Abracon White Paper Antenna Impedance Matching

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Antenna Impedance Matching – Simplified

Antenna Impedance Matching – Simplified | Abracon LLC

SWR = 1 + |Γ| Γ = ZL-Zo

1 - |Γ| ZL+Zo
Why Antenna Matching is required

(Equation 1) (Equation 2)
Antenna’s have become an essential part of
consumer electrionics, and without realizing, we
carry multiple antennas on our person every day. Efficient impedance matching consumes a
When discussing antennas, the term “impedance significant amount of engineers’ time; therefore
matching” commonly appears during the it is worth understanding the basic techniques to
design and final application phases. What is match this impedance.
so important about impedance matching? The
antenna must be impedance matched when What is Impedance Matching?
assembled for the end-user environment so that
it operates in the desired frequency band with Impedance matching is the process of designing
maximum efficiency. Optimal efficiency results in the antenna’s input impedance (Zin) or matching
maximum range, minimum power consumption, it to the corresponding RF circuitry’s output
reduced heating and reliable data throughput. It impedance, which would be 50 Ω in most cases.
is essential to realize that an antenna itself can A perfect match is obtained when ZL = ZO (Zin =
be considered an impedance transformer. The ZO) in Equation 2, which gives Γ a value of zero,
antenna transitions power received from the and the SWR becomes unity in Equation 1. If
RF circuitry through the Tx line (matched to an the impedance of the line feeding the antenna
impedance of 50 Ω in most cases) to free space and the antenna impedance do not match, then
(impedance of 377 Ω). the source experiences complex impedance,
which would be a function of the line length.
Even if the antenna specifications say 50 Ω
impedance or matching is achieved using a
matching network, the length of the line feeding
Antenna Load reflected
the antenna is of significance, specifically if it is
(ZL = Zin) power greater than approximately 1/10th the wavelength
Source/ Transmission Line (ZO = 50 Ω) of the highest frequency of operation. Matching
RF on the final board is crucial because antenna
incident impedance can be altered depending on the
electrical properties, size and proximity of the
Matching the input impedance of the antenna to adjacent objects mounted on the end product,
50 Ω is a requisite to ensure that the maximum any enclosures, etc.
power is transferred from the RF circuity to the
antenna with negligible amount being reflected A Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) can be used
back. Standing wave ratio (SWR) is a measure to measure the input impedance of the antenna
that defines how well the antenna impedance in the end-user environment, as this helps to
is matched to the connected Tx line impedance. optimize the antenna for the actual operating
A value less than 1.5 is desirable. A low flat conditions. The VNA should be calibrated as
SWR enables maximum power transfer from close to the measurement plane as possible
the transmission line. SWR can be expressed in or at the location of the matching network. The
terms of the reflection coefficient Γ, which refers impedance matching technique should consider
to the power reflected from the antenna. Γ is a any length of the transmission line if present
function of load impedance, ZL, and characteristic between the calibration point and the matching
impedance, ZO. network. A VNA can be used to measure S11
characteristics and to view the impedance on a
Smith chart.
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Antenna Impedance Matching – Simplified | Abracon LLC

 the impedance of the matching network would
be R-j*X or the other way around. If the arbitrary
impedance is at Point O, then the result of adding
lumped elements in the matching network would
be as shown in Fig. 2.


Constant Constant
Conductance Resistance
Circles Circles C
Fig. 1 Typical Smith chart view O
A Smith chart is an excellent graphical aid for
visualizing the impedance at any point of the Fig. 2 Impedance transformations for lumped
transmission line or at the input of the antenna network elements
system across the different frequencies. A Smith
chart consists of constant resistant circles and When a series inductor is connected to the
constant conductance circles as shown in Fig 1. antenna, the combined impedance of the antenna
and the series inductor at the output will move
A Smith chart can be used to perform an toward Direction A in a constant resistant circle. A
impedance match by bringing impedance to the series capacitor will move the impedance toward
center of the chart, which corresponds to a pure Direction B along a constant resistant circle. A
resistance of 50 Ω by adjusting the reactance shunt inductor will move the impedance toward
values. This is achieved by designing a matching Direction C and a shunt capacitor will move the
network, which is a circuit between the feed line impedance toward Direction D along a constant
and the antenna. A Smith chart can be used to conductance circle.
determine matching network’s lumped element
values. A few golden rules that simplify impedance
matching are provided below.
Impedance Matching Methods
1. A Smith chart can be divided into two halves:
Antenna impedance is complex, consisting The upper half is inductive, and the lower half
of both resistive and reactive parts, so the is capacitive.
matching network must include components 2. Whenever impedance is to be moved up, an
of both types to achieve optimal matching. If inductor (L) is required; use a capacitor (C) if
the source impedance is purely resistive and the impedance is to be moved down.
the load impedance is of complex type, then a 3. The right/constant resistance circle is
complex conjugate of the load impedance would the series circle, and the left/constant
be required for the matching network. conductance circle is the shunt circle. So, a
shunt element is required if the impedance
In other words, for a load impedance of R+j*X, needs to be moved along the left circle.
Otherwise, use a series element.

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Antenna Impedance Matching – Simplified | Abracon LLC

The addition of a series L or C will only match Any matching network can only move a limited
the impedances lying on the constant resistance portion of the impedance curve to the target
circle, and a shunt L or C will match the matching circle on the Smith chart, which means
impedances lying on the constant conductance there is a bandwidth limit for any matching
circle. Multiple matching network element network. The matching circuit can be used
combinations can achieve the desired matching to achieve both impedance matching and
impedance. Other requirements such as filter bandwidth enhancement, and this is achieved by
type, Q-factor, and specific components can also appropriately using the above principles while
be considered. arranging the lumped elements in the form of
L-networks, Pi-networks, and T-networks.
By combining any of the series inductor, series
capacitor, the shunt inductor, and the shunt A simple L matching network consists of two
capacitor, any value of the load impedance in the lumped components, L and C, arranged in any of
Smith chart can be matched, except those spots the eight different configurations shown in Fig. 5.
located on the lΓl = 1 circle, where the impedance Not every L-network configuration can guarantee
is purely resistive. the required matching between the given
arbitrary load and source impedances. Each of
Transmission lines are most commonly used these configurations has certain forbidden areas
to match the real impedances. Impedance where matching cannot be achieved. Select the
matching at a frequency can be achieved by appropriate L-section topology based on where
extending the length of the transmission line to RL lies.
bring the impedance on the Smith chart to reach
the unit conductance circle that contains the Γ=0 The series reactance L in Fig. 5(a) makes the
point; then suitable shunt reactance is added to impedance move along the constant resistance
move the combined impedance to the Γ=0 point. circle until it intersects with the unit conductance
(See Fig. 3.) The arbitrary impedance can also circle; then shunt C moves along the unit
be rotated until it reaches the 50 Ω circle; then conductance circle to the 50 Ω matching point.
appropriate series reactance is added to get the This configuration will only match capacitive
resulting impedance to the 50 Ω point. (See Fig. impedances that fall outside the resistance
4.) circle passing through the origin or inductive
impedances that fall inside the conductance
circle passing through the origin.

Similarly, the series reactance C in Fig. 5(b)

makes the impedance move along the constant
resistance circle until it intersects with the unit
conductance circle. Then shunt L moves along
Fig. 3 the unit conductance circle to the 50 Ω matching
point. This configuration will only match inductive
impedances that fall outside the resistance
circle passing through the origin or capacitive
impedances that fall inside the conductance
circle passing through the origin.

Fig. 4

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Antenna Impedance Matching – Simplified | Abracon LLC

Fig. 5 Impedance transformations for L-network matching topologies

The shunt reactance C shown in Fig. Similarly, the shunt reactance L in Fig. 5 (d)
5(c) makes the impedance move along makes the impedance move along the constant
the constant conductance circle until it conductance circle until it intersects with the unit
intersects with the unit resistant circle. resistant circle; then series C moves along the
Then the series L moves along the unit unit resistant circle to the 50 Ω matching point.
resistant circle to the 50 Ω matching This configuration will only match capacitive
point. This configuration will only match impedances that fall outside the conductance
inductive impedances that fall outside the circle passing through the origin or inductive
resistant circle passing through the origin impedances that fall inside the resistant circle
or capacitive impedances that fall inside passing through the origin.
the resistant circle passing through the

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Antenna Impedance Matching – Simplified | Abracon LLC

An L-network with only inductive reactances be reduced, decreasing the Q of each section
can only match capacitive impedances that fall and thus enhancing the matched bandwidth of
outside the resistant and conductance circles the circuit. Three-element networks, like Pi or T,
passing through the origin. An L-network with only provide greater flexibility to control the circuit Q,
capacitive reactances can only match inductive thereby controlling bandwidth while providing
impedances that fall outside the resistant and impedance matching.
conductance circles passing through the origin.
The permissible and forbidden areas for the Once the matching circuit is decided, the
different types of L-networks from Fig. 5 are impedance can be measured using the built-
shown in Fig. 6 (I) and (II) respectively. in Smith chart function in a VNA for accuracy.
Please take note that inaccurate calibration or
port extension can give wrong results, which
would need to be rectified and recalibrated for


Despite being a complicated procedure requiring

testing and validation, antenna matching is
essential in all RF designs. Impedance matching
ensures maximum efficiency. Without proper
Fig. 6 Permissible (I) and Forbidden (II) areas for matching, the antenna becomes a choke point
L network matching of performance due to reduced range, increased
power consumption and poor transmission
The matching circuit bandwidth depends on Q quality. Recent advancements in Internet of
factor and frequency, where the Q factor of the Things and smart applications demand highly
circuit is based on source and load impedances, efficient and reliable antenna systems. Abracon
and the L-network does not provide considerable offers an Antenna Optimization service for
control over Q. customers seeking to maximize the performance
of the antenna in their application. Please contact
BW = F / Q the Abracon sales team for further information.

To enhance the bandwidth over which

impedance is matched, an additional L-network
can be included to the single section. In
such scenarios, the impedance transforms to
intermediate impedance using the first section.
Then, the second L-network section matches the
impedance to the desired value. If the bandwidth
requirements are still not met, additional sections
can be included to guarantee impedance
matching over a wider bandwidth.
Author Information:
In such a network where there is more than one Dr. Anitha Govind
section of L-network, the termination ratios can Senior Product Engineer – Antenna Solutions
Abracon, LLC.

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Abracon offers in-system tuning services for patch and chip antennas. By characterizing the
antenna performance in the end system or product, this service takes the guess work out of
RF verification while offering corrective measures that re-tune the system for center frequency
and impedance mismatch. This provides maximum system efficiency delivering many benefits
including, extended RF range, improved sensitivity and can reduce the required power
consumption for a given level of transmit range.

Orderable Part Number: ABAOS-5WK

Applicable Part Numbers

APAE1575R1240ABDD1 -T APAE1575R1340ABDD6 -T APAE1575R1540AZDB2F -T APAE1575R1820ABDC1 -T
APAE1575R1840AADB7 -T APAE1575R1840BADB1F -T APAE1575R2040ABDD2 -T APAE1575R2520ABDD7 -T
APAE1575R2540AADBE -T APAE1575R2540BBDB1 -T APAE1590R1340AKDB2 -T APAE1590R1350AKDB5 -T
APAE1590R2540AKDB1 -T APAE1621R2540ABDD1 -T APAE2338L2540DDDB1 -T APAE868R2540JBDB2 -T
APAE915R2540ABDB1 -T APAEA1575R0940K14 -T APAES1575R1040J34 -T APAES868R8060C16-T
APAES915R6460C16 -T APAES915R80C16-T APAES923R3640C16-T APAES923R45 60C16-T
APAES1575R1040J34 -T APAKN1304 -S5517-T APAKN2504 -S2448-T APAKN1304 -C2G-T
APAKN1804 -C2G-T APAKN2504 -C2G-T AMCA52-2R510G-S1F-T AMCA52-2R540G-S1F-T
AMCA52-2R710G-S1F-T AMCA52-2R780G-S1F-T AMCA62-2R640G-01F-T AMCA72-2R470G-S1F-T
AMCA72-2R860G-02F-T AMCA81-3R010G-S1F-T AMCA92-2R660G-S1F-T ACAG1204-915-T
ACAG1204-868-T ACAG1204-433-T ACAG0201-2450-T ACAG0801-2450-T
ACAG0301-5500-T ACAG0301-1575-T ACAG0301-15752450-T ACAG0301-24505500-T



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