Studii Americane 2013: - Probă Scrisă La Limba Engleză

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– probă scrisă la limba engleză –

Varianta 1
Write an argumentative essay (more precisely, a for and against essay) on the following topic:
“Mass media brings people together just as much as it drives them apart.” What are the positive
and negative effects of the mass media in today’s society?
Do not exceed 350 words!

Varianta 2
Write an argumentative essay (more precisely, an opinion essay) on the following topic:
“Globalisation brings just as many disadvantages as advantages to local communities and
cultures.” To what extent do you agree/disagree?”
Do not exceed 350 words


(subiect destinat candidaţilor care au optat pentru secţia A Engleză,
profil Limbă şi Literatură sau Traducere şi Interpretare)

1. Write out the sentence, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0.5 x 6=3 points)
With unemployment so high, and tens of hundreds of applicants (chase) every job, you have (count) yourself
lucky (call) for an interview. If it (be) your first, you (undoubtedly) (be) nervous. But don’t let it side-track you
from the main issue – which is creating a good impression on the person who (interview) you.
2. Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it: (1p x 2=2 points)
1. He inherited a huge sum of money unexpectedly last year and has been spending it all since.
2. Mrs. Jones asked her neighbours who is going to buy their house.
3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (1p x
2=2 points)
1. It is just conceivable that we shall get an answer tomorrow.
2. It is impossible for you to have seen Ann in the library yesterday. She’s still abroad.
4. Turn the following sentences into the passive: (1px2=2 points)
1. He is visiting the hospital tomorrow.
2. Can you rely on him when in need?

I.B. Translate into English (9p +1=10 points)

Sâmbăta la cazinou se făceau petreceri familiale. Atunci membrii coloniei veneau cu soţiile şi cu fiicele lor, aşa că
petrecerea era cât se poate de searbădă. Dacă nu s-ar fi acoperit mesele verzi pentru jocurile de cărţi, dacă şahul
nu ar fi fost ascuns într-un dulap, nimeni n-ar fi putut uita că se afla într-un cazinou. Bufetul fiind organizat de
doamne, nu se bea mult, mai ales răcoritoare fără alcool. În celelalte zile ale săptămânii, cazinoul era folosit
numai de bărbaţi. Atunci nimeni nu-i silea să asculte concerte chinuite de pian, ci puneau plăcile pe gustul lor.
Apăruse de curând chiar şi un aparat de radio, cel mai perfecţionat dintre toate. Se spunea că nu mai există altul la
fel decât la Palatul Regal şi că, în orice caz, era sigur că putea prinde şi America, dar numai la ora trei dinspre
ziuă, şi cine avusese răbdarea să aştepte această oră fără să se îmbete de tot auzise un zgomot, care s-ar fi putut
într-adevăr să provină de la postul american Schenectady.

II.A. Translate into Romanian (9p +1=10 points)

The next day the ghost was very weak and tired. The terrible excitement of the last four weeks was beginning to
have its effect. His nerves were completely shattered and he started at the slightest noise. For five days he kept his
room and at last made up his mind to give up the point of the blood-stain on the library floor. If the Otis family
did not want it, they clearly did not deserve it. They were evidently people on a low, material plane of existence
and quite incapable of appreciating the symbolic value of sensuous phenomena. The question of phantasmatic
apparitions, and the development of astral bodies, was of course quite a different matter and really not his under
control. It was his solemn duty to appear in the corridor once a week and to speak from the large window on the
first and the third Wednesday in every month and he did not see how he could honourably escape from his
obligations. It is very true that his life had been very evil, but, upon the other hand, he was more conscientious in
all things connected with the supernatural. Even so, now he had given up on all hope of ever frightening this rude
American family and he contended himself, as a rule, with creeping about the passages in soft slippers!

II.B. Read the text below and answer each question in no more than 150 words (9 points+1=10 points)
Grace is waiting there and Carol, and especially Cordelia. Once I’m outside the house there is no getting away
from them. They are on the school bus, where Cordelia stands close beside me and whispers into my ear: ”Stand
up straight! People are looking”. Carol is in my classroom, and it’s her job to report to Cordelia what I do and say
all day. They’re there during breaks, and in the cafeteria at lunchtime. They comment on the kind of lunch I have,
how I hold my sandwich, how I chew. On the way home from school I have to walk in front of them, or behind. In
front is worse because they talk about how I’m walking, how I look from behind. Keep your back straight”, says
Cordelia. “Don’t move your arms like that”
They don’t say any of the things they say to me in front of others, even other children: whatever is going on is
going on in secret, among the four of us only. Secrecy is important, I know that: to violate it would be the
greatest, irreparable sin. If I tell I will be cast out for ever. (Margaret Atwood, Cat’s Eye, adapted)

1. Describe in your own words the psychological violence the narrator is subjected to by her ”friends”. Do not
write more than 100- 150 words. (3 points)
2. Give an account of one instance/example of psychological violence you have experienced/witnessed or you can
imagine Do not write more than 200-250 words (6 points)

Variantă de rezolvare – ENGLEZĂ A

(cu excepţia subiectului B.II, de Reading comprehension)
1. Write out the sentence, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0.5 x 6=3 points)
chasing; to count; to be called; is; will be; is interviewing
2. Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it: (1p x 2=2 points)
1. has spent ; 2. Mrs. Jones asked her neighbours who was going to buy their house.
3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (1p x
2=2 points)
1. We might get an answer tomorrow. ; 2. You can’t have seen Ann in the library yesterday. She’s still abroad.
4. Turn the following sentences into the passive: (1px2=2 points)
1. The hospital is being visited tomorrow. ; 2. Can he be relied on when in need?

I.B. Translate into English (9p +1=10 points)

On Saturday(s) they used to have/throw family parties at the casino. The members of the colony would bring their
wives and daughters, and the party would be as boring/flat as possible. If the green tables used for the card games
had not been covered and (if) the chess game (hadn’t been) hidden in a closet, nobody would have been able to
forget they were in a casino. As the refreshments were provided by the ladies, there wasn’t much drinking / they
wouldn’t drink in excess, (they would) mainly (drink) soft drinks. On the other days of the week, the casino was
used only by the men. It was a time when nobody forced them to listen to ill-performed piano concertos, but they
would play / were free to play their favourite discs. A radio set had been recently acquired, the best of them all/A
state-of-the-art radio set had been recently acquired. It was said there was none other alike except at the Royal
Palace / It was said that only at the Royal Palace was there a similar one / It was said that only the Royal Palace
had a similar one and that, in any case, it was sure to broadcast/tune in America, too, but only at three o’clock
a.m. and whoever had been patient enough to wait that long without getting roaring drunk/ getting as drunk as a
lord, had heard a noise which might have really originated / come from / been broadcast by the American station
in Schenectady.

II. A. Translate into Romanian (9p +1=10 points)

A doua zi, fantoma se simţi foarte slăbită şi obosită. Agitaţia intensă din ultimele patru săptămâni începea să-şi
facă simţit efectul. Era cu nervii zdruncinaţi / la pământ şi tresărea la cel mai mic zgomot. Timp de cinci zile nu
ieşi din cameră şi în cele din urmă se hotărî să renunţe la chestiunea cu pata de sânge de pe podeaua bibliotecii.
Dacă familia Otis n-o dorea, evident că n-o meritau. Erau clar persoane ancorate în planul inferior, material al
existenţei şi desigur nu erau în stare să aprecieze valoarea simbolică a fenomenelor extrasenzoriale. Problema
apariţiilor fantastice/ fantomelor/ arătărilor şi dezvoltarea corpurilor astrale erau două chestiuni diferite / Una era
chestiunea apariţiilor fantastice/ fantomelor/ arătărilor, alta era dezvoltarea corpurilor astrale şi realmente nu avea
nici un control asupra lor. Avea datoria oficială să-şi facă apariţia pe culoar o dată pe săptămână şi să vorbească
de la fereastra cea mare în prima şi a treia zi de miercuri a lunii şi nu vedea cum ar putea să scape / să se elibereze
onorabil de aceste obligaţii. Era adevărul adevărat că avusese/ dusese o viaţă ticăloasă, dar, pe de altă parte, era
extrem de conştiincios în ce priveşte tot ce ţinea de supranatural. Chiar şi aşa, renunţase acum la orice speranţă de
a-i înspăimânta pe neciopliţii membri ai familiei americane şi se mulţumea, de regulă, să se strecoare pe coridoare
în papuci moi/d e pâslă.


(subiect destinat candidaţilor care au optat pentru alte secţii A+B,
profil Limbă şi Literatură sau Traducere şi Interpretare)

1. Write out the sentence, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0.5 x 6=3 points)
Fischer, the third largest brewery in France, (develop) a new product that it (hope) (put) some new life back into
the beer market – a beer concentrate. The thick brown liquid is the latest product (emerge) from Fischer’s
laboratory. Mr. Debus said it (take) 30 years to develop a method of (remove) water from beer without sacrificing
its original flavour.
2. Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it: (1p x 2=2 points)
1.The teacher thinks the students have read the book by the end of the term.
2. Julie said she may go abroad that summer.
3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (1p x
2=2 points)
1. It is never necessary for me to work on Saturdays.
2. The package was sent by express mail this morning.
4. Turn the following sentences into the passive: (1px2=2 points)
1. They expect Mary will marry John next week.
2. Are you going to allow me to drive your car?

I.B. Translate into English (9p +1=10 points)

Hotărâsem să plec la Brăila, era un loc mai bun pentru redactarea tezei de doctorat. Livia, contrariată că plec
singur, tăcea ostentativ. La un moment dat, a apelat la banalul şi clasicul argument: dacă şi ea îşi va face un
program de una singura?! Dacă i-aş fi răspuns, dacă aş fi făcut scene de gelozie, i-aş fi dat satisfacţie, aşa tăcerea
mea doar a îndârjit-o şi mai mult. Ca şi la primele întâlniri, şi acum, înaintea plecării mele, Livia nu avea tact. Îmi
impusesem să detectez de la primele întâlniri la o persoana un anume „model”, un accent care o definea. Pe zi ce
trecea, îmi dădeam seama că va trebui să ne despărţim, că nimic nu mă inspiră în prezenţa ei. Nu puteam s-o
iubesc, oricât de mult aş fi vrut, în ciuda frumuseţii şi inteligenţei ei.

II.A. Translate into Romanian (9p +1=10 points)

Every effort was in vain; I felt I was in for a sleepless night. What could I do? I had no book to read. And yet,
unless I found out some method of diverting my mind, I felt certain that I was in the condition to imagine all sorts
of horrors; to rack my brain with predictions of every possible and impossible danger; in short, to pass the night
suffering all conceivable varieties of nervous terror. I raised my elbow and looked about the room – which was
brightened by a lovely moonlight pouring straight through the window – to see if it contained any pictures or
ornaments that I could at all clearly distinguish. While my eyes wandered from wall to wall, I remembered a
delightful book called A Trip around my Room. I resolved to imitate the author and find occupation and
amusement enough to relieve my boredom by making a mental inventory of every article of furniture I could see.

II. B. Read the text below and answer each question in no more than 150 words (9 points+1=10 points)
A step towards tackling the "crisis in representation" for women will be taken if the Bank of England changes tack
and puts a historic woman on one of Britain's banknotes, Ed Miliband said on Thursday. The Labour leader
challenged the outgoing bank governor Sir Mervyn King, who said that Jane Austen was "quietly waiting in the
wings" to appear on the new £10 note, by saying that a woman should appear immediately. King prompted a
storm of protests when he said that the Queen would be the only woman to appear on banknotes when Winston
Churchill replaces the prison reformer Elizabeth Fry on the £5 note in 2015. In a speech to Women in Advertising
and Communications London, Miliband said: "When Winston Churchill replaces Elizabeth Fry on the £5 note,
everyone who will appear on notes issued by the Bank of England will be a man. (The Guardian, Representation
of women in crisis, Ed Miliband, 1 July, 2013)

1. Describe in your own words the problem of representation that is mentioned above. Do not write more than
100- 150 words. (3 points)
2. Give your own opinion on whether women’s pictures should appear on Romanian banknotes. If you reject the
idea, bring in two arguments; if you favour it, propose two names and give the reasons why. Do not write more
than 200-250 words. (6 points)

Variantă de rezolvare – ENGLEZĂ B

(cu excepţia subiectului B.II, de Reading comprehension)
1. Write out the sentence, using the most logical form of the verbs in brackets: (0.5 x 6=3 points)
has developed; hopes; will put; to emerge; took; removing
2. Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it: (1p x 2=2 points)
1. will have read ; 2. Julie said she might go abroad that summer.
3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a suitable modal verb and the meaning remains the same: (1p x
2=2 points)
1. I don’t have to work on Saturdays. ; 2.The package should be here any minute now./ The package should be
delivered any minute now.
4. Turn the following sentences into the passive: (1px2=2 points)
1. Mary is expected to marry John next week. / It is expected that Mary will marry John next week. ;2. Am I going
to be allowed to drive your car?

I.B. Translate into English (9p +1=10 points)

I had decided to go to Brăila, as it was a better place for me to write my doctoral/PhD thesis. Livia,
confused/upset by my going there alone / by the fact that I was going there alone, kept ostentatiously silent. At a
given moment she resorted to a commonplace, classical argument: what if she decided to have a programme of
her own / to have her own, separate life / to go her own, separate way ?! If I had replied, if I had gone into a
jealous frenzy, I would have given her a run for her money; instead, my silence only made her more fierce/ only
upset her more. Just like during our first dates, now, before / prior to my departure, Livia proved to be tactless. I
had adopted a rule, namely, ever since the first date to identify whether a person followed a specific "pattern”,
whether there was a defining trait/feature. With each passing day, I realized that we had to break up, that she
brought me no inspiration whatsoever. I couldn’t love her / I was unable to love her, however much I might have
liked to, despite her beauty and intelligence.

II.A. Translate into Romanian (9p +1=10 points)

Toate eforturile erau în van/ inutile/ zadarnice; simţeam că mă aştepta o noapte de nesomn. Ce puteam să fac? Nu
aveam nimic de citit. Şi totuşi, dacă nu găseam nicio metodă să-mi abat gândurile, eram sigur că eram în starea
potrivită să-mi imaginez tot felul de orori/ grozăvii; să-mi frământ creierii prezicând tot felul de pericole posibile
şi imposibile; pe scurt, să petrec o noapte în care să trăiesc toate spaimele şi supărările imaginabile. M-am sprijinit
într-un cot şi am privit prin camera luminată de minunata strălucire a lunii ce se revărsa pe fereastră să văd dacă
nu existau tablouri sau piese decorative pe care să le disting/ identific clar. În timp ce privirile-mi alunecau de la
un perete la altul, mi-am amintit de o carte minunată numită „Călătorie prin camera mea”. M-am hotărât să-l imit
pe autor şi să-mi ocup timpul astfel încât să mă distrez şi să-mi alung plictiseala făcând în minte inventarul tuturor
obiectelor de mobilier pe care le vedeam.

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