Conditions 1
Conditions 1
Conditions 1
Proposed 3 bedroom residential For QS 514 At Plot No. 42, ATBU Abuja
1. Contractor's obligations
Contractor to 1.1 The Contractor shall upon and subject to these Conditions carry
carry out works out and complete the Works shown upon the Contract Drawings
and described by or referred to in the Contract Bills and in these
conditions in every respect to the reasonable satisfaction of the
Programme and 1.3 So soon as is possible after the execution of this Contract, the
progress charts Contractor shall provide without charge to the Employer (unless
he shall have been previously furnished) 6 copies of the master
programme for the execution of the Works and within 14
working days of any decision by the Architects under clause 23
or 33 with 6 copies of any amendments and revision to take into
account of that decision.
2. Architect’s instructions
Compliance with 2.1 The Contractor shall (subject to clause 2.2, 2.3 and 11.4)
Architect’s forthwith comply with all instructions issued to him by the
instruction Architects in regard to any matter in respect of which the
Architects is expressly empowered by these conditions to issue
instructions. If within 5 working days after receipt of written
notice from the Architects requiring compliance with an
instruction the Contractor does not comply therewith, then the
Employer may employ and pay other persons to execute any
work which may be necessary to give effect to such instruction
and all costs incurred in connection with such employment shall
be recoverable from the Contractor by the Employer as a debt or
may be deducted by him from any monies due or to become due
to the Contractor under this Contract.
Instruction to be 2.3 All instructions issued by the Architects shall be in writing. Any
in writing instruction issued orally shall be of no immediate effect, but
shall be confirmed in writing by the Architects within 5 working
days. Provided always:
Custody of 3.1 The Contract Drawings and the Contract Bills shall remain in
Contract Bills the custody of the Employer. Certified true copies of the
and Contract Contract Bills shall be given to the Contractor, the Architects
Drawings and the Quantity Surveyor.
Specifications, 3.3 So soon as is possible after the execution of this Contract the
descriptive, Architects without charge to the Contractor shall furnish him
schedules etc (unless he shall have been previously furnished) with two copies
of the specifications, descriptive schedules or other like
documents necessary for use in carrying out the works.
Drawings or 3.4 As and when from time to time may be necessary the Architects
details without charge to the Contractor shall furnish him with two
copies of such drawings or details as are reasonably necessary
either to explain and amplify the Contract Drawings or to enable
the Contractor to carry out and complete the Works in
3.4.1 accordance with these Conditions.
The contract drawings and the contract Bills shall remain in the
custody of the Architect or of the Quantity surveyor so as to be
available at all reasonable times for the inspection of the
Employer or of the Contractor.
Availability of 3.5 The Contractor shall keep one copy of the Contract Drawings,
Contract one copy of the unpriced Bills of Quantities, one copy of the
documents specifications, descriptive schedules or other documents referred
to in clause 3.3 and one copy of the drawings and details
referred to in clause 3.4 upon the Works so as to be available to
the Architects and the Quantity Surveyor or their representatives
at all reasonable times.
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Limits to use of 3.7 None of the documents hereinbefore mentioned shall be used by
documents the Contractor for any purpose other than this Contract and
neither the Employer, the Architects nor the Quantity Surveyor
shall divulge or use except for the purpose of this Contract any
of the prices in the Contract Bills.
Statutory 4.1 The Contractor shall comply with and give all notices required
requirements by any legislation, or any regulation or bye-law of any local
authority or of any statutory undertaker which has any
jurisdiction with regard to the Works or with whose systems the
same are or will be connected. The Contractor before making
any variation from the Contract Drawings or Contract Bills
necessitated by such compliance shall give to the Architects a
written notice specifying and giving the reason for such variation
and the Architects may issue instructions in regard thereto. If
within 5 working days of receipt by the Architects of the said
written notice the Contractor does not receive an instruction in
regard to the matters therein specified he shall proceed with the
work conforming to the legislation, instrument, rule, order,
regulation or bye-law in questions and any variation thereby
necessitated shall be deemed to be a variation required by the
Fees or charges 4.2 The Contractor shall pay and indemnify the Employer against
liability in respect of any fees charges (including any rate or
taxes) legally demandable under any legislation, or instrument,
rule or order made under any legislation, or any regulation bye-
law of any local authority or of any statutory undertaker in
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respect of the Works. Provided that the amount of any such fees
or charges (including any rates or taxes) shall be added to the
Contract Sum unless they:
5. 6. LevelsQuality
and setting out of thegoods
of materials, Works and workmanship to conform to
Description, testing and inspection (Amended).
The Architects shall determine any levels which may be required
Kinds and 6.1for theAllexecution
materials, of the and
goods Works, and shall
workmanship furnish
shall to procurable
so far as the
standards Contractor
be of by
the way of accurately
respective kinds anddimensioned drawings
standards in the Contractsuch
information as shall enable the Contractor to set out the Works
Vouchers 6.2at ground
Thelevel. Unlessshall
Contractor the Architects shall otherwise
upon the request instruct,furnish
of the Architects in
materials and which him
the Contract
vouchers Sum shallthat
to prove be the
adjusted accordingly,
materials and goodsthecomply
goods Contractor shall be responsible
with clause 6.1. for and shall entirely at his own
cost amend any errors arising from his own inaccurate setting
Inspection - tests 6.3out. The Architects may issue instructions requiring the Contractor to
open up for inspection any work covered up or to arrange for or
carry out any test of any materials or goods (whether or not
already incorporated in the Works) or of any executed works
and the cost of such opening up or testing (together with the cost
of making good in consequence thereof) shall be added to the
Contract Sum unless provided for in the Contract Bills or unless
the inspection or test shows that the work, materials or goods
are not in accordance with this Contract.
Powers of 6.4 The Architects may but not unreasonably or vexatiously issue
Architects - instructions in regard to the removal from the Site of any work,
work not in materials or goods which are not in accordance with this
accordance with Contract.
the Contract
Exclusion from 6.5 The Architects may but not unreasonably or vexatiously issue
the Works of instructions to the Contractor requiring the exclusion from the
persons Works of any person(s) employed thereon. The reasons for such
employed thereon instructions (such as negligence, poor workmanship, failure to
adhere to reasonable instructions or any other) shall be clearly
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stated in writing. In the event of such anCONDITIONS
being given,
the Contractor shall replace the person(s) so removed forthwith
and with immediate effect.
Proposed 3 bedroom residential For QS 514 At Plot No. 42, ATBU Abuja
Treatment of 7.1 All royalties or other sums payable in respect of the supply and
royalties, etc use in carrying out the Works as described by or referred to in
indemnity to the Contract Bills of any patented articles, processes or
Employer inventions shall be deemed to have been included in the
Contract Sum and the Contractor shall indemnify the Employer
from and against all claims, proceedings, damages, cost and
expenses which may be brought or made against the Employer
or to which he may be put by reason of the Contractor infringing
or being held to have infringed any patent rights in relation to
any such articles, processes or inventions.
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8. Person-in-charge (Amended)
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Definition of 11.1 The term `Variation' as used in these Conditions means the
variation alteration or modification of the design, quality and quantity of
the Works as shown upon the Contract Drawings and described
by or referred to in the Contract Bills. It includes the addition,
omission, substitution or postponement of any work, the
alteration of the kind or standard of any material or goods used
or to be used in the Works and the removal from the Site of any
work, materials or goods used or to be used in or brought to the
Site by the Contractor for the purpose of the Works, other than
work, materials or goods which are not in accordance with this
Contract. It also includes the corrections of errors and omissions
in the Contract Drawings.
Reasons for 11.2 Variations may arise due to the following reasons:
11.2. 1 circumstances that could not have been reasonably foreseen
before preparation of the Contract Bills
Instructions 11.3 The Architects may issue instructions requiring a variation and
requiring a he may sanction in writing any variation made by the Contractor
variation otherwise than pursuant to the instructions of the Architects. No
variation required by the Architects or subsequently sanctioned
by him shall vitiate this Contract.
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11.5. 1.2where the work is of similar character to work set out in the
Contract Bills but is not executed under similar conditions
thereto and/or significantly changes the quantity thereof
the rate and prices for the work so set out shall be the
basis for determining the valuation and the valuation shall
include a fair allowance for such difference in condition
and/or quantity;
11.5. 1.3where the work is not of similar character to work set out in
the Contract Bills the work shall be valued at fair rate and
11.5. 1.5the prices in the Contract Bills shall determine the valuation
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Contractors right 11.6 Where it is necessary to measure work for the purpose of the
to be present at valuation, the Quantity Surveyor shall give to the Contractor an
the measurement opportunity of being present at the time of such measurement
and of taking such notes and measurements as the Contractor
may require.
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Certificate of 15.1 When in the opinion of the Architects the Works are practically
Practical completed, he shall forthwith issue a certificate to that effect and
Completion practical completion of the Works shall be deemed for all the
purposes of this Contract to have taken place on the day named
in such certificate.
Defects, 15.3 Any defects, shrinkages or other faults which shall appear within
shrinkages and the defects liability period stated in the Appendix and which are
other faults due to materials or workmanship not in accordance with this
Contract or to exposure to sun or weather occurring before
practical completion of the Works shall be specified by the
Architects in a schedule of defects which he shall deliver to the
Contractor not later than 14 days after the expiration of the said
defects liability period, and within a reasonable time after
receipt of such schedule, the defects, shrinkages and other faults
therein specified shall be made good by the Contractor and
(unless the Architects shall otherwise instruct in which case the
Contract Sum shall be adjusted accordingly) entirely at his own
Defects etc, 15.4 Notwithstanding clause 15.3 the Architects may whenever he
Architect’s considers it necessary so to do, issue instructions requiring any
instructions defects, shrinkages or other faults which shall appear within the
Defects Liability Period named in Appendix which are due to
materials or workmanship not in accordance with this Contract
or to exposure to sun or weather occurring before practical
completion of the Works to be made good, and the Contractor
shall within a reasonable time after receipt of such instructions
comply with the same and (unless the Architects shall otherwise
instruct, in which case the Contract Sum shall be adjusted
accordingly) entirely at his own cost. Provided no such
instructions shall be issued after delivery of a schedule of
defects or after 14 days from the expiration of the Defects
Liability Period.
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Certificate of 15.5 When in the opinion of the Architects any defects, shrinkages or
completion of other faults which he may have required to be made good under
making good clauses 15.3 and 15.4 shall have been made good, he shall issue
defects a certificate to that effect and completion of making good
defects shall be deemed for all purposes of this Contract to have
taken place on the date named in such certificate.
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Valuation - 16.1. 1 within 7 days from the date on which the Employer shall
relevant part have taken possession of the relevant part, the Architects
shall issue a certificate stating his estimate of the
approximate total value of the relevant part and for all the
purposes of clause 16 (but no other) the value so stated shall
be deemed to be the total value of the relevant part,
Practical 16.1. 2 for the purposes of clause 15.3, 15.4 and 15.6 and clause
completion practical completion of the relevant part shall be
relevant part deemed to have occurred and the Defect Liability Period in
respect of the relevant part shall be deemed to have
commenced on the date on which the Employer shall have
taken possession thereof,
Defects, etc - 16.1. 3 when in the opinion of the Architects any defects, shrinkages
relevant part or other faults in the relevant part which he may have
required to be made good under clause 15.3 or 15.4 shall
have been made good, he shall issue a certificate to that
Insurance - 16.1.4 the Contractor shall reduce the value insured under clause 20.1
relevant part (if applicable) by the full value of the relevant part and the said
relevant part shall as from the date on which the Employer shall
have taken possession thereof be at the sole risk of the Employer
as regards any of the contingencies referred to in the said clause,
Sectional Completion
In lieu of any sum to be paid or allowed by the Contract under
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Liquidated 16.1.5 clause 22 in respect of any period during which the Works may
damages relevant remain incomplete occurring after the date on which the
part Employer shall have taken possession of the relevant part there
shall be paid or allowed such sum as bears the same ratio to the
sum which would be paid or allowed apart from the provisions
of clause 16 as does the Contract Sum less the total value of the
said relevant part to the Contract Sum,
Retention fund - 16.1. 6. 1 within 14 days of the date on which the Employer shall
relevant part have taken possession of the relevant part there shall be
paid to the Contractor from the sum(s) then retained under
clause 30.3 (if any) one moiety of such amount as bears
the same ratio to the unreduced amount named in the
Appendix as Limit of Retention Fund as does the total
value of the relevant part of the Contract Sum and the
amount named in the Appendix as limit of retention shall
be reduced by the amount of such moiety.
Assignment by 17.1 The Employer shall not without the written consent of the
Employer Contractor assign this Contract.
Assignment by 17.2 The Contractor shall not without the written consent of the
Contractor Employer assign this Contract.
Sub-letting 17.3 The Contractor shall not without the written consent of the
Employer or the Architects (which consent shall not be
unreasonably withheld) sublet any portion of the Works which
subletting shall not relieve the Contractor of his obligation(s) to
the Employer under this Contract.
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Determination of 17.4 Provide that it shall be a condition in any sub-letting which may
employment of occur that the employment of the Sub-Contractor under the Sub-
Sub-Contractor Contract shall determine immediately upon the determination for
any reason of the Contractor's employment under this Contract.
Nothing within this clause shall be deemed to affect the
Contractor's employment of task workers.
Liability of 18.2 The Contractor shall subject to clause 18.3 and, where
Contractor for applicable clause 20.3, be liable for, and shall indemnify the
injury or damage Employer against any expense, liability, loss, claim or
to property proceedings in respect of any injury or damage whatsoever to
indemnity any property real or personal in so far as such injury or damage
Employer arises out of or by reason of or carrying out of the Works, and to
the extent that the same is due to any negligence, breach of
statutory duty, omission or default of the Contractor, his staff or
agent(s) or of any person employed or engaged upon or in
connection with the Works or any part thereof, his staff or
agent(s) or of any other person who may properly be on the site
upon or in connection with the Works or any part thereof, his
staff or agent(s).
Injury or damage 18.3 The reference to real or personal property in clause 18.2 does
to property not include the Works being executed, materials on site or any
exclusion of the other location approved by the Architects or the Employer.
Works and site
personal property.
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clause 19 have been taken out and are being maintained but
at any time the Employer or the Architects may (but not
unreasonably or vexatiously) require to have produced for his
inspection the policy or policies and premium receipts in
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Provisional sum 19.2 Where a provisional sum is included in the Contract Bills in
for insurance respect of the insurance to which this clause refers the
Contractor shall maintain in the joint names of the Employer
and the Contractor insurance(s) for such amount(s) of
indemnity as may be specified in the Contract Bills in respect
of any expense, liability, loss, claim or proceedings which the
Employer may incur or sustain by reason of damage to any
property other than the Works caused by collapse,
subsidence, vibration, weakening or removal of support or
lowering of ground water arising out of or in the course of or
by reason of the carrying out of the Works excepting damage
as specified in clause 19.3.
Excepted risks 19.3. 1 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 18.2 or clauses 19.1
and 19.2, the Contractor shall not be liable to indemnify the
Employer or to insure against any damage, loss or injury
caused to the Works, the site or any property by the effect of
ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any
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Contractor to 20.1 The Contractor shall take out and maintain in the joint names of
take out and the Employer and Contractor a policy for All Risks insurance to
maintain a joint cover for full reinstatement value of the Works (plus the
names policy percentage, if any, to cover professional fees stated in the
Appendix) and shall (subject to clause 16)
Maintain such policy up to and including the date of issue of the
Certificate of Practical Completion or up to and including the
date of determination of the employment of the Contractor under
clause 25 or clause 26 (whether or not the validity of that
determination is contested) whichever is the earlier.
Single policy of 20.2 The insurance referred to in clause 20.1 shall be taken out with
insurance insurers approved by the Employer and the Contractor shall send
approved by to the Architects for deposit with the Employer that policy and
Employer and the premium receipt(s) thereof and also any relevant
failure by endorsement or endorsements thereof as may be required to
Contractor to comply with the obligation to maintain that policy set out in
insure clause 20.1 and the premium receipt(s) thereof. If the Contractor
defaults in taking out or in maintaining such policy the Employer
may himself take out and maintain such policy any risk in
respect of which the default shall have occurred and a sum or
sums equivalent to the amount paid or payable by him in respect
of premiums therefor may be deducted by him from any money
or monies due or to become due to the Contractor under this
Contract or such amount may be recoverable by the Employer
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Use of annual 20.3. 1 If the Contractor independently of his obligation under this
policy maintained Contract maintains a policy of insurance which provides
by Contractor (inter alia) All Risks Insurance to cover for the full
reinstatement value of the Works (plus the percentage, if any,
to cover professional fees stated in the Appendix) then the
maintenance by the Contractor of such policy shall, if the
Employer's interest in that policy of insurance is endorsed
thereon be a discharge of the Contractor's obligation to take
out and maintain a policy under clause 20.1 in the joint
names of the Employer and the Contractor, if and so long as
the Contractor is able to send for inspection by the Architects
or the Employer as and when he is reasonably required to do
so by the Employer documentary evidence that such a policy
is being maintained, then the Contractor shall be discharged
from his obligation under clause 20.2 to deposit the policy
and the premium receipt(s) with the Employer but on any
occasion the Employer may (but not unreasonably or
vexatiously) require to have sent for inspection by the
Architects or the Employer the policy to which this clause
refers and the premium receipt(s) therefor. The annual
renewal date as supplied by the Contractor of the insurance
referred to in this clause is to be stated in the Appendix.
Loss or damage 20.4. 1 If any loss or damage affecting work executed or any part
to the Works thereof or any materials on site is occasioned by any one or
insurance claims more of the risks covered by such policy referred to in
Contractor's clauses 20.1, 20.2, and 20.3, then upon discovering the said
obligations use of loss or damage, the Contractor shall forthwith give notice in
insurance monies writing both to the Architects and to the Employer of the
extent, nature and location thereof.
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architect’s 21.2 Upon the application of either party to this Contract and without
instructions prejudice to any other rights and obligations under this
postponement Contract, the Architects may issue instructions in regard to the
postponement of any work to be executed under the provisions
of this Contract.
22.1 If the Contractor fails to complete the Works by the date for
completion stated in the Appendix or within any extended time
fixed under clause 23 or clause 33.1.3 and the Architects
certifies in writing that in his opinion the same ought reasonably
so to have been completed, then the Contractor shall pay or
allow to the Employer a sum calculated at the rate stated in the
Appendix as liquidated and ascertained damages for the period
during which the Works shall so remain or have remained
incomplete, and the Employer may deduct such sum from any
money or monies due to or to become due to the Contractor
under this Contract.
Bonus for early 22.2 If the Contractor achieves completion of the Works prior to the
completion Date for Completion stated in the Appendix, the Employer shall
pay or allow to the Contractor a sum calculated at the rate stated
in the Appendix as bonus for early completion for every week or
part thereof which shall elapse between the date stated in the
Certificate of Practical Completion issued in accordance with
clause 15.1 and the Date for completion in accordance with
clause 21.
Notice by 23.1 Upon it becoming reasonably apparent that the progress of the
Contractor of Works is or will be delayed, the Contractor shall forthwith give
delay to progress written notice of the cause of the delay to the Architects and if in
the opinion of the Architects completion of the Works has been
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Contractor not 23.2 The granting of an extension of time by virtue of this clause shall
entitled to not entitle the Contractor to any additional payment unless he is
additional thus entitled under any of the specific provisions of clause 24.
Matters 24.1. 1 the Contractor not having received in due time necessary
materially instructions, drawings, details, levels or approvals from
affecting regular statutory or similar authorities and/or the Architects for which
progress of the he specifically applied in writing on a date which having
Works direct loss regard to the date for completion stated in the Appendix or to
and/or expense any extension of time then fixed under clause 23 or clause
33.1.3 was neither unreasonably distant from nor
unreasonably close to the date on which it was necessary for
him to receive the same, or
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Amount 24.2 Any amount from time to time so ascertained in clause 24.1 shall
ascertained added be added to the Contract Sum, and if an interim certificate is
to Contract Sum issued after the date of ascertainment, such amount shall be
added to the amount which would otherwise be stated as due in
such certificate.
Limitation of 24.3 The Contractor shall have no other rights and remedies for
rights and losses and expenses caused by disturbance of regular progress
remedies of of the Works being delayed.
Default by 25.1 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which the
Contractor Employer may possess, if the Contractor shall default in any one
or more of the following respects, that is to say:
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Determination by Employer
Rights and duties 25.4 In the event of the employment of the Contractor being
of Employer and determined as aforesaid and so long as it has not been reinstated
Contractor and continued, the following shall be the respective rights and
duties of the Employer and Contractor:
25.4. 1 the Employer may employ and pay other persons to carry out
and complete the Works and he or they may enter upon the
Works and use all temporary buildings, plants, tools,
equipment, materials and goods intended for, delivered to
and placed on or adjacent to the Works and may purchase all
materials and goods necessary for carrying out and
completion of the Works,
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26.1 Without prejudice to any other rights and remedies which the
Contractor may possess, if:
Acts etc. giving 26.1. 1 the Employer does not pay to the Contractor the amount due
grounds for on any certificate within the Period for Honouring
determination Certificates named in the Appendix and continues such
default for 7 days after receipt by registered post or recorded
delivery of a notice from the Contractor stating that notice of
determination under this Condition will be serve if payment
is not made within 7 days from receipt thereof, or
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Rights and duties 26.2 Upon such determination, then without prejudice to the accrued
of Employer and rights or remedies of either party to any liability of the classes
Contractor mentioned in clause 18 which may accrue either before the
Contractor or any Named Sub-Contractors shall have removed
his or their temporary buildings, plants, tools, equipment,
materials or goods or by reason of his or their so removing the
same, the respective rights and liabilities of the Contractor and
the Employer shall be as follows:
Determination by Contractor
26.2. 1 the Contractor shall with all reasonable dispatch and in such
manner and with such precautions as will prevent injury,
death or damage of the classes in respect of which before the
date of determination he was liable to indemnify the
Employer under clause 18 remove from the Site all his
temporary buildings, plants, tools, equipment, materials, and
goods and shall give facilities for his Sub-Contractors to do
the same, but subject always to the provisions of clause,
26.2. 2 after taking into account amounts previously paid under this
Contract the Contractor shall be paid by the Employer:
26.2. 2.4the cost of materials or goods properly ordered for the Works
for which the Contractor shall have paid or for which the
Contractor is legally bound to pay, and on such payment
by the Employer any materials or goods so paid for shall
become the property of the Employer,
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Definition of a 27.1 The following provisions of this condition shall apply where
Named Sub- prime cost sums are included in the Contract Bills, or arise as a
Contractor result of Architect’s instruction(s) given in regard to the
expenditure of provisional sums, in respect of persons to be
Named by the Architects to supply and fix materials or goods or
to execute works;
Procedures for 27.1. 1 such sums shall not include any cash discount and shall be
nomination of a expended in favour of such persons as the Architects shall
subcontractor instruct, and all specialists or others who are Named by the
Architect’s/Architect are hereby declared to be Sub-
Contractors employed by the Contractor and are referred to
in these Conditions as `Named sub-Contractors' Provided
that the Architects shall not nominate any person as a Sub-
Contractor against whom the Contractor shall make
reasonable objection, or (save where the Architects and
Contractor shall otherwise agree) who will not enter into a
Sub-Contract with him which provides (inter alia):
27.1. 1.1that the Named Sub-Contractor shall carry out and complete
the Sub-Contract works in every respect to the reasonable
satisfaction of the Contractor and of the Architects,
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Named Sub-Contractors
Named Sub-Contractors
27.1. 1.8that the Contractor shall retain from the sum directed by the
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27.1. 1.9that the Architects and his representative(s) shall have a right
of access to the workshops and other places of the Named
Sub-Contractor referred to in clause 9.
Payment of 27.2 The Architects shall direct the Contractor as to the total value of
Named Sub- the work, materials or goods executed or supplied by a Named
Contractor Sub-Contractor included in the calculation of the amount stated
as due in any certificate issued under clause 30 and shall
forthwith inform the Named Sub-Contractor in writing of the
amount of the said total value. The sum representing such total
value shall be paid by the Contractor to the Named Sub-
Contractor within 7 days of receipt of payment by the
Contractor on the said Architect’s certificate less only any
retention money which the Contractor may be entitled to deduct
under the terms of the Sub-Contract and any sum to which the
Contractor may be entitled in respect of delay in the completion
of the Sub-Contract works or any section thereof.
Named Sub-Contractors
Direct payment Before issuing any certificate under clause 30 the Architects may
of Named Sub- 27.3 request the Contractor to furnish him with reasonable proof that
Contractor due to all amounts included in the calculation of the amount stated as
Contractors due in previous certificate(s) in respect of the total value of the
default work, materials or goods executed or supplied by any Named
Sub-Contractor have been duly paid and if the Contractor fails
to comply with any such requests the Architects shall issue a
certificate to that effect and thereupon the Employer may himself
pay such amounts to any Named Sub-Contractor concerned and
deduct the same from any sums due or to become due to the
Extension, of 27.4. 1 The Contractor shall not grant to any Named Sub-Contractor
period for any extension of the period within which the Sub-Contract
completion of works or (where the Sub-Contract works are to be completed
Named Sub- in sections) any section thereof is to be completed without
Contract works written consent of the Architects provided always that the
Contractor shall inform the Architects of any representation
made by the Named Sub-Contractor as to the cause of any
delay in the progress or completion of the Sub-Contract
works or of any section thereof, and that the consent of the
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Named Sub-Contractors
Early final If the Architects desires to secure final payment to any Named
payment of 27.5 Sub-Contractor before final payment is due to the Contractor,
Named Sub- and if such Sub-Contractor has satisfactorily indemnified the
Contractor after Contractor against any latent defects, then the Architects may, in
practical an interim certificate, include an amount to cover the said final
completion of payment, and thereupon the Contractor shall pay to such Named
Named Sub- Sub-Contractor the amount so certified. Upon such final
Contract works payment, the amount named in the Appendix as Limit of
Retention Fund shall be reduced by the sum which bears the
same ratio to the said amount as does such Named Sub-
Contractor's Contract price to the Contract Sum, and save for
latent defects the Contractor shall be discharge from all liability
for work executed or materials or goods supplied by such
Named Sub-Contractor under the Sub-Contract to which the
payment relates.
Position of 27.6 Neither the existence nor the exercise of the foregoing powers
Employer in nor anything else contained in these Conditions shall render the
relation to Named Employer in any way liable to any Named Sub-Contractor.
Contractor's 27.7 Where the Contractor in the ordinary course of his business
tender for works directly carries out works for which prime cost sums are
otherwise included in the Contract Bills and where items of such works are
reserved for set out in the Appendix and the Architects is prepared to receive
Named Sub- tenders from the Contractor for such items, then the Contractor
Contractor shall be permitted to tender for the same or any of these but
without prejudice to the Employer's right to reject the lowest or
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Architect’s 28.1 The following provisions of this condition shall apply where
instruction prime cost sums are included in the Contract Bills or arise as a
result of the Architect’s instructions given in regard to the
expenditure of provisional sums, in respect of any materials or
goods to be fixed by the Contractor,
Sums deemed to 28.1. 1 such sums shall be deemed to include 5 percent cash
include 5 percent discount and the term `prime cost' when included or arising
cash discount as aforesaid shall be understood to mean the net cost to be
defrayed as a prime cost after deducting any trade or other
discount (except the said discount of 5 percent), and shall
include customs duty (where applicable), and the cost of
packing, carriage and delivery. Provided that, where in the
opinion of the Architects, the Contractor has incurred
expense for special packing or special carriage, such special
expense shall be allowed as part of the sum actually paid by
the Contractor:
Definition of a 28.1. 2 such sums shall be expended in favour of such persons as the
Named Supplier Architects shall instruct and all specialists, merchants,
workmen or others who are Named by the Architects to
supply materials or goods are hereby declared to be suppliers
to the Contractor and are referred to in the Conditions as
`Named Suppliers'. Provided that the Architects shall not
(save where the Architects and Contractor shall otherwise
agree) nominate as a supplier a person who will not enter
into a Contract of sale which provide (inter alia):
Treatment of 28.1. 2.2that the Named supplier shall make good by replacement or
defects in otherwise any defects in the materials or goods supplied
materials or which appear within such period as is therein mentioned
goods supplied and shall bear any expenses reasonably incurred by the
Contractor as a direct consequence of such defects,
provided that:
Named Suppliers
2. 2. 1where the materials or goods have been used or fixed
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Materials and 28.1. 2.3that delivery of the materials or goods supplied shall be
goods to be commenced and completed as such times as the
supplied as Contractor may reasonably direct.
directed by
Materials and 28.1. 2.4that the Named Supplier shall not be obliged to make any
goods not to be delivery of materials or goods (except any which may
supplied after have been paid for in full) after the determination (for any
determination of reason) of the Contractor's employment under this
the Contract Contract,
All payments to 28.1. 3 All payment by the Contractor for materials or goods
be in full supplied by a Named Supplier shall be in full and shall be
paid within 30 days of the end of the month during which
delivery is made.
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Interim certificate 30.1 1 At the period of interim certificates named in the Appendix, the
and valuations Quantity Surveyor shall prepare as Interim Valuation based on
which the Architects shall issue a certificate stating the amount
due to the Contractor from the Employer and the Contractor
shall be entitled to payment therefor within the Period for
Honouring Certificates named in the Appendix.
Ascertainment of 30.2 The amount stated as due in an interim certificate shall, subject to
amount due in any agreement between the parties as to stage payments, be the
interim total value of the work properly executed and of the materials and
certificates goods delivered to or adjacent to the Works or stored in any other
location approved by the Architects in consultation with the
Employer for the use thereon less any amount which may be
retained by the employer (as provided in clause 30.3) and less any
installment(s) previously paid under these conditions. Provided
that such certificate shall only include the value of the said
materials and goods as and from such time as they are reasonably,
properly and not prematurely brought to the Works or any other
approved location, and then only if adequately protected against
weather or other casualties.
Retention - Rules 30.3 The Employer may retain the percentage of the total value of the
for work, materials and goods referred to in clause 30.2 which is
ascertainment named in the Appendix as percentage of certified value retained.
Provided always that when the sum of the amount so retained
equals the amount named in the said Appendix as Limit of
Retention Fund or that amount as reduced in pursuance of clause and/or clause as the case may be, no further
amount(s) shall be retained by virtue of this clause.
Rules on 30.4 The amount(s) retained by virtue of clause 30.3 shall be subject to
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Issue of Final 30.6 So soon as is practicable but before the expiration of the period
Certificate the length of which is stated in the Appendix from the end of the
Defects Liability Period (also stated in the said Appendix) or
from completion of making good defects under clause 15 or
from receipt by the Quantity Surveyor of the documents referred
to in clause 30.5.2 which is the latest, the Architects shall issue
the Final Certificate. The Final Certificate shall state:
and the difference (if any) between the two sums shall be
expressed in the said certificate as balance due to the Contractor
from the Employer or to the Employer from the Contractor as
the case may be, and subject to any deductions authorized by
these Conditions, the said balance shall as from 28 days after the
issue of the said certificate be a debt payable as the case may be
by the Employer to the Contractor or by the Contractor to the
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31 Fluctuations (Amended)
Approved terms 31.1 The Employer shall entertain fluctuations only in respect of
increases or decreases in basic wages and emoluments and
certain materials (forming part of the permanent works) or
certain sections of the Works listed in the Appendix to the
Items included in 31.2 The Contract Sum shall be deemed to have been calculated in
adjustment of the manner set out below and shall be subject to variation in the
Contract Sums events specified hereunder:
31.2. 1 the prices contained in the Contract Bills are based upon
the rates of wages and other emoluments and expenses
(including the cost of employer's liability insurance and third
party insurance) payable by the Contractor to workers
engaged upon or in connection with the Works in accordance
with the rates of wages fixed by the National Joint Industrial
Council and the Federal Ministry of Labour, Employment and
Productivity, current at the date of tender and applicable to
the area concerned,
31.2. 3 the prices contained in the Contract Bills are based on the
market price of materials including purchase tax(es), import
and/or excise duty or any other levy (if any) applicable at the
date of tender' (hereinafter referred to as 'the basic prices').
Provided always the basic prices shall truly reflect market
prices to the reasonable satisfaction of the Quantity Surveyor.
Contractor to 31.4 The Contractor shall within 7 days give written notice to the
give written Quantity Surveyor of the happening of any of the events referred
notice to in clause 31.2.
Fluctuations (Amended)
Adjustment not to 31.5 No addition to or deduction from the Contract Sum made by
alter profit to virtue of this clause shall alter in any way the amount of profit or
Contractor overheads, to the Contractor included in the Contract Sum.
Notice of 32.1 If during the currency of this Contract there shall be an outbreak
determination of of hostilities (whether war is declared or not) in which Nigeria
the Contractor's shall be involved on a scale involving the general mobilization of
employment the armed forces, then either the Employer or the Contractor
may at any time by notice, by registered post or recorded
delivery to the other, forthwith determine the employment of the
Contractor under this Contract, provided that such a notice
shall not be given:
Parties may make 32.2 The parties hereto, in the event of an outbreak of hostilities, may
further at any time by agreement between them make such further
arrangements arrangements as they think fit to meet the circumstances.
Protective work, 32.3 The Architects may within 14 days after a notice under clause
etc 32.1 shall have been given or received by the Employer issue
instructions to the Contractor requiring the execution of such
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Outbreak of hostilities
Payment 32.4 Upon the expiration of 14 days from the date on which a notice
of determination shall have been given or received by the
Employer under clause 32.1, or where works are required by the
Architects under clause 32.3, or upon completion or
abandonment as the case may be of any such works, the
provisions of clause 26.2 (except clause shall apply
and the Contractor shall also be paid by the Employer the value
of work executed pursuant to instructions given under clause
32.3 the value being ascertained in accordance with clause 11.5
as if such work were a variation required by the Architects.
Effect of war 33.1 In the event of the Works or any part thereof or any unfixed
damage materials or goods intended for/or delivered to and placed on or
adjacent to the Works sustaining war damage then
notwithstanding anything expressed or implied elsewhere in the
33.1 1 the occurrence of such war damage shall be disregarded
in computing any amount payable to the Contractor under or
by virtue of this Contract.
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Protective work, 33.2 If at any time after the occurrence of war damage as aforesaid
etc either party serves notice of determination under clause 32, the
expression `protective work' as used in the said clause shall in
such case be deemed to include any matters in respect of which
the Architects can issue instructions under clause 33.1.2 and any
instructions issued under the said clause prior to the date on
which notice of determination is given or received by the
Employer and which shall not by then have been completely
complied with shall be deemed to have been given under this
Use of 33.3 The Employer shall be entitled to any compensation which may
compensation for at any time become payable out of the monies provided by
war damage Government in respect of war damage sustained by the Works or
any part thereof or any fixed materials or goods intended for the
Works which shall at any time have become the property of the
Definition of war 33.4 The expression `war damage' as used in these Conditions means
damage damage occurring as the result or action taken by the enemy of
action in combating the enemy.:
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34. Antiquities
Effect of find of 34.1 All fossils, antiquities and other objects of interest or value
Antiquities which may be found on the site or in excavating the same during
the progress of Works shall become the property of the
Employer and upon discovery of such an object the Contractor
shall forthwith:
34.1. 1 use his best endeavours not to disturb the object and shall
cease work if and in so far as the continuance of work would
endanger the object or impede it's excavation or it's removal,
Direct loss and/or 34.3 If in the opinion of the Architects compliance with the provisions
expense on of clause 34.1 or with an instruction issued under clause 34.2
antiquities found has involved the Contractor in direct loss and/or expense for
which he would not be reimbursed by a payment made under
any other provision in this Contract, then the Architects shall
request the Quantity Surveyor to ascertain the amount of such
loss and/or expense. Any amount from time to time so
ascertained shall be added to the Contract Sum, and if an interim
certificate is issued after the date of ascertainment, any such
amount shall be added to the amount which would otherwise be
stated as due in such a certificate.
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35. Arbitration
Settlements of 35.1 Provided always that in case any dispute or difference shall
disputes notice to arise between the Employer or the Architects on his behalf and
be in writing Contractor, either during the progress or after completion or
appointment of abandonment of the Works as to the construction of this
Arbitrator Contract or as to any matter or thing of whatsoever nature
arising thereunder or in connection therewith (including any
matter or thing left by this Contract to the discretion of the
Architects) or the withholding by the Architects of any
certificate to which the Contractor may claim to be entitled or
the measurement and valuation mentioned in clause 30.5.1 or the
rights and liabilities of the parties under clauses 25, 26, 32 and
33, the same shall not be allowed to interfere with or delay the
execution of the Works but either party shall forthwith give to
the other notice in writing of such dispute or difference and such
dispute or difference shall be and is hereby referred to the
arbitration and final decision of a person to be agreed between
the parties to act as Arbitrator. Such a person shall be an
experienced professional in the building industry or failing
agreement, a person appointed (at the request of either party) by
the president of any of the under mentioned professional bodies:
The Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA), The Nigerian
Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS), The Nigerian Society of
Engineers (NSE) and The Nigerian Institute of Building (NIOB).
Award to be final 35.2 The award of such Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the
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