Let S Talk About EMF S and 5G

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EMFs & 5G
Enjoy learning from these expert EMF, 5G Cell Towers, Connection Between
talk transcripts pulled from Geoengineering and Headaches and Chronic
the thousands of talks in our Retroviruses Disease
HealthMeans library! Evan Brand, BCHN, CFMP, NTP with Erin Knight, FDN-P with Jay David-
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD son, DC, PScD
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EMF, 5G Cell Towers, Geoen-
gineering and Retroviruses
Evan Brand, BCHN, CFMP, NTP with Dietrich Klinghardt,
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Evan: Okay. So let’s chat about— Dr. Klinghardt: Well, 5G, the plan
first of all, I’m curious about your is it will be everywhere. For the
Evan Brand: Hello, this is Evan clinic, because your clinic, like on driverless cars, it’s a technology
Brand, certified functional medicine the disclaimer, it says, “Hey, not that will be needed to make the
practitioner and nutritional only are we a fragrance-free facility driverless cars work.
therapist, operating worldwide via due to the chemical sensitivities,
phone and Skype consults from but we’re also a cell phone and And so, it will fairly rapidly be
evanbrand.com. Now, onto today’s wireless-free clinic.” So when did everywhere. So it doesn’t really
guest. you implement that rule? matter where it starts. It’s going
to be, within a year or two,
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is a Dr. Klinghardt: Well, I’ve been everywhere. And that spells an
medical doctor and founder of the aware of the damages and the avalanche of chronic illness.
Klinghardt Academy, the American dangers of Wi-Fi for a long time.
Academy of Neural Therapy, We had our first seminar on Evan: What do you think are
medical director of the Institute of electrosmog 12 years ago. So we we going to see? I mean now
Neurobiology, and lead clinician were already full on going 12 years we already see. I’ve lost count
at the Sophia Health Institute. He ago. And things have only gotten of the cases of autoimmunity,
is also founder and chairman of worse. Hashimoto’s. It seems like every
the Institute for Neurobiology. single client I deal with has some
Klinghardt Academy provides And so, there are only two sort of autoimmunity. What do you
teachings to the English-speaking factors that drive the epitome of predict is going to happen once 5G
world on biological interventions chronic illness: One is the Wi-Fi rolls out everywhere?
and autonomic response testing environment; and the other one is
assessment techniques. the agrochemicals, the chemicals Dr. Klinghardt: Well, in the last 10
used to grow our food. If you years, the number one cause of
Klinghardt has lectured at could control those two factors, death in women has shifted from
universities of Illinois, Utah, Capital there would virtually be no chronic cancer to neurological disease,
University in Washington D.C. and illness. We would have succeeded in so basically through Alzheimer’s
others, and the medical schools of eradicating cancer and eradicating disease. And 80% of those is
Geneva and Zurich. Between ‘96 pretty much all chronic illnesses. Alzheimer’s disease. And there has
and ‘05, he was Associate Professor been an increase of 663% in just
at the Department of Applied But the opposite is happening. the last 10 years, women dying
Neurobiology at Capital University. The incidence of neurological from brain- related disorders. And
He’s regularly invited to teach illness is going up every day. And that is directly, linearly related to
workshops and summits, which I’m the main thing that is paralleling the exposure to Wi-Fi.
sure you’ve heard him on many is the increase in exposure to
summits before. electromagnetic radiation. That has And so, by increasing the
reached catastrophic dimensions. exposures, which the 5G will bring
So, Dr. Klinghardt, thanks for joining to us, and also accelerating the
me. Evan: Yeah, it has. Now, you’re speed of the wavelengths—so the
in Seattle or near Seattle. Are 5G is right now broadcasting at 2.4
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt: It’s an they bringing 5G in your area of gigahertz. That’s 2.4 billion hertz.
honor. Thank you. Washington? And that’s going to be
doubled for the 5G. The faster Evan: So you’re from Germany. tower, the TV towers, it’s all that
the wavelengths are, the more Now, what’s Germany doing? Are together. And so, the more you can
information you can put piggyback they doing things different than the reduce your exposure, the more
on it. And so, there is a race for US? Or do you feel like there’s hope protected you will be.
that. there? Like would you ever move
back to Germany? Or do you feel And then, of course, there is the
The unfortunate thing is that it is like you’re in the States for good? internal protection. We know that
known in biophysics that the body, when people are heavy metal
on its own, is using ranges between Dr. Klinghardt: Technically, toxic, they are a walking antenna
2 billion and 20 billion hertz for Germany has the same status as and draw the Wi-Fi into their body.
the communication systems inside Puerto Rico and Hawaii. There’s no Certain genetic or epigenetic
our body. And so the 2.4 gigahertz peace agreement between the US problems that we realize will make
already has interfered with that. and Germany. And so, Germany people more vulnerable, this largely
And the 5G, certainly, is absolutely is not allowed to make its own has to do with the methylation of
guaranteed, will disrupt many decisions. So the US is forcing its the DNA. So there are some things
of our internal communication vaccine program on Germany. It’s you can do internally also to protect
systems in our body, which spells forcing the same technological yourself.
chronic illness, chronic fatigue, issues on Germany that are
insomnia, autism in children. done here. So there will not be a But the thing that I’m most
Children don’t get a chance to difference. It’s not safe there. concerned about is that the—
develop normal brains in that maybe I give it to you in pieces.
environment. Switzerland, very different. So in the 1980s, we thought
Switzerland is still a free country. everybody had Candida. And that
But the full disaster will not be And it has taken much more was the solution to everything.
seen for another 10 years or so, protective steps. And then in the ‘90s, we realized,
when there are no more normal under Candida, were the herpes
children, when society, as we know Evan: So I’ve done the steps as far viruses and the whole hosts of
it, comes to an end. Fortunately, as—I’ve watched so many of your other viruses. And then came Lyme
other countries like Russia and Iran lectures. I feel like I already know disease. And we realized “Oh my
have taken a very, very cautionary you. Everything that you put out, god, yeah, everybody has Lyme
approach with this, and basically, I try to watch you. Turning off the disease,” once we knew how to
are waiting until the US commits breaker. Putting in some of the diagnose it.
suicide. And then, they will be the Stetzer filters, making sure that
emerging countries. There’s no there is no increased magnetic But in the last two years, we’re
question. The countries that protect field after putting in Stetzer filters. realizing that that’s still not the
their citizens will be the ones who Going all incandescent lighting, no depth of the bucket. What’s at the
hold the future in their hands. And LEDs. No Wi-Fi. Air tube headsets, bottom of the bucket is a group
that’s not the US. which who knows if the rubber of viruses. They’re called human
tube headsets makes a difference endogenous retroviruses. These are
Evan: Right. So, now, we see or not? Grounding myself as much viruses that are embedded in our
autism, what? I think the last record as I can. Moving to the middle of DNA. We come in with them. But
I saw was something like one in 50, nowhere, surrounded by forests. Is they’re silenced. They’re silenced
maybe one in 40 is autistic? So are that enough? Or for me to raise my largely through two mechanisms.
you thinking this is going to be one daughter who’s less than two years One is called methylation. And the
in two, one in one, or…? old now healthfully, will require other one is called acetylation.
more extreme measures?
Dr. Klinghardt: Well, the unofficial And those mechanisms are
numbers are one in 26. And the Dr. Klinghardt: No, I think it’s destroyed by the exposure to Wi-Fi
numbers are doubling every four enough. I think reasonable is or the cumulative exposure to the
years now. So it has accelerated. enough. You don’t have to be electromagnetic fields. And so, what
And Stephanie Seneff, the famous a perfectionist. But reasonable happens is that these viruses are
MIT researcher, has predicted is enough. It’s the cumulative now replicating in us. And the most
that by 2032, which is not that far exposure, the cumulative effect of well-known retrovirus is HIV.
away, that’s 14 years from now, all all the electromagnetic sources.
children will be affected. No more Even the household currents, the And so we referred to the illness
normal children. TV, the radio tower, the cell phone that comes out of this as HIV minor
or AIDS minor. And visible on the on their own or they become a that the politicians have become
surface are people testing positive much lesser issue than like when so vulnerable to the influence of
for Lyme. They’re testing positive we needed to do three years of money that they cannot govern
for Candida, for many of the molds intravenous antibiotics to treat without watching out over their
and fungi that we have. Lyme disease. When we actually money from morning to night for
tame these issues, it may be six the next re-election. And that has
But the real reason is that the weeks on an herbal compound that made this system so vulnerable,
immune system is completely cures the patient. so corrupt, and so wounded. And
dysfunctional as a result of these going into the future in a really dark
viruses. And that’s sort of what we’re way, because there’s no political
observing right now. It’s a very will to change any of this. There’s
And then depending on—if you exciting journey. But also, no political will to look at the signs
go to Ritchie Shoemaker, he will increasingly more difficult. As you that’s available. There’s no political
diagnose everybody with mold. mentioned before, how can we let will to translate the signs into policy
If you go to Richard Horowitz, the entire population know that to protect people.
everybody will have a form of Lyme they’re actually being destroyed by
disease. If you go to somebody else, the current way Wi-Fi is licensed There are so many simple options
everybody’s going to—the medical without any medical trial done to that we know of that could—we’re
medium, everybody’s going to have show safe or not safe? We know it’s not suggesting that people should
Epstein-Barr virus. But the truth is not safe. Actually, all the trials that not have Wi-Fi. But people should
that there’s something deeper than have been done show it’s not safe. have a choice, whether their home,
that, the retroviruses. But that’s licensed everywhere in inside their walls, get blasted or
the US without any medical tests not. There were so many safer
And Judy Mikovits and Frank that was ever done to show that technologies available. But there
Ruscetti are the main researchers it’s not causing harm. And so it’s was no political will to use a safe
on that, Marco Ruggiero, who’ve violating all principles of medicine, alternatives.
been my mentors in that. And so, of common sense, “First do no
by taming the retroviruses, we harm.” You first destroy whole Evan: So, basically, the situation
actually get control again over generations of children and the that I’m in now, I’m home most
Candida, we get control over people in order to then look back of the week. I work from home. I
mycoplasma, we get control over and say, “Maybe we shouldn’t see all of my clients via Skype and
Lyme disease, we get control over have done that.” But it’s going to phone. So my risk is small enough
the Epstein-Barr and Herpes type 6 be a grim situation. And I’m not a where I don’t have any neighbor
and all that. pessimist. I’m just a realist. close enough to even pick up Wi-Fi.
I only have, maybe, one or two cell
And so, it’s been an exciting Evan: Yeah. I understand. So how phone towers within many, many
journey. But this is all of us being old are you, if you don’t mind me miles where people in Manhattan
affected by that. So the moment asking? will have 1,600 towers.
you’re exposed to Wi-Fi, you
will unleash this dragon on the Dr. Klinghardt: I’m 68. Let’s just say five days a week, if I’m
inside that then when this viruses in a pretty low EMF environment, if I
start replicating, you will have all Evan: 68, okay. So even in your go to Whole Foods on the weekend
the symptoms of a chronic viral lifetime, you’re suspecting we’re and I’m getting blasted with Whole
infection that doesn’t instantly kill going to see some major changes. Foods’ Wi- Fi and the Starbucks’
you like AIDS used to do or HIV We’ve already seen major changes. Wi-Fi next door, I probably won’t
does. But it’s a slower process. It’s a I’ve heard you talk so much about experience too much, you’re saying,
slow kill. what the United States used to be because my cumulative exposure
like in the 80s and how people were during the week is so low?
And so, by actually getting control much more positive and everything
of the Wi-Fi environment, of kind of had a different energy to it The weekend, I can probably handle
reducing the toxic burden that than it does today. a day in the city.
people have, we actually are able
to get control of the retroviruses Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. The US was a Dr. Klinghardt: Exactly. But
again. And then, the Lyme disease, fantastic place to be. It still is a good be aware that you’re living a
the microplasma, the molds, the place. But it’s unfortunate in the very privileged situation, sort
Candida, either fall away almost kind of democracy that we have, of. And if everybody goes crazy
and everybody becomes a mass pharmaceutical industry, nobody the tanks to do the spraying, so
murderer, then you won’t be safe is interested in having a sick high-flying tankers. They’re another
either. The damage will come to population. That is not true. And mile above the commercial airlines.
you in other ways or your own by the way, I think it’s important
children. When there’s a school for the listener to know that, Evan: So I collected some snow,
shooting where the children go to today, the cell phone industry, a snow sample. Because in
school, you won’t be able to protect the telecommunications industry, December, here in Kentucky where
them there if the rest of the world financially, is six times bigger than I am, we saw five or six inches
is going nuts. And so that’s sort of all the combined pharmaceutical worth of snow come in December
pretty much what we’re up against, industry. And that is the reason right after an entire day of spraying.
sort of there will not be a safe world why no politician can even propose So I collected a snow sample.
surrounding you. You can create a change in the law or propose
your island for a while. But that an investigation without approval And I was going to send it off to
won’t protect you, ultimately. by representatives of the Wi-Fi get a water testing. But I couldn’t
promoting industry. find any good enough company for
Evan: Agreed, agreed. So what water testing to try to test and see
about the mental health aspect? I And so we’re sort of screwed in that if the barium and the aluminum
mean I know that we talk so much way. We need a different political and strontium and all the things are
about autoimmune disease. You system. Some of us have hoped, actually in there or not. So do you
talked so much about autoimmune when Trump comes into office, think it would show a positive if I
disease. With these retroviruses that he may not be financially as tested some snow?
and other things we’re up against, dependent on securing his future.
are we going to see changes in Now, I’m not so sure that happened Dr. Klinghardt: Well, it depends on
mental health too, like anxiety, in that way. I’m not so sure. the lab. We’re talking about nano
depression? You’re mentioning like Evan: You want to know something particles. And it needs a special lab
murders. Are we going to notice interesting? I’ve got a friend who that specializes in nano particles
more rage? Or what are we going to lives in Los Angeles. He told me, to detect them. It’s a very different
see do you think? right after Trump got elected, that technology from just your regular
the spraying of the chemtrails in lead in the drinking water.
Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. Well, the Los Angeles stopped for about
leading number one diagnosis three weeks. He said that he had Evan: Right. Do you have any
in the US right now is chronic seen the most blue sky ever since companies that you could
anxiety. And that is clearly linked he moved to Los Angeles in 1997. recommend for watertesting or
to what we’re talking about. Yes, And then, three weeks after he got melted snow testing?
glyphosate is involved. Some toxins elected, the spraying resumed. Did
are involved. But the main one, the you notice anything like that in Dr. Klinghardt: Not in the US. It’s
main driver of anxiety is the Wi-Fi Washington? very difficult.
Dr. Klinghardt: Absolutely, Evan: Okay, okay.
How do we know that? Well, when absolutely. And it has lightened up
we have people shut it off and the program, but only in the US. It Dr. Klinghardt: And many of the
protect the home, it takes usually worsened in Europe. How’s that for labs that we used to work with
six to eight weeks and the anxiety a taste? got threatening letters from the
is gone. It’s a much more attractive government agency overseeing the
therapy than putting people on Evan: That’s crazy. See, I’ve labs. Sort of that to stay away from
valium-like compounds. tried to use really high-powered testing aluminum nanoparticles and
binoculars. I’ve never been able to titanium nanoparticles. So how’s
Evan: It’s just crazy, the see any markings, any planes. They that for a taste?
benzodiazepines. These people get always fly so high compared to a
on these drugs, the lorazepam and commercial airliner, that you just Evan: I know. Well, I heard an
such, and they just can’t get off of can’t even see what it is to try to see interview—and actually, it wasn’t
them. They’re stuck on it forever. what kind of plane is it. an interview. It was a lady who
called NASA. And she recorded
Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. Absolutely. Dr. Klinghardt: You know that big the line. And basically, the NASA
Of course, it’s a business on air tankers? Maybe our friends at engineer was talking about the
the surface. But even in the Boeing actually equipped them at chemtrail program. But people still
say that this is a conspiracy, even garden, at an 8,000 feet elevation, if focus so much on the Lyme, the
like meteorologist. Do you know there’s maybe 20—now, they’re not other bacteria, the parasites, the
how many meteorologists? They’ve spraying. They’re just UPS planes Candida? Or is that becoming a
laughed at me when I ask them. coming in to land. Is that something less big part of the health puzzle
to be concerned about where I than the wireless piece?
Especially if I call it geoengineering, would want to try to cover up the
they give me a little bit more garden at night time to protect? Or Dr. Klinghardt: To start with, it’s
respect. But if I ask them about do you think at 8,000 feet elevation, always the environment that the
chemtrails, and I used the word the dispersal would be pretty wide? patient lives in. So it’s toxins in
“chemtrail,” they kind of just laugh the home, the paint, the plastics,
at my face. It’s like will we ever see Dr. Klinghardt: I think you’re outgassing of carpets, the mold in
the tide turn or admittance of this? probably safe. In fact, if they’re the homes.
Or do you think it’s going to be just right over you, you’re safe. Because
a continuous cover-up? there’s always some wind, going Thanks to Ritchie Shoemaker, there
this way or that way, moving the is a huge number of the population
Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. I mean, first fallout somewhere else. are being mold educated. And then,
of all, there’s been a huge amount of course, there is the interpersonal
of money spent in the line of But you have to know that the environment. People, like the
fake news to indoctrinate anyone airplane fuel used called Jet 1 relationship life that people have.
peripherally involved with weather is leaded. It’s fully leaded. And There are allergies. If you have
or air quality. People have been so, even if there’s no chemtrails a cat and you’re allergic to cats,
shamed for actually reporting on it. spraying going on, no persistent there’s nothing we can do for you.
People have lost their jobs. chemtrails, you’ll still get the lead There’s the food. There’s the diet.
And so in the more intelligent and the benzene residues, which Are the people eating food that’s
community, there is a fear about could settle on your fields. And lead compatible with their system. So
talking about it. And in the less pretty much goes straight down we’re looking at that. It has to come
educated part of the community, because it’s not a light metal. It first.
they have given in to the ridicule doesn’t float. So I would dare to
and the shaming techniques that say that, probably, your field has a But then, with the increasingly
have been used to silence them. So good amount of lead. A little of lead sick population, some statistics
this is an old technique, the same may be okay. But there’s a certain show that in the last 20 years, the
technique that Adolf Hitler used threshold in which eventually have health span decreased by 20 years.
to use to squash the Resistance. the soil tested, grass tested that The health span is the number of
The same technique’s been used grows. years that we have before we get
in all dictatorial countries. It’s just a chronically ill. And in the last 20
surprise that it’s used in the US as Whatever grows, have it tested. If years, that lessened by 20 years.
well. you have pine trees, pine trees are And it’s increasingly shortening.
great. They concentrate the toxins So in a few years, the health span
Evan: Wow. Now, let me ask you that are in the soil in the needles. is going to be, maybe, five or six
a good question that I’ve had in And so, that’s an easier one to test. years. So it means, by the time
my mind. And I’ve thought, Dr. You just send the needles. we’re five or six years old and we
Klinghardt’s probably the only guy I go to school, you’re chronically
could ask this and get a pretty good Evan: Yeah. I just planted some. ill. That’s sort of where we’re very
answer from. So I just moved, like I So, maybe, if I can find some rapidly heading.
told you, out of the city into a pretty established pine trees, I could test
rural area. Since I’m out of the city, those better. That’s a good idea, So the big things for us in the office
they reroute the planes at night I wanted to ask you, and I know it are pretty straightforward. We look
time. depends. And you’re continually at the toxin accumulation in the
evolving your medicine. But what person. Aluminum, definitely, is
So UPS, one of the big major hubs, are the biggest pie pieces of number one.
is in Kentucky. So from 10 p.m. to someone’s health protocol? Like
7 a.m., every night, they reroute when a patient comes in to see Everybody is aluminum toxic.
all the planes away from the city you, obviously, we’re addressing And to get that reduced in the
and right over my house. And they the Wi-Fi. We’re addressing the system is probably the single most
have been pretty low, like 8,000 feet EMF components. What are the important urgent issue. The other
elevation. So if I’ve got an organic other big pieces? Like do you still one is glyphosate and atrazine. The
majory used herbicides, to get that practitioners have come on to It’s not the enemy.
down. the summit and recommended
olive leaf and oregano oil and Candida becomes systemic when
So any medical treatment, for berberines, which I think were the conditions are forcing it to
me, has to start with cleaning great. become endemic. I think you’re
the terrain to have a reasonably probably aware. Like I’ve worked
functional system to work with. But just like I said, I learned with a Swiss fungal researcher.
And then, the next thing is to clean so much from you and try to And we had a mold culture. And
up the infections. And just to give implement, as much as I can, exposed one mold culture to the
you some numbers that we’ve learning from you with my clients. Wi-Fi instrument that was there,
got from Zach Bush, there is over If I just went after the Candida, one of the early Wi-Fi routers. And
40,000 human pathogenic species it seems like it wouldn’t work. I the other same mold culture, we
of bacteria, like Lyme disease, haven’t tried it. But I don’t want to. split it in half, was protected by one
Strep, Staph stuff. There are over I don’t want a limited approach. of the things you put over cheese
300,000 parasites, different species Would you say that to the that had a wire mesh over it. And
of parasites, like giardia, amoebas, practitioners that that’s all they do this researcher, when he was
and tapeworms, and so over is Candida, Candida, kill, kill, kill, alive—unfortunately, he died a few
300,000 of those. that they’re not going to succeed? years ago—was able to measure
the amount of biotoxins produced
And when we get to mold—and Dr. Klinghardt: Well, the literature per hour by the Candida that was
that’s what I was excited to talk is pretty clear that Candida is able grown there; and also the virulence.
to you about mold or Candida— to hold in its cell wall a multiple of That means the toxicity of the
there’s over five million known its own body weight, in terms of biotoxins created.
species of molds that are affecting lead, cadmium, mercury, and all of
our health, over five million. that. And there are plenty of papers And the numbers were just
that show in the body, Candida shocking. The unprotected mold
But for us, the biggie in all this is, becomes systemic, which is the was producing 600 times more
okay, how are we going to treat five candidemia, it’s called, or fungemia biotoxins per hour than the
million molds? You have to have that didn’t exist until the 1990s. protected one. Meaning, when
broad-based strategies to treat you translate that, the reason why
people. And for us, all this starts So in the 1990s, with the Candida and other molds become
when we deal with the infections emergence of AIDS and HIV, pathogenic is because when you
to attend to the retroviruses and to Candida started to become expose them to Wi-Fi, they suffer
get the body’s own controls back systemic. And of course, there are as much as we do. And they think
over all these other things. And different kinds of Candida. There is that you are attacking them. And
then, we treat Lyme and molds Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei, therefore, they’re mounting their
and Candida and Epstein-Barr in Candida glabrata, and so on and so defenses to shoot back, to let you
milder ways. It doesn’t take a huge forth. There’s many different sub know this is not okay with them.
onslaught of armamentariums and species.
intravenous therapies and all the And so, you could then either try
things that people do. It becomes a And in the ‘80s and early ‘90s, and kill the Candida, which is one
pretty benign process then to get many of them became completely way to reduce the amount, which
people back on track. resistant to the diflucan and to will never succeed on the long run.
some of the medical drugs. And But on the short run, you may
Evan: Good. I think what you’re that’s, of the course, when the make some gains. Or you change
saying is that, basically—to kind of alternative Candida treatments the environment for the patient and
restate it in a different way, just to exploded. But my treatment for the Candida. In simply turning off
confirm—the other pieces of the Candida has always been, “Well, the Wi-Fi at night, for example. It’s
puzzle, the Wi-Fi, the environment, let’s first take the mercury out of a much easier and less expensive
the diet, things like that that the equation, and let’s take the lead treatment for Candida.
are in the system, you got to fix out of the equation.” And then,
those first. If you just go straight Candida usually withdraws back in And the Candida that was, today,
to Candida, you’re just going to the gut, becomes again a symbiotic highly virulent, highly pathogenic
fail. If you’re trying to throw in part of the flora. Actually, talking to becomes a peaceful member of
monolaurin and Lauricidin and our immune system in ways that your microbiome tomorrow if you
all these other products, many are very important and very helpful. change the conditions. And we
know that glyphosate and the food basically any source now.” Is that notice?
chain are big factors also to drive right?
the pathogenicity of these box. But Dr. Klinghardt: No, most people
the big one is the Wi-Fi. Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. There is complain, when they don’t tolerate,
grade 1, 2, 3 and 4; 4 is the worst of constipation.
Evan: That’s great. With the and 1 is the best. And there are only
glyphosate, I got my levels tested one or two products in the market Evan: Okay. So that would be it.
through Great Plains. I did their of grade 1. And so, that’s what I use. If you got constipation, you could
GPL-TOX panel too and looked BioPure has that. think, “Okay, chlorella is not for
at the gasoline additives like the me.” Or could you maybe add in
methylbenzene or ethylbenzene. It Evan: That’s amazing. What some magnesium or something to
was the MTBE and ETBE, the things other products in your BioPure help flush the bowels?
they add into the gasoline when line should I or the listeners be
they remove lead. It’s like, “Oh, gas considering if they’re on this Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. Most
is unleaded.” And it’s like, “Well, journey of working on metals and likely, the constipation is caused
they added something equally toxic yeast and fungus, parasites? What by something that the chlorella
to it.” So my levels were off the other things would you say are actually mobilizes. And so, rather
charts. So what I started doing was foundational? than stopping, to then actually
doing infrared sauna. increase the dose of chlorella and
Dr. Klinghardt: Well, for extracting combining it with things that keep
But here’s something that’s crazy. glyphosate out of the microbiome the bowel movement forward,
And I want to try to get your take in the gut, it’s a peat extract which is different for everybody.
on this, figure out what I’m doing that’s called matrix minerals. And
wrong or what I can improve that’s been shown in research Magnesium is always safe,
upon is, when I get in the infrared that actually extracts, from your magnesium oxide. But there are so
sauna—I talked with Dr. Mercola microbes in the gut, it extracts many other ways that will make the
about it—he said, “Don’t go too the glyphosate from them so they bowel move. And so, we always try
hot. Go like 120 degrees infrared, become functional again. Because that first. And only if that fails, then
far infrared.” And I did 20 minutes glyphosate destroys the shikimate we go to Ecklonia Cava.
at 120 degrees. I did some pathway. It’s a biochemical chain of
electrolytes. I did some adrenal events that the microbes have. And Evan: What product is that one
adaptogenic herbs, things like that, glyphosate totally destroys that. called? It’s just called, the Ecklonia
some liver support. But when I got Cava? I see. Is it the PC version? It
out, my heart is racing for 12 hours And so, it was almost saying, well, says, PC Ecklonia Cava.
and I can’t sleep. What can be going we don’t have that pathway and, Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah.
on there? therefore, glyphosate is safe for us.
But it turns out that the microbes Evan: Okay. How would I decide?
Dr. Klinghardt: Well, you’re in our gut are the most important Like let’s say that I want to get back
definitely mobilizing something single ingredient of our immune to the sauna. Like I said, I did it out,
that’s not good for you. But the system. And by destroying that, basically, 1 p.m. in the afternoon.
only way out is the way through. we see what the messes that we And at 1 a.m., I’m laying on the
So I would load you up with have created. And so, the matrix couch, and my heart’s still racing
chlorella from BioPure before you minerals extract that from the like, “Oh, my gosh, am I ever going
go into the sauna. Well, it takes microbes in the gut. to sleep tonight?” Does chlorella,
you a couple of hours for the gut across the board, pull out many of
to [inaudible] balance. So for a Some people don’t tolerate the things that I could be releasing?
few days, you should high dose chlorella. And then, we give them Or should I be looking at something
of chlorella. And then go into the Ecklonia cava. Ecklonia cava is a like your cilantro or the Metal
sauna. And then it should be a very brown algae from the ocean that Sweep products? Like how would I
different experience. has similar toxin-binding capacity decide or build a full—
as chlorella does.
Evan: I think it was Ann Louise Dr. Klinghardt: No. I think our
Gittleman, told me, “Your chlorella Evan: How would you know if you experience is that chlorella covers
is like a test tube chlorella, which don’t tolerate chlorella? Would it all. You just have to take enough
you want.” Because she said, “You that be like headaches or heart of it. Sometimes, people that has
should not trust chlorella from palpitations or what would you to move to really deep-seated toxic
situation, and we have to take like or through ultrasound, by vibrating The sauna therapies go nice in this
120 or 140 tablets a day for a few it. I’m afraid, probably, there are nice, warm, sweaty kind of thing. It’s
days. And then tinker with it and some types of chlorella out there a pleasant thing. And then you go
taper it down to maybe, whatever, where it’s solvent broken, which we out and have a warm shower, and
10 tablets twice a day. do not recommend. you watch TV.

But in the acute situations, when Evan: So what would you No. The first part is the sauna. But,
you have a backlog of 20 or recommend starting out? Like if absolutely, obligatory, other part
30 years of toxic stuff and you you’re doing sauna therapy. Like, is the cold water. That resets your
suddenly break the dam on that, I want to get back into sauna, whole circulation and the detox
you need a large amount. how many tablets would you system and the hormones system
recommend starting with? and the immune system. That is
Basically, the instruction, you take a huge important part of sauna
enough chlorella so your poop Dr. Klinghardt: Well, with the therapy.
is green. Then we know you’ve experience that you’ve had, it takes
covered your whole gut with it. And 24 hours from the mouth to the Evan: Makes sense. Some people
people would feel fantastic usually. poop. So I would 24 hours before argue that you need to wear cotton
you get into the next sauna, start clothes the whole time so that you
Evan: So you’ve got different types. maybe with 20 tablets or 25 tablets, can be absorbing the sweat the
I’ve seen you’ve got like—and I may three times a day every eight hours. whole time or wiping yourself with
mess up the pronunciation, so I So you have at least three or four the towel the whole time. Do you
apologize, you’ve got the Chlorella doses in. And then, go back in the worry about the details like that? Or
pyrenoidosa? sauna and see what happens. if you’re naked in the sauna, you’re
Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah, pyrenoidosa Evan: Wow. And then, what about
and vulgaris. Pyrenoidosa is the after? Any type of like a post- Dr. Klinghardt: You’re fine if
stronger toxin binder. And vulgaris sauna protocol that you would you’re naked in the sauna if you,
is a little bit easier on the gut. implement? afterwards go under a cold shower.
It’s basically a multivitamin. It’s a The only idea is, when you do cold
natural multivitamin. They’re very Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. The most shower, the pores of your skin
similar. But they’re 10% different. important post-sauna protocol is close. And you do not reabsorb the
So the pyrenoidosa is 10% to 15% the cold plunge. You should never stuff that you just sweated out. But
better in binding with toxic crap. do a sauna without cold water if you go under a warm shower, the
afterwards. All the sauna research pores stay open and some of the
But it’s a bit harder to digest. And that shows this beautiful detox stuff that you sweated out and put
the vulgaris has a thinner cell wall effects was always done, you get in so much effort, it gets reabsorbed.
and is a little easier for the body the sauna, you sweat, you go under That’s one of the reasons for the
to make the ingredients available the cold shower or cold plunge cold water.
as a nutrient for food. But it’s not afterwards. That is what makes
as good at binding toxins. So we it safe. Otherwise, we will have Evan: How simple. But everybody
always start with pyrenoidosa. all sorts of circulatory problems messes that part up, for sure. I
afterwards or fevers or feeling would agree.
Evan: Okay. People talk about the—
broken cell wall chlorella, non- Dr. Klinghardt: I know. That part is
broken cell wall—does that make a Evan: Really? If they don’t do the unpleasant.
difference in this example? cold afterwards.
Evan: What about adrenal
Dr. Klinghardt: No. All chlorella Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. support? How do you feel about
for human consumption is broken adaptogenic herbs or supporting
cell wall chlorella. Chlorella has Evan: That’s amazing. Now, do you the adrenals when you’re focusing
a dual membrane around it and feel like it’s because— on detoxification or working on
the outer membrane is hard like the Candida, the metals, all of this
glass and completely indigestible. Dr. Klinghardt: In the rest of whole thing?
And it needs to be broken. There the world, this is known. The
are different ways of doing that. It’s US is the only country that has Dr. Klinghardt: So, the easiest one
either mechanically with a thumper misunderstood the sauna therapy. to know from a person or patient,
to find out are you fatigued? Are here that has organic ashwagandha Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. It’s a baicalin
you crashing in the afternoon? Are that’s very good. extract of Scutellaria root from
you crashing in the morning? Are particular mountain region in the
you feeling pretty good? Because Evan: Yeah. I like Ayush. I use their height—it has to be about 2,000
the main adrenal symptom is a AP Mag formula a lot for parasites. meters up from the ground where
deep level of exhaustion. And so, It’s worked really good for like that’s grown to have the proper
when you have that, we put people Blasto and Entamoeba parasites. ingredients. And that’s the one.
on support. I think there’s, is it maybe 500
milligrams per capsule? I’d have Evan: And what is that called? I’m
The FDA closed down all the to look it up. You probably take it on your store now. I just want to
channels to get a proper full around a gram or two. make sure I’m looking at the right
adrenal. So as a medical doctor, I one. It’s in the immune category?
went back to use low-dose cortisol Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah.
therapy like Jonathan Wright Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. I don’t know.
taught us how to do that. I’m not Evan: Any other foundational I think we get it from BioPure, but I
particularly impressed with any of supplements that you’re doing? don’t think it’s even on the list yet.
the natural things currently that are Anything that’s in your daily It’s been a while.
on the market. And Cortef, the low- toolbox?
dose cortisol, is very inexpensive. Evan: Okay. So maybe you can’t buy
Even if people don’t have insurance, Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. Well, I think it—
it’s less the most important thing for us, are
the things against the retroviruses, Dr. Klinghardt: The wheels are
expensive than the natural things and the leading thing are broccoli turning very slow at BioPure. They
that don’t work. And so, we use sprouts. Freeze-dried broccoli have very high quality, but the
that. But only for the crashes. sprouts because it prevents cancer. wheels—they have trouble securing
It’s a treatment for autism. It’s enough for the general public,
We all have adrenals. And we only a fantastic retroviral drug. We because it needs to be the high
need to support them if they’re individualize every test every quality stuff. And so we’re getting it.
over burdened and so on. But that’s patient on a variety of things. And
the easiest one to tell. When you then establish a program according And they will. I know from Joe, who
go through your day and then you to that. But one of the crucial runs the company, that they found
have a big crash and then you can things for us is always to cover the a source that’s reliable, trusted,
try out the adrenal support. And if retroviruses first and the detox organic, grown at the right altitude,
that fixes it, you’ll know that’s what items. harvested the right way.
it was. We can do the saliva test
for people that want to be more So there are very few people that Evan: Perfect. So we’ll just check
technical with it. we have that don’t take chlorella back then in a few months. Maybe
for detoxing. There are a very few you guys will have it on the site.
Evan: Yeah. So, personally, people that don’t have the basic set
you’re not staying on any type of of antiretroviral agents. Scutellaria Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah, yeah.
adaptogens? You’re not doing like is one of the herbs. Broccoli sprouts Definitely.
ashwagandha, rhodiola? You’re not are fantastic for that. And there are
staying on herbs just for like a daily a few other things. So there will be Evan: That’s great. Well, thanks
preventive adrenal maintenance? tests through and put people on it. so much for your time. I know we
And it’s fantastic. got to wrap this thing up. I had so
Dr. Klinghardt: No. As a man, I take much fun. I’m sure we can go for
ashwaganda every night because Evan: The Scutellaria, is that the hours. Any last words of wisdom
it’s also good for my sex drive and Chinese skullcap? for people that you’d want to leave
for testosterone, and it’s great for them with?
the sleep. Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. It’s a
particular extract from it. Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah. I think the
Evan: How much do you take? main thing people need to know,
Evan: Okay. Do you at BioPure have first of all, most people that are
Dr. Klinghardt: Ashwagandha? I a particular type of that that you chronically ill feel like they failed,
take four capsules of the Ayush sell? and feel like it’s them, and have
Herbs. There’s a local company a sense of guilt underneath that,
but also a sense of loneliness ART. I use a form of muscle testing And so, you have to fight those
with it. And because I’m lecturing that has allowed us to go deeper battles. Everybody who listens to
in Australia, England, Germany, into the system. this, you have to become socially
Switzerland, or so, I know it’s the active in the community to fight for
whole Western world, right now, By the way, there’s an article out your right, to stay healthy. And that
going down like a sinking ship. And now that shows the validity and is, right now, under threat, because
so, I think it’s important for people reliability of our method of ART like—the place where my office is,
to know that the things that we testing in a peer-reviewed journal. Woodinville outside Seattle, is the
discussed here, that’s relevant to So that was a big joy for me when it first community in the whole union
everybody. came out. where the city council has decided,
there’s no opt-out solution for the
I do have a teaching institute in But it’s not that difficult. And we smart meters.
Europe, Klinghardt Institute, where don’t have to be perfect with our
we try to make all these exact diet. We don’t have to be perfect And so, the people in the city
knowledge available to everybody with our exercising. There are so councils are bought by the industry.
without having to pay any money. many misdirections that people They get their paychecks under
And it’s still very, very easy to stay are directed to right now. Just the table or over the table. And so
healthy. It’s just you need to know be careful in doing everything really the only way out is for people
who the enemy is and what you in reason. But what you should to educate themselves. But really,
have to defend against. not be doing and reason is the it’s not that difficult. We still have a
treatment of the retroviruses and beautiful planet.
And there is intentionally seeded the prevention of the electrosmog.
a lot of misinformation out there. That’s where we should be Maybe just one more number
So nobody will tell you about the unreasonable. that may contradict what I just
retroviruses. Nobody will tell you said. It’s just published that in the
about the persistent chemtrails and Everything else is overrated right last 10 or 15 years, 80% of the
the aluminum that we’re inhaling. now, the ketogenic diet, the South insects have disappeared. 8-0 have
So the main toxin is aluminum and Beach Diet. My friend, Joe Mercola’s disappeared. And with that, 70% of
glyphosate and fluoride. Those exercise program is fantastic. But the songbirds. And the [inaudible] is
three together. you have to be a rich person that rapidly declining.
doesn’t have to work in order to
And the main bug that we’re do his daily exercise routine. I can’t And so, it’s not an “I’m not a
all dealing with is the human afford it. I have to actually get up in paranoid” kind of thing. But our
endogenous retroviruses. It is not the morning, have breakfast, and boat is in flames. Our ship is
the Lyme and the Candida and the go to work. And then, when I go sinking. And it takes all hands on
molds and stuff. These things are home at night, I’m tired. I’m not in deck. And the few things I shared
all opportunistic, secondary to the the mood of exercising. I do walk, with you are reasonable, simple
retroviruses. but I can’t exercise. And so I think, things to survive this time, until
we need to be reasonable with there is a turnaround, which there
And if you understand that it’s where our lives are at, what we can will be. I always believed in the
toxins and the Wi-Fi that have afford, how many health-related American ingenuity.
unleashed this monster in us, things can we do.
the retroviruses, that we need to And right now, out of 30 countries
detox, we need to get control of But what we cannot compromise, surveyed for child mortality, US
the Wi-Fi, and we need to treat the you have to shut off the Wi-Fi comes in last, worst. And so, there
retroviruses. And then there’s a whenever you can. You have to is some objective measurements
beautiful life ahead, where we can wear protective clothing. You that we are leading the rest of
be confident and trusting in our have to use a cell phone that you the troops into disaster. And we
health. do with the air tubes or with the need to turn around and go on a
loudspeaker. You have to seek different direction. And I know we
I wasn’t always healthy. I’d struggled out Wi-Fi free environments. If will.
with this also, because the causes somebody installs smart meters
of what we’re facing are invisible on your home, you will become We have an interesting government
and insidious. And they’re hidden neurologically ill and compromised. right now, where it’s not so sure
from us, intentionally. And so, You’ll stop sleeping, and you’ll get yet which way that is going. I was
fortunately, I have a technique, with ill. hoping that Mr. Trump finally finds
some time to actually govern rather
than fighting all these battles. But it
doesn’t look that way right now.
That’s what I only want to say for
today. Evan, It was great meeting

Evan: Thank you.

Dr. Klinghardt: Yeah.

Evan: Thank you so much. Well,

we’ll chat again.

Dr. Klinghardt: Thanks for what

you’re doing.

Evan: Yeah. Well, thanks for your

time, your expertise. It’s definitely
a blast. And hopefully, we’ll be in
touch later this year. You take good
care of yourself. And we wish you
the best.

Dr. Klinghardt: Thanks, Evan.

Evan: Thank you.

A Danger We Can’t See: Elec-
tromagnetic Fields and Their
Effects on Our Health
Carla Atherton, MA, FDN, TNC with Ann Louise
Gittleman, PhD, CNS
Click here to watch to this interview!
The purpose of this presentation is to convey information. It is not intended to
diagnose, treat, or cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice from your
physician or other healthcare professional.

Carla: Hello! And welcome to the country by Self magazine and to carving out new landmarks in
The Children’s and Teen Health is the recipient of the American holistic health and healing. Her
Summit. I am your host, Carla Medical Writer’s Association latest book, the highly-acclaimed
Atherton, founder and director Award for excellence for her Zapped, is a step- by-step manual
of the Lotus Health Project, book Super Nutrition for Women. for fortifying the body, detoxifying
LotusHealthProject.com, where the home, and protecting yourself
we empower people to get Ann Louise forged new ways from the invisible hazards of
healthy and stay healthy in mind, of thinking about obesity early electro-pollution.
body, and spirit and on the on in her career. She was the
social, global, and environmental first to proclaim that obesity Welcome to the summit, Ann
levels. was caused by the lack of the Louise!
right kind of dietary fats and the
For this session of the summit, I wrong kind of carbohydrates in Ann Louise: Well, thank you, Carla!
am excited to be speaking with her book Beyond Pritikin in 1998, It’s a pleasure to be with you today.
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, where she wrote that the fat-
about electromagnetic fields and free, carb-rich diet model was Carla: Oh, the pleasure is all
their impact on our children’s creating metabolic syndrome, mine! I’m so excited. Wow! What a
health. sugar cravings, and fatigue. background you have.
Always ahead of her time,
Visionary health expert Ann she has set the pace for new Ann Louise: Well,
Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, has health protocols over the last thank you. Thank you.
always been a trendsetter. She two decades with a myriad of And now we’re moving
has the uncanny ability to pinpoint breakthrough books, including into uncharted territory
major health concerns and Get the Sugar Out, Guess What when we talk about the
provide solutions years ahead of Came to Dinner?, Parasites EMF.
mainstream medicine. and Your Health, Your Body
Knows Best, the New York Times Carla: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. New stuff
Highly respected as the grande bestseller Before The Change, for a lot of people to take in for
dame of alternative health and The Fast Track Detox Diet, and Fat sure. But not you!
award-winning author of over Flush for Life.
thirty books, she single-handedly A savvy and dynamic speaker, Ann Louise: Well, you know I
launched the detox diet revolution Ann Louise has appeared on have been familiarized with EMFs
in her 2002 New York Times 20/20, Dr. Phil, The View, Good and the perils of electropollution
bestseller The Fat Flush Plan, which Morning America, and The Early way back in the 1980s when I read
spawned a series of five additional Show. Her work has been a book called Cross Currents: the
Fat Flush books and was featured featured in a myriad of national Promise of Electromedicine. And
in Newsweek. A Connecticut publications ranging from TIME that was by Dr. Robert Becker,
college and Columbia University and Newsweek to Glamour, InStyle, who was a very much I’d say,
graduate, she was recognized as and the Oprah magazine. Today, Carla, a pioneering researcher.
one of the top ten nutritionists in she continues to dedicate herself And he was considered back then
to be a leading expert in biological found through the literature that Carla: Yeah. And, too, what you
electricity. what I was suspecting was true. just said earlier, unseen. Food
And so it’s simply wanting to really we can see, we can taste, tummy
And this man was so ahead of heal people and figure out those trouble, blah, blah. We can’t see
his time that he was nominated underlying causes that maybe electromagnetic fields. Would
twice for the Nobel Prize. He hadn’t been identified. And that you just tell our listeners what
was an orthopedic surgeon, to might have been the parasites electromagnetic fields are?
be exact, and spoke about all among us, the fungus, the mold,
of the emerging problems we and now this unseen invader, Ann Louise: Well, the
were having because we were which is the electromagnetic electromagnetic fields are
surrounded by all of these pollution that surrounds all of us. actually energy fields that are
manmade frequencies, these emanated and come from a
energies from power lines, from So what had happened after variety of sources. We find
radar, and microwave ovens. And writing all my books—I’m the that microwave radiation
now we’ve seen, in this day and author of thirty books on different is coming to us from cell
time, we’re even more exposed aspects of health and healing—I phone antennas, from radar,
to these manmade frequencies. was finding that for the past, I from wireless networks,
And I believe that they’re creating would say, the past fifteen years from portable phones, from
problems that we have simply in my clinical practice, even wireless speakers, from baby
not recognized. using some of those underlying monitors, from wireless mice
causes, whether it was too much and keyboards, and even the
Carla: Okay. So when we were sugar, not enough fiber, not smart meters that are in the
speaking earlier and getting to the right kinds of fat, too many house.
know each other, you mentioned carbohydrates, the diet wasn’t
the reason why you started enough to really heal people. And then you get other fields
working in the health field in the that are coming from your home
first place. And when I read in And I had started seeing this very appliances or even indoor wiring
your bio just now, you’ve been strange constellation of symptoms and plumbing, maybe outdoor
into a lot of things that people are that simply defied diagnosis. And from power lines and sometimes
getting savvy to nowadays like the even resisted a lot of my other even from transformers and
fat and carbs, looking at the body tailor-made diets and supplements what they call stray currents on
in a more functional way, and and so forth. And that’s when underground water lines. That’s
things that we just weren’t really I had to start looking into the where your EMFs specifically,
talking about then. environment and figuring that there electric and magnetic fields, are
was a new environmental hazard emanating from. And then there
But now most recently you’re out there, the EMFs among us, can be ground current, which
investigating and you have that perhaps was the underlying comes into the home on plumbing
investigated and written a book cause that could solve many of my fixtures.
about eletromagnetic fields, puzzling case histories.
in particular. Can you just talk We’re surrounded by these
about that for a minute? Like I wrote about it in Zapped and then elements, and there is an actual
what made you start this whole found that the electromagnetic electromagnetic spectrum
journey into uncovering things effect was really effecting and where you can see the longest
that people just weren’t talking zapping us much more than we and shortest and slowest
about? imagined because it didn’t go frequencies, which are referred
away the way your sugar cravings to as extremely low frequencies
Ann Louise: You know, it’s went away or your ability to walk or ELF. So you’ve got your bands
almost like having a sixth sense away from secondhand smoke or of ELF, your radio frequencies,
that there’s something that is even problems like asbestos. This your microwaves, your infrared,
the underlying cause of all of particular situation that surrounds your visible light, your ultraviolet
these symptoms that nobody us is with us twenty-four, seven. frequencies, and then your
has been recognizing. And I was And it’s one that nobody wants to ionizing radiation, which we’re all
seeing so many people, Carla, talk about. I could tell you, it’s not a aware of is very dangerous. And
that I began noting what their popular topic because we love our that’s the frequencies that we’re
symptoms were, came up with gadgets. And we feel we can’t live getting from X-rays or cat scans.
my own hypotheses, and then without them.
So this, again, is invisible. Many meters in the house—have the is perhaps the most important
of us can’t see, can’t taste. But ability to change cell membrane antioxidant in the system. It’s
we’re feeling the effects in a function. And we have found specifically anti- inflammatory,
variety of very strange ways that there are major changes and it helps to repair cells.
because these electromagnetic in calcium metabolism where And so all of this is very critical
fields that are very subclinical, you start to lose calcium from because we see such a growing
shall we say, they can’t accurately the cells. And all of this starts to proliferation of all these
be measured. But they’re very scramble communication between immunosuppressive diseases
much felt by those of us that are your cells. that I think may be connected to
electromagnetically sensitive, this melatonin suppression.
kind of allergic to electricity. And So you’ve got problems in terms
they have biological effects that of cell membrane function. So all of this then circles back to
have been noted by a number And then the EMFs themselves, children and teens who aren’t
of very courageous and brave they produce what we call heat sleeping the way they should.
independent scientists. shock protein, so as if heating They’ve got all kinds of electronic
were occurring when it is not. equipment in their rooms. And
Carla: Okay. So EMFs are And all of this breaks DNA. It it’s not just he blue lights that are
dangerous, obviously, from what creates blood-brain barrier emanating from the electronic
you’re saying. And you did give leaks. It increases free radicals. equipment. But it’s also the energy.
us a little bit as a reason to why It increases cellular stress, It’s the biological effects of some
they’re dangerous, what they do premature aging, sometimes of the energy waves that are
in the body. Can you give us a learning impairments, coming through—the non-ionizing
little bit more about what effects headaches, fatigue, sleeping electromagnetic radiation—that
they have on our health and disorders, melatonin impairment. most parents are just completely
how these issues are especially unaware of.
problematic for children and And you know, Carla, there are
teens? dozens of studies that have And it’s a shame because you’ve got
found that even the lowest levels very erudite and very austere and
of these EMFs can depress the very impressive organizations like
Ann Louise: Well, basically what body’s production of melatonin, the American Academy of Pediatrics,
we’ve learned—and I’ve done a lot which is very important because as well as the Canadian Society of
of research with regard to this—I melatonin, to me, is a hormone. Pediatrics that have been very clear
think that what we’re seeing is that It’s considered to be the Dracula in terms of how many hours they
the electromagnetic fields which hormone because its production think infants and children and teens
are highly biologically active—they peaks at night, and it helps us should be exposed to technology.
don’t actually heat the body the sleep. It protects us from disease. And they have stated unequivocally
way an ionizing radiation or the
that from the age of zero to two
X-rays do—but the cells in your And it was first noted that years, children should not have any
body really react to these EMFs melatonin was effected by EMFs exposure to technology. That’s zero.
as potentially harmful. And they when studies began surfacing So you can’t be taking your kid on a
shut down. And so it’s almost like that found that night workers walk and having that smart phone
having a toxic chemical or heavy experienced higher rates of breast right near his head.
metal in the environment. And your cancer than those who held down
DNA very specifically can recognize regular daytime jobs from nine
these fields at very low levels of And then for three to five years,
to five, for example. And we now that time should be restricted to
exposure. And the DNA becomes know that melatonin can increase
tainted. The DNA breaks and can’t about one hour a day. And from
the body’s effectiveness of its own six to eighteen years, technology
even reproduce itself. So on a very killer cells, which then fight off
basic level this is affecting us. should be restricted to an exposure
foreign invaders. of two hours a day. And that’s
A number of scientists have almost impossible, given the fact
suggested that exposure to EMFs or So it’s very important that that so many schools are now going
even your wireless phone, your table we have enough melatonin wireless. And so children and youth,
phones, your computers, anything because it bolsters the they’re probably using about five
that is wireless—very specifically, the entire immune system. And times the recommended amount
wireless router, as well as the smart it increases the antioxidant of technological advances than we
activity of glutathione, which
used. And many of them are then certainly a decrease in sperm in children. So I guess what we
facing immunosuppressing and mobility and motility among men think is that because children
life-threatening diseases. if they keep their cell phone in are growing so rapidly and their
their front pocket. Yeah, so we’ve cells are dividing at breakneck
And I hate to be so paranoid seen that as well. And you really speed, the more cells that divide,
about this. But when you start shouldn’t be keeping any kind the greater the risk for damage
reading the research and of not just phone. But I wouldn’t at certain critical junctures.
the literature that nobody’s be keeping my laptop on my lap
talking about because we have because wherever you’re keeping And because we have seen that
such major cell phone and a wireless device, you’re, in fact, EMFs also cause breaks in the
telecommunication industries radiating that part of the body. blood-brain barrier, children are
in this country, then it becomes simply more permeable. And
really a little off-putting in terms Carla: Okay. So I just want to that’s because of their higher
of all this. stop. We were talking about concentration of the ions in the
specifically for children and fluid in their brains themselves.
And I think I shared with you teens and why this might
that there was a presentation affect them more. So can you And so having any kind of breach
that was done in September of explain the physiology behind in the blood-brain barrier allows
2008. It was held at the Royal why electromagnetic fields can all kinds of toxins as well as
Society in London. And it showed actually affect children more oxidative stress to start to further
that children and teenagers are profoundly than adults? damage nerve tissue and then
about five times more likely to it has adverse effects on brain
come down with some kind of Ann Louise: Well, they’re affected hormones like dopamine and
brain cancer if they use mobile much more profoundly because serotonin. And the idea here is
phones. And this risk may, in fact, they’re not just little adults. that it’s not just children who may
be underestimated because the They’re not just little adults. be exposed, but they’re exposed
studies that were used don’t show They’re undeveloped human even before they’re born because
the risk of phone use over many beings at this point. they can be exposed to the
years. And so there’s a major pollution that a mother absorbs
risk to young people who are And then I think where the real through her cell phone use or to
using cordless phones, or they’re problem comes into play is that exposure to high EMFs at home
incurring a five times greater risk their brains and their nervous or on the job. And so it’s very
of certain brain cancers. systems are underdeveloped. important that you are careful,
And so because the brain and especially during pregnancy.
And ADD and ADHD and all of the skull and that whole area is
those issues that we’re seeing so permeable and it’s so fluid And I have to tell you that there
with kids as well as autism, which with ions and water, that those was a 2008 published study that
I think may also be connected to become conducting elements to showed I think they worked with
the use of all of the technology the electromagnetic energy. So more than 13,000 children. And
and maybe even ultrasounds they become much more subject it found that women who used
during pregnancy. So there’s a lot to adverse effects. And I think a cell phone two or three times
to be said about this. And Harvard we’re seeing that in terms of a day while they’re pregnant are
University just published some the great degree of ADD/ADHD more likely to have kids with
research that is connecting the behavioral symptoms and so behavioral problems and difficulty
rise in autism with a proliferation forth. It’s almost as if our kids had controlling their emotions. And so
of all of these electromagnetic been exposed to digital dementia, in the same way that you protect
fields that are truly part and so to speak. And I believe that your baby from toxic exposures
parcel of our 21st century term has been used quite a bit. during pregnancy, you’re not
environment. going to want to take X-rays
So we have found that studies during pregnancy. You don’t
Carla: And so have you seen any even suggest that a cell phone want to use a lot of nail polish/
studies about infertility and the use call that will last just about nail polish remover. I think it’s
of like having your cell phone in two minutes can cause brain vital that you protect your baby
your pocket? hyperactivity. And that brain from electropollution as it can
hyperactivity and over response impact the kid’s nervous system
Ann Louise: Well, there’s a can persist for at least an hour long before birth. And so most
importantly to me, you’ve got environment, with other human So when you said earlier that
to curtail heavy duty cell phone beings, and becomes really you don’t want to be doom
use during pregnancy. And it has addicted to the Internet, to the cell and gloom—I don’t know the
been related, by the way, to a risk phone, to technology, to the effect words you used—but this whole
of miscarriage and birth defects. that many social skills are starting seriousness. But really this is a
to become very deficient and very truly big issue that our children
So all of that comes into play lacking. have to deal with, especially with
especially when you’re pregnant everybody thinking, “Kids will be
and then making sure that your So I see it just in terms of these kids.” And it’s become part of just
kids simply are not playing with kids that are interacting with their being a child in the world, having
your smart phone just as a little phones twenty-four, seven. But you a device. Everybody’s got one.
entertainment piece. And it’s also see it with adults, to be quite
very difficult. To say this seems honest with you, when you’re going I’m an advocate of playing
almost sacrilegious when you out to dinner and everybody puts outside and talking to your
see how prolific technology their cell phone on the table and friends, that kind of thing. And
is today. And you keep kids starts to text one another at the I’m always talking like that
playing. And they’ve got their table rather than interacting with with the kids that I’m around
little iPads. And you keep them one another. whenever I’m around them.
really entertained with videos But I still see those very kids
and so forth. But we think all So there’s a lot to be said that
in a group texting each other
of this is creating some sort of may have nothing to do with
while they’re together or
real difficulty in brain function the aberrant radiation and the
hunkered over some kind
and in terms of nervous system non-ionizing, but nonetheless
of a device or other. And
function. biologically active non-ionizing
everybody’s got their own and
radiation. It’s just you’re
are doing their own thing.
And I think that if you take a interacting with a machine.
And it’s like they’re just sucked
look at your child’s brain on And many of our social skills
right in. And it’s constant. It’s a
EMFs as I have, then you’re start to decline. So that’s really
constant inundation of these
going to see how the rates of problematic.
EMF radiation.
autism and learning disabilities
have absolutely soared in the And maybe that’s the reason that Ann Louise: Well, it is. And then
last, I’d say the last twenty so many other countries do not if you start reading the research.
years. It’s something like one in allow children to use cell phones. And a lot of this I’ve written
fifty right now. And so much of I mean, they have seen that it’s about in greater depth in Zapped.
that really mirrors and matches not just the brain cancer, but that You’ll see that the cells actually
the proliferation of all of the they’re simply more physiologically become interrupted. The cellular
electromagnetic fields, which is sensitive to the energy, and it communication between one
about a hundred million times effects the way that they relate another becomes interrupted. And
more than our grandparents with other human beings. So all so your cells get overwhelmed
were surrounded with. this is a really big deal as far as I’m by all kinds of messages from
concerned. inside and outside the body
Carla: Yeah, can you explain because without enough calcium
that term again? I just want to go Carla: Yeah, and you know what? remember this creates calcium
back to that term you said “digital I would agree. They’re sort of leaches in the cell membranes.
dementia.” I had never heard that addictive, these devices. Actually, Then all the neurotransmitters
before. You know when you need to not sort of. They are. And so you become very scrambled. And then
just put a word or a phrase or you have that on top of the fact that chemicals start pouring in from
need to name something. And it’s they’re actually physically altering your ruptured cells that damage
goes, “Whoa.” It just resonates with DNA and bodily functions and your cellular DNA. And then
you. So can you just explain what creating all kinds of havoc in the this starts to disrupt normal cell
that term is used to mean? body and disease. It’s like it’s division. And it creates oxidative
compounded by that. But not only stress that further damages
Ann Louise: Well, it’s the there’s this addictive element, and DNA and many other physical
overexposure to technology, there’s a social element as well. So processes. So all of this has a
which starts to really effect the it’s really big. domino effect, so to speak.
way a child interacts with the
And you can talk about it. And then very hypersensitive to traveling in a car with your child,
people go back to just texting one electromagnetics. Even before and they’re playing with your
another, which is a better way of that I would go into stores and cell phone or they want to make
communicating certainly than by then feel a little uncomfortable calls, that’s not the best place to
using a little microwave oven— when the fluorescent lights make calls because you’re in a
which is what a cell phone is—right started blinking on and off. But vehicle that is metallic. And all of
around your brain, near your head, I never realized the extent that that starts to concentrate some
for example. And I have to tell you my own system had become of the radioactive or the non-
that all of this really drove home really allergic to the digital age, ionizing radiation waves.
with me because I developed what so to speak. And that’s kind of
they call a salivary gland benign true with a lot of us. If you’re in an airplane, it’s the
tumor, although I didn’t know what same thing with the metals.
it was until we had it removed. I I mean it’s very interesting The waves just start bouncing
had been living on a cell phone. So because when you start looking off of the metal, and then they
I’m kind of a reformed cell phone at some of the symptoms of can concentrate the exposure
addict to be quite honest with you. electro-hypersensitivity that I of some of that non-ionizing
believe our kids have—whether radiation, which, again, is very
And when I was living on my cell it’s numbness in the fingers, biologically active. And that’s why
phone, I was doing interviews feelings of warmth, facial we get so tired on airplanes in
twenty-four seven. I was flushing, headaches, dizziness, this day and time. I don’t think
communicating with it. It was nauseousness, deafness, blurred it’s just regular jet lag. I think a lot
entertaining me. I mean, that was vision, blistering skin—severely of this is EMF overexposure. So
my mode of communication, which effected people cannot even use it takes you twice as long to get
is true with just about everybody in a cell phone at all at this point over an airplane flight as it did ten
this day and time. And there were because they get heated so to twenty years ago.
no smart phones back then. This prolifically from the use of the
was in the early 2000s, 2003, 2004, cell phone. It will heat up the ear Carla: Right. Wow. And that’s
and 2005. and heat up a certain side of the very serious stuff. And like we
head. So I’m finding that many of were mentioning before, you
But I was living on it and using us are allergic, but aren’t realizing can’t see this, right? We just think,
it specifically on one side of my where the source is coming from “Oh, you know, it’s jet lag,” or,
head. And then when I developed and can even be allergic to those “I’m just tired,” all this stuff. “Well,
this little…It was right beneath high—or they’re called the energy I’m not really sure why. I’ve just
the jaw line. It was this little bump efficient light bulbs that many of got a headache for some reason
and lump that got bigger and us see, the CFLs—the compact or another.” And so it’s really
bigger. And I thought well maybe fluorescent lights. hard to understand like this is
it was a lymph node. But why something that’s real.
should I have a lymph node there? So all of that gives off a kind
I had it removed. of form of radiation. And And even if we could think and
many symptoms that we’re shift our thinking about EMFs and
And the surgeon at that point— experiencing are very identical our exposure to EMFs…Liken it to
this was 2005—didn’t know what to radio wave sickness that something like smoking where it’s
it was until the lab results came we’ve identified as far back just polluting your environment.
back. And they said it was a as the 1970s. So there are And so I like it when you use
benign carotid gland tumor. And neurological implications. There words like “allergic,” right? So
then when I started researching are implications in terms of you’re allergic to EMFs because
my book, I learned that there was the cardiac system and the that really makes it feel and
quite a lot research that had come respiratory system and even seem like a real thing. You can
out particularly by the Israelis that the digestive system in terms of be allergic to it. You can have a
showed that extreme use of the enlarged thyroid and abdominal sensitivity to it. EMF pollution,
cell phone on one side of the head pain and the eyes and using that word “pollution,”
created a near epidemic of these dehydration. And nose bleeds because those are all terms that
benign—as well as malignant— are very much connected they we take as something that’s
carotid gland tumors. say to EMFs, as well. physically real in our environment.
So I knew that I was So it’s really scary. And if you’re Ann Louise: Yes. And you know
what’s disconcerting is that other whole concept of earthing, deficient, which would
countries are much far ahead of the whereby you’re protecting provide you with the ability
game than we are. They’re much your system from these low- to neutralize all of the toxic
more aware about all of these frequency electromagnetic elements that you’re getting
issues, particularly when it comes fields by neutralizing some of when you’re exposed.
to children and protecting children. the positive charges with the
So I think that what we’re moving negative electrons from the So I include a little bit about
towards here is a realization that earth. earthing in my book. I talk
we could be hypersensitive to the about that certainly on some
electromagnetic world that’s around And it’s interesting because of the websites that we have
us. earthing has taken off as quite a that are connected to Zapped,
phenomenon. And I had the ability AreYouZapped.com. And I have
And there’s a variety of to, in 2010, I believe, when the found that that’s been very
symptoms that are connected to earthing book came out, to really helpful because what you can do
electromagnetics. It can affect the review that and learn firsthand at night is to make sure that in
heart rate. It can affect the eyes, the about the healing response that it your bedroom, as well as that of
ears, the brain, the skin. Just about takes in the body and then starts your children, that you remove
every area of the body is affected when a person becomes grounded all electronic equipment and that
so you never know exactly what’s and whether that means standing you never sleep with your cell
going on. And then, of course, when or sitting on the earth or grounded phone.
you see the proliferation of brain using electrodes that are placed on
tumors, that we’re not talking about the soles of the feet or certain types Your cell phone just shouldn’t be
the way that we did. However, for of sheets that you can sleep with. your alarm clock. You don’t want
those of us that have friends that It’s really interesting because this is to have any of these digitized
work on Wall Street that are forever able to help pain. It’s able to speed and digital gadgets near your
surrounded computers and phones wound healing. It’s able to decrease head. You want to make sure
in all ears, then you know that inflammation. And it takes only that you’re as far away as
there’s an over exposure. twenty minutes a day for a person possible. Make sure that there
to really get that healing response is no frequency of use, and that
And I think that’s what the when they start to be grounded. So the duration of time is as less
problem is. And there are no there are lots of things that can be as can be reasonably expected.
safe havens because, again, done. This is a big deal that has just Because it’s really prolific use
there might have been a taken off. and constant barraging of the
problem years ago with lead system that’s the problem where
or asbestos or tanning beds or And rather than focus on EMFs, you don’t have a chance to rest
cigarettes. And you could simply I remember talking to the lead and rejuvenate and regenerate,
remove yourself from a certain author, Clint Ober, about this who which is what you need to do
environment and you weren’t was in the telecommunications when you sleep at night, which
exposed. industry early on. He said, “You is why I use grounded sheets.
know, people are not going to give
What’s happening now, however, up their gadgets. I can just tell you Carla: Right. So the proximity
is that you’ve got the exposure everything is going to be digitized in is extremely important, how
twenty-four, seven if you’ve got your the coming years.” This was 2010. close it is to you, and the
wireless router that’s plugged in So telling people to do without their duration of use. And also, too,
and not disabled at night or if you’re cell phones or their iPads, as well you know, you mentioned—
living in a home that has a smart as their routers and to live far away
meter. So you’ve got all of those from cell phones towers, it ain’t Ann Louise: And the frequency.
exposures. And that’s why it’s more gonna happen.
important now than ever to really Carla: And the frequency.
support yourself with antioxidants So we’ve got to be very And so you also talk about,
perhaps with melatonin or with this protective and very positive we’re talking a lot about
new type of…It’s not really new, but and then protect them with cell phones, but what
it’s certainly it’s an old remedy that all of these antioxidant-rich about cordless phones?
we’re now researching and have electrons, which he believes is
some science behind. And that’s the a major deficiency. He believes Ann Louise: Some of the
most people are simply electron research…There was a small
study that was done. And And by all means there’s certain yourself to much higher levels
we have found that the cell kinds of cell phone etiquette I call of this non-ionizing radiation
phones with individuals that it, cell phone or cordless phone because you’re constantly having
have problems in terms of their etiquette, that you need to use to make an ongoing reconnection
heart can be very deleterious to when you’re traveling. I mean, you to the towers. And you’re in a
arrhythmia. And so heart rate really shouldn’t be using the cell metal environment so that you’ve
variability, thickness of the blood, phone as a communication device, got all these internal reflection
your problems that people are at least besides texting unless it’s devices that are just reflecting
having in terms of very consistent absolutely essential. And if you right back to you.
beating of the heart may in fact do need to use something, you
be more deleteriously effected should be using the speakerphone So there’s quite a lot that needs
with cellular phones and cordless when possible to keep the phone to be done here. In terms of your
phones rather than your cell away from your body and your habits, and just like brushing
phone because that’s like having skull. And if that’s not possible, your teeth on a daily basis. This
a mini cell phone tower in the then the other thing is a plastic has become part and parcel of
privacy of your own home. air tube earpiece that reduces the life. Then you just have to watch
radiation to the brain. And all of yourself in terms of some of
Carla: Yeah. And many of them are that is available in many of our your cell phone etiquette and so
right beside people’s heads. EMF protective stores these days. forth. And I would say, too, that
you should always keep that cell
Ann Louise: They are. And many And I’d say that the other issue phone charged. If you’re going
of our senior citizens simply that you need to do is just to use it, make sure to keep it
shouldn’t have a cordless phone. make sure that your cordless charged because when the signal
And then you say, “Well, what phone is not that DECT phone, is not strong then the phone
are they supposed to have?” which is a digitally enhanced emits a lot more radiation.
And that’s why I’m so…I mean, communications technology
I’m talking to you right now on a phone that you’ll find because I would also say that you’ve got
corded phone. then you’re using something to turn off your mobile phone
right directly near your brain. devices when they’re not in use or
Carla: You’re on a landline, right? And you’re going to want to you just switch to airplane mode
also make sure that you use a as best you can. Make believe
Ann Louise: I’m on a landline. But headset whenever possible. They you’re traveling on an airplane
you have to be careful because don’t always provide the best and switch to airplane mode.
there’s some kinds of landlines or protection, but they certainly And you should also turn off your
corded phones that actually look provide some protection. And Bluetooth or your wi-fi when not in
as if they’re landlines, and they’re that’s where the air tube headset use. I would not frequently use a
DECT phones. So you have to be comes into play, probably with an wireless tablet or laptop if possible
very careful to make sure that additional extension cord. That because, again, wherever these
these are not cordless phones in would be my recommendation. agents are placed, wherever these
disguise. And then, of course, don’t allow tablets or laptops are placed,
your kids to use the cell phones that’s where your body’s going to
Carla: Okay. Okay. Yeah. as much as possible. become radiated. And so that’s
not a good idea. And at night, we
Ann Louise: And so you’ve got Carla: Well, yeah. always turn off the wireless router.
to be very astute to all these I think that’s very important. And
things because none of this is Ann Louise: And if you’re that also goes for making sure that
going away. You just have to pregnant, don’t carry one around your microwave oven, if in fact you
learn how to shield yourself. with you. And never put that cell still have a microwave.
You have to learn how to put phone in your bra. You don’t
smart guards on your smart want to carry that around. We’re Carla: I don’t.
meters. You have to learn how seeing all kinds of tumors that
to use the earthing equipment are the shape of cell phone that Ann Louise: Well, we don’t
or the earthing sheets in terms are emanating from that kind either. But for those that do, you
of sheets in terms of sleep. And of usage. I wouldn’t use the really shouldn’t be in the same
you’ve got to really reduce your cell phone when you’re driving room when you’re microwaving
exposure whenever you can. because you’re really exposing something. Isn’t that something?
We’ve measured microwave coming to the house to check for grandmother’s house. And she’d
ovens. And they all leak because mold or check for radon, they always be unplugging all of the
some of the doors don’t close should also do an EMF sweep devices. They had this internal
as successfully as they used to, of your house and measure and knowing that this wasn’t a healthy
especially with frequent use. So see if there are any fields that thing to do. And we need to do the
there’s always a leakage. And that are coming from unexpected same. And if you’re asleep at night
can really be affecting the eyes or sources. And then you can use and you’ve got a lot of electrical
the ears. protective shielding devices or appliances in your bedroom, you
moving around your furniture so want to disconnect. You want to
Carla: Right. And also microwaves that you’re not as close to some unplug at night to make sure that
also ruin the food. of these emanating devices as none of that is being activated and
possible. The refrigerator has a affecting you.
Ann Louise: Well, it effects very large magnetic field because
the enzymes of the food. So of the motor, for example. So you Carla: Right. And so what’s a safe
there’s another nutritional want to be very careful that you distance from a refrigerator?
reason for that. And when don’t have a couch on the other
you talk about nutrition, that’s side of the wall where you place Ann Louise: Oh, I’d say about six to
why it’s all important to make your refrigerator. eight feet.
sure that there’s enough Carla: Right. Your child’s
vitamin C in the diet. A lot of Carla: Yeah, because it passes bedroom could be right beside
magnesium, because of the way through the wall. The wall is not a the kitchen or right above the
in which calcium is lost from barrier for EMFs. kitchen upstairs. So furniture
the cell membrane…So you placement, all that stuff needs
want to make sure that you’re Ann Louise: Oh, it definitely passes to be taken into account,
supplementing with magnesium through the wall. And I have a correct?
that allows the calcium to stay chart in the book which is very
in the right place. And you also interesting because it gives the kind Ann Louise: Yes, we call it
want to make sure that you have of breakdown of the measurements electronic feng shui. And I talk
enough selenium, potassium, of the fields and the magnetic field about it in the book where you
sulphur, manganese, chromium. measurements that we find with can zap-proof your house. And
some of our most common devices. you go into the bedroom, and
And if you’re not sleeping well
you see what’s in the bedroom.
at night, then taking a little And you’d be very surprised that You go into the kitchen. You go
melatonin, maybe one to three hair dryers, particularly larger into the great room. You go into
milligrams would be very, very hair dryers, provide a very large the bathroom. You go into your
helpful because, as I say, electro- magnetic field as do electric office or your den, your living
pollution seriously reduces the shavers and coffee makers room, family rooms, etc. And
body’s production of melatonin. and sometimes electric slow you can just have advanced zap
And that’s exceedingly important cookers and food processors proofing where you just start
in terms of protecting your and garbage disposals. But that moving things around and you’re
system against cancer. I’m also a refrigerator motor is one of conscious of it.
big believer certainly in vitamin the highest. And you want to
D and making sure that you have be careful that whenever you Carla: So if people are
enough other antioxidants in have any of these appliances listening and going, “I
the diet that will help to protect that are plugged in, you want to don’t know where the
against the positive free radicals unplug them. They could still be heck to start. I don’t know
that you’re getting from all emanating fields. what to do. This is very
different sources in terms of
overwhelming to me,” they
the electromagnetics and the So you’re not just getting this can get all that information
toxins in the environment and from the wireless or radio from your book. And it’s all
the chemicals. So this is just one frequency fields from some of laid out.
more element in terms of your your computers or your phones
environment that needs to be or your cordless phone, but Ann Louise: It’s all laid out.
protected against. also from electricity itself and And because I never had a real
electrical appliances. I remember scientific understanding of all
And when you have people when you used to go into your
of this—and I try to explain it premise of the summit itself is able to do. And it’s protective. And
in layman’s terms—it’s much that there’s not only one element it also is healing. I guess, when I
more easy for a layperson to of health that we need to be was reading about earthing, you
understand it. I mean this is not concerned with with our children sort of think about when you’re
woo woo stuff. This is highly and our teens. on the beach, right? You go on
researched, and the problem is the beach. And you kick off your
that you’re not hearing about There are a lot of things. But shoes. And you’re by the water in
all the independent studies they all work together, right? the sand, and you feel amazing.
because the cell phone industry They all have a part in that. There’s actually a physiological
is not investing in any of the Yeah. process that’s happening, a
independent studies. So that’s healing that’s happening. And I
why you don’t hear about it. Ann Louise: Well, they do all have suppose we could be considered
a part. But this is the big elephant antennas, right?
And those independent, very that’s dancing in the middle of the
courageous scientists, as I room. This is what nobody wants Ann Louise: Well, we are
mentioned before, that are well- to talk about that everybody antennas because there’s
published like Henry Light, the wants to ignore. When you’re so much water and so many
University of Washington, or even seeing rates of autism soar. And minerals and those are
Dr. Martin Blank, you can look everybody thinks it’s the vaccines. conductive substances that are
them up online and see all of the “No, it’s the molds.” “No, it’s the in our system. Yeah, very much
information that they have where allergies.” Well, what really people so. And that’s why earthing can
they prove the biological effects are exposed to twenty-four seven be so regenerative, specifically
of some of these frequencies and is technology and you have to be with the sand and then the
how deleterious it is to the system. convinced that there’s a biological beach and in the country. So
And these people have run across deleterious effect and there’s you want to be able to do that
a lot problems from the cell phone nothing that we’re doing in terms if you can on a daily basis. But
industries themselves so they’re of the government that’s really those of us that live in certain
very brave and we need to support protecting you. It’s every woman, environments, we can’t do that.
them. man, child, and unborn child on
And that’s why there’s now these
his own is really what’s going on
devices that you can use. There
And it’s just one more thing to here.
are pads when you’re sitting
take a look at. And you just want at your computer. There are
to make sure that you’re doing And that’s why I think it’s so
mats that you can use. There
everything right in terms of your important to fight wi-fi in schools
are wristbands that you can
children, your unborn child, and and communities and even at
use. There’s sheets that you can
even in your home. And that’s home as best you can. It’s why
use that have conductive silver
where healthy food comes into you need to text rather than call
threads. You can just plug it into
play. You’re not going to want to and use the safe head set and
the wall in terms of the electric
have a lot of junk food. You want no phones in the bedroom and
grounding aspect that’s in the
the right kind of fats that will then you teach the kids to keep
house, the electric ground, so
fortify the cell membrane so that the phones away from their body
to speak. Or you can ground it
the body can be fortified against while they’re turned on because
directly outside. There are all
these things. And that’s where the all of those incoming calls and
kinds of ways to do that. And the
right kind of oils come into play, the texts, by the way, they cause
research is pretty incredible and
saturated fats, your coconut oil, this burst of radio frequency that
pretty impeccable.
your high omega three fats from can penetrate the body. You need
your fish oil and your flax oil. All to stash your phone probably in
Clint Ober has invested quite a
that’s important because the right your purse or a backpack. You
lot of time, energy, and money
kind of fat can also hold calcium in simply don’t want to have it on
to get his double-blind placebo-
suspension. And you want that so your body. That’s really what the
controlled tests out there. And
that you’re not affected with the element is.
we now know that there is
calcium leaking that goes on in the definitely science behind the
cell membrane when it starts to Carla: Right. And also, too, I’d like
mechanism of earthing. And
rupture. to return to this idea of earthing
he suggests that the reason
because that’s something that
so much of this is needed is
Carla: Right. And so this whole seems to be a simple thing to be
because of the revolution of interesting. you could use instead of the
the 1960s in which we stopped headset or putting the phone by
wearing leather- soled shoes. Carla: I actually spoke to him your head. You said an air tube
And we are now using plastics about potentially grounding our headset. So I want to make that
and all kinds of rubber soles, house, right? And he said the clear. When you said headset, you
which are not conductive the way technology was quite a ways didn’t mean the traditional headset
the leather was. And so in effect away. And it would cost you with the wires.
we’ve become unconnected. quite a bit of money right now.
We’ve become disconnected to But when we were building our There is such a thing as an air tube
the earth. house, I had spoken to him and headset, which actually I’m using
talked about some of these things right now. And you might not have
And when we become re- because there are ways that you the sound exactly the same. But
connected, your whole bodily can set up how you live in your they still work really well. And so
system works much better. The home, like you were saying, the it’s an air tube. It’s not a traditional
heart starts to beat better. The feng shui. Those things can be headset that you were saying to
thyroid functions much better. I done if you can research it and use, right?
mean, look at all the problems we get a bit of information. Yeah.
have with thyroid in this day and Ann Louise: It’s a plastic air tube
time. The electromagnetics in the Ann Louise: All that can be done, earpiece. Yeah. So if that’s what
environment definitely have an as well as placing the furniture you’re using, yes. So there’s like a
effect. When you start to earth, in certain locales, making sure little bubble thing that’s there. And
everything starts to normalize, that you’re not over a lot of fans. I you’re not directly connected to
including your melatonin levels mean, there’s all kinds of ways in the phone through that.
with the earthing and grounding, which we can protect ourselves.
as well as cortisol levels. So And you just do this as naturally Carla: Right. And the traditional
your body isn’t as much under as you would eat the right kind headsets, you are actually.
constant stress, the stress and of foods on a daily basis. It just And it’s going directly into your
strain of the stress proteins that becomes part and parcel of what head.
are affected when you’re exposed your life is like.
to electromagnetics. So it’s very Ann Louise: It is going directly
protective. It’s almost like having But, you know, when you take a into your head. So that’s not what
a protective bubble. So I’ve got my look at what’s in the house these we want. We want to get all of this
foot on one of those grounding days, you’ll see all of the devices away from your body and away
mats even as we speak. that are electrically or digitally from your head, most specifically
or wirelessly now driven, and it’s and most directly as much as
Carla: Actually, I have my hand on just amazing because if you went possible.
one. Isn’t that funny? into your grandparents house,
there might be twenty or thirty Carla: Yes. Okay, good. Okay, I
Ann Louise: Yeah, right now. items that you could name that just wanted to clarify that. So,
Then this is what you do. It just have some sort of an electrical there’s a lot of information here.
becomes part of your lifestyle. connection. But if you go into I also, too, you were talking
And, of course, then you’re our homes in this day and time about Clint Ober. He wrote a
sleeping on the sheets that we and just take a little tour as I do book called Earthing. That’s what
have or the mats that you can through the book and take you on it’s called, right? So for anybody
use or the pads that we can use, a digital tour, you’re seeing all the who wants to look into his work.
as well. So it’s very interesting proliferation of so many devices.
what’s going on. And I think that I mean we’re surrounded. We’re Ann Louise: Yes, yes, and I talk
all of this grounding information— surrounded and dependent. about earthing in Zapped.
and certainly the technology That’s really what’s kind of scary.
that’s been kind of revived—is Carla: Okay, Zapped. And so is
important. And we have to be Carla: Yeah. I just want to mention there anything else that you’d
very grateful for Clint Ober for two things just to make sure that like to mention? There’s a lot of
coming up with so many of these we don’t skip over anything without information here. And I think that
things. And we now have, I think, being clear. Earlier you mentioned you’ve done such a fabulous job of
mattresses that are grounding a protective device called, like not covering all of the main issues and
mattresses, which I think are very a protective device, but something giving our listeners, our parents
and caregivers, some really, really understand that in 2011 the digital dementia is coming from
good tips and empowering tips World Health Organization’s in terms of the underdeveloped
on how to protect our kids from International Agency for interpersonal skills, disjointed
the EMFs in the environment, and Research on Cancer warned experiences, and even brain
actually maybe even some of the the world of risks from the damage. So it is considered a
people might not have known radiation emitted by cell new condition, digital dementia
that this was even a real issue or phones, from Wi-Fi, and smart in children.
a health concern in the first place. meters. They classed all of
So that is amazing. And I thank this as a class to be possible Carla: Wow.
you for all that. carcinogen. So this is being
made known throughout Ann Louise: It’s been coined
And so for people who really the world. And many of our before. So I just need to say
are maybe even reeling from all researchers feel that sensitivity that all of that is there because
this information, there are lots to these electromagnetic you’ll go out into the world and
of resources to research. And radiation emissions is the see that all of this starts to be
one of them, and one of the best emerging health problem poo-pooed. And everybody says,
ones, would be your book called of our century, and that it is “Oh, this is nothing.” You’ve
Zapped. And so be sure to check pretty imperative that parents got naysayers or people that
into that. Pick up a copy of Zapped as well as practitioners and don’t know science. And this
because Ann Louise goes into governments and schools learn is what they’re saying. “This is
great detail about all of this and much more about it because it’s impossible.” Just go online and
will really help you to get sorted. felt that human health stakes take a look at Marty Blank’s
Is there anything else you’d like to are significant. YouTube videos where he
suggest for research or anything talks about how cell phones
you’d like to tell us about what Some people consider do damage. And he just wrote
your next projects are, Ann this the greatest biological a magnificent book called
Louise? experiment of mankind, by the Overpowered.
way. So we go to all different
Ann Louise: Well, the next elements there. Yeah. And So that’s the type of thing you
projects are really getting this there are many prestigious need to look at which will show
information out as best that we organizations—the American the DNA and how it breaks and
can. And I’m also going to suggest Academy of Environmental how it’s damaged and so forth.
for people that really need the Medicine, The American And it cannot repair itself because
research, research in terms of Academy of Pediatrics—have of this damage. And a lot of
all of the studies, there was a all come out with mission this was known way back in the
wonderful work that was first statements and declarations ‘70s. Nothing was done about it.
presented, I think it was 2009 about how so much of this is There’s a lot of money involved.
when it came out. And it was an important health issue. And And the communications
updated in 2012. And that is the it can cause acute and chronic industry, which a trillion dollar
Bioinitiative Report. And if you health problems. industry, simply doesn’t want all
look online at BioinitiativeReport. of this found out. But we really
org, I believe is the URL. And it’s being looked at with have to take our own matters
BioinitiativeReport.org. You more and more concern of health into our own hands
will see that there has been an by healthcare practitioners without being terribly paranoid
enormous amount of documented everywhere. So to me this is and negative.
studies that connect the EMFs probably the emerging public
that we’re talking about from the health issue of our time. And that Carla: Yeah, great points. And if
wireless devices to the electric the human brain is especially you’re one of those people that
devices, and that all of this has susceptible to the environmental get it. You get it already. You just
been connected to a great variety insults that are coming from all want to get on with things and
of current diseases and disorders of these EMFs. And that’s why make a change, curbing use,
that we are now looking at. And so I think we have an epidemic knowing that cell phones are
I want to make that available for among children of decreased not toys, keeping that proximity
people. motor function, of hyperactivity, from these devices a little
diminished cognition, diminished further, the duration of use as
And I also want individuals to learning. That’s where all this little as possible. And consider
earthing and other products Ann Louise: Unfortunately, I
that help you to get grounded hear myself. And I say, “This is
and help your body. all gloom and doom.” But you
know something? It’s not going to
And other health things such go away and putting your head
as social, speak to people. Go in the sand is not the answer.
and hang out with your friends So we have to be very proactive
instead of texting and all that and realize what we’re fighting,
sort of thing. So all those things what we’re up against, and be as
that go together for all of us proactive about this as we were
who want to make some kind of about lead and asbestos and
change in that regard can really tanning beds, as well as GMO
make a huge impact. foods. To me this is our GMOed
And I thank you so much, Ann
Louise, for all of your information. Carla: Well, I for one, Ann
You are just so passionate about Louise, as a warrior mama,
all of this stuff. And we could do appreciate your proactivity. So,
like twenty interviews, I think, with thank you!
all the stuff that you are an expert
at. So I would love to do this again Ann Louise: Well, thank you.
maybe for the second Children’s
and Teen Health Summit. Carla: And thank you for being here
with us. And I appreciate your time.
Ann Louise: We’ll have some Take care.
positive information at that point.
Ann Louise: Bye-bye.
Carla: That’d be awesome.
Connection Between
Headaches and Chronic
Erin Knight, FDN-P with Jay Davidson, DC, PScD
Click here to watch to this interview!
The purpose of this presentation is to convey information. It is not intended to
diagnose, treat, or cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice from your
physician or other healthcare professional.

Dr. Jay: Yeah. It definitely was chiropractic world to more of what

not something I just woke up and is probably termed the functional
Erin: Hi, and welcome to the said one day, “Hey, I’m going to medicine-type world.
Chronic Headache & Migraine get into functional medicine and
Summit. I’m Erin Knight, one of into a whole new world.” It was Erin: Sure. Yeah, because you, like
your hosts. And today, we’ll be more just based out of my wife’s many of us, you have this journey
hearing from Dr. Jay Davidson. health struggles. So my wife and I that you’re on. And you keep looking
Dr. Jay Davidson is a doctor graduated from chiropractic school. for answers. And eventually, you’ll
focusing on a natural, functional We opened an office in Wisconsin— come to something that helps. So
medicine approach. He’s also a Milwaukee, Wisconsin area, and you found that you had to address
popular speaker, #1 international- helped a lot of people, very large chronic Lyme disease and heavy
bestselling author, husband, father, volume, over 600 visits a week. metals to move past that. Could
former radio talk show host, and And was, I would say, successful in you tell us more about this? What
church elder. helping a lot of people. she was going through when you
decided to look into this? Was
Dr. Jay is admired for his ability And when my daughter was born she suffering with headaches and
to bridge the gap between the in 2012, on July 4th, the bottom migraines herself?
scientific health community and the fell out. My wife couldn’t heal.
lay person. His vision to see all of Everything just stopped and Dr. Jay: Yeah, so I know this is the
the details and recommend simple, changed. And, of course, so she Headache & Migraine Summit.
straightforward instructions to his had Lyme disease when she was And my wife was—when I met
clients has gained him tremendous seven years old. And they didn’t her, she could tell you when it was
respect among his colleagues. understand what it was and, after going to rain. That the pressure
He’s an expert on genomics, a while, figured it out. And ended would change. And she would get a
detoxification, and chronic Lyme up, she was in a coma for six weeks. headache. And it would knock her
disease so I’ve invited him to And there was just a lot of health out. Of course, just meeting her,
this event to help us understand issues in her past. I’m like, “What’s going on?” And that
the connection between these continued.
things and chronic headaches And as soon as that bottom fell out,
and migraines. So welcome to the one of the first things we thought And so there was a lot of, what I
summit, Dr. Jay Davidson. about was, “What if this is Lyme would consider, warning signs or
Thank you so much for sharing with disease again?” And then, the other other signs and symptoms that she
us today! thing that we had lurking that struggled with before the “bottom
we knew about was an issue, but fell out” leading up to her having
Dr. Jay: Yeah, thanks for having me couldn’t figure out a way to detox. our daughter. She wasn’t able to fly
on, Erin. It’s a pleasure to be here. So it was heavy metal toxicity. And on an airplane for about four years.
so it was basically when my wife It was probably about two to maybe
Erin: So I hear you started out in a was on her deathbed that I’m like, three years before my daughter was
chiropractic role, as a chiropractor. “You know, this is, this is my focus. born. But she wasn’t able to fly just
How did you decide to get into This is my primary thing to figure because of the massive anxiety, the
functional medicine? What out.” And that is what shifted my pressure that would happen. Just
prompted that? focus from the structural correction the thought of it.
Dr. Jay: She got a lot of heart that we work with myself and my like, “Nothing else showed up. Let’s
palpitations, fatigue. So just even doctors, I would say fatigue is top just say you have Lyme.” How about
exercising, she’d be down and out of the list with sleep issues. Those look into maybe sooner.
for the next couple of days, so go hand in hand. Third on the
adrenal fatigue. She was diagnosed list is probably more of like the Erin: Especially if you’ve done the
with an autoimmune thyroid anxiety, depression, pain. And then basics like cleaned up your diet, and
during pregnancy when the heart headaches, it wouldn’t be in the opened the detox pathways, and
palpitations were going on. But top, I would say, four or five. It’d be cleaned up your environment, and
they didn’t really have a treatment definitely in the top 10. stuff like that, and you’re not seeing
for that. She had digestive issues, any progress. You have some of
digestive gut issues, heavy metal And so Lyme disease…Giving your these other symptoms like joint
toxicity. She was exposed to mold. listeners a little background on pain and stuff like that, then you
So she had also what’s called MCS Lyme disease because just hearing would want to see somebody about
or multiple chemical sensitivity. that word Lyme can be very like ruling out Lyme. Is that what you
“Oh, my gosh, what? You know, I’m were saying?
So my wife’s file, when she was scared. But yet, I don’t understand
growing up, was quite thick it.” So it’s like this confusion place. Dr. Jay: Yeah, well Lyme is…The
unfortunately from the hospital. So Lyme disease is a bacteria— CDC about five years ago said that
And things just continued. And it Borrelia burgdorferi. And now, 30,000 people a year are affected
was almost to the point, Erin, where they’ve figured out there’s a couple by it. Then in 2013, they said that
she felt like she was always being more strains of this bacteria that 300,000 people in America are
experimented with and poked and can cause Lyme disease. But affected by Lyme. And there’s
prodded. And she didn’t want to be essentially, it’s a bacteria. And it’s a experts that say that they’re still 10x
experimented on anymore. So it spirochete. So it’s a spiral shape. So off. That it’s even--
was just getting by. And then, when it loves joints and tissues. It doesn’t
my daughter was born, the bottom necessarily love the bloodstream, Erin: More.
fell out. which can make the testing
tougher. So the target organ of Dr. Jay: Yeah, it’s even more than
And it was like, “Okay, it’s time Lyme is not the bloodstream, which that. The best way to say it, Erin, is
to get to the root cause.” But is why testing is not great. that there’s more people affected
headaches were a massive thing by Lyme each year than breast
that she dealt with in her past. Erin: [inaudible]. cancer.

Erin: Mmhmm. So she had all these Dr. Jay: Yeah, why it’s a toss-up. Erin: That’s a lot.
clues. But sometimes you don’t see But Lyme disease, typically, people
that until you’re looking backwards. get diagnosed with Lyme disease Dr. Jay: Yeah. And breast cancer
I had that, too, actually. So the as a last resort. Like, they ruled gets a lot of attention. And Lyme
headaches are one thing, and then everything out. “You don’t have doesn’t quite get that attention.
anxiety and digestive issues. And lupus. You don’t have RA. You
it’s hard to tie them together to don’t have MS. You don’t have Erin: Yeah. And I think you’re right,
a certain root cause until things this, this, this, this. You must have too. When somebody hears Lyme,
get really, really desperate. But if Lyme.” So Lyme comes with over they might not even want to look in
somebody does have persistent 150 different types of symptoms. to it because it sounds scary. But if
headaches or migraines right now, Headaches, migraines are one of they do look—because I was trying
and they’ve tried a lot of different those. So I would say if somebody to learn more about it before this,
avenues to get better, why should has headaches, do you have Lyme? not knowing very much at all, when
they consider looking at Lyme I would definitely not ever make you just look out on the interwebs
disease? Is this actually a common that correlation. If you’re struggling for Lyme disease, it’s actually really
symptom of a Lyme infection? though with-- confusing because you’ll hear
totally conflicting information. Like
Dr. Jay: Yeah, well, I would say Erin: With other things, too. a lot of people just think it comes
if you’re asking me about top from tick bite. So if they don’t live in
symptoms that clients come to me Dr. Jay: Yeah, other symptoms, an area where they have exposure
for, then I would say a vast majority other health conditions, yeah I think to ticks, they might think, “No way I
of people have Lyme disease or ruling out Lyme disease is always a could ever have Lyme disease.”
diagnosed or suspecting Lyme good thing, rather than just have it
Dr. Jay: Yeah. Yeah. Well, in Lyme, your health issues. And just like difference in how we feel.
Lyme is around the globe. It’s headaches and migraines, as to why
around the United States. It’s are you having them? If somebody’s Dr. Jay: Yeah, it’s when the immune
always known in the United States on here and they’re looking for the system is really suppressed or a lot
as like the Northeast and the next remedy that’s going to get rid of stress is going on. Yeah, these
Midwest. Lyme’s been diagnosed in of the headache when it appears, things can surface. And the key is
every single state in the U.S. So we that’s great. That’s treating the just again looking at the body as
know Lyme doesn’t know borders. symptom. And I think that’s really a whole. But the number one tip
It does travel via birds and other important. But you always want I would say, especially for Lyme/
things. And it is transmitted via to look upstream and say, “What’s just having headaches/migraines,
tick. But it is other ways: spiders the source? What’s the source or thinking about, “Okay, well my wife,
and rodents and mosquitos, sexual sources?” And treat the symptoms you know, would get headaches
transmission, from mom to utero so that life’s more manageable. And when the pressure changed.” And
or baby, breastfeeding. I always prefer more of a natural we lived in Wisconsin at the time,
There’s a lot of different modes of way, but work on the symptom as which--
transmission, which make it to be you’re moving upstream. And as
almost in long as you’re moving upstream, Erin: [Inaudible].
epidemic proportions. then you can get your life back.
Dr. Jay: Yeah, the weather can
Erin: Mmhmm. Wow. So if For Lyme, oftentimes there can change a lot from all over the place.
someone’s learning about this, be other things other than just So you can have three seasons in
and they maybe get discouraged the bacteria. Usually, when there’s a week. So the question to people,
because there’s such a mix of Lyme, there’s other viruses, other “Why would she get those?” And
information out there on the bacteria or parasites, fungi or she got headaches and things other
interweb—and Lyme seems to be fungus that can be present in the times, too. But it was really the
a little more controversial topic body. And then, along with other pressure change that really killed
than I would have thought it would things like maybe possible mold her or seemed to really make her
be—do you have any perspective exposure, heavy metal toxins, poor suffer. And I believe it’s all about
on how it became controversial and dietary choices, lifestyle, emotional the drainage.
how somebody can dig through the stresses, leaky gut, autoimmune
weeds to find out what they need issues. So the word detox gets used very
to know to get properly tested and often for everything. And I like
then learn more about it if it turns And so Lyme, I believe Lyme to separate the word drainage
out they do have it? gets taken out of context and versus detox. So detox I think of,
says, “Lyme’s a bug. Kill it with an okay, you’re actually grabbing
Dr. Jay: Yeah. Yeah. The best antibiotic or kill it with that bug onto like chemicals or toxins out
strategy is definitely education. bomb.” And if that was the only of the body and removing them.
Fear and maybe emotional actions issue, then yeah, then maybe Drainage explained, it’s more of
happen when there’s not really there’s a reason for that. But what just the normal pathways. Like your
knowledge to back up what’s going about all the other things going on colon, if you’re constipated, that’s a
on. So just always learning more with the body? And that’s where drainage pathway blocked up. Your
about it is a good thing. But Lyme looking at the body as a whole, liver, gallbladder, bile flowing is a
disease, if Lyme is prevalent or holistically, I think is the best route critical, critical drainage pathway—
present in somebody’s body, the for Lyme. the kidneys, the lymphatic system.
key isn’t just to kill the bug. The The skin, just even not sweating is a
key is to focus on getting the body Erin: To strengthen the whole body, drainage pathway.
well, as a whole. And I think that so it goes along with the other
fits in, no matter what your health infections that we may have or So if the body isn’t draining
struggles are, it’s still identifying the parasites in a sense. Like, if there’s properly, symptoms occur. Anytime
source or sources to your health things like this in our environment you kill or anytime you detox, the
issues. everywhere, but whether we’re stuff can’t move.
strong and can resist them—or I
And I think it comes down to two call it the weak host, so we have an For headaches in the migraine
things. I believe it comes down to environment where these things area, that it’s the drainage pathway
these two things, Erin, is figure out can become overgrown or start from the brain or the head to the
what is the source or sources of affecting us—and that makes all the body. So I almost like to separate
the lymphatics. So they’ve recently can do that, as well, to open that there’s anything to think about
found in the last couple of years up. I’d say one of my favorite when you’re struggling with health
that there’s actually lymphatic essential oils for brain drainage is issues, symptoms is always think,
connection in the brain to the Boswellia or frankincense is the “What’s the source? What’s the
body. But I like to, for my purposes, name. source of this?” And that helps to
thinking about this, I like to lead you down the right pathway.
separate the head portion from the Erin: Oh, okay.
rest of the body. So it’s like okay, Erin: Do you have anything else
the head lymph, or what they call Dr. Jay: Yeah. Yeah, I always along those lines of things people
like the glymphatic system versus like to call it baby Jesus oil, but can do at home to help with the
more of the lower lymph rest of frankincense. Yeah. So you can headache management or with
the body. And you can move lymph literally put some on your temples, the symptom management that’s
really well. If you’re not opening forehead, base of your skull behind holistic?
up that brain lymph channel to the where the top of the neck and the
body, that’s when the pressure of base of the skull meet. You just put Dr. Jay: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There’s
the body can’t adjust. And I believe like a drop and rub it in there. And a good number of tips I would
that was a big issue for my wife was frankincense helps to open up that say. One of the things I learned
that drain or the…Such a tongue brain-to-body channel. back in my chiropractic schooling
twister… days that seems to work for
There’s a company called a decent amount of people is
Erin: Made a difference. Yeah. Nutramedix. They have an herb acupressure points. So if you look
called pinella. That one works at the thumb webbing of your
David: Yeah, the brain drainage amazing for brain drainage. But I thumb, and you pinch your thumb
was the big thing for her to get rid have to caution you. If you drain and pointer finger together, you’ll
of her headaches. the brain, that’s going to dump into feel, almost feel like a little marble
the body lymph system. You want or ball in there. And that’s an
Erin: So did she start doing to make sure to give extra attention acupuncture/acupressure point to
lymphatic drainage massage? Or to that body lymph. There was an relieve headaches. Now, the only
how else did she open up those individual that just took pinella by contraindication of this is if you’re
drainage pathways for the head itself. And they ended up with these pregnant, you don’t want to do
specifically? huge swollen nodules because this because it will cause uterine
it cleared the brain. But then, it contractions, unless you’re like over
Dr. Jay: Yeah. So as I’ve worked with backed the body up. So I always term and you want to get the show
clients learning more and more like to pair pinella with burbur, moving forward in your labor.
tools, for her it was a little rough same company Nutramedix. Burbur
because we were figuring things out and pinella tend to be really great But yeah, so pinching between the
as we went, what worked for her. combinations for that drainage that webbing. And what you’re going
Today now, though a couple of tips can open that pathway up. to do, you’re not going to do that
that I would give your listeners of Darth Vader death grip. You’re
the summit is getting enough sleep. Erin: Those are amazing tips. Yeah, going to apply some pressure.
And that, I get when you’re not and really, I’m glad we talked about Find out where it’s tender, that ball
feeling good, that could be one of that because that’s one of the main between the fingers. And then, just
the tougher things. But when you complaints I hear people say is that put some firm pressure and hold it.
sleep is actually when the brain they get these pressure headaches Typically, when you feel both hands,
drains. So when you’re awake, if when the thunderstorms come there’ll be one that’s more tender
you think about when you’re awake, through or the weather changes than the other. I would start with
the glial cells in the brain start to or something like that. And they that one first. You can do though--
swell up from inflammation. When can’t quite figure out what’s going
you sleep, they start to drain. And on. So these are really practical Erin: More tender.
that helps with the head pressure, things people can do to start feeling
so trying to optimize sleep, super better, and it sounds like actually Dr. Jay: Yeah, you can do both.
important. moving your health in the direction, The other thing I’ve seen with
too. It’s not just covering up the headaches, too, going back to
There’s herbs though and things symptoms, right. when I had a chiropractic office,
that can cross the blood-brain headaches and relief of the neck
barrier. There’s essential oils that Dr. Jay: Yeah, exactly. Again, if area was a really big area. So
any misalignments basically in get adjusted every day. And it bacterial infections or like the
the neck can essentially cut off would help them. But they’re going parasites, too, that are putting off
the connection from the brain to to need to keep doing it because toxins?
the body. And essentially, spinal there’s other issues going on, other
adjustments are just realigning and stressors. When you’ve identified Dr. Jay: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, viruses,
getting things flowing. all the source or sources to your parasites, bacteria, these different
health issues, and when you get stressors can cause coagulation
But they’ve also shown, with adjustments, the adjustments hold of the blood. Even EMFs—
chiropractic adjustments like so much longer because you’re not electromagnetic field—or what’s
adjusting the…Essentially, if you basically doing something to shift it technically called EMRs now,
think about it, shifting the bones out. There’s not that source. electromagnetic radiation from like
slightly back into place, that it Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, they can also
actually helps to not only improve So if somebody’s having to go change. Cell phones right to your
the nerve function, which is what in and get adjusted every week head can change the coagulation of
the body uses to run the show—the or every day, it’s just such a bad blood. So there’s many things that
brain communicates to the body case, there’s a time and a place can do it.
through the nerves—but it actually for that. But you always want to But pathogens are definitely one of
instantly changes the blood flow. think about, “What are the other those categories.
And headaches and migraines, they pieces to this puzzle?” And that’s
link with a constriction of the blood really something I found being Erin: Okay. So definitely something
flow. in the chiropractic profession. we need to take a look at. If
I’d see people that gained their somebody’s feeling overwhelmed
So even fixing the alignment in the hearing back. Headaches gone. with all of these different root
cervical spine, the neck, can be a I’d say that’s an easier thing in the causes, they just feel like there’s
big factor. Typically, headaches I chiropractic world. But people too much to look at, they don’t
would say is the C1, C2, like the gaining their hearing back. And even want to start, what do you tell
top two bones. But when you look then, other people are like, “I don’t them?
at somebody from the side, you notice anything.” And it’s like, “Wait
should have a C-shape, forward a minute.” This is definitely a piece Dr. Jay: Yeah, well, that is the
C-shape curve. And if you’ve lost the I think of the puzzle for a good million-dollar question now
curve or reverse curve, that’s going amount of people. But we have to because we’re in an information
to put a ton of pressure up there. look at all the pieces. Like you said age. Well, I should say an over-
And just working on restructuring toxicity. information age. You start going
the neck can be a big help. down a rabbit hole. And you’re
Lyme disease fits in the pathogen like, “Oh, my gosh! Now, I learned
Erin: Did you find when you were world and relating Lyme disease to all this stuff. I’ve learned these 40
practicing chiropractic that people the headache. So in the headache supplements that are good for
would come in with headaches or world, I feel as if the cardiovascular headaches.” It’s like where do you
migraines and have to come in like or the restriction in blood flow begin? This is where it’s I always
once a month just to prevent them, plays a big role with headaches love people learning, especially
and never really were able to hold and what we believe can cause it. for their own condition and what’s
the adjustment. I ask that because Well, Lyme disease causes what going on.
that was my experience. It helped they call a hypercoagulation, where
me so much. It really would help it means that the blood starts But there’s also the boundary of like
ward off having more headaches coagulating together. And it doesn’t you get lost in your emotion and
and things like that. But I found like flow, as well. Well, think about that. can start thinking, “It’s definitely
if I passed that three-and-a-half Pathogens cause hypercoagulation got to be this.” And then, maybe
week, four-week mark that they meaning the blood flow doesn’t get a little tunnel vision and not
would all start to come back. So I go as well. Headaches have a lack see other things, so having like a
kept having to go in and go in until of blood flow. So I believe that family member or a friend or a
I looked into like heavy metals and there can be a connection even health coach, I think having like
digestive issues and things like that. because of the hypercoagulation a practitioner or health coach or
of pathogens like Lyme and other somebody to help in this journey,
Dr. Jay: Yeah. Yeah. You just said it bugs causing that, too. depending on how bad your health
right there. Somebody, that they’re is, is always a good thing to do.
really struggling, they could literally Erin: So there could be other
But you want to just focus on, prevent overwhelm but don’t give end of this year, there should be
“Okay, what’s the source or sources up at the first thing you find. Or just available a full genome analysis for
to my health issues?” And let’s say don’t go spend all of your energy maybe 100 bucks. And right now,
it’s Lyme disease. Let’s say it’s heavy chasing the first thing that you find like the 23andMe is very popular.
metal toxicity. Let’s say it’s mold. because if you don’t look at the As of right now, when we’re doing
Whatever those things are. Then, other factors, it’s hard to heal just this recording, they’re on version 4,
the question begins. “Okay, so if from that one thing. Like Candida, chip 4 basically. And they’re looking
those are the source or sources to for example, people will put this at about 635,000 different pieces
my health issue, then where do I big effort towards overcoming that. of DNA information. Well, that right
need to start? What do I need to And if you don’t look at maybe there is like 635,000. Like, that’s
start doing today that’s going to get infections behind that or parasites [inaudible].
me closer to fixing that?” or heavy metals behind that, they’ll
never get better from the Candida Erin: Talk about information
And so focusing on the big picture itself because it’s just more of a overload.
of the source or sources. And then symptom of a deeper problem.
also, too, it’s like okay, well, if Lyme Dr. Jay: Yeah, well a full genome
disease or mercury toxicity in the Dr. Jay: Absolutely. Yeah, and is going to be in the millions,
brain, because mercury loves the I would agree with you on the like maybe 50 million or
brain. Aluminum loves the brain, candida. The heavy metals, huge something crazy. So it’s going to
which is again could be headache link with that. And also, bacteria, be exponential. But things are
triggers—but if heavy metals are fungus, parasites, they all work in changing so fast. And I believe the
the thing that you have to detox, synergy. Usually when there’s Lyme future, especially of like natural
great. But what can you do today to disease, there’s other bugs. healthcare, functional medicine, is
help manage that migraine or that looking at the genetics or genomics
headache so that you don’t have to When there’s candida, there’s other from more of a lifestyle basis. I like
go home from work at lunchtime things to it. And yeah, you can to steer away from what I would
because you can’t function? minimize the symptom, but always consider more disease genetics
getting to the source, like you said, or genomics, and focus more on
So I always like to go symptom plus is important. So keep asking that lifestyle.
source. Yep. Yep. And just think of “why?” I love that. And the engineer
it from that way because otherwise brain, so we can start talking about Like disease genetics or genomics,
when you start digging in and the neck curve and the 42.23 per for instance, would be like, “Oh,
researching and reading, you’re ounce. I’m just teasing. you have a six-time increased risk
like…It’s almost like the paralysis of uterine cancer because you
by analysis. But it’s almost like the Erin: Absolutely. Well, something have this gene SNP. Or you’re three
paralysis by over information. Like, nerdy I did want to get into because times more likely to even have a
“I just don’t know what to do.” I know you work with people on headache.” And I, from a clinical
genomics more and more now. And side, I’m like I’m almost freaked out
Erin: Absolutely. But yeah, so you that’s like one of these sublevel root by knowing that. And I don’t--
have to start somewhere. But causes because if you can pinpoint
keep looking, too, because you an issue that’s off there, it can make Erin: Yeah, a lot of people are as
want to know like the root cause a huge difference in recovering. So patients, too. They don’t want to
of your Lyme. I’m an engineer by can you just like to kick that off tell think about that.
background so we always do root us a little bit the difference between
cause. One of the steps that we genetics and genomics? And why Dr. Jay: Yeah. So from a practitioner
do in root-cause analysis is asking this is an exciting place to start standpoint, I love looking at it from
“why” five times. They call it the five investigating? more of a lifestyle, and saying,
whys. So you might be affected by “Okay, Erin, based on your genetics,
Candida. But Candida’s never like a Dr. Jay: Yeah, yeah, I love this area what amount of carbohydrates
standalone issue. because I personally believe that would actually be beneficial for
this is the future. And things are you?” Because there’s diets all over
So you have to ask, “Well, you know, advancing so fast that I don’t even the place. Every year, there’s New
why am I having this? Where is it think I’m grasping it, let alone where York Times’ bestsellers from raw
coming from?” And keep digging things are going to be in 12 to 18 vegan to ketogenic to everything in
it deeper and maybe charting it months. The amount of technology between. And looking at your own
out or something like that just to advancement is insane. By the personalized genetics like what
carbs, protein intake, fats? Are you them. So looking at environment it. And the genetics/genomics,
somebody that really is genetically and then looking at genomics or looking at your genes, helps to
privileged to have a lot of fats? And genetics. And I really believe that solidify like, “Yeah, there’s a reason
what type of fats? There’s different genetics can give us a look in to the every time I have coffee, I feel like
kinds of fats. So even being able to future and say, “Okay, in five or 10 agitated or anxiety,” because there’s
personalize…So I’ll come back to years, [inaudible] now following a gene that you can be prone to
your original question here, too. dietary guidelines like this for you anxiety or agitation from that. So
is really going to be great.” But understanding our genetics helps
So if I take a big picture, look, I that environmental factor, like if us walk more in our own individual
say—okay, when I’m working with somebody’s really adrenal fatigued, blueprint, which from a dietary
a client, I’m looking at, “Okay, and let’s say that super-low carb standpoint can help say maybe
what’s the source or sources to and ketogenic is great for them, you’re not the best…
your health issue?” And then, also well, it might not be right at that
want to look at the genetics or moment because their body doesn’t Like for myself, I don’t do great
the genomics, which is genetics have the resiliency to transition with what they call PUFA fats. It’s
essentially is more of looking like or keto-adapt. So there’s got to polyunsaturated fatty acids. And
single gene and that’s just the single be a little bit of a mending from there’s bad PUFAs everybody
gene. environmental or current versus should stay away from like soy
genetic. I believe they both have bean oil, canola oil, corn oil, the
Genomics is technically a more a place. But it’s like a practitioner rancid oils. But there’s good PUFAs
correct word to use. It’s not quite blending. like nuts and seeds. And my body
as familiar. So I’ll often interchange just, from a genetic standpoint,
them. I know that’s not proper. Erin: Blending. Yeah, so you have less than 6% PUFA. Well, I used to
But genomics is more of looking to look at what somebody’s going eat a lot of nuts and seeds, a lot of
at the gene and how it interacts through. What they might need to gut disturbances. And cutting that
and affects the body as a whole. heal the situation they’re in right out, it’s like, “Oh, I feel better.” So it
So it’s a little bit more of a holistic now in addition to what they’re helps to really guide you for your
approach I guess using the genomic genetically set up to need. And if individual body.
word. But I oftentimes use genetics you look at the genetics or a specific
just so people aren’t like, “What’s pattern, how can this be helpful Erin: Mmhmm. So it sounds like
genomic?” with somebody who has headaches things that people might notice
and migraines? Or do you say it’s or know intuitively, but they don’t
But so when I’m working with a just helping them cut through a trial always listen to because they don’t
client or looking, “Okay, you’ve been and error on their way to finding understand that it’s actually wired
struggling with health issues for what’s working for them? in them to be that way. So once
12 years. You know, like you can’t you know that’s right for you, then
even get out of bed. And you know Dr. Jay: Yeah. Well, genetics really you can just move forward in your
everything is stressed out because gives you a blueprint for you. So life and feel better and confident
your health is stressed out— nobody is the same. That’s why I that you’re doing the right thing.
relationship, job, all of that stuff.” believe there can be 10 New York That you’re not missing out when
I love to look at, right now, in this Times’ bestselling diets. And they everybody else is publishing
circumstance, this environment, can all be different because they articles about, “Oh, you should eat
what’s going on because can work for different people. more walnuts and almonds to be
environment trumps everything. So it’s a way that you can quickly healthy.” You can say, “Okay, that’s
But I also love to look at, “Okay, understand the body. not my path.”
let’s look at your blueprint. Your
individual blueprint of what God And what I’ve found when I’m doing Dr. Jay: Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And the
gave you. Or what you were born genetic analysis or genomic analysis genetic/genomic world, like I said
with from mom and dad, and say, and my docs are doing it with it’s the Wild, Wild West right now.
“Okay, well based on your genetics clients, it’s like we have a tendency And just trying to keep up with
or your genomics, what are the to eat that way. Or we have a the information coming out is a
foods? What’s your sugar addiction? tendency to do what our genes are full-time job by itself. So it’s always
What’s your insulin blood sugar even saying. good just to find somebody that
level tendencies?” can sift through it because it’s like
But there’s not always the best a foreign language. And you’re like
And it’s almost like merging understanding of why you’re doing the prone to anxiety, agitation,
it’s called the ADRA2A gene. That pathways got maybe nine genes me toward that direction? Because
one’s not bad. And then, there’s in the whole pathway. How you it can be overwhelming very easily.
some sleep ones like timeless and absorb sunlight and convert it to
some other names, BDNF, that are vitamin D. My wife, horrible at Erin: Yeah. Sure. Definitely. I think
maybe more... But some other ones converting sunshine to vitamin D. that’s a great example though of
that are like CY, 1P, 2A. You’re like, I’m amazing. I’m like, I wouldn’t why looking at these genes can
“What, what the heck is this stuff, have known that without looking at be really valuable though versus
so?” genes. So even though, we live in-- just taking things because you
read about it or you tested low or
But the genetic world, we can Erin: Is there something you something like that without ever
look at somebody’s exercise. So is can do other than taking more investigating like why you’re low.
somebody better with more of like supplemental vitamin D to like
endurance, slow and long exercise? support the mechanism of I think B vitamins are another
Are they better with more like high- absorption or production? Or is the example that come into play for
intensity sprinting? Are they better answer just to take vitamin D? people with migraines a lot. They
more—like, if weight’s an issue, for get recommended to take various
instance—are they better more Dr. Jay: Yeah. Well, so, primarily, B vitamins. But you would need to
with a mix of exercise or yoga? we get vitamin D, either through look at or you could look at your
And we can look at genes and try sunshine that converts to vitamin genetics to see which form is the
to understand the body better D, or we get it through our diet, best or where that deficiency is
that way. We can look at detox which you get some in food. But it’s coming from. Can you talk a little bit
pathways: phase 1, phase 2. And primarily more supplementation. about what could go wrong there?
phase 1 involves like estrogen If somebody’s a really bad
metabolism. And hormonal sunshine converter to vitamin Dr. Jay: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So the
disruptions, Erin, I would say is a D, that pretty much guarantees big one in that category is B12. And
big factor, too, for headaches and you’re going to need some form of that one will get recommended,
migraines. supplementation to-- especially in the headache category,
quite often. And there’s different
Erin: Absolutely. Erin: Ongoing. genes. There’s B12 absorption
genes. Just like how do you absorb
Dr. Jay: And usually, there’s always Dr. Jay: Yeah, to have that level. them. They call them the FUT2
a source of why there’s hormone But you can literally look at the genes. They have some relation to
issues, whether it’s a pathogen pathway and say, “Whether, it’s gut bacteria, too, because it’s like
issue, heavy metal toxicity, what from sunshine or from diet—how gut absorption or B12 absorption
not. There’s always usually sources do activate that in the liver, the through the gut. There’s the
of why it’s going on. But you can first step? How do you transform recycling pathway of B12. MTR and
also look at the genetics for your 25(OH), which is usually that blood MTRR is the pathway for recycling
detox pathways and hormones. You test they run into the active form B12. So if you’re a bad absorber, if
can also look at nutrition. Like, I called 1,25 (OH)? How do you break you’re a bad recycler, you can pretty
was mentioning earlier, you can down?” There are some people that much guarantee you’re going to
look at sleep. And are you more of don’t break it down well. And they need more than somebody that’s
a late-night owl? Are you more of can actually get toxic of vitamin D not. Just based on the genetics.
an early-to-bed, early-to-rise type of very easy because they don’t break
person? How well do you sleep? Do down the active form. But from the B12, there’s
you get sleep disturbed very easy? different forms of B12. There’s
And the more you understand We can look at how you respond methylcobalamin. So if you
about your body, the more you can to vitamin D. Can look at, there’s just remember, it’s always
set your life up to try to—I don’t a cool gene called the klotho. And something and cobalamin,
want to say it’s a game, but win the it’s a longevity gene. It’s involved in so methylcobalamin,
game—optimize. Maybe it’s better vitamin D, as well, too. So there’s hydroxycobalamin,
to say optimize you. a lot of pieces. But inevitably, you cyanocobalamin. And most
always want to just focus on what’s people will throw cyanocobalamin
And then, we could also even look important for me to know. And under the bus. And I think, I
at supplementation. So vitamin then, what do I need to do today? mean your body has to convert
D gets talked about a lot with Have a big picture in mind. But cyanocobalamin into more of an
everything. And the vitamin D what can I do today to start moving active form. So I can see that. Some
people say, “Oh, it’s producing those three things can literally My wife with the headaches, she
cyanide in your body.” I would not transform people’s lives. can never tell you when it’s going to
say that. rain. And, of course, people would
Erin: Mmhmm, nice and simple. say, “Well, you live in San Diego.”
But you can literally look at Do you believe that really anybody Well, it’s been really, really rainy
your genetics and see are you can heal their body and get rid of over this whole winter or season in
best with hydroxycobalamin, headaches? So after listening to spring. And she has no headache.
methylcobalamin, cyanocobalamin? all of these different sources, they There’s no headache. And it was all
Maybe, a combination of two. should have some good ideas. about getting to the source.
Maybe a combination of three of But is it possible for pretty much And then, all of sudden, when
them. anybody that puts their mind to it that was removed, that symptom
to get over their headaches? of what she was experiencing—
And just again, it’s about trying to migraine headache and having to
understand your body better. The Dr. Jay: I believe—I’m a Christian— lay down—was gone.
less you rock the boat, the less you and one of the things I always think
disrupt the ship that you’re on, of saying-wise is, “God doesn’t Erin: Mmm hmm. Yeah, so it’s not
the less symptoms you’re going make junk.” Meaning that if we can an overnight thing for everybody.
to get. The better you’re going to identify what’s in…And he doesn’t It’s not always a quick solution of
feel. So it’s very easy that even just make junk. And God also needs no tweak this in your diet or take this
a supplement you’re taking could help. But he needs no interference. supplement. But eventually looking
be something that’s disrupting So what’s interfering with the body’s at different root causes and starting
your equilibrium. And then all ability to heal? And no matter to put that puzzle together, there is
of a sudden, if headaches are a where you’re at in spiritual, it’s the hope.
tendency for you, any time the body idea that the body can self- heal.
gets stressed, then that’s where it’s The key is to remove the source. If Dr. Jay: Absolutely. Yeah, we all
going to surface. And it might not you remove the source, the body want the quick fix. We all want the
be always the first thing we assume can absolutely heal. magic pill. In reality, it’s usually a
it is. And it could be even the form combination of figuring out what
of vitamin, like you said. Now, if somebody’s been knocked are those missing pieces and doing
down and out for maybe 20, 30, 40 them in synergy that gets people
Erin: Mmhmm. Like just looking years, they’ve had health issues, over the hump.
into that or changing it out could their resiliency, their ability to
have a big impact. Do you-- bounce back is not going to be as Erin: Mmhmm. Cool. Well, we
quick or fast typically as somebody talked about a lot of different things
Dr. Jay: Yeah. And if you…Not to where it’s just happening. So the today. So to recap and guide our
cut you off, but I will for a second. faster you can figure out these listeners in the right direction, I
If you think about three main pieces to the puzzle and address know the Chronic Lyme Summit
things, right—let’s simplify the them, usually the better the body is an amazing resource. We really
complex here. If you can stop the will be resiliency. talked about like why somebody
supplements that you don’t need might want to consider it and when
or get off the stuff that’s maybe got But even if you’ve been knocked they might want to consider it.
really bad ingredients in it that your down and out for many years, the
body’s reacting to, if you can figure body can absolutely heal, as long as But if they wanted to know more
out what you do need, and then you identify what’s interfering with about what to do about it or how to
you can stay away from the foods the body’s ability to work in the first get tested and all that, you have this
that are upsetting you, whether it’s place. And you might be because of wealth of podcasts and articles on
caffeine or maybe you react to oats, maybe your journey, and the things your website, DrJayDavidson.com,
or gluten, or dairy, or egg whites, if that you’ve had, and the traumas, and this Chronic Lyme Summit. Is
you can figure out what the foods and the length of time, you might there anything else you’d direct
are you react to, stay away from be a little bit more susceptible them to for that?
those. to getting symptoms more than
somebody else. And that’s fine. Dr. Jay: Yeah, the best resource
If you can remove the supplements That is what it is. But as long as you is probably just my website,
that are causing issues that your focus on removing the source, I DrJayDavidson.com. It’s D-R for
body’s actually reacting to and if absolutely believe there’s hope. doctor. And then Jay Davidson
you can take the stuff you need, like Harley. Just unfortunately no
relationship to the motorcycle Erin: Those are really great. And I
company. But that’s got links to encourage people to check out your
our Lyme Summit, number one. podcast, too, because I think you do
Number two, it’s got links to a great job of explaining things like
the Detox Project, talking about coffee enemas that nobody wants
detoxification. But we’ve got some to talk about or Lyme disease from
free resources on there, as well, start to A to Z really in detail. So if
too. The best place to start, because they got their curiosity peaked here
again this can seem overwhelming, and they want to learn more, I think
the best way to eat an elephant— that’s a great resource for people.
not that we’re going to eat one— So thank you so much for being
but the idea, it’s big for fixing our here and sharing with us.
health, is just one bite at a time. So
just starting to understand more For all of our listeners out there, I
of what the body’s going through. hope you get the chance to tune
Tools. in and learn from more great
speakers during the summit. Again,
I really love…I wrote a book a my name is Erin Knight. And I will
couple of years ago. It’s called 5 see you next time!
Steps to Restoring Health Protocol.
I think that’s a great resource. It
was a little selfish when I wrote
it because I just wanted to brain
dump everything and all this
research I’d compiled. Instead of
having stacks, it was like turn into a
book. But it’s really just about trying
to simplify the complex idea of all
the things going on and how do you
work through it. And if you’re not a
reader, I recorded the audio book,
as well, on Audible. So you can
always listen to that. I think those
are great resources.
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