English5 Q3.LM

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Department of Education
Schools City Division
Cabanatuan City


(Quarter 3)

Department of Education
Schools City Division
Cabanatuan City

(Quarter 3)


Caesar Rey P. Espiritu Rachelle V. Villamar

Master Teacher – II Master Teacher-I

Allan David P. Valdez

Master Teacher-I

Ma. Loraine M. Serrano Frances G. Catabas

Teacher-I Teacher-I

Quality Assurance:

Melody C. Sindac, Ph.D.

EPS-I Subject

Ever M. Samson

Priscilla D. Sanchez, Ph.D.

Chief ES, Curriculum Implementation Division

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City


1. Week 1/Lesson 1 (Using Appropriate Grammatical Structures) 

2. Week 2/Lesson 2 (Using Appropriate Grammatical Structures) 

3. Week 3/Lesson 3 (Providing Evidences) 

4. Week 4/Lesson 4 (Inferring Like a Detective) 

5. Week 5/Lesson 5 (Inferring the Speaker’s Tone, Mood, and Action) 

6. Week 6/Lesson 6 (Organizing Information from Secondary Sources) 

7. Week 7/Lesson 7 (Making Explanations) 

8. Week 8/Lesson 8 (Expressing Opinions) 

9. Week 9/Lesson 9 (Identifying Point of View) 

10. Week 10/Lesson 10 (Observing Accuracy and Proper Expressions in Reading) 

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials
DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
WEEK 1: Using Appropriate Grammatical Structures
Day 1

Activity 1: Do you go with your mother when she buys groceries from
the supermarket? Do you bring reusable bags with you? As you read the
selection, take note of how the author persuade the readers avoid using
plastic bags and use reusable bags instead.
Say no to Plastic Bags and Go Reusable
By Ma. Loraine M. Serrano,Teacher-I, Cabu E. S.

Plastic bags. These lightweight containers were introduced in

the 1970s as a means of making shopping easier for consumers. They could
easily pile up at home as it is what almost all markets use, may you be buying
“tuyo” and “galung-gong” from the wet market or pasta and sauces from a
supermarket. These plastic bags that people bring home from the
supermarket will probably end up in a landfill. They are typically made of
polyethylene and can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade in landfills that
emit harmful greenhouse gases.
Plastic bags are made from ethane (C2H6) which is a byproduct from
production of natural gas and oil. Ethane has a global warming potential 5.5
times that of carbon dioxide according to researchers from the University of
The trend to outlaw the use of plastics around the world is steadily
growing, and the Philippines is one of the countries that are part of this
The Total Plastic Bag Ban Act of 2011 aims to ban the use of non-
biodegradable plastic bags in groceries, supermarkets, public markets,
restaurants, fast-food chains, and department and retail stores and other
similar establishments.
Many establishments now are using paper bags. However, U.S. cuts
down 14 million trees a year to supply the raw material to make paper
shopping bag and it takes 13% more energy to make a single paper bag than
to make two plastic bags.
In landfills, paper bags create more than twice as much atmospheric
waste than plastic bags, so they’re not necessarily a better choice for the
A better option is to use reusable bags. They come in a wide variety of
stylish shapes and prints, making shopping more fun.
Some grocery stores offer discounts to customers who bring reusable
bags. At one time for example, at NE Supermarket in Nueva Ecija, they gave
surprise gift items for consumers who bring their own reusable bags.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
The average reusable bag has a lifespan equal to that of more than 700
disposable plastic bags. One person using reusable bags over their lifetime
would remove more than 22,000 plastic bags from the environment.
Global warming and the aggregating problems of climate change show
no signs of slowing down or ending. It’s time to take a stand as individuals,
groups, and corporations to make a difference. We must include the use
of reusable bags into our everyday lives.

Activity 2: The underlined words in column A are found in the

selection. Connect them with their meanings in Column B.
1. Climate change a. result
2. Global warming b. accumulating
3. byproduct c. not reusable
4. disposable d. increased levels of atmospheric
5. aggregating dioxide
e. a gradual increase in the overall
temperature of the earth's
atmosphere generally attributed to
the greenhouse effect

Activity 3: Answer the following questions:

1. What is the selection about?
2. What is the attitude of the author towards the use of plastic bags? Of
reusable bags?
3. How will you encourage others to use reusable bags, too in polite and
tactful manner?

Activity 4: Answer the following questions about the text.

1. Read the part from the selection that will support the following:
 Plastic bags contribute to global warming.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
 Paper bag is not a better option to plastic bags.

 The use of reusable bags will help slow down reusable bags.
2. Where do plastic bags go after they leave your

3. What do some supermarkets do to encourage customers to use

reusable bags?
4. Were you persuaded by the speaker to use reusable
5. What can you do to contribute in slowing down global

Activity 5: In Groups, complete the concept map by supplying ideas on how

you may persuade pupils to bring and drink water at school instead of buying
soft drink and juice at the canteen.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

In persuasive essay, the writer uses words to convince the

reader that the writer's opinion is correct regarding an issue.
Persuasive essay involves influencing the reader to make an action, or
it may simply be an argument or several arguments to align the reader
with the writer's point of view. Persuasive writers use
many techniques to improve their argument and show support for
their point.

Day 2

Activity 1: Listen as your classmates read a conversation. Take note which

sentences fall under FACTUAL STATEMENT and which fall under

Mother: Matt, look after your sister. She might go to the deep part of the pool
and drown.
Matt: Do not worry mother. The pool for the kids is only two-foot high.
Alaine: Kuya, let’s go! I want to try my new salva vida.
Matt: Ok. Let’s go. But do not jump too quick because the water might be
Alaine: Oh, do not worry kuya. The weatherman said the temperature here in
Cabanatuan today is 42° Celsius and a cold dip in water is just what we need!
Matt: Ok. But this is your first time and you do not know how to swim yet.
Just be careful.
Alaine: Do not worry kuya. I will!

Complete the chart by supplying the factual and opinionated statements from
the selection heard.


Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Activity 2: Listen to the teacher as she reads the sentences and identify each as
fact or opinion.
1. The earth is the center of the solar system.
2. The earth has two moons.
3. Philippines is a beautiful country.
4. We must not burn plastics to prevent global warming.
5. By 2050, the world will be dominated by robots.

Statements are factual if they may be proven or
disprove through any of the following:
1. Measurement
2. Obsevation
3. Research (includes asking a person in authority)
4. Experiment

Statements are opinionated if the statements:

1. Use adjectives and convey judgement which may vary from

one person to another.
2. Express an obligation.
3. Express prediction.

Day 3

Activity 1: Group Activity. Analyze the statistical data presented below and
make a report about it. Be prepared to present your work in class.


 53% Adult (18+)
 47% Minor (17 and below)
 57% Female
 43% Male
 Attack on reputation

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

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 Attack on appearance
 Attack against the victims opinion
 Spreading photoshopped image
 Spreading videos that are supposedly private
 Poser/ Spreading lies
 Facebook
 Cellphone (distant second)
 Friend
 Parents (distant second)
 Sibling
 79% were bullied by one person
 21% were bullied by a group

Primary Sources

A primary sources give direct or firsthand evidence about an

event, object, person, or work of art. Primary sources include
historical and legal documents, eyewitness accounts, results of
experiments, statistical data, pieces of creative writing, audio and
video recordings, speeches, and art objects. Interviews, surveys,
fieldwork, and Internet communications via email, blogs, are also
primary sources.

Day 4

Activity 1: Complete each sentence by encircling the most appropriate


1. Kardo forgot his badge (in, on, at) home.

2. The chief sent Kardo (by, for, to) the crime scene.
3. Gwen was (from, bwtween, with) Kardo when they found the shooter.
4. Kardo has been a cop (for, from, to) twenty years.
5. Kardo knew that the bad guys were (through, in, beside) their hideout.
6. The chief was very confident (for, of, from) Kardo 's good conduct.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
7.Kardo and Gwen were chasing the bad guy ( between, through, under) the alley.
8. Kardo did not stop chasing the Tomas until he was ( behind, through, across) bars.
9. Kardo threw the cat burglar (against, through, above) the wall and read his rights.
10. The chief was very proud (of, for, from) Kardo’s achievement.
11. Kardo found the suspect hiding (in, over, under) her bed.
12. Kardo couldn't finish his work (before, beneath, near) lunch.
13. The cat burglar jumped (over, under, through) the fence and kept running.
14. Kardo lost all hope (to, by, for) solving the case once the robber had escaped.
15. Kardo acted bravely (during, after, below) the chase but the bad guy escaped.

Activity 2: Compose a sentence for each picture observing the use of at least one



3. _____________________

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City


5. ___________________

Prepositions are words that relate nouns or pronouns to other words

in the sentence.
Some examples of prepositions:
In, on, at, into, onto, below, beneath, of, under, above, to, with, from,
by, near, across, among, between, for, through, over, before, after,
inside, outside, behind, up, down, during
Day 5

PERFORMANCE: Each group will present their work in class. It will

be a report of the statistical data presented to them by the teacher last meeting
about bullying.
Agreement: Next meeting, bring old newspapers with as many pictures as

Prepared by:

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
WEEK 2: Using Appropriate Grammatical Structures

Day 1

Activity 1: Read the poem below carefully. Juan symbolizes the Filipino youth
and The Key symbolizes the K to 12 curriculum. While reading, take note of
what problems of the Filipino youth were depicted in the poem and how was
it resolved.
"Free Young Juan"
Ma. Loraine M. Serrano, T-I, Cabu ES

In the cold and barren prison cell, in the stillness of the dark,
Juan as helpless as he can be, lies awake and lurks.
In glum, his spirit in verge of fading, yet he lives and waits.
He lives in promise of freedom, he breaths with hope and faith
But young Juan though tough and brave
And his hope and faith may be huge and great
his waiting ends, and in his shrilling voice the silence breaks.
Hear his cry in his prison cell, hear him as he shrieks, "Freedom!"
Hear him well, hear him cry, feel his pain and agony,
The searing ache as he pleads, free him from captivity.
But neither your ears nor your eyes will see,
Who captives Juan as he summons and pleas.
Let your heart listen, and it will hear young Juan,
Yes, hear his plea like a beating drum
"Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!"

"Free me I beg!" His cry strong and deep.

His future blurred by incompetency, smothered by poverty.
Feet shackled, chained, move forward he cannot, miserable is he.

The Key! The Key! Give the Key that will free Young Juan!
Let him stand brave and bold, embraced by the eastern sun!

The Key given to Young Juan, freedom it will give him in the long run.
A promising gift like a budding rose, kissed by the rays of the golden sun.
its beauty yet to unfold, its fragrance none yet beholds.
But like a rose when fully bud, in its petals' lips the nectar flows.

Be free Young Juan! Embrace the Key with both hand!

Vanquish and conquer with all your might,
Like a soaring Eagle on a glorious Fight!

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Complete the chart by supplying the problems faced by Juan in the selection
and the solution/s.

Activity 2: GROUP ACTIVITY: While the teacher plays the song “Heal our
Land” by Jamie Rivera, make a collage depicting the current social issues and
problems that our country faces today. Your collage will be graded according
to the rubric that your teacher will give you.

Activity 3: Use context-clues in identifying the synonym of the underlined

words in each sentence.
1. The crops planted in the barren soil did not yield much harvest.
a. unproductive b. bare c. black
2. Caught in heavy traffic, the driver is in the verge of loosing his
a. angry b. edge c. soon
3. Mother senses that someone lurks outside the house
a. Knocks b. calls c. lies in wait
4. I understand the glum of Danilo. His father just died a week
a. Anger b. sadness c. enthusiast
5. The beggar pleads for some bread to satisfy his hunger.
a. Begs b. buys c. bakes


Actual Interview is one of the basic means in obtaining firsthand

information. When conducting the actual interview, a major emphasis should
be put on making the interviewee feel at ease. Rapport is very important. As

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
the interview proceeds, one question should lead to another in an informal,
conversational manner (Moyes, 1986). The following is a helpful guide:
1. Prepare properly.
2. Introduce yourself and state the purpose of the interview
3. Have your questions written down so that you can stay with the
topic. 4. Phrase questions carefully.
5. Listening carefully. Ask politely for more details when necessary.
6. Take notes during the interview
7. If you want to use as tape recorder, ask permission to use it from the
person being interviewed.
8. Be courteous.
9. Find an appropriate way to end the interview when the allotted time
has been reached.
10. Thank the person for the interview and the information.

What Fairy Tale Character Am I?
The goal of the game is to encourage interviewers to ask questions
based on what they have just heard.
Begin the game with the following explanation:
This is a guessing game. I will pretend to be a character from a fairy tale.
Your job will be to guess who I am. You can ask me questions about my life, and
I'll answer them. But there are two special kinds of questions in this game.
One special kind of question is the "yes/no" question. These questions can be
answered with just one word, "yes," or "no." Everytime you ask me one of these
questions, I get a point on the blackboard. If I get five points, I win the game.
Another kind of question is the "follow-up" question. A follow-up question asks
about something I just said. Everytime someone asks a follow-up question, you get
a point on the board. Everytime you get three points, you can make one guess
about who I am.

Activity 1: GROUP ACTIVITY. The teacher will invite the Barangay

Councilor for Education. Each group will be given a chance a conduct a panel
interview the barangay official. Prepare ten questions that the group would
want to ask the officer about his line of work. Observe the guidelines
discussed when conducting the interview.

The panel interview is similar to a typical one-on-one

interview but there are two or more interviewers in the room.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Activity 2: Answer the following questions.(Assignment)

1. How did you work with your group members? Did each of the
members cooperated well?
2. How did you communicate your ideas and suggestions you’re
your group members? Was it in a polite and tactful manner?
3. What problems did you encounter that made it hard for you to
finish your task?

Activity 1: Underline the adjective phrase and encircle the word it modifies.

1. Residents near the river were evacuated.

2. DSWD were packing the relief goods for the evacuees
3. Classes of schools used as evacuation areas were suspended.
4. The children on the roof were rescued.
5. The family beside our house asks for help.

Activity 2: Compose a sentence from each picture observing the use of

adjective phrases.

1. _____________________

Retrieved from: 

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
2. _____________________

Retrieved from: https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=christmas+tree

3. _____________________

Retrieved from: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com

4. _____________________

Retrieved from: https://www.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl

5. _____________________

Retrieved from: https://www.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

A prepositional phrase is consisted of a preposition and its object.

A prepositional phrase functioning as an adjective modifies a noun or a


Activity 1: Underline the adverb phrase in each sentence and encircle the
word it modifies.

1. The lights went off before I could finish my assignment.

2. Mother lighedted a candle and put it on the table.
3. Father called CELCOR to report the blackout.
4. My brother walked with caution to avoid tumbling.
5. The electricians from CELCOR came after dinner.

Activity 2: The boat is sinking. Write 3 sentences containing adverb phrases in

each sail to prevent the boat from sinking.


Your teacher invited the Barangay councilor for education today. Each
of your group will be given time to ask the questions you prepare. You will be
graded according to the rubric that your teacher will give you.

Prepared by:

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Week 3: Providing Evidences
Day 1

Why are webs important to spiders? Find out the answer by listening
attentively to your teacher as s/he reads the selection.

Spider Webs
All spiders spin webs. That’s because
webs help spiders. Webs help spiders do
three things. Webs help spiders hold eggs.
Webs help spiders hide. And webs help
spiders catch food.
Webs help spiders hold eggs. Many spiders like to lay their eggs
in their webs. The webs help keep the eggs together. Webs help spiders
keep their eggs safe.
Webs help spiders hide. Most spiders are dark. They are brown,
grey, or black. But spider webs are light. They are white and cloudy.
When spiders hide in their webs, they are harder to see.
Webs help spiders catch food. Spider webs are sticky. When a
bug flies into the web, it gets stuck. It moves around. It tries to get out.
But it can’t. It is trapped! Spiders can tell that the bug is trapped. That’s
because spiders feel the web move. And the spider is hungry. The
spider goes to get the bug.
As you can see, webs help spiders hold eggs. Webs help spiders
hide. And webs help spiders catch food. Without webs, spiders would
not be able to live like they do. Spiders need their webs to survive!

Activity 1: Fill out the organizer with information from the passage read by your

The passage says that ______________________

Evidence 1: Evidence 2:
_____________________________ _____________________________
Evidence 3:

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Activity 2: Answer the following questions about the selection you have heard.

1. The passage is mostly about

A. spider colors B. spider webs C. spider eggs

2. Spider webs help spiders

A. find water B. hold eggs C. catch food

3. How can spiders tell when something is trapped in their web?

A. They hear it. B. They feel it. C. They smell it.

4. The passage tells us three reasons why spiders spin webs. Of these reasons,
which do you think is the most important? Why?

5. Are spiders good? Do we need them in our world? Why or why not?

Activity 3: Read the sentences then determine the meaning of the underlined words
used in the selection.

1. A spider can tell that an insect is trapped in its web.

A. stuck B. hidden C. eaten
2. Spider webs are light. They are white and cloudy.
A. foggy B. gray C. soft
3. Without webs, spiders would not be able to live like they do. Spiders need
their webs to survive!
A. breathe B. move C. live
4. Spider webs are sticky. When a bug flies into the web, it gets stuck.
A. deadly B. gluey C. poisonous
5. Webs are beneficial to spiders. They help spiders in so many ways.
A. useful B. useless C. unhelpful

In providing evidences you provide reason or opinion based on

the pieces of information you hear, read, or interpret visually.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Day 2

Imagine that you had a fruit fly outbreak in your kitchen. What would you do
to handle the situation? Read the following selection to find out.

Fruit Fly Fix

1Itis breakfast time. You have been looking
forward to eating a nice ripe banana ever since
you woke up. Just when you reach for the
delicious piece of fruit on your counter, you see
something that makes you much less hungry:
a swarm of fruit flies!
2Fruit flies are tiny insects that are attracted to ripe, putrefied or
rotten fruits and vegetables. The flies not only eat the fruit, they also lay
their eggs there. A single fruit fly can lay up to 500 eggs on the surface of
a piece of fruit. Within eight days, the fruit flies that hatch from these
eggs are imagoes or full adults that can then lay their own eggs. As you
can see, what might start out as a small fruit fly problem can become very
large very quickly.
3Although there is a chance fruit flies can carry germs on to your
food, this is not very likely. Fruit flies are annoying, but they probably
will not hurt you. Because they are such a nuisance, however, most
people want to get rid of these pesky bugs as quickly as possible. Some
people use pesticide sprays on the fruit flies. Although this will kill the
flies, it will also spread harmful poison all over your kitchen. Luckily,
there is also a completely safe way for you to get rid of fruit flies in your
4The first step is for you to remove all fruits or vegetables from
your counter. Store these items in the refrigerator or in sealed containers.
Clean up any spilled juice or bits of food that might be on the floor. Take
out the trash and empty the recycling bin. Wash any dirty dishes that are
in your sink. Doing all of these things will stop new fruit flies from
finding food or places to lay their eggs.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
5Next, make a trap to catch all of the remaining fruit flies in your
house. First, fill a small bowl with a few tablespoons of vinegar. Then,
put a piece of very ripe or rotting fruit into the vinegar. Cover the bowl
very tightly with a sheet of plastic wrap and poke a few very small holes
in the wrap with a fork. If all goes according to plan, the flies will enter
the trap through the holes but will be unable to fly back out. This trap
will catch all of the remaining fruit flies. You can either exterminate these
flies or release them outdoors.
6Fruitflies can be a pest, but they do not have to make you crazy.
With a little effort, you can get existing flies out of your house and
prevent new ones from taking over your kitchen.

Activity 1: Answer the following questions about the selection.

1. In reading the selection, we learn that fruit flies

A. die instantly after they lay their eggs
B. can grow into adults after only 8 days
C. are mostly harmless
D. cause different ailments

2. According to the selection, why should you not use pesticide spray to kill
fruit flies?
A. most sprays do not actually kill all of the fruit flies
B. buying sprays can get expensive if you need to use a lot of them
C. the sprays take too much time to work
D. it can be dangerous to use them in your kitchen

3. Based on the information in paragraph 5, we can understand that the

author thinks that
A. some people do not mind having fruit flies in their house
B. some people do not like killing insects
C. fruit flies do not like vinegar
D. making a fruit fly trap can be difficult

4. Would you take the advice offered in the selection? Why or why not?

5. Do you think the advice offered by the author of the selection can also help
you protect your kitchen from other bugs, such as cockroaches? Why or
why not? Explain your answer.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Activity 2: Below are science-related words used in the selection you have read.
Determine their meanings by reading the sentences following them.

1. putrefied
 Fruit flies are tiny insects that are attracted to putrefied or rotten fruits
and vegetables.
A. ripe B. fresh C. rotten

2. imago
 Within eight days, the fruit flies that hatch from eggs are imagoes that
can then lay their own eggs.
A. worm B. maggot C. matured insect

3. pesticide
 Some people use pesticide sprays on the fruit flies.
A. trap B. insect killer C. aerosol

4. exterminate
 Pesticide sprays are used to exterminate bugs.
A. kill B. feed C. attract

5. nuisance
 Most people consider bugs as nuisance that is why they want to get rid
of them.
A. annoyance B. source of noise C. harmful insects

Activity 3: Here are more words in your Science class. Answer the questions about
these words.

1. The prefix –de means reduce or break. When added to the word “compose”
the word decompose is formed. Does it mean to grow or to rot? Cite
examples of things that decompose.
2. An aquarium is for keeping fish and other sea creatures and a planetarium
is where you can see the projected images of stars, planets, and
constellations. What can you see in a terrarium?
3. Crows are said to be predators of chicks and so are snakes to mice. What
does predator mean?
4. We say that dinosaurs are already extinct. What could the word extinct
5. Alcohol is a volatile substance and so is acetone. Can oil also be called

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

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The meaning of an unfamiliar word can be determined through

the help of the following:
 Context clues – These clues may be a word or group of words in
the sentence or in the surrounding sentences. The two main types
of context clues are the definition clues and appositive clues. A
definition clue gives a statement explaining or describing while
an appositive clue is a word or a phrase that identifies or
explains further the word it follows. Commas and, sometimes,
dashes set off the appositive.
 Synonyms – They are words with the same or almost the same
meanings. They can take the place of each other in a sentence,
yet, the meaning of the sentence stays the same.
 Antonyms – They are words with opposite meanings. Many
writers use antonyms to make their ideas clearer and more

Day 3

The following Aesop’s fable lets us see how a problem can be solved. Read it
and analyze the story.

The Crow and the Pitcher

A crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a pitcher which had
once been full of water; but when the crow put its beak into the mouth
of the pitcher he found that only very little water was left in it, and that
he could not reach far enough down to get at it. He tried, and he tried,
but at last had to give up in despair. Then a thought came to him, and
he took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher. Then he took another
pebble and dropped it into the pitcher. Then he took another pebble
and dropped that into the pitcher. Then he took another pebble and
dropped that into the pitcher. Then he took another pebble and
dropped that into the pitcher. Then he took another pebble and
dropped that into the pitcher. At last, at last, he saw the water mount
up near him, and after casting in a few more pebbles he was able to
quench his thirst and save his life.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Activity 1: Answer the following questions about the selection.

1. What was the problem of the crow?

2. What were the first things the crow tried to do?

3. When he didn’t succeed, what did he do next?

4. Was the crow able to solve the problem? How did he do that?

Activity 2: For each passage below, write the problem and solution in the correct

Passage Problem Solution

1. Erica didn’t know what to take
to school for show and tell. He
asked his mother for an idea. She
suggested taking the ribbon his
dog won at the pet parade.
2. Myrish knew she had to get to
school on time, but her mother
said she couldn’t drive her.
Myrish decided to leave early and
walk to school.
3. Mrs. Del Rosario wanted a fresh
pineapple for her cake. The store
near her did not have any fresh
one, so she went to another store
and bought it there.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
4. Micko was afraid the flooding
river would reach his home. His
parents were away, and he was
watching with his little sister. He
saddled his horse, and he and his
sister rode to the top of the hill.
5. Jericho and Joseph started
arguing over the new toy. Jericho
wanted to keep it but Joseph
disagreed since he wanted to keep
the toy for himself. Mother came
to the scene and advised the boys
to share the toy train. But the boys
went with the quarrel. Before they
knew it, mother was back holding
one of the slippers.

Activity 3: Problems are everywhere. As a group, discuss a common problem in your

school. Share your thoughts as to how this can be solved

Problem: Solution:

Day 4

Before you can present a report, saying that something is true or not, you need
to have pieces of evidence or proofs. Evidence can come from sources. Do you still
remember these sources?


 can be print or non-print sources;  can be print or non-print sources
examples are paintings, pictures, but based on primary sources
letters, newspapers, specimen, themselves; examples are
recordings, etc. encyclopedias, reports,
 can be the actual things textbooks, etc.
 existing or living at the time the  existing or living many years
topic of the report was happening after it happened.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Activity 1: Suppose you were to write a report about a well-known person, what can
be your sources? Draw a star ( ) for the primary sources and a moon ( ) for
the secondary sources.
_______ 1. one on one interview with a politician
_______ 2. news report published 5 years after an award was given
_______ 3. a short story in a textbook
_______ 4. pictures of volcanic eruptions
_______ 5. current news articles about terrorisms
_______ 6. actual footage of bombing incidents
_______ 7. specimens of exotic insects
_______ 8. rock samples from mountains
_______ 9. interview with Manny Paquiao
_______10. magazine articles about Mayor Jay’s accomplishments

Activity 2: Choose a scenario or situation and do what it asks.

1. If you were Anthony and you knew that the person your mother was
talking to was our president’s daughter, what questions would you ask
her? Would the president’s daughter be a primary source or a secondary
source if you were to write an article about President Duterte?
2. If you were a Muslim and you’d like to write about your religious beliefs,
what sources would you use? Indicate whether these sources are primary
or secondary.
3. If you were part of an ethnic group and you would like to write about a
tradition of your group, what sources would you use? Indicate whether
these sources are primary or secondary.

Day 5

Read the following text then perform the activities that follow.

How to Be Polite

Politeness is about keeping good

relations with your listener or reader.
There are two types of politeness.
 Showing the listener or reader that
you value and respect them.
 Changing or softening what you say so as not to be too direct or

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

A. Showing respect:
There are many ways in which we can show that we value and
respect our listener or reader. In more formal situations, we are especially
careful to use certain polite phrases:
1. Addressing an audience
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Robert Gonzales…
2. A waiter in a restaurant
May I take your plate, sir?
3. A message in a thank-you card
Thank you for your wonderful gift.
4. Asking a stranger for directions
Excuse me, I’m looking for Del Pilar Street.
B. Making what we say less direct:
When we speak and write, we usually try not to be too direct.
There are a number of ways in which we can do this.
1. Softening words (hedges)
We can use softening words or hedges to make what we say softer.
It’s kind of cold in here, isn’t it? It’s cold in here. Let’s close the
Could we close the window? window.
Could you just turn the radio Turn down the radio. (The
down a little, please? imperative is very direct when used
in requests.)
Your playing could possibly be You must improve your playing.
improved. You need to spend more time
(giving someone criticism on their working on the rhythm.
musical performance)
You may need to spend more
time working a little bit on the
2. Modal expressions
We can use certain modal verbs, especially the past forms of the
modal verbs can, may, shall and will (could, might, should and would), to
be more polite or less direct. We can also use other modal expressions
(certainly, possibility, be likely to, be supposed to be). We often do this when
we ask for something or ask someone to do something:
 Might I ask if you are related to Mrs. Estipular? (rather formal and
more polite/less direct than May I ask …?)
 Would you follow me, please, sir? (more polite/less direct than
Will you follow me …?)
 Would you mind moving your car, please?

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Activity 1: Role-play a phone conversation that makes use of expressions to ask
permission or make a request.
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________

Activity 2: Complete the following paragraph with sentences that show asking for
permission or making a request.

Raymond rides in a tricycle to school every day. That morning, as

soon as he was seated safely, he asked the driver to bring him to school.
He said, “_____________________________________?” The driver said
yes. But in a little while another boy stopped the tricycle and sat next to
him. He was requesting the driver if he could drop him off first at the
drugstore to buy medicine for his sick mother. The driver knew
Raymond was hurrying so he asked him,
“________________________________?” The other boy also told
Raymond, “__________________________________________________?”
Raymond saw how worried the boy was so he said yes.

In asking permission or making a request, the following

expressions may be used:
“Would you mind if…?” “Can I…?” “Will you please…?”
“Is it okay if…?” “May I…?” “Will it be okay if…?”
“Would it be alright if…? “Shall I…? “Is it alright if…?”

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Angeles, E.B. et.al. (2010). English Expressways 5 (pp. 42-43). Quezon City: SD
Publications Inc.

Balingit, P.C. & Visaya, L.C. (2010). Reading for Meaning 6 (pp. 35, 60, 63, 131).
Sta. Ana, Manila: Futurebuilder Publications, Inc.

Mendoza, Ed.D. Rebecca (2015). Essential English: Worktext in Language and

Reading (pp. 212-220). Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Planet PDF. Aesop’s Fable: The Crow and the pitcher (p. 59). Retrieved from:
http://www.planetpdf.com On July 29, 2015

Politeness. Retrieved from: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british

-grammar/politeness On July 10, 2016

Read Theory LLC (2012). Spider Webs Retrieved from: http://www. Read
Theory.org On June 5, 2016.

Read Theory LLC (2012). Fruit Fly Fix Retrieved from: http://www. Read
Theory.org On June 5, 2016.

Prepared by:

Teacher I
Macatbong Elementary School

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Week 4: Inferring Like a Detective

Day 1

Do you know that there are five common voice qualities that a good speaker
may choose and use to match his tone, mood, and purpose as he/she expresses his/her
ideas? To find out more, read the following.

The Five Voice Qualities

The elements of voice which reflect the

speaker’s tone, mood, and purpose when
speaking are quality, pitch, intensity or force,
and rate. Because the voice is an indicator of
mood, good speakers and interpreters select
and use qualities to match his moods. There are five common
voice qualities: normal, breathy, full, chesty, and thin.

The Normal Voice – In conversation, you speak naturally

showing little or no emotion. This is the normal quality of your voice. It
is the result of proper distribution between the oral and nasal resonance,
when all the resonators (larynx, pharynx, nasal cavity, oral cavity) are
used in balanced proportion with no tension at all. In interpreting
literary pieces which are designed to express thoughts rather than
intense feelings, a normal voice is needed to communicate the idea

The Breathy Voice – When you want to create an atmosphere of

secrecy and mystery you use a breathy or a whispery voice. This breathy,
whispered type of tone is an “aspirate” quality of the voice best heard in
the “stage whisper” in which the sound of rushing air present in the real
whisper is sustained by a partial vibration of the vocal chords.

The Full Voice – In many forms of public speaking when the

voice must be projected to a greater distance, or when an occasion is
formal and dignified, you use the full, deep quality of your voice. Also
known as the “orotund” (round mouth) quality, it is produced by
opening the mouth somewhat wider and by increasing the oral and nasal
resonance so that the voice acquires a more ringing tone.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

When you want to create a mood of reverence and solemnity, use

the deep, full voice. A melancholy mood, a stirring appeal for justice or
sobriety for example, are appropriate situations for using the full voice.
Remember, though, that a literary selection may be spoken in any voice
quality you want.

The Chesty Voice – This is a deep hollow voice as if coming from

a deep and empty cave. Its voice quality has less nasal resonance and it
is accompanied by a vibration of the bony structure of the upper chest,
thus making it a chesty voice with a “pectoral” quality. This voice
quality is particularly effective in speaking the part of a spirit or a ghost.

The Thin Voice – This voice quality is thin and high-pitched, the
high pitch being its chief characteristic. This “falsetto” quality occurs
only in extreme fatigue, weakening, old age, ill health or in extreme

The use of these voice qualities will always depend on your

mood and the speaking situation. In ordinary conversation and in
public speaking, the normal and full qualities are desirable but for
acting, oral interpretation, and role delineation, the thin, chesty, and
breathy qualities are useful.

Activity 1: Answer the following questions about the selection.

1. What are the five common voice qualities?
2. What voice quality shows little or no emotion at all?
3. If you want to create an atmosphere of secrecy and mystery, what voice
quality will you use?
4. If you want to create a mood of reverence and solemnity, which of the voice
qualities will you choose?
5. What voice quality is effective to use when speaking the part of a spirit or a
6. What voice quality is associated with extreme fatigue, old age, ill health, or
extreme excitement?

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Activity 2: Listen to your teacher as s/he reads the following passages and tell his or
her tone (angry, humorous, sad, happy, serious, solemn etc…) and purpose (to
inform, to preach, to scare, to explain, to persuade, to entertain, to tell a secret, to
condole etc…).
by Tony Perez

Rather unexpectedly,/ the lights went out

In the middle of my cousin’s story.//
He stopped talking,/
All around us paralyzed
And we sat still,/ rather slighted,/
Wanting the dark to explain its horrid intrusion.//
I rose and switched the flashlight on.//
Detesting its strange brightness afterwards./
The room looked different this way,/ I said,/
Showing us shows which were not there before,/
But my cousin said nothing,/ he turned to me/
And stared/--he,/too,/looked different,/--
And continued his story/--it was different ,/too.//
I shut off the light/ and all was still again./
We lay patiently in bed,/
Waiting in the dark,/ wondering
What would happen next.//

Speaker’s tone: _________________________________________________

Speaker’s purpose: ______________________________________________

Start a smile now, with your eyes crinkling and your cheeks
rising. Isn’t it a pleasant feeling? It pleases others too. Nobody can
resist you when you smile like that. You are beautiful when you
smile naturally.

Speaker’s tone: _________________________________________________

Speaker’s purpose: ______________________________________________

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

3. Deliverance from Sin and Punishment

(an excerpt)
by Nicanor P. Tiosen

Writing to Timothy, a co-worker in the Church Of Christ

in the first century, Apostle Paul advised the former, thus: “Run your
best in the race of faith, and win eternal life for yourself; for it was to
this life that God called you when you firmly professed your faith
before many witnesses” (I Tim. 6:12, Today’s English Version). And as to
how valuable faith or belief is, Jude, another apostle of the Lord,
wrote, thus: “For even though you know all this, I want to remind you
of how the Lord once rescued the people of Israel from Egypt, but,
afterward destroyed those who did not believe” (Jude 1:5, Ibid.).

Speaker’s tone: _________________________________________________

Speaker’s purpose: ______________________________________________

4. I am sorry to hear that your father passed away last week. I

had the chance to meet your father and I know that you have lost
someone very dear. I know that you and your family are going
through a very difficult time right now. Remember that I am always
here to help you all in any way I can. You and your family will
always be in my prayers.

Speaker’s tone: _________________________________________________

Speaker’s purpose: ______________________________________________

Activity 3: Practice reading some literary selections using different voice qualities
(normal, breathy, full, chesty, and thin) to clearly convey the literary piece’s mood,
tone and purpose.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Day 2

Here is a health-related article with underlined words. See if you can infer the
meaning of the words using different strategies.

Should You Exercise With a Cold or Flu?

(an excerpt from the article Staying Motivated This Rainy Season by Andrew Cate)

Colds and flu are common during

rainy season, but it doesn’t have to wreak
total havoc on your fitness routine. Some
physical activity when you’re sick can be
all right, but there are times when exercise
can make things worse.

The best way to determine whether you should go to the gym or

go to bed is the extent and location of your symptoms or indications of
bodily disorders. You will need to give yourself a “neck check”. If your
symptoms are from the neck up, such as a sore throat, then it’s okay to
exercise. Physical activity won’t slow down your recovery, as long as
you don’t elevate or increase your heart rate and body temperature too
much. If your symptoms are below the neck, such as a tight chest, then
your body needs rest.

Exercising with major cold symptoms, particularly a fever, will

prolong your illness and can be dangerous. Physical activity will
compromise your immune system as the body focuses on energy
production and muscle function instead of fighting the illness.

If your oral temperature is at or over 37.5ºC,

your body is fighting an infection, and needs rest to
recuperate. Listen to your body, and take comfort
that you won’t lose any conditioning by taking a
few days break.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Activity 1: Infer the meaning of the following words obtained from the selection.
1. fitness routine - ____________________________________________________
2. physical activity -___________________________________________________
3. symptoms - ________________________________________________________
4. neck check - _______________________________________________________
5. elevate - ___________________________________________________________
6. heart rate -_________________________________________________________
7. prolong - __________________________________________________________
8. infection - _________________________________________________________
9. immune system - ___________________________________________________
10. recuperate - _______________________________________________________

When the meanings of words are not stated clearly in the

context or text, they may be implied. When meanings are implied, you
may infer them. Usually, hints or clues that help you “read between
the lines” are given.

Day 3

How did you deal with the summer heat last vacation? Read and find out
what you can do next summer.

What Do You Do with the Summer Heat?

Many people rejoice every time summer is

approaching. In fact, they think about it at the early
part of the year. They start thinking where their
summer destination will be. They even purchase
tickets that will bring them there. Summer is a time when children stay
at home, and there is more bonding time among the family members.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Everybody can go. Tourists, from the other side of the globe, flock to
the country to escape winter in their own land. They like to go to the
beaches and bask under the heat of the sun. But this is one thing some
people dread about summer – the heat. Are you one of those who
complain about the intense heat during the summer? How do you cope
with it?

In April and May, the temperature can rise up to 40ºC in some

parts of the country. During this time, everyone comes scurrying to
find spots of shade. The heat of the sun can become unbearable for
some. The elderly avoid it for fear of a heat stroke. Those in the streets
suffer the most. They find a short respite hiding under the trees.
Umbrellas and fans are brought out and less people stay outside in the
middle of the day. When it is hot, the body needs to be hydrated more.

There are many ways to beat the heat and still enjoy summer.
We hear this on television and over the radio. We are advised to drink
a lot of water to replenish lost water from the body. Drinking cool fruit
juices will also help. Using umbrellas or hats will screen the rays of the
sun. The eyes can be protected with the use of sunglasses. Those
heading for the beach may apply a special kind of lotion to prevent the
skin from sunburn or excessive dryness. Since dark colors absorb heat,
wearing light-colored apparel is better. Children should be told to stay
out of the streets, away from sun exposure, especially from 10 a.m. till
3 p.m. Thus, it is better to stay indoors when there is nothing important
to do outside. The next summer, be prepared so you can enjoy it too.

Activity 1: Answer the following questions about the text.

1. Why do people love summertime?

2. What is it that makes summer terrible for some?
3. Do you also feel this way?
4. What were the things you did last summer vacation to beat the heat?
5. Is summer still worth enjoying? Why?

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Activity 2: The text presents the problem and gives the solutions. Analyze it using
the given organizer.

1. What is the problem discussed in the text?

2. What happens because of this problem?

3. What solutions were given to solve this problem?

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Day 4

Activity 1: With the whole class, agree on one problem that your community faces.
Put your heads together to come up with a solution.

The To know To solve

solution… these, the the The
secondary problem, I solution
sources I need to
will need know…

Activity 2: Everyone should cut a news article about a problem and its corresponding
solution. In groups of four, present your article. Choose one, then do as you are asked.

1. Write the problem: _________________________________________________

2. Were the secondary sources used to 3. What information did these

inform them about the problem? If sources give?
none, what could these be?

4. How was the problem solved?


Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Activity 3: Choose from the problems that your community is confronted with.
Organize the information you got in an outline then put them together in a three-
paragraph composition.

Day 5

Activity 1: Using the fish bowl technique, a group of 10 volunteer pupils will sit in
the middle of the classroom. They will talk about a topic of their choice. While they are
discussing, the rest of the class will watch and listen if everyone is staying on the
topic and linking their remarks with the others’. Recall the expressions you have
learned in the previous lessons and use them if you were a discussant.

Activity 2: Use the following expressions in sentences. Call another one to answer.

1. “Is it alright if…?”

2. “Would you mind if…?”
3. “Is it okay if…?”
4. “May I…?”
5. “Shall I…?”
6. “Will you please…?”
7. “Will it be okay if…?”
8. “Can I…?”
9. “Would it be alright if…?”

 In answering a request, the expressions that can

Sure. Sure, go ahead. No problem. Yes,
I’m afraid you can’t I’m sorry but it is not possible N
 When asked to respond to a question or to give y
can start by saying:
Let me see… I’m not really sure I’m terribly sorry, I r

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Angeles, E.B. et.al. (2010). English Expressways 5 (pp. 92). Quezon City: SD
Publications Inc.

Cate, A. (2014). “Staying Motivated This Rainy Season”. Health & Home.
Volume 55, Number 5

Flores, C. S. & Lopez, E.B. (2003). Effective Speech Communication (pp. 10-13).
Mandaluyong City: National Book Store

Mendoza, Ed.D. Rebecca (2015). Essential English: Worktext in Language and

Reading (pp. 221-228). Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Tiosen, N. P.(2012).”Deliverance from Sin and Punishment”. Pasugo/God’s

Message. Volume 64, Number 8

Prepared by:

Teacher I
Macatbong Elementary School

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Week 5: Inferring the Speaker’s Tone, Mood and Action

Day 1

The bond between a mother and the first child is always special. First-time mothers pour all their
love, care and attention to their first born, who in turn savors all the experiences. How would you feel
when, after delighting in all these experiences, your mother would give birth to your siblings almost
yearly? Would you not feel jealous, too of the affection that was once showered solely on you? How
would you understand when you feel like you were “stripped” of these privileges because of the coming
of new babies in the family?

Group yourselves into four. Each group will read certain parts of the selection out loud. Group
I will read paragraphs 1-6, Group II will read paragraphs 7-12, Group III will read paragraphs 13-18
and Group IV will read paragraphs 19-23.

Make sure to listen to the other groups as well. An activity will follow after the reading out
loud of the selection.

Some Things I Just Don’t Understand

By: Rachelle V. Villamar, MT – I, Lazaro Francisco IS

1One night, more than two decades ago, I went out to dinner downtown with my
Mother. I was five years old then. This was one of those rare occasions when she would take
me out to Jollibee, so throughout the dinner, I sat there, quietly digesting every bite. I was
pondering what it was I did for her to treat me out. It’s either good or bad. Was it because I
put that dead frog in the kitchen counter? It is meant to be a joke, but I guess she wanted me
to feel guilty for it. It must be another one of those reverse-cycle-low-G mothers play on their
kids. Or maybe, it is a reward because I feed her chickens every day.
2Mythoughts were interrupted by Mother’s gentle coughing. She looked a little pale
and a bit plump too. “Are you sick, Mother?” I asked.
honey. Just finish your food. I have something special to tell you.” She just
smiled at me and patted her tummy.
Could this be it? But she did smile, didn’t she? “Do you want more chicken?”
I offered her my half-finished drumstick and the untouched gravy. I always save it for the best
last mouthful.
5“No, sweetie. I’m already full,” she replied and patted her tummy once more. I was

Grade 5 Quarter 3 Learner’s Materials
DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
beginning to worry if Mother’s tummy itches or if she just really needed to look for a toilet
eating, we took a walk to the park. I loved the yellow and red and green and
blue lanterns that decorate and brighten the park. We sat by the fountain. I’m in a playful
mood so I splashed water everywhere. Mother joined me. After a while, she spoke. “Kiko,
sweetie, I want you to know that I love you so much. You are my cuddlesome, cutesy, teeny
bear. And you are my little big boy!” She gave me a big hug and tickled me. I shrieked with
laughter. “Do you love Mother, too?” I nodded in response and then we had a tickle fight. But
I decided Mother was much too big and a little too thick at the sides for my tickles to win so I
splashed her some water. We went on splashing water at each other. It was a happy night.
next week, Mother became very ill. She was rushed to the hospital. I was allowed
to see her only after a day. Father said she was too weak to even speak.
8When I came in her hospital room, I saw her hugging a doll. An awfully ugly little
doll. It blinked several times and raised its slimy little hands to Mother. My Mother.
9“What’s THAT?” I wrinkled my nose in disgust.
honey, she’s your little baby sister. You are a big brother now!” And she
hugged IT again! Yuck! My lips curled and I ran out of the room. I wiped the tears that rolled
down my cheeks. I was jealous. My father found me and scolded me. He said I should go and
apologize to Mother for upsetting her. After some spanking, I obeyed.
11I went back to her room. “You’re a liar!” I shouted at Mother.
12“Honey. . .”
13“You told me you love me.”
14“I do, sweetie. . .”
15“Then, why?”
16“Aren’t you happy you have a sister to play with now?”
17“No.” And that was that.
18Mother tried hard to establish ties between the ugly doll and me. But I really don’t
like it. It’s no fun at all, not like Mother. It can’t climb trees, it can’t run fast, it wets the bed, it
keeps on crying every time it trips and . . . . It’s always with Mother. It’s stealing Mother away
from me.
19Motherhad two more ugly dolls the next year. She said they’re “eye-dental things”.
Maybe because their eyes and teeth look the same. In fact, they looked alike so much that I
can’t tell one ugly doll from another.
often saw Mother take different colored stones. Father said it should stop Mother
from making more ugly dolls. But I didn’t think that it worked because in the next seven years,
nine screaming ugly dolls, some with long hair, others with short hair, surrounded me. Some

Grade 5 Quarter 3 Learner’s Materials
DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
are colored like chocolates, others milky, and still some are the color of coffee. There are thin
‘ums and fat ‘ums, but all of them are annoyingly noisy. And unbearably ugly. They even
drool like my dog, Tagpi.
despised them all and I promised myself that when I grow up, I would develop a
medicine to stop mothers from having ugly dolls. The witch doctors and faith healers in our
town couldn’t stop Mother from making ugly dolls, but I will.
22Andnow, I have grown up. In my quest to stop mothers from making ugly babies
(my father threatened to stop me from schooling if I continue calling Mother’s girls as ugly
dolls, so now I call them ugly babies instead), I ended up in medical school. I become an
obstetrician-gynecologist. I’m on my way to the delivery room for my first time to deliver an
ugly baby. I still loathe babies. Ugly dolls that they are.
hours later, I tapped the back of the newborn and a cry is heard. I stared at the
helpless thing, not realizing that tears are rolling down my cheeks again. This time, I smiled.
Finally, I understand.

Analyze the information you have read and answer the questions that follow.

1. How does the speaker of the story feel about his Mother? Cite lines that make true of your
Answer: __________________________________________________________________
2. Why did his Mother treat him out to dinner?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________
3. How did the young boy feel upon the coming of a baby? Why does he feel that way?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________
4. Did his mother really lie to him when she told him she loves him? Defend your answer.
Answer: __________________________________________________________________
5. What does the speaker of the story meant by “eye-dental” twins? What about the colored
candies? Why does he refer to them this way?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________
6. Who are the ugly dolls that he is referring? Why does he call them as such?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________
7. Do you think he would feel the same way if he had brothers instead? Why?

Grade 5 Quarter 3 Learner’s Materials
DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Answer: __________________________________________________________________
8. The speaker of the story cried twice. First was when his mother gave birth. Second, when he
was delivering another woman’s baby. Give the parallelisms of the two situations.
First Cry Second Cry

9. What things can’t the speaker understand? What did he finally realize in the end? Elaborate.
Answer: __________________________________________________________________
10. What do you think will he do in the end? Pretend you are the writer and add your ending to
the story.
Answer: __________________________________________________________________

Tone is the writer’s attitude toward a subject. While journalistic writing theoretically
has a tone of distance and objectivity, all other writing can have various tones.
Mood is the atmosphere of a piece of writing; it’s the emotions a selection arouses in a
Purpose is the reason why an author writes, in which he depends his writing format,
genre and vernacular.

Identify the mood of the person presented in each situation that the teacher will read to you.
Choose your answers from the choices in the box below.

satisfied jealous anxious indignant cheery

disappointed jolly

__________________1. Kiko saw his mother patting her tummy and offered to give her his
own chicken.
__________________2. When I came in her hospital room, I saw her hugging a doll. An
awfully ugly little doll. It blinked several times and raised its slimy little hands to Mother. My
Grade 5 Quarter 3 Learner’s Materials
DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
__________________3. My father found me and scolded me. He said I should go and
apologize to Mother for upsetting her. After some spanking, I obeyed.
__________________4. One night, more than two decades ago, I went out to dinner downtown
with my Mother. I was five years old then. This was one of those rare occasions when she
would take me out to Jollibee, so throughout the dinner, I sat there, quietly digesting every
__________________5. Five hours later, I tapped the back of the new born and a cry is heard.
I stared at the helpless thing, not realizing that tears are rolling down my cheeks again. This
time, I smiled.
__________________6. But I didn’t think that it worked because in the next seven years, nine
screaming ugly dolls, some with long hair, others with short hair, surrounded me.
__________________7. After eating, we took a walk to the park. I loved the yellow and red and
green and blue lanterns that decorate and brighten the park. We sat by the fountain. I’m in a
playful mood so I splashed water everywhere.

Day 2

Here is a simple 10x9 crossword puzzle with words taken from the story “Some Things I Just
Don’t Understand”. Using the clues beneath the puzzle, write the letters, one for each square, to form
the mystery words. The little numbers enclosed in parenthesis after each clue tell you which paragraph
each word came from in the story.

1 2 6


1. perceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or speaker) (23)

3. a_ _ _ _ _ _ - very badly or unpleasantly (8)

5. _ _ _ _ _ ting - made (someone) unhappy, disappointed, or worried (8)


1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y - not able to be endured or tolerated (20)

2. of, in, or characteristic of the central area or main business and commercial area of a town
or city (1)
Grade 5 Quarter 3 Learner’s Materials
DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
4. _ _ _ _ _ y - culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing (1)

6. the lower joint of the leg of a cooked chicken, turkey, or other fowl (4)

Unfamiliar words can be inferred through the use of compound words and affixes in
context clues.
A compound word is a combination of two or more words that function as a single unit
of meaning. Example is the word cuddlesome.
A prefix is a word, letter, or number placed before another. Example is un- in the word
A suffix is a morpheme added at the end of a word to form a derivative. Example is –ful
in the word playful.

Have you read the story of Sleeping Beauty? The Sleeping Beauty narrative in which she lived
happily ever after with the prince is the more popular tale, but in the story that follows, this princess
proceeded to become an indie actress. Read the parody below and find out how it happened.

Sleeping Beauty?!?
By: Rachelle V. Villamar, MT – I, Lazaro Francisco IS

Once upon a time, in a beautiful mansion in faraway Sulu lived a prosperous sultan
and his wife. Their kingdom was filled with lands rich in crops and their people were in
peace. But they weren’t contented because they do not have a child.

One day, while the sultana was eating leche flan in a balcony, a talking green
dragonfly appeared. He said that he had been watching over the couple so he granted the
queen’s wish of having a child. Months passed and the queen’s tummy is getting bigger and

Finally, she gave birth to a baby who looks like the sultan from the nearby sultanate.
The sultan was so furious that he asked for a divorce. The sultana agreed so they were legally
separated. The sultan left and married Snow White’s evil stepmother. The queen decided to
leave, too, and went on a grand Boracay vacation.

The princess grew up all alone. She has no one except the mansion servants. She
became very lonely; she was crying all day long. The servants were so worried that they
called the three woodland fairies. The fairies decided to give everyone in the kingdom
sleeping pills so they can forget about their problems. And so, the sultanate went to sleep for

Grade 5 Quarter 3 Learner’s Materials
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In a nearby castle lived a handsome prince who had heard about the sleeping
princess. He wanted to see her for himself, so he rode in his green convertible Porsche and
hit the road.

When he reached the mansion and opened the heavy iron gates, he was surprised to
see that everyone was sleeping and snoring loudly. He searched for the princess and finally,
he found her lying on top of the dining table. The princess struck his heart; it was love at first
scent. She looked so gorgeous and solemn. He leaned in closer to awaken her from her stupor.
Slowly, the princess opened her eyes and saw the prince standing next to her. When the
prince smiled, the princess slapped him for kissing her with his morning breath. She ordered
him to brush his teeth and the prince did as he was told.

After brushing his teeth, the people of the kingdom awoke, too. Days of feasting and
partying followed and passed by. At the end of the last day of the celebration, the prince
asked the princess to marry him. In his surprise, the princess refused and told him that she
is going to Manila and be an indie actress.

A narrative is a text-type that tells a story. The story can be realistic, imagined, or a mix
or both. The goal of a narrative is to connect the reader with the text and the characters and
events that occur in within the story. The events of a narrative can entertain the reader.
An example of a narrative is the parody, such as the one written above. It is an imitation
of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.
Narratives are often told in such a way that it gives something that makes something
happen. This is called the cause. It answers the question “Why did this happen?”
Within the narrative is also the effect which is what happens as a result of the cause. It
answers the question “What happened?”

Determine the cause and effect of the following sentences. Rewrite them on the spaces provided
for you.
1. The sultan and his wife are not contented with their life because they do not have a
CAUSE: __________________________________________________________________
EFFECT: __________________________________________________________________
2. Because the sultan and his wife got separated, their child was left to the care of the
mansion servants.
CAUSE: __________________________________________________________________
EFFECT: __________________________________________________________________
3. The princess grew up alone and lonely that the servants became worried and called
on the woodland fairies for help.
CAUSE: __________________________________________________________________
EFFECT: __________________________________________________________________

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4. To help the kingdom forget their problems, the woodland fairies gave everybody
sleeping pills that put them all in a deep sleep.
CAUSE: __________________________________________________________________
EFFECT: __________________________________________________________________
5. Although the princess was awakened by the dashing prince, she refused to marry
him because she wanted to go to Manila and pursue her dream of becoming an indie
film actress.

Day 3

Here are some words from the first selection, “Some Things I Just Don’t Understand”. Read
them out loud with the appropriate rate, accuracy and proper expression.


throughout obstetrician rare
half-finished unbearably drool
drumstick shrieked quest
downtown pondering despise
newborn gynecologist guilty

Using the dictionary, list down five compound words, five affixed words and five root words
which you can use later for your writing composition.


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Day 4

The future form of the verb tells about actions or events that will happen in the future.

1. I hope Nueva Ecija will have more tourist attractions next year.
2. I shall travel to Gapan on Thursday.
3. If I can drop by next week, I will visit you and your family.
4. We are going to Minalungao next Saturday.
5. She is moving to San Roque, Gapan tomorrow.

The future form is formed by will or shall to be followed by the present tense of the
verb. Notice also that examples number 4 and 5 are in the future form. It is also formed by
the auxilliary verb + base form of verb + ing.

Using this map of Nueva Ecija, pair up with a classmate and give directions on how
to get from the following places to another. Be sure to use the future form of the verb.

1. Cabanatuan to Gapan 5. San Jose to Papaya

2. Jaen to Guimba 6. Muñoz to Cabiao
3. Aliaga to Bongabon 7. Jaen to Rizal
4. San Leonardo to Talavera

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Write a three-paragraph feature article about the beautiful places you have visited here in
Nueva Ecija. Make sure to include the future form or verbs and words with affixes.

Day 5

Every classroom is composed of a set of individuals each with a different characteristic and
personality. This is an individual’s uniqueness. Look at the picture below. What sets them apart from
each other? Using the images below, infer what each individual’s unique characteristic and personality
may be.

Form small groups of four to five people each. Having discussed each individual’s uniqueness
during the viewing of the picture above, take turns telling each other how you could observe politeness
when dealing with every individual differences and uniqueness. Include in your sharing how you could
be tactful when communicating with each other, minding the personal differences that make each one
of you a unique individual.

Prepared by:

Master Teacher – I
Lazaro Francisco Integrated School

Grade 5 Quarter 3 Learner’s Materials
DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
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Week 6: Organize Information from Secondary Sources in

Preparation for Writing
Day 1

Read the following selection out loud. Be sure to identify with the speaker of the poem.

Ellis Park
By: Helen Hoyt

Little park that I pass through, Your fountains take and sweet bird calls
I carry off a piece of you To sing me from my office walls.
Every morning hurrying down All that I can see
To my work-day in the town; I carry off with me.
Carry you for country there But you never miss my theft,
To make the city ways more fair. So much treasure you have left.
I take your trees, As I find you, fresh at morning,
And your breeze, So I find you, home returning --
Your greenness, Nothing lacking from your grace.
Your cleanness, All your riches wait in place
Some of your shade, some of your sky, For me to borrow
Some of your calm as I go by; On the morrow.
Your flowers to trim
The pavements grim; Do you hear this praise of you,
Your space for room in the jostled street Little park that I pass through?
And grass for carpet to my feet.

Analyze the information you have read and answer the questions that follow.

1. What is this poem about?

Answer: __________________________________________________________________
2. What is the speaker’s tone?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________
3. Explain your answers using textual evidence.
Answer: __________________________________________________________________
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Tone is the writer’s attitude toward a subject. While journalistic writing theoretically
has a tone of distance and objectivity, all other writing can have various tones.
Mood is the atmosphere of a piece of writing; it’s the emotions a selection arouses in a
Purpose is the reason why an author writes, in which he depends his writing format,
genre and vernacular.

The teacher will read each passage out loud and the pupils will identify the word that most
clearly expresses the tone in each passage.

1. Sometimes, you can feel that even if you have done quite a lot, it seems as if nothing
had been done at all. This is because what you did seemed to be beneath anyone’s
notice. It was so small that it almost did not matter. However, it did matter. But just
like stitching counts toward a finished dress, every little thing matters, every mistake
would contribute to knowing how to do things right.
a. hesitant b. encouraging c. amused
2. Vaccines are chemical preparations of killed or weakened germ cells that are injected
under the skin. It causes the blood to produce antibodies against the disease. Vaccines
such as small pox, rabies and polio have been proven effective.
a. objective b. arrogant c. regretful
3. Friends, neighbors – today we gather together to grieve the loss of nine miners in our
community who were trapped by the fire yesterday, as they went about their work
deep beneath the earth. They were brave in life yet were gone too soon, leaving behind
their mourning wives and children. We bid them a final farewell.
a. forgiving b. sorrowful c. angry
4. “Why do bad things always happen to me?” Aries wondered. “First, I have forgotten
an important meeting which nobody reminded me until it’s over. Then the boss gives
me big project which he wanted done yesterday. Now, I even left my wallet on the
a. comic b. self-pitying c. optimistic
5. Even if litterbugs account for a lot of the garbage blowing around our city streets, there
are other culprits as well. See, there are people who set our their trash days ahead of
the scheduled trash pickup time. These trash that they dump outside get to be searched
by stray dogs and cats. Worse yet are the side-walk vendors whose mounds of plastic
bag-filled garbage draw out rodents and roaches from their hiding places.
a. critical b. tolerant c. depressed

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Day 2

Read the passage below. Pay special attention to the underlined words. Complete the grid at the
bottom of the page.

The Philippines is a country in Asia. It is approximately bigger than Italy. Formerly a

colony of Spain, it is now a republic led by an elected president.
The Philippines has a long history of being colonized by superpowers from Spain to
the United States of America and finally, to Japan.
But the Philippines suffered its most cruel rule under the dictatorship of its former
president, Ferdinand Marcos, where thousands of Filipinos were subjected to torture and even

Word Part of Speech What do you think What are you clues
it means
1. approximately
2. formerly
3. colony
4. republic
5. elected
6. history
7. cruel
8. dictatorship
9. subjected

Read the passage below and determine the cause and effect of events.

My best friend, Amy, came over our house last Thursday so we could review for our
quarterly exams together. We stayed up very late, alternately reading our notes to each other
and checking out posts in social media.

My mom came in the room to tell us to go to sleep. Amy doesn’t sleep with the lights
off so I got dad’s flashlight and turned it on under the covers, while we chat ourselves to
sleep. I’m not sure when we finally fell asleep, but I’m sure we have left the flashlight on. In
the morning, it no longer worked. The batteries were dead.

A rainstorm came and we lost our electricity. When dad went to get his flashlight, it
didn’t work. He wasn’t very happy to find out I have left it on all night and wasted the

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So now I get the dirty work of washing away the mud that was left in front of our

Mom came in the room to tell us to sleep.
Amy doesn’t sleep with the lights off.
Flashlight batteries are dead
A rainstorm came and our electricity is cut.
I have to wash away mud from our house.

Narratives are often told in such a way that it gives something that makes something
happen. This is called the cause. It answers the question “Why did this happen?”
Within the narrative is also the effect which is what happens as a result of the cause. It
answers the question “What happened?”

Day 3

Read the following selection. Find the mitsake and correct them.

My Fisrt Visit Abroad

The first time I go aboard was a vistsit to remember. I went wit my Mom and
sister to relax and enjoy the sighs. We arrived lately at Chek Lap Kok Internation
Airport because we did not get an earlier flight. Upon arriving, we are very confusing
and nervous because there are no one to picks us up as we forgotten to book a tour
guides. Howevr, we did get brochures as how to get to our hotel. We took the Airport
Express, but since this is our first time, we does not know what to expect!

We do not read Chinese calligrafe well and instead of leaving the Kowloon
Station, we letf at the Tsing Yi station instead, ans so, we was left looking for a bus
back to Nathan Road in Kowloon, where we has book our hotel.

When me managed to get back to Kowloon, we did asked for directions with a
friendly looking Chinese girl, but she talked reallly fast and I hardly catched a word
she said. all I did was look at her gestures and to wher she was poniting at. We went
walking around in circles with our lugages and luck we did get to the hotel.

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Since we came to enjoy the sigths, the first thing I asked when we riched the
hotel was to book us a tour guide who can speak enlgish so we don’t get to waist time
wandering around.

Using a search engine of your choice, find out how to get from the Hong Kong International
Airport to the Shamrock Hotel in Nathan Road, Kowloon. Research also on how to get from the Ninoy
Aquino International Airport to Nueva Ecija. Write your research below.

Day 4

An imperative sentence gives a command. It usually ends with a period, but it may
also end with an exclamation point (!).

Commands ask or tell people to do something.

Please pass the salt.

Get out of my way!

Both of those sentences are commands.

The first one doesn't sound as commanding as the second one, but both of them are
commands because they both ask or tell someone to do something.

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Now imagine yourself as an online tour guide. If a Chinese national is to come visit the
Philippines, you will have to guide them as to how to get from one place to another. Using the research
you have done earlier, give a step by step guide in reaching Cabanatuan City from NAIA. Write the
steps below.

With the research you have gathered, completely revise the passage above, “My First Visit
Abroad”, this time eliminating spelling and tense mistakes and incorporating your research to
correctly travel from the airport to the hotel.

Day 5

Here is a picture of Minalungao National Park in

Peñaranda, Nueva Ecija. What activities could you do
here and how would you make tourists be interested in
going here? Write ten activities that a tourist could
possibly do here.

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Form small groups of four to five people each. Rehearse a short skit of a lost Chinese national
with minimal English language skills asking for directions to Minalungao National Park. Show
tactfulness when communicating with each other, amidst the language barrier. Perform your skit in
front of the class.

Prepared by:

Master Teacher – I
Lazaro Francisco Integrated School

Grade 5 Quarter 3 Learner’s Materials
DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Week 7: Making Explanations

Day 1

Activity 1: In 2015, Cabanatuan City was hit by typhoon Lando that caused
the “worst flood” in its history. As your teacher reads the selection about the
persons who served as people’s friends during the said disaster, identify the
sentences that express first person point-of-view, second person point-of-
view, and third person point-of-view. Consider writing your answers in the
columnar sheet.

Friends in Times of Disasters

By Mirozon Abenio-Valdez

As typhoon Lando battered our city, I couldn’t help but wish for
Superman, Thor or Spiderman to come and rescue us.
But I was not saddened with their absence because I knew we have
true heroes helping us in different ways. In fact, they are our real friends in
disaster times, not just in our city but in the whole country.
Strong and tough, soldiers and policemen help in clearing roads to
make them passable again. They also bring back and keep peace in
communities by stopping or preventing looting and crimes.
Fire fighters, brave and calm, they come in rescue to put out fire which
endangers our properties and lives.
Clad in white lab gowns, volunteer doctors and nurses come to our aid
to cure our illness. They put cotton swab on our wounds, support on our
fractures and relief in our hearts.
As our houses were devastated, teachers give us second homes. In their
simple classrooms we evacuate to shelter our family.
Smile-ready and alert, social workers are early to wake to serve and
attend to us. They coordinate to authorities to provide us with goods and

1st person 2nd person 3rd person

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

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Activity 2: With a partner, have a guessing game of the point of view of the
statements found in one of the books which your teacher borrowed from the
Library Hub. One will serve as a reader and the other one as listener and

Point of view is the viewpoint from which a story is narrated. It could be

in the first person point of view which involves the use of either of the two
pronouns “I” and “we”. It could also be in the second person point of view
which employs the pronoun “you” and it could be in the third person
point of view that uses pronouns like “he”, “she”, “it”, “they” or a name.

How should the character in each sentence taken from the selection possess
politeness at all times? Provide statement for each character to show his or her

1. Strong and tough, soldiers and policemen help in clearing roads to

make them passable again.
Polite statement: ________________________________________________

2. Fire fighters, brave and calm, they come in rescue to put out fire which
endangers our properties and lives.
Polite statement: ________________________________________________

3. Clad in white lab gowns, volunteer doctors and nurses come to our aid
to cure our illness.
Polite statement: ________________________________________________

4. As our houses were devastated, teachers give us second homes. In their

simple classrooms we evacuate to shelter our family.
Polite statement: ________________________________________________

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Day 2

Activity 1: CHORAL READING. In November 2013, the strongest super

typhoon that has ever recorded in the history of Earth hit the Philippines,
specifically, Tacloban City in Visayas. Unlike Tacloban City, Cabanatuan City
did not experience extreme onslaught. To help the Taclobanon, we offer
prayer for them.

In unison, let us utter the prayer with accuracy, appropriate speed, and

Prayer for our Friends in Visayas

By Mirozon Abenio-Valdez

Dear God,
Bless oh Lord our fellow children in Visayas, in places hammered by
typhoon Yolanda.
We are blessed enough that what we only lost in typhoon Santi was
elericity; unlike the children in Visayas who lost fathers, mothers, siblings and
May you bless them oh Lord with enough food and water to replenish
their health.
Bless them with shelter to keep them safe.
May they be back to school and live their normal life again.
We also pray for those who are missing to be found by their families.
We also pray dear Lord for those who have lost loved ones not to be
hopeless, and that they must remember that they will be reunited again in
time in Your kingdom.
Keep them safe oh God and put smile and laughers in their heart.

Activity 2: SHADOW READING. Cabanatuan City is an urbanized

community where establishments and firms are arising so it is very rare that
you see a monkey in the city. But in one of its barangays, Barangay Cabu,
several monkeys are living in a plantation named Hunter Valley Plantation.
Maybe you and your family could visit it.

In connection, you and your teacher will do an echo reading about a story of a
monkey. You are going to repeat the lines the teacher reads with accuracy,
appropriate speed, and expression.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

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Billy, the Bully Monkey

By Mirozon Abenio-Valdez

Swing, swing, blah!

Billy, the naughty monkey of the Long Tail Forest,
loves to put tricks on his fellow monkeys.
One cloudy morning, while his friends were busy picking
bananas, Billy hid himself among the trees. As his friends
were marching down carrying their baskets, Billy threw a
banana peel on Willy’s way. As Billy expected, Willy
slipped as he stepped on the banana peel! All his bananas
fell on him!
“Ha ha ha!” laughed Billy.
“You looked like a banana shake! Ha ha ha,” he
All the other monkeys could not do anything but help poor Willy get up
while shaking their heads in dismay at Bully Billy.
At noontime while the baby monkeys are having a good play among the long
branches, Billy hid himself among the trees. As Timmy, the smallest of all the baby
monkeys, was about to take his swing, Billy gnawed the branch. As Billy expected,
Timmy flung away feeling very scared. He ended up in a pile of mud!
“Ha ha ha!” laughed Billy, “You look like a chocolate Tarzan! Ha ha ha!” he
All the other monkey babies could not do anything but help crying Timmy
out of the mud while shaking their heads in dislike of Bully Billy.
In the afternoon, a large truck came over the Long Tail Forest. The man inside
the truck came to gather coconuts. As the man busy picking, Billy hid himself inside
the truck to surprise the driver.
After few minutes when Billy was ready to shock the driver, he was the one
surprised when he saw loads of coconut about to fall on him. As Billy expected, all
the coconuts fell on his head! He could not do anything but shake his head in
At night, Billy expected to be tied in a cage as a slave of a heartless driver. But
as he opened his eyes, he was more shocked to find himself back in the Long Tail
“We were hiding among the banana trees this afternoon and we saw
everything,” said Willy.
“And you chose to rescue me?” Billy asked shyly.
All the other monkeys shook their heads.
Billy could do anything but feel ashamed of himself that despite his
naughtiness his friends still saved him.
Next morning, the monkeys are gathering banana leaves for their upcoming
festival. While everyone is busy, Billy is on top of a banana tree cutting leaves for his
Every monkey could not do anything but shake their tails in delight that Billy
is no longer a bully but a friendly monkey.

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Activity 3: ECHO READING. With a partner, echo read the poem below
about friends. Observe accuracy, appropriate speed, and expression in

Thanks to My Friends
By Mirozon Abenio-Valdez

Friends make schooldays fun,

We roll and laugh under the sun.
We share snacks and assignment
Even our most deep-kept secrets.

Though sometimes we fight,

We always do what’s right
And that is to make up
And never to back bite.

To my friends, I say thank you.

How you make me happy
You don’t have a clue.
So I promise to always be true.

In communicating with others, we need to show tactfulness. From the story

Billy the Bully Monkey, what are the statements of the charactes that show
tactfulness? List them below.

1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________

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3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________

Day 3

Comparison and contrast is one of the structural text-types. It explains how

things are similar and different.

Activity 1: From the selections we have gone through Day 1 and 2,

distinguish the sentences that compares and contrasts in order to determine if
you comprehend the selections. Recall the signal words that we have learned
previously. Use the diagram to show your answers.

Thanks to My Friends
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
5. _____________________

Billy, the Bully Monkey

1. _____________________
2. _____________________ and Contrast
3. _____________________ Structural Text-
4. _____________________ Type
5. _____________________

Prayer for our Friends

in Visayas
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
5. _____________________
Activity 2: Work in pair. Get a story book from your reading corner. Read it
and distinguish the sentences that expresses similarities and differences.

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Day 4

If you are describing how or why something happens, you are explaining. In
explaining, you need to use declarative sentences or imperative sentences in
present tense.

Activity 1: Examine the how-to-article below. Encircle the declarative

sentence and underline the imperative sentence.

How to Draw a Singing Bird

By Mirozon Abenio-Valdez

Among other things, we, kids love drawing. We scribble trees, flowers,
anime and most of the time we draw cute animals. So, to add to our
masterpieces, together, let’s learn how to draw a bird, not just an ordinary
bird but a singing bird for that matter.

Come on friends, get your pencils ready!

1. To draw a bird, first draw one large and one small egg shape.

2. Use triangles to give the bird beak and wings.

3. Draw a small circle for the bird’s eye. And the bird’s feet
are really simple; use two tiny circles for the knees and three
short lines for the feet.

4. Now, your bird is ready for outlining. Add finishing

touches to your drawing by adding colors and of course draw
musical notes above the bird’s beak to make it a singing bird.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

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Feature articles have three parts. The introduction, body and conclusion.
Usually, the introduction expresses the main or central idea of the article. You
can apply in here your learning on comparison and contrast to introduce your
topic. The body explains your central idea. In here you will use your learning
in explaining. The conclusion can be the repetition of the introduction with a

In your writing activity, you are going to write a feature article about the
topic “TV Commercials”. In your article, you can use your learning about
propagandas and stereotype.

Day 5

Activity 1: Below are editorial article and a news article about the plastic ban
being implemented in Cabanatuan Cabanatuan City. Summarize the articles
for an oral report you will be presenting in class.

Dump Plastic
By Mirozon Abenio-Valdez

Cabanatuan City will become cleaner after the prohibition of using

plastic bags in the whole city. This action deserves accolades.
Stated in City Ordinance 015-2012, using, selling and offering plastic
bags as the second cover for what they are selling is prohibited to all
establishments like grocery store, department store, malls, food chain,
restaurants, canteen, pharmacies, market vendor, auto part shop and others.
Improper throwing of plastic bags is also prohibited.
However, some vendors and customers are still using plastic bags and
they do not care about the city ordinance.
Instead of using plastic bags, we can use containers like cartons, paper bags
and cloth bags.
Cabanatueños must control themselves in not using plastic bags
because less plastic means less waste. Less wastes means less floods.
According to studies, plastic bags take 1, 000 years to break down into ever

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

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smaller particles so they continue to clog waterways which cause flood and
worse, pollution.
We also avoid production of toxic chemicals if we stop patronizing
plastics. Carcinogenic chemical is released during manufacture of plastics,
this will be eradicated if none will produce plastics. But this will only happen
if we will stop buying and using plastics.
If Cabatueños will stop using plastic bags, Cabanatuan City will
become cleaner and safer place.

Cabanatuan bans plastic

By Mirozon Abenio-Valdez

Cabanatuan City banned disposable plastic shopping bags as part of

growing efforts across the nation to reduce garbage that worsens flooding.
City Ordinance 015-2012 or Plastic Ban Policy prohibits shops and
supermarkets in using plastic bags in selling dry goods.
While the use of plastic in selling fish and meat is limited. Plastic use is
only allowed for first wrapping of wet goods.
Consumers are given the option of using paper bags, baskets, bayong,
cloth bags or eco-bags.
Section 11 of the policy states that consumers, shops and supermarkets
caught distributing and using plastic will to pay fines from P500 to P5,000
with respective community service and imprisonment based on the frequency
of offense.
Plastic Ban Policy covers all establishments like grocery stores,
supermarkets, department stores, malls, food chains, canteens, pharmacies,
market vendors and auto part shops.

VALDEZ, M.O. (2014). Featuring Features. Copyright Material


http://literarydevices.net/point-of-view on November 8, 2016

Prepared by


Master Teacher I
Camp Tinio Elementary School

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Week 8: Expressing Opinions

Day 1

Activity 1: Listen to your teacher as he reads the dialog with accuracy,

appropriate speed and proper expression. Take note of the way how the
characters feel about the topic and events in the selection. Write them down
on Character’s Point of View Organizer.

Traffic Problems
By Allan David Valdez

In Mr. Valdez’ English classroom, two of his eloquent pupils are having
exchange ideas on how to regulate the number of tricycles in the city.
Cabanatuan City, being the Tricycle Capital of the Philippines, recorded the
highest number of registered tricycles in the entire archipelago.

ZEB: It will be better if tricycles will be banned travelling along Maharlika

Highway in order to decongest the flow of traffic.

LEEKA: I absolutely disagree with you. We all know that major firms such as
supermarkets and schools are located along Maharlika Highway. If tricycles
will be banned along this road, you are telling that only citizens with cars are
the only ones allowed to patronize these firms. Your idea is degrading the less
fortunate persons whose only means of transportation is tricycle. You better
think twice!

ZEB: That’s not what I mean. Tricycles can still travel across but not along
Maharlika Highway to reach those firms.

LEEKA: I still don’t agree with your weak idea! The real solution to road
traffic in Maharlika Highway is to provide reroute system for the public
utility jeepneys which are the real culprit of heavy traffic. You cannot deny
that. I have witnessed it myself and I can prove it to you.

ZEB: You may be right but that thing can be easily solved. What we need to
focus on is the growing volume of tricycles. What if the government increases
the added tax in purchasing motorcycle? Less buyers will result to less
number of tricycles. What do you think?

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
LEEKA: I wish you hear yourself saying that. Tax increase is not as simple as
that. Such policy must come from legislators and it takes time before it
becomes effective as a law.

ZEB: I know, but it is considerably a possible solution.

LEEKA: I don’t think so. You are again marginalizing common people.

ZEB: Well, I am just clarifying my views. If banning the tricycles in Maharlika

Highway isn’t plausible, I believe number coding can solve the problem. By
doing this, tricycles are only allowed to travel along Maharlika Highway on
scheduled days.

LEEKA: I really don’t like your ideas. I believe mine are better. You are
wasting my time listening to you. You better talk to someone who will believe
your impossible views. I got to go now. Goodbye!

Character’s Point of View Organizer

Zeb’s Text Topic/Issue/Event Leeka’s Text
Point of Evidence Point of Evidence
View View

Activity 1: The characters in the dialog exchanged ideas. In exchanging and

communicating ideas, politeness and tactfulness must be observed. These are
values young pupils like you should show.
From the dialog, choose statements and rate the degree of their politeness and

3 2 1 0
STATEMENTS Extremely Very Much Somewhat Not
Observed Observed Observed observed

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Aside from the viewpoint from which a story is narrated, point of view can
also be considered as the way how the characters feel about the topic,
issue, and events.

Day 2

Activity 1: CHORAL READING. Cabanatuan City is one of the world’s most

vulnerable cities for natural disasters according to the 2015 global risk
analytics company Verisk Maplecroft. This may be the case, children like you
can do a lot to help avoid natural disasters to devastate the city. In the
selection below which you will recite in unison, you will be moved to act to
do something for the environment even though you are still young.

Even though We Are Children

By Allan David P. Valdez

Hey! You!
Hhhhmmm? Hhhhmmm?

Hey! You!
Me? Me?
Are you calling me?

Yes, children, all of you.

I want to know what you can do,
Millennium goals to be pushed through.

We, at young age?

We, being little?
We, only children?

Well, well, well.

Even though we are young,
Even though we are little,
Even though we are children,
There are so much we can do!
That is very true.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
We can be good citizens. Good citizens.
We can have healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle.
We can plant more trees. More trees.
And we can pray, pray, pray.
For poverty to go away!

Together, together, we can push through it together.

Achieving millennium development goals.
Even though we are young,
Even though we are little,
Even though we are children,
You can count us in.
Mark it!

Hey! You!
Me? Me?
Yes, you!
Come and join us too!

Activity 2: SHADOW READING. Historical places are found in Cabanatuan

City. One of these places is the Plaza Lucero found in front of St. Nicholas
Cathedral. In this place, Gen. Antonio Luna was assassinated. Today, a
concrete effigy of him is erected in the site. Since it is located in front of a
church, balloon vendors in the area are commonly seen selling their products.

In connection, you and your teacher will do an echo reading about a story of a
little boy who bought a balloon from the balloon vendor. You are going to
repeat the lines the teacher reads with accuracy, appropriate speed, and

Lost Balloon
By Mirozon Abenio-Valdez

Unlike other kids of his age, my brother hates Ben Ten and balloons.
It should have been an ordinary Sunday after mass. As we stepped out
of the church, my little brother’s eyes were caught by those bundles of multi-
shaped balloons. There were SpongeBob, Hello Kitty and Dora. But what my
brother yearned was the black and green boy-like balloon.
“Mama, mama I want Ben Ten,” he childishly shouted.
Without second thoughts, mom bought him Ben Ten. I could picture
clearly on my mind how happy my brother was. Happier, though, was mom,
perhaps because she had given our angel what he wanted most on that

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
One, two, three, several days were spent happily with Ben Ten. Until
that one unlucky afternoon when my brother’s balloon flew from his grasp
and got carried away by the wind to nowhere.
My baby brother cried and cried until his eyes gave up to sleep. As he
woke up, he immediately looked for mom.
“Where’s mom?” he asked.
“Mama went out to find Ben Ten back,” I heard aunt said.
One, two, three, several months passed but Ben Ten wasn’t found. One, two,
three, several months passed but mom hadn’t been back home, too.
It should have been an ordinary Sunday after mass. As we stepped out
of the church, my little brother’s eyes were caught by
those bundles of multi-shaped balloons. There were
SpongeBob, Hello Kitty and Dora. And there was Ben
“Do you like to have another Ben Ten, Baby?”
asked aunt.
“No, I don’t like Ben Ten anymore. He is the
reason why mom left and had not been back yet,” my
brother answered sadly.
Today, I will let my baby brother hate Ben Ten. It
is easier that way. It is easier than to break his innocent
heart with the truth that mom isn’t really out there for a
while to look for his lost balloon. It’s easier than to make
him accept the bitter truth that our mom, like a burst
balloon, will never ever come back home to us.

Activity 3: ECHO READING. With a partner, echo read the haikus below.
Observe accuracy, appropriate speed, and expression in reading.

By Mirozon Abenio-Valdez

Balls, candies and games
Memories of my childhood
Stays through shine or rain.

Love, listen, earn friends

Speak, read and write of truth are
Things kids learn in school.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Click like not dislike.
Responsible netizens
Are friends in the net.

Bullies are not cool.

They’re souls who lack attention,
Love, guidance and care.

My teacher so dear,
gives me courage and wisdom
that last through the years.

Trees are my refuge,
whenever I ask shelter
they never refuse.

Day 3

Comparison and contrast is one of the structural text-types. It explains how

things are similar and different.

Activity 1: To check whether you comprehend the story “Lost Balloon”, have
a comparison and contrast of the characters introduced by accomplishing the
graphic organizer below.

Characters How they Text How they Text

alike Evidence differ Evidence

Activity 2: Work in four. Get a story book in your reading corner. Read it and
distinguish the sentences that express similarities and differences. Report
your work in class.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Day 4

If you are to express an opinion, express it in a suggestive, conclusive, or

predictive form. The issue and your opinion must join together in one
sentence. This means, that a complex sentence can specifically be used.

Activity 1: Write whether the item is a dependent clause or an independent

clause. Likewise, encircle the conjunction used. The punctuations are
intentionally omitted.

__________ 1. If tricycles will be banned travelling along Maharlika Highway

__________ 2. People will be experiencing hardship going to places
__________ 3. When tax is increased in purchasing tricycle
__________ 4. I believe number coding can solve the problem.
__________ 5. Until people become disciplined

Activity 2: Recall the coordinating conjunctions you learned last quarter. Use
them to express your opinion on the following topics or issues.

1. Garbage problem in Cabanatuan City


2. The continuous progress of Cabanatuan City in terms of emerging

business firms

3. The expansion of city’s water district


Activity 1: Below is an opinion article about corruption. Revise and rewrite

the copy in a sheet of paper by incorporating the correct spelling,
punctuation, and transition words used.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Take Part
By Mirozon Abenio-Valdez

Children have the power to prevent corruption from becoming comon

Corruption need not to cost P10 bilion to be called corruption? It creeps in
every corner of our world even in its simplest from. In our own little ways, we
children, can be vigilant in preventing and putting an end to corruption in our
home, neighborhood and in our school?
As stated by the chair of Transparensy International Huguette Labelle
“young people have the potential to stop corruption both as the citisens of today
and as the leaders of tommorow.”
Second, we can start fighting now by recognizing its forms. Everything
that is done with dishonesty is corruption. It is present when we do not atend to
our chores and pass it to our siblings. Corruption abounds when we cheat and
change our answers just to get higher scores. Corruption breeds when we eat
more than we should and leave others with less.
First, children can kill corruption by rejecting the thoughts of it. As we
recognize its forms the next step is to condemn any form of dishonesty is still and
will always be the best polisy.
Lastly, corruption also lingers inside our minds. Do we give gifts to our
teachers merely because we want to thank them or because we want to be favored
and get something in return?
By being honest, we keep our integrity intact. By keeping our integrity, we
kill every shape of corruption?

Day 5

Activity 1: Below is a news article which is a secondary source of information.

With a partner, organize and use the information in preparing an opinion
report which you will be presenting using Microsoft PowerPoint.

Cash Gifts keep 89 Barlisians in school

By Mirozon Abenio-Valdez

Renelyn Estoconing has a brighter chance of graduating in April for

she now attends class regularly because of the financial aid she receives
from Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).
Estoconing is among the 89 BES pupils who benefit from 4Ps. They
belong to the poorest households in Brgy. Barlis who qualified to receive

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
cash gifts provided that they comply to the set requirements of the
Department of Social Works and Development.
“Kada buwan po ay nakatatanggap kami ng P800 na nawi-withdraw
namin sa cash card. Malaking bagay po ito para sa aming mga walang-
wala,” said Mrs. Mesina, one of CTES mothers who benefit from 4 Ps.
“Ngayon po e tiyak na lagi akong may P10 baon araw-araw di tulad
datio na madalas wala,” said Estoconing, implying that her mother allots
P300 of the cash gift for her daily needs in school.
Meanwhile, 4 Ps recipients were informed that they should not
exceed four absences in a month, or they will be reporyted in the monthly
Parent-recipients should also make sure that their children are
regularly vaccinated and participate in deworming.

VALDEZ, M.O. (2014). Featuring Features. Copyright Material

THE BARLISIANS. (2016) Official Student Publication of Barlis Elementary

School, Volume 1, Number 1.

Prepared by


Master Teacher I
Camp Tinio Elementary School

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Week 9: Identifying Point-of-view
Day 1

Love makes the world a better place to live in. Love is the reason why
we feel happy and contented. We also feel secure when we know that there
are people who love us. Love is the greatest feeling around. When we love,
life becomes more exciting and meaningful. However, love is not only about
happiness, it also means sacrifice and acceptance. When we love a person, we
have to accept the strengths and weaknesses of that person because loving
means looking through the imperfections of the person we love.

Right down the things that you are willing to accept and sacrifice of the
love you have for these people.

People Things that you are willing to accept

and sacrifice





poor people


Sometimes because the people who love us are always just around, we
fail to show them how much we truly value them. In a classic story that you
will read, you will witness how a man realized how he truly loves his wife.

Before reading, answer the following questions:

1. Do you express in words how much you love your parents?

2. How do you show that you really value the important people in your
3. What are the things that you wished you have done to them to show how
important they are in your life?
4. What are the things that you and your loved ones do together?
5. What will you tell people who cannot express their love for other people?

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City


Reading with accuracy means reading and understanding the

meaning of each word, thus improving your comprehension of the text.
This makes you fluent and accurate reader at the same time.

Now, read the selection below with fluency and accuracy.

Rolan Val Walter

Washington Irving

“Well, not recently, I’ve been…” began Rolan Val Walter. As he was
talking, someone handed him a mirror. The faced staring back at him was old
and wrinkled. He screamed. “But this can’t be right!” he cried, “Yesterday, I
was the most popular man in town! Hasn’t anyone heard of Rolan Val

“Now that you mention it, I remember a “Rolan Val Walter” from when
I was a boy, but my parents told me he disappeared in the woods. That was
twenty years ago”, said the mayor.

Rolan gasped. He had been asleep in the woods for twenty years. He
frowned as he thought about how everyone he ever knew was gone: his
friends, his family, his wife. His train of thought came to a screeching halt. He
repeated the list again, and then he smiled. “My wife”, he said, “she’s gone,
isn’t she?”.

“I’m afraid so”, said the mayor. “I’m free!”, exclaimed Rolan Val Walter.
He had never been so happy in his life. Over the next few days, he did
everything he had ever dreamed of. He stayed out all night, he played in the
park instead of doing chores, and he napped wherever he pleased without
fear of being eaten alive by his wife. But as he stood in his house, he felt like
something was missing. He knew it wasn’t twenty years of mold and
cobwebs, because the house definitely had those. There was warmth missing
from his home.

When he realized that it was, he collapsed into an old, moth-eaten chair.

He missed his wife. He knew that she was gone and that there was nothing he
could do about it. He felt himself begin to cry and he shut his eyes as hard as

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
he could and wished he was back home, back where his wife was. Whenever
Rolan Val Walter sat in a chair with his eyes closed, he always fell asleep. This
time was no exception.

A cold breeze woke Rolan up. Naturally, he assumed his house was
drafty because it had been without firewood for twenty years. But as he
slowly opened his eyes, he realized it was cold because he was in the middle
of the woods. He was back at the spot in the woods where he had slept for so
long. When he noticed that his beard and arthritis were gone, he realized that
it had all been dream. Rolan had never been so happy in his life. He ran back
home to tell his wife that he loved her and how he was a changed man. And
ofcourse, he forgot to bring back the firewood.


Get your notebook and answer the questions below:

1. What are the not-so-good characteristics of Rolan Val Walter?
2. Why did he think that he had already lost 20 years of his life?
3. What did he realize after sleeping for 20 years?
4. What did he do when he realized that losing his wife is just a dream?
5. What do you think will Rolan Val Walter tell to his wife when he sees her?
6. What is the message of the selection?

Day 2

Point of view in a story shows whose perspective the story is being told. Is it in
the first person, second person or the third person? But most of the time, stories
are either in the first person point of view or in the third person pint of view.

 The first person point of view shows that one of the characters
narrates the story. It uses the first person pronouns like I, me, mine,

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
we, us, our and ours. On the other hand the third person point of view
shows that the narrator of the story is not included as one of the
characters and that the narrator knows everything that will happen in
the story. It uses third person pronouns like he, she, it, they, them, their
and theirs.

Listen to the story that will be narrated by your teacher and identify the
point of view or from whose perspective is the story told.

You can also list down titles that you know under first person or third
person point of view.

Day 3

A. We read about people in magazines and newspapers. These articles are

called FEATURE STORIES. The selection about Rolan Val Walter is
similar to feature article except that it is short. Learn about feature

 Feature stories talk about particular people, places or events.

 They are well researched and tell about the most interesting
things about the subject.
 Well-chosen words are used in writing feature stories.

B. Research on a modern-day hero. Using the organizer that you

completed in the last reading activity, put the ideas in a composition.

Paragraph 1: name and personal data of the hero

Paragraph 2: achievements, awards, and title given
Paragraph 3: greatest contribution

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Day 4

Time to write: Remember to have an interesting start and

an inspiring ending!


Day 5

A DECLARATIVE SENTENCE is used to express opinion. The

following expressions can be used as starters:

Personally… I’d like to say… If you ask me…

As far as I am concerned… To be honest… I would say…

I find it rather… I feel that… In my view…

The way I see it… I strongly believe that… Honesty…

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
A. What will it be? Choose between or among the options. Then write
your opinion about your choice. Use the appropriate expressions as starters.

junk food bread


longganisa hotdog


dog fish


flower chocolate

Jollibee McDonald’s

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
B. What is your opinion about the following statements?

Cabanatuan is a _________________________________________
progressive city. _________________________________________

Children should
learn to cook. _________________________________________

Playgrounds are
a waste of space. _________________________________________

Singing is
for everybody. _________________________________________

Learning to read
is fun. _________________________________________

C. A Filipino wedding is part of our culture and tradition. If two

people fell in love, they get married in the church where the bride wears a
traje de boda (wedding gown) and the groom a barong tagalog or suit. There will
be godparents (the principal sponsors) and bridesmaids and abay (the
secondary sponsors).

The father of the bride will march along with her daughter, the bride,
to bring her to the groom where the couple will both stay in front of the altar
table for the wedding ceremony.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
After the mass, there will be a reception where another set of
ceremonies will be done like the slicing of the cake, wine drinking and the
doves. This is when all the guests will celebrate with the newly-weds through
a feast of food and festive merry-making.

In modern days, do you believe that we should consider being more

practical and celebrating the union of two hearts in a simple way?
Share your thoughts/opinions; write your answer inside the wedding



Literary Devices, Definition and Examples of Literary Terms
Retrieved from: http://literarydevices.net/connotation/ On August 5, 2016.

Padin, M. A. S. et.al (2016). English Encounters: Reading (p. 106-113). Manila,

Philippines: REX Book Store.

Paragraph Writing: Types and Techniques Retrieved from:

niques_putting_on_our_play_journalistic_writing&b=79&c=21 August 4,

Prepared by:
Master Teacher II
Caaibangbangan Integrated School

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Week 10: Observing Accuracy, Appropriate Aate and
Proper Expressions in Reading
Day 1

Honesty is being truthful, sincere and loyal. An honest person tells the
truth and shows fairness in all his/her dealings. He/She never wants to cheat
on anyone or will do everything just to get what he/she wants. The more
honest a person is, the more people will like and believe him/her. Your name
and reputation are at stake once you are caught lying or cheating.

What will you do in the given scenario inside the film reel? Present a
role-play in your class.

 You went to the mall with your friends. You went home late and
your parents will really get mad at you. How will you explain to
 You forgot to do your assignment and your teacher is asking for it.
What will you tell her?
 You bought something in the store and you got an excess amount in
your change. What will you do?

Don’t forget!

Honesty can be sensed in a person, if he/she is trustworthy, reliable

and honorable. It is important to be honest to your parents because, not only
they will sense that, but because they deserve to know the truth.

In the story that you are about to read, it tells that it is important to be
honest to your parents because even if you try to hide something in them, the
truth will always prevail.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Before reading, answer the following questions:

6. What is honesty for you?

7. Can you honestly sense if a person is honest or dishonest to you?
8. How are you going to encourage the people to be honest all the time?
9. What can you say about the people whom do you think are not honest?
10. What do you think are some ways to bring out the honesty in a person,
especially if they are in a particularly difficult decision?


Reading with accuracy means reading and understanding the

meaning of each word, thus improving your comprehension of the text. This
makes you fluent and accurate reader at the same time.

Now, read the selection below with fluency and accuracy.

The Twelve Dancing Princesses

Grimm Brothers

There was a king who had twelve beautiful daughters. They slept in
twelve beds all in one room and when they went to bed; the doors were shut
and locked up. However, every morning their shoes were found to be quite
worn through as if they had been danced all night. Nobody could find out
how it happened, or where the princesses had been.

So the king made it known to all the land that if any person could
discover the secret and find out where it was that the princesses danced in the
night, he would have the one he liked best to take as his wife, and would be
king after his death. But whoever tried and did not succeed, after three days
and nights, they would be put to death.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
A king’s son soon came. He was well entertained, and in the evening
was taken to the chamber next to the one where the princesses lay in their
twelve beds. There he was to sit and watch where they went to dance and, in
order that nothing could happen without him hearing it, the door of his
chamber was left open. But the king’s son soon fell asleep; and when he woke
up in the morning he found that the princesses had all been dancing, for the
soles of their shoes were full of holes.

The same thing happened the second and third night and so the king
ordered his head to be cut off.

After him came several others; but they all had the same luck, and all
lost their lives in the same way.

Now it happened that an old soldier, who had been wounded in battle
and could fight no longer, passed through the country where this king
reigned, and as he was travelling through a wood, he met an old woman, who
asked him where he was going. I hardly know where I am going, or what I
had better do, ‘said the soldier’; ‘but I think I would like to find out where it is
that the princesses dance, and then in time I might be a king’.

‘Well’, said the old woman, ‘that is not a very hard task; only take care
not to drink any of the wine which one of the princesses will bring you in the
evening; and as soon as she leaves you pretend to be fast asleep’.

Then she gave him a cloak, and said, ‘As soon as you put that on, you
will become invisible, and you then are able to follow the princesses wherever
they go’. When the soldier heard all this good advice, he was determined to
try his luck, so he went to the king, and said he was willing to undertake the

He was as well received as the others had been, and the king ordered
fine royal robes to be given him; and when the evening came, he was led to
the outer chamber.

Just as he was going to lie down, the eldest of the princesses brought
him a cup of wine; but the soldier threw it all away secretly, taking care not to
drink a drop. Then he laid himself down on his bed, and in a little while
began to snore very loudly as if he was fast asleep.

When the twelve princesses heard this they laughed heartily; and the
eldest said, ‘This fellow too might have done a wiser thing than lose his life in
this way!’, then they rose and opened their drawers and boxes, and took out
all their fine clothes and dressed themselves at the mirror, and skipped about
as if they were eager to begin dancing.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
But the youngest said, ‘I don’t know why it is, but while you are so
happy, I feel very uneasy; I am sure some mischance will befall us’.

‘You simpleton’, said the eldest, ‘you are always afraid; have you
forgotten how many kings’ sons have already watched in vain? And as for
this soldier, even if I had not given him his sleeping draught, he would have
slept soundly enough.’

When they were all ready, they went and looked at the soldier; but he
snored on, and did not stir hand or foot; so they thought they were quiet safe.

Then the eldest went up to her own bed and clapped her hands, and the
bed sank into the floor and a trap-door flew open. The soldier saw them going
down through the trap-door one after another, the eldest leading the way;
and thinking he had no time to lose, he jumped up, put on the cloak which the
old woman had given him and followed them.

However in the middle of the stairs he trod on the gown of the youngest
princess, and she cried out to her sisters, ‘All is not right; someone took hold
of my gown’.

‘You silly creature!’, said the eldest, ‘It is nothing but a nail in the wall’.
Down they all went and at the bottom, they found themselves in a most
delightful grove of trees; and the leaves were all of silver and glittered and
sparkled beautifully. The soldier wished to take away some token of the
place; so he broke off a little branch and there came a loud noise from the tree.

Then the youngest daughter said again, ‘I am sure all is not right – did
not you hear that noise? That never happened before’. But the eldest said, “it
is only our princess, who is shouting for joy at our approach’.

They came to another grove of trees, where all the leaves were of gold;
and afterwards to a third, where the leaves were all glittering diamonds. And
the soldier broke a branch from each; and every time there was a loud noise,
which made the youngest sister tremble with fear. But the eldest still said it
was only the princes, who were crying for joy.

They went on till they came to a great lake; and at the side of the lake
there lay twelve little boats with twelve handsome princes in them, who
seemed to be waiting there for the princesses.

One of the princesses went into each boat, and the soldier stepped into
the same boat as the youngest. As they rowing over the lake, the prince who
was in the boat with the youngest princess and the soldier said ‘I do not know

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
why it is, but though I am rowing with all my might we do not get on so fast
as usual, and I am quite tired; boat seems very heavy today’.

‘It is only the heat of the weather’, said the princess, ‘I am very warm,
too’. On the other side of the lake stood a fine, illuminated castle from which
came the merry music of horns and trumpets. There they all landed, and went
into the castle and each prince danced with his princess; and the soldier, who
was still invisible, danced with them too. When any of the princesses had a
cup of wine set by her, he drank it all up, so that when she put the cup to her
mouth it was empty. At this, too, the youngest sister was terribly frightened,
but the eldest always silenced her.

They danced on till three o’clock in the morning, and then all their shoes
were worn out, so that they were obliged to leave. The princess rowed them
back again over the lake (but this time the soldier placed himself in the boat
with the eldest princess); and on the opposite shore they took leave of each
other, the princess promising to come again the next night.

When they came to the stairs, the soldier ran on before the princesses
and laid himself down. And as the twelve tired sisters slowly came up, they
heard him snoring in his bed and they said, “now all is quite safe’. Then they
put on their night gown, put away their fine clothes, pulled off their shoes,
and went to bed.

In the morning, the soldier said nothing about what had happened, but
determined to see more of this strange adventure, and went again on the
second and the third nights. Everything happened just as before; the
princesses danced till their shoes were worn to pieces, and then returned
home. On the third night the soldier carried away one of the golden cups as a
token of where he had been.

As soon as the time came when he was to declare the secret, he was
taken before the king with the three branches and the golden cup; and the
twelve princesses stood listening behind the door to hear what he would say.

The king asked him. “Where do my twelve daughters dance at night?’.

The soldier answered, “With twelve princes in a castle underground’. And
then he told the king all that had happened and showed him the three
branches and the golden cup which he had brought with him.

The king called for the princesses and asked them whether what the
soldier said was true and when they saw that they were discovered and that it
was of no use to deny what had happened, they confessed it all.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
So the king asked the soldier which of the princesses he would choose
for his wife; and e answered, ‘I am not very young, so I will have the eldest’.
And they were married that very day, and the soldier was chosen to be the
king’s heir.


Get your notebook and answer the questions below:

1.Why did the twelve princesses lie to their father about their shoes getting
2.What can you say about the way the father would like to solve the shoe
problem of her daughters?
3.Do you think the father has already an idea that his daughters are lying to
him? If yes, why do you think he pretended that he did not know anything
about his daughters’ lying?
4.What can you say about the man who was able to solve the problem?
5.How are you going to promote the importance of honesty in the youth

Day 2

Point of view in a story shows whose perspective the story is being told. Is it in
the first person, second person or the third person? But most of the time, stories
are either in the first person point of view or in the third person point of view.

 The first person point of view shows that one of the characters narrates
the story. It uses the first person pronouns like I, me, mine,
we, us, our and ours.

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
On the other hand the third person point of view shows that the
narrator of the story is not included as one of the characters and that
the narrator knows everything that will happen in the story. It uses
third person pronouns like he, she, it, they, them, their and theirs.
Activity 1:

Listen to the paragraphs your teacher will read. Find out who is talking
and what the speaker is saying about the topic. Then tell your own point of
view about it.

Are you FOR or AGAINST it?

Day 3

Activity 2: Create a story using first person point of view.

Let your classmates listen to it afterward.


Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Day 4

Filipinos are known to be honest individuals. Recently a Tricycle driver

in Brgy Valdefuente, Danilo Ipurong returned a bag with bundles of cash and
returned to the rightful owner. His honesty earned him the distinction as the
barangay’s “Driver of the Year”.

Danilo Ipurong is a 44-year lad native of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

and currently residing at Valdefuente, Cabanatuan City.

With your group mates, organize and research for other Filipinos who
have shown great honesty in the field. Make sure that everyone in the group
will contribute in research work and choose a leader who will play as the

Check out the website or Google other links that will expose you to the
benefits of honesty. You can share these inspiring stories to others. Always be
tactful and respectful especially when talking to people older than you.

Day 5

DECLARATIVE SENTENCES are used to express one’s opinions.

Transition words will link your opinion with what the other person has just
shared. As a review, some of these words are:

As I see it In my opinion
I believe In my view I consider
I think Personally
I feel It is my belief

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City
Activity 1:
The topic is choosing between letter writing and emailing. Which
method of communication is better? Which is more convenient? Which do
you prefer? Complete these sentences to express your opinions:

1.In my opinion, ______________________________________________________

2.I consider, __________________________________________________________
3.Personally, _________________________________________________________
4.I believe that,_______________________________________________________
5.As I see it, __________________________________________________________
6.I think,_____________________________________________________________

Activity 2:
Using a one-sentence paragraph, express your opinions about the topic
listed below.

Honesty in taking exams. Honesty in returning found items.

_______________________________ ______________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

DepEd Division of Cabanatuan City

Balingit, P. C., & Visaya, L. C. (2010). Reading for Meaning (p. 46). Sta. Ana,
de Lemos-Mendoza, Rebeca (2016). Essential English, Worktext in Language and
Reading (pp. 98-99, 103-105). Manila, Philippines: REX Book Store.

Padin, M. A. S. et.al (2016). English Encounters: Reading (pp. 102-103). Manila,

Philippines: REX Book Store.
Perez, V. et.al. (1993). Physical Education, Health and Music (p. 94). Sta. Mesa,
Manila: Saint Bernadette Publications.
Talwar, Dr. R & Talwar, Dr. Nupur (2006). Your Guide to Teeth Care (p. 9). New
Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.


Prepared by:


Master Teacher II
Caaibangbangan Integrated School

Grade 5 Quarter 2 Learner’s Materials

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