Health Knowledge Health Literacy
Health Knowledge Health Literacy
Health Knowledge Health Literacy
original article
functional HL skills as a possible antecedence of into the role of health knowledge, four of the
the acquisition of health knowledge (Schulz & theories which have been reviewed
Nakamoto, 2005). conceptualised health knowledge as a dimension
Empirical studies have examined the relation of HL. Eight theories named increased health
of health knowledge and HL. For instance, knowledge as a consequence of increased HL.
disease-specific health knowledge in relation to Although five theories named education as a
HL was reported on hypertension and diabetes predicting factor explicitly, only four of the
(Williams, Baker, Ruth, & Nurss, 1998), chronic models referred to health knowledge as an
pain (Devraj, Herndon, & Griffin, 2013), oral antecedent of HL. Sørensen et al. summarise the
health (Hom, Lee, Divaris, Baker, & Vann, 2012), 12 theories by conceptualising health knowledge
and HIV (Ciampa et al., 2012). as a dimension of HL next to competencies and
Frisch et al. (2012) took an explicit focus on
Health knowledge within systemic health knowledge within their review of literacy
reviews on HL theories theories. They reviewed 863 articles on other
literacy domains (e.g. media literacy and
Three recent systematic reviews on HL information literacy) on the existence of sub-
theories (Frisch, Camerini, Diviani, & Schulz, concepts of literacy to inform HL theories,
2012; Martensson & Hensing, 2012; Sørensen et detecting functional literacy, factual knowledge,
al., 2012) are inspected on the role of health and procedural knowledge among the most
knowledge within HL theories. frequently named sub-dimensions of literacy.
Martensson and Hensing (2012) narratively
reviewed 200 articles (including books, policy
documents, and dissertation abstracts) on HL Process models of social cognitions
theories. Based on this narrative review we could in relation to HL and health
not identify the role of health knowledge clearly, knowledge
as descriptions of the single theories were
presented without any detail. Authors solely HL and health knowledge have also been
classified the articles and documents into two incorporated into process-oriented social-
broad categories that they labelled ‘HL as a cognition models – see Nutbeam (2008), von
polarised phenomenon’ (most similar to Wagner et al. (2009), and Baker et al. (2006).
functional HL) and ‘HL as a complex Nutbeam’s (2008) model of HL is one of the
phenomenon’ (most similar to comprehensive most cited as well as one of the most
HL). comprehensive ones. HL was defined as a
Sorensen et al. (2012) systematically studied person’s ability to access, understand, and use
and reported on twelve HL theories within health information (comprehensive HL). Three
seventeen articles on HL theories and generated hierarchical HL-levels (functional, interactive,
an integrative model based on their theory and critical) were introduced on an individual,
review. Table 1 summarises the 12 theories and social, and societal level. Prior knowledge was
the role of health knowledge within this theories established as an antecedence of HL (Nutbeam,
(based on the Sørensen et al. paper as well as on 2008). Improved knowledge of health risks and
our re-reviewing of the original papers). Looking health services and compliance with prescribed
whether they interact in a certain way. Although or act on health information (e.g. HLS-EU-
not mentioned explicitly an assumed sequence questionnaire). They are easier to administer and
from knowledge to attitudes might be most likely more context- and disease-general. Perceived
in their models. health knowledge measures a person’s beliefs
In some cases, knowledge may work in parallel about to act on knowledge and not knowledge
next to beliefs about consequences. Certain itself. Therefore, it might be worth measuring
knowledge domains, e.g. correct identification of both perceived and actual knowledge as they
disease symptoms or knowing the number of the refer to different entities and might predict
emergency medical service correctly, might be health and health-care independently of each
related to behaviour not via beliefs about other.
consequences or attitudes but more directly The attempt of the present article to
(Dombrowski et al., 2015). In contrast, general disentangle health beliefs and health knowledge,
health knowledge such as knowledge on the link as well as different measures of health
between regular physical exercise and improved knowledge, aimed at contributing to the
health outcomes might work indirectly by clarification of the conceptual overlap between
formation of beliefs about consequences of health knowledge and HL.
exercising regularly which in turn creates Outlook and implications
behavioural intentions. The provision of health information to
increase health is an integral part and often the
very starting point of most interventions
Measures of health knowledge followed by fostering motivation, self-regulation,
and skills, which are critical components to
Perceived knowledge is the belief about promote health behaviour change. Nevertheless,
capacities to have acquired, to get access to, to the provision of information as part of
understand or to apply health information. intervention packages should be guided by health
Actual knowledge is the capability to recognise or knowledge theories and should be tailored to a
recall correct health information. While the first patient’s needs accordingly. Provision may be
one is merely a belief about one’s own capability, considered an interactive act, including an active
the second is a capability itself. Perceived and recipient. Both sides – the individual and the
actual knowledge are interrelated concepts, but it individual’s environment – but also the features
is important to distinguish them on a conceptual and skills of health-care professionals and the
level as well as in terms of measurement. health-care system in providing health literate
Measures of actual knowledge test the knowledge information should be taken into account. In this
based on false and correct answers. They are context, it may be assumed that particularly
context- and disease-specific and therefore hard health literate systems and care providers reduce
to compare across studies and diseases. Although pressure on the individual health-care seekers to
there are few measures of disease-specific health increase health-related knowledge for improved
knowledge tests available (Schulz & Nakamoto, health outcomes, and vice versa.
2005), there is a clear lack of studies examining
the relation of actual health knowledge,
comprehensive HL, and social cognitions. Conclusion
Measures of perceived knowledge refer to the
self-reported perceived capability to understand The aim of the present paper was to shed light