HD 39-01 Pavement Design
HD 39-01 Pavement Design
HD 39-01 Pavement Design
HD 39/16
This part sets out the requirements and advice for new
footway construction. It covers footways constructed
from common materials that are subject to a range of
pedestrian traffic and some overrun by vehicular traffic.
February 2016
HD 39/16
HIGHWAYS ENGLAND Volume 7, Section 4,
Part 5
This part sets out the requirements and advice for new footway construction. It covers footways
constructed from common materials that are subject to a range of pedestrian traffic and some
overrun by vehicular traffic.
Volume 7 Section 2
Part 5 HD 39/16 Registration of Amendments
Amend No Page No Signature & Date of incorporation Amend No Page No Signature & Date of incorporation
of amendments of amendments
February 2016
Volume 7 Section 2
Registration of Amendments Part 5 HD 39/16
Amend No Page No Signature & Date of incorporation Amend No Page No Signature & Date of incorporation
of amendments of amendments
February 2016
HD 39/16
1. Introduction
2. Design Considerations
3. Structural Design
4. Materials
5. References
6. Enquiries
Annex A Not used
E Worked Examples
February 2016
February 2016
Volume 7 Section 2 Chapter 1
Part 5 HD 39/16 Introduction
1.1 This part provides guidance on new footway and cycleway construction. It covers footways and cycleways
constructed from common materials and subject to a range of pedestrian traffic and some overrun by
vehicular traffic. The design of pedestrianised areas is not covered since the number of delivery vehicles
usually means that a road pavement design will be required.
1.2 Guidance is provided on the construction of footways surfaced with bituminous material, concrete or clay
pavers, precast concrete flags and in-situ concrete. Designs for paver and flag footways, in the situation
where there is overrun by heavy vehicles, remain to be validated.
1.3 This document shall be implemented in accordance with GD 1. Safety risk assessments shall be carried out in
accordance with GD 4. An assessment as to the applicability of an equality impact assessment (EqIA) shall
be carried out for all designs. Where the assessment indicates that an EqIA is required, then the designer shall
carry out an EqIA.
This part has been updated for the purposes of EU compliance with additional minor changes throughout.
Attention is also drawn to the change in clause 4.11 for construction topped by natural stone slabs.
Mutual Recognition
1.4 Where there is a requirement in this specification for compliance with any part of a British Standard or other
technical specification, that requirement may be met by compliance with the Mutual Recognition clause in
GD 1.
2.1 Maintaining Agents and Local Authorities spend a significant amount of their highway maintenance budgets
on footways and cycleways in order that all pedestrians, including those with mobility difficulties, and
cyclists can travel in comfort. Footway and cycleway surfaces deteriorate for a variety of reasons and it
is important that the initial construction is such that subsequent deterioration is minimised. Although it
is expected that the upper layers will need attention because of general wear, it is recommended that the
foundations of footways and cycleways should be sufficiently robust to give good performance over a design
life of 40 years.
2.2 Research has been carried out at the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) to identify the causes of failure
in footways and thus to recommend suitable designs to improve the surface condition of footways over
their design life. Vehicle overrun and works by Statutory Undertakers have been identified as the most
common causes of failure in footways. It is hoped that adherence to the New Roads and Street Works Act
1991 (Specification for the reinstatement of openings in highways), or the NIRAUC Specification for the
Reinstatement of Openings in Roads (1995) in Northern Ireland, will ensure improvement in reinstatements
after utility works and consequently in the ensuing condition of the footway surface. Growth of vegetation,
natural ageing of bituminous material, and poor design and construction have also been identified as
significant causes of deterioration.
2.3 To choose the appropriate footway/cycleway design it is necessary to consider the pedestrian and vehicular
traffic which the surface may have to support and the characteristics of the ground on which it is to be
constructed. Designs are given for three construction categories, the appropriate category being chosen
according to the risk and type of vehicle overrun and on the amount of pedestrian usage.
1. The footway/cycleway is considered to be physically separated from the carriageway if there is a verge of
width 3m or more, closely spaced trees or other physical obstructions such that vehicular traffic cannot
mount the footway/cycleway.
2. Any footway/cycleway in a residential area is likely to be used for parking private cars. However, if the
footway/cycleway is in a rural area it may be sensible to adopt the pedestrian-only design, even if vehicle
overrun is not physically prevented.
3. There are many situations where light vehicle overrun is common, but overrun by heavy vehicles would not
be expected to occur more than very occasionally. This may apply to domestic crossings (access to private
driveways); situations where cars may park between obstructions that would prevent heavy vehicles parking;
and footways/cycleways adjacent to roads on housing estates. Some heavy vehicle overrun is to be expected
when footways are adjacent to roads in areas where deliveries take place, such as outside local shops.
Obstructions, such as broken down vehicles, will cause traffic to overrun the footway occasionally.
4. ‘Pedestrian only’ footways/cycleways are not designed to support any type of vehicle use, not even small
cleaning and maintenance vehicles, except those that are pedestrian controlled.
Site Investigation
2.4 To perform satisfactorily, a footway or cycleway must be constructed on an adequate foundation. A soft
subgrade provides insufficient support for compaction of the layers above, which may subsequently
deteriorate rapidly. For road pavement construction the subgrade is conventionally assessed in terms of its
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and as footways and cycleways are associated with road pavements it is
convenient to use the same measure.
2.5 Methods for measuring CBR are described in HD25. If, because of site investigations prior to constructing
structures, the Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (k) of the soil is known, this can be related to the CBR by the
relationship given in HD 25.
2.6 Tests should not be carried out on the soil near the surface as the moisture content will not be representative
of the equilibrium condition at depth. It is very important to remember that Design CBR’s relate to
equilibrium conditions. A prolonged dry spell may distort the results and lead to failure in wetter conditions.
If a cone penetrometer is used to assess CBR, care must be taken in case services are present; the use of a
Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT) is recommended.
2.7 The CBR chosen for design purposes should be the minimum measured value, not the average, otherwise
local failure will occur at soft spots. Alternatively, soft spots can be removed and replaced with better
material to improve the subgrade CBR value. If it is not possible to estimate the CBR because the condition
of the subgrade is extremely variable then a default of 2% should be assumed, unless the material is granular
in which case the CBR can be assumed to be over 5%.
2.8 For a footway or cycleway subject to vehicle loading the estimate of CBR should normally relate to the
moisture content which is expected to be present in the subgrade under the completed footway/cycleway,
when any change in the water table due to construction and the installation of drainage has taken place.
However, if the in situ CBR at the time of measurement is less than the expected equilibrium CBR, then the
in situ value should be used for design, otherwise failure may occur before equilibrium is reached.
2.9 Tables 2.1 and 2.2 provide guidance on estimating Design CBR’s if testing is not possible. They are more
conservative than the information presented for road pavements in HD25, and should only be used in
conjunction with the designs presented in this Part.
Plasticity Design
Soil Type
Index CBR%
Plastic Clay 50 or greater 2+
Silty Clay 40 2
Silty Clay 30 3
Sandy Clay 20 3
Sandy Clay 10 2+
Silt - Less than 2
Sand (poorly graded) - 7*
Sand (well graded) - 10*
Sandy Gravel (well graded) - 15*
Notes: +
CBR may be less than 2 if construction conditions are poor.
Indicates estimated values assuming some probability of the material saturating in service.
2.10 When assigning geometric parameters to footways, the comfort of the user shall be taken into account,
together with the necessity for providing adequate surface drainage. Steep gradients or crossfalls make it
difficult for elderly or encumbered pedestrians to walk on the footway, while insufficient gradients would not
facilitate the removal of surface water. The geometry and gradients for footways shall be in accordance with
published DfT inclusive mobility guidance. Where possible the footway width should be sufficient to allow
two wheelchairs or double buggies to pass. Shared footway and cycleways should follow the geometrical
requirements for footways.
2.11 Crossfall should be limited to that absolutely necessary to dispose of surface water. Crossfalls steeper than
about 3% are uncomfortable to walk on and if the slope runs towards a road it can be dangerous, as wheeled
users will tend to edge down the crossfall.
2.12 The direction of the crossfall should take surface water away from buildings. However, if backfall towards
buildings is unavoidable then covered drainage channels can be used to remove the surface water.
2.13 The strength of the construction and of the subgrade can vary considerably with moisture content, so it is
extremely important to keep the structure well drained during its service life. Issues of drainage relate to
ensuring adequate longitudinal falls, grips/gullies and level tolerances to prevent surface water ponding and
to aid its disposal. The drainage system should be designed to last the life of the footway/cycleway and it
should be easy to maintain. Drainage should be kept away from the centre of the footway/cycleway because
of the likelihood of works by Statutory Undertakers. Any potential problems which may be caused by tree
and hedge roots should be considered.
2.14 Generally footway/cycleway drainage will be the same as that of the adjacent highway, which should ensure
a low water table and efficient disposal of surface water. Where a footway or cycleway is separated from
the highway the main consideration should be to ensure that surface water drains away from the footway/
cycleway into the highway. If a separate drainage system is required it should be simple and robust; it should
keep the water table below formation level and deal satisfactorily with storm water. Regular maintenance of
the drainage system will be necessary for long-term performance. Drainage is especially important if there is
any risk of vehicle overrun, as a sub-base can lose a considerable proportion of its load spreading properties
if it becomes waterlogged.
Statutory Undertakers
2.15 Where possible, footways/cycleways should be designed so that services can run in the verge rather than
under the footway/cycleway. If this is not possible the provision of service ducts minimises any disruption
during maintenance work. On new footways and cycleways all Statutory Undertakers’ equipment must be
placed before the footway/cycleway is formed. Any trenches excavated before construction of the footway/
cycleway should be backfilled with suitable material and fully compacted. Compaction of the backfill to any
trenches should be carried out in compliance with New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (Specification for
the reinstatement of openings in highways) or the NIRAUC Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings
in Roads (1995) for Northern Ireland to ensure that the reinstatement will have a bearing capacity at least as
good as the natural subgrade.
Environmental Considerations
2.16 The position of the footway/cycleway and the choice of surfacing will be affected by environmental
factors. The footway/cycleway should complement the surrounding environment and natural features
should be disturbed as little as possible. The roots of large trees can cause problems and ideally footways
and cycleways should not be positioned close to such trees. If footways/cycleways must be built near to
existing trees then material around the existing roots should be excavated carefully by hand, any sub-base or
other granular material should be placed by hand and non-toxic sand should be placed around the roots. If
necessary the vertical alignment of the footway/cycleway can be lifted to facilitate this.
2.17 In a new development, trees should be carefully chosen to have deep rather than spreading roots and
sufficient space must be provided for root growth. Planting verges with low shrubs discourages parking and
removes the need for grass cutting, while maintaining sight distances. For ease of maintenance trees can also
be underplanted with such shrubs.
2.18 The footway/cycleway surface should be even and have adequate slip resistance and abrasion resistance. The
type of surfacing chosen will depend on the required appearance, the usage of the footway/cycleway, the
available budget and the loading to which the footway/cycleway is subjected. The recommended and most
commonly used types of surfacing are bituminous materials (asphalt concrete, stone mastic asphalt or hot
rolled asphalt), concrete or clay pavers and precast concrete (PCC) flags. It is not recommended that in situ
concrete is used due to the difficulties caused when works by Statutory Undertakers are carried out, although
concrete may be used locally for corner reinforcement against overrun and for vehicle crossovers. Natural
stone flags, cobbles and setts are not commonly used for new footways as they tend to be both expensive and
difficult to lay, though they are used in conservation areas.
2.19 If the pedestrian or cycle usage is very high, mastic asphalt can provide a very tough surface and it also
provides a useful thin waterproof surface over cellars. In some areas, tactile surfacing may be required
to assist those pedestrians who have impaired sight. (Refer to DETR publication “Guidance on the use
of Tactile Paving Surfaces”. In Northern Ireland refer to “Roads Service’s Policy and Procedures Guide,
RSPPG_E010”). Pavers, even when well laid, may not provide ride quality as good as bituminous or flag
surfaces, which is a disadvantage for users of small wheeled buggies and cycles.
2.20 A series of worked examples are provided in Annex E of this Part to demonstrate the design methods and the
use of the Tables.
3.1 For most soils, other than silt, the CBR of the subgrade at the time of construction will be at least 2%, which
should provide an adequate surface for compaction of the sub-base. If the CBR of the subgrade is lower than
this, the soil can be stabilised, usually with lime (which should achieve a CBR of at least 5%), or some soil
can be removed and replaced with extra granular sub-base/capping material.
3.2 Alternatively, if construction is being carried out in poor conditions, on a clay soil which is expected to
have an equilibrium CBR of at least 2%, there may be a case for using a geosynthetic separating layer as a
construction expedient. The geosynthetic does not improve the CBR, but prevents soft ground contaminating
the sub-base, which would weaken the structure and lead to inadequate support for compaction of the upper
layers. Construction layers above the sub-base would consequently not be properly compacted and would
deteriorate faster than would otherwise be the case, with subsequent increase in maintenance costs. The
subgrade should be levelled and compacted before placing the geosynthetic or the sub-base.
3.3 If the sub-base is required to support construction traffic, then the sub-base thickness will need to be
designed accordingly, even if the footway is a pedestrian-only design.
3.4 For prevention of frost damage all material within 450mm of the surface should be non-frost-susceptible,
unless the mean annual frost index is less than 50, in which case the requirement can be reduced to 350mm.
Advice on the frost index for any particular area can be obtained from the Meteorological Advisory Services.
The frost index is defined as the product of the number of days of continuous freezing and the average
amount of frost, in degrees Celsius, on those days. If the subgrade is frost susceptible then it should be
protected by a blanket of suitable non-frost susceptible materials.
3.5 Soils which are most likely to be frost susceptible are low plasticity clays, silts, and clayey and silty sands
and gravels. Medium and high plasticity clays are normally insufficiently permeable to be susceptible to frost
heave, and clean sands and gravels cannot generate sufficient suction to draw water to the ice front. Well
drained soils where the water table is well below the construction are less likely to be damaged by frost in
any situation, because footways and cycleways are usually alongside road pavements and the road drainage
would tend to ensure a low water table. It is unlikely to be cost effective to build the footway/cycleway
deep enough to totally prevent frost damage. Modular construction less susceptible to frost damage as the
elements can move without cracking.
Pedestrian-only Design
3.6 Construction thicknesses are as shown in Table 3.1, and construction materials are discussed further in
Chapter 5 of this Part. The sub-base is a Type 1, see Specification Series 800 (MCHW 1) or equivalent
material with a minimum compacted thickness of 100mm to ensure a smooth and regular laying surface for
the upper layers. The surface course is usually bituminous, concrete or clay pavers or PCC flags. If pavers
are used the sub-base surface must be sufficiently dense to prevent laying course sand leaking down into it.
3.7 Using a single 60mm thick combined binder course and surface course avoids the problems associated
with the compaction of very thin layers. The material cools down more slowly, allowing more time for
compaction. However, it can be more difficult to achieve a good ride quality when a separate regulating layer
is omitted. More care needs to be taken with the surface finish of the sub-base if bituminous material is to be
placed in a single layer.
Options Bituminous Pavers Flags
≥50mm clay ≥60mm concrete
pavers blocks
20mm surface course(4)
Surfacing(2) 25mm laying course
40mm binder course(1)
30mm laying course sand (compacted) sand (compacted) or
Sub-base(2) 100mm
Subgrade(3) −
Bituminous Pavers Flags Concrete
≥60mm 300mm x 300mm x 60mm
20mm surface ≥50mm clay
concrete or 400mm x 400mm x 65mm 150mm
course(4) pavers
Surfacing(2) blocks or 450mm x 450mm x 70mm unreinforced,
40mm binder
30mm laying course sand 25mm laying course sand Grade C30P
(compacted) (compacted) or mortar
2% ≤ 2% ≤
Subgrade(3) − CBR CBR −
≤2% >5% ≤2% >5%
≤5% ≤5%
1. 60mm combined surfacing/binder course is an alternative, but may require a slurry surfacing if a close
textured surface cannot be achieved.
3. It may be necessary to stabilise subgrade or replace with granular capping, if CBR <2%.
3.8 Slurry surfacing can be used to provide a fine textured surface if it is considered that the bituminous material
used in a single 60mm layer would give a surface that is too open textured. However, this surface treatment
will have a shorter life than surfacing and more frequent replacement will be required within the overall
design life.
Light-vehicle Design
3.9 This design is used for cross-overs to private driveways and wherever light vehicle overrun is likely.
Construction thicknesses are shown in Table 3.2. The designs for segmental footways/cycleways are thicker
than the equivalent designs for bituminous footways/cycleways since experimental work has shown that
segmental constructions do not exhibit equivalent load spreading ability to bituminous constructions.
3.10 In situ concrete can be used for vehicle crossovers using an unreinforced concrete, class C30P, laid 150mm
thick over 75mm of sub-base, as illustrated in Table 3.2.
3.11 If there is a possibility of very occasional heavy vehicle overrun, such as might occur two or three times a
year with occasional delivery vehicles to private houses, and if the footway/cycleway is being constructed
on a weak subgrade, it is recommended that the constructions are strengthened to those illustrated in Table
3.3. Under bituminous surfacing, if the subgrade CBR is less than 2%, the sub-base thickness should be
increased to 225mm. If the surface course is flags or pavers, a 70mm thick dense asphalt concrete or Cement
Bound Material (CBM) layer (CBM1 or stronger) should be incorporated between the sub-base and the
laying course sand where the subgrade CBR is 5% or less. Where the subgrade CBR is above 5% a sub-base
thickness of 200mm should be sufficient to permit very occasional heavy vehicle overrun. No strengthening
is necessary if the surface course is of concrete construction.
Heavy-vehicle Design
3.12 If there is uncertainty about the type of overrun, or if the footway/cycleway is adjacent to a busy road and
overrun is not prevented by some physical means, then the footway/cycleway should be designed to sustain
heavy vehicle overrun.
This does not include pedestrian areas that generally see a significant amount of delivery or maintenance
vehicles. For such areas a road pavement design, as given in HD26, is more appropriate.
3.13 For this category of footway/cycleway the design traffic is assumed to be 50,000 standard axles. This allows
for approximately one vehicle per working day over a design life of 40 years, equal to the design life of
associated road pavements (assuming that one heavy vehicle is, on average, equivalent to one standard
axle). The number of standard axles has been multiplied by 3 to take channelisation into account and some
allowance has been made for dynamic loading due to the vehicle mounting the footway/cycleway.
3.14 Recommended design thicknesses are given in Table 3.4, with a minimum sub-base thickness of 150mm.
This does not allow for the sub-base to be used as a platform for construction traffic. If the sub-base is to be
trafficked the thickness must be increased to the values in HD25. It is advisable that all footways/cycleways
subject to possible trafficking by heavy vehicles include a bound base.
Options Bituminous Pavers or Flags Concrete
20mm surface course
Surfacing(2) As Table 3.2
50mm binder course(1)
70mm dense AC(or stiffer)
Base(2) − or − As Table 3.2
CBM1 (or stronger)
Sub-base(2) 225mm 150mm 200mm
Subgrade(3) CBR ≤2% CBR ≤5% CBR >5%
Bituminous Pavers or Flags
Surfacing(2) 25mm surface course As Table 3.2
90mm dense AC 100mm CBM1 (or
Base(2) 90mm dense AC (or stiffer)
(or stiffer) stronger)
Sub-base(2) 365mm 270mm 210mm 165mm 150mm
Subgrade(3) CBR ≤2% CBR ≤3% CBR ≤4% CBR ≤5% CBR >5%
1. 70mm combined surfacing/binder course is an alternative, but may require a slurry surfacing if a close
textured surface cannot be achieved.
3. It may be necessary to stabilise subgrade or replace with granular capping, if CBR <2%.
Edge Restraints
3.15 A requirement of all footway and cycleway constructions is edge restraint, which is provided at the front by
a kerb and at the back, unless the footway abuts a wall or building, by an edging (Figure 3.1). Good edge
restraint is essential to prevent the footway/cycleway spreading causing wide gaps in a segmental footway/
cycleway or longitudinal cracks in a bituminous footway/cycleway which might allow water ingress.
Wherever footways and cycleways do not abut a kerb or existing boundary wall, precast concrete edging,
laid on and backed with concrete to grade C7.5P, should be used. The sub-base should be extended beyond
and beneath the edging. There should be a minimum of 100mm of sub-base under the concrete bed of the
edge restraint. Common practice is to extend the carriageway formation and overlying sub-base under the
kerb bed, which would normally give more than the minimum requirement of sub-base.
50mm x 150mm
125mm x 255mm Binder course
Kerb Surface Course
Concrete Bed Type 1 Sub-base 100mm
and Haunch Concrete Bed
Type 1 Sub-base and Haunch
4.1 Table 4.1 lists typical materials for use in footways, together with a reference for the material specification
and for any sources of guidance. Background information on alternative materials, including slurry surfacing
is contained within HD37.
BS EN 13877-1
4.2 Type 1, see Specification Series 800 (MCHW 1), is the most commonly used sub-base material and generally
originates from a primary aggregate source. For good compaction it should have a moisture content of +1%
to -2% of optimum. If Type 1 is delivered too dry it can be prone to segregation. Although all materials
should be protected from the weather when stored on site, providing Type 1 is not close to the fine limit of
grading it will not retain water significantly above its optimum moisture content and any excess will rapidly
drain from stockpiled material.
4.3 Type 1 was designed to be placed using large plant, in relatively thick layers and rolled using 8-10 tonne
dead-weight rollers. Footways and cycleways are constructed using small plant and are often laid in thin
layers (100mm) for which the nominal size of Type 1 is too large. Alternative locally available materials may
be suitable which fall into the category of secondary or recycled aggregates; for example:-
• Bituminous planings
• Spent railway ballast screened to remove the 20mm down material (and thus any contaminants)
• Crushed kerbstones
• Slate waste
The single sized nature of some of these sources may make them difficult to compact, so blending of aggregates
may be beneficial. Bituminous planings exhibit considerable resistance to compaction due to friction of the bitumen
coated aggregate. They must be compacted at optimum moisture content, to a maximum compacted layer thickness
of 150mm.
4.4 If secondary aggregates are to be used, the requirements for durability set down in the Specification
(MCHW1) for sub-bases should still apply. For example, materials used in the construction of the footway
and cycleway must be resistant to frost heave. If it cannot be guaranteed that the sub-base will remain well
drained throughout its design life then the material should be stabilised. Local experience can be a useful
guide particularly where materials have a long history of satisfactory performance. Secondary aggregates
may be suitable for use after stabilisation, for example by cement, foamed bitumen, or other binders. If it
cannot be guaranteed that the sub-base will remain well drained throughout its design life then the material
should be stabilised.
4.5 A permeable sub-base may be useful under modular surfacing, which is, to some extent, porous. It may
therefore be better to provide the drainage at a lower level and have a more “free-draining” sub-base. A
suitable material is included in Clause 805 of the Specification. Precautions, such as the inclusion of a
membrane separation layer, may be required to prevent loss of laying course sand into the subbase.
Bituminous Materials
4.6 The decision on which bituminous materials to use will depend on appearance, durability, initial cost,
maintenance requirements, total thickness, ease of laying and likelihood of disturbance by Statutory
Undertakers. Where bituminous materials abut kerbs, manholes, small areas of tactile paving flags etc, the
vertical faces of these should be cleaned and painted with a uniform coating of hot bitumen, before the
bituminous material is laid. Advice can be found in Clause 903 of the specification.
4.7 Three surface course materials that are suitable for footways and cycleways are compared and contrasted in
Table 4.2, assuming that all materials are fully compacted; the dense materials comply with the specification
in Annex C of this Part, and 160/220 or harder paving grade bitumen is used. The good durability of the
15/10 HRA surface course compared to the 6mm medium graded asphalt concrete and its comparatively
small extra cost, means that it is probable that the HRA will have the lowest cost over the life of the footway/
cycleway. Limestone aggregates should be excluded to ensure materials meet long term skid resistance
4.8 Permanent cold-lay surfacing materials PCSMs are available that allow hours rather than minutes for
handling and compaction. Only PCSMs that have HAPAS or equivalent accreditation shall be used.
4.9 The choice of binder course may be limited because of the thickness specified in the design. Pedestrian-only
footways and cycle only cycleways require 40mm of binder course, which is below the minimum thickness
for binder course complying with BS 594987. The solution is to either use a 14mm close-graded asphalt
concrete surface course as a binder course or a 55/14 hot rolled asphalt binder course, the latter being more
expensive but more durable.
4.10 The binder penetration should be specified as 100/150 or less where vehicle overrun occurs, otherwise
160/220 can be specified.
Material 6mm medium graded 6mm dense asphalt 15/10F hot rolled
Property asphalt concrete concrete asphalt
4.11 The pavers or flags/slabs chosen will depend on the footway/cycleway category and on aesthetic
considerations. Large flags can be difficult to lay, requiring mechanical handling, and will be damaged by
any vehicle overrun. Flags and slabs, for footways and cycleways, should therefore be restricted to those
of plan dimension 450 x 450 mm or less and supplied to BS EN 1339, or BS EN 1341. Natural stone slabs,
where used, should conform to the above maximum plan dimensions if they are to support any vehicular
traffic, but consideration should also be given to durability and abrasion resistance. Pavers, slabs and flags
shall be designed in accordance with BS 7533. It is probable that rigid construction will be required for
natural stone slabs, where there is any degree of vehicle overrun, and for all larger sizes of flags and slabs.
4.12 400 x 400 flags are compatible with the standard 200 x 100 rectangular concrete blocks of similar thickness
so that the two types of surfacing can be combined to form attractive layouts. However, if these products are
to be used together the joint spacings for the flags need to be relaxed to allow wider joints. Tactile flags are
available in compatible sizes and are of the correct colour, and should be used at crossings.
4.13 It is possible to include clay pavers in schemes that also use flags and/or concrete blocks, but the tolerances
on sizes of clay are different from and less onerous than the tolerances on concrete pavers and flags, and
therefore laying problems may occur. It is possible to obtain clay pavers to the tighter tolerances of concrete,
but they are likely to be more expensive.
4.14 Difficulties may be caused if advantage is taken of the larger variety of shapes, sizes and colours of
concrete blocks, flags, and slabs available. Stocks of each type and colour would need to be kept for
maintenance purposes. It is therefore suggested that blocks are specified as rectangular, with plan dimension
200 x 100mm. Installation should follow the guidance in BS 7533 Parts 3, and 4.
4.15 The laying course sand and jointing material should be in accordance with Annex B of this Part. The
moisture content of the laying course sand should be within +/-1% of optimum determined in accordance
with BS 1377: Part 4: 1990 Method 3.3. The quality of the laying course sand is critical to long life. The sand
must be free of deleterious salts or contaminants.
4.16 Jointing material should not be of a type which could stain the surface, and should be supplied and installed
kiln dry and free flowing. The need to guard against risk of failure due to removal of sand by suction
sweepers during early life should be recognised.
4.17 The choice of compaction plant is limited by the small scale of the works, and obstructions such as street
furniture, but the use of appropriate plant is essential, together with an established testing scheme when
required. The subgrade must be levelled and compacted adequately if the sub-base, when placed and
compacted, is to achieve the required density. The performance of both unbound and bound materials
depends substantially on the degree of compaction achieved.
4.18 Compaction of asphalt materials can be carried out by a method specification (refer to Annex D of this Part),
but it is important that the work is adequately supervised to ensure that the requirements are being achieved.
However, as dense asphalt concrete is more difficult to compact it is recommended that it is compacted to
satisfy an end-product specification, in terms of air voids (refer to Annex C of this Part).
4.19 The durability of dense bituminous materials of all types is heavily dependent on reducing the permeability
of the material to a level which will restrict weather and oxygen attack to the top surface. The level of
compaction is best characterised by air voids content which is generally recommended to be in the region
of 2-8%. Void contents less than 2% are not recommended for heavy-vehicle footways (Table 3.4), else
deformation may occur under trafficking.
Skidding Resistance
4.20 The footway/cycleway surface course must not become slippery when wet. It is unlikely that this will be
a problem with bituminous or concrete materials, but care should be taken when specifying clay pavers or
natural stone. The skidding resistance of concrete products is always adequate for use in footways, as the
BS EN 1338 requirement for acid soluble content precludes the use of limestone for both coarse and fine
aggregates. Some clay pavers in areas of heavy pedestrian use can become slippery when wet. Specialist
advice should be sought where there is the possibility of horse traffic on modular paving.
4.21 The tolerances given in Table 4.3 are intended to apply generally and also take into account that a footway
is usually hand laid. They are more stringent than those in Table 7/1, Clause 702, of the Specification
(MCHW1). This is because the tolerances for road pavements would allow too great a reduction in layer
thicknesses for thin footway construction layers. If kerbs and edging strips are properly laid it should be
possible to achieve a high degree of compliance with design levels. Surface regularity is given in terms of
maximum deviation under a 1m straightedge, as the 3m straightedge used in road pavement measurement is
too large for footway use.
4.22 In order to reduce the need for testing incoming materials, all materials should be supplied under a quality
assurance scheme, preferably a product certification type, which gives the most assurance of the product
conforming to the required standards. No scheme absolves the purchaser from checking the quality of
supply. Testing of any product should only be necessary when the visual appearance differs from normal.
The frequency of testing certified products would normally be between 10% and 20% of the frequency for
uncertified ones. Where no certification schemes apply then a much more frequent regime of testing will be
4.23 Testing should be carried out in accordance with Table NG 1/1, Notes for Guidance (MCHW2). Where
possible the testing should be carried out by a laboratory which is accredited for the particular test by
UKAS or other EEA national accreditation scheme. Sampling is a very important part of any test and should
be undertaken by a laboratory accredited for sampling. All sampling and testing should be carried out in
accordance with the appropriate standards. The materials related tests most relevant to footway/cycleway
construction are given in Table 4.4.
4.24 The monitoring and testing of workmanship at all stages of construction is very important. Bituminous
materials are more likely to fail early because of poor compaction than because the material was delivered
out of specification, particularly on footways/cycleways where it is more difficult to carry out complete
compaction while the material is still hot. A guide to the type and frequency of testing for workmanship is
given in Table 4.5.
Parameter Tolerances
Horizontal alignment Horizontal alignments shall be correct to within 25mm, except for kerbs, channels and
accuracy edge strips which shall be correct to within ±13mm.
Formation level After completion of any drainage and immediately before laying sub-base the subgrade
surface shall be within + 10mm and –30mm of its design level.
Sub-base level If the footway is surfaced in bituminous material the compacted sub-base surface shall be
within +10mm and –20mm of its design level. If segmental surfacing is used the sub-base
must be within ± 10mm of its design level.
Sub-base thickness The thickness shall not be more than 10mm less than specified.
Bituminous binder The compacted binder course level shall be within ± 10mm of the design level.
Surface course The surface course level shall be within + 5mm and –0mm of the adjacent kerb, edging
strip or any ironwork.
Bituminous thickness The total thickness of bituminous material shall not be more than 5mm less than
Laying course sand The compacted laying course sand level shall be within ± 5mm of the design level and the
layer shall not be less than 25mm thick.
Kerbs and edging The surface level shall be within ±6mm of the design level.
Joints between flags Joints should be not less than 2mm and not more than 5mm wide. For pedestrian-only
and pavers footways flags can be laid with wide (6-10mm) joints filled with compacted mortar.
Surface regularity The maximum deviation of the footway surface under a 1m straightedge shall not exceed
Note 1: Testing of materials should not normally be required where quality management schemes or product
certifications schemes apply. Testing should only be necessary where visual appearance, or performance appears
different from normal.
Normative References
BS EN 1341: Slabs of natural stone for external paving. Requirements and test methods.
BS7533: Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers. Part 3: Code of practice for laying
precast concrete paving blocks and clay pavers for flexible pavements.
BS7533: Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers. Part 4: Code of practice for the
construction of pavements of precast concrete flags or natural stone slabs.
BS EN 12697 Bituminous mixtures. Test methods for Hot Rolled Asphalt: Part 5
BS EN 12697 Bituminous mixtures. Test methods for Hot Rolled Asphalt Part 6
BS EN 12697 Bituminous mixtures. Test methods for Hot Rolled Asphalt Part 8
Informative References
3. Others
BS 594987: Asphalt for roads and other paved areas. Specification for transport, laying, compaction and type
testing protocols.
Guidance on the use of Tactile Paving Surfaces”, DETR, also available on the internet: https://www.gov.uk/
Inclusive Mobility - A guide to best practice on access to pedestrian and transport infrastructure.
Street Works (Northern Ireland) Order 1995. Northern Ireland Road Authority and Utilities Committee (NIRAUC).
“Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Roads”. The Stationery Office, Belfast.
New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (Specification for the reinstatement of openings in highways).
“Recommended Positioning of Utilities, Apparatus for New Works on New Developments and in Existing Streets”.
National Joint Utilities Group, NJUG, 1997.
Approval of this document for publication is given by:
Highways England
Temple Quay House
The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol M WILSON
BS1 6HA Chief Highways Engineer
Transport Scotland
8th Floor, Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road
G4 0HF Director, Trunk Road and Bus Operations
Welsh Government
Transport S HAGUE
Cardiff Deputy Director
CF10 3NQ Network Management Division
All technical enquiries or comments on this Standard should be sent to standards_ [email protected]
This document was notified in draft to the European Commission in accordance with Directive 98/34/EC, as amended
by Directive 98/48/EC.
Not Used
C.1 The adequacy of compaction of bituminous materials will be judged against the air voids content levels given
in Table C.1. The following procedure should be used.
C.2 Compliance should be judged from the determination of air voids content for areas of 1000m² or from the
area laid in one day where the area is less than this. Where a number of small areas are laid in a day the client
should determine whether these are to be grouped into one site for testing purposes. Three 100mm nominal
diameter core pairs should be taken from each area in a random manner.
C.3 The maximum density ρmax should be determined using BS EN 12697-5 and the bulk density ρ using BS EN
12697-6. One core from each set of six should be taken for the determination of the maximum density; where
only one set is taken then the determination should be carried on 2 cores from the set.
C.4 When the material contains applied chippings the air voids content should be calculated from the whole layer
including chippings.
C.5 The in situ air voids content should be calculated as ((ρmax - ρ) ÷ ρmax) x 100 %, in accordance with BS EN
C.6 The Contractor should inform the Engineer of the sources of the constituents of the mixes at the start of the
contract and of any changes during the contract.
C.7 Where these requirements for the air voids content are not met the Contractor should determine the full
extent of the area of the defective material to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The full depth and width,
minimum 15m long and the full width of the footway, of the defective material should be removed and
replaced with fresh material laid and compacted to this Specification.
C.8 The nuclear density gauge (NDG) may be used to reduce the amount of coring required but in case of dispute
the core density method should be used.
Vibrotampers are not the recommended plant for bituminous surface courses.
A footway is to serve terraced dwellings on a new estate, linking them to a small garage court. Barriers prevent
children running straight out into the garage court, which is surfaced in concrete pavers. From the ground
investigation, prior to building the estate, the CBR is 2%. There are no services under the footway.
Footway is physically separated from the carriageway. Footway is not a cycleway, therefore category
is pedestrian-only.
Width and gradients should be within the limits of Table 2.3. Crossfall should run away from houses.
Adequate drainage should be provided. The plan shows that there are no services under the footway.
The footway surfacing should enhance the environment; concrete pavers would be chosen to match the
garage court.
There are no services in the footway so a geosynthetic can be used to separate the subgrade from the
granular sub-base. Design CBR is 2%.
Note: Pavers can be chosen to contrast with the paved parking area to signify a change of use.
As the footway is not adjacent to a road or wall, edge restraint should be provided on both sides of the
footway. The cross section of the footway is as follows:
A new school has been built on the outskirts of a rural village. A footway/cycleway is required to connect the
school to the neighbouring village so that pupils can cycle or walk to school safely. The road running past the
school is a rural lane, but there is ample parking and delivery space in the school grounds. At present the lane has
a 3m wide grass verge bounded by a hedge. The soil along the verge is a soft clay. The length for which a footway/
cycleway is required is approximately 1 km.
Footway is not physically separated from the carriageway and may be considered to be lightly
used. However, footway is also to be used as a cycleway, which may require the use of clearing and
maintenance vehicles, so it would be wise to design for light-vehicle category.
Soil is very soft clay. A quick test shows that it “exudes from the fingers when squeezed”. According
to Table 2.2, this indicates a CBR of less than 1%.
Width and gradients should be within the limits of Table 2.3. A minimum of 2m width is required
which could usefully be increased to 2.5m to provide space for cyclists to overtake pedestrians. The
gradient will be as for the road. The crossfall will be towards the road utilising existing drainage.
The length and situation of the footway make a bituminous construction the best option. If there are
services in the verge they may need to be moved or made deeper.
CBR < 1%. Assume lime stabilisation is used to raise the design subgrade CBR to over 5%.
Very occasional heavy vehicle overrun may occur, but the treated subgrade now has a CBR > 5% so
the designs in Table 3.3 can be used. The structural design is 70mm of bituminous material on 150mm
of sub-base.
The kerb provides the lateral restraint on one side of the footway, edging is required on the other side.
The cross section of the footway is as follows:
A footway/cycleway is to be built alongside an existing road, which now receives some pedestrian traffic due
to construction of an out-of-town shopping area. There will be no verge between the footway/cycleway and the
carriageway, as the existing verge, on which the footway/cycleway is to be constructed, is only 2m wide. There is
a brick wall along the whole length of verge. It has been decided that concrete blocks will be used as the surfacing.
The soil is sandy clay. Delivery vehicles may overrun the footway/cycleway occasionally if, for example, the road
is partly blocked by a broken down vehicle.
The footway/cycleway is not physically separated from the carriageway, and is not very lightly used.
Heavy vehicle overrun is likely to occur. Therefore the footway/cycleway category is heavy-vehicle.
Soil is a sandy clay. From Table 2.1 the subgrade CBR is likely to be approximately 3%. Testing is
required to confirm this.
Width and gradients should be within the limits of Table 2.3. The gradient will be as for the road. The
crossfall will run towards the road utilising existing drainage.
The required sub-base thickness for heavy-vehicle design is 270mm. Concrete blocks should be at
least 60mm thick and should be placed on 30mm compacted thickness of laying course sand. A base
of 90mm dense binder course asphalt concrete or 100mm CBM1 or stronger, is required between the
sub-base and the laying course sand.
The brick wall provides lateral restraint on one side of the footway/cycleway and the kerb provides
lateral restraint on the other side. Edging is not required.