on top, next to the second gate
4. Place a piece of Redstone dust on top of the NOT gate (i.e. the block) in
the middle
5. Build separate wires going into the back of the two NOT gates (i.e. the
blocks) on either side. These are the input wires.
6. Build a wire from the torch in the middle to a lamp. This is the output.
7. Power both of the input wires - notice how the lamp switches on.
This can be tricky to build. Look at the screenshot above or the one below if you
get stuck or it doesn’t work!
A 2-input AND gate with the output wired to a lamp
15. Which inputs to an AND gate have to be on to make the output (i.e. the
lamp) switch on?
16. Which inputs to an AND gate can be off to make the output (i.e. the lamp)
switch off?
You should now be able to build an AND gate and predict the output of an AND
gate from a given set of inputs.
Let’s build a mini project! We’re going to build the locked door we were talking about
before. It’ll use four levers to select a specific code to open the door.
For this example, we’re going to make the code: On, Off Off, On - but you can use a
different pattern. You’ll need to change the positions of the NOT gates we use to make a
different code.
2. Place a lever one block in from the edge of the left hand end, in the middle
Your wall should now look like the screenshot below
6. Behind the wall, build four blocks as shown in the screenshot below.
Behind the wall (stage 1)
8. Place torches on any of the blocks which are behind levers that you want to
be OFF in your lock code
9. Build two AND gates, one in front of each pair of blocks with Redstone (or
torches) on them
10. Connect the AND gate inputs to the outputs of the blocks with wires
11. Build a third AND gate in 4 blocks in front of the other two
12. Connect the outputs of the first two AND gate to the inputs of the third
AND gate
13. Connect the output of the AND gate through the hole in the wall to the
You might need a repeater in the wire from the third AND gate to the door to
boost the power.
The circuit behind your wall should look something like the screenshot below.
Hopefully you now have a locked door, which only opens when the four levers are
in the right positions!
17. What is the delay between switching the levers and the door opening and
19. Here’s a tricky one for you: Can you make the circuit smaller?
20. Lastly: Does making the circuit smaller reduce the open/close delay?
5 Wrap-up
We hope you enjoyed this workshop! This workshop also has a second part where we
teach you how to build more complex circuits like a Minecart Wave Machine and a Locked
Corridor. Ask your teacher about it!
Hopefully you now understand all of this stuff:
Redstone wires
Redstone torches
Redstone repeaters
6 Extra Resources
Here’s a few extra resources to help you along with this worksheet and some stuff to try at
All the gates covered in this worksheet plus a few more are described here - Minecraft
Basic Logic Gates : http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Basic logic gates
Something a bit more advanced that will make your circuits really clever - Minecraft
Memory Circuits : http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Memory circuit