Prof. Dr. Shahid U. Ahmed EM529: Human Resource Management: Prepared For
Prof. Dr. Shahid U. Ahmed EM529: Human Resource Management: Prepared For
Prof. Dr. Shahid U. Ahmed EM529: Human Resource Management: Prepared For
Prepared for
Prof. Dr. Shahid U. Ahmed
EM529: Human Resource Management
Prepared By
Md. Jubair Bin Kibria - 3-09-17-022
December 26, 2010
University of Dhaka
Dear Sir,
Subject: Submission of a report.
With due regards and respect I state that I am very thankful to you as you assigned us this
report on ‘‘Recruitment and Selection Process”. It is a great opportunity for me to acquire
theoretical and practical knowledge about recruitment and selection process of a reputed
multinational organization like Unilever Bangladesh Limited. I have tried my best to gather what
I believe to be the most complete information available.
Your kind acceptance and any type of appreciation would surely inspire me. I would always be
available and ready to explain further any of the context of the whenever asked.
Sincerely yours,
Md. Jubair Bin Kibria
ID: 3-09-17-022
In any comprehensive work, like this, credit must go to the large number of people. I have
taken help from different people for preparing my report. Now here is a little effort to show our
deep graduate to those helpful people.
First, we commit ourselves grateful to Allah for his unlimited kindness and maximum helpful
hand in continuing our report preparation.
Table of contents
1.1. Background of the Study ................................................................................................................... 9
1.2. Objective of the Study ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.1 Primary Objective...................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.2 Secondary Objective ................................................................................................................. 9
1.3. Scope of the Study .......................................................................................................................... 10
1.4. Methods .......................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4.1 Primary sources....................................................................................................................... 11
1.4.2 Secondary sources .................................................................................................................. 11
1.5. Report Preview................................................................................................................................ 11
2.1 The corporate objectives of Unilever Limited................................................................................. 12
2.1.1 Top ten facts ........................................................................................................................... 12
2.1.2 Code of business principles ..................................................................................................... 13
2.2 The corporate objectives of Unilever Bangladesh Limited ............................................................. 16
2.3 Beliefs and values of Unilever Bangladesh Limited ........................................................................ 17
2.3.1 Unilever’s beliefs ..................................................................................................................... 17
2.3.2 Unilever’s values ..................................................................................................................... 17
2.4 Major operational Department of Unilever Bangladesh Limited ................................................... 19
2.4.1 Career in Brands & Development ........................................................................................... 19
2.4.2 Careers in Supply Chain management .................................................................................... 21
2.4.3 Career in Human Resources .................................................................................................... 23
2.4.4 Career in Finance .................................................................................................................... 23
2.4.5 Career in Information Technology .......................................................................................... 24
2.4.6 Career in Customer Management .......................................................................................... 25
2.5 Unilever Bangladesh Limited at a glance ........................................................................................ 26
2.5.1 Type of business ...................................................................................................................... 26
2.5.2 Operations............................................................................................................................... 26
2.5.3 Constitution............................................................................................................................. 27
2.5.4 Product categories .................................................................................................................. 27
2.5.5 Unilever brands ....................................................................................................................... 27
2.5.6 Manufacturing facilities .......................................................................................................... 28
2.5.7 Employees ............................................................................................................................... 28
3.1 Definition of recruitment ................................................................................................................ 29
3.2 Factors Influencing Recruiting Effort .............................................................................................. 29
3.3 Possible Constraints on Recruiting Process .................................................................................... 30
3.4 Recruiting Sources .......................................................................................................................... 31
3.4.1 Internal sources....................................................................................................................... 31
3.4.2 External sources ...................................................................................................................... 32
3.5 Selection.......................................................................................................................................... 35
3.6 Testing guideline ............................................................................................................................. 35
3.7 Definition of interview .................................................................................................................... 35
3.8 Types of Interview........................................................................................................................... 36
4.1 Recruiters qualification ................................................................................................................... 37
4.1.1 Personnel planning and vacancy announcement ................................................................... 38
4.1.2 Recruiters’ qualification .......................................................................................................... 38
4.2 Methods of recruitment ................................................................................................................. 39
4.2.1 Recruitment channel ............................................................................................................... 39 External recruitment channel ............................................................................................. 39 Internal recruitment channel .............................................................................................. 41
4.3 Nature of Application form ............................................................................................................. 41
4.4 Recruitment: constraints and challenges ....................................................................................... 42
5.1 Reception of application ................................................................................................................. 44
5.2 Evaluating reference and biographical data ................................................................................... 44
5.3 Employment test ............................................................................................................................. 44
5.4 Assessing candidate through interview .......................................................................................... 45
5.5 Cognitive ability test ....................................................................................................................... 45
5.6 Physical ability test.......................................................................................................................... 45
5.7 Work samples.................................................................................................................................. 46
5.8 Hiring decision................................................................................................................................. 46
5.1 Recommendation............................................................................................................................ 47
5.2 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 47
6.1 The types of recruitment in Unilever Bangladesh Limited ............................................................. 48
6.2 The types of selection in Unilever Bangladesh Limited .................................................................. 48
6.3 The frequency of recruitment by Unilever Bangladesh Limited ..................................................... 48
6.4 Responses from the students (Institution) regarding MNC ............................................................ 48
Executive Summary
Unilever Limited is one of largest multinational business firm in the world. Over the last four
decades, Unilever Bangladesh has been constantly bringing new and world-class products for
the Bangladeshi people to remove the daily toil of life. Over 90% of the country’s households
use one or more of our products. It provides sixteen verities brands and try to mitigate all types
of human demand by introducing with new innovative products.
Unilever Operations in Bangladesh provide employment to over 10,000 people directly and
through its dedicated suppliers, distributors and service providers. 99.5% of UBL employees are
locals and they have equal number of Bangladesh is working abroad in other Unilever
companies as expatriates. Unilever wants to attract the best graduates to join in their
leadership actions. This report enlightens what type of recruitment opportunities offered by
Unilever Bangladesh Limited for university students and how the students can access that
Unilever look for passionate people who want to do real business and have the potential to be
highly motivated by brands, and are enthusiastic, creative and rigorous. They want people who
are hungry for success and can work confidently in teams.
Unilever creates an environment where people with energy, creativity and commitment work
together to fulfill ambitious goals. In addition, they all work to the highest standards of
professional excellence and integrity.
Most career areas are open to graduates of any discipline, although there are some exceptions.
If you know which area interests you, great – but it’s good to keep an open mind and find out
about all the opportunities they offer.
Unilever accomplish their recruitment and selection process basically into three criteria. One is
committed in distribution department where employs is selected on their physical skilled and
recruitment and selection process is committed by competency based interview, case study
interview, based on case study materials, group discussion, again based on case study
materials. It is arranged for entry-level applicants. And in higher level job performer is hired in
“special people” job recruitment process. Special people who are already perform within the
organization or other relative organization and promoted as a company’s core decision maker.
Unilever Bangladesh has a certain connection with the consumers. Among others, Closeup
inspires confidence, Lux believes in star power and Surf Excel encourages all to learn through
new discovery and exploration. Unilever believe in all these insights as well. They believe the
people who work with us are confident of their capabilities, believe in nothing less than star
performances and of course are not afraid to work hard at achieving goals.
1.1. Background of the Study
Successful human resource department makes it possible for the organization to acquire the
number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization
by the recruitment and selection process. So it acts an important role in HR department. As a
part of BBA program, my Human Resource Management course supervisor Dr. Shahid U.
Ahmed assigned me to prepare a report on recruitment and selection process in a multinational
organization as related topic on Human Resource Management course. I have selected our
report topic as “Recruitment and Selection process in Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.”. I have
collected required information internet, blogs, forums and official website of Unilever
Bangladesh and contact with Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. head office. We have prepared our
report on January 13, 2008 which will be submitted by January 14, 2008.
The report aims to provide information on the procedures of Recruitment and Selection
techniques followed by the UBL through HR department.
a) Unilever is one of the world greatest consumer goods companies. The report is strongly
informed with how this multi-local multi-national company conducts the aptitude and
psychometric for a candidate and how it helps them to get objective, reliable and relevant
information on candidates.
b) Unilever always try to add variety in life. At Unilever they have created an environment
where people with energy, creativity and commitment work together to fulfill ambitious
goals. This report helps us to know how the selection process of a candidate leads him to
become leader.
c) Selection is the last step for hiring a right employee. In Unilever Bangladesh Limited, the
selection board lasts for an entire day and covers a wide range of activities for fulfilling this
post. By studying the report, we will know what type of activities they arrange for the entire
day to get the final candidate.
d) Unilever wants to attract the best graduates to join in their leadership actions. This report
enlightens what type of recruitment opportunities offered by Unilever Bangladesh Limited
for university students and how the students can access that opportunity.
There is a certain boundary to cover this report. Our particular report only covers recruitment
and selection process in Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. I mainly focus on entry-level recruitment and
selection process in Unilever Bangladesh. I addition I also cover executive and higher-level
employs’ recruitment and selection process. I have communicated with Unilever Bangladesh
Ltd. HR department in Dhaka and able to collect some valuable information as well as we
gathered information through internet Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. official web-site. Moreover I
got some confidential information which is not possible to disclose publicly, so those data and
information had to be ignored for this report.
1.4. Methods
For making any report most of the data should be taken that reflect actual situation. For our
report we have collected various types of primary and secondary data. In a disciplined way we
can say that the report input were collected from two sources
1.4.1 Primary sources
Face to face conversation with Ferdaus Yousuf, H.R. Manager, Dhaka and Mr. Shoaib Ahmed,
Recruitment Officer, Head-office, Dhaka for collecting information.
In the following pages, the report is prepared for the practical knowledge about recruitment
and selection process. First I have drawn an overall picture of Unilever Bangladesh Limited.
Then, I tried to point out recruiters’ qualification, recruitment method and recruitment
constrains and challenges of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. After that I have described selection
process in Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. Finally, I have accumulated the findings, analysis based on
them and draw a conclusion and given some recommendations for future steps.
2.1 The corporate objectives of Unilever Limited
Unilever's mission is to add vitality to life. They meet everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene, and
personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good, and get more out of life.
2.1.2 Code of business principles
Standard of conduct
Unilever conduct its operations with honesty, integrity and openness, and with respect for the
human rights and interests of their employees. They shall similarly respect the legitimate
interests of those with whom they have relationships.
Unilever companies and their employees are required to comply with the laws and regulations
of the countries in which they operate.
Unilever is committed to diversity in a working environment where there is mutual trust and
respect and where everyone feels responsible for the performance and reputation of their
company. Unilever will recruit, employ and promote employees on the sole basis of the
qualifications and abilities needed for the work to be performed. They are committed to safe
and healthy working conditions for all employees. They will not use any form of forced,
compulsory or child labour. They are committed to working with employees to develop and
enhance each individual’s skills and capabilities. They respect the dignity of the individual and
the right of employees to freedom of association. They will maintain good communications
with employees through company based information and consultation procedures.
Unilever is committed to providing branded products and services which consistently offer
value in terms of price and quality, and which are safe for their intended use. Products and
services will be accurately and properly labeled, advertised and communicated.
Unilever will conduct its operations in accordance with internationally accepted principles of
good corporate governance. They will provide timely, regular and reliable information on their
activities, structure, financial situation and performance to all shareholders.
Business partners
Community involvement
Unilever strives to be a trusted corporate citizen and, as an integral part of society, to fulfill
their responsibilities to the societies and communities in which they operate.
Public activities
Unilever companies are encouraged to promote and defend their legitimate business interests.
Unilever will co-operate with governments and other organizations, both directly and through
bodies such as trade associations, in the development of proposed legislation and other
regulations which may affect legitimate business interests. Unilever neither supports political
parties nor contributes to the funds of groups whose activities are calculated to promote party
The environment
In its scientific innovation to meet consumer needs they will respect the concerns of their
consumers and of society. They will work on the basis of sound science, applying rigorous
standards of product safety.
Unilever believes in vigorous yet fair competition and supports the development of appropriate
competition laws. Unilever companies and employees will conduct their operations in
accordance with the principles of fair competition and all applicable regulations.
Business integrity
Unilever does not give or receive, whether directly or indirectly, bribes or other improper
advantages for business or financial gain. No employee may offer, give or receive any gift or
payment which is, or may be construed as being, a bribe. Any demand for, or offer of, a bribe
must be rejected immediately and reported to management. Unilever accounting records and
supporting documents must accurately describe and reflect the nature of the underlying
transactions. No undisclosed or unrecorded account, fund or asset will be established or
Conflicts of interests
All Unilever employees are expected to avoid personal activities and financial interests which
could conflict with their responsibilities to the company. Unilever employees must not seek
gain for themselves or others through misuse of their positions.
Compliance with these principles is an essential element in their business success. The Unilever
Board is responsible for ensuring these principles are communicated to, and understood and
observed by, all employees. Day-to-day responsibility is delegated to all senior management of
the categories, regions, functions and operating companies. They are responsible for
implementing these principles, if necessary through more detailed guidance tailored to local
needs. Assurance of compliance is given and monitored each year. Compliance with the Code is
subject to review by the Board supported by the Audit Committee of the Board and the
Unilever Executive Committee.
At the heart of the corporate purpose, which guides Unilever Bangladesh in its approach to
doing business, is the drive to serve consumers in a unique and effective way. This purpose has
been communicated to all employees worldwide.
Unilever Bangladesh deep roots in local cultures and markets around the world give them its
strong relationship with consumers and are the foundation for their future growth. It will bring
its wealth of knowledge and international expertise to the service of local consumers – a truly
multi-local multinational.
To succeed also requires, they believe, the highest standards of corporate behavior towards
everyone they work with, the communities they touch, and the environment on which they
have an impact.
This is their road to sustainable, profitable growth, creating long-term value for their
shareholders, their people, and their business partners.
2.3 Beliefs and values of Unilever Bangladesh Limited
Unilever believe "Dirt is Good." Not surprisingly they are looking for people who aren't afraid to
get their hands dirty.
All their brands at Unilever Bangladesh have a certain connection with the consumers. Among
others, Closeup inspires confidence, Lux believes in star power and Surf Excel encourages all to
learn through new discovery and exploration. They believe in all these insights as well. They
believe the people who work with us are confident of their capabilities, believe in nothing less
than star performances and of course are not afraid to work hard at achieving goals.
Their diversity as a business helps them understand their richly diverse consumers. But as a
team, they have common values and a shared set of management capabilities. Here’s what
they are:
Passion to win
Because you have the energy and drive to improve business results, you overcome obstacles
and are prepared to take risks. You look for new opportunities and are never satisfied with the
status quo.
Business focus
You never lose sight of the needs of consumers and customers. You understand how they are
affected by trends and use this knowledge to create value.
Intellectual skills
You see the 'big picture' and can make an objective analysis of what needs to be done before
taking action to get there. You're creative; you explore new approaches and are alert to new
trends and patterns.
People skills
Your leadership style inspires others to raise their standards and achieve ambitious goals.
You're adept at influencing and gaining support from colleagues. You're keen to understand
others and are an effective team player, with a commitment to team objectives rather than
your own interests.
You have integrity. You're prepared to stand up for your own convictions and values, and take
difficult decisions that challenge the norm. You're able to learn from your mistakes and
At Unilever people with energy, creativity and commitment work together to fulfill ambitious
goals. The passion of their people is their greatest strength. At Unilever, they work together to
the highest standards of professional excellence and integrity to make a difference to people's
everyday lives.
People first
As a business, they consistently rank among the world's most admired employers and have a
reputation for putting people first. That’s because they provide opportunities for all their
people to pursue their careers goals, develop professionally and maintain a healthy balance
between their professional and personal lives. They’re committed to their people because they
recognize that their strength comes from their energy and passion. And they believe that
diversity makes us stronger, through individuals working together to deliver outstanding
Multi-local multinational
Their business activities reach right around the world, with their local companies focusing on
their local markets and communities. Their commitment to developing strong local businesses
makes Unilever unique – and it’s why they call themselves the ‘multi-local multinational’.
There are many operational departments where many people can make their careers within
and in this section you can find out more about them.
Create, develop and present the brand so memorably that it stands out against fierce
competition in the marketplace.
Career in Brands
Brand Building careers are for marketing professionals who would like to take innovative leads
and gain their share of the consumers’ wallet in the local marketplace.
Brand Management is an exciting profession where one is responsible for the growth and
profitability of the brand. The job lies in building and presenting a brand so memorably that it
stands out against fierce competition in the marketplace. Gathering deep consumer insight,
Brand Managers identify and define brand personality. On the one hand they look after the
brands on a daily basis: planning and organizing activities that boost their image and increase
their exposure. The job becomes all the more challenging in maintaining leadership positions in
a competitive market, as at Unilever Bangladesh most of their brands are market leaders.
Unilever identifies consumer trends regionally and Brand Managers have to work with those
insights and build the brand for the local markets
Presenting the exciting Unilever Brands to the local market, the Brand managers work with
regional development teams to bring more exciting brands to the market, covering a range of
innovation activities across the entire portfolio.
Unilever Development team explores new ideas by gaining consumer insight, leading research
and idea generation and working on product design (processing and packaging). They are
responsible for developing cost effective formulations and packaging for the products and
developing and improving the processes involved in their manufacture. Brand Managers
through activation, communication and promotional activities help to fulfill consumer needs
through the brands.
2.4.2 Careers in Supply Chain management
As one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies, their supply chain management is
one of the most advanced, efficient and challenging systems; from finding the raw materials to
delivering their end product.
Supply chain is a key strategic driver in a company like theirs which produces over one hundred
Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) to meet the everyday needs of people everywhere. Proper planning,
improvising Procurement Processes, First Time Right Manufacturing and timely Distribution are
crucial strategies that significantly affect the profitability of the company
Supply Chain is responsible for all the stages from sourcing raw materials to delivering the end
product to the end consumer - a process often referred to as Planning, Procurement,
Manufacturing and Distribution.
In supply chain, using advanced technology and systems, you'll be responsible for ensuring that
factories run efficiently and customers receive outstanding service. In other words, you would
contribute significantly in optimizing the supply chain, expediting innovation and meeting
efficiently customer needs. You will be at the heart of the process of bringing new products to
the market, dealing with buying, manufacturing, development and marketing/customer
management organizations.
New technologies
Astute sourcing of raw materials, packaging and non-production items greatly reduces their
business costs. In this vital and challenging role you will be responsible for every interface
between suppliers and the business. With your colleagues in supply chain and development,
you will play a major role in the innovation of new technologies, often in partnership with a
supplier. You will also need to focus energy to develop intimate knowledge of supply markets
on a global scale and drive through new ways of working between suppliers and the business.
Cost effective quality products
Their factory is considered to be the best in the country, earning us the recognition of
producing international quality brands at affordable prices. Your challenge is twofold; making
quality products from raw materials and packaging materials efficiently and cost-effectively,
and helping in increasing the factory's flexibility so that they become more responsive to the
ever-changing market scenario. On a day-to-day level you will be responsible for teams of
people running production lines, and for quality, output and costs. In engineering functions you
will be responsible for maintaining their productionmfacilities in the best possible condition.
Distribution plays an essential role in delivering sales and promotions activities planned for
their customers. In an effort to outpace the competitors at the market place, evolving
relationships with retailers make Distribution constantly challenging and exciting.
2.4.3 Career in Human Resources
Unilever’s people are their most important asset. In Human Resources (HR), you’ll support and
develop those people, enabling them to deliver outstanding business performance.
People involved in human resources are strategic business partners to all functions facilitating,
guiding, and helping in implementing the people's process for growth. They play both a tactical
and a strategic role within every aspect of business partners, talent management, recruiting,
management development, training, remuneration, communications, employee relations, and
welfare. They also act as architects, of the organizations and facilitate and expedite the
development of individual potential.
In Human Resources, one is the anchor for building organizational capability, values and beliefs.
You will be responsible for fostering leadership and growth in the organization.
Finance in Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. is about being "Partners in Value Creation": it's about
seizing opportunities to create value and working with their business teams to set and deliver
aggressive targets.
Improving overall company performance
Over time you will acquire tremendous breadth and depth in finance skills and business
experience. You'll gain a thorough grounding in their company, becoming familiar with its
processes, operations and risks and helping improve overall performance. From there the
opportunities are diverse, ranging from positions in Controlling and Internal Audit to Treasury
and Management or Financial Accounting.
Sound business awareness; the drive to ensure they get value for money, hit their
financial targets and increase their profitability; a talent for seeing both detail and the
bigger picture.
A pro-active approach to improving the business and the communication skills to win
support for your ideas.
The personal commitment to obtain a professional accounting qualification, if required,
alongside your initial development program.
A career in IT gives at UBL you the opportunity to improve the way they do business.
Innovative technology
As well as looking at innovative ways of using and managing information, you'll explore new
ways of taking us to market, improve business processes and use technology to find new ways
of working.
If you're interested in working on a huge range of projects, a career in IT at UBL could be for
you. You could be part of a team developing new ways for us to work with other organisations,
exploring new marketplaces, enhancing their connectivity with their distributors across the
country and creating electronic exchanges. You could be on a project team in partnership with a
major retailer, developing a web-enabled tool for promotions planning. You could even be part
of the teams managing their own technology infrastructure.
Whatever your role is, they will ask more from you than just technical know-how. You'll need
the communication skills to help your colleagues make the most of your team's innovations.
And, of course, they'll continue to train and develop your technical and business, and
competency skill sets.
The Customer Management team is responsible for the overall sales and distribution of their
brands across the country. They are the bridge between the Brand Management team and the
The Customer Management team makes sure that they, as a company, meet the everyday
needs of people everywhere through ensuring that their brands are always within the reach of
their customers and consumers. To do so, pioneering new channels of distribution, ensuring
visibility of their brands through attractive merchandising, and developing their distributors to
enhance their penetration and coverage are crucial responsibilities entrusted upon their
Customer Management team.
Relationship marketing
Increasing competition and the advent of modern trade has compelled customer management
to shift from "Traditional Sales" to "Trade Marketing". With more trade sophistication, the role
of Customer Management is evolving into Relationship Marketing where Channel
Development, Merchandising, and Distributor Development play a crucial part in keeping the
company ahead of competition and in outpacing market change.
Over the last four decades, Unilever Bangladesh has been constantly bringing new and world-
class products for the Bangladeshi people to remove the daily drudgery of life. Over 90% of the
country’s households use one or more of our products.
Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company with local manufacturing facilities, reporting to
regional business groups for innovation and business results.
2.5.2 Operations
2.5.3 Constitution
Government of Bangladesh
Household Care
Fabric Cleaning
Skin Cleansing
Skin Care
Oral Care
Hair Care
Personal Grooming
Tea based Beverages
Wheel, Lux, Lifebuoy, Fair & Lovely, Pond's, Close Up, Sunsilk, Lipton Taaza, Pepsodent, Clear,
Vim, Surf Excel, Rexona, Dove, Vaseline, Lakme etc.
2.5.6 Manufacturing facilities
The company has a Soap Manufacturing factory and a Personal Products Factory located in
Chittagong. Besides these, there is a tea packaging operation in Chittagong and three
manufacturing units in Dhaka, which are owned and run by third parties exclusively dedicated
to Unilever Bangladesh.
2.5.7 Employees
Unilever Operations in Bangladesh provide employment to over 10,000 people directly and
through its dedicated suppliers, distributors and service providers. 99.5% of UBL employees are
locals and we have equal number of Bangladeshis working abroad in other Unilever companies
as expatriates.
Unilever wants to attract the best graduates to join in their leadership actions. This report
enlightens what type of recruitment opportunities offered by Unilever Bangladesh Limited for
university students and how the students can access that opportunity.
3.1 Definition of recruitment
Recruiting is the process of finding & attracting capable applicants for employment. The process
begins when new recruits are sought & ends when their applications are submitted. The result
is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected.
According to Robins, “The ideal recruitment effort will attract a large no of qualified applicants
who will take the job if it is offered. A good recruiting program should attract the qualified &
not attract the unqualified. This dual objective will minimize the cost of processing unqualified
Although every organization engages in recruiting activity some do so to a much larger extent
than others.
a. Size:
Large organization with huge manpower will recruit much more than smaller organization.
b. Employment condition:
In the community where the organization is located will influence how much recruiting takes
c. The effectiveness of past recruiting effort:
It shows itself in the organization’s historical ability to locate and keep people who perform
well. If it is effective number of recruitment process will be few.
These influence need for turnover, therefore the future recruiting of the organizations.
Organizations that are not growing, or those that are actually decline, may find little need to
recruit. On the other hand, organizations that are growing rapidly will have more need of
The pool of qualified applicants may not have included the ‘best’ candidate or the ‘best’
candidate may not want to be employed by the organization. There are five possible constraints
which limit the manager’s freedom to recruit.
If the image perceived to be low, then the likelihood of attracting a large number of applicants
is reduced. Then the image of the organization, there for, should be considered a potential
b. Attractiveness of job:
If the job is unattractive, recruiting a large & qualified pool of applicants will be difficult for e.g.
position for p.s. since these jobs traditionally appealed to females & woman have a wider
selection of job opportunities. It has resulted in a severe shortage of secretarial jobs.
c. Internal organizational policies:
Internal organizational policies, such as “Promote from within wherever possible” will give
priority to individuals inside the organization. Such a policy will ensure that all positions except
entry level positions will be filled from within the ranks. Although this is promising once one is
hired, it may reduce the number of applicants.
d. Union requirements:
Union requirements also restrict recruiting sources. Union determines who can apply & who
has the priority in selection. It restricts management’s freedom to select the best employees.
e. Government’s Influence:
The Governments influence in the recruiting process should not be overlooked. An employer
can no longer seek out preferred individuals based on non-job-related factors such as physical
appearance, sex or religion background. Government may impose restrictions on these matters.
f. Recruiting Cost:
Recruiting is more likely to achieve its objectives if recruiting sources reflect the type of the
position to be filled. Certain recruiting sources are more effective than others for filling certain
types of jobs. Mainly the sources can be divided into two ways. They are discussed below:
Many large organizations will attempt to develop their own employees for positions beyond the
lowest level. Now some internal sources are discussed below:
a. Job posting:
Posting notice of job openings on company bulletins boards is an effective internal recruiting
method. It informs employees about openings & required qualifications & invites qualified
employees to apply. The notices usually posted on company bulletin boards or electronic
bulletin boards or are placed in the company newspaper. Qualifications & other facts are drawn
from the job analysis information. The types of candidates may apply here in either of two
ways-through (I) Self nomination and (II) Recommendation of a supervisor, employees who are
interested in the posted opening report to the HR Department & apply.
b. Departing employees:
Departing employees are those who leave the organization because they can no longer work
the traditional forty-hour workweek, child care needs, education or others are the common
reasons. If this situation is occur then the employer use Buyback. Buyback means when an
employee resigns to take another jobs & the original employer outbids the new job offer.
a. Advertisement:
When an organization wishes to communicate to the public that it has a vacancy advertisement
in one of the popular method used. Want ad describes the job, the benefits and tells those who
are interested how to apply. It is the most popular method. It can be placed in the factory gate
or widely dispersed. Normally blue color jobs are ad. outside the plant gate. The higher the
position, the more specified the skills, or the shorter supply of resources in the labor force, the
more widely dispersed the advertisement is likely to be. The job analysis information is a major
source of information to place in the advertisement.
b. Employee referrals/recommendations:
c. Employment agencies:
We will describe three forms of employment agencies: Public or state agencies, Private
employment agencies, & managements consulting firm. The major difference between these
sources is the type of clientele served.
d. Temporary helps Service:
These types of different organization can be a source of employees when individuals are
needed on a temporary basis. Temporary employees are particularly valuable in meeting short-
term fluctuations in HRM needs. It does not provide recruits. They are a source of supplemental
workers. The temporary workers actually work for the agency. During vacation and peak
season-these agencies can be a better alternative.
Whatever the educational level required for the job involves a high-school diploma, specific
vocational training, or a collage background with a bachelor’s, masters, or doctoral degree,
educational institutions are an excellent source of potential employees.
f. Professional organizations:
It includes labor unions; operate placement services for the benefit of their members. The
Professional organizations include such varied occupations as industrial engineering,
psychology, accounting, legal, & academics. These organizations publish rosters of job vacancies
& distribute these lists to members.
g. Employee leasing:
Whereas temporary come into an organization for a short-term project, leased employees
typically remain with an organization for long periods of time. Under a leasing agreement,
individuals work for the leasing firm. When an organization has a need for specific employee
skills, it contracts with the leasing firm to provide a certain number of trained employees.
3.5 Selection
Selection is the process of select the best candidates for the job by using various tools and
According to R.M. Hodgetts, “Selection is the process in which an enterprise chooses the
applicants who best meet the criteria for the available position.”
So we can conclude that, it is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into
two classes; those who are to be offered employment and those who are not.
Some basic testing guidelines are followed in selection process which are:
Interviewing candidate is a potential screening tool that gives an opportunity to make judgment
on the candidates’ enthusiasm & intelligence & to access subjective aspects of the candidates’
facial expression, appearance, nervousness & so forth & to predict future job performance on
the basis of the obtained information. Interview gives you a chance to size up the candidate
personally and to pursue questioning in a way that test cannot.
3.8 Types of Interview
a) Structured interview:
It is known as directive interview. It is an interview following a set of question & response are
specified in advance.
b) Unstructured interview:
4.1 Recruiters qualification
Recruiting is the process of finding & attracting capable applicants for employment. The process
begins when new recruits are required & ends when their applications are submitted. The
result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected.
Manager becomes involves in this process. However in large organization, like the Unilevers
Bangladesh specialists are often used to find & attract capable analyst they are called
First, Unilever is such a big organization that requires huge man power every year for its always
boosting operations in various level and arena. However for common business operations they
Commonly we discuss and learn major about this level recruitment and selection. The fresh
graduates’ recruitment is in fact the main and major recruitment event for Unilever.
From across the country they get people for their recruitment. The universities in the country
provide the people to be knowledge worker in big organizations like unilever and such. For this
they highly suit the business graduates Passed from reputed business school or institutes both
from country and from abroad. The discussion is now designed as to the following four terms:
3. Recruiters qualification
4. channels of recruitment
5. Recruitment- Constraints and challenges
Human Resource department headed by The HRM, receives data about need of personnel, the
vacancy information is then analyzed by HRM in collaboration with the finance department
with financial feasibility of the recruitment. After judging the feasibility the approved number of
vacancies is informed to the job market through strong mass media. As means of media they
The internet
Online based job portals
English and Bangla news paper
On campus recruitment
From Intern inventory.
You must be graduated within less than three years, or will graduate within the next 12
months form a reputable university.
You must be within 28 years of age.
4.2 Methods of recruitment
Walks in are job seekers who arrive at the HR department in search of a job; write ins are those
who send a written inquiry. Both groups normally are asked to complete an application blank to
determine their interests and abilities. Usable applications are kept in an active file until a
suitable opening occurs at the UBL. These occurs mainly for skill based labor worker and for
part time project jobs or contract basis program implementing or running job
b. Employee referrals
For lower level workers, Unilever follow the employee referrals procedures. This is the
procedures when existing employees refer one new and the new is considered to be further
judgment. For various daily operations like travelling the product carry and collecting small
market revenue. UBL needs trustworthy root level worker. They, so follow here the reference
of other employee in the organization so that guarantee’ performs securely.
c. Advertising
UBL next to employee referrals in fact for fresh graduates majorly follow the advertisement
procedure for recruiting purposes. They advertise in the reputed English and Bengali National
papers. They also use the internet for online application.
For the online recruitment the applicants get Tracking Number that is a unique number
automatically generated by the Online System at the time of CV submission. The applicant
provides the password at the time of filling the CV Form. Both the Tracking Number and
Password will be needed if one wants to edit/update ones CV Online. To updating the CV is
enough, entering the tracking number and password after clicking at the "Update CV" link at
the Unilever Bangladesh Career Page.
Unilever use several privet placement and human resource management assisting firm for their
recruitment those are
More over the organization takes its manpower from the universities and educational
institutions across the country. The nationwide universities and its important institutes provide
the potential graduates as the employee of the organization. Unilever does the same job with
the business schools of the country, other discipline fresh graduates ands especial IT and
engineering graduates passed from reputed engineering universities of the country.
From discussion with HRM it was known that their preferred institutions range from IBA, BUET,
DU, KU, Brac U, NSU, AIUB, JU, to Chittagong University and such. Again this university campus
is often headed by often a panel of associates. The Professor of these institutes who work for
ULB refers or primarily places the recruitee to central HRM.
f. International recruitment
Job posting programs happens in the way that the Regional Sales Manager RSM in Khulna is
newly appointed on Dhaka as the sales chief.
After getting information, huge applicants apply for Unilever’s entry level posts. The posts are
designed with different title for different branch of operation like earlier stated 6 departments
for operation -
Brands & Development, Supply Chain management, Human Resources, Finance, Information
Technology, Customer Management.
The application forms are produced over internet on online as well printed copies to campus of
different institute. For all the levels the form are alike. Interested candidate for different branch
will mention the interested field
In the online there are 2 different forms one for entry levels another for experienced people. A
dummy of application form collected from the internet will be produced at the end of the
They take some help from consumer mark ltd. A human resource management and marketing
assisting organization of Bangladesh for their customized needs of recruitment and selection.
a. Biasness:
Most of the time, the organization’s employers try to appointment their relatives, familiar
b. Recruiter habit:
A recruiter’s past success can lead to certain habits. Admittedly habits can eliminate time-
consuming decisions that yield the same answers, but habit may also continue past mistakes or
avoid more effective alternatives.
c. Competition of talent
There is a lack of vast talent people in Bangladesh for the special task. The potential job
applicants most of the time can’t meet up Unilever requirement. Few talented guys who have
already appointed with other multinational company and Unilever need to compete with other
multinational organization to hire skilled manpower.
d. Job requirement:
People with greater experience usually require a higher level of job. In our country, there are
vast population but they are not so skilled in working with hard labor. They feel comfort flexible
job like government job. So Unilever Bangladesh can’t fulfill their requirement in all time.
Selection is the process of select the best candidates for the job by using various tools and
In our country, recruitment and selection process work simultaneously. Those are joined term
as employment function of the organization and this employment function is stated here for
Unilever’s practices.
After accomplishing the recruitment process, Unilever go to the selection process where they
start the process with the reception of application form filled up through internet online form.
After scrutinizing the data, they select applications for written test.
At the second stage of evaluating the data, they verify the validity authenticity of the
information presented on the form as well as reference of the employee through references.
1. Analytical ability
2. Computation ability
3. Verbal skill
4. Written skill
5. General knowledge
More above 65% marks ensures applicants pass.
Mainly three steps are followed in the selection procedure. In the first stage the candidates are
invited for a viva with sales and training manager, Dhaka in his Gulsan office. A human resource
manager also exists there. In this viva the candidates’ situation handle ability is measured.
Second phase:
It is the viva with the general sales and operation manager (GOSM), and trade marketing
manager .in this stage individual skill is measured. The question tries to measure out the fitness
of the candidate for the post.
Third phase:
In this stage the applicant face the HRD customer development team (CDT) this phase measure
the applicability of the applicants’ potential for the jobs. In these stage why the applicant
prefers the Unilever and why it would like to join the expected team. The questions try to
measure the passion and the thrill in the employees or Unilever.
There is no recognized cognitive ability test for Unilever selection process. However, the
written test through its analytical questions the dose the cognitive test on applicant’s mentality.
The physical test is administered by Apollo Hospital Dhaka to measure the HIV, Hepatitis B, C or
such many diseases in its applicant’s health and fitness for job effort.
5.7 Work samples
For some technical jobs Unilever follows the work sample test on particular employee like the
one of Finance and IT.
Finally the every step success ensures an applicant join in the Unilever family.
6.1 Recommendation
After going through the report I draw some recommendations which are:
6.2 Conclusion
The report has attempted to point out recruitment and selection process in Unilever
Bangladesh. For gathering information I have to communicate with Unilever Bangladesh head-
office in Dhaka. After few refusals, at last I was able to collect information from Unilever
Bangladesh HR department but it curtails our my time duration to prepare a rich full report. I
have also taken support by some secondary reports as well as internet and Unilever report
publication. We have to ignore some confidential data.
7.1 The types of recruitment in Unilever Bangladesh Limited
Unilever follow some selection evaluation test to select the best candidate, which are:
Employment test
Assessing candidate through interview
Cognitive ability test
Physical ability test
Unilever Bangladesh Limited accomplish their recruitment process depends on created vacancy.
However, we see common phenomena that Unilever Bangladesh arranges recruitment and
selection activities twice a year when students passes from various institutes based on their
completion of 6 moth semesters.
graduates hold the mentality to join prominent multinationals and Unilever is one of the best
Reference Books
Dessler Gary, Human resource management, 10th edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
Davis Keith & Werther William, Human resource Management, 5th edition, McGraw
Hall, North America, 1996
Annual report 2003-2004, Unilever Bangladesh Limited.