Ibertas T Usticia: Letter of Credit
Ibertas T Usticia: Letter of Credit
Ibertas T Usticia: Letter of Credit
Last Minute Tips
The relationship of the buyer and the bank is separate and distinct from the relationship of the buyer and seller in
the main contract; the bank is not required to investigate if the contract underlying the L/C has been fulfilled or
not because in transactions involving L/C, banks deal only with documents and not goods. In effect, the buyer has
no course of action against the issuing bank. As the principle's nomenclature clearly suggests, the obligation under
the letter of credit is independent of the related and originating contract. In brief, the letter of credit is separate
and distinct from the underlying transaction.
A Trust Receipt is a written or printed document signed by the entrustee in favor of the entruster containing the
terms and conditions complying with the provisions of the Trust Receipts Law, whereby the bank as enstruster
releases the goods to the possession of the entrustee but retains ownership thereof while the entrustee may sell
the goods and apply the proceeds for the full payment of his liability to the bank.
The entruster may cancel the trust and take possession of the goods, documents or
instruments subject of the trust or of the proceeds realized therefrom at any time upon
default or
failure of the entrustee to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the trust
receipt or any
other agreement between the entruster and the entrustee, and the entruster in
possession of the
goods, documents or instruments may, on or after default, give notice to the entrustee
of the
intention to sell, and may, not less than five days after serving or sending of such notice,
sell the
goods, documents or instruments at public or private sale, and the entruster may, at a
public sale,
become a purchaser.
If the entruster cancels the trust and takes back the goods, the criminal liability of the
entrustee is extinguished but the civil liability subsists.
The bank extends a loan covered by the letter of credit, with the trust receipt as security for the
loan. The transaction involves a loan feature represented by the letter of credit, and a security
feature covered by the trust receipt.
A warehouseman's lien consists of the storage charge as well as other fees and charges as may be stipulated in the
warehouse receipt. The following are the charges covered by a warehouseman’s lien:
1. Charges for storage and Preservation of the goods (insurance and others may be included as long as it is
2. Money advanced, interest, insurance, transportation, labor, weighing, coopering and other charges and expenses
in relation to such goods;
3. Charges and expenses for notice, and
4. Advertisements of sale, and for sale of the goods where default had been made in satisfying the
warehouseman’s lien
1. A conservator is appointed when a bank is in a continuing state of illiquidity or if it refuses to maintain its liquidity,
while a receiver is appointed if the bank is in a state of insolvency;
2. A conservator is appointed to restore the bank into a state of liquidity, while a receiver is appointed to rehabilitate
the bank;
3. A conservator holds the assets of the bank in order to manage it, while a receiver holds the assets of the bank for
the benefit of its creditors;
4. A bank placed under conservatorship can do business, while a bank placed under receivership is forbidden to do
5. A conservator has 1 year to restore the bank to a state of liquidity, while a receiver has 90 days to rehabilitate the
Note: If both fail to meet their objective within the period required by law, they can recommend the liquidation or
closure of the bank.
(R.A. 1405) (R.A. 6426)
May be garnished because the amountis actually May not be garnished, attached, or be subject to any
disclosed. court process
Control test
In determining the nationality of a corporation, the
control test uses the nationality of the controlling
stockholders or members of the corporation.
A corporation organized/incorporated abroad and
registered as doing business in the Philippines under the Corporation Code, of which 100% of the
capital stock outstanding and entitled to vote is
wholly owned by Filipinos, may be considered a
Philippine National under the Foreign Investments
Act of 1991. This is the only exception to the place of
incorporation test (SEC Opinion No. 04-14, March 3,
2004; De Leon, 2010). This test was adopted by the
said law as a general guideline in determining the
nationality of corporations engaged in a
nationalized activity (Sec Opinion No. 07-20,
November 20, 2007).
Grandfather rule
To ensure compliance with the constitutional
Remedial Rights
Derivative Suit - Stockholder’s right to institute a derivative suit is not based on any express provision of the
Corporation Code, or even the Securities Regulation Code, but is impliedly recognized when the said laws make
corporate directors or officers liable for damages suffered by the corporation and its stockholders for violation of
their fiduciary duties.
NOTE: if the cause of action is continuing in nature, the only requisite is that the party is a stockholder at the time
the action was filed (Dean Divina’s Lecture, April 29, 2015).
3. Exhaustion of all intra-corporate remedies available under the AOI, By-Laws, laws or rules governing the
corporation or partnership to obtain the relief he desires.
4. Not a Nuisance or Harassment suit.
5. Appraisal right is not available (Rule 8 of the Interim Rules of Procedure Governing Intra- Corporate
Controversies, cited in Yu, et al., v. Yukayguan, et al., G.R. No. 177549, June 18,
Individual Suit – When the injury is suffered directly by an individual shareholder as to affect his proprietary
rights, as when his right to vote is unlawfully withheld or his right to inspect corporate books arbitrarily denied, an
action may be brought by the injured stockholder in his own name and for his own benefit against the corporation
(Salonga, 1968).
Representative Suit – A representative suit is one filed by the shareholder individually, or on behalf of a class of
shareholders to which he or she belongs, for injury to his or her interest as a shareholder (Cua v. Tan, GR 182008,
December 4, 2009).
It is proper where the wrong is done to a group of stockholders, as where preferred stockholders’ rights are violated,
a class or representative suit will be proper for the protection of all stockholders belonging to the same group (Ibid).
NOTE: Right of pre-emption is personal to each stockholder. While a stockholder may maintain a suit to compel
the issuance of his proportionate share of stock, it has been ruled, nevertheless, that he may not maintain a
representative action on behalf of other stockholders who are similarly situated.
a) It is the right of a stockholder to withdraw from the corporation and demand in writing, payment of the fair
value of his shares after registering his dissent from certain specified corporate acts involving fundamental
changes in corporate structures provided that the corporation has sufficient unrestricted retained earnings.
(Section 81, Commercial Code of the Philippines)
b) No. If shares represented by the certificates bearing such notation are transferred, and the certificates
consequently cancelled, the rights of the transferor as a dissenting stockholder shall cease and the transferee
shall have all the rights of a regular stockholder. (Section 86, Corporation Code). T cannot exercise the
right of appraisal because the certificates containing the notation of S’s dissent have been canceled. Upon
such cancellation, S’s rights as a dissenting stockholder have ceased. In such a case, a new certificate
without notation will be issued to T, who will be treated as a regular stockholder.
Intra-corporate Disputes
Intra-corporate dispute has been defined as a dispute which arises between the stockholder and the corporation. To
determine whether or not a case involves an intra-corporate dispute, two tests are applied - the relationship test and
the nature of the controversy test.
Under the relationship test, there is an intra-corporate controversy when the conflict is (1) between the corporation,
partnership, or association and the public; (2) between the corporation, partnership, or association and the State
insofar as its franchise, permit, or license to operate is concerned; (3) between the corporation, partnership, or
association and its stockholders, partners, members, or officers; and (4) among the stockholders, partners, or
associates themselves.
On the other hand, in accordance with the nature of controversy test, an intra-corporate controversy arises when the
cor:1troversy is not only rooted in the existence of an intra-corporate relationship, but also in the enforcement of the
parties' correlative rights and obligations under the Corporation Code and the internal and intra-corporate regulatory
rules of the corporation