Defect Identification in CNC Manufactured Products and Their Control Measure
Defect Identification in CNC Manufactured Products and Their Control Measure
Defect Identification in CNC Manufactured Products and Their Control Measure
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this project is to identify the sources of defects in final products and to understand
ways to eliminate those defects. This requires understanding the processes involved in manufacturing of components
and how parameters of those processes affect the final product.
To accomplish the goal of the project, a step by step understanding of the processes approach is used. It starts right
from studying the diagram of the component to be manufactured to the final inspection stages.
While checking the processes defects have to be identified that are present in the component that being manufactured
and implement the necessary steps for eliminating those defects.
Problem statement: To reduce defects in components manufactured by identifying causes of the defects.
The objective of the project is to understand and study the sources of error in the manufacturing in CNC manufacturing
and to find methods to eliminate those errors.
After thoroughly observing and understanding the machining process of the components over the course of internship,
several common error points were noted down and analysed. These error points were then scrutinized. In order to
understand the root causes of these errors, research and practical experience was used as a basis for coming up with
The following are the machining defects which are checked during the final inspection:
1. All gauges such as Air Pressure Gauge, Snap Gauge etc should be OK
2. Receiver gauges should be ok
3. Thread should be OK by visual and thread gauge inspection
4. Tool mark/chattering not allowed
5. Chamfer out not allowed
6. Tap/tool broken not allowed
7. Rough lining/rough finishing not allowed
8. Inside Diameter Under Size, Over Size, oval not allowed
9. Outside Diameter Under Size, Over Size, oval not allowed
10. Dimension Under Size, Over Size not allowed
11. Operation miss not allowed
A. Centreline Misalignment
Figure 1 shows centreline misalignment of chuck and tailstock. When the centre lines of spindle, tool holder or chuck
are not aligned (displaced) from each other, concentricity misalignment occurs. Concentricity misalignment happens in
the horizontal or vertical axes. The error due to this offset remains fixed and maintains a constant error value.
B. Angular Misalignment
Figure 2 shows when the axes are not parallel aligned. When the axes of rotation and axis of tool movement are not
parallel to each other, parallelism misalignment occurs. The error is measured in angular value or displacement error.
The error grows with distance, hence the further you move from the chuck, the greater the angular error becomes.
Corrective measure: Properly mount the tool, and check the alignment of the chuck, tailstock and tool before starting
4.1 Make Use of Insert Technology(Tips on Breaking Chips and Controlling Burrs when Machining Automotive
Transmission Components, n.d.)
Most turning inserts today have a geometry pressed into the rake face to control chips. The edge line or primary land
should be narrow. For one-pass machining where there are variable depths of cut, it is common to use geometries with
lands that vary from 0.004 inch to 0.010 inch. The key here is to make sure your feed rate exceeds the width of the
land. When your feed rate exceeds the width of the land it makes use of the rake angle and chip-forming ability of the
insert geometry. The rake angle shears the material rather than the land to rub off the material. When machining with a
feed rate that is smaller than the land width, heat is developed and has a negative effect on tool life. Optimizing feed
rate and land width also makes use of the chip-forming ability of the geometry. The various angles and “bumps” that
make up the geometry are designed to drive the chip into obstructions that can mechanically break the chip. For lower
feed applications, these chip formers, or bumps, need to be close to the edge line, especially at the insert nose radius.
The hardest chip breaking, which creates the shortest chips, occurs just above the nose radius for the cutting depth. So,
adjusting the cutting depth and the nose radius is essential to optimize the cut. Using a smaller nose radius than usual,
with a wiper, can be a successful, though less conventional, method.
Reduce feed rate
Use larger nose radius insert
Increase cutting speed
Select more positive chipbreaker
Flood cutting zone with coolant
Edge wear means that the geometry of the insert is changed, resulting in a reduction in the clearance angle. Therefore,
with finish machining it is the required surface finish of the workpiece that determines when the insert must be
changed. Generally, the edge wear should be between 0.004 and 0.012 in. for finishing and between 0.012 and 0.040 in.
for rough machining.
Table 1 gives the probable causes of errors due to material burn and their solutions. These can be used as general
corrective methods for the mentioned problems.
In milling operation, the part program is developed for the cutter path with reference to the centre of the tool rather than
the point on the periphery where the actual cutting takes place. At the time of writing a part program, a cutter of
suitable diameter is selected and program is developed for centre line of the cutter. But when actual machining is done,
if a cutter of smaller diameter is used, it will result in a larger work piece and if a cutter with larger diameter is used, it
will result in a smaller work piece.
Figure 3 shows how the cutting nose of the tool moves while cutting metal and how it can cause errors.
Corrective Measure:
Tool offset compensation should be properly taken and with improved techniques.
Nose radius compensation with the correct nose radius value should be input.
Motion Mistakes: They are caused by incorrect coordinate calculations. Other mistakes in this category
include forgetting to instate or cancel tool offsets, reversing clockwise and counter clockwise commands, and
improper mode selection for incremental versus absolute. In many cases, it means the program is telling the
control to, at best, not machine properly, or at worst, crash the tool into the workpiece, workholding device, or
Set-up Mistakes: The operator has to make measurements such calculating the program zero, the tool offset
depending on the tool length and entering these values in the machine. If these numbers are incorrectly
measured or if mistakes are made during their entry, the control will not truly know where the program zero
point is. All motions the program commands will be incorrect
The nine sources of errors were identified and scrutinized and solutions were found to eliminate them. These identified
sources of errors can be used as a precautionary measures by organizations. This will help organizations to reduce the
number of defective components manufactured and tackle any problems arising due to these sources of errors easily.