Sandia Report: The Mie-Grüneisen Power Equation of State
Sandia Report: The Mie-Grüneisen Power Equation of State
Sandia Report: The Mie-Grüneisen Power Equation of State
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We describe details of a general Mie-Grüneisen equation of state and its numerical
implementation. The equation of state contains a polynomial Hugoniot reference curve, an
isentropic expansion and a tension cutoff.
The author thanks Ann E. Mattsson of Los Alamos National Laboratory for her encouragement to
document this model. Steven W. Bova and John H. Carpenter provided detailed reviews that led
to improvements in this document and the model implementation. John H. Carpenter suggested
the backward recurrence approach for the lower incomplete gamma function.
References 13
ρ Density
P Pressure
E Specific internal energy
T Temperature
S Entropy
Cs Sound speed, (∂ P/∂ ρ)S
The classical Mie-Grüneisen equation of state assumes that the pressure is non-linearly related to
the density but linear in the specific energy relative to a reference curve, R. Thus
Historically, the Mie-Grüneisen equation of state has been primarily used with application to
compression of metal solids [2] and the compressive reference curve is assumed to be a Hugoniot.
However, the reference curve can be a different curve. For example, a Mie-Grüneisen equation of
state using a reference isentrope was matched to a Mie-Grüneisen Us −U p shock Hugoniot with
two parameters for the purpose of demonstrating relevant two dimensional isentropic jet flows
The sound speed is computed by differentiating Equation 1.1 with respect to density at constant
entropy and utilizing the thermodynamic relationship
∂P dη ∂E dη
Cs2 = = PR0 (η) +α − ER0 (η)
∂ρ S dρ S∂ρ dρ
= v ρ0 PR0 (η) + α P − ρ0 ER0 (η)
since dη/dρ = ρ0 v2 . In addition,
= v2 ρ0 PR0 (η) − αCv TR0 (η)
∂ρ T
We now derive a useful and well known thermodynamics relation for integrating temperature
along the references curves [4, Equation 23]. First,
1 P
dS = dE + dv (1.7)
1 ∂E 1 ∂E
= dT + + P dv (1.8)
T ∂T v T ∂v T
∂S ∂S
= dT + dv (1.9)
∂T v ∂v T
The equality of mixed differentials leads to
∂E ∂P
+P = T (1.10)
∂v T ∂T v
and finally
T dS = Cv dT + T dv (1.11)
∂T v
For the Mie-Grüneisen equation of state with constant Cv and constant α = ρΓ = ρ0 Γ0 , we then
T dS = Cv dT − Γ0Cv T dη (1.12)
Equation 1.12 is the key thermodynamic relationship used below to compute the temperature
along the reference curve.
The general Mie-Grüneisen power series equation of state described here contains polynomial
flexibility in the shape of the reference curves. The subscript R refers to a reference state curve
which is either a Hugoniot (subscript H) or an isentrope (subscript I). This particular model
provides three regions: a compressive region, a tension region, and a tensile pressure cutoff region
as described below.
PR = PH = K0 η 1 + K1 η + K2 η 2 + K3 η 3 + · · · + KM η M
where M is an integer giving the maximum number of terms in the polynomial and the subscript
H indicates that the reference curve is a Hugoniot. The first term, K0 = ρ0C02 , defines the
adiabatic bulk modulus at the reference point.
The energy on the Hugoniot curve is given by the well-known shock jump conditions [1]
PH η
ER = EH = + E0 . (1.14)
In order to compute the temperature on the Hugoniot, we use the method of Walsh and Christian
valid for constant α = ρΓ and constant Cv [4]. This method uses Equationn 1.14 and Equation
1.12 to obtain the temperature on the Hugoniot curve,
Substituting Equation 1.12 on the left hand side of Equation 1.7 and the shock jump condition
Equation 1.14 on the right hand side, we obtain a differential equation for the temperature along
the Hugoniot curve,
v0 η 2 d PH
Cv − Γ0Cv TH = − v0 PH = . (1.15)
dη dη 2 dη η
Integration on the Hugoniot curve gives
eΓ0 η d PH
Z η
Γ0 η −Γ0 z 2
TH = T0 e + e z dz (1.16)
2Cv ρ0 0 dz z
which leads to
Γ0 η eΓ0 η
TH = T0 e + K0 (K1 I2 + 2K2 I3 + 3K3 I4 + · · · + MKM IM+1 ) (1.17)
2Cv ρ0
Z η
In = e−Γ0 z zn dz (1.18)
n+1 Z Γ η
1 0
= e−z zn dz (1.19)
Γ0 0
= γ(n + 1, Γ0 η) (1.20)
and Z x
γ(n, x) = e−z zn−1 dz (1.21)
is the lower incomplete gamma function. The η derivative of TH is
dTH K0
K1 η 2 + 2K2 η 3 + 3K3 η 4 + · · · + MKM η M+1
= Γ0 TH + (1.22)
dη 2Cv ρ0
We need to evaluate γ(n, x) for arguments, x ≥ 0, and integral n ≥ 3. As a first cut one might think
to use the well known formula
n−1 k
γ(n, x) = (n − 1)! 1 − e−x ∑ (1.23)
k=0 k!
= (n − 1)! 1 − e−x en−1 (x)
where en (x) is the exponential sum function [5]. This identity can be shown by induction using
integration by parts (integrate the exponential factor). This formula would seem to allow for
efficient computation of the required M values of the lower incomplete gamma function.
However, the factorial term multiplied by the difference of two terms that might be close in
magnitude suggest that floating point precision could easily be lost as n increases. Numerical
experiments confirmed this and the algorithm was deemed unsuitable.
However, one can use integration by parts on Equation 1.21 (integrating the polynomial factor), to
Z x
−x 1
γ(n, x) = e ∑ + e−z zn+N−1 dz (1.25)
k=0 n(n + 1) · · · (n + k) n(n + 1) · · · (n + N − 1) 0
= S +E (1.26)
where the sum SN has N terms and E N is the final integral term in Equation 1.25. A simple
estimate gives
xn+N−1 (1 − e−x )
EN ≤ . (1.27)
n(n + 1) · · · (n + N − 1)
An alternate notation is now convenient. If we define
xk ex x−n
Z x
γ2 (n, x) = ∑ + e−z zn+N−1 dz (1.29)
k=0 n(n + 1) · · · (n + k) n(n + 1) · · · (n + N − 1) 0
Similarly, we have
xN−1 ex (1 − e−x )
E2N ≤ (1.31)
n(n + 1) · · · (n + N − 1)
and to achieve double precision relative accuracy for γ2 (n, x), we stop adding terms when
We have also
eΓ0 η In = γ2 (n + 1, Γ0 η)η n+1 (1.33)
which leads to the convenient form
K0 M
TH = T0 eΓ0 η + ∑ iKiη i+2γ2(i + 2, Γ0η)
2Cv ρ0 i=1
Since we potentially have a large number of terms to evaluate, we look for even more efficiency
by looking for a stable backward recurrence for γ2 that will allow for computing γ2 (n, x) at the
same time that Equation 1.34 is evaluated as a telescoping sum.
Integrating by parts on Equation 1.21 (integrating the polynomial factor once), we derive
γ(n, x) = γ(n + 1, x) + e−x xn
and the corresponding recursion relation for γ2 is
x 1
γ2 (n, x) = γ2 (n + 1, x) + . (1.36)
n n
which is a backward recurrence with a starting value γ2 (M + 2, x) evaluated using Equation 1.29.
Let ε2 (n, x) be difference between the numerical solution and the exact solution for γ2 . This error
satisfies the backward recurrence relation
ε2 (n, x) = ε2 (n + 1, x) (1.37)
with solution
ε2 (n, x) = ε2 (M + 2, x), 3 ≤ n ≤ M + 1 (1.38)
n(n + 1)(n + 2) · · · (M + 1)
Utilizing Equation 1.24 to switch to a relative error ε2r , we obtain
1 − e−x eM+1 (x) r
ε2 (n, x) = ε2 (M + 2, x), 3 ≤ n ≤ M + 1 (1.39)
1 − e−x en−1 (x)
and it is seen that the backwards recurrence algorithm is stable and has a well controlled error. As
a check, numerical results from the recurrence algorithm were compared to a direct evaluation of
Equation 1.29. The numerical stability of recurrence relations has an extensive literature [6].
As an example of the power series form for the Hugoniot, we can compute the power series
expansion of the linear Us − u p Hugoniot in terms of η. The relevant shock jump equations are,
respectively, mass, momentum conservation and the assumed linear Us −U p relation:
ρ0Us = ρ(Us − u p ), (1.40)
PH = ρUs u p (1.41)
Us = C0 + su p (1.42)
where Us is the shock speed, C0 is the sound speed at the initial (reference) state, s is the linear
coefficient and u p is the particle velocity. Eliminating Us from Equation 1.40 results in
C0 η
up = (1.43)
1 − sη
and substitution of Equation 1.42 and then Equation 1.43 in Equation 1.41 gives the Hugoniot
entirely in terms of η
ρ0C02 η
PH = (1.44)
(1 − sη)2
Expanding Equation 1.44 in a power series in η results in
PH = ρ0C02 η(1 + sη + (sη)2 + (sη)3 + · · ·)2 (1.45)
= ρ0C02 η(1 + 2sη + 3(sη)2 + 4(sη)3 + · · ·) (1.46)
so that Kn = (n + 1)sn for n ≥ 1.
For ηmin = K0 ≤ η < 0, the reference curve is defined by an isentrope with a single fixed K0 .
PR = PI = K0 η (1.47)
PR = PI = Pmin (1.52)
K0 ηmin Pmin
ER = EI = + E0 + (η − ηmin ) (1.53)
2ρ0 ρ0
TR = TI = T0 eΓ0 η (1.54)
We have documented details of a Mie-Grüneisen equation of state with a polynomial power series
compressive Hugoniot reference curve and a linear isentropic expansion reference curve with a
pressure cutoff in tension. A constant ρΓ product and constant heat capacity is assumed. The
numerical approaches utilized in the evaluating the analytic solution are fully described.
[1] R. Courant and K. O. Friedrichs. Supersonic flow and shock waves. Springer-Verlag, 1948.
[2] M.H. Rice, R.G. McQueen, and J.M. Walsh. Compression of solids by strong shock waves.
In Frederick Seitz and David Turnbull, editors, Advances in Research and Applications,
volume 6 of Solid State Physics, pages 1 – 63. Academic Press, 1958.
[3] Allen C. Robinson. Evaluation techniques and properties of an exact solution to a subsonic
free surface jet flow. Technical report SAND2002-1015, Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, NM, April 2002.
[4] J. M. Walsh and R. H. Christian. Equation of state of metals from shock wave measurements.
Physical Review, 97(6):1544–1556, 1955.
[5] Eric W. Weisstein. Incomplete gamma function. From MathWorld- A Wolfram Web
[6] Jet Wimp. Computation with Recurrence Relations. Pitman, 1984.
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