Lidasan v. COMELEC
Lidasan v. COMELEC
Lidasan v. COMELEC
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CRUZ v. PARAS powers and purposes of the corporation, and not inconsistent with the laws or
123 SCRA 569 (1983) policy of the State.
If night clubs were merely then regulated and not prohibited, certainly the
Nature: Petition for certiorari with preliminary injunction to review decision of assailed ordinance would pass the test of validity. In the two leading cases above
Bulacan CFI set forth, this Court had stressed reasonableness, consonant with the general
powers and purposes of municipal corporations, as well as consistency with the
Petitioners had been previously issued licenses for their night clubs by the laws or policy of the State.
Municipal Mayor of Bocaue Bulacan. It cannot be said that such a sweeping exercise of a lawmaking power by Bocaue
could qualify under the term reasonable as objective of fostering public morals
Then Ordinance no. 84, Series of 1975 [Prohibition and Closure Ordinance] took
can be attained by a measure that does not encompass too wide a field such as
effect in Bocaue, Bulacan which provided that no operator of night clubs,
reasonable restrictions as opposed to absolute prohibition.
cabarets or dance halls shall henceforth be issued permits/licenses to operate
within the jurisdiction of the municipality and no license/permit shall be issued to Furthermore, this case refers to R.A. 938 which was originally entitled: “an act
any professional hostess, hospitality girls and professional dancer for granting municipal or city boards and councils the power to regulate the
employment in any of the aforementioned establishments. The prohibition also establishment, maintenance and operation of certain places of amusement within
included prohibition in the renewal thereof. (Sec. 3) their respective territorial jurisdictions.”
It further provided for the revocation of permits and licenses upon the expiration
of the 30-day period and that the operation of such establishments within the
This act gives the municipal or city board or council of each chartered city the
power to regulate by ordinance the establishment, maintenance and operation
jurisdiction of the municipality shall then on be illegal (Sec. 4)
of night clubs, cabarets, and other similar places of amusement within its
Petitioners thus filed in the Bulacan CFI for prohibition with preliminary injunction
territorial jurisdiction. Then the 1st section was amended to include not merely
on the grounds that:
"the power to regulate, but likewise "Prohibit ... "
o Ordinance No. 84 is null and void as a municipality has no authority to
The title, however, remained the same. It is worded exactly as RA 938. The
prohibit a lawful business, occupation or calling.
power granted remains that of regulation, not prohibition. There is thus support
o Ordinance No. 84 is violative of the petitioners' right to due process and the
for the view advanced by petitioners that to construe RA 938 as allowing the
equal protection of the law, as the license previously given to petitioners was prohibition of the operation of night clubs would give rise to a constitutional
in effect withdrawn without judicial hearing. question.
o That under P.D. No. 189, as amended, by P.D. No. 259, the power to license The Constitution mandates: "Every bill shall embrace only one subject which
and regulate tourist-oriented businesses including night clubs, has been shall be expressed in the title thereof. " (Art. VIII, Sec. 19, par. 1).
transferred to the Department of Tourism. Since there is no dispute as the title limits the power to regulating, not
Lower court upheld constitutionality and validity of Ordinance 84 and dismissed prohibiting, it would result in the statute being invalid if, as was done by the
case. Municipality of Bocaue, the operation of a night club was prohibited.
There is reinforcement to the conclusion reached by virtue of a specific provision
Issue: WON a municipal corporation (Bocaue, Bulacan as represented by Municipal of the recently-enacted Local Government Code whose general welfare clause
Mayor Matias Ramirez and Municipal Vice-Mayor Mario Mendoza) can prohibit the clearly provides that municipal corporations cannot prohibit the operation of
exercise of a lawful trade, operation of night clubs, and the pursuit of a lawful night clubs. They may be regulated, but not prevented from carrying on their
occupation, such clubs employing hostesses. business.
Respondents cited Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel Operators Association, Inc. v.
NO. The reliance on the police power of the lower court is insufficient to justify City Mayor of Manila. However, in that case, it imposed a regulatory measure.
the enactment of the assailed ordinance. It must be declared null and void. Necessarily, there was no valid objection on due process or equal protection
Police power is granted to municipal corporations by Sec. 2238, Revised Admin grounds. It did not prohibit motels. It merely regulated the mode in which it may
Code (practically a reproduction of the former Sec. 39 of Municipal Code) conduct business in order precisely to put an end to practices which could
U.S. v. Abendan, Moreland as ponente: An ordinance enacted by virtue thereof is encourage vice and immorality.
valid, unless it contravenes the fundamental law of the Philippine Islands, or an
Act of the Philippine Legislature, or unless it is against public policy, or is Held: writ of certiorari is granted and the decision of the lower court reversed, set
unreasonable, oppressive, partial, discriminating, or in derogation of common aside, and nulled. Ordinance No. 84, Series of 1975 of the Municipality of Bocaue is
right. Where the power to legislate upon a given subject, and the mode of its declared void and unconstitutional.
exercise and the details of such legislation are not prescribed, the ordinance
passed pursuant thereto must be a reasonable exercise of the power, or it will be MBARA LIDASAN, petitioner, vs. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, respondent.
pronounced invalid.
U.S. v. Salaveria, Malcolm as ponente: (applying present Admin Code provision) Facts:
It is a general rule that ordinances passed by virtue of the implied power found On June 18, 1966, the Chief Executive signed into law House Bill 1247, known as
in the general welfare clause must be reasonable, consonant with the general Republic Act 4790, now in dispute. The body of the statute reads:
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1. Yes.
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Respondent's stance is that the change in boundaries of the two provinces resulting must remain to make a complete. intelligible, and valid statute, which
in "the substantial diminution of the territorial limits" of Cotabato province is carries out the legislative intent. . . , The language used in the invalid part
"merely the incidental legal results of the definition of the boundary" of the of the statute can have no legal force or efficacy for any purpose whatever,
municipality of Dianaton and that, therefore, reference to the fact that portions in and what remains must express the legislative will independently of the
Cotabato are taken away "need not be expressed in-the title of the law." This void part, since the court has no power to legislate ... “
posture - we must say - but emphasizes the error of constitutional
dimensions in writing down the title of the bill. Transfer of a sizeable Could we indulge in the assumption that Congress still intended, by the Act, to
portion of territory from one province to another of necessity involves create the restricted area of nine barrios in the towns of Butig and Balabagan in
reduction of area, population and income of the first and the corresponding Lanao del Sur into the town of Dianaton, if the twelvve barrios in the towns of
increase of those of the other. This is as important as the creation of a Buldon and Parang, Cotabato, were to be excluded therefrom? The answer must
municipality. And yet, the title did not reflect this fact. be in the negative.
Felwa vs. Salas is not a case in focus. For there, the title of the Act (Republic Act Republic Act 4790 to read a Dianaton town of nine instead of the originally intended
4695) reads: "An Act Creating the Provinces of Benguet, Mountain Province, Ifugao, twenty-one barrios. Really, if these nine barrios are to constitute a town at all,
and Kalinga-Apayao." That title was assailed as unconstitutional upon the averment it is the function of Congress, not of this Court, to spell out that
that the provisions of the law (Section 8 thereof) in reference to the elective officials congressional will. Republic Act 4790 is thus inseparable, and it is
of the provinces thus created, were not set forth in the title of the bill. We there accordingly null and void in its totality.
ruled that this pretense is devoid of merit "for, surely, an Act creating said
provinces must be expected to provide for the officers who shall run the affairs 3. Here, the validity of a statute is challenged on the ground that it violates the
thereof" - which is "manifestly germane to the subject" of the legislation, as set constitutional requirement that the subject of the bill be expressed in its title.
forth in its title. The statute now before us stands altogether on a different Capacity to sue, therefore, hinges on whether petitioner's substantial
footing. The lumping together of barrios in adjacent but separate provinces rights or interests are impaired by lack of notification in the title that the
under one statute is neither a natural nor logical consequence of the barrio in Parang, Cotabato, where he is residing has been transferred to a
creation of the new municipality of Dianaton. A change of boundaries' of different provincial hegemony. The right of every citizen, taxpayer and voter of
the two provinces may be made without necessarily creating a new a community affected by legislation creating a town to ascertain that the law so
municipality and vice versa. created is not dismembering his place of residence "in accordance with the
Constitution" is recognized in this jurisdiction.
In Hume vs. Village of Fruitport, the statute in controversy bears the title "An Act to
Incorporate the Village of Fruitport, in the County of Muskegon.The statute, Petitioner is a qualified voter. He expects to vote in the 1967 elections His right to
however, goes beyond the restriction and its title was therefore described as vote in his own barrio before it was annexed to a new town is affected. Since by
“erroneous in the worst degree, for it is misleading." Similar statutes aimed at constitutional direction the purpose of a bill must be shown in its title for the
changing boundaries of political subdivisions, which legislative purpose is not benefit, amongst others, of the community affected thereby, it stands to reason to
expressed in the title, were likewise declared unconstitutional. 10 say that when the constitutional right to vote on the part of any citizen of
that community is affected, he may become a suitor to challenge the
2. No. constitutionality of the Act as passed by Congress.
We are not unmindful of the rule, that where a portion of a statute is rendered Guingona vs. Carague
unconstitutional and the remainder valid, the parts will be separated, and the
constitutional portion upheld. Black, however, gives the exception to this rule, thus: PETITIONERS: Teofisto Guingona, Jr. and Aquilino Pimentel, Jr., members of the
" . . . But when the parts of the statute are so mutually dependent and Senate
connected, as conditions, considerations, inducements, or compensations RESPONDENTS: Guillermo Carague, Secretary of Dept. of Budget and
for each other, as to warrant a belief that the legislature intended them as Management; Rozalina Cajucom, National Treasurer; and
a whole, and that if all could not be carried into effect, the legislature Commission on Audit
would not pass the residue independently, then, if some parts are
unconstitutional, all the provisions which are thus dependent, conditional,
or connected, must fall with them." In substantially similar language, the FACTS:
same exception is recognized in the jurisprudence of this Court, thus: The 1990 budget totals
"The general rule is that where part of the statute is void, as repugnant to P233.5B
the Organic Law, while another part is valid, the valid portion, if separable It consists of
from the invalid, may stand and be enforced. But in order to do this, the 1. P155.3B appropriated by Congress under RA6831 (General
valid portion must be so far independent of the invalid portion that it is fair Appropriations Act of 1990 or GAA 1990), of which 27B will go to
to presume that the Legislature would have enacted it by itself if they had DECS, the highest among all departments; and
supposed that they could not constitutionally enact the other. . . . Enough
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2. P98.4B in automatic appropriations (P86B for debt NO. The fact the DECS appropriation is the highest budgetary appropriation
among all department budgets is a clear and sufficient compliance with
servicing) pursuant to:
the constitutional mandate according highest priority to education.
a. PD81 (which amends RA4860, Foreign Borrowing
Act), The Constitution mandates the assignment of highest budgetary
b. PD1177 (entitled “Revising the Budget Process in priority to education in order to insure that teaching will attract and retain its
Order to Institutionalize the Budgetary Innovations of the rightful share of the best available talents through adequate remuneration
New Society), and and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment
c. PD1967 (“An Act Strengthening the Guarantee and However, this does not mean that Congress is so hamstrung that it is
Payment Positions of the Rep. of the Phil. On Its Contingent deprived of the power to respond to the imperatives of national interest and
Liabilities Arising out of Relent and Guaranteed Loans by for the attainment of other state policies or objectives.
Appropriating Funds for the Purpose”) Congress is certainly not without any power, guided only by its good
judgment, to provide an appropriation that can reasonably service our
Petitioners, are seeking: enormous debt
1. the declaration of the unconstitutionality of Presidential Decree Nos. 81, It is a matter of:
1177 (Section 31) and 1967; and 1. honor
2. the restraining of the disbursement for the debt service under the 1990 2. protecting our credit standing
budget under said decrees (i.e. the P86B automatic appropriations). 3. the very survival of our economy
They are basing their petition on 3 grounds: II. W/N PD81, PD1177 and PD1967 are still operative under the
1. By appropriating more funds for debt servicing (P86B) Constitution.
than for education (P27B), such appropriations are violative of Section 5,
Article 14 of the Constitution. YES. Section 3, Article 18 of the Constitution recognizes that all existing
2. PDs 81, 1177 and 1967 are no longer operative under decrees not inconsistent with the Constitution shall remain operative
the present Constitution (1987) under amended, repealed or revoked. Implied repeal and revocation
3. Such PDs violate Section 29(1), Article 6 of the is frowned upon.
Constitution, which states that “no money shall be paid out of the National
Treasury except in pursuance to an appropriation made by law.” PD 81 amends RA 4860, which authorizes the president to obtain
foreign loans and credits and appropriates the necessary funds therefore, by
providing that funds are hereby appropriated from the National
PROCEDURAL ISSUES: Treasury to cover any deficiency for debt servicing
1. Locus Standi – as Senators, they may raise the issue of unconstitutionality PD1177 provides for the automatic appropriations for
− as taxpayers, they have personal interest in restraining unlawful expenditures for, inter alia, principal and interests on public debt
expenditure of public funds
PD1967 provides that “there is hereby appropriated, out of
2. Justiciability – in Gonzales vs. Macaraig, Jr., which involves the any funds in the National Treasury, such amounts as may be
constitutionality of the presidential veto of certain provisions of necessary to effect payments on foreign or domestic loans
GAA 1990, the Court held that the political doctrine interposes Their purpose is to enable the government to make prompt
no obstacle to the judicial determination of rival claims under payment and/or advances for all loans to protect and maintain the credit
the Constitution. standing of the country
− With the Senate maintaining that the
President’s veto is unconstitutional, and that the charge being
controverted, there is an actual case or justiciable controversy Petitioners allege that said decrees became functus officio when
between the Upper House of Congress and the Executive that Pres. Marcos was ousted because, with the expiration of the one-man
may be taken cognizance of by the SC legislature, the legislative power was restored to Congress and that new
legislation for automatic appropriations must come from Congress.
The SC held that it could not have been the intention of the
ISSUES: framers of the Constitution to require all existing laws to pass through
I. W/N the P86B debt servicing appropriation is violative of Section 5, Congress again
Article 14 of the Constitution and, therefore, invalid. The requirement of Sections 24 and 27, which requires
appropriations and bills to originate from the House of Representatives and
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be approved by the President, applies only to bills that are still to be passed owners and operators of radio and tv stations namely: (1) Bolinao Electronics Corp,
by Congress (2) Chronicle Broadcasting Network, Inc. and (3) Monserrat Broadcasting System,
This is all the more true because of the “political wisdom” of Inc. RP, as operator of the Phil Broadcasting Service (PBS), later intervened in the
automatic appropriations, which is to provide flexibility to the government for case having been granted a construction permit to install and operate a tv station in
effective execution of debt management policies. Mla.
Although it is a valid exercise of the power vested in the Sec by virtue of Act 3846,
III. W/N they are unconstitutional by violating Sections 24 and 29(1), petitioners still question the purpose of the dept’s investigation. It is assailed that
Article 6 of the Constitution although the Sec may approve or disapprove any application for renewal of station
or or operator license, the said investigation has no legal basis because the dept’s
W/N under the said PDs there is undue delegation of legislative power purpose for doing so was not in connection w/ the application for renewal of license.
The dept stated its purpose for the investigation was in relation only to the late
NO. If the delegation of the authority to execute the legislative intent satisfies filing1 of the applications for renewal. However, the dept itself, through a circular,
the test of completeness, then there is a valid delegation. The condoned such act if the named radio and tv stations took the necessary steps to
legislature does not abdicate its function when it describes what job correct their practices. Therefore, the issue being resolved, the violation ceased to
must be done, who is to do it, and what is the scope of his authority. exist and hence, there is no more reason nor need for the present investigation.
Writ granted. Writ of preliminary injunction made permanent. 5. Consti allows pres to veto provisions or other distinct & severable parts of
an Appropriations Bill.
NOTES: As a general rule, if the Pres disapproves a bill approved by Congress, he Issues & Ratio:
should veto the entire bill. He is not allowed to veto separate items of a bill. It is 1. WON SC has jurisdiction. - YES
only in the case of appropriation, revenue, and tariff bills that he is authorized to ♥ Demetria vs Alba: Where the legislature or executive acts beyond the
exercise item-veto ( Comments of Fr Bernas on the 1987 Consti). scope of its constitutional powers, it becomes the duty of the judiciary to
declare what other branches of the gov’t had assumed to do as void.
Gonzales vs. Macaraig Jr. [Nov. 19, 1990] ♥ Imperative need for a definitive ruling on the matter in order to avoid
Petition for prohibition/madamus assailing constitutionality of Pres’l veto of Sec.55 recurrences in the future.
♥ Taxpayers (Sanidad vs. COMELEC) & members of Senate (Tolentino vs.
Facts: COMELEC) have the requisite standing to question the constitutionality of issues
♥ Congress passed HB No. 19186 or the General Appropriations Bill (GAB) for raised.
the Fiscal Year (FY) 1989. It eliminated/decreased certain items included in the ♥ This is pursuant to the court’s power of judicial review.
proposed budget submitted by the Pres. GAB signed into law (RA No. 6688) by ♥ Court took cognizance of cases involving the constitutionality of a
the Pres who vetoed 7 special provisions & Sec. 55, a general provision. Senate Presidential veto such as Bengson vs Sec. of Justice & Bolinao Electronics vs.
then, thru Senate Resolution No. 381 declared the veto as unconstitutional & Valencia.
void & upheld validity of Sec. 55. Petition filed assailing the constitutionality of 2. WON the President has the power to veto “provisions” of the GAB? - YES
the veto & sought to enjoin implementation of RA No. 6688. Senate authorized ♥ Sec. 27, Art. VI of the Consti provides for the veto pow of the Pres. Par. 1
this petition by the members of the Senate Committee on Finance who filed this refers to the gen veto power w/c results to the veto of the entire bill whereas
case in their capacity as committee members & as taxpayers. Respondents are Par. 2 refers to the item-veto or line-veto power allowing exercise of veto over
Cabinet members tasked to implement the GAA of 1989 & 1990 all sued in their particular item/s in an appropriation, revenue or tariff bill. This power does not
official capacities. grant the authority on the Pres to veto a part of an item & to approve the
♥ A supplemental petition was filed this time questioning the president’s veto remaining portion of the same item.
of certain provisions, Sec. 16 of HB 26934 (GAB for FY 1990) in particular. ♥ Item: particulars, the details, the distinct & severable parts of the bill. It’s
♥ Sec. 55 of GAA of FY 1989 (Prohibition against the restoration or increase an indivisible sum of money dedicated to a stated purpose. It’s a specific
of recommended appropriations disapproved and/or reduced by Congress): appropriation of money & not some general provision of law w/c happens to be
Appropriations items recommended by the Pres in Budget submitted to put into an appropriation bill.
Congress w/c has been reduced/disapproved shall not be restored/increased ♥ Petitioners urge a restrictive interpretation of the provision. It disregards
using appropriations authorized for other purposes by augmentation. A the fact that distinct & severable parts of a bill may be the subj of a separate
recommendation is deemed disapproved if Congress did not provide for a veto & thus eliminating the need of vetoing the entire bill (Sec. 25.2, Art. VI).
corresponding appropriation for that purpose. It likewise overlooks the Constitutional mandate w/c provides that a provision
♥ Reason for Presidential Veto: Violative of sec. 25 (5) of Art. VI of the Consti in an appropriations bill is limited in its operation to some particular
in effect disallowing Pres, Sen. Pres., Speaker of the House, SC CJ, head of appropriation to w/c it relates & it does not relate to the entire bill.
Constitutional commissions to augment items in the GAA for their offices from ♥ Petitioners erroneously claim that the veto pow of the Pres is legislative &
savings in other items even in cases of calamity or when there is an urgent should be strictly construed. In Bengzon, the Court said that the Consti is a
need to accelerate implementation of essential pub service/infrastructure. limitation upon the legislative pow & a grant of pow to the executive and that
♥ Sec. 16 of GAA of FY 1990 (Use of Savings): Allowed augmentation but the courts will indulge every intendment in favor of the constitutionality of a
1989’s Sec. 55 was attached as a condition/restriction. Same reason was given veto as it will presume the constitutionality of a legislative act.
for the veto along with the fact that a case was already pending in the SC 3. WON the provisions are inappropriate - YES
concerning the validity of the 1989 veto. These are not provisions in the budgetary sense. Sec. 25.2, Art. VI of the Consti
♥ Petitioners’ contentions: provides that all provisions/enactments shall relate specifically to some particular
1. Pres can only veto item/s & not provision/s such as Secs 16 & 55. appropriation & their operation shall be limited to the appropriation to w/c they
2. When Pres vetoes a provision, she should likewise veto the entire bill. relate to. But these provisions apply generally to all items disapproved/reduced by
3. Item-veto power does not allow Pres to veto conditions/restrictions. Congress & not to a particular/distinctive appropriation. The disapproved/reduced
4. Sec. 25(5), Art. VI of Consti has to be provided for by law & Congress has items are not found on the Bill either. One would still need to resort to the
power to impose restrictions on exercise of that pow. President’s original recommendation to discover w/c items have been
♥ Respondents’ contentions: disapproved/reduced. These provisions are more of an expression of Congressional
1. It’s a political question. policy re: augmentation from savings rather than a budgetary appropriation. These
2. Petitioners had a political remedy – override the veto. are inappropriate provisions that should be treated as items for the purpose of the
3. Sec. 55 is a rider since it’s unrelated to the Appropriations Act. President’s veto power (Henry vs Edwards).
4. Budget Law (PD 1177, Secs. 44-45) allows the Pres to augment items in 4. WON conditions/restrictions are inappropriate - YES
the appropriations for the exec dept.
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♥ Inherent in the pow of appropriation is the pow to specify how money shall shall be deemed to be the salary or retirement pension of retired SC justice
be spent. Exec is not allowed to veto a condition/proviso while allowing the (Sec 3-A)
appropriation itself to stand. But restrictions should be such in the real sense of • RA 1568 (amended by RA 3595) provided identical retirement benefits to
the term, not some matters w/c are more properly dealt w/in a separate members of the Const’l Commission
legislation. It must exhibit a connection w/money items in a budgetary sense in • PD 578: provided similar benefits to AFP members, along with automatic
the schedule of expenditures. readjustment features.
♥ Although the provisions were made to appear as conditions/limitations, • PD 644 (Jan 25, 1975) repealed Sec 3-A of RA 1797 & RA 3595 & PD 578
they were actually general law measures more appropriate for substantive & • PD 1638: the automatic readjustment of pensions of AFP members who
separate legislation. Neither of the provisions show the necessary connection retired before Sept ’79
♥ Bolinao case is inapplicable. The veto there was held invalid because it THAT OF THE RETIRED JUSTICES WAS NOT.
carried w/it the approval of the condition attached to it whereas in this case, no • Thus, Congress approved in 1990 HB 16297, a bill for the reenactment of
condition in the budgetary sense, attached to an appropriation/item in the the repealed provisions of RA 1797 & RA 3595
appropriation bill w/c was struck out. What we have here is a gen provision of • In July 11, 1990, Pres Awuino VETOED HB 16297 to strictly enforce the
law w/c happens to be put in an appropriation bill. standardization of compensation (RA 6758) & bec the govt should not
5. WON the veto is valid - YES grant distinct privileges to select grp of officials whose retirement benefits
♥ Provisions are indeed violative of Art. VI, Sec. 25(5) as president argued in under existing laws already enjoy preferential treatment over those of the
his veto. In Demetria vs. Alba, the Court held that heads of different branches others.
of the gov’t should be afforded considerable flexibility in the use of public funds • Prior to instant petition, retired CA justices filed a letter/petition (Apr 22,
& resources. They should be allowed to transfer funds for purpose of 1991), which is treated as an ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER (A.M.) Petitioners
augmenting an item fr savings in another item in the appropriation of the gov’t therein asked Court for readjustment of their monthly pensions in
branch/constitutional body concerned. Such was affirmed in the 73 Consti and accordance w/ RA 1797. They said that PD 644 repealing RA 1797 didn’t
in PD 1177, Sec. 44-45. Even the 1989 (Sec. 12) and 1990 (Sec. 16) GAA become law as there was no valid publication pursuant to Tanada v.
allow such. Tuvera)
♥ The doctrine of separation of powers is not endangered because the • PD 644 promulgated on Jan 24, 1975 appeared for the 1st time only in the
transfer is made only w/in a dept. Likewise, it does not vest in the exec the supplemental issue of OG, dated Apr 4, 1977, published only Sept 5, 1983.
power to rewrite the entire budget since transfers are limited w/in the • A.M. RESOLUTION: above request granted. The monthly pensions were
dept/branch concerned. authorized to be adjusted & paid on the basis of RA 1797.
♥ An appropriations bill makes appropriation of money from the public • Pursuant to A.M. Resolution, Congress included in Gen Appropriation Bill for
treasury whereas the power of augmentation from savings cannot be FY 1992 the appropriation for the Judiciary for payment of the adjusted
considered a specific appropriation of money. It’s a non-appropriation item w/c pension rates due the retired SC justices (HB 34925)
has no place in an appropriation measure. They are more of substantive • HB 34925 basically authorizes the CJ to augment, among others, the
expressions of a legislative obj. They are matters of gen law & more properly payment of adjusted pension rates to retired Justices entitled thereto
the subj of a separate legislation that will embody, define & delimit the scope of pursuant to A.M. Resolution. Payment from its savings.
the special pow of augmentation fr savings. If, as Congress claims, these • In Jan 15, 1992, Aquino vetoed the underlined portions of HB 34925 (p.
provisions were included to repeal PD 1177, then all the more that it should be 141), for the reason that the A.M. Resolution nullified the veto of HB
provided in a separate enactment since implied repeals are not favored. 16297. Aquino reiterated the same reasons for the prior veto of HB 16297.
♥ Besides, as the respondents contend, Consti has laid down a remedy for • PETITIONER’S ARGUMENTS: 1) subject veto is not an item veto; 2) veto by
the petitioners. They could have overridden the veto by 2/3 votes of its executive violates separation of powers; 3) veto deprives retired justices of
members. But they did not do so. their rights to the pensions due them; 4) veto impairs fiscal autonomy
guaranteed by Consti
Held: Veto upheld. Petition dismissed.
BENGZON V. DRILON Basic issue: Constitutionality of the veto by the President of certain provision in the
Petitioners: Retired SC justices GAA for FY 1992 relating to the payment of the adjusted pensions of retired Justices
Respondents: Drilon (Exec Sec); Carague (DBM Sec); Cajucan (Nat’l Treasurer) of the SC & CA.
1. WON subject veto is an item veto – NO
FACTS: 2. WON PD 644 became law - NO
• June 10, 1953: RA 910 was enacted to provide the retirement pensions of 3. WON subject veto violates separation of powers - YES
SC & CA justices 4. WON veto deprives retired justices of their rights to pensions due them -
• June 21, 1957: RA 910 was amended by RA 1797 w/c says that should the YES
salary of the justices increase/ decrease, such increase/decreased salary 5. WON veto impairs fiscal autonomy - YES
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4. The attempt to use the veto power deprives retirees of benefits given them
RATIO by RA 1797
1. Subject veto is not an item veto • The right to a public pension is of statutory origin. This is founded on
• On Appropriation, revenue, & tariff bills: Exec can’t veto entire bill even if it services rendered to the state. Where a judge has complied w/ the
may contain objectionable features. Thus, Consti provides for “item veto statutory prerequisites for retirement w/ pay, his right to retire & draw
power” to avoid inexpedient riders being attached to an indispensable salary becomes vested & may not thereafter be revoked or impaired.
appropriation or revenue measure • In RP, retirement laws have been enacted to entice competent men &
• Only a particular item/s may be vetoed. women to enter the govt service & permit them to retire therefrom w/
• Power to disapprove any item/s in an appropriate bill DOES NOT GRANT relative security.
the authority to veto a part of an item & to approve the remaining portion • The rationale behind the veto w/c implies that Justices & constitutional
of the same item (Gonzales v. Macaraig) officers are unduly favored is misimpression.
• ITEM: refers to the particulars, details, the distinct & severable parts; it’s • The provisions regarding retirement pensions of Justices arise from the
an indivisible sum of money, not some general provision of law w/c package of protections given by the Consti to guarantee & preserve the
happens to be put into an appropriation bill. independence of the judiciary.
• The general fund adjustment is an ITEM w/c appropriates P500M to enable • Any argument w/c seeks to remove special privileges given by law to
the govt to meet certain unavoidable obligations w/c may have been former Justices on the ground that there should be no grant of distinct
inadequately funded by the specific items for the diff branches, depts., privileges or preferential treatment to retired Justices ignores the Const’l
bureaus, agencies, & offices of govt. THE PRES DIDN’T VETO THIS ITEM. provisions (Art VIII & Sec 30, Art VI) that the Judiciary is not only
• WHAT WERE VETOED WERE METHODS OR SYSTMS placed by the Congress independent, but also co-equal & coordinate.
to ensure that permanent & continuing obligations to certain officials would
be paid when they fell due. 5. Veto infringed on fiscal autonomy in Sec 3, Art VIII
• Portions of the item have been chopped up into vetoed & unvetoed parts. • Fiscal autonomy is a guarantee of full flexibility to allocate & utilize their
Less than all of an item has been vetoed. resources w/ the wisdom & dispatch that their needs require. It means
• The augmentation from savings is a PROVISION and NOT AN ITEM. It gives • The imposition of restrictions & constraints on the manner the independent
the CJ the power to transfer funds from one item to another. No specific const’l offices allocate & utilize the funds appropriated for their operations
appropriation of money was involved. is anathema to fiscal autonomy & violative not only the express mandate of
the Consti but especially as regards the SC, of the independence & sep of
2. PD 644 never became law powers upon w/c the entire fabric of our const’l system is based.
• Simply because it was not properly published. (PD 644 is among those • In the case at bar, the veto of specific provisions of GAA 1992 is
declared w/o force & effect in Tanada v. Tuvera) tantamount to dictating to the Judiciary how its funds should be utilized,
• Thus, RA 1797 was never repealed. HB 16297 was superfluous as it tried to w/c is clearly repugnant to fiscal autonomy. The freedom of the CJ to make
restore benefits w/c were never taken away validly by PD 644. The veto of adjustments in the utilization of the funds appropriated for the
HB 16297 in 1990 also did not produce effect. Both were based on expenditures of the judiciary, including the use of any savings from any
erroneous & non-existent premises. particular item to cover deficits or shortages in other items of the judiciary
• When the Pres vetoed certain provisions of the GAA 1992, SHE WAS is withheld.
ACTUALLY VETOING RA 1797 w/c is beyond her power to accomplish. • Art VI, Sec. 25: …CJ…may…augment any item in the gen appropriations
law for their respective offices from savings in other items of their
3. Subject veto violated separation of powers respective appropriations.”
• EXECUTIVE HAS NO AUTHORITY TO SETA SIDE & OVERRULE A DECISION • The vetoed provisions w/c relate to the use of savings for augmenting
OF SC items for the payment of the pension differentials, among others, are
• Congress included in the GAA 1992 provisions identifying funds & savings clearly in consonance w/ the abovestated pronouncements of the Court.
used to pay the adjusted pensions pursuant to the SC Resolution. As long The veto impairs the power of the CJ to augment other items in the
as retirement laws remain in the statute book, there is an existing Judiciary’s appropriation, in contravention of the const’l provision on fiscal
obligation on the part of the govt to pay the adjusted pension rate autonomy.
pursuant to RA 1797 & the A.M. Resolution
REPEALING RA 1797. Appeals from the decisions of different Courts of First Instance.
• Pres has no power to enact or amend statutes promulgated by her
predecessors much less to repeal existing laws. Facts:
The Supreme Court consolidated here 5 cases which assails the validity of
the Reorganization Plan 20-A
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Approval of a bill cannot be made by Congress by mere silence,
adjournment or concurrent resolution. The constitution requires the two
houses to hold separate sessions for deliberations, and to submit the
determination of one to the separate determination of the other, unless a
joint session is provided for.
The method of passing the law amounts to an abdication by Congress of its
legislative prerogative to the executive.
Congress cannot deem a draft submitted by an executive agency passed as
law by mere inaction within a certain period. It must go through the 3
readings and the submission of the bill to the president.