Bureacratic Organization
Bureacratic Organization
Bureacratic Organization
Rules and job responsibilities are written down and clearly stated
Clear hierarchy of power is concentrated among a few high-ranking managers
Appointments and promotions of officers are formal because these officers
will be held accountable
Employees are hired based on their skills and knowledge, not because of
favoritism or luck
Salaries are tied to a pay-grade system
Bureaucracies are unable or unwilling to adapt to changing conditions quickly
Micro-managing is common
Many layers of management are typical for a bureaucratic organization. With a
pyramid in mind, the leader or president is at the top of the company, and all other
departments cascade underneath that leader. Vice presidents report to the president
or chief executive officer, and in turn, directors report to the vice presidents.
Managers of departments are underneath the directors and these managers typically
have numerous supervisors reporting to them. Finally, the workers in a bureaucratic
organization report to the supervisors. Structure is important for a bureaucratic
In bureaucratic organizations, power is concentrated in the hands of a few, high-
ranking managers. Decisions about company policy, personnel decisions and
financial objectives are made by the highest ranking leaders. Procedures are in
place that direct most decisions upward to these leaders where all important actions
take place. Slowness in decision making is typical in bureaucratic companies, and
hands-on management techniques apply at all levels. Micromanagement is common,
and workers look to their supervisors for all decisions about their work and
Administrative procedures, rules and policies are found in all bureaucratic
organizations. These procedures are so important that many employees carry the
administrative title in their job descriptions. Carefully worded policies are crafted,
updated, maintained and distributed to all associates, and compliance is mandated.
Reference to these administrative procedures is frequent, and work is often defined
by these policies. Interpreting these regulations is often a major job duty for
managers, and staying in compliance at all times becomes an important part of job
descriptions and performance reviews.
Employees are organized into units based on their skills and the type of work they
do. They are treated equally and maintain impersonal relationships with their
colleagues and managers. All decisions and actions taken by the company are
recorded in writing. Rules rather than people form the basis of the organization.
According to Weber, these processes contribute to effective and efficient goal
No organizational structure is perfect. Before choosing one for your company, take
the time to learn about the different options. A bureaucratic structure, for example,
may lead to increased productivity and performance but it gives employees less
opportunity for creativity and decision-making. A matrix structure, on the other hand,
provides a lot of freedom and flexibility but it could also lead to chaos and power
The German sociologist Max Weber argued that bureaucracy constitutes the
most efficient and rational way in which human activity can be organized and
that systematic processes and organized hierarchies are necessary to maintain
order, maximize efficiency, and eliminate favoritism.
Specialization of labor
A formal set of rules and regulations
Well-defined hierarchy within the organization
Impersonality in the application of rules
In traditional structures, the leader delegates duties and can change them at
any time. However, over time, this changed and there was a clear
specification of jurisdiction areas along with a distribution of activities as
official duties.
In a bureaucratic organization, the subordinates follow the order of superiors
but can appeal if they feel the need. On the other hand, in traditional
structures, the authority was diffused.
Rules are exhaustive, stable, and employees can learn them easily. Further,
the organization records them in permanent files.
Personal property is separate from the office property. Also, the means of
production or administration belong to the office.
The selection of officials is based on technical qualification and appointment
and not an election. Further, officials receive a salary as compensation for
their work.
The official is taken in for a trial period and then offered a permanent position
with the organization. This protects him from arbitrary dismissal.
Max Weber’s Bureaucratic Form – 6 Major Principles
While these rules have received criticisms from many corners, the
bureaucratic form of the organization continues to live on.
The rules are inflexible and rigid. Further, there is too much emphasis on
these rules and regulations.
Informal groups do not receive any importance. In current times, informal
groups play a huge role in most business organizations.
Typically, bureaucracy involves a lot of paperwork which leads to a waste of
time, money, and also effort.
The rules and formalities lead to an unnecessary delay in the decision-making
While Government organizations can benefit from a bureaucratic structure,
business organization need quick decision-making and flexibility in
procedures. Therefore, it is not suitable for the latter.
While the technical qualifications of the employee is an important aspect of his
promotion, a bureaucratic organization does not consider the employee’s
commitment and dedication.
There is limited scope for Human Resource management.
Coordinating and communicating is difficult.
Q1. What are the six major principles of Max Weber’s bureaucratic
Any push for a particular decision is pushed up through the hierarchy to the highest
ranking officials. This process can make change and the implementation of change
slow in a bureaucracy, as directives and feedback to these directives must travel
through all levels of the hierarchy between the source and the destination.
With a bureaucratic organization, all policies are carefully crafted and worded. They
are then thoroughly distributed throughout the entire organization, and everyone is
expected to follow them. There will be frequent references to these procedures and
policies, and these policies govern most of the tasks carried out by employees. It is
typically the job of managers to interpret these policies for their staff.
Bureaucratic Organizations are Impersonal
The value of an individual in a bureaucratic organization is pegged, as to how well an
individual carries out her tasks, and as to how well she adheres to company policy.
Individual decision-making and creativity are discouraged at all costs. There are
strict regulations that govern every aspect of the running of a bureaucratic
Such organizations are typically rife with titles for nearly every position. Everyone is
expected to know what he should do, and to do that well. The company structure
promotes strict formality and close to military-like discipline.
Colleges and universities, police departments and government agencies are all
bureaucracy examples. They rely on standardized policies and procedures to
maintain control and uniformity. An insurance company, for example, may embrace
this organizational structure to ensure its employees comply with customer data
protection laws and follow industry's best practices.
Advantage: Accountability
Despite being viewed as a large system of rules and regulations, the bureaucratic
culture requires responsibility and accountability. People who work within this
structure often have a high level of education, more self-direction and are more
open-minded. They also tend to focus more on the general good compared to those
working for other types of organizations.