Free Space Optical Communication Tip-Tilt-Mirror Brochure

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Piezo tip-tilt mirrors can provide fast, precise control of beam steering and are used in applications like free space optical communication, laser beam stabilization, and image stabilization in telescopes.

Common applications of piezo tip-tilt mirrors include free space optical communication, laser beam steering and tracking, beam switching and alignment, interferometry, vibration cancellation, and image stabilization.

The two main designs of piezo tip-tilt platforms discussed are the differential design and the tripod design.

Tip-Tilt Mirrors for Free Space Optical Communication

and Astronomical Telescopes / Active Optics

Piezo Tip/Tilt Solutions

왎 Tripod and Differentional Designs
왎 Custom designs for optics up 12"
왎 Fast Rise Time to Sub-Millisecond FEA analysis of a mirror platform can help detect smallest aberrations, such
왎 Standard, OEM and custom designs as nanometer level deformation caused by gravity

왎 Resolution sub-arc-second /
왎 Closed-loop operation for highest accuracy,
왎 Frictionless wire-EDM-cut flexures, no backlash
왎 FEA optimized designes for precision trajectory control
왎 Invar, titanium, steel, aluminum:optimize thermal match
왎 Standard, custom and OEM control electronics (digital
and analog controllers, with advanced high-speed servos)

Applications of Piezo Tip-Tilt Systems

왎 Free Space Optical Communication
왎 Bore-sight systems (defense industry, law enforcement)
왎 Laser beam steering and tracking (telecom satellites, etc.)
왎 Beam switching, alignment, steering
왎 Interferometry (Fabry-Perot filters)
왎 Dynamic error correction in refraction systems PI offers a variety of high-speed Piezo Tip-Tilt mirrors
designed for image correction & active optics applica-
왎 Optical path length stabilization tions. Providing a tilt range of several milliradians, fast
왎 Vibration cancellation (laser systems, imaging) response (sub-millisecond and sub-microradian resolution,
왎 Image stabilization (astronomical telescopes, imaging) the systems are ideal for dynamic operation.
왎 Image resolution enhancement (dithering)
왎 Laser beam stabilization (resonators, optical setups)
왎 Laser beam scanning (lithography, optical setups)
왎 Mass storage (optical disk) mastering

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Designs of Multi-Axis Piezo Tip-Tilt Platforms
I. Differential-Design II. Tripod Design TripOD-Piezo-Drive: A, B, C is the
linear displacement of the correspon-
No Piston Motion Z-Tip-Tilt (for Path- ding piezo actuator.

The platform is supported by (Length Correction) 2A(B+C)

␣ = ___________
four piezo actuators (two pairs) The platform is supported by ␤ = (B-C) / b
z = (A+B+C) / 3
spaced at 90° intervals. Each three piezo actuators spaced
actuator pair is operated as a at 120° intervals. Because
unit in push/pull mode. expansion of an individual PZT
The differential design exhibits actuator affects both ␪X and ␪Y
excellent angular stability over rotation, external coordinate
a wide temperature range. transformation (software or
Here too, temperature chan- hardware) is required to allow
ges only affect the vertical platform position commands
position of the platform (piston in ␪X and ␪Y coordinates. See
motion) and have no influence the equations.
on the angular position. After The tripod allows active ver- Dynamics
the operating voltage is re- tical control (piston motion) of In addition to the amplifier, Using the resonant frequency
moved, the platform returns to the platform––an important fea- controller and sensor band- of the unloaded platform
the center position. ture for interferometric ap- widths, the maximum operat- and the moment of inertia of
plications and correction of ing frequency of a tilt platform the mirror substrate, the sys-
path length errors. Also, the depends on its mechanical tem resonant frequency is
design allows for a central resonant frequency. To esti- calculated according to the fol-
clear aperture, ideal for trans- mate the effective resonant lowing equation:
mitted-light applications. frequency of the tilt mirror
Like the differential drives, the system (platform + mirror), Resonant frequency of a tilt
triple-piezo-actuator design the moment of inertia of the platform/mirror system
exhibits excellent angular sta- mirror substrate must first be
f’ = f 0
bility over a wide temperature calculated.
range. With this arrangement Moment of inertia of a rota- 
I M 0

temperature changes only tionally symmetric mirror: where,

affect the vertical position of f’ = Resonant frequency of
[ (
3R2 + H2 + __
IM = m _______ H +T
the platform (piston motion) 12 2 platform with mirror [Hz]
and have no influence on the
Moment of inertia of a f0 = Resonant frequency of
angular position.
rectangular mirror: unloaded platform [Hz]

L2 + H2 +
IM = m ______ ( __H2 + T) ] I0 = Moment of inertia of the

12 platform (see technical

where: data table for the individ-
ual model) [g⭈mm2]
m = Mirror mass [g]
IM = Moment of inertia of the
IM = Moment of inertia of the
mirror [g⭈mm2]
mirror [g⭈mm2]
L = Mirror length perpendicu-
lar to the tilt axis [mm]
H = Mirror thickness [mm]
T= Dist ance, pivot point to
platform surface (see
technical data table for
individual model) [mm]
R = Mirror radius [mm]

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Custom Tip-Tilt Steering Mirror Examples

Custom tip/tilt steering mirror with controller,

for astronomical telescope

Active tip/tilt mirror for Subaru

Telescope (Mauna Kea, Hawaii). Custom tip/tilt steering mirror
Mirror diameter: 150 mm
Tip/Tilt range: ±600 µrad
Resonant frequency: 610 H

Active secondary tip/tilt mirror for the

NASA Infrared Telescope Facility
(IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, with
Hexapod 6-degree-of-freedom align-
Tip/tilt steering mirror units for the Keck Outrigger tele- ment system
scope in Hawaii. The units are controlled by a high-per-
formance digital controller with a fiber optic interface

Tip/tilt steering mirror with

Custom tip/tilt steering mirror (250 mm diame-
manual coarse adjustment unit
ter) with digital motion controller and capacitive
sensor controller, for astronomical telescope

Custom tip/tilt steering mirror

(100 mm diameter)

Custom tip/tilt steering mirror with controller, Custom open-loop steering

for astronomical telescope mirror

Custom steering mirror,

closed-loop with capacitance sensors
Custom steering mirror with capacitance sensors
[email protected]
Differential Tip-Tilt Mirror for Optical Beam Pointing

Applications 쮿 ±1 mrad ␪X and ␪Y Tilt To match the CTEs (coeffi- Working principle
쮿 Free Space Communication Range cients of thermal expansion) of S-340 tip/tilt platforms are
쮿 Image stabilization 쮿 For Mirrors to 100 mm Ø various mirror materials, plat- equipped with two pairs of
쮿 Laser beam stabilization 쮿 Sub-µrad Resolution forms made from different low-voltage piezoelectric linear
쮿 Beam switching
쮿 Closed-Loop Versions materials are available (see drives (0 to 100 V) operating as
쮿 Adaptive optics systems
쮿 Laser beam steering & scanning 쮿 Differential Design for ordering information) a unit in push/pull mode (see
쮿 Correction of polygon scanner errors. Excellent Temperature p. 3-15 for schematic diagram).
Stability Materials Match The aluminum case is equip-
Platform Recommended Models
ped with an integrated, FEA-
Mirror modeled (finite element analy-
Aluminum Aluminum S-340.Ax
sis) circular flexure featuring
Invar Zerodur glass S-340.ix
Titanium BK7 glass S-340.Tx
zero stiction, zero friction
Steel S-340.Sx and exceptional guiding preci-

S-340.AL Tip/Tilt Platform

S-340 piezo tip/tilt platforms

are fast and compact tilt units,
providing precise angular
movements of the top plat-
form in two orthogonal axes.
The tilt range is ±1 mrad (each
axis) with sub-µrad resolution.
Closed-loop versions are avail-
able for highest accuracy and
repeatability. S-340 systems
are designed for mirrors up to
100 mm diameter and have
outstanding angular stability S-340
dimensions (in mm)
over a wide temperature range.

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In open-loop operation, the
platform angle roughly corre-
sponds to the drive voltage
(see p.4-1 1 in the “Tutorial”
section for behavior of open- [email protected]
loop piezos). The open-loop
models are ideal for applica-
tions where the position is
controlled by an external loop,
based on data provided by a
sensor (e.g. PSD quad cell,
CCD chip, ...).
The closed-loop versions are
equipped with two pairs (one
per axis) of LVDT (linear vari-
able differential transformer)
sensors operated in a bridge
circuit for ultra-high resolution
and angular stability. They pro-
vide sub-µrad resolution and
repeatability (with PI control

Technical Data
Models S-340.A0 S-340.AL Units Notes see
p. 3-16
Active axes ␪X,␪Y ␪X,␪Y
Open-loop tilt angle @ 0 to 100 V ±1 ±1 mrad ±20% A2
Closed-loop tilt angle 욷 - ±1 mrad A3
Integrated feedback sensor - 4 x LVDT B
Closed-loop / open-loop ***resolution 울 - / 0.1 0.5 / 0.1 µrad C1
Closed-loop linearity (typ.) - ±0.1 %
Full-range repeatability (typ.) - ±1 µrad C3
Electrical capacitance 7.2 / axis 7.2 / axis µF ±20% F1
* Dynamic operating current coefficient (DOCC) 0.45 / axis 0.45 / axis µA/(Hz x µrad) F2
** Unloaded resonant frequency (f0) 1.4 1.4 kHz ±20% G2
** Resonant frequency w/ ⭋ 50 x 15 mm glass mirror 0.9 0.9 kHz ±20% G3
** Resonant frequency w/ ⭋ 75 x 22 mm glass mirror 0.4 0.4 kHz ±20% G3
Distance, pivot point to platform surface (T) 7.5 7.5 mm
** Platform moment of inertia 18000 18000 g⭈mm2
Operating temperature range - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 °C H2
Voltage connection 3 x VL 3 x VL J1
Sensor connection - 2xL J2
Weight (w/o cables) 335 335 g ±5%
Material (case / platform) Al / depends on version Al / depends on version L
* Dynamic Operating Current Coefficient in µA per hertz and µrad.
Example: Sinusoidal scan of 100 µrad at 10 Hz requires approximately 0.45 mA drive current.
** Value for aluminum top plate. Lower resonant frequency for other platforms due to higher moment of inertia: titanium:
+60%; invar: +200%; steel: +190%.
*** Resolution of PZT tip/tilt platforms is not limited by friction or stiction. Noise equivalent motion with E-503 amplifier.

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Tripod Tip-Tilt-Z for Optical Communication
쮿 Free Space Communication
쮿 Image stabilization
쮿 Laser beam stabilization
쮿 Beam switching
쮿 Adaptive optics systems
쮿 Laser beam steering & scanning
쮿 Correction of polygon scanner errors.

S-325.3SD High Resolution, Stability and High Reliability and Long

High-Dynamics Piezo Z/Tip/Tilt Dynamics Lifetime
Platform, 5 mrad, 30 µm, SGS, The S-325 offers piston move-
Sub-D Connector The compact S-325 systems
ment of up to 30 µm (ideal for
are equipped with preloaded
S-325.3SL path length adjustment) and
High-Dynamics Piezo Z/Tip/Tilt PICMA® high-performance pie-
mechanical tilt up to 5 mrad
Platform, 5 mrad, 30 µm, SGS, zo actuators which are integrat-
LEMO Connector
(equivalent to 10 mrad optical
ed into a sophisticated, FEA-
beam deflection). The zero-
S-325.30L modeled, flexure guiding sys-
friction piezo drives and flexure
High-Dynamics Piezo Z/Tip/Tilt tem. The PICMA® actuators fea-
Platform, 5 mrad, 30 µm, Open-
guidance allow sub-nanometer
ture cofired ceramic encapsula-
Loop, LEMO Connector linear resolution and sub-
tion and provide better per-
microradian angular resolu-
formance and reliability than
conventional piezo actuators.
It is designed for industrial ap- Actuators, guidance and sen-
plications where sors are maintenance-free, not
motion cycles have to be per- subject to wear and offer extra-
formed without failure or per- ordinary reliability.

formance degradation. The

systems are designed for mir-
쮿 Optical Beam Deflection to 10 mrad, Resolution to 50 nrad
rors and optics up to 25 mm in 쮿 Piston Movement up to 30 µm (for Path Length Adjustment)
diameter and can be mounted 쮿 Compact Tripod Design with Coplanar Axes Eliminates
in any orientation. Polarization Rotation
쮿 Sub-Millisecond Responsiveness
The tripod drive offers opti- 쮿 Closed-Loop Versions for Higher Precision
mum angular stability over a
쮿 For Mirrors up to 25 mm (1") Diameter
wide temperature range. Com-
pared to stacked, (two-stage),
쮿 Frictionless, High-Precision Flexure Guiding System
piezo or galvo scanners, the 쮿 Parallel Kinematics for Enhanced Dynamics and Better Multi-
single platform design pro- Axis Accuracy
vides several advantages:
smaller package size, identical
size, identical dynamic per-
formance in all axes, faster
response and better linearity. It
also prevents polarization rota-

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S-325 dimensions in mm

Technical Data
Model S-325.30L S-325.3SL S-325.3SD Units Tolerance
Active axes Z, ⍜X, ⍜Y Z, ⍜X, ⍜Y Z, ⍜X, ⍜Y
Motion and positioning
Integrated sensor – SGS SGS
Open-loop travel, 0 to +100 V 30 30 30 µm min. (+20 %/-0 %)
Open-loop tip/tilt angle, 0 to +100 V 5 5 5 mrad min. (+20 %/-0 %)
Closed-loop travel – 30 30 µm
Closed-loop tip/tilt angle – 4 4 mrad
Open-loop resolution 0.5 0.5 0.5 nm typ. For maximum tilt range, all
three piezo actuators must be
Open-loop tip/tilt angle resolution 0.05 0.05 0.05 µrad typ.
biased at 50 V. Due to the
Closed-loop linear resolution – 0,6 0,6 nm typ. parallel-kinematics design linear
Closed-loop tip/tilt resolution – 0.1 0.1 µrad typ. travel and tilt angle are inter-
Mechanical properties dependent. The values quoted
here refer to pure linear / pure
Unloaded resonant frequency 2 2 2 kHz ±20 % angular motion. See equations
Resonant frequency 1 1 1 kHz ±20 % (p. 2-84).
(with 25 x 8 mm glass mirror) Recommended controller /
Distance of pivot point to platform surface 6 6 6 mm ±0.5 mm
Versions with LEMO connector:
Platform moment of inertia 515 515 515 g • mm² ±20 % modular piezo controller system
Drive properties E-500 (p. 2-142) with amplifier
Ceramic type PICMA® P-885 PICMA® P-885 PICMA® P-885 module E-503.00S (three chan-
nels) (p. 2-146) or 1 x E-505.00S
Electrical capacitance 9.3 9.3 9.3 µF ±20 % and 2 x E-505 (high speed appli-
Dynamic operating current coefficient 39 39 39 µA / (Hz • mrad) ±20 % cations) (p. 2-147) and E-509
Miscellaneous controller (p. 2-152) (optional)
Single-channel (1 per axis):
Operating temperature range -20 to 80 -20 to 80 -20 to 80 °C
E-610 OEM servo controller /
Material casing Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum amplifier (p. 2-110), E-625 servo
Mass 0.065 0.065 0.065 kg ±5 % controller bench-top (p. 2-114)
Versions with Sub-D connectors:
Cable length 2 2 1.5 m ±10 mm
E-616 servo controller for tip/tilt
Sensor / voltage connection LEMO LEMO Sub-D mirror systems (p. 2-132)

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Large Angle PZT Tip/Tilt-Mirror for Free Space Communication

쮿 Free Space Communication
쮿 Image stabilization
쮿 Laser beam stabilization
쮿 Beam switching
쮿 Adaptive optics systems
쮿 Laser beam steering & scanning
쮿 Correction of polygon scanner errors.

S-334 piezo tip/tilt mirrors / 쮿 Miniature Design

scanners provide extremely
S-334.1SD 쮿 Optical Beam Deflection to 120 mrad (~ 6.8°)
High-Dynamics Piezo Tip/Tilt large deflection angles in a
Platform, 25 mrad, SGS, Sub-D 쮿 Coplanar Axes & Fixed Pivot Point;
miniaturized package. These
Connector, incl. Mirror
fast steering mirror systems Eliminate Polarization Rotation
S-334.1SL are based on a sophisticated 쮿 Factory Installed Mirror
High-Dynamics Piezo Tip/Tilt parallel-kinematics design with 쮿 Millisecond Response, Resolution to 0.2 µrad
Platform, 25 mrad, SGS, LEMO
Connector, incl. Mirror two coplanar, orthogonal axes 쮿 Closed-loop Position Servo-Control for High Accuracy
and a fixed pivot point. 쮿 For Mirrors up to 12.5 mm (0.5”) Diameter
High-Dynamics Piezo Tip/Tilt Large Tip/Tilt Ranges with 쮿 Frictionless, High-Precision Flexure Guiding System
Platform, 50 mrad, SGS, Sub-D Excellent Motion Characteristics 쮿 Parallel Kinematics for Enhanced Dynamics and Bette
Connector, incl. Mirror
The novel flexure/lever design Multi-Axis Accuracy
S-334.2SL with minimized inertia allows
High-Dynamics Piezo Tip/Tilt
Platform, 50 mrad, SGS, LEMO for the exceptionally large tip/
Connector, incl. Mirror tilt range of 60 mrad (50 mrad
in closed-loop operation, which
is equivalent to 100 mrad opti-
cal beam deflection) and very
fast response in the millisecond
range. These parameters make
the system unique in the mar-
ket of piezo driven tip/tilt mirror

S-334 dimensions in mm

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Sub-Microradian Resolution High Reliability and Long Differential Drive for Improved Factory Installed Mirror
Lifetime Stability and Dynamics The S-334 is equipped with a
In addition to the large angles
and the high dynamics the The compact S-334 systems The S-334 is based on a paral- factory-installed mirror 10 mm
S-334 provides sub-micro- are equipped with preloaded lel-kinematics design with co- in diameter and 2 mm thick
radian resolution. The integrat- PICMA® high-performance pie- planar axes and a single mov- (flatness λ/5, reflectivity >98 %
ed high-resolution, full-bridge zo actuators which are integrat- ing platform. Two pairs of dif- from 500 nm to 2 μm).
strain gauge sensors (SGS) ed into a sophisticated, FEA- ferentially-driven piezo actua-
provide absolute position con- modeled, flexure guiding sys- tors are employed to provide
trol, excellent repeatability and tem. The PICMA® actuators fea- the highest dynamics and posi-
high linearity, typically better ture cofired ceramic encapsula- tion stability over a wide tem-
than 0.05 % over the entire trav- tion and provide better per- perature range.
el range. formance and reliability than
conventional piezo actuators. Compared to stacked, (two-
Actuators, guidance and sen- stage), piezo or galvo scanners,
sors are maintenance-free, not the single-platform design pro-
subject to wear and offer vides several advantages:
extraordinary reliability. smaller package size, identical
dynamic performance in both
axes, faster response and bet-
ter linearity. It also prevents
polarization rotation.

Model S-334.1SL S-334.2SL Units Tolerance

S-334.1SD S-334.2SD
Active Axes ␪X, ␪Y ␪X, ␪Y
Motion and positioning
Integrated sensor SGS SGS
*Open-loop tilt angle at -20 to +120 V 30 60 mrad min. (+20 %/-0 %)
*Closed-loop tilt angle 25 50 mrad
Open-loop resolution 0.2 0.5 μrad typ.
Closed-loop resolution 1 5 μrad typ.
Linearity 0.05 0.05 % typ.
Repeatability 2 5 μrad typ.
Mechanical properties
Resonant frequency underload 3.0 1.0 kHz ±20 %
(with standard mirrors)
Load capacity 0.2 0.2 N Max.
Distance of pivot point to platform surface 6 6 mm ±1 mm
Platform moment of inertia 1530 1530 g • mm² ±20 %
Standard mirror (mounted) diameter: 10 mm, diameter: 10 mm,
thickness: 2 mm; thickness: 2 mm;
BK7, λ/5, R > 98 % BK7, λ/5, R > 98 %
(λ = 500 nm to 2 μm) (λ = 500 nm to 2 μm)
Drive properties
Ceramic type PICMA® P-885 PICMA® P-885
Electrical capacitance per axis 3 3 μF ±20 %
Operating temperature range -20 to 80 -20 to 80 °C
Material casing Titanium Titanium
Mass 0.065 0.065 kg ±5 %
Cable length 2 2 m ±10 mm
Sensor / voltage connection LEMO connector / LEMO connector /
25-pin sub-D connector 25-pin sub-D connector
Recommended controller / amplifier
Closed-loop versions with D-sub connector: E-616 controller for tip/tilt mirror systems (p. 2-132);
Open-loop versions with LEMO connector: Modular piezo controller system E-500 (p. 2-142) with amplifier module E-503.00S (three channels) (p. 2-146)
or 1 x E-505.00S and 2 x E-505 (high speed applications) (p. 2-147) and E-509 servo controller (p. 2-152 / 3-16)
Open-loop: E-663 three channel amplifier (p. 2-136)
Resolution of PI piezo tip/tilt platforms is not limited by friction or stiction. Noise equivalent motion with E-503 amplifier, (p. 2-146).
*Mechanical tilt, optical beam deflection is 120 mrad (open loop) and 100 mrad (closed-loop), respectively.

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Tripod Tip-Tilt-Z w/ Aperture for Optical Communication

Applications 쮿 10 mm Clear Aperture

쮿 Optical filters 쮿 Triple-PZT-Actuator-
쮿 Laser cavity tuning Supported Platform
쮿 Free Space Communication 쮿 Tilt Range up to
쮿 Image stabilization
±600 µrad
쮿 Laser beam stabilization
쮿 Beam switching 쮿 Piston Movement up to
쮿 Adaptive optics systems 12 µm
쮿 Laser beam steering & scanning 쮿 Closed-Loop Versions
쮿 Correction of polygon scanner errors.
쮿 For Optics, Mirrors or
Other Components
S-310 to S-316 multi-axis tip/tilt
platforms and Z-positioners are
fast and compact units based
on the triple-piezo-drive-sup-
ported platform design (see
page 3-7 for details and equa-
tions). They offer piston move-
ment up to 12 µm and tilt S-310.10
Vertical Piezo Positioner with Clear
movement up to ±600 µrad Aperture, 6 µm
with sub-msec response and S-311.10
settling. The S-310 to S-316 Multi-Axis Piezo Tip/ Tilt Platform with
systems are designed for mir- Clear Aperture, ±300 µrad, 6 µm
rors and optics up to 25 mm S-314.10
diameter; the clear aperture is Vertical Piezo Positioner with Clear
Aperture, 12 µm
ideal for transmitted-light appli-
cations. The units can be Multi-Axis Piezo Tip/Tilt Platform with
mounted in any orientation. Clear Aperture, ±600 µrad, 12 µm

In open-loop operation, the S-316.10

Multi-Axis Piezo Tip/Tilt Platform with
vertical position/platform angle
Clear Aperture, ±600 µrad, 12 µm,
roughly corresponds to the Closed-Loop
drive voltage (see page Custom Designs
4-11 in the “Tutorial” section
for behavior of open-loop
piezos). The S-310 to S-315
open-loop models are ideal for
applications where the posi-
S-310 - S-316 dimensions (in mm)
tion is controlled by an external
loop based on data provided by
a sensor (e.g. PSD quad cell,
CCD chip, ...). The S-316.10
closed-loop version allows
absolute position control, high
linearity and repeatability based
on the internal ultra-high-resolu-
tion feedback sensor.

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Five different versions are
쮿 S-310.10
쮿 S-314.10
Open-loop Z-platforms; all
three piezo linear actuators are S-315 cable configuration
electrically connected in paral-
lel, providing vertical position-
ing (piston movement) of the
top ring. Only one drive chan-
nel is required. The three piezo
actuators are individually
matched for equal displace-
ment, providing straight
motion with tilt errors of less
than 70 µrad over the com- S-316 cable configuration

plete range.

쮿 S-311.10
Technical Data
쮿 S-315.10
Models S-310.10 S-314.10 S-311.10 S-315.10 S-316.10 Units Notes
Open-loop Z, tip/tilt position- see p. 3-16
ers; all three piezo linear actua- Active axes Z Z Z,␪X, ␪Y Z,␪X, ␪Y Z,␪X, ␪Y

tors can be driven individually * Open-loop tilt angle @ 0 to 100 V - - ±300 ±600 ±600 µrad ±20%
* Closed-loop tilt angle 욷 - - - - ±600 µrad A3
(or in parallel) by a three-chan- Open-loop linear travel @ 0 to 100 V 6 12 6 12 12 µm ±20% A5
nel amplifier. Vertical (piston Closed-loop linear travel 욷 - - - - 12 µm A6
movement) positioning and Integrated feedback sensor - - - - 3 x strain B
tip/tilt positioning is possible.
Closed-loop *** angular resolution 울 - - - - ±0.05 µrad C1
Closed-loop / open-loop *** linear resolution 울 - / 0.1 - / 0.2 - / 0.1 - / 0.2 0.2 / 0.4 nm C1
쮿 S-316.10 Stiffness (Z) 20 10 20 10 10 N/µm D1
Closed-loop Z, tip/tilt posi-
Electrical capacitance 0.7 1.4 3 x 0.23 3 x 0.45 3 x 0.45 µF ±20% F1
tioner. All three piezo linear ** Dynamic operating current coefficient (DOCC) 15 15 3x5 3x5 3x5 µA/ F2
actuators are equipped with (Hz x µm)

strain gauge position feedback Unloaded resonant frequency (f0) 9.5 5.5 9.5 5.5 5.5 kHz ±20% G2
Resonant frequency w/ ⭋ 6.5 4.4 5.5 4.1 4.1 kHz ±20% G3
sensors and can be driven 15 x 4 mm glass mirror
individually (or in parallel) by a Resonant frequency w/ ⭋
20 x 4 mm glass mirror 6.1 4.2 4.4 3.4 3.4 kHz ±20% G3
three-channel amplifier/posi- Distance, pivot point to platform surface (T) - - 5 5 5 mm
tion servo-controller. Vertical Platform moment of inertia - - 150 150 150 gmm2
positioning (piston movement) Operating temperature range - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 °C H2

and tip/tilt positioning is possi- Voltage connection 1 x VL,

2 m cable
1 x VL,
2 m cable
3 x VL,
2 m cable
3 x VL,
2 m cable
3 x VL,
2 m cable

ble. The integrated position Sensor connection - - - - 3 x L, J2

feedback sensors provide sub- 2 m cable
Weight (w/o cables) 45 55 45 55 55 g ±5%
µrad resolution and repeatabil- Material (case / platform) N-S / N-S N-S / N-S N-S / N-S N-S / N-S N-S / N-S L
ity (with PI control electron- Recommended amplifier/controller
ics). (codes explained p. 6-46) G, C G, C G, C G, C H, D
* For maximum tilt range, all three piezo actuators must be biased at 50 V. Linear travel and tilt angle are interdependent. The values quoted
here refer to pure linear / pure angular motion. See triple-piezo-drive tilt platform equation on page 3-7 for more information.
** Dynamic Operating Current Coefficient in µA per hertz and µm (per actuator). Example S-314.10: Sinusoidal scan of 10 µm at 10 Hz
requires approximately 1.5 mA drive current. For tilt calculation, calculate power requirement for the individual actuators and use
triple-piezo-drive tilt platform equation on page 3-7.
*** Resolution of PZT tip/tilt platforms is not limited by friction or stiction. Noise equivalent motion with E-503 amplifier.

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Differential Tip-Tilt Mirror for High-Speed Optical Beam Control

쮿 Sub-µrad Resolution
쮿 For Mirrors to 50 mm Ø
쮿 Free Space Communication
쮿 Closed-Loop Versions 쮿 Image stabilization
쮿 Differential Design for 쮿 Laser beam stabilization
Excellent Temperature 쮿 Beam switching
쮿 Adaptive optics systems
쮿 Laser beam steering & scanning
S-330 piezo tip/tilt platforms are 쮿 Correction of polygon scanner errors.
fast and compact tilt units, pro-
viding precise angular move-
ments of the top platform in
two orthogonal axes. The tip/tilt
range is ±1 mrad (special ver-
sion with ± 2.5 mrad available
on request) with sub-µrad reso-
lution. Closed-loop versions are
available for highest accuracy
and repeatability. S-330 sys-
tems are designed for mirrors
up to 50 mm diameter and have
outstanding angular stability
S-330.10 over a wide temperature range.
␪X␪Y Piezo Tip/Tilt Platform ±1 mrad, To match the CTE (coefficient
Closed-Loop of thermal expansion) of
S-330.30 Zerodur glass, the S-330 is
␪X␪Y Piezo Tip/Tilt Platform ±1 mrad
equipped with an invar top plat-
Custom Designs

Technical Data
Models S-330.30 S-330.10 Units Notes
see p. 3-16
Active axes ␪X,␪Y ␪X,␪Y
Open-loop tilt angle @ 0 to 100 V ±1* ±1 mrad ±20% A2
Closed-loop tilt angle 욷 - ±1 mrad A3
Integrated feedback sensor - 4 x strain gauge B
Closed-loop / open-loop ** resolution 울 - / 0.05 0.1 / 0.05 µrad C1
Closed-loop linearity (typ.) - ±0.2 %
Full-range repeatability (typ.) - ±2 µrad C3
Electrical capacitance 3.6 / axis 3.6 / axis µF ±20% F1
*** Dynamic operating current coefficient (DOCC) 0.22 / axis 0.22 / axis µA/(Hz x µrad) F2
Resonant frequency (f0) without mirror 3.3 3.3 kHz ±20% G2
Resonant frequency w/ ⭋ 25 x 8 mm glass mirror 2.4 2.4 kHz ±20% G3
Distance, pivot point to platform surface (T) 6 6 mm
Platform moment of inertia 1530 1530 g⭈mm2
Operating temperature range - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 °C H2
Voltage connection 3 x VL, 2 m cable 3 x VL, 2 m cable J1
Sensor connection - 1 x L, 2 m cable J2
Weight (w/o cables) 200 200 g ±5%
Material (case/platform) N-S / I N-S / I L
* Special version with ± 2.5 mrad a vaillable on request.
** Resolution of PZT tip/tilt platforms is not limited by friction or stiction. Noise equivalent motion with E-503 amplifier.
*** Dynamic Operating Current Coefficient in µA per hertz and µrad.
Example: Sinusoidal scan of 100 µrad at 10 Hz requires approximately 0.22 mA drive current.

For the latest specs visit

Working Principle (see p.4-1 1 in the “Tutorial”
S-330 tilt Platforms are equip- section for behavior of open-
ped with two pairs of low-volt- loop piezos). The open-loop
age piezoelectric linear drives model is ideal for applications
(0 to 100 V) operating as a unit where the position is con-
in push/pull mode (see figure trolled by an external loop, [email protected]
p.3-1 3 for schematic diagram). based on data provided by a
The stainless steel case is sensor (e.g. PSD quad cell,
equipped with an integrated, CCD chip, ...).
FEA-modeled (finite element
The closed-loop version is
analysis) circular flexure featur-
equipped with two pairs (one
ing zero stiction, zero friction
per axis) of strain gauge sen-
and exceptional guiding preci-
sors operated in a bridge cir-
sion. In open-loop operation,
cuit for ultra-high resolution
the platform angle roughly cor-
and angular stability. They pro-
responds to the drive voltage
vide sub-µrad resolution and
repeatability (with PI control

S-330 dimensions (in mm)

For the latest specs visit

Single Axis Piezo Tilt Mirror for Optical Beam Steering

쮿 Sub-µrad Resolution Open- and Closed-Loop Applications

쮿 Sub-Millisecond Operation 쮿 Laser beam steering & scanning
Response In open-loop operation, the plat- 쮿 Beam switching
쮿 2.2 mrad Tilt Range form’s angular position is rough- 쮿 Correction of polygon scanner
쮿 Optional Position ly proportional to the drive volt- errors
쮿 Laser beam stabilization.
Feedback Sensor age (see p. 4-11 in the “Tutor-
쮿 Includes BK7 Mirror ial” section for behavior of
S-224/S-226 miniature tilt plat- open-loop piezos). The open-
forms are extremely fast and loop models are ideal for appli-
compact tilt units, providing a cations where the position is
tilt range of 2.2 mrad and sub- controlled by data provided by
millisecond response. The an external optical sensor, a
uni ts can be clamped at the CCD camera, etc. The closed-
S-224.00 flanges. The S-224 is specifi- loop version (S-226) allows
Piezo Tilt Platform 2.2 mrad with Mirror cally designed for open-loop absolute position control, high
S-226.00 operation. The S-226 closed- linearity, and repeatability ba-
Piezo Tilt Platform 2.2 mrad with Mirror, loop version is available for sed on the internal ultra-high-
highest accuracy. resolution feedback sensor.
Custom Designs
Working Principle
S-224/S-226 miniature tilt plat-
forms are equipped with low-
voltage piezoelectric linear
drives (0 to 100 V) pushing a Technical Data
frictionless, flexure-mounted Models S-224.00 S-226.00 Units Notes see
p. 3-16
platform. The flexure is FEA Active axes ␪X ␪X
(finite element analysis) mod- Open-loop tilt angle @ 0 to 100 V 2.2 2.2 mrad ±20% A2
eled for zero stiction, zero fric- Closed-loop tilt angle  - 2.2 mrad A3

tion and exceptional guiding Integrated feedback sensor - strain B

precision; it also serves as the Closed-loop / open-loop ** - / 0.05 0.1 / 0.05 µrad C1
pivot point and preload for the resolution 
Closed-loop linearity (typ.) - 0.2 %
Full-range repeatability (typ.) - ±3 µrad C3
Electrical capacitance 1.8 1.8 µF ±20% F1
* Dynamic operating current µA/
coefficient (DOCC) 0.1 0.1 (Hz x µrad) F2
Unloaded resonant frequency (f0) 9.0 9.0 kHz ±20% G2
Resonant frequency w/ ⭋ 15 x 4 mm 7.5 7.5 kHz ±20% G3
glass mirror (included)
Resonant frequency w/ ⭋ 15 x 4 mm 5.7 5.7 kHz ±20% G3
copper mirror
Distance, pivot point to platform 4 4 mm
surface (T)
Platform moment of inertia 215 215 g⭈mm2
Operating temperature range - 20 to 80 - 20 to 80 °C H2
Voltage connection VL VL J1
Sensor connection - L J2
Weight (w/o cables) 98 98 g ±5%
Material (case / platform) N-S / N-S N-S / N-S L
Recommended amplifier/controller G, C H, D
S-224, S-226 dimensions (in mm) (codes explained p. 6-46)
* Dynamic Operating Current Coefficient in µA per hertz and µrad. Example:
Sinusoidal scan of 100 µrad at 10 Hz requires approximately 0.1 mA drive current.
** Resolution of PZT tip/tilt platforms is not limited by friction or stiction.
Noise equivalent motion with E-503 amplifier.

For the latest specs visit

Large Tip-Tilt Mirrors for Astronomical Telescopes

During the last decades, PI has tions required to correct for

designed several large-aper- image fluctuations, significant
ture tip/tilt systems for image forces can be induced in the
stabilization. Resolution in telescope structure, causing
large earthbound telescopes unwanted vibrations. x315}tbk{

is limited by atmospheric tur- To cancel these forces before

bulence and vibrations which they excite vibrations in the
cause image shifting. Piezo- structure, PI has developed
electrically driven active sec- momentum compensation
ondary mirrors significantly systems integrated into the
improve telescope resolution, tip/tilt platforms. Any vibration
up to 1000% during long inte- caused by the motion of the
grations, by correcting for mirror is canceled with an effi-
these image shifts in real ciency of up to 95% by the The Horsehead Nebula. Photo: Brian Lula. Active secondary tip/tilt mirror for the
United Kingdom Infra-Red Telescope
time. internal, piezoelectrically (UKIRT) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, with
Hexapod 6-degree-of-freedom alignment
Momentum Compensation driven momentum-compen- system (for information on Hexapod
Due to the inertia of the large sation mechanism. x316}tbk{
systems see the “MicroPositioners”
section, p. 7-1 ff.).
mirrors and the high accelera- Mirror diameter: 314 mm
Tip/Tilt range: ±500 µrad
Resonant frequency: 280 Hz

Active secondary tip/tilt mirror

for ESO’s (European Southern
Observatory) 2.2 m telescope in
La Silla, Chile.
Mirror diameter: 100 mm
Tip/Tilt range: ±400 µrad
Resonant frequency: 900 Hz

Basic design of an active optics platform featuring three

actuators and four sensors

View inside the 8.2 meter optical infrared

Subaru Telescope on Hawaii. From,
courtesy of NAOJ.

For the latest specs visit

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