The document lists various hexadecimal color codes and their corresponding color names. There are over 100 color entries ranging from shades of gray, blue, purple, red, pink, green and more. Each entry includes the hexadecimal code, color name and a sample of the resulting color.
The document lists various hexadecimal color codes and their corresponding color names. There are over 100 color entries ranging from shades of gray, blue, purple, red, pink, green and more. Each entry includes the hexadecimal code, color name and a sample of the resulting color.
The document lists various hexadecimal color codes and their corresponding color names. There are over 100 color entries ranging from shades of gray, blue, purple, red, pink, green and more. Each entry includes the hexadecimal code, color name and a sample of the resulting color.
The document lists various hexadecimal color codes and their corresponding color names. There are over 100 color entries ranging from shades of gray, blue, purple, red, pink, green and more. Each entry includes the hexadecimal code, color name and a sample of the resulting color.