Free Space Optical Communication Tip-Tilt-Mirror Brochure
Free Space Optical Communication Tip-Tilt-Mirror Brochure
Free Space Optical Communication Tip-Tilt-Mirror Brochure
왎 Resolution sub-arc-second /
왎 Closed-loop operation for highest accuracy,
왎 Frictionless wire-EDM-cut flexures, no backlash
왎 FEA optimized designes for precision trajectory control
왎 Invar, titanium, steel, aluminum:optimize thermal match
왎 Standard, custom and OEM control electronics (digital
and analog controllers, with advanced high-speed servos)
L2 + H2 +
IM = m ______ ( __H2 + T) ] I0 = Moment of inertia of the
Applications 쮿 ±1 mrad X and Y Tilt To match the CTEs (coeffi- Working principle
쮿 Free Space Communication Range cients of thermal expansion) of S-340 tip/tilt platforms are
쮿 Image stabilization 쮿 For Mirrors to 100 mm Ø various mirror materials, plat- equipped with two pairs of
쮿 Laser beam stabilization 쮿 Sub-µrad Resolution forms made from different low-voltage piezoelectric linear
쮿 Beam switching
쮿 Closed-Loop Versions materials are available (see drives (0 to 100 V) operating as
쮿 Adaptive optics systems
쮿 Laser beam steering & scanning 쮿 Differential Design for ordering information) a unit in push/pull mode (see
쮿 Correction of polygon scanner errors. Excellent Temperature p. 3-15 for schematic diagram).
Stability Materials Match The aluminum case is equip-
Platform Recommended Models
ped with an integrated, FEA-
Mirror modeled (finite element analy-
Aluminum Aluminum S-340.Ax
sis) circular flexure featuring
Invar Zerodur glass S-340.ix
Titanium BK7 glass S-340.Tx
zero stiction, zero friction
Steel S-340.Sx and exceptional guiding preci-
Technical Data
Models S-340.A0 S-340.AL Units Notes see
p. 3-16
Active axes X,Y X,Y
Open-loop tilt angle @ 0 to 100 V ±1 ±1 mrad ±20% A2
Closed-loop tilt angle 욷 - ±1 mrad A3
Integrated feedback sensor - 4 x LVDT B
Closed-loop / open-loop ***resolution 울 - / 0.1 0.5 / 0.1 µrad C1
Closed-loop linearity (typ.) - ±0.1 %
Full-range repeatability (typ.) - ±1 µrad C3
Electrical capacitance 7.2 / axis 7.2 / axis µF ±20% F1
* Dynamic operating current coefficient (DOCC) 0.45 / axis 0.45 / axis µA/(Hz x µrad) F2
** Unloaded resonant frequency (f0) 1.4 1.4 kHz ±20% G2
** Resonant frequency w/ ⭋ 50 x 15 mm glass mirror 0.9 0.9 kHz ±20% G3
** Resonant frequency w/ ⭋ 75 x 22 mm glass mirror 0.4 0.4 kHz ±20% G3
Distance, pivot point to platform surface (T) 7.5 7.5 mm
** Platform moment of inertia 18000 18000 g⭈mm2
Operating temperature range - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 °C H2
Voltage connection 3 x VL 3 x VL J1
Sensor connection - 2xL J2
Weight (w/o cables) 335 335 g ±5%
Material (case / platform) Al / depends on version Al / depends on version L
* Dynamic Operating Current Coefficient in µA per hertz and µrad.
Example: Sinusoidal scan of 100 µrad at 10 Hz requires approximately 0.45 mA drive current.
** Value for aluminum top plate. Lower resonant frequency for other platforms due to higher moment of inertia: titanium:
+60%; invar: +200%; steel: +190%.
*** Resolution of PZT tip/tilt platforms is not limited by friction or stiction. Noise equivalent motion with E-503 amplifier.
Technical Data
Model S-325.30L S-325.3SL S-325.3SD Units Tolerance
Active axes Z, ⍜X, ⍜Y Z, ⍜X, ⍜Y Z, ⍜X, ⍜Y
Motion and positioning
Integrated sensor – SGS SGS
Open-loop travel, 0 to +100 V 30 30 30 µm min. (+20 %/-0 %)
Open-loop tip/tilt angle, 0 to +100 V 5 5 5 mrad min. (+20 %/-0 %)
Closed-loop travel – 30 30 µm
Closed-loop tip/tilt angle – 4 4 mrad
Open-loop resolution 0.5 0.5 0.5 nm typ. For maximum tilt range, all
three piezo actuators must be
Open-loop tip/tilt angle resolution 0.05 0.05 0.05 µrad typ.
biased at 50 V. Due to the
Closed-loop linear resolution – 0,6 0,6 nm typ. parallel-kinematics design linear
Closed-loop tip/tilt resolution – 0.1 0.1 µrad typ. travel and tilt angle are inter-
Mechanical properties dependent. The values quoted
here refer to pure linear / pure
Unloaded resonant frequency 2 2 2 kHz ±20 % angular motion. See equations
Resonant frequency 1 1 1 kHz ±20 % (p. 2-84).
(with 25 x 8 mm glass mirror) Recommended controller /
Distance of pivot point to platform surface 6 6 6 mm ±0.5 mm
Versions with LEMO connector:
Platform moment of inertia 515 515 515 g • mm² ±20 % modular piezo controller system
Drive properties E-500 (p. 2-142) with amplifier
Ceramic type PICMA® P-885 PICMA® P-885 PICMA® P-885 module E-503.00S (three chan-
nels) (p. 2-146) or 1 x E-505.00S
Electrical capacitance 9.3 9.3 9.3 µF ±20 % and 2 x E-505 (high speed appli-
Dynamic operating current coefficient 39 39 39 µA / (Hz • mrad) ±20 % cations) (p. 2-147) and E-509
Miscellaneous controller (p. 2-152) (optional)
Single-channel (1 per axis):
Operating temperature range -20 to 80 -20 to 80 -20 to 80 °C
E-610 OEM servo controller /
Material casing Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum amplifier (p. 2-110), E-625 servo
Mass 0.065 0.065 0.065 kg ±5 % controller bench-top (p. 2-114)
Versions with Sub-D connectors:
Cable length 2 2 1.5 m ±10 mm
E-616 servo controller for tip/tilt
Sensor / voltage connection LEMO LEMO Sub-D mirror systems (p. 2-132)
쮿 Free Space Communication
쮿 Image stabilization
쮿 Laser beam stabilization
쮿 Beam switching
쮿 Adaptive optics systems
쮿 Laser beam steering & scanning
쮿 Correction of polygon scanner errors.
S-334 dimensions in mm
plete range.
쮿 S-311.10
Technical Data
쮿 S-315.10
Models S-310.10 S-314.10 S-311.10 S-315.10 S-316.10 Units Notes
Open-loop Z, tip/tilt position- see p. 3-16
ers; all three piezo linear actua- Active axes Z Z Z,X, Y Z,X, Y Z,X, Y
tors can be driven individually * Open-loop tilt angle @ 0 to 100 V - - ±300 ±600 ±600 µrad ±20%
* Closed-loop tilt angle 욷 - - - - ±600 µrad A3
(or in parallel) by a three-chan- Open-loop linear travel @ 0 to 100 V 6 12 6 12 12 µm ±20% A5
nel amplifier. Vertical (piston Closed-loop linear travel 욷 - - - - 12 µm A6
movement) positioning and Integrated feedback sensor - - - - 3 x strain B
tip/tilt positioning is possible.
Closed-loop *** angular resolution 울 - - - - ±0.05 µrad C1
Closed-loop / open-loop *** linear resolution 울 - / 0.1 - / 0.2 - / 0.1 - / 0.2 0.2 / 0.4 nm C1
쮿 S-316.10 Stiffness (Z) 20 10 20 10 10 N/µm D1
Closed-loop Z, tip/tilt posi-
Electrical capacitance 0.7 1.4 3 x 0.23 3 x 0.45 3 x 0.45 µF ±20% F1
tioner. All three piezo linear ** Dynamic operating current coefficient (DOCC) 15 15 3x5 3x5 3x5 µA/ F2
actuators are equipped with (Hz x µm)
strain gauge position feedback Unloaded resonant frequency (f0) 9.5 5.5 9.5 5.5 5.5 kHz ±20% G2
Resonant frequency w/ ⭋ 6.5 4.4 5.5 4.1 4.1 kHz ±20% G3
sensors and can be driven 15 x 4 mm glass mirror
individually (or in parallel) by a Resonant frequency w/ ⭋
20 x 4 mm glass mirror 6.1 4.2 4.4 3.4 3.4 kHz ±20% G3
three-channel amplifier/posi- Distance, pivot point to platform surface (T) - - 5 5 5 mm
tion servo-controller. Vertical Platform moment of inertia - - 150 150 150 gmm2
positioning (piston movement) Operating temperature range - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 °C H2
쮿 Sub-µrad Resolution
쮿 For Mirrors to 50 mm Ø
쮿 Free Space Communication
쮿 Closed-Loop Versions 쮿 Image stabilization
쮿 Differential Design for 쮿 Laser beam stabilization
Excellent Temperature 쮿 Beam switching
쮿 Adaptive optics systems
쮿 Laser beam steering & scanning
S-330 piezo tip/tilt platforms are 쮿 Correction of polygon scanner errors.
fast and compact tilt units, pro-
viding precise angular move-
ments of the top platform in
two orthogonal axes. The tip/tilt
range is ±1 mrad (special ver-
sion with ± 2.5 mrad available
on request) with sub-µrad reso-
lution. Closed-loop versions are
available for highest accuracy
and repeatability. S-330 sys-
tems are designed for mirrors
up to 50 mm diameter and have
outstanding angular stability
S-330.10 over a wide temperature range.
XY Piezo Tip/Tilt Platform ±1 mrad, To match the CTE (coefficient
Closed-Loop of thermal expansion) of
S-330.30 Zerodur glass, the S-330 is
XY Piezo Tip/Tilt Platform ±1 mrad
equipped with an invar top plat-
Custom Designs
Technical Data
Models S-330.30 S-330.10 Units Notes
see p. 3-16
Active axes X,Y X,Y
Open-loop tilt angle @ 0 to 100 V ±1* ±1 mrad ±20% A2
Closed-loop tilt angle 욷 - ±1 mrad A3
Integrated feedback sensor - 4 x strain gauge B
Closed-loop / open-loop ** resolution 울 - / 0.05 0.1 / 0.05 µrad C1
Closed-loop linearity (typ.) - ±0.2 %
Full-range repeatability (typ.) - ±2 µrad C3
Electrical capacitance 3.6 / axis 3.6 / axis µF ±20% F1
*** Dynamic operating current coefficient (DOCC) 0.22 / axis 0.22 / axis µA/(Hz x µrad) F2
Resonant frequency (f0) without mirror 3.3 3.3 kHz ±20% G2
Resonant frequency w/ ⭋ 25 x 8 mm glass mirror 2.4 2.4 kHz ±20% G3
Distance, pivot point to platform surface (T) 6 6 mm
Platform moment of inertia 1530 1530 g⭈mm2
Operating temperature range - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 °C H2
Voltage connection 3 x VL, 2 m cable 3 x VL, 2 m cable J1
Sensor connection - 1 x L, 2 m cable J2
Weight (w/o cables) 200 200 g ±5%
Material (case/platform) N-S / I N-S / I L
* Special version with ± 2.5 mrad a vaillable on request.
** Resolution of PZT tip/tilt platforms is not limited by friction or stiction. Noise equivalent motion with E-503 amplifier.
*** Dynamic Operating Current Coefficient in µA per hertz and µrad.
Example: Sinusoidal scan of 100 µrad at 10 Hz requires approximately 0.22 mA drive current.