Pediatric Intestinal Failure: Review Article

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Julie R. Ingelfinger, M.D., Editor

Pediatric Intestinal Failure

Christopher P. Duggan, M.D., M.P.H., and Tom Jaksic, M.D., Ph.D.​​

From the Center for Advanced Intestinal nce a condition that was almost always fatal,1 pediatric intes-
Rehabilitation (C.P.D., T.J.), Division of tinal failure is now considered a complex but survivable syndrome that
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutri-
tion (C.P.D.), and the Department of Sur- afflicts tens of thousands of children. Deaths due to dehydration and
gery (T.J.), Boston Children’s Hospital and malnutrition, which claimed more than half of infants with the short-bowel syn-
Harvard Medical School, Boston. Address drome, were reduced with the advent of parenteral nutrition in the 1960s.2 Neo-
reprint requests to Dr. Duggan at the
Center for Nutrition, Division of Gastro- nates with extremely short residual bowel, who previously would have received
enterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, palliative care, could now receive more effective nutritional therapy. However, one
Boston Children’s Hospital, 333 Longwood study involving 272 infants with intestinal failure who were enrolled between 2000
Ave., Boston, MA 02115, or at ­christopher​
.­duggan@​­childrens​.­harvard​.­edu. and 2004 showed 58 deaths (largely from multiorgan system failure [including
liver disease], sepsis, and hemorrhage) related to prolonged parenteral nutrition
N Engl J Med 2017;377:666-75.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1602650 and 10 additional deaths from complications related to intestinal transplantation,
Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. for an overall mortality rate of 25%.3 More recent advances have resulted in sub-
stantially improved survival rates (>90%) for these infants (see Table S1 in the
Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at,
who are often critically ill after surgery for gastrointestinal diseases and have
ongoing surgical, medical, and nutritional complications.

Defini t ion, Epidemiol o gy, a nd C ause s

Intestinal failure has been defined as “the reduction of functional gut mass below
the minimal amount necessary for digestion and absorption adequate to satisfy the
nutrient and fluid requirements for maintenance in adults or growth in children.” 4
An umbrella label, intestinal failure includes the surgical short-bowel syndrome
(intestinal resection for acquired or congenital gastrointestinal diseases, leading
to clinically significant malabsorption and requiring specialized nutritional therapy),
as well as disorders of gastrointestinal motility (e.g., intestinal pseudo-obstruction)
and congenital enterocyte disorders (microvillus inclusion disease, tufting enteropa-
thy, and others). This review concentrates on the natural history and management
of the short-bowel syndrome, although several aspects of management also apply
to other forms of intestinal failure.
Amassing data on the incidence of intestinal failure has been difficult because
of the condition’s rarity and the varied case definitions. (Indeed, the evidence for
many treatments of intestinal failure is weak5-7 because of heterogeneous defini-
tions, low disease prevalence, and reliance on uncontrolled case series to evaluate
therapies and outcomes.) One commonly used definition of intestinal failure dur-
ing infancy is the need for parenteral nutrition for at least 90 days.8 A population-
based estimate, with cases defined as the need for parenteral nutrition for more
than 42 days after bowel resection or a residual small-bowel length of less than
25% of that expected for gestational age, yielded an incidence of 24.5 cases per
100,000 live births.9 The incidence of the short-bowel syndrome among infants
with low birth weight (<1500 g) is higher, at 7 cases per 1000 live births.10

666 n engl j med 377;7  August 17, 2017

Pediatric Intestinal Failure

Pediatric intestinal failure is most often caused with relatively higher absorptive capacity may
by necrotizing enterocolitis.11 The incidence of require parenteral nutrition for only a year or
necrotizing enterocolitis among very-low-birth- two. The more severely limited the absorptive
weight neonates increases by 3% for every 250-g capacity, the slower the recovery will be. A child
decrement in birth weight below 1500 g.12 As the with an ultrashort gut or low absorptive capacity
survival rate among very-low-birth-weight neo- may have limited adaptive potential, with increas-
nates increases, the incidence of necrotizing ing tolerance of enteral nutrition but without the
enterocolitis, and consequent intestinal failure, capacity for full independence from parenteral
may also increase. Gastroschisis is another com- nutrition.
mon cause of pediatric intestinal failure,3 and the Clinical factors relevant to achieving enteral
prevalence of gastroschisis has increased by 36% autonomy have not been defined prospectively.
— from 3.6 cases per 10,000 births (in the However, numerous retrospective studies have
1995–2005 period) to 4.9 per 10,000 births (in identified important factors that affect the chances
the 2006–2012 period).13 Other common causes of attaining this goal, including longer residual
include malrotation and midgut volvulus, intes- small bowel, younger age at the time of intesti-
tinal atresia, intestinal aganglionosis, and trauma. nal resection, preservation of the ileocecal valve,
The numerous gastrointestinal and nutritional diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis, absence
manifestations of intestinal failure (Fig. 1) in- of severe liver disease, and normal gastrointesti-
clude malabsorption of nutrients, small-bowel nal motility. Data from the Pediatric Intestinal
dysmotility and bacterial overgrowth, and intes- Failure Consortium suggest that receipt of care at
tinal failure–associated liver disease. an institution that does not offer intestinal trans-
plantation predicts successful enteral autonomy
In te s t ina l A da p tat ion a nd the (possibly reflecting a difference in the severity of
C oncep t of En ter a l Au t onom y cases according to whether an institution does
or does not offer transplantation)20 and that white
The management of intestinal failure is aimed at race correlates with longer survival.21
supporting adequate nutrition and minimizing
the risk of complications or death, with the goal Nu t r i t iona l Ther a pie s
of independence from parenteral nutrition, or
“enteral autonomy.” The process of intestinal Parenteral Nutrition
adaptation to massive bowel loss has been de- Meticulously administered fluid, electrolyte, and
scribed as a compensatory process wherein the nutritional therapy, with both specialized paren-
remaining bowel undergoes substantial structural teral and enteral nutrition, is the mainstay of
and functional changes that increase its absorp- treatment for pediatric intestinal failure.22 Infants
tive capacity.14 Histologic hallmarks of the com- who have undergone massive bowel resection
pensatory process include increased villous height should receive parenteral nutrition early in the
and crypt depth, with gross anatomical features postoperative period, and enteral nutrition (dis-
that include bowel lengthening and dilatation. cussed below) should be initiated shortly there-
Such adaptation is promoted by a combination after. Safe and successful parenteral therapy
of mechanical, humoral, and luminal factors,15,16 begins with a comprehensive multidisciplinary
and putative molecular signaling pathways are assessment of the child’s water, electrolyte, energy,
being actively investigated.17,18 It is thought that and macronutrient and micronutrient require-
aggressive enteral therapy enhances adaptation ments. Ideally,23 the treatment team should in-
and prevents complications associated with pro- clude a registered dietician to objectively mea-
longed parenteral therapy.19 sure nutritional status, a nutritional support nurse
As the intestine adapts and absorption im- to evaluate venous-access use, a nutritional phar-
proves, the growing child also undergoes a pro- macist to oversee the sterile and safe preparation
gressive reduction in energy, protein, and fluid of parenteral-nutrition components, and a super-
needs (as expressed per kilogram of body weight). vising physician specializing in nutrition.24 Close
The likelihood of adequate adaptation depends communication with the referring surgical and
on the severity of gastrointestinal compromise and neonatal intensive care team is critical. Impor-
the absorptive capacity of the intestine. A child tant considerations include the cause of intesti-

n engl j med 377;7  August 17, 2017 667

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

excess gastrin
G cell

Oral aversion

Venous stomach acid
insertion Parietal cell

Junction of Skin STOMACH

superior vena insertion
cava and right Hypergastrinemia
atrium Hyperacidity
LIVER Gastroesophageal reflux
Intestinal failure–associated Vomiting
liver disease: Delayed gastric emptying
Fibrosis Central
Cirrhosis venous
Gastrostomy button

Malabsorption of iron,
calcium, and B vitamins


Cholelithiasis Exocrine pancreatic

Malabsorption of water and
Anastomotic electrolytes
ulceration Eosinophilic colitis
Chronic diarrhea


JEJUNAL RESECTION Malabsorption of vitamin B12, bile
Malabsorption of carbohydrates, salts, and fat-soluble vitamins
overgrowth lipids, amino acids, trace Malabsorption of carbohydrates,
metals, and vitamins lipids, amino acids, trace
Strictures metals, and vitamins
Bacterial overgrowth Strictures
Bowel dilatation and enteropathy Bacterial overgrowth
Small-bowel dysmotility Bowel dilatation and enteropathy
EPITHELIUM Small-bowel dysmotility
Chronic diarrhea
Chronic diarrhea

Figure 1. Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Intestinal Failure.

After intestinal resection, malabsorption of several classes of nutrients ensues (depending on the site of resection) and numerous inflam-
matory complications (e.g., bacterial overgrowth, colitis, anastomotic ulcerations, peptic disease with hypergastrinemia, and increased
intestinal permeability) occur. Water and electrolyte losses are also commonly observed. Intestinal failure–associated liver disease has
multiple manifestations.

668 n engl j med 377;7 August 17, 2017

Pediatric Intestinal Failure

nal failure, the underlying nutritional status (as syndrome.28,29 Children in whom intestinal failure–
it relates to factors such as prematurity, low birth associated liver disease develops may have cho-
weight, or appropriate size for gestational age), lestasis. The involvement of such patients in open-
gastrointestinal anatomy (length of the residual label studies of various agents strongly suggests
small and large bowel), vascular access, con- that switching from an emulsion containing pre-
comitant medical and surgical illnesses, family dominantly n–6 fatty acids to one that contains
medical history, and social history (e.g., living predominantly n–3 fatty acids and that is also
conditions and employment of parents). low in phytosterols reduces biochemical mea-
Prolonged parenteral nutrition is lifesaving sures of cholestasis. Fish oil preparations have
but nevertheless may lead to numerous compli- relatively low concentrations of the essential
cations, including central catheter–associated fatty acids (linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids);
bloodstream infections, mechanical catheter– however, in a study involving 30 children with
associated complications (breakage or thrombo- intestinal failure who were treated with fish oil
sis), metabolic bone disease, and intestinal failure– emulsion as the sole source of intravenous fat
associated liver disease. Detailed considerations for a median of 4.6 years, essential fatty acid
of these complications are found elsewhere,22 deficiency (as defined by a serum triene:tetraene
but several unique aspects of intestinal failure– fatty acid ratio >0.2) did not develop in any of
associated liver disease deserve mention. the children. In this series, the mean percentage
Parenteral preparations themselves may lead of enteral calories ranged from 20 to 30%.30
to problems. For example, parenteral exposure to Newer intravenous fat emulsions, one contain-
proinflammatory n–6 fatty acids or phytosterols ing a four-lipid combination of soy, olive, fish,
(e.g., stigmasterol) contained in soy-based intra- and medium-chain oils (Smoflipid, Fresenius Kabi)
venous fats have been implicated in the develop- and the other containing olive and soy oils
ment of intestinal failure–associated liver dis- (Clinolipid, Baxter Healthcare), were approved for
ease.25 The commonly recommended dose of use in adults by the Food and Drug Administra-
intravenous fat emulsion for infants receiving tion in 2016 and 2013, respectively. The four-lipid
parental nutrition was previously 2 to 3 g per product has undergone preliminary evaluation in
kilogram of body weight per day; however, in an infants with early intestinal failure–associated
effort to reduce the incidence or severity of in- liver disease (mean direct bilirubin level, 1 to 3 mg
testinal failure–associated liver disease, more re- per deciliter [17 to 50 μmol per liter]). In a multi-
cent data support routine restriction of the dose center pilot study (a blinded, randomized, con-
to 1 g per kilogram per day in infants with se- trolled trial comparing the four-lipid product
vere gastrointestinal disease who are likely to re- with a soy-based lipid emulsion [Intralipid, Fre-
quire long-term parenteral nutrition.26,27 Essen- senius Kabi]), the conjugated bilirubin level was
tial fatty acid deficiency may occur if fat emulsion significantly lower in 11 infants who received
is administered at a level below 1 g per kilogram the four-lipid product than in 13 infants treated
per day. For example, in a study providing an with the soy-based lipid emulsion, each for a
average of 0.3 g of intravenous fat per kilogram mean duration of 8 weeks.31 Long-term follow-
per day, mild essential fatty acid deficiency de- up studies are needed to compare fat emulsions
veloped in 8 of 13 infants.26 Thus, regular clini- and examine the risk of hepatic cirrhosis (which
cal and biochemical monitoring (total fatty acid can develop despite improvements in cholestasis
profile, including the ratio of triene to tetraene) markers) and other features of intestinal failure–
is essential for children receiving restricted associated liver disease, as well as growth rates,
amounts of intravenous fat emulsion. body composition, and neurodevelopment.
The advent of intravenous fat preparations en-
riched with n–3 fatty acids has had a substantial Enteral Nutrition
effect on the severity of intestinal failure–associ- The composition and timing of enteral feeding
ated liver disease and has probably reduced mor- can affect the achievement of enteral autonomy.
tality rates among infants with the short-bowel Prompt initiation of enteral feeding after bowel

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

resection has been reported to improve the rate More studies are needed to identify factors as-
of enteral autonomy8; such findings provide little sociated with the achievement of adequate oral
justification for prolonged “gut rest.” For infants intake.
with the short-bowel syndrome, human milk is Micronutrient (vitamin and mineral) supple-
often chosen for enteral nutrition, but data to mentation is a critical aspect of nutritional ther-
support this choice are limited. Human milk apy. The human gastrointestinal tract absorbs
contains growth factors, amino acids, immuno- nutrients at numerous anatomical locations, and
globulins, and other immunologically important the location of bowel resection in infants with
compounds that may promote intestinal adapta- intestinal failure helps determine the frequency
tion.32 It has been hypothesized that the use of and severity of micronutrient deficiencies (Fig. 1).
human milk may result in fewer days of depen- Common nutrient deficiencies that develop in-
dence on parenteral nutrition33 and may reduce clude deficiencies of vitamin D, zinc, iron, and
the risk of intestinal failure–associated liver dis- vitamin B12; deficiencies of these and other nu-
ease.34 When human milk is unavailable, amino trients can be observed even with the use of full
acid–based formulas, which have been associated or “total” parenteral nutrition, especially during
with more favorable outcomes than protein hy- the weaning from parenteral to enteral nutri-
drolysate formulas,33,35 are commonly used. It is tion.44,45 Even infants with normal somatic growth
thought that decreased intestinal barrier func- and few gastrointestinal symptoms may have
tion36 may predispose infants with intestinal fail- important micronutrient deficiencies,46 so regular
ure to allergic gastrointestinal diseases.37 Stud- biochemical monitoring is indicated. Enterally
ies in animals suggest that intact macronutrients administered, water-soluble preparations of fat-
(e.g., long-chain fatty acids) lead to better intes- soluble vitamins are helpful for ensuring ade-
tinal adaptation than do medium-chain fatty quate intake and absorption. In patients who
acids,38 but data in humans are limited. have undergone terminal ileal resection, paren-
In children with chronic diarrhea, enteral teral vitamin B12 may be necessary; sublingual
nutrition delivered by continuous drip has been and intranasal vitamin B12 preparations are avail-
shown to improve intestinal absorption and able, but data on their efficacy are sparse.
weight gain,39 and in adults with intestinal fail-
ure, tube feedings improve energy and macronu- Ph a r m aceu t ic a l Agen t s
trient absorption as compared with oral (bolus)
feeding.40 However, bolus enteral feeding results Numerous medical therapies with various mech-
in cyclical changes in plasma levels of gastroin- anisms of action, including antisecretory, anti-
testinal hormones such as insulin, pancreatic motility, and proabsorptive agents (Table 1), are
polypeptide, gastric inhibitory polypeptide, gas- used in children with intestinal failure. Antacid
trin, motilin, enteroglucagon, and neurotensin, therapies are important for combatting the gas-
which may be important for adaptation and tric hypersecretion that is known to follow mas-
growth.41 In our experience, a combined ap- sive bowel resection.47 The optimal duration of
proach (e.g., continuous feeding at night and postoperative antacid therapy in affected patients
bolus feeding during the day) is feasible.19 There is unknown, but histamine H2 blockers, proton-
is evidence that using protocols for enteral feed- pump inhibitors, or both are often adminis-
ing can shorten the duration of parenteral nu- tered.3 Since there are data that suggest a link
trition and lower the rates of intestinal failure– between acid blockade and infections of the re-
associated liver disease.42 The introduction of spiratory and gastrointestinal tracts48 (presum-
oral boluses of human milk or formula as soon ably including bacterial overgrowth in the small
as they are tolerated postoperatively appears to intestine), it is worthwhile to wean patients from
help stimulate oral motor development and may antacid therapy as soon as possible. Other anti-
help prevent long-term feeding aversion.4 The secretory agents, including loperamide, bile acid
American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines43 sequestrants, and octreotide, have not been exten-
suggest the introduction of complementary, age- sively studied in children with intestinal failure.
appropriate foods between 4 and 6 months of Bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine
age. We have followed this practice with intesti- is a common finding in patients with the short-
nally challenged infants to apparently good effect. bowel syndrome and is thought to be due to

670 n engl j med 377;7  August 17, 2017

Pediatric Intestinal Failure

Table 1. Medical Therapies for Pediatric Intestinal Failure.

Class and Examples Comments

Antisecretory agents
Histamine H2 receptors (e.g., ranitidine) Used to reduce hyperacidity after massive resection
Proton-pump inhibitors Used to reduce hyperacidity after massive resection
Loperamide Used to slow intestinal transit
Bile acid sequestrants (e.g., cholestyramine) Used for bile salt malabsorption after terminal ileal resection;
use may reduce absorption of fat-soluble nutrients
Octreotide Has not been evaluated for intestinal failure
Racecadotril Has not been evaluated for intestinal failure; not available in the
United States
Crofelemer Has not been evaluated for intestinal failure; indicated for adults
with antiretroviral therapy–induced chronic diarrhea
Adjunctive absorptive agents: pancreatic enzyme For pancreatic atrophy and exocrine insufficiency, which are rare
­replacement therapy complications of intestinal failure
Prokinetic agents
Cisapride For delayed gastric emptying in patients with gastroschisis and
other foregut anomalies
Erythromycin, clarithromycin, amoxicillin–­ Antibiotics used for their promotility effect in intestinal failure
clavulanic acid
Cyproheptadine Improves gastric accommodation and stimulates appetite
Antibiotic agents: many available Helpful in the treatment of small-intestinal bacterial overgrowth;
indiscriminate use may result in fungal infections, antimicro-
bial resistance, or Clostridium difficile infection
Probiotic agents: many available No evidence of benefit in small studies; risk of sepsis
Growth factors: glucagon-like peptide 2 analogues Teduglutide is licensed for use in adults with intestinal failure;
(e.g., teduglutide) trials in children are ongoing

altered intestinal motility and anatomy, resec- old child with the short-bowel syndrome due to
tion of the ileocecal valve, and possibly the use necrotizing enterocolitis who was receiving par-
of antacids. In a detailed study involving 10 in- enteral nutrition. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
fants with the short-bowel syndrome, the odds showed an identical pattern in the isolates from
of the development of a central catheter–associ- his blood and the probiotic supplement he had
ated bloodstream infection was approximately been receiving,53 suggesting that bacterial trans-
7 times as high among those with small-intesti- location occurred across a permeable gastroin-
nal bacterial overgrowth as among those with- testinal mucosa as a complication of probiotic
out such overgrowth.49 Cyclical use (1 week per use. Data are not sufficient to make a recom-
month) of broad-spectrum antibiotics (e.g., metro- mendation, but it may be reasonable to avoid the
nidazole or ciprofloxacin) is the mainstay of use of probiotics in patients who have central
therapy for small-intestinal bacterial overgrowth venous catheters in place. The role of the gut
at many centers.3 Endoscopic sampling and quan- microbiome in affecting intestinal adaptation,
titative cultures of duodenal fluid may be helpful nutrient absorption, and other clinical outcomes
in diagnosing the disorder, allowing appropriate is an area of active research.
tailoring of antibiotic therapy.50 Therapy with gastrointestinal hormones to
Although it has been proposed that probiotics induce intestinal adaptation shows promise as a
may improve intestinal permeability, this has not medical therapy for intestinal failure. Glucagon-
been confirmed in patients with intestinal fail- like peptide 2 (GLP-2) is a naturally occurring
ure,51 and there have been reports of bacteremia hormone secreted by enteroendocrine cells in
with the use of probiotic supplements.52,53 In one the distal ileum and colon. GLP-2 induces small-
case, lactobacillus sepsis developed in an 11-month- bowel epithelial proliferation and delays gastric

n engl j med 377;7  August 17, 2017 671

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

emptying.54 In a series of studies involving adults are successfully treated with tunneled central
with the short-bowel syndrome, subcutaneous venous catheters.64
administration of the GLP-2 analogue teduglu- Because children with intestinal failure gen-
tide reduced intestinal malabsorption, increased erally require intravenous access and parenteral
villous height and crypt depth,55 and reduced the nutrition for a prolonged period, they are at high
need for parenteral nutrition.56,57 A recent ran- risk for central catheter–associated bloodstream
domized, open-label, 12-week trial involving 42 infections. Critical preventive measures include
children compared daily treatment with teduglu- strict adherence to aseptic technique, the use of
tide, administered at three dose levels (0.0125 mg standardized protocols for central catheter man-
per kilogram in 8 children, 0.025 mg per kilogram agement, and caretaker education.64 The infusion
in 14, or 0.05 mg per kilogram in 15) with the of 70% ethanol, which is both antimicrobial and
standard of care (in 5 children).58 Treatment with fibrinolytic, to fill the catheter during intervals
teduglutide at a dose of either 0.025 or 0.05 mg between use (called an “ethanol lock”) in patients
per kilogram was associated with a trend toward receiving cycled parenteral nutrition also seems
a reduction in parenteral nutrition. A 24-week to be beneficial in preventing bloodstream in-
trial is under way ( number, fections.65,66 Such infections are also a risk factor
NCT02682381) to determine the efficacy of these for intestinal failure–associated liver disease,67 so
two higher doses of teduglutide in children. prevention of central catheter–associated blood-
stream infections may help improve liver out-
comes as well.
Surgic a l Ther a pie s
The endogenous process of intestinal adapta-
The preservation of as much intestine as possi- tion includes bowel lengthening and dilatation
ble, particularly small bowel, is the cardinal goal to increase the mucosal surface area. Autologous
of surgical management in patients at risk for intestinal reconstruction surgery aims to taper
intestinal failure. Such intestinal sparing is ac- and lengthen the remaining bowel in order to
complished by salvaging all viable intestine dur- improve motility, enhance absorption, and limit
ing the initial procedure and, when necessary, bacterial overgrowth.68,69 The longitudinal intes-
performing a “second look” operation within tinal lengthening and tailoring procedure (LILT),
12 to 24 hours to ascertain whether gut that was commonly referred to as the Bianchi operation,
marginally viable is recovering. Colonic salvage was first described in 1980.70 A simpler opera-
of malabsorbed nutrients is important for nutri- tion, serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP), was
ent balance in patients with the short-bowel developed more recently.68 Data from the Inter-
syndrome,59 and reestablishment of bowel conti- national STEP Registry indicate that among pa-
nuity through ostomy closure, or refeeding dis- tients in whom standard bowel rehabilitation is
tal stomas,60 is thought to be associated with not successful, 66% have improved enteral toler-
more rapid attainment of enteral tolerance61 and ance and 47% are fully weaned from parenteral
a lower incidence of liver disease.33,60 The place- nutrition after undergoing the initial STEP pro-
ment of feeding gastrostomy tubes may allow cedure.71 These two procedures have not been
for continuous feeding or intestinal decompres- directly compared, although limited data72 appear
sion as needed. Gastrostomy tubes can also be to support the STEP procedure, which is less
converted to gastrojejunostomy devices, which technically difficult than LILT and can be re-
permit both nutrient administration directly into peated.73,74
the small bowel and gastric drainage.62 Some children with intestinal failure are can-
Central catheter placement is commonly re- didates for intestinal or multivisceral transplan-
quired for intravenous nutrition and hydration in tation. For a child with progressive, severe intes-
children with intestinal failure.63 Avoidance of the tinal failure–associated liver disease, loss of venous
ligation of major veins during surgical placement access, recurrent central catheter–associated
of such catheters and the introduction of inter- bloodstream infections that are life-threatening,
ventional radiologic techniques has greatly en- complete mesenteric thrombosis, or extremely
hanced the preservation of long-term venous short residual bowel (i.e., little or no chance of
access.63 The majority of children in the United enteral autonomy), transplantation may be an
States who receive parenteral nutrition at home alternative to lifelong dependence on parenteral

672 n engl j med 377;7  August 17, 2017

Pediatric Intestinal Failure

nutrition.75 Early referral of candidates to a trans- Future therapies for intestinal failure are likely
plantation center is mandatory. There are cur- to include newer approaches to parenteral and
rently more than 1000 living intestinal-trans- enteral nutrition; hormonal and other medical
plant recipients in the United States, nearly half therapies to facilitate residual gut growth, which
of whom underwent transplantation as children.76 will probably target molecular mechanisms of
As of 2015, the 5-year rate of patient survival intestinal adaptation; gene therapy targeting in-
was 75% for children receiving an isolated intes- testinal stem cells81; the application of tension-
tinal graft and 62% if both liver and intestine induced growth devices to lengthen autologous
were transplanted.76 A 25% reduction in the num- intestine82-84; and the creation of tissue-engi-
ber of intestinal transplantations in the United neered bowel.85 Effective management will re-
States was reported for the period from 2007 to quire the identification of valid and reliable
2012,77 probably as a result of the improved out- biomarkers for monitoring gastrointestinal func-
comes of intestinal rehabilitation. tion. A focus on the quality of life,86 neurodevelop­
mental outcomes, and cost-effective therapies87
will also be important.88 Multicenter clinical
C onclusions
trials, better definitions of exposure and out-
The past few years have seen dramatic improve- come variables, and longer follow-up are all
ments in survival among children with intestinal needed to further improve the quality of the evi-
failure. A multidisciplinary approach to the care dence supporting current and future therapies
of this complex disorder has been associated not for children with intestinal failure.
only with increased survival but also with lower
rates of central catheter–associated bloodstream Dr. Duggan reports receiving grant support from Shire
Pharmaceuticals; and Dr. Jaksic, receiving grant support
infections and other improved outcomes.78-80 With from MedShape and holding a pending patent for “Extra­
advances in intestinal rehabilitation, intestinal luminal enterogenesis device” (no. 14/881,150). No other
transplantation may not be required in some ­potential conf lict of interest relevant to this article was re-
patients; furthermore, survival with prolonged Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
parenteral nutrition has become more common. the full text of this article at

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