58 Pioneer Zephyr 1934
58 Pioneer Zephyr 1934
58 Pioneer Zephyr 1934
Engineering Landmark
The Pioneer Zephyr is on permanent exhibit at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry.
The Diesel and Gas Engine Power Div. of The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers gratefully acknowledges the efforts of all who cooperated on the
landmark designation of the Pioneer Zephyr, Chicago, III. A special thank you is
extended to the Museum of Science and Industry, the Electro-Motive Div. of the
General Motors Corp., and the ASME Rail Transportation Div. and Chicago Section
for their assistance.
The Pioneer Zephyr is the 54th National Landmark designated by the Society. For a
complete listing of Landmarks, please contact the Public Information Department,
ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017 212/644-7740.