In Medias Res 2019

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In Medias Res

c e l e b r at i n g
twenty years of cms

By Professor Eric Klopfer

new research topics with applications beyond to share their passions. And a few have been
a university campus. Just a sample: experi- enormous public draws. I’m thinking of
mentation in uses of play, games for education, when we’ve hosted Neil Gaiman, the stars of
digital humanities, civic media, V.R. in doc- Mystery Science Theater 3000, and GZA of
IN MEDIAS RES umentaries, artistic applications of A.I., new the Wu-Tang Clan.
approaches to teaching digital literacy, and Of course you can also measure success
The Magazine of using MOOCs to train educators. in terms of funding. MIT as an institution,
MIT Comparative Media Studies/Writing In the same vein, CMS has pushed the field in particular our school’s dean’s office, has
Building 14E, Room 303 provided key financial support, but let’s look
forward through ambitious things like large
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 02139
conferences (Media in Transition, the Future just at external funding for research projects:
617.253.3599 / [email protected] /
of News and Civic Media, Futures of Enter- by a conservative measure, it adds up to over
tainment) and more targeted ventures like $36 million. Support from the National
our visiting scholars and postdoc programs, Science Foundation, MacArthur, Microsoft,
which have given space for people to develop and dozens of others has meant not only

Eric Klopfer their research at the same time they cross- being able to generate high-impact research
elcome to the 2019/20 pollinate ideas and approaches with our but fully fund every graduate student, nearly
Group Directors academic year at Com- faculty and graduate students. unheard of for humanities master’s degrees.

CONTENTS Rik Eberhardt, MIT Game Lab

Fox Harrell, Imagination, Computation, and
parative Media Studies/
Writing. Recent months
None of this is to say its success over the
last two decades was predictable, let alone a
About the CMS graduate program spe-
cifically, I should acknowledge the outstand-
“If we’re honest, to say ‘we knew it all Expression Lab have been filled with wonderful moments straight line. The steps taken to ensure the ing quality of the scholarship produced by
3 Letter from the Head
Eric Klopfer along’ may have been a sleepy-cat-level Suzanne Lane, Writing, Rhetoric, and as we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of health of the program by merging with WHS its students. I’m sure many of them would
stretch. It turns out Athena didn’t leap fully Professional Communication the Comparative Media Studies program. It’s is a story told well elsewhere, but the mini- agree that the thesis requirement (“a substan-
4 A N N I V E R S A RY armed from Zeus’ head.” – p. 4 Yihyun Lim, Design Lab a program that even before its merger with stories in the next piece told by the people tial research paper or comparable exercise
20 Years of CMS Nick Montfort, The Trope Tank Writing and Humanistic Studies in 2012 had who have been here all twenty years is the that satisfies MIT’s scholarly standards and
“The plausible portrayal of women Scot Osterweil, The Education Arcade become an influential collection of scholars first time we’ve highlighted the improvisa- uses methods appropriate to the topic and
working in all roles in society was meant to Lisa Parks, Global Media Technologies and and practitioners.1 In part because it was a tion of the early days. All their stories have in fields”) feels a bit like a Ph.D. dissertation
Media in Transition 10
show that — even in a society that has both Cultures Lab “program” long before it became a permanent common some version of “I was asked if I was compressed into two years, but the payoff is
11 C H R I S T O P H E R W E AV E R
men and women — it does not make sense Justin Reich, Teaching Systems Lab humanities section, it has had a chance to ex- interested, and I said yes, though, honestly, I really something. Several theses have been
Game Changer to restrict women to only a few social roles.” Sarah Wolozin, Open Documentary Lab periment with a model not seen in the hu- had no idea how it would turn out.” expanded into books. Many played a direct
– p. 14 Ethan Zuckerman, Center for Civic Media manities at MIT or, really, at other schools. But for a minute let’s look at success using role in alums’ landing their first post-gradu-
13 N I C K M O N T F O RT
Namely, under early leadership by professors data points from Day 1 versus today. It started ate jobs. It’s also a testament to the commit-
Writing the Future with Utopias
“I had found what I did not know I had Administrative Staff Henry Jenkins and William Uricchio, it went off as a couple professors carrying over ment shown by faculty thesis advisors, as well
17 D R AW I N G C O M I C S
lost. And for a while, my heart was soothed. Michael Gravito beyond the classroom and created research some of Literature’s film and media studies as readers who are often from outside MIT.
The Sea Witch But the longing returned soon enough, Systems Administrator groups funded by both internal and outside subjects. But twenty years later it has been Last, I simply want to acknowledge how
stronger than before.” – p. 27 Gabriella Horvath sponsors — foundations, companies, govern- home to over six hundred people — graduate impressive this past year has been and what
29 C O - C R E AT I O N R E P O RT
Financial Assistant ment agencies. That was partly to test and students, faculty, visiting scholars, adminis- an honor it is to begin my term as Head
Collective Wisdom
“Before [co-creation] is co-opted by digital Shannon Larkin prove the worth of humanities research in trative staff, and others — and that doesn’t following Professor Ed Schiappa’s six years in
empires, and marketeers, we have a chance to Academic Administrator having an effect beyond the academy but also include undergraduates, who have provided this position. I have been part of this place
Lassen National Park define it, claim it, and ground it to principles Sarah Smith partly out of simple necessity. We wanted to incredible energy as majors, UROPs, and since the early days, connecting with Henry
Administrative Officer
of equity, justice and authentic collective cover master’s students’ costs, and you do that contributors to community initiatives like Jenkins during iCampus and Games to Teach,
models of ownership.” – p. 38
Thalia Rubio
by providing them with research assistant- the Media Spectacle, which gave students a and enjoyed joint faculty appointment for
The History of the Underground Interim Director,
Writing and Communication Center ships that others value. Over the years that chance to screen their own productions. And many years. As you will see in these pages,
“Still, the tunnels were filled with smoke Jessica Tatlock has meant (correctly) anticipating all kinds of I mentioned conferences earlier but that’s not CMS/W as a whole is a thriving community,
Research and Personal Updates and soot. The Times famously described a Assistant to the Head to overlook the huge number of other events with undergraduates winning writing prizes,
ride underground as “a mild form of torture Andrew Whitacre 1  Though this issue is focused on Comparative Media Studies, we have hosted; a recent count put it at over faculty continuing to think through hard
which no persons would undergo if he could Communications Manager the history of the Writing program is just as interesting, with its seven hundred. Many of them have been questions, and alumni making great leaps in
Calendar and Podcasts/Videos
help it.” But the thing is, most people Ladybird key years being 1972, when it begun as a “pilot”, and 1977, collaborations with other departments and their careers. Let’s keep up the good work.
Program Dog other schools, helping to give more weight
couldn’t help it. Londoners, rich and poor, when it was revised and formalized. Opinions about it ran hot.
Cover image from “Sea Witch”, p. 23 flocked to the Metropolitan line.” – p. 44 We will visit its story in a future issue, but for those interested, to the comparative in our name. Many have
you should stop by MIT’s archives and request the minutes of the been Independent Activities Period offerings,
May 18, 1977, faculty meeting, pages 9-22. which non-academic staff have often used

2019 3

THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF CMS websites, Communicating in Cyberspace, and he edited or co-edited
Andrew Whitacre with William Uricchio, Kurt Fendt, Philip Tan, Jim Paradis, and Edward Barrett six volumes for MIT Press under the series title Digital Communication.
The publication dates on those books are startling. Text, ConText, and
HyperTextWriting with and for the Computer came out in 1988, still a year
before the first commercial internet service provider connected users
to each other. By 1995 he was already looking at “narrative and other

n the occasion of the Comparative Media Studies Social Science approved his proposal, a major he called “Film & Media navigational structures in various interactive multimedia systems.”
program’s first decennial, back in 2009/10, we did a Studies and Media Arts & Sciences”. His proposal foreshadowed the The series culminated in 2001 with The MIT Guide to Teaching Web
deep dive into its milestones. I have the commemora- official major that was to come. It included Literature subjects like Site Design. It took just fifteen years to go from no one having any idea
tive publication1 here on my desk. A timeline runs along the Film Experience, Introduction to Media Studies, Science Fiction, whether it’s practical to network computers to edit each other’s stuff,
the footer of eight pages, marking moments like faculty approvals for and Interactive and Non-Linear Narrative. And it effectively set a to authoritative essays saying in essence “obviously yes, it’s practical,
our degree programs, awarding of major funding for research projects, precedent for the interdisciplinary approach required in today’s major and beyond that, here’s how you make the final product look good.”
and our hosting of big conferences. Important stuff but mostly about — subjects from the Media Lab; Science, Technology, and Society; Still, there was enormous uncertainty on the value of something
nailing down a chronological history that, until then, hadn’t been Acoustics, an EECS subject; and Foundations in the Visual Arts, an like the Athena Writing Project. The late George Champine wrote
written out. Likewise, in pieces by Professor William Uricchio and Architecture subject. Edward Barrett served as his advisor. a history of Project Athena4 (as the full distributed computing
then-Dean Deborah Fitzgerald, we reviewed the rationale for Com- Philip’s experience was also an example of a recurring theme here, network was known), in which he mentions that he, Barrett, and MIT Building E10, on the site of what became the Media Lab’s Building E14, was

parative Media Studies. Let’s describe those pieces’ tone as “intel- how our lives seem to have intellectual gravity, not necessarily gravity Paradis included a “fallback to traditional paper and pencil teaching the first campus home for CMS graduate students.

lectual hagiography”: that our bet was right, this place is great, and in terms of seriousness but rather how it pulls people’s outside interests if the workstation system fails.” But like CMS’s attitude toward most
we knew all along it would be. And our bet was right. And this place in. Or more prosaically, other people need collaborators, and when projects, the team exuded some justified optimism. “Although the
is great. But, if we’re honest, to say “we knew it all along” may have they hear you share an interest, they jump at the chance to work tools developed are presently not widely available,” Champine wrote,
been a sleepy-cat-level stretch. It turns out Athena didn’t leap fully together. Philip told me, “I’m just this dude hanging around [building] “eventually such tools will be commonplace.”
armed from Zeus’ head. 14” — the campus home of most of MIT’s humanities programs — Paradis was a bigger force behind the success and sustaining of CMS
The default approach for this year’s account would be to write “and I got roped into a lot of things.” He said that being an undergrad than our prior histories have given him credit for. The strategies he
an updated version of those tenth anniversary pieces, I guess with concentrator at the same time the first couple classes of CMS graduate and Professor Kenneth Manning were employing in the 80’s and 90’s
more humility given the existential challenges we faced that very students came through meant there was “a tangle of both undergradu- to develop a media studies curriculum helped lend substantial institu-
year and that continued until our successful joining with Writing and ate and grad students who had this kind of peer-to-peer relationship.” tional support to the creation of the CMS degree programs later on.
Humanistic Studies in 2012/2013. But that would be treading the To compress the timeline a bit, while in the master’s program Philip Crucially, as head of Writing and Humanistic Studies, Jim offered
same ground. Reconsidering that piece today, it turns out the path was able to work with Professor Thomas DeFrantz on incorporating WHS as a co-sponsors of the fledgeling CMS program, along with
we didn’t take is perhaps more interesting: people chose to join CMS in his interests in music, dance, and DJ’ing and his work in games. The Literature and Foreign Languages and Literatures. That part I knew,
long before it was a fixed thing, and we never asked why. latter eventually resulted in his 2003 master’s thesis, Tensions in Live- but I wasn’t aware of the key role he played the savvy hires of faculty
To get a sense, I spoke with the five people who have been affili- Action Roleplaying Game Design: A Case Study with the MIT Assassins’ who served as the bridge between writing and media studies curricula.
ated with CMS for all twenty years. What I found in talking at this Guild3, with Barrett again serving as his advisor. That, in turn, led Together with CMS co-founder Henry Jenkins, Paradis hired compu-
personal rather than institutional level was that the draw of CMS was to games research-focused opportunities after the master’s program, tational writing/media scholars Nick Montfort and Fox Harrell and
simultaneously more idealistic and pragmatic than we’ve described in including co-directing the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab. documentary film scholar Vivek Bald. All three were based in WHS
the past. When the grant for the lab ended in 2012, Philip stayed on to (among but were tied to CMS through various contributions like teaching
Those five are Professors William Uricchio and Jim Paradis; other things) co-teach one of our most popular subjects, CMS.608/ and advising.
lecturers Kurt Fendt and Edward Barrett; and alum and current CMS.864 Game Design. This, again, from someone who came to What I also didn’t know until talking with Ed and Jim was how big
The cover of the 10 th anniversary commemorative publication.
research scientist Philip Tan. Together they give a sense of what it was MIT expecting to study computer science. a factor undergraduate demand played in solidifying internal support
like to found the academic equivalent of a start-up, with its mix of Now to return to Ed Barrett. He’s another one whose outside for CMS, its degrees, and its model of combining academics with
strategic successes and simple good fortune. interests converged within CMS. A poet who joined MIT’s Writing hands-on work. It was simple in fact. Students kept asking for new Utrecht University. As William wrote to me when I asked him about
I’ll start with Philip. A Singapore native, he came to MIT planning program in a year marked by disasters (Challenger, Chernobyl, Bill classes and kept filling them up. There aren’t many concrete measures it:
to study computer science. (While no surprise to anyone here, the Buckner), triumphs (a flyby of Halley’s comet, perestroika, the first of a field’s perceived “value” in a university, but enrollment is one of
number is nevertheless striking to many outsiders: more than a unrelated surrogate mother), and disaster-triumphs (the invention of them. It wasn’t long before Comparative Media Studies became the I was [Utrecht’s] first professor of media studies and designed a program that
quarter of MIT undergrads pursue one of the Electrical Engineering listservs, the “Hand of God” goal, Roy Cohn’s death), Ed saw writing humanities section with the most majors, minors, and concentrators. had a lot of similarities to CMS. We organized subsequent professorships in
and Computer Sciences majors, slightly more than all other majors and technology became a focus of his work almost as soon as he got From just a few subject offerings, it has grown to offer more than media history, theory, and technology, cutting across object-specific silos
in the School of Engineering combined.2) If you take 1999 as CMS’s here, when Professor Jim Paradis asked him to join the Athena Writing seventy. of “film”, “television”, and “new media”. What really worked in the Dutch
starting point, as we usually do, that’s when Philip was a junior, and Project, an early program launched in 1983 for digitally sharing and Part of that success was due to partnerships outside MIT. Jenkins context was collaborating with partners outside the university, that is, with
he knew by that point that he wanted to major in Comparative Media commenting on text. Many MIT classes took to it, especially within and others searched out external funding for projects that provided groups like the Netherlands Film Museum and the Institute for Sound and
Studies…except, there wasn’t a major yet. He instead declared what’s the humanities. Again, though well-known as a poet, Barrett became for undergraduate research opportunities and research assistantships to Vision — both internationally cutting-edge organizations. And we worked
called a “major departure”. The School of Humanities, Arts, and an authority on hypertext and interactive writing. With Philip Tan cover graduate student costs. But they also searched out like-minded with industry players like Endemol; festivals like IDFA; and an array of
as his T.A., Ed taught the first MIT class on the process for creating faculty. That’s what brought Professor William Uricchio to MIT from social movement partners. So the resonance with what would become CMS
was clear. Henry Jenkins called, I answered, and I was in place for CMS’s
first full year of operations.
2 3 4  MIT Project Athena: A Model for Distributed Campus Computing.

4  in medias res 2019 5


William has obviously been here ever since, but he’s been active magazine, not just to side-eye the “we knew it all along” mode but to
beyond teaching and personal research. He has served as principal read some other essential names and terms. Dean Phil Khoury, Chris
investigator for a number of research groups, with arguably his biggest Pomiecko and the Media Spectacle, re:constructions, Literature Professor
success being the Open Documentary Lab, launched in 2012. David Thorburn, the Communications Forum…CMS as a program
Lecturer Kurt Fendt, the last of the five lifers I interviewed, had a and Comparative Media Studies/Writing as a community wouldn’t be
similar experience. At MIT since 1993, he was teaching German in what it is without them.
the Foreign Languages and Literatures section and within a few years
running a lab with FLL colleague Ellen Crocker, trying to develop
large-scale media projects for different languages and cultures. It was
under CMS’s guidance that the lab turned into what became a CMS
research group (first named Metamedia, then HyperStudio). But Kurt
CMS published the first issue of In Medias Res in 2002,
was also running a forum called the Humanities Technology Think
when newsletters were how you got news out. No blogs,
Tank that, in an echo of Ed Barrett’s work, brought faculty together
no podcasts, no emails optimized for mobile devices. It ran
to discuss the potential of digital media technologies for humanities
a whopping six pages — but captured historical details you
research and education. “It must have been through those conversa-
can’t find anywhere else. The early issues in particular docu-
tions and my work in the lab,” Kurt told me, “that Henry invited me
mented the involvement of faculty from other MIT humani-
to be part of the discussions that conceptualized a graduate program.”
ties sections. For example, Professor Edward Baron Turk of
He also mentioned something that comes up a lot around here: the
Foreign Languages and Literatures was the first instructor
satisfaction that comes with working with graduate students. I asked
of the core CMS subject Major Media Texts. Since then, In
Kurt when CMS first felt “real” to him, and he said it was when the
Medias Res has become less a simple compilation than a broad
first five graduate students settled into an office next to his in the old
collaboration between staff, students, the MIT News Office,
building E10, where the newer Media Lab building now stands. There
the SHASS dean’s office, and many others.
were times he could have left MIT for other opportunities, he said,
You can find all the issues at
but working with graduate students and being part of CMS is, well —
Below are some firsts, though: the inaugural issue; summer Photos clockwise from left: The official MiT10 poster. CMS graduate students Sam Mendez and Josefina Buschmann. Tarleton Gillespie,
it’s twenty years later and he’s still here.
2006, the first in color; fall 2006, with the new design by senior principal researcher at Microsoft Research New England, presents during the closing plenary, “Digital Technologies and Cultures”.
Let’s use William’s quote above and Kurt’s experience to step
graduate student Geoffrey Long, ’07; 2018, the first issue to All photos by Danny Goldfield.
back and appreciate the transformation of the program from a Lit-
feature undergraduate art on the cover.
erature offshoot to the program it is today. William was just the
second professor of Comparative Media Studies. There was a joint, THE 10TH MEDIA IN TRANSITION Or do you peg things to 1998 when at a faculty meeting Professor
untenured appointment between CMS and Writing and Humanis- CONFERENCE. Henry Jenkins, then based in Literature, successfully motioned for the
tics Studies that existed for a bit, and many faculty from other hu- approval of a master’s degree in Comparative Media Studies?
manities sections contributed to teaching and advising, but effectively To follow are remarks made by Professor Lisa Parks to open this year’s All of those are fitting in their own way, but in the “folk history”
Henry and William were it. That, of course, was unsustainable, and Media in Transition conference. But to preface them, it’s worth men- of the program, we consider the launch of CMS to be the Media
when the program’s future was in doubt after Henry departed for a tioning there are handful of origin stories for the Comparative Media in Transition conference in 1999.2 It was preceded both by a book
great opportunity at USC in 20095, Jim Paradis and Dean Deborah Studies program, mostly depending where you start. Generously, that series (edited by Jenkins and Literature professor David Thorburn)
Fitzgerald (primarily but with additional credit due others) created could be 1978, when Political Science professor Ithiel de Sola Pool and, perhaps confusingly, a close-ended conference series also called
this thing now known as Comparative Media Studies/Writing. Since founded the MIT Communications Forum, the moment MIT became Media in Transition.3 But the 1999 conference was the first time
then, under headships by Jim and Edward Schiappa and support from a place that didn’t just make tools for media (think of Doc Edgerton’s MIT gathered an international audience of scholars in the context of
current Dean Melissa Nobles, the number of CMS faculty lines has invention of stroboscopic photography in 1931) but one that generated MIT’s having a standalone, permanent home for media studies. That
swelled from two to eleven, with seven of them tenured, and another and debated media’s core intellectual issues; we’re now all familiar makes this year, 2019, one to celebrate — the twentieth anniversary
eleven faculty on the Writing side. with the knot in your stomach of worrying that media technology is of CMS and tenth iteration of Media in Transition. The conference
That’s worth highlighting both for the stability it provided but also, outpacing our ability to understand its uses and implications, but that has a well-deserved reputation as accessible to young scholars and for
to reiterate, how student demand pushed news interests into Com- was true in 1978 too — yet without the ethos1 provided by decades being a few steps ahead of its field(s) as a whole. Past conferences an-
parative Media Studies. Games course enrollment drove us to expand of growth and refinement. Hence the Communications Forum as a ticipated streaming TV, distributed misinformation campaigns, content
further into gaming culture with the hire of T.L. Taylor. The popu- starting point. personalization, the blurring of public and private lives, rebellions
larity of cross-listed education classes made it natural to bring both Or, more narrowly, start in 1982, when MIT introduced its Film against media authority, etc. So besides joining us in celebrating these
Eric Klopfer and Justin Reich over from the Department of Urban and Media Studies concentration into the undergraduate curriculum. moments, we encourage you to read this year’s conference papers at
Studies and Planning. And there are similar examples when it came Or you could get into “necessary vs. sufficient”. Would there be If past gatherings are a guide, you can
to filling curricular needs in media topics like conservative television, a justification for the CMS graduate program without, in the early expect these papers to be at the center of debate in the years to come.
activist media, and Latin America. ’90’s, the creation of the undergraduate major and minor departures –Andrew Whitacre
Last, I encourage you to go back and read our tenth anniversary in humanities?
2  For a deeper dive, check out our 10 th anniversary publication:
5 1  In the early Greek sense: as a place to dwell, intellectually or morally. 3

6  in medias res 2019 7


Opening remarks by Professor Lisa Parks at Media in Transition 10:

“Democracy and Digital Media”, held at MIT on May 17-18.4

’m glad my colleagues are here with me — Heather Hender-
shot and William Uricchio. Heather directed our graduate
program for six years, and William has run and, with Henry
Jenkins, built up the Comparative Media Studies program for
twenty years.
So our reception tonight is to both honor and thank all of the con-
ference attendees as well as the founders of the CMS program here at
MIT — Henry Jenkins and William Uricchio and other faculty and
students involved in this conference, such as Ian Condry, Jiang Wang,
Jim Paradis, Ethan Zuckerman, and others. We also have thirty-plus
alums from the CMS graduate program who are participating in the
conference this year, and who have over the years helped to build up
this conference and our department. So we really want to thank and
recognize all of you.
Another person crucial in building up CMS and this conference
was David Thorburn, who with Henry in the early days was really
important in building up the Media and Transition conference and
With Professor Heather Hendershot (right), Professor Lisa Parks delivers
editing the first two volumes from MIT Press, which came out in
remarks at the first evening’s welcome reception.
I just wanted to mention a few things about the amazing alums, and
I’m not going to do justice to all of them because the list isn’t exhaus- Alan Turing Institute in the British Library in London and is also
tive. It’s very long and impressive. Ph.D. student at the Oxford Internet Institute.
Philip Tan has been working with us all day. He graduated in 2003 I know there are a lot of people that I have not mentioned. I’m
and is the creative director of the MIT Game Lab and teaches game going to mention one more.
design and creating video games here at MIT. Sam Ford is here. He Mariel García-Montes graduated last year. She’s a public interest
is director of cultural intelligence — what a great job name — for technology capacity builder and researcher from Mexico. She was so
Simon & Schuster and is also co-leading various initiatives in the active at MIT and in CMS while she was here, and her main topics
future of work in Kentucky. of interest are privacy and information security, social exclusions in
Huma Yusuf, you heard her on our plenary today. She graduated technology and participatory processes. She’s starting the doctoral
in 2008 and has worked with the Wilson Center as a Pakistan scholar. program in History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology, and
She is also a weekly columnist for Dawn. There are probably many Society at MIT in the fall.
updates that she has about her professional career, including being Before I hand it off, I want to thank our current CMS graduate
recently named one of Foreign Policy’s top 100 women on Twitter. student volunteers who I have gotten to well over the past two to
Elyse Graham is an assistant professor of digital humanities at Sto- three years and honored to work with. Rachel Thompson, Annie
nybrook University. She just published last year a book entitled The Wang, Libby Falck, Matt Gradon, Sam Mendez, Iago Bojczuk,
Republic of Games: Textual Culture Between Old Books and New Media. Josefina Buschmann, James Wilson, Anna Chang, Rekha Malhotra,
These are people I haven’t even met yet, and I hope to meet you guys. and Sultan Sharrief. All of these students have been actively involved
A 2003 alum of our undergraduate program, Charisse L’Pree is now in this conference and organizing it.
a professor at Syracuse’s Newhouse School of Public Communica- They have greeted and registered you, presented you with a
tions and does crucial work on media and identity construction. She pre-conference and media-based demos, and will change your life
also raised a vital question on the session we were just on about racial tomorrow night with their DJ’ing.
politics in regard to digital media and democracy, which we all need And Andrew Whitacre, our communications director.
to continue to work on and think about. Thank you for being here. There’s a lot more people to thank here,
Lilia Kilburn is now a Ph.D. student in anthropology at Harvard including our department head Ed Schiappa and our staff, Jessica
and does great work on vocality and sound technologies, media and Tatlock and Sarah Smith.
communication disorders, kinship, and intimacy, and is also doing We’re so happy you guys are here. We haven’t had the conference Clockwise from top right: Associate Professor of Writing and Digital Media Vivek Bald. CMS program co-founder Henry Jenkins with Charisse
work in Cameroon. for a while. It used to be fifty to one hundred people. This year we got L’Pree (S.B., CMS and Brain and Cognitive Science, ’03). Alums Anika Gupta (S.M., CMS, ’16) and Vicky Zeamer (S.M., CMS, ’18).
Josh Cowls, a 2017 graduate, is now a data ethics researcher at the over three hundred responses to the call for papers, and we’re doing Graduate student Annie Wang and near-alums Libby Falck (S.M., CMS, ’19), James Bowie-Wilson (S.M., CMS, ’19), Sultan Sharrief (S.M.,
our best to accommodate the swell of interest in these issues these CMS, ’19), and Rachel Thompson (S.M., CMS, ’19). The opening reception in MIT Building E15. The session “Democracy Performed”.
days. So thank you so much. We’re really honored you’re here.
4  A video of these remarks is available at

8  in medias res 2019 9


CMS/W Staff

n the mid-1980’s, an electrical engineer and sports fan named Weaver’s work both as an instructor and in bolstering MIT’s game
Ed Fletcher approached his boss with a simple question: The studies curriculum have rippled through the industry. Started infor-
communications consultancy firm Fletcher worked for had just mally in the late ’90’s by Henry Jenkins and William Uricchio, the
acquired a Commodore Amiga computer.1 Could he use it to flexible curriculum originally centered largely on game design and
build a football-themed video game? Christopher Weaver, S.M. ’85, research. Weaver brought a much-needed industry perspective, and as
the company’s founder and president, had a background in physics,
engineering, and computer science but had spent most of his profes-
sional life in broadcast television. He had never played a sports video LISTEN TO OUR PODCAST OF
game before, but he agreed and months later, saw Fletcher’s work.
“It was really very boring. He put in the same inputs and got the CHRISTOPHER WEAVER’S TALK
same outputs,” Dr. Weaver explains. “I said, look, let’s build a physics
engine2 bounded by the rules of football and see what it looks like. It “AMPLIUS LUDO, BEYOND THE
will be a hell of a lot more dynamic.” HORIZON”
The result was Gridiron!, the first sports game to incorporate real
physics into gameplay.3 While the game’s graphics were primitive,
Alums (including those just three weeks from graduation) with professors Heather Hendershot, Henry Jenkins, and William Uricchio. Gridiron!’s pixelated players were modeled off of stats from real life
football stars, giving players different masses and accelerations. Players
with larger masses could block and break tackles, but speedier players
could beeline to the end zone, adding a never-before-seen layer of
reality-based strategy to sports simulators. Weaver formed Bethesda
Softworks4, released Gridiron! as the company’s first title in 1986, and
watched as the game captured attention from football and video game
fans as well as Electronic Arts, already a Goliath game company that
hired Weaver’s team and used Gridiron!’s engine as the basis for the
original Madden game series. Suddenly, Weaver was a game pioneer
entirely by accident.
“Sometimes not having a lot of knowledge about an area can be
a good very useful thing,” he says. “It forces you to look at it with
untutored or naive eyes.”
After more than thirty years in the game industry, Weaver still tries
to approach the field from new angles and encourages his students to
do the same. A longtime Research Scientist and Lecturer at CMS/W,
Dr. Weaver spent nearly two decades at Bethesda, overseeing seminal
titles including the massively popular Elder Scrolls RPG series, before
co-founding the multimedia development company ZeniMax Media, “While the appeal of games may be universal and satisfy
Inc.5 Weaver returned to his alma mater in 1998 to teach courses in our innate desire to play, the powerful dynamics that
game theory and development as well as media systems. govern our behavior within games is even more inter-
esting than the play itself. Can we broaden our under-
1 standing of play mechanisms by applying the sublimi-
2 nal mechanics of play beyond games? In this episode,
3 Professor Weaver discusses how games work and why
pave-the-way-for-madden-nfl they are such potent tools in areas as disparate as military
Alums (including those just three weeks from graduation) with professors Heather Hendershot, Henry Jenkins, and William Uricchio.
Senior Lecturer Kurt Fendt and Professor Ian Condry interviewed during the “Democracy Performed” session. 4 simulation, childhood education, and medicine.”

10  in medias res 2019 11



Weaver’s company Bethesda Softworks produced Gridiron!, the first sports
video game to try to incorporate real-world physics.
Christopher Weaver helped launch a project to preserve
game engines like Unity and Flash enabled small teams to make inter- the legacy of video game pioneers. With the Smithsonian’s
esting projects, he began to teach an popular games industry course. Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innova-
Since its inception, the MIT games curriculum has transformed to tion, the initiative has collected in-depth oral histories and
include both game studies and design courses as well as coursework in preserved of original documents. Those histories include early
virtual reality, data storytelling, and games for social change. figures like Ralph Baer, pictured above, but also — critically
Doris C. Rusch, founder of the Play for Change lab at DePaul Uni- — source code, graphics, and computer platforms.
versity, connected with Weaver after taking his class in 2006. To their credit, many scholars and archivists have recog-
In that class, “I learned that all my lofty, artsy ambitions, they have nized the unique challenges and opportunities of cataloging
Utopian ideas don’t have to be entirely serious to be effective in provoking people to change their thinking and move toward a better future.
to measure up to reality,” Rusch said in a CMS/W interview. “…If and preserving material related to video games. At CMS/W,
the game is not entertaining, then nobody’s going to care about all of that has meant some creative approaches. Professor Nick
the positive stuff you’re trying to put into it. It’s about keeping that Montfort has acquired and maintains a variety of older console
engagement and the game play front and center.” models and uncovers how to program them in ways that
Troy Ko, who graduated from the Sloan School of Management in reveals underlying technology. Similarly, CMS/W staff in
2011, recalls Dr. Weaver challenging existing paradigms. the past have installed modern computers in ’80’s-era arcade
“When you meet him, just be prepared to think critically,” Ko said.
“Be prepared to come in with an open mind because he’s going to
cabinets, giving a feel for how contemporary games may have
been played with a joystick and two big buttons. Elsewhere,
introduce all of these ideas and push you and nudge you in different over the last decade, scholars have published papers that walk
directions to really question the norm and how things are done.” others through game preservation. For example, a 2009 piece,
Today, Dr. Weaver splits his time between teaching in Comparative “Before It’s Too Late: A Digital Game Preservation White MINDS TO IMAGINATIVE — AND TRANSFORMATIVE — IDEAS.
Media Studies/Writing — he has long taught CMS.610 Media Indus- Paper”, described how essential industry participation is.
tries and Systems: The Art, Science and Business of Games6 — and But the Smithsonian and Weaver’s work acknowledge a By Professor Nick Montfort
the MIT Microphotonics Center. He also teaches STEM develop- hard truth: the elders are passing away. Baer himself died in
ment at Wesleyan University and co-directs the Videogame Pioneers 2014. We were fortunate to have hosted him for a talk back
Initiative7 in the Lemelson Center for the Study of Innovation and in 2009.1 Others here have looked back at older games, such
This article is adapted from Nick Montfort’s book “The Future”, part abundance of food and goods available to everyone. Boston, and the
Invention within at the National Museum of American History. His as last spring’s talk with Jaroslav Švelch on computer games
of the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series. United States, have been transformed into a bountiful socialist utopia.
goal is to broaden the reach of games and help students understand in communist Czechoslovakia, and there have been critical

Soon after the novel was published in 1888, its publisher was
how to apply the power of game tools to break ground in areas ranging approaches with preservation being a method rather than end
f we start our search for utopias from the United States, one acquired, the book was reissued, and it became tremendously popular.
from education to medicine to senior care. in itself. That would include games beyond the video variety,
vision, and one particular book, looms particularly large. This A million copies were sold in two years, with only Uncle Tom’s Cabin
“There’s a lot of research now that is demonstrating that if you want such as Research Scientist Mikael Jakobsson’s work on colo-
is Edward Bellamy’s 1888 novel, Looking Backward: 2000–1887. and Ben-Hur outselling it, and in those cases over a longer span of
to teach, simulate, or train, if you’re capable of using some of these nialist (and counter-colonialist) board games.
Set in Boston in the year 2000, it follows the experiences of time. Dozens of clubs were started to discuss the socialist ideas of
tools, you’ll have a higher success ratio than standard methodology Ultimately, though, the Video Game Pioneers Initiative
a man who, like an even more dormant Rip Van Winkle, entered the book. These groups1, organized by “Bellamyites”, were called
that’s been developed during the Industrial Revolution,” Dr. Weaver will be central to future generations hearing from primary
a trance in 1887 and was brought out of his suspended animation in “nationalist clubs” because of negative associations with the term
says. “We have a whole 21st century to bring students into.” sources.
good health more than a hundred years later. What he found, as the “socialism”, but they were closely related to the concept of socialism
book’s preface explains, was “a social order at once so simple and and did not have any particular relationship to what we now think of
6 1 logical that it seems but the triumph of common sense.” He tours
7 the city, learning about the improved working conditions and the 1

12  in medias res 2019 13


The plausible portrayal of women working in

all roles in society was meant to show that —
even in a society that has both men and women
— it does not make sense to restrict women to
only a few social roles.

as nationalism. These clubs were only around for a few years, but they,
and Bellamy’s book, were an important influence on the Theosophical
movement 2, which went on to establish a dozen utopian communities
in the United States. The impact on American writing was strong,
too, with more than 150 books being written in response to “Looking
Backward” — including exuberant sequels and several books opposed
to the ideas of the original novel.
The new society in Looking Backward is based on ideas that precede
the book; this society is also presented well in the context of the novel.
The narrator, Julian West, is from the same time as his early readers,
and it’s of course necessary for people from the year 2000 to explain
to him how this strange new society works. The difference between
the improved social order and that of 1887 is illustrated throughout
the book, but perhaps never as memorably as when the narrator finds
that a sudden downpour has begun and he — and, it seems, everyone
else — is without an umbrella: “The mystery was explained when we
found ourselves on the street, for a continuous waterproof covering
had been let down so as to enclose the sidewalk and turn it into a
well-lighted and perfectly dry corridor, which was filled with a stream
of ladies and gentlemen dressed for dinner.” As one of the natives
explains, “the difference between the age of individualism and that
of concert was well characterized by the fact that, in the nineteenth
century, when it rained, the people of Boston put up three hundred
thousand umbrellas over as many heads, and in the twentieth century
they put up one umbrella over all the heads.” that is entirely female. (The women of Herland, it is explained, are able
Bellamy’s novel presents a society of abundance in which each to reproduce without men.) The girls and women are highly accom-
person is allotted a specific amount of what is produced, a bounty plished at all necessary work, from tasks that are traditionally con-
that is clearly greater than anyone would need but is still regulated. sidered feminine in U.S. culture, such as child-rearing, to building
To mete out the many goods, Bellamy introduced what he called the houses. They prosper, eschewing rote learning, governing their
“credit card”, the first use of the term, although it didn’t actually allow society deliberately, and wearing clothing that has numerous pockets.
purchases on credit. Industries have been nationalized in the book,
and this credit card system allows for the equal distribution of goods.
Rather than paying anyone more, those who have to do particularly Even implausible aspects of utopian fiction can
unpleasant work simply get to work fewer hours. Women have a more be useful. They can point out, as with any
equal role in society and are part of the workforce, although “the
heavier sorts of work are everywhere reserved for men, the lighter satire, how outrageous our current society is.
occupations for women.”
Another intriguing model society, which responded to this particu-
lar aspect of Bellamy’s, was presented by American author Charlotte While “Herland” does offer some suggestions as to the social
Perkins Gilman in her novella Herland, originally published in 1915. order, and promotes certain types of feminist thought about society,
In this book, three adventurous men locate an isolated community it seems unlikely that Gilman was literally suggesting that the best
society would be a secluded, nonindustrial one with only women. A woodcut map by Ambrosius Holbein that accompanied a 1518 edition of More’s Utopia.
More likely, her plausible portrayal of women working in all roles

14  in medias res 2019 15


in society was meant to show that — even in a society that has both an author is taking and the type of society that is being proposed, we
men and women — it does not make sense to restrict women to only shouldn’t accept every new idea presented as if it were a new doctrine.

a few social roles. Aside from the implausibility of asexual reproduc-
tion, critics take issue with some other aspects of Herland, including ore’s Utopia, Bellamy’s year-2000 Boston, and
its attitude toward native people, who are repeatedly disdained as Gilman’s all-female society are all presented as

Featured in a selection of final projects produced in CMS.S60 “Drawing Comics”, taught in Spring 2019 by Mauricio Cordero. Left anonymous at the author’s request.
“savages.” Despite such flaws, the novel remains a powerful work of ideal, or close to ideal, as was the republic that Plato
imagination, particularly given that it was published before women described. Those who study utopian thought and
even had the right to vote throughout the United States. writing distinguish, however, between a utopia or “no place” and

a eutopia or “good place.” A utopia is an invented society, existing
topian writing existed long before Bellamy and Gilman, beyond history as an alternative to present societies, but it doesn’t have
of course. Plato first developed an ideal society of philos- to be perfect. It doesn’t even have to be better, so a fictional society
opher-kings (a community that entirely excluded poets) that is presented as negative and deeply flawed, a dystopia, can also be
in his Republic, which predated the Christian Era by seen as a type of utopia. There are also notable novels that are set “no
almost four centuries. But the genre of writing takes its name from a place” and present societies that have some positive and some negative
short book in Latin by Thomas More, Utopia, which was published in aspects; these include Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels and Samuel
1516. The book isn’t, strictly speaking, about the future — it describes Butler’s Erewhon.
a fictional society of that time. But it clearly suggests some ways One way that utopias can function is by portraying a plausible al-
that Western, and particularly English, society could be different in ternative to the current social configuration. More’s book prodded
times to come. The book describes the highly systematic function- readers to think about how communal living without private property
ing of island residents, people who behave in many ways like monks might be possible. Bellamy’s made it seem plausible that a well-planned
following the Rule of Saint Benedict: They live communally, doing society could produce more than enough for everyone to live well and
manual labor. More’s Utopia has been described as “a communist could happily distribute that wealth equally. And, even if readers of
community, enhanced by Christian values.” Gilman’s book didn’t think that an all-female society was actually the
There are a few differences from either the modern-day communist best idea, they could probably believe many aspects of the portrayal
concept or monastic life, of course. Unlike a monastery, the land of women working in every possible role in a community. If we can
of Utopia is a heterosocial place, and people get married and raise imagine such possibilities within the framework of fiction, this can
children. Each person who is about to marry is presented with his or make it easier to think of them in our own reality.
her potential partner, naked, and allowed an inspection — sensible, Even implausible aspects of utopian fiction can be useful. They can
More explains, because one considers even a horse very thoroughly point out, as with any satire, how outrageous our current society is.
for any sign of ill health before purchasing it. It seems difficult to un- They can also encourage us to think critically as we imagine a better
derstand this procedure as a serious proposal, but, at the same time, society. Also, they might help to expand the limits of what we consider
it might point out that marriage is impractical between two people possible. Because utopian fiction takes us away from the specifics of
who know very little about each other in other ways. Why would we our current place and situation and transports us to no place, it allows
demand to take the saddle off the horse and inspect it closely while not us to come to new insights that can then be applied to the world we
giving the same concern to our betrothed? live in. Perhaps an all-female society existing for thousands of years
One lesson in future-making — or imagining and consciously isn’t plausible, but if it were, wouldn’t the women in it be capable
trying to contribute to a particular future — that can be seen here is of doing anything that was needed? If so, isn’t it reasonable to allow
that utopian ideas don’t have to be entirely serious to be effective in women to occupy any role in our mixed-gender society? Utopian
provoking people to change their thinking and move toward a better thinking is of course often associated with silliness and impossible,
future. The pre-marriage inspection can be read in several ways — impractical ideas, but when it’s done effectively, shifting our thinking
as making fun of people’s obsession with physical attractiveness, for from our current place to no place can help us get out of a rut.
instance, or as making fun of marriage as an institution that establishes A future-maker might do something clever by coining a term or
ownership, like the ownership of a horse, of one person by another. inventing something specific. This can be useful, but this is seldom as
Utopia is almost certainly not a full-on parody of More’s society. It powerful as developing an overall, coherent vision that can be worked
presents an alternate society in which there are few laws, people live toward, engaged with deeply, or opposed. Although it’s interesting to
communally and sustain themselves by cultivating and making what note that Bellamy is (at least approximately) the inventor of the credit
they need, and people pursue learning throughout their lives. Most of card, his real influence is seen in dozens of organizations founded to
the ideas are presented, as with Plato’s Republic, as ways society could think through and promote his work, and the dozens of books written
be reordered and improved. So, it’s interesting to see a few cases in to continue the conversation he started.
which the customs of the Utopians strain credulity. One effect that There is room in a utopia for plausible, sensible alternatives to
this can have is stimulating multidimensional thinking about current today’s practices. Likewise, there is room for the absurd and the outra-
society and the way that it’s organized. Another effect is that it can geous, which can provoke our critical faculties, opening our minds to
remind us to be critical and thoughtful. Even if we like the direction unusual — and transformative — ideas.

16  in medias res 2019 17

18  in medias res 2019 19
20  in medias res 2019 21
22  in medias res 2019 23
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26  in medias res 2019 27
William Uricchio and Katerina Cizek

Collective Wisdom1 is a hybrid field study that sets out to map, define, Travelling to the Qobustan petroglyph site, across the flats of
and shed light on co-creation methods within media (arts, documen- central Azerbaijan, one arrives at the base of a sudden, enormous heap
tary, and journalism) and adjacent areas of knowledge (design, open- of rocky boulders jutting out of the semi-desert. Up inside the rocks,
source tech, urban and community planning). While the concept of co- in hidden crevices and sprawled across its interior rock faces, lies a
creation is gaining prominence, it is an ancient and under-documented spectacular collection of more than 6,000 prehistoric rock carvings
dynamic. Media co-creation has particular relevance in the face of etched over the course of 40,000 years. The petroglyphs feature
today’s myriad of challenges, but is not without risks and complica- human figures dancing, warriors with lances in their hands, antelopes
tions. In this study we identify four types of co-creation in media: and wild bulls fleeing, battle scenes, long boats with lines of armed
within communities (in person and on-line); across disciplines and or- rowers, caravans of camels, and images of the sun and stars. Here,
ganizations, and increasingly, humans co-creating with living systems inscribed in stone, is life on earth, and the cosmos as understood by
and artificial intelligence (A.I.). We also synthesize the risks, as well humanity over millennia. These carvings also provide evidence of the
as the practical lessons from the field on how to co-create with an ethos recurrent practice of the co-creation processes that have shaped our
grounded in principles of equity and justice. This qualitative study is languages, music, early texts, performance, architecture, and art over
not comprehensive, but it is a first step in articulating contemporary co- the millennia.
creative practices and ethics, and in doing so it connects unusual dots.


The concept of co-creation appears to be swirling into popular usage,

but the practice is nothing new. Since the dawn of humanity in Africa,
co-creation practices have offered alternatives to media projects
sparked by single-author visions. Take for instance, the ancient art of
rock carvings.

The Qobustan Petroglyph site in Azerbaijan features more than 6,000

prehistoric rock carvings. Photo by Walter Callens.

1  This piece is the executive summary of the field study “Collective Wisdom: Co-Creating Media
Within Communities, Across Disciplines, and with Algorithms.” The complete document in its
official layout/design, along with the full list of co-authors and contributors, is available at cocre- Collective Wisdom is a project of the MIT Open Documentary Lab, one of Marshmellow Laser Feast” Ocean of Air at Saachi Gallery (2019).
Comparative Media Studies/Writing’s research groups.

28  in medias res 2019 29


Yet, these collective practices are often under-documented, under- telling their stories, especially online. Many are critical of long-stand- countability and trust arise with journalism in particular. Additional- too, de-centralize single authorship, but consider questions about
recognized, and under-funded, especially in the past 150 years, with ing, extractive storytelling practices in documentary, journalism, and ly, in projects involving emergent media, co-creators often prioritize the definition of agency and singularity that ask what co-creating
the industrialization of cultural production. Eurocentric commerce the arts, and are disinclined to perform their trauma or otherness for training, literacy, and community access to expensive and complex with non-human systems looks like, and ponders the phenomena of
and scholarship have tended to focus on industrial forms of top-down the narrow lens of an authoritative outsider. More broadly, audiences technologies, which are considered crucial for inclusion and equity. humans increasingly becoming entangled within larger systems and
production, meaning-making, and media that privilege the idea of a from all cultural backgrounds and lived experiences are asking new, infrastructures.
singular author, and by extension a singular authority. This methodol- more complex questions pertaining to power imbalances implicit in
ogy of media production often serves as a rationalization of extractive, legacy-storytelling contracts between makers and subjects.
harmful, and commodifying practices.
By contrast, as Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie said in her 2009 Types of co-creation
lecture2: “When we reject the single story, when we realize that there We have distinguished four types of co-creation that are often in-
is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise.” terlinked: within communities (real world and virtual), across disci-
Co-creation is increasingly recognized in such areas as education, plines, and humans working with non-human systems. These types of
healthcare, technology and urban design. Although each of these and co-creation have distinct qualities and concerns.
other fields have distinct approaches, fundamentally co-creation is Co-creation within communities, is the most commonly identified
an alternative to — and often a contestation of — a singular voice, protocol in this study. While we have separated in-person and online Fireflies VR (2018) is one the worlds’ first participatory Virtual Reality
authority, and/or process. Further, within digital infrastructures, the co-creation in order to highlight unique conditions and challenges, projects, and is a co-creation with the Brownsville Criminal Justice Center.
lines between audiences, subjects, and makers are blurred, and often most contemporary community projects involve in-person and online
erased. practices. The following describes the types of co-creation that were
investigated in this study, and the major issues that were considered
DEFINITION AND TYPES with each: 3. Co-Creation across disciplines and beyond. When co-creation teams
cross disciplinary lines, institutions, organizations, scholars, and
As a result of this study, we have arrived at the following definition of 1. Co-creation within communities, in-person. With community based Sougwen Chung co-creates performative visual art with robots called DOUG
makers embark on parallel paths of discovery rather than privileging
media co-creation: co-creation, central discussions in our interviews revolved around (2018)
one discipline’s priorities over the other. This often requires compara-
power dynamics and relationships, i.e., who decides the terms of tively long timelines and joint spaces. Importantly, these projects are
Co-creation offers alternatives to a single-author vision, and involves a engagement, what media is made and by whom, and why and who frequently partnered with communities outside the academy. Many
constellation of media production methods, frameworks, and feedback benefits from this type of project. Key concerns identified included consider that co-creation resides beyond inter-disciplinary space, and WHY CO-CREATE NOW?
systems. In co-creation, projects emerge from a process, and evolve from the hidden, unfunded work of co-creation. Artists of color and other prefer the terms trans-disciplinary, or even anti-disciplinary to describe
within communities and with people, rather than for or about them. Co- historically marginalized groups are often burdened with additional their practices. Throughout the research participants identified these key reasons to
creation also spans across and beyond disciplines and organizations, and responsibilities not recognized in formal media-making. co-create in this historical moment:
can also involve non-human or beyond human systems. The concept of
co-creation reframes the ethics of who creates, how, and why. Our research •  Co-creation helps us navigate uncharted territories of change
shows that co-creation interprets the world, and seeks to change it, through that are sweeping the planet: technology, digital culture, political
a lens of equity and justice. and economic upheavals, all intertwining in patterns that legacy
20th-century models of media production are unequipped to
To clarify, we do not oppose authorship and attribution as valid handle.
cultural modes, especially in a time of social breakdown in trust and
consensus around verifiable facts. Despite rigor and resonance with •  Co-creation confronts power systems that perpetuate inequal-
audiences, media makers who have practiced and modelled deep ity, and offers alternative, open, equitable, and just models of deci-
media co-creation approaches for decades, notably many artists of sion-making that is rooted in social movements.
color, have been sidelined or dismissed as making community media.
More than ever, media makers from all cultural backgrounds and lived •  Co-creation can help tackle complex problems, especially
experiences are required to contest threats to democracy, particularly climate crisis in the epoch of the Anthropocene, with the commit-
in the context of extractive technology economies and pathologies of ment to finding solutions at the local level.
trolling. Eviction Lab is an ongoing co-created, trans-disciplinary project that draws
Recognizing the systemic supports and extensive literature on the collective expertise of sociologists, statisticians, economists, journalists,
•  Co-creation deals with time differently, and recalibrates our
dedicated to single authorship, this study aims to articulate the values The Quipu Project (2015) in Peru worked within local community structures web engineers, and community members who all are engaged in documenting
sense of time, by insisting on responsiveness but at the same time
and affordances of co-creation, and argues for their importance in an and networks. Photograph courtesy Maria Court and Rosemarie Lerner. the rising crisis of evictions across America in real-time.
expanding the timeframe of consequences.
age of digitally-enabled cultural change and the socially-mandated
reassessment of business as usual within the field of media making. Ad- •  Finally, co-creation is part of an ecosystem that can redefine
ditionally, would-be media (and research) subjects demand more than 2. Co-creation on-line and with emergent media. On-line, the blurred 4. Co-Creation between Humans and Non-Human Systems. In a more concepts of the public good, civic trust, and the commons,
representation; they are actively participating in both shaping and boundaries between makers, subjects, and audiences afford new oppor- speculative type of co-creation, artists, scientists, and provocateurs are including our public spaces, cities, platforms, and narratives.
tunities, but also open up new risks vis-à-vis questions of ownership, also examining their relationships with living systems, artificial intel-
2 governance, and authority. Distinct questions around issues of ac- ligence (A.I.) as well as technological infrastructures. These processes There is a political yearning and narrative turn toward a more

30  in medias res 2019 31


ethical and respectful form of storytelling as expressed by participants question emerged during the study: How do we share the world with
in this project, one made possible in the co-creation process. A central each other in equitable and just ways?


We heard, throughout the research, that:

•  Co-creation does not replace single authorship but is an equally

valid approach to making media, one that has not been well-doc-
umented, recognized, and properly funded.

•  Co-creation cannot occur without equity and justice, but it can

also offer a way to deepen and extend equity and justice.

Therefore, in this study, we identified the following findings:

Co-creation has risks

While co-creation has a proven track record of negotiating divides,
and the results emerge as more than the sum of their parts, it can also
be abused. Numerous risks were articulated by participants across the
research who warned that co-creation could:
The climate crisis is a central theme in the work of Marina Zurkow, a media
artist exploring interactions between nature and culture, focusing on issues such •  Threaten editorial integrity and artistic independence.
as invasive species and petroleum dependence. Her work utilizes a variety of
media, including animation, dinner parties, biological materials, and software. •  Heighten expectations of trust, commitment, and time on all sides.
Pictured above: still from Mesocosm (Wink Texas), and Hazmat Suits for
Children, 2012. •  Marginalize makers and their work by categorizing them into the
sub-genre of community media, especially artists of color.

32  in medias res 2019 33



Question Bridge – This is a documentary project in which the

co-creators interviewed Black men across the US; these men were
invited to record questions for subsequent interviewees. The project
has taken many forms including a five-channel video installation,
book, mobile app, and community events.

Edge of the Knife – This is a dramatic feature film shot entirely in

the Haida language (British Columbia, Canada), and was co-created
by three organizations: the Haida Nation governmental body, Isuma
Productions (a Canadian Inuit Production Company), and the Uni-
versity of British Columbia.

The Panama Papers - A global collective of investigative journal-

ists from 107 global news organizations who joined forces in 2016 to
interpret the largest data leak in history. It brought down govern-
ments, presidents, and it marked the biggest effort ever in journal-
ism to collaborate rather than compete.

Family Album USA - Artist Thomas Allen Harris co-creates

a living and growing family picture album of America by travel-
ling across the country and inviting community members to share
images and stories from their personal family archives. The resulting
work involves live interactive performances, documentary films,
Forensic Architecture is an interdisciplinary research agency made up of architects, artists, filmmakers, journalist, software developers, scientists, lawyers, and a network of web projects, and now, a TV special series on the PBS (U.S.) televi-
collaborators, based at Goldsmiths, University of London. The agency develops novel evidentiary techniques and tools “for analysing and presenting state and corporate sion network.
violations of human rights across the globe (which) involve modelling dynamic events as they unfold in space and time by creating navigable 3D models, filmic animations
of environments undergoing conflict, and conceiving of interactive cartographies on the urban or architectural scale. The agency also develops open source software that
facilitates collective research together with victim groups and stake holders.” They collaborate with activists, legal prosecutors, and human rights organizations such as DOUG - Artist Sougwen Chung co-creates paintings with a robot
Amnesty International and the UN. Forensic Architecture is also an academic field started by Israeli architect Eyal Weizman which combines these two perspectives to in front of live audiences. The robot is prompted by both the artist’s
turn the architecture practice into “a methodological and analytic device, with which to investigate armed conflicts, environmental destruction and other political struggles.” actions and live data from urban surveillance systems.
Image of Rafah, courtesy of Forensic Architecture.

•  Have unintended consequences, especially online and with A.I. tions with co-creators. The following approaches help to both facili- The Folk Memory Project - Based in Beijing China, the collec-
tate co-creation and mitigate risks. Co-creation: tive invites young filmmakers to visit their home (in rural commu-
•  Exploit labor, steal ideas and profit from them. nities) to document the experiences of relatives and elders during
•  Begins with deep listening, fostering dialogue and learning rather the Great Famine of 1959-61. This growing body of work now
•  Be co-opted for the marketing of projects that reproduce power than coming in with preset agendas. includes over one thousand interviews. The collective performs the
inequities. recordings to live audiences, using projection, dance, and multime-
•  Involves identifying common principles and negotiating terms and dia.
Co-creation lives within an ecosystem of practices benefit agreements on individual, organizational, and community
Co-creation lives within a large dynamic ecosystem of practices levels. These terms are determined beforehand to ensure equity Eviction Lab - This is a co-created, trans-disciplinary project that
situated across many areas of knowledge. and inclusion, by clearly spelling out decision-making, ownership, draws on the collective expertise of sociologists, statisticians, econo-
and governance issues. mists, journalists, web engineers, and community members who
Co-creation has best practices and practical lessons from the all are engaged in documenting the rising crisis of evictions across
field •  Involves balancing the project’s process with outcomes, rather than America in real-time.
Several recurrent, key, practical lessons emerged from our conversa- pre-defining relationships and processes solely by the deliverables.

34  in medias res 2019 35


•  Fosters diverse, alternative forms of narrative structures. Co- by participatory design, and that involved group discussions. The
creators can shed linear, conventional formats, and embrace non- geographic scope of the project was significantly limited to North
linear, open-ended, ongoing, multi-vocal and circular, spiral America, although several projects and people reside elsewhere in
narrative forms. the world. Further, many participants referenced work tied to their
ancestral and diasporic communities.
•  Centers healing, safety, and sustainability by employing trauma-in- Some of the questions posed in this study are based on 20 years
formed practices. Co-created media projects are deeply connected of the team’s co-creative experience. This includes Katerina Cizek’s
to the well-being (and transformation) of the participants and decade-long sojourn at the National Film Board of Canada where
community rather than repeating and reproducing trauma for the she worked on two long-form, co-creative documentary projects
benefit of audiences or end-users. As such, ritual often replaces that involved in-person and on-line communities, and were inter-
performance in co-creative practices. disciplinary, as well as involved non-human systems. After Professor
William Uricchio and director Sarah Wolozin invited Cizek to join
•  Both allows for, and demands, appropriate forms of leadership, the MIT Open Documentary Lab as a visiting artist in 2015, the team
language, and technology. soon recognized a need for a hub to document, research, incubate,
and support co-creative practices. Work on the Co-Creation Studio
•  Provides community access to technological and media digital was begun with seed funding from MacArthur Foundation, with the
literacy as core to many co-creative projects. idea and funding for this field study originating with JustFilms at the
Ford Foundation.
•  Demands alternative models of funding, evaluation, and impact. The team sought to take active measures to arrive at a field study
that is reflective, as much as possible, of a wide range of worthy work,
•  Involves always being iterative, circling back (rather than ploughing of politically challenging content, and actionable tools. This field
ahead). study sought to: document historical and contemporary co-creation
projects; identify risks and tensions as well as practical approaches;
co-define co-creation practice and principles; highlight types of co-
FIELD STUDY APPROACH creation occurring across media disciplines and adjacent fields; and
showcase exceptional projects.
In the interest of accountability, we acknowledge that due to institu- Most importantly, this worked is shaped by many. Author and
tional constraints and proximity, this study has two primary authors placemaker Jay Pitter guided the MIT symposium, and contribut-
— a scholar and a documentarian — who are not living at the social ed valuable key questions as well as a framework for the executive
locations reflective of where some of this work emerged. summary. Further, this report includes chapters that highlight the
To begin to address these constraints, our approach to this work first-person voices of the Detroit Narrative Agency (DNA), Amelia
was designed to reflect multiple perspectives. Our research team was Winger-Bearskin, Louis Massiah, and an extended excerpt from
1. Research institutions; media institutions, and universities. The resources would
multidisciplinary, comprised of journalists, technologists, placemak- a conversation between Thomas Allen Harris, Michèle Stephen-
More research should be conducted by multiple stakeholders in order be intended for professional development as well.
ers, researchers, and students who are concerned with the history, son, Maori Holmes, Maria Agui Carter, and Juanita Anderson. The
to map and understand operations of co-creation given the context of
relevance and opportunity of collective methods. Additionally, we report also features papers and spotlights (case studies) written by
a dominant culture, predisposed to individual ownership, accumula- 3. Structural Changes at Institutions
intentionally sought out the expertise of members of historically mar- Sarah Wolozin, Dr. Richard Lachman, and Sara Rafsky. The report
tion, and appropriation. We need to understand the implications of More research and testing within institutions, both public and private,
ginalized communities both within and outside academia. We invited is polyvocal in that it is primarily built of direct quotes from over 100
co-creation in a society of systemic inequity and in an era of fast- must be undertaken, by acknowledging and funding process, and not
co-authors to write chapters and participate in the conversations, interviews and discussions. It also includes vibrant examples of 251
changing biological and technological (A.I., e.g.) developments. We just product. Modes of creation beyond traditional authorship should
and in one case we were invited to enter into a written community such as the following, which suggest the diversity and abundance of
need to continue to learn from historic and current human practices be recognized. This will develop pathways for co-creative practices
benefit agreement. Finally, we embarked on an extensive participa- approaches to co-creation projects:
by studying and understanding co-creation: in business/organization- internally, and methods to reach communities that already co-create.
tory reviewing and editing phase of this document.
al models; in diverse communities; internationally; in ownership and These processes must be ethical, just, transparent, and equitable.
Overall, we conducted 99 individual interviews and held 10 group RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MEDIA CO- intellectual-property models; art collectives; co-operative economic
discussions; a total of 160 people working in media and related fields CREATION models; transdisciplinary models and partnerships in art and A.I.; in 4. Spaces for Incubation and Production
participated actively in the study. Recognizing that this approach is
deep fake and synthetic media, and in new forms of convening. More sustainable programs, fellowships, workshops, and incubators
not comprehensive, we will publish this manuscript as a live, dynamic Overwhelmingly, the research points to recommendations that should be developed to facilitate co-creative projects that honor the
study on innovative digital platforms that enable further conversations involve supporting and investing in process, not solely in deliverables
2. A Library of Toolkits and Curricula processes, multiple partnerships, and length of project time frames
and that will encourage more voices to join the discussion. or products. This recommendation extends across individual projects,
There is a need to create resources for teaching, sharing, and learning needed. The governance of these spaces and projects needs to be in-
We conducted a literature review and gathered lists of 222 readings community initiatives, institutional support, and identifies a need for
co-creative models. This involves co-creative strategic planning that terrogated. These sites need to provide adequate resources, mentors,
and 251 projects relevant to this field of study. We used a hybrid systemic changes in the ways media are produced and connected to
will create networks and hubs to document, organize, and create an ac- cross-disciplinary supports, witnesses, and, intentional healing and
methodology, with a first phase of exploratory, open-ended, one-on- social movements. Some of this work may be appropriate in partner-
cessible library of existing toolkits (contracts, worksheets, community trauma-informed practices should be implemented.
one interviews with key practitioners and stakeholders (including a ship with the Co-Creation Studio at MIT Open Documentary Lab,
agreement forms), best practices, and that will map failures through
snowball methodology to help identify other potential participants/ while other work may best be suited elsewhere. Our key recommen-
modular curricula. These networks and hubs should include: media- 5. Networks for Distribution
projects). We combined this approach with a second phase informed dations follow.
makers; community groups; non-profits; private companies; public Spaces and networks for distributing co-creative projects need to be

36  in medias res 2019 37



Emily Levenson, ’22

Each year, an editorial board of CMS/W lecturers puts together

Angles, a collection of the best work from students in introductory
writing subjects. Emily Levenson’s piece below is one of eleven pieces
selected this year and one of three under the umbrella of “Landscape
and Memory”, with the others collected under “Identity and Expe-
rience”, “Identity and Experience”, “Issues in Science and Tech-
nology”, and “Profiles”. You can read them all at

very summer, my family makes the five hour drive from
Berkeley, California to the Warner Valley — home to
lush green meadows and tall pine trees nestled amidst
three mountains. For thirteen miles from Chester, the
nearest logging town, you pass through dense, dark forest only to
Zhang Menqi dances with Grandma Lei in the Folk Memory Project, a co-creative, ongoing program that animates intergenerational rural communities through oral have the road open up into a pale yellow and spring green clearing.
history, documentary, dance, and collective healing. Photograph courtesy of The Folk Memory Project. Mountains Harkness and Kelly frame the road. The narrow asphalt This stream has been redirected countless times by aspiring hydraulic
leads directly towards Mt. Lassen in the north. An outcropping of engineers such as these, equipped with sticks and shovels. Pictured: My little
rock on the volcano’s face looks like an eye from miles away. My dad sister Eva (left) and her friend (right).
supported. These spaces include community centers, libraries, alter- Media co-creation allows for new, better questions, and for paths and I always joke that it’s the villain Count Olaf ’s hideout from A
native spaces, schools, festivals, and universities. This space might be in which there are not always singular answers. Co-creation can Series of Unfortunate Events.1
with allied funders engaged in projects. enrich daily practice, it demands self-reflection, and forges harmoni- The road skims the perimeter of the meadow, which quickly transi- tion of the lavas by which soil was formed. Forest growth commenced — to
ous, equitable relationships between partners, within and across com- tions into a bog, shrouded from view by a dry line of evergreen trees. hold in storage moisture from the rains. Gradually in outward appearance
CONCLUSION munities, beyond disciplines, and working with non-human systems, Two simple wooden cabins on stilts with big decks face each other this barren lava field was softened by the beauty of lake and forest, pleasant
many of which we do not yet fully understand. next to a little bubbling creek. My grandparents built these cabins a brooks and lovely flowers. The work of the old volcano was done, yet it
Of the thousands of engravings at the Qobustan petroglyph site in Throughout the making of this study, primarily through the generation ago after purchasing the land from one Mr. Lee, a cattle has continued from time to time in less significant bursts of present-day
Azerbaijan, one inscription was likely the work of a single person. listening, we have been humbled by the stories of co-creation, and by rancher who owned the valley (“Warner Valley Wildlife Area”). My activity, as though, like some old gentleman impelled by vanity, to voice in
Probably the last carving of note here is graffiti, at the base of the the openness of stakeholders to learn from each other and to engage dad came here every summer as a kid, and now the familiar greenery later generations the importance of past accomplishment. (Lassen Glimpses:
site — carved out by a Roman legionary passing through in the First in courageous questioning. The conversations have been nuanced, and crisp air mark my own time off from school. The Lassen Park Guide Book, 3)
Century C.E., one who chiseled out a version of the message, “I was messy, difficult, exciting, and above all, overflowing. Co-creation The Lassen National Park boundary signs create a ring around our
here.” The sentiment feels lonely, almost mournful, however, when carries with it a profound respect for each person’s unique expertise, property, little aluminum plaques painted white with matte olive text, Each trip to Lassen is marked by the same traditions. We swim in
juxtaposed against the collective spirit rising from the petroglyphs and also the knowledge that we must share both the burden and the nailed into the soft bark of conifer trees. Long before this place was the Feather River; we visit Drakesbad Guest Ranch to feed carrots to
across the interiors of the massive rock faces, and surviving across liberation of determining our future collectively. There is an urgency mine, its natural beauty captivated travelers’ imagination. I recently their horses. If we’re lucky, we get to hang out in the pool, which is
millennia. What vibrates instead is something joyful and ecstatic, a to the challenges we face in this moment in history, and no one person, discovered a guidebook for the park from 1929. The author speaks directly fed by water from the mineral hot springs in the neighbor-
proclamation that, “We are here!” organization, or discipline can determine all the answers alone. with reverence about the power of the natural processes that shaped ing foothills. According to a historical report by the Park Service,
Together, we share a vast history of co-creation. From early Making can divide, alienate, and exploit — or it has the potential to the land, capturing my wonder over seventy years before I was born. Drakesbad was originally just a series of campsites and a log cabin
rock art, to the development of our sacred texts, to the politicized be inclusive, equitable, and respectful. The latter conditions are far built by a trapper named Drake in the late 1800’s. The Sifford family
twentieth-century newsreel collectives, to the latest experiments in more conducive to the collective efforts it will take to address the Time, and Nature in her further processes of creation, caused decomposi- bought the property around the turn of the century and brought in
immersive technologies fuelled by A.I., co-creation is remarkably immense challenges of structural inequality, exponential population guests by the hundreds to drink from the mineral springs, fish, and
commonplace. But it is also remarkably invisible. Before it is co-opted growth, the Anthropocene, and the ever-diminishing resources that hunt. In 1914, Mt. Lassen erupted and continued to expel ash for the
by digital empires, and marketeers, we have a chance to define it, follow in their wake. In reaching beyond the mere sum of our collec- 1  A Series of Unfortunate Events is a children’s series by Lemony Snicket, which follows the better part of a decade, drawing in adventurous tourists and getting
claim it, and ground it to principles of equity, justice and authentic tive intelligence, we stand a chance at finding our collective wisdom. miserable lives of three orphans. Their dastardly relative, Count Olaf, perpetually tries to steal the the resort on its feet (Hoke, Warner, 9).
collective models of ownership. Co-creation offers hope. siblings’ fortune in cruel and creative ways. Olaf’s symbol is an eye, tattooed on his bony ankle.

38  in medias res 2019 39


Now, when we get cabin fever, the short drive down the road Meanwhile, my dad has no fear plunging in from the rock six feet
provides a welcome excursion. My dad knows the people who run the above, which gives me heart palpitations. Back home, Dad works
place by name, even though we’ve never once stayed there as guests. managing budgets for the city and county of San Francisco. I imagine
Drakesbad boasts several trailheads, so we usually hike into some pri- him making million-dollar decisions for one of the biggest cities in
mordial wasteland with a name like “Devil’s Kitchen”, marked by the country, just by shifting over columns in a spreadsheet. It’s the
the smell of sulfur and steam pouring out of the ground. An excerpt kind of work that requires good sense and a level head. That respon-
from the book Romance of the National Parks (2009) referred to Lassen sible civil servant is another creature from this effortlessly adventurous
as “an arena where interpretation of the processes of creation may be mountain man.
graphically illustrated for laymen” ( James). The earth seems to breathe When I’m fourteen, my dad and I drive along the bumpy backroads
through these geothermal hotspots, and the landscape comes alive to Cinder Cone. We have the only car on the flat highway from here
right in front of us. to the horizon. We see an unkempt dirt road split off. The sign points
But first, the Feather River. The walk down to the swimming hole to a town, eighty miles away. Imagine, we’re already in the middle
is always rich with anticipation. The dusty path curves through brittle of nowhere and somewhere off far in the wilderness lies…something.
trees until broad boulders come into view. Now comes the choice, to Someone. We swear that one day, we’d like to turn off on that road
scramble down the sunbaked rocks or keep to the dirt path down to a and drive for a few hours, just to see who lives out there.
grassy rectangle the size of a patio. The river glistens, and you can see We drive all the way to the side of Lassen National Park opposite
every calico stone that lines its floor. When I see the water, I feel the the cabin. The beginning of the hike is just an average stroll through
freezing burn in my throat, a premonition, the feeling of all my nerves the forest, but normality is left behind when cooled lava beds become
lighting up when I dive into the river of snow melt. The sun relent- a wall along the trail. Soon, a black cone of sand towering into the sky There’s no shade on Cinder Cone, so you better bring your best floppy hat.
lessly beats down on my already sunburned shoulders. Pine needles comes into view. It looks like an artifact of an alien world, bare except Pictured: My dad. A fever dream of a landscape.
prickle my unprotected bare feet. We lay out our beach towels, bright for a few lonely trees poking out of the earth. From directly below, the
crayola-box hues of turquoise, orange, and magenta. Shirts come off, path spiraling up its side looks like a forty-five degree angle. For every
sunscreen sprayed on, egg salad sandwiches and green grapes enjoyed step up the black gravel, my feet slide a few inches back down the trail. go off trail with him in a geothermal area where falling through the our notch nicked into the bark of a massive Jeffrey pine tree. Still, I
in the spotted shade of sparse, young evergreen trees. I’m not sure you could even call it a trail. It is a flat stretch of sand brittle ground would mean third-degree burns. If they made one suppose we are just passing through.
This is the mountains to me. Reading on the rocks with my feet that blends into the slope. Dad teaches me the “Sierra Step”, a tired wrong step, getting help would require a helicopter lift to the nearest This alien world is one where my mind feels clear and exhilarated.
dangling in the icy water. Turning sideways to squeeze through a backpacker’s method of taking nano-sized breaks to avoid stopping hospital, at least fifty miles away, after someone hiked far enough to The wind picks up as we walk the perimeter of the crater at the top of
diagonal crevice between two boulders, a pathway down to a secret completely. For every three steps, you pause for a beat. One, two, find cell service to call the authorities. Luckily, they made it through Cinder Cone, and I grab my dad’s hand. I picture myself falling down
grotto. My brother claims that he saw a frog in there once. Dad three, rest. One, two, three, rest. I try not to look down. unscathed, but I could never imagine taking that risk on a whim. the mountain, scraping my hands and knees on the sand. He keeps me
said he’d pay us a quarter for every frog we saw. They’d died out in To pass the time, he tells me about his time in the Peace Corps. With no distractions but the butterflies looping through the breeze upright and stands in between me and the edge.
droves over the past few decades. When he was a kid, the brooks were These are my favorite stories because the young, male protagonist is and lizards peeking over the edges of rocks, we talk deeply and for
bubbling with amphibian croaking, but the frogs only exist in our simultaneously courageous and naive, lost and virtuous. This adven- hours. It feels like we’ve gone back in time. The internet seems but a WORKS REFERENCED
collective memory now. turer joined the Peace Corps because he didn’t know what to do after twinkle in some military computer scientist’s eye, and I am hiking up
I stand on the edge of the grey rock, toes inches from the edge, graduating college. He learned Ciluba (a central African language) an ancient cone of volcanic sand in the middle of the wilderness. We Collins, G.L. and Lind, H.C. Lassen Glimpses: The Lassen Park Guide
peering down at sunlight flickering on green water. I can just barely and fish farming and set off for two years in Zaire, now known as reach the peak. Book. 1929. <
see the pebbles several feet beneath the surface. A deep breath. A glance the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Arrogantly, he brushed off In one direction, the Painted Dunes look like someone took buckets id/552.>
back at the boy behind me. A leap into first exhilarating nothingness warnings from members of his first village while choosing where to of rusty red and violet hues and poured them over a windy beach.
and then an iciness shooting through every vein. And a moment of build his home. Within months, his new hut was eaten from the inside Next to them, the Fantastic Lava Beds are a harsh field of jagged, Hergé. The Adventures of Tintin. London: Egmont Group, 1929 – 1976.
peace. And then my head bursts out of the water. I consider whooping out by termites, since he had it built directly on an underground porous igneous rock. Visible in a far corner of the park, Mt. Lassen
like my dad always does, then think better of it. I am seven years old, termite mound. Another time, my dad (or this Tintin-like hero whom winks its eye behind miles and miles of burned forest; the leafless trees Hoke, Amy, and Len Warner. “Cultural Landscape Report for
and then fourteen, and then seventeen. When I’m a kid, the boy is my my dad talks about2) accidentally bought rotten hippopotamus meat are veterans of the wildfires. Where I am at a loss for words, the 1929 Drakesbad Guest Ranch.” National Park Service, U.S. Department of
brother, cheekily telling me to kiss my biceps and yell “Firepower!” to from the market and only realized his error a bite away from painful guidebook describes the scene for me: the Interior, Mar. 2005. <
work up the courage to leap into the water. In middle school, the boy food poisoning. When he walked into a new village, there to build ment/upload/Drakesbad_CLR.pdf.>
is a teenage family friend. He’s loud and teases me for being “basic” fish ponds and make friends, children would run away screaming. In part a fertile land of Nature’s agriculture, contrasted by bits of pres-
when I wear knee socks with shorts. He and his twin sister are a year They thought he was a ghost or the bogeyman, there to punish them ent-day volcanics; all combined to make more interesting the magnificent James, Harlean. “Romance of the National Parks (Chapter 8).”
older, and I desperately want their approval. Last summer, the boy is for not doing their chores. spectacle of the old volcano rising in the midst. Perhaps nowhere in the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, 18 Nov.
my boyfriend, brought on family vacation as a last hurrah before he My dad knows everything, and in the mountains he is both a novel world is the work of Nature in relation to physical geography evidenced 2009, <>
moves away and we break up for college. He tells me that this place and an encyclopedia. Swashbuckling and rule breaking, world traveler, more clearly or more interestingly. Here is a museum — a rather special
feels like home now, too. I don’t want this spot to be his. It’s mine, my adventurer, explorer. He once convinced a National Park Ranger to treasure chest of Nature’s varied handiwork. (Lassen Glimpses: The Lassen Snicket, Lemony. A Series of Unfortunate Events. New York: Harper-
dad’s, my brother’s. We let visitors in for a look around and share the Park Guidebook, 4) Collins, 1999 – 2004.
bliss of the Feather River with them for a week at a time. In the end,
2  The Adventures of Tintin by Hergé is a 20th-century Belgian comic book series that follows
this spot holds our intertwined family history, ever growing. The landscape is oblivious to the breath caught in my throat. I don’t “Warner Valley Wildlife Area.” California Department of Fish and
a reporter (Tintin) who gets in trouble and goes on worldwide adventures. My dad tried to read me
Preparing to jump from just a few feet above the river always makes think my presence would even register on its geological timeline. I Wildlife, State of California, <
the original French versions as a kid, but that didn’t go too well because I don’t speak French. We
my hands shake, and I have to dance around to brush off my jitters. like to think that my family has etched some dent into its surface, to-Visit/Warner-Valley-WA#11946194-history.>
had to settle for the translations.

40  in medias res 2019 41



Boer Fu, graduate student in Linguistics and Philosophy Obermayer Prize For Writing on the History of Innovation
2019 ILONA KARMEL WRITING (Graduate Students)
PRIZES WINNERS Kallirroi Retzepi, “You the Users”

Obermayer Prize For Writing on the History of Innovation

Boit Prize for Engineering Writing
(Undergraduate Students)
1st: Amy Fang, “How Bake Time and Ingredient Ratios
1st: Yiwei Zhu, “Evaluating South East Asian Souvenirs”
Affect Cookie Texture”
Honorable Mentions: Steven Truong, “The Chronology of
2nd: Kristen Frombach, “Haugh Model and Modification”
Horology”, and Jessica Adams, “Beyond Objectivity”
Boit Manuscript Prize, Essay
Obermayer Prize for Writing for the Public
Jessica Adams, “After the Storm”
1st: Boer Fu, “The History of the Underground”
Honorable Mention: Agnes Cameron, “Hiding in Plain
Boit Manuscript Prize, Fiction
1st (Tie): Rona Wang, “Idols”, and Jocelyn Shen, “Time
Robert A. Boit Prize (Essay)
2nd: Daniel Guberek, “Paths That Can’t Be Traced”
1st: Gabriella Zak, “More Than a Pretty Picture”
Honorable Mention: Sam Pauley, “A Fool’s Errand”
2nd: Gailin Pease, “Following Spiders”
3rd Prize: Lily Jordan, “Problem Exists between Chair and
Boit Manuscript Prize, Poetry
1st: Sophia Diggs-Galligan, “Sylvian Fissure”
2nd (Tie): Gailin Pease, “Years Spent Wanting”, and Jullianna
Robert A. Boit Prize (Poetry)
Bracco, “Text Your Friends and Water Your Plants”
1st: Rona Wang, “affirmative reaction”
Honorable Mention (Tie): Fatima Gunter-Rahman, “Life’s
“The History of the Underground” won first place in the Obermayer of the smell of smoke. At first, you think nothing of it, as this is 2nd: Sophia E Diggs-Galligan, “Other People”
Small Questions”, and Katie O’Nell, “A Natural Body”
Prize for Writing for the Public, part of the 2019 Ilona Karmel nothing compared to the constant whiff of manure on the roads above 3rd Prize: Ayse Güvenilir, “Where I Come From”
Writing Prizes. The dozen-plus prizes are awarded every May by ground. But after a few stops, the sulfuric smell becomes more and Honorable Mention: Olivia (Liv) Koslow, “The Eye Behind
DeWitt Wallace Prize for Science Writing for the Public
Comparative Media Studies/Writing. This competition was named in more unbearable. A child bursts out crying in the corner, and you Itself ”
1st: Mimi Wahid, “Urban Forestry”
honor of the late Ilona Karmel, novelist, poet and Senior Lecturer in begin to wonder if you are going to die of suffocation right here on
2nd: Leah Yost, “Unimaginable Magnitude”
the writing program. Throughout her teaching career, Karmel’s out- the spot. The train pulls to a stop, and a voice on the platform cries Robert A. Boit Prize (Short Story)
Honorable Mention: Joe Faraguna, “We Are All Slime Molds
standing contributions to creative writing at MIT were her inspira- out: King’s Cross. You feel much relieved, only one more station to 1st: Chloe Yang, “The Flavor Engineers”
at Heart”
tional teachings and relationships with students. go. You happen to look across the carriage to see someone reading 2nd: Ivy Li, “The Veteran’s Blue Flowers”

a newspaper. On the front is a picture of the American president, 3rd Prize: Hannah Ledford, “Deviled Eggs”
Ellen King Prize for First-Year Writing
ou are standing on a platform underground of Baker Abraham Lincoln, under which is the latest development of the war Honorable Mention: Gailin Pease, “Tidal Restoration”
1st: Ruby Kharod, “Unprepared” (essay)
Street, but there is plenty of natural light coming through going on across the Atlantic.
2nd: Nicole Munne, “March 14th ” (short story)
the glasses in the arched roof. The train is nowhere to be The date is January 10, 1863. And you are one of the 30,000 S. Klein Prize (Scientific Writing)
seen yet, but you can faintly hear a rhythmic rumbling Londoners who rode the world’s first underground railway, the Met- 1st: Leah Yost, “The Problem with Pain”
Enterprise Poets Prize for Imagining a Future
coming from deep inside the tunnel. Many people, like you, stand ropolitan Railway, on its opening day. 2nd: Andrea K. Beck, “Mentor Motivations”
1st: Jessica Adams, “If Jesus Had an Instagram”
on their tiptoes to have a proper look, men wearing top hats, and The Metropolitan Railway was the brainchild of Charles Pearson,
2nd (Tie): Luíza Bastos Lages, “Fictional Landscapes”, and
Image from the Illustrated London News, April 7, 1860.
women with skirts that touch the floor. The thundering becomes a solicitor to the City of London. He first proposed the idea of an un- S. Klein Prize (Technical Writing)
Sachin Bhagchandani, “Simulated Reality Machine”
louder and louder. Before you see the headlight of the train, you hear derground railway transportation in the 1840’s, to relieve the working 1st (Tie) Brigid Bane, “Dopaminergic projections from
a sonorous whistle first. Then the steam locomotive comes into full class of their cramped living situation in the city by helping them the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the posterior basolat-
The Rebecca Blevins Faery Prize for Autobiographical Essay
view, elegantly stopping by the platform. The crowd jostled forward, move to the suburbs. eral amygdala (pBLA) help extinguish fear memories” and
1st: Chloe Yang, “Battle Hymn of a Tiger Child”
while a guard’s booming voice is carried down the platform, asking It was a time that saw the rapid development of intercity railways. Kimberly Feng, “Cellular Modulation of Allograft Injury in a
2nd: Rona Wang, “The Moon and Her Lady”
people to go to the carriage that corresponds to the class on their Ever since the opening of the first passenger rail service powered Model of Lung Transplant”
tickets. You re-examines your ticket, 3rd class, and is delighted to find by steam locomotives between Liverpool and Manchester in 1830,
King Prize for Writing Science Fiction
you are standing on the right section of the platform. Stepping onto there had been a wave of railway constructions heading into London. Vera List Prize for Writing on the Visual Arts
1st: Steven Truong, “The Little Sparrow”
the train, you find that all the seats have been taken. But that’s no The first to reach the capital was the London and Croydon Railway, 1st: Zhexi Zhang, “Lu Yang, Chaos and Cosmos”
2nd: Daniel Guberek, “Recreation at a Library”
matter, you are content with standing. A whistle sounds off from the opening its south bank terminus London Bridge in 1836. Euston 2nd: Jocelyn Shen, “Between Barbed Wire: A Visual Analysis
Honorable Mention: Sam Ingersoll, “The Fish Tells You to
platform, and the train begins to move. opened in 1837, Paddington in 1838, Waterloo in 1848, etc. of TIME’s Welcome to America”
Once inside the tunnel, the windows become pitch black. You see The frantic period of building railways into London by various
a blurry reflection of yourself by the flickering gas light anchored on companies gave rise to the high concentration of train stations in
the walls of the carriages. The air is hot and steamy, with a tinge central London today — almost twenty. But they weren’t so central in

42  in medias res 2019 43


the mid 19th century. What was considered urban London consisted soot. The Times famously described a ride underground as “a mild
of only two areas, the City of London (the skyscraper-controlled form of torture which no persons would undergo if he could help it.”
financial district today), and Westminster (where government and But the thing is, most people couldn’t help it. Londoners, rich and
theaters are located). Anywhere else are suburbs or villages. The poor, flocked to the Metropolitan line. City clerks (white collars)
choice of locations for these stations is quite similar to airports today traveled from their comfortable suburban cottages to the city in the
— far away from the city. The reason? 1st or 2nd class carriages, and the working class from their rented ac-
The government at the time decided to ban railway construc- commodation in the 3rd. A special workman’s fare was created by the
tions inside the city, probably because it was an eyesore to the urban government, providing a 60% discount on the ticket on the 5:30am
aesthetic. Another reason was that rich people, who owned properties and 5:40am trains. Victorian workers weren’t so picky about having to
in the city, were more vocal against their houses being torn down wake up early. They had to, anyway. Before the advent of the under-
for the construction of railways, whereas the poor who lived on the ground trains, it took many of them more than an hour to get to work,
outskirts of the city were, well, no one listened to the poor. using the only means of transport available to them — feet.
So the million pound question was: how to further transport the The following decades saw the extension of the Metropolitan line
passengers from the big London termini into the actual city. And that created many new suburbs and pushed the city boundary further
Pearson thought of a way: if no tracks can be built on the streets of the out, as well as the addition of the District line and the Circle line. But
city, then why don’t we build them under the streets? it wasn’t until the year 1890 that London commuters were finally able
The proposal was welcomed by the different railway companies that to breathe properly in a tunnel that is not filled with smoke.
were interested in sending their passengers into the heart of the city. The City and South London Railway was a first in many ways.
And they offered to contribute financially to the project. Indeed, the It was the first underground railway to use electricity, instead of
first portion of the Metropolitan Railway that was built ran between steam, as a source of power. It was the first deep-level underground,
Paddington and Farringdon. With Farringdon being the train station or “tube”, built using the Greathead shield. Named after the South-
closest to the City of London at the time, the line linked it up with African-born engineer James Henry Greathead, it was a huge metal
several major stations on the northern periphery of the city, all the cylinder, that could be lowered deep underground. Once it was lying
way from the westernmost and furthermost Paddington, via Maryle- down comfortably, it can be pushed forward in a horizontal direction,
bone, Euston, St. Pancras, and King’s Cross. with laborers standing on scaffolds inside the cylinder, digging away
Facing Park Street Church, the 1895 excavation of Tremont Street. Credit: Bostonian Society.
Construction of the underground railway began in October, 1859. earth in the front. Another group of workers in the back laid the bricks
It was headed by engineer Sir John Fowler, using a method called or concrete to form the actual walls of the tunnel, with the help of
“cut-and-cover”. It is exactly as the name suggests, a trench was cut tunnel-sized metal rings. The Greathead shield was actually inspired drawn omnibuses, horse-drawn streetcars, followed one after another, Street in Cambridgeport, and many more were picked up along the
on the surface of the road, and covered later to form a tunnel. A thor- by the Brunel shield, which was developed by the French genius Marc with so little space in between, that the whole street ground to a halt way after the car crossed the Charles River on Harvard Bridge. The
oughfare on the north side of London was completely cut open for a Isambard Brunel to dig the Thames Tunnel back in 1826, the first un- from dawn to dusk, and completely blocked the way of horse-drawn car was brimming with passengers, many of whom stood on the edge,
few years, with hundreds and thousands of laborers digging, laying derwater tunnel (a walkway tunnel) in the world. The 1890 tube was ambulances and horse-drawn fire trucks in an emergency. with their heads, arms, and legs hanging outside the car, when it was
down tracks, and building up the ceiling of the tunnels with bricks also the first railway in Britain to have no class distinctions between Henry Whitney managed to bring Sprague and electric railway to greeted by a huge crowd at the entrance to the subway right before
and steel. Where the line had to go under houses, those houses were carriages and have a flat fare for everyone. Boston, but he wasn’t able to bring about a subway. That grander vision Arlington. In the clamor of the crowd, the car bowed down and disap-
torn down. Many poor people were dislocated to further suburbs, The initial success of the underground in London had caught the had to be achieved by mayor Nathan Matthews, Jr., His reproposed peared into the tunnel.
with a measly compensation from the railway company, but not much attention of railway magnates and city officials all over Europe and subway plan was passed by Bostonians in a referendum in November The scene that greeted the brave passengers was a pleasant surprise.
more than the degree of dislocation of any previous railway works on across the Atlantic, but the smoke-filled tunnels had put many cities 1894, but only by a small margin. Many people were opposed to the What they expected was a dark, damp, and chilly underworld, but
the ground. And where the line met rivers or underground streams, off the idea of constructing their own underground railway. However, idea of venturing into the underworld before their time was due. what they saw was an underground palace brightly lighted with
the waters were diverted and tamed in steel pipes that became sewers. this all changed in 1881, when Werner von Siemens built the first Construction began in March, 1895, using the cut-and-cover electric bulbs. And the air they were breathing in was even better
On January 10, 1863. The final product was ready. Trains of electric tram line in Berlin. Prior to this, trams were driven by horses method as the Metropolitan in London. The first section to be built than that above ground. No horse manure! When the car stopped at
carriages were running in the tunnels, powered by steam engines. on tracks in the streets. Later in 1888, America also welcomed its was between Arlington and Park Street. Soon, the southern and its final destination, Park Street, many passengers enjoyed the ride so
A bizarre choice, by our modern standard, to use in a fairly enclosed first electric tram service, in hilly Richmond. It was designed by the eastern edges of Boston Common were disemboweled. Trees had much that they refused to leave, determined to go on another round.
space with not much ventilation. Yet it was the only reasonable choice American engineer Frank Sprague. He implemented a third rail on to be replanted elsewhere, telephone and telegraph wires had to be In the century (and a half ) that followed the inauguration of their
for power, the alternative being horses. Horses couldn’t pull multiple the ground, to relay electricity to the motor on the tram. He also rerouted, sewage and gas pipes had to be approached with caution. underground railways, both London and Boston saw dramatic geo-
carriages. They were too slow. They would freak out in the dark added a rod on top of the tram to connect it to an overhead wire to And, much to the shock and dismay of citizens, human remains had graphical growth. The metropolitan area of Greater London today is
tunnels, and bring manure to the underground, too. But engineers further power the tram. This rod had another function, making sure to be unearthed and reburied elsewhere, 910 in total. Furthermore, estimated to be 606 square miles. What used to be London’s city
did anticipate the production of steam and smoke in the tunnels, and that the tram did not run off rail, which would stall traffic. The news tragedy had to be endured, when construction of the subway caused a proper, an area little more than a square mile, is no longer crammed
they came up with all sorts of modifications to the steam engine to of Sprague’s work in Richmond spread to Boston, where America’s leak in a gas pipe underground at the corner of Tremont and Boylston, with dignitaries, merchants, laborers, prostitutes and common thieves.
adapt it for the new operation. A specially-fine coal was used, a water- first underground railway would be built. resulting in an explosion that killed ten passersby on March 4, 1897. Now it is deemed to be a place only proper for work and not stay. Its
cooling tank was enlarged, giant ventilation shafts were created, etc. In 1887, Henry Whitney, the king of Boston streetcars (again, horse- Miraculously, the subway was unharmed in the explosion. And merely population today is a measly 9401. As to Boston, people who consider
But when the trains started running in 1863, people found that the drawn trams on rails) and owner of vast land in Brookline, already six months later, it opened. themselves Bostonians reside in Brookline, Watertown, Medford and
improvements were almost negligible. More ventilation shafts were aware of Sprague’s experiments, first proposed to build an electric On the morning of September 1, 1897, the subway tunnel welcomed beyond. Without a rapid and affordable form of transport, the common
built, fans were implemented, the glass ceilings in Baker Street station subway in downtown Boston. It was in response to the congestion of its first passengers. They came in a car numbered 1752, driven by people would have been trapped in a small radius from city center,
were broken through. Still, the tunnels were filled with smoke and road traffic. On Tremont Street, horse-drawn private carriages, horse- James Reed. Some of them came on board in Allston, some on Pearl forever doomed to toil their way to work on their two feet.

44  in medias res 2019 45


MEET THE NEW Elon Justice is a videographer and writer with an

interest in digital media platforms and co-cre-
students in Maine public schools. Prior to attending MIT, Roya
worked at Compass Lexecon, an economic consulting firm in Boston,
ticipating in the wider underground, ranging from publishing mental
health resources and releasing fundraiser albums on a digital record

GRADUATE ative storytelling. She graduated from Western

Kentucky University in 2017 with a B.A. in TV/
providing data analysis and research for litigation and labor matters in
the aviation and energy industries.
label to disseminating literature that could help music venues make
their bathrooms accessible, pleasant spaces.

STUDENTS Film Production and a minor in Creative

Writing, and most recently worked as a commer-
At MIT, Roya works in the Teaching Systems Lab, exploring and
developing unique methods for teacher learning. Outside of her
He hopes to pursue community-strengthening media practices
during his research in CMS and work in the Center for Civic Media.
cial producer for a local television station in academic pursuits, Roya serves as concertmaster of the Boston chapter
Bowling Green, KY. of the Me2/Orchestra, an ensemble with a mission to erase the stigma Kelly Wagman is a researcher, technologist, and
An Eastern Kentucky native, Elon has long been acutely aware surrounding mental illness through performance and outreach. designer. She is interested in understanding how
of media portrayals of underrepresented populations that are often we can design and build inclusive and ethical so-
Diego Cerna Aragon is a technology and media
one-dimensional, stereotypical, or altogether inaccurate. She aims to JJ Otto (pronouns they/he) is a writer, research- ciotechnical systems. In previous work she has
researcher from Peru. His work focuses on
combat this phenomenon by working alongside these populations to er, and gamer most recently from Minneapolis, examined the effects of disconnecting from
discourse analysis, expert knowledge and the
co-create media that allows for more varied and truthful representa- MN. In writing, JJ explores unique ways to Facebook and looked at public perceptions of
uses of new technologies. He earned a bachelor’s
tions of their regions. present stories, and spends a lot of time world- digital assistants through memes and search
degree in Communication from the University
In her free time, Elon enjoys traveling, over-analyzing her favorite building for TTRPGs. As a researcher, JJ’s queries. While at MIT she is excited to be working with the Global
of Lima.
music and TV shows, and teaching others how to correctly pronounce interests center on games and storytelling in Media Technology & Cultures Lab.
In Peru, Diego worked as a communications
her name (Hint: It’s not like Elon Musk). general as versatile mediums to incite social Prior to MIT, Kelly worked as a research assistant at Microsoft
official and researcher at the Institute of Peruvian Studies, one of the
change and promote personal growth. Particularly, JJ is interested in Research where she collaborated with the Economics group and the
most long-standing think tanks in the country. During this experi-
Andrea Kim is a documentarian and media- tabletop games as platforms to teach creative writing and social skills, Social Media Collective on quantitative and qualitative social science
ence, he explored how bureaucrats employed different new technolo-
maker interested in how media technologies and and assist in the safe exploration of one’s identity. Through novel research projects. Previously, she worked as a software engineer at
gies, such as digital platforms for technical cooperation and algorith-
storytelling practices build social narratives. In narrative structures, cooperative play, and thoughtful representation, Microsoft in Office 365, and at Facebook.
mic systems for socioeconomic classification.
undergrad, Andrea drew from feminist and de- JJ aims to help bring new players and experiences to game culture and Kelly graduated from Brown University with a double major in
Diego has also been involved in political transparency initia-
colonial theories of embodiment to understand make it more accessible to diverse groups. Computer Science and Economics. She enjoys yoga, rock climbing,
tives from civil society. He was part of Open Parliament, a project
immersive media by how it organizes the per- JJ graduated from the University of Rochester with a B.A. in Psy- matcha lattes, electronic music, sewing, and exploring new places.
dedicated to gather, store and publish data from official activities of
ceptual modes of the material body. This interest chology and a B.S. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences. While in college,
members of the Peruvian Congress.
At MIT, Diego works as a research assistant at the Global Media
in the body has led her to her work at the Center for Global Women’s they worked as a research assistant for various psychology labs and SCIENCE WRITING
Health Technologies at Duke, where she investigated how the design conducted an independent study on the game This War of Mine to
Technology and Cultures Lab.
of medical technologies influences access to cervical health in low- learn more about how games influence our empathy and social con- Ashley Belanger is a journalist whose reporting,
For his master’s thesis, he plans to research the practices employed
resourced settings. To this end, she is developing The (In)visible sciousness. In Denmark, JJ studied the development of the asexual features, and essays explore the tensions between
by experts, journalists, and government officials to combat disinfor-
Organ, a documentary film and digital storytelling initiative to des- community in Copenhagen, and learned a lot about identity devel- what science discovers and what humans experi-
mation in the Peruvian public sphere.
tigmatize reproductive health. opment, exposure to diverse identities, and the importance of repre- ence. Captivated by neuroscience and technolo-
At heart, Andrea is interested in participatory learning and socio- sentation for those in marginalized communities. The winter before gy, as an arts critic, she garnered recognition for
Will Freudenheim is a researcher and game
cultural exchange in the context of an increasingly globalized world. graduating JJ worked with an indie game team at GLITCH to create essays discussing scientific theories in the context
designer. His work is focused on investigating
In the past, she worked in schools in Durham, NC, and Arusha, a puzzle game in just 24 hours, and they took the game to a couple of pop music. Through her career, she’s engaged
how people read and ascribe meaning to their
Tanzania, to incorporate visual learning to education curriculum. conventions for playtesting. After graduating, JJ continued to attend communities both local, as associate editor of Orlando Weekly, and
environments through emerging media
Recently, Andrea worked with Moroccan youth in Agadir with the game events at GLITCH, and worked for Pearson Clinical Assessment national, as culture writer for the classic television network MeTV. In
platforms, and considering new applications of
goal to creatively engage future leaders through activities like building as a field research coordinator.​​ her freelance reporting, she works to connect public health studies to
contextual media in the development of educa-
a flashlight circuit and co-creating portraits with their peers. At MIT, critical social issues and has generated in-depth web features for Teen
tional tools.
Andrea is working with the Open Documentary Lab to explore col- Mike Sugarman is a writer, musician, and Vogue on complex topics, including child marriage and school
Will graduated from Wesleyan University with a Bachelor’s degree
laborative and immersive storytelling methods. organizer in underground music interested in the shootings. She earned a B.S. in Journalism from the University of
in Science in Society. His honors thesis presented a theoretical
means communities use to build and maintain Florida and, through the Graduate Program in Science Writing, plans
framework called the “embodied interface” to study the unique facets
Roya Moussapour is a researcher and designer themselves. He graduated from Columbia with a to continue investigating public health studies to increase awareness of
of augmented reality, examining the relationships between graphical
passionate about increasing educational equity degree in Film Studies and has spent the time underreported women’s issues.
interfaces, locative media, human environmental perception, and
and access for diverse populations of students. since enmeshed in experimental and dance music
networks of human and algorithmic actors in the production of ex-
She is interested in the use of educational tech- scenes in New York and Chicago, fascinated by Fernanda de Araújo Ferreira watched her first
periences of space.
nology in the K-12 system, and hopes to study their ad hoc infrastructure and working to bolster community within science classes from under a desk, drawing while
Recently, Will worked as a game designer and resident at NYU’s
how design of educational tools is expanding by way of running publications, booking shows, and exploring means her mother taught plate tectonics to geology
Game Center Incubator, where he co-led the development of a puzzle
from a narrow focus on numerical evaluation for musicians and partiers to act as members of both their music students. She took her first official university-
and exploration game called Crosshatch. At MIT, Will joins the
towards a broader inclusion of multiple intelligences, such as creativ- community and broader urban or social communities. level science classes while majoring in General
Education Arcade, where he hopes to participate in creating games
ity and collaboration. Spurred by the tragic Ghost Ship fire in Oakland in 2016, Mike Biology at the Universidade de Brasília (UnB) in
and systems to invite students to develop new understandings of their
Roya holds a Bachelor of Arts in Physics with a minor in Education started the Groove Café project in Chicago to develop and dissemi- Brazil and is now completing her Ph.D. in
from Bowdoin College. At Bowdoin, she conducted research in both nate safety protocols for DIY events. The project quickly expanded to Virology, studying the nature of the latent reservoir of HIV-2, at
In his free time, Will likes to compose music and sound design for
experimental physics and education and spent time working with build other resources that could support the structures and people par- Harvard University.
independent animators.

46  in medias res 2019 47


She initially got into science writing as an excuse to take deep dives
into various areas of science, from zoopharmacognosy to A.I., that
and the human lives affected by big tech, automation, and algorithmic
bias. Zain hopes to address the gap between the world’s understanding ALAN LIGHTMAN’S
were not HIV-2. After writing for Harvard’s Science in the News and
GSAS Bulletin, as well as taking courses through Harvard’s creative
of computers, and our ever-growing dependence on them.
writing program, she’s excited to pursue science journalism full-time.
She writes about all areas of science (including math!), but has a special
Lucy Jakub is an essayist and editor. She grew up
on the coast of Maine. As a nonfiction major at CAMBODIA AND
love for infectious diseases and, unsurprisingly, plate tectonics. Columbia University, she developed a mantra for
her writing: “follow the weird.” After following FAMILY
Rachel Fritts grew up taking every opportunity the weird through the frat houses of the Upper
to explore the natural world, whether by catching West Side, it led her to more interesting subjects THREE FLAMES EXPLORES THE
salamanders in her back yard, hiking in the — bedbugs, blobfish, radiolarians, and specula- FRACTURES AND BONDS AMONG KIN IN
Rocky Mountains, or inspecting tide pools on tive biology. Since graduating she has worked at The New York
family vacations. That early interest led her to Review of Books, finding commissions for her favorite science
pursue a B.A. in Biology from Grinnell College writers, removing em dashes, and inserting Oxford commas. She
Peter Dizikes
and an M.S. in Marine Environmental Manage- hopes to continue to support print media and long-form journalism
MIT News Office
ment from the University of York, before returning to Grinnell for a from the other side of the editor’s desk. When she’s not writing, she’s
year-long editorial fellowship. Rachel’s environmental journalism to baking elaborate desserts for her friends and listening to Björk sing
Alan Lightman, Professor of the Practice of the Humanities at
date has focused on sustainable resource use and wildlife conservation, about plate tectonics.
CMS/W, is a physicist who made a leap to becoming a writer — one
and can be found at publications like Pacific Standard, Mongabay,
with an unusually broad range of interests. In his novels, nonfiction
Ensia, and Hakai Magazine. She also writes video scripts about Kate Petersen spent her early adulthood living books, and essays, Lightman, a professor of the practice of the humani-
evolution for the PBS Digital Studios channel Eons. in wilderness, traveling by freight train, and ties at MIT, has explored many topics, from science to society. His
being generally feral. Her drive to investigate new novel, Three Flames, recently published by Counterpoint Press,
Jessie Hendricks joins the Graduate Program in and experience the manifold facets of life even- follows the fortunes of a family in post-civil war Cambodia. It’s a
Science Writing after eight years in Los Angeles, tually drew her back to civilization to study topic Lightman knows well: He is the founder the Harpswell Founda-
where she has spent time as an actor, science biology and ecology at the Evergreen State tion, which works to empower a new generation of female leaders in
communicator, and content creator. She College in Olympia, Washington. She has Cambodia and across Southeast Asia.
currently produces and hosts SCIENCED, a published papers on lichen and bryophyte ecology, and conducted
scicomm podcast for the SoCal Science Writing field studies on the open Atlantic Ocean and deep in the Sierra Nevada What are the origins of ‘Three Flames”?
group, as well as serves on their membership Mountains. She is pursuing a career in science communication because
committee. She has written and hosted many science videos on the she observes the information gap between scientists and non-scientists I’ve been working in Cambodia for fifteen years, and I’ve spent a
YouTube channel Everyday Science, including parody science music increasing while anthropogenic impacts on the biosphere reach apoc- lot of time there, and I’ve heard a lot of stories of families, particu-
videos and a series on the periodic table called #ElementADayInMay, alyptic levels. She hopes that her work will support well-informed larly [about] the residue of the Khmer Rouge genocide in the mid-
as well as written and guest-hosted for other outlets such as Skybound social and policy decisions going forward. She is also counting on 1970’s. Just about anybody you meet in Cambodia today has a relative The overriding story is the struggle that women have in a male-dom-
Entertainment’s Gamma Ray TV. She got her start in science com- science journalism to abet her enduring ambition to learn about ev- who was killed or starved or tortured over that period of time. So inated society. And that, of course, is true not only in Cambodia but
munication while producing citizen science outreach videos for the erything. Kate goes to mountains and old forests whenever she can, it’s affected everybody in the entire country. And I have been very in many countries, even the U.S. Almost every chapter of the book
NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center on harmful algal blooms. and makes art from sticks, bones, and fiber. interested in how a country can recover its humanity after that kind has that struggle in it.…A number of the [other] themes in the book
Her current science writing interests include science storytelling in of devastation, when family members were turned against each other. are universal. I hope the themes of redemption, and forgiveness, and
the entertainment industry, science history, quantum entanglement, Nafisa Syed grew up in Champaign-Urbana, The Khmer Rouge soldiers rounded up anybody that they had the revenge, and women’s struggles will go beyond Cambodia.
and shark immunology. Illinois, where she read almost everything she slightest suspicion about, and encouraged families to turn in anybody Five years ago, I wrote the first chapter of the book, about the
could get her hands on. She had her first experi- that they had any suspicion about. It disrupted families and led to an mother, Ryna. When I wrote that, it was a stand-alone short story
Zain Humayun grew up reading and playing ences with journalism and with the real-world every-person-for-themselves mentality, which still hasn’t disappeared. [published in the journal Daily Lit, and as an Amazon Kindle single].
football in Islamabad, a city nestled in the scientific process in high school, producing a In the face of all that destruction and moral degradation, I also heard In that story, I mention other members of the family. One daughter is
Himalayan foothills. In his science books, he dis- radio documentary with her local NPR station stories of courage and resilience and forgiveness. After many years, I married off to a rubber merchant; another one went to Phnom Penh
covered electricity and the water-cycle — and helping excavate human bone in a bioarche- thought I was beginning to understand the culture enough to begin to work to pay off a family debt; the son is kind of a ne’er-do-well;
phenomena as enchanting as the magic in his ology lab. She graduated from MIT in 2019 with a double-major in writing stories about it. But I waited 10 years before I started writing the father is very ignorant, sexist, and condescending. About a year
fantasy novels. At the Lahore University of Man- Biology and Brain and Cognitive Sciences. While a college student, anything. You have to understand a culture much more deeply to after writing the first story, I began wondering about the other family
agement Sciences, Zain grappled with integrals she became the first editor of The Tech’s Science section, worked in a write fiction about it than to write nonfiction, because fiction involves members.Once you write a character in fiction, they come to life and
in physics before switching to computer science, attracted by the dis- neurolinguistics lab studying how the brain produces and interprets small daily mannerisms, which you have to get right. And you don’t stay in your head. And so I decided I would write a story about each
cipline’s unrelenting emphasis on logical clarity. His classes on language, and spent a semester interning at NOVA Next. As an pick that up from a couple of trips. member of the family. Of course, I had to interweave all the stories, as
networks, algorithms, and artificial intelligence offered a close look at aspiring physician and writer, Nafisa hopes to use her year in the
they involve the same family.
the inner workings of the Internet. After being inspired by a creative graduate program to become well-versed in writing about public Q: There are many connected stories in this novel, and many
writing class with novelist Bilal Tanweer, Zain returned to his health and medicine so that she can effectively use her communication distinctive characters. What is the main theme, and how did How did you then assemble those elements into a cohesive
computer science coursework with a renewed interest in storytelling skills and future medical expertise to serve the public. you weave that in throughout different parts of the book? story? It must have been fairly complicated to place these

48  in medias res 2019 49


parts of the story into a larger narrative. committed to the idea of doing empirically grounded interventions. in are best addressed through qualitative projects that often develop
over years.
After I had written the book, I decided to place the stories in the So then for people who might not be familiar with the issues
order where they would have the most dramatic impact. For the story involved, what is AnyKey looking to address…and how? You used the term “low-level stigmatization” earlier. What
about Pich, the father, I wanted to wait until that character had been does look like to someone who hasn’t experienced it?
developed to show how he became the person he is, because none Though women have been involved in esports from its earliest days,
of us are all good or bad. The story about Nita [a daughter of Pich], there has also long been a persistent pattern of exclusion and limits Women can experience push-back or questioning about their game
I wanted to save until the later part of the book because it’s such to participation. This ranges from outright harassment to less overt choices (including being directed to certain genres and away from
a shocking story. The story about Srepov has to come last, because barriers like access to competitive networks or low-level stigmati- others when they visit game stores, for example) or the intensity
she’s the only hope for the future. The date of each story is when the zation. The impact of this has been that even though women now with which they play (especially if they have professional competitive
most dramatic action happened to each character, the most influential play games at levels rivaling men, and are indeed often interested in ambitions). While gaming has become a widespread leisure activity
[moment] in shaping who they are. competition, they face additional hurdles when it comes to moving and a part of people’s daily lives, there still remain those who question
[In books], there are two times that are important. There’s chrono- into esports. In many ways we are doing the kind of advocacy work if women can be “real gamers” or if a passionate interest in gaming
logical time, and then the time of readerly experience. Taking the you saw early on for women’s participation in traditional athletics. undermines femininity. Anyone who follows the struggles women
Pich story as an example, in my view as a writer it’s more powerful to AnyKey works to intervene in a variety of ways. We offer things like have faced in traditional sports will recognize these patterns imme-
first see Pich as he is today, an unsympathetic, dictatorial, cruel father, spotlight videos on women who are “making it” in esports (inspired diately.
and to even grow to hate him. Then, only later in the book, we see by Billie Jean King’s remark “You have to see it to be it”) to concrete
him in childhood and see the forces that shaped him as he is. To save Codes of Conduct or best practices guidelines that organizations are Part of AnyKey’s interventions has been to produce whitepa-
the childhood portrait for later, that’s a more powerful experience for free to use and adopt. We support others who are working in the pers4 to share best practices, correct?
the reader. space already. For example, our affiliates program spotlights inclusive ANYKEY’S “KEYSTONE” CODE The whitepapers we have produced serve to present research findings
communities, esports teams, and individual content creators in
gaming. This year we are focusing on developing an Inclusion 101 OF CONDUCT FOR GAMING and offer concrete recommendations or tips. For example, at the

A CONVERSATION curriculum for gaming and esports clubs on college campuses. We’re
also currently running a pledge campaign 3 where folks can agree to
beginning of October we published a significant piece on collegiate
esports.5 There is growing interest and activity in bringing competi-

WITH T.L.TAYLOR support inclusive, welcoming game communities and get a Twitch
badge (a little icon that shows up next to their name on that site) so
tive gaming to university campuses but we want to make sure key
critical issues are not lost. We’ve offered a number of concrete recom-

ABOUT ANYKEY others can see they’ve signed. We’ve had over 317,000 people take the
pledge so far! I often think of this as playing a long game for broad
You value the diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and
mendations to help faculty, staff, and students build positive, inclusive
esports spaces. Those include things like undertaking a diversity audit
and holistic selection criteria for varsity teams. Previously we’ve issued
cultural and institutional change - you have to be working from a opinions of others, even when different from your own. guidelines for tournament organizers to help them produce more
Professor of Comparative Media Studies T.L. Taylor spoke with variety of angles from the symbolic to policy projects and you have You appreciate that all viewpoints come from the life gender inclusive tournaments or tips for moderating their live stream
Andrew Whitacre about AnyKey, an advocacy group that supports to build networks and alliances across a lot of different stakeholders. experiences of fellow human beings. You understand broadcasts. The resources we provide mix in research findings, to help
diversity, inclusion, and equity in competitive gaming. that online interactions impact real people in real ways, people get a sense of key issues, with concrete suggestions about how
You said you and Dr. Romine do empirically grounded in- both offline and online. to improve things.
AW: Let’s set the scene. What is AnyKey? terventions. Which reminds me to mention you’re the first
sociologist at CMS/W and one of only a tiny number of so- Respect Every sport works hard to increase the number of youth who
TLT: AnyKey1 amplifies, connects, and empowers marginalized ciologists at MIT altogether — and most of those are econo- You respect everyone regardless of their background, play it — in part to develop the kind of talent that in the
players and their allies through research and strategic initiatives. It was mists. What’s a strength of sociology that someone trained identity, physical appearance, or beliefs. Even in com- long-term leads to professional stars. Some of those sports
co-founded Dr. Morgan Romine and me2 in 2015 with the sponsor- in humanistic research methods should hopefully appreciate? petitive gaming where “trash-talk” is common, you are have high financial or cultural barriers to entry; it sounds
ship of the Electronic Sports League and Intel. We co-direct it with a good sport and respect opponents as fellow human like esports has a bit of both, and often that means the onus
her focusing on initiatives and me on research. This year we’re lucky Sociologists, even when doing theoretical work, tend to be committed beings, keeping the banter to the game, not ever falls on players themselves to effect change. So what advice
to have Dr. Johanna Brewer join us as a Research Associate. Morgan to understanding society as it actually functions and with an eye making it personal. would you give, say, a middle schooler from a marginalized
and I had both been working in esports for over a decade at that point toward things like power, stratification, social order, and change. The
background when they want to set up an esports team at their
(myself as a researcher and her having had founded the Frag Dolls, a kind of work I do — qualitative and often ethnographic — really has Integrity school?
major women’s esports team, and then going on to do research for her its strength in being able to get at the meaning making people give You behave honorably and honestly. You take responsi-
Ph.D. by working the games industry) and had been seeing firsthand to their lives and actions, the granularity of action on the ground (by bility for your words and actions. While playing games, There is tremendous power in building your own esports community
for many years some of the critical issues when it came to diversity individuals, groups, or institutions), and to generate knowledge that you honor the rules and spirit of honest competition. from the ground up. Often that just means finding a place for people
and inclusion. When, due to Intel’s interest in supporting various may be on the front edge of social change (seeing patterns or processes to get together, bring their devices, and compete in friendly matches.
diversity projects, we got the opportunity back then to put our heads that are bubbling up, not yet widespread enough to be well captures Courage Starting small, working with the enthusiastic community is key. It’s
together to see if we could make some positive change, we jumped at or even formulated through quantitative measures). The key to all You have the courage to moderate your own behavior, also important, even in those smaller spaces, to make sure you are
the chance. Given we both have research backgrounds, we were also research projects is making sure your methods are aligned with your speak out against harassment, and report violations by keeping an eye on if you are creating a welcoming club that people
questions. For myself, the kinds of questions I’m generally interested others. You do not tolerate harassment or hate speech
1 of any kind, even when you are not directly involved. 4
2 3 5 (PDF)

50  in medias res 2019 51



you don’t know may also want to participate. Gaming is a widespread Rekha Malhotra, Last Night A DJ Queered My Life. Exploring and
activity lots of people enjoy so make sure you are providing an en- disrupting the mythologies of a critical popular media practice.
vironment for the range of students at your school you might like RESEARCH GROUPS “A Convergence at the Confluence of Power,
to play, and compete. Have a Code of Conduct in place (feel free to SCIENCE WRITING Identity, and Design”, at Harvard Graduate

use our AnyKey “Keystone Code”6) and support a range of games You can read the full text of this and previous year’s School of Design.
and devices. Not everyone has a PC or laptop or prefers the kinds of Diego Arenas, Minding the Empathy Gap. How insights into brains and updates at The Media Cloud team worked to expand

games you and your friends might so make sure you are welcoming to behaviors are placating polarization. the tool’s collections this year, reaching the 1
all kinds of gamers. billion mark for news stories in the database
Brittany Flaherty, The Conservation Sacrifice. Why New Zealand is
after finalizing a complete review of its

willing to kill for its birds.
When I first interviewed you in 2013 soon after you joined sources. The userbase of the project continues
CMS/W as a faculty member7, I didn’t ask a seemingly Eva Frederick, Plague of Absence. Insect declines and the fate of eco- to grow at a rate of about 2,000 users per year.
obvious question. How did gaming come to be your focus? systems. This year the tools were mentioned in and
That and virtual worlds have been the topic of all of your Devi Lockwood, The Living Library. An indigenous community in used in such publications as The Washington
work, all the way back to your dissertation. the Peruvian Amazon is combating climate change, deforestation, and Post, Columbia Journalism Review, The Atlantic, @mit_cmsw
loss of traditional knowledge by preserving their plants in the wild. and BuzzFeed. @mit_sciwrite
My dissertation work back in the 1990’s was actually on embodiment Finally, Ethan Zuckerman is currently fi- @civicMIT
Emily Makowski, Mass Appeal. Saving the world’s bananas from a Rahul Bhargava, Research Scientist, @MITGameLab
in virtual environments, not gaming specifically. I came to gaming nalizing a new $1.85 million award from the
devastating fungus. continued his data literacy advocacy and was @mit_tsl
as a research area because a number of my participants back then had Knight Foundation. This award will allow the
invited to run a workshop at the 2nd U.N.
started playing EverQuest, one of the earliest massively multiplayer Emily Pontecorvo, Navigating the 21st Century Without Vision. How Center to expand the Media Cloud platform
World Data Forum. He was invited as a /MIT.CMSW
online games, and I was desperate for a distraction from the work the iPhone changed the landscape for assistive technology and fueled to establish the International Hate Observa-
speaker for the National Academies round- /MITSciwrite
of the dissertation so checked it out. But from nearly the moment I the movement fighting for digital accessibility. tory, which will index and analyze a broad
table on Data Science in Post-Secondary
started playing it I recognized there was a lot to be researched there. I range of user-generated content to improve
Madeleine Turner, Future Talk. The race to build a bot that gabs like education and as a keynote speaker for the
folded a bit of it in to my dissertation but it wasn’t until really after I understanding of how hate speech emerges
a human. Stanford Data on Purpose conference. His
wrapped up that project that I turned to gaming in earnest (and what and spreads.
Gina Vitale, Asbestos, USA. Ambler, Pennsylvania once thrived as the papers, “Cultivating a Data Mindset in the
would eventually become my first book, Play Between Worlds8). It’s
asbestos capital of the world — now it grapples with the waste that was Arts and Humanities” and “Creative Data
been a fascinating path from those early days of gaming to what we
left behind. Literacy: A Constructionist Approach to
are seeing happening now in esports and live streaming (the subject of
Teaching Information Visualization”, were long-time partner ENI, within the MIT
my most recent book, Watch Me Play 9)!
respectively published in Public and the Digital Energy Initiative, to research in the field
Humanities Quarterly. of IoT applied to wearable technology and
LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR Sasha Costanza-Chock, Mitsui Career portable robotics for safety in the workplace.
2019 THESES MASTER’S PROGRAMS Development Associate Professor, continued design Following the previous work done in the
their work on design justice, a term used
by Costanza-Chock to address the need for
lab development of Advanced Safety Devices,
including a full working prototype of a smart
The two-year Comparative Media Studies program and the
COMPARATIVE MEDIA STUDIES one-year Science Writing program have thesis requirements,
design that is intersectional and that, instead The Design Lab (formerly the Mobile Expe- helmet with augmented communication
of reinforcing power dynamics, enables social rience Lab) seeks to reinvent and creatively through AR and integrated sensors for safety
both of which lead to a product that graduates have many
Rachel Thompson, Incomplete Sentences. Exploitation and empower- justice for underserved populations. Their design connections among people, informa- detection, the team expanded the research
times been able to adapt for publication for academic and
ment in American incarceration media. essay on the topic, “Design Justice, A.I., and tion, and places. Using cutting-edge infor- focus to the areas of portable robotics and
popular audiences. That’s preceded by rigorous coursework.
Matthew Graydon, Manufacturing Dissent. Assessing the methods and Escape from the Matrix of Domination”, was mation and mobile technology, the lab seeks compact drones for remote inspection of
CMS students learn the field’s theories and methods but also
impact of RT. selected as a $10k prize winner of the Journal to improve people’s lives through the careful confined spaces. This year in June 2019,
take subjects with hands-on work. Similarly, the Science
of Design and Science “Resisting Reduction” design of new social spaces and communities. the Design Lab team presented ongoing
Josefina Buschmann Mardones, Operational Atmospheres. Mediating Writing curriculum combines seminars (covering everything
competition. Additionally, Costanza-Chock’s Professor Casalegno extended his leave research and demonstrated select features
policing in the “fight against crime” and “rural terrorism” in Chile. from pitching and working with archives to navigating con-
co-written report, “#MoreThanCode: Prac- from MIT, to a total of two years, continuing from the working prototype of Pegasus,
troversies and professional development) with lab work, media
Libby Falck, Play for Change. Educational game design for grassroots titioners reimagine the landscape of tech- his leadership at Samsung Design Innovation a hybrid drone-rover robotic inspection
production, and a required internship.
organizing. nology for justice and equity”, provided an Center in San Francisco. After a successful system, at MITEI-ENI Workshop in Milan.
Prospective students can learn more at and
overview of technologists and other pro- year of leading a global team of designers and Related research of previous year’s work on
James Bowie-Wilson, Roguelife. On death in play., but we encourage you to join us for our
fessionals in the field. Among other panels, engineers to bring forth the value of design smart helmet (user evaluation and analysis)
information sessions, hosted each fall on campus and online.
Sultan Sharrief, Between Institutional Lines. Designing for long-term Costanza-Chock was invited to present at research to the global consumer-electronics was presented at the PETRA conference in
The CMS application deadline is January 1, with notice
social change. EYEO; the Harvard Kennedy School 2018 company, he has decided to dedicate an ad- Greece.
of acceptance by April 1. The Science Writing deadline is
Public Interest Technology Summit; the ditional year to solidify his work in the In its third year of sponsored research with
January 15, with notice of acceptance by April 1. Reach out
6 University of the Azores International Col- company. Yihyun Lim, Research Associate at PUMA, the Design Lab team of researchers
to Academic Administrator Shannon Larkin (slarkin@mit.
7 loquium: Youth and Global Movements; the the Design Lab is leading the research group. and students continued to work on adaptive
edu) with any questions about the process.
8 MIT Collective Wisdom Symposium; and The lab has continued to collaborate with sportswear experiences.

52  in medias res 2019 53


Previous years’ research with Puma in thinking and innovation through lectures with significant expansion to programming begun with Bose, of Framingham, Mass., to qualitative interviews with fifty community “The Slow Shutdown: Internet Regulation
applying auxetic meta-material structures for and hands-on workshop sessions. thanks to new funding. The program almost conduct design research around creating au- members. They also traveled to Tanzania in and Constraints among Online Content
customized comfort and improved perfor- doubled in size thanks to funding from alum dio-only augmented reality experiences. to conduct fieldwork related to this project Creators in Tanzania, 2010-18”, in review
mance (through generative design and digital Rick Barry. As part of a broader research project and interviewed fifty community members with the International Journal of Communi-
simulation) resulted in commercialization as The lab also serves as a co-organizer for the focused on surveying representations of in Bunda and in several communities around cation; and Parks and R.A. Iago Bojcuk and
Puma’s next line of innovative running shoes. Connected Learning Summit, with over six European colonialism in board games, an Dar es Salaam. The lab also launched a pre-doc lab fellow Gabriel Pereira are nearly
The lab has continued to work closely with hundred attendees. MIT CAST-funded proposal is support- Network Sovereignty blog on their website. finished with an article on WhatsApp and
Puma innovation and production team to ing design and development work to create The purpose of the blog is to spotlight and the Brazilian Elections and plan to submit
optimize the design for manufacturing. The a “counter-colonialist” board game about interlink a community of researchers who are it to Global Media and Communication.
outcomes of this research collaboration are The Scheller Teacher Education Program and topics of importance to the people of Puerto studying network infrastructures (internet, Beyond this, R.A. Han Su is working with
projected to be available in the market as a The Education Arcade explore the potential of Rico, such as local government and interna- mobile phones, video streaming, satellites, lab affiliate Professor Jing Wang on an article
form of high-performance running shoe in games and simulations as media that supports tional response to the devastation caused by data centers, etc.) and to raise awareness about about the role of Chinese companies in global
Spring 2020. learning both in and out of the classroom. Hurricane Maria. their research projects and facilitate connec- streaming platforms. They are glad to report
The lab completed the Connected Lighting Over the past year STEP has continued work In collaboration with the MIT Education tions between them. a productive year in terms of co-authored
for Caring City project, a collaborative funded by five National Science Founda- Arcade, the Game Lab is in the middle of an In December 2018 Parks and collabora- research publications both submitted and in
research project funded by Philips Signify tion grants aimed to integrate science and 18-month project, titled CLEVR (Collab- tor Professor Jennifer Holt spent a week in the pipeline. Beyond this, R.A.’s post blogs
(Philips Lighting). In this project, the Design computer science education in upper elemen- orative Learning Environments in Virtual Washington, D.C., to work on the Surveil- about various global media and IT issues and
Lab team researched societal and user values tary and high school students with Starlogo Reality), investigating the use of virtual lance Pressure Points project, which in- projects on our lab website.2
of “caring” through ethnography, envisioned Nova, a web-based 3D modeling tool. reality games to help students understand vestigates how advocacy groups formulate The GMTaC Lab hosted several visitors
future experiences (across home, work, and The Lab created and piloted educational The Game Lab, as part of its mission to bring issues of scale in biological systems, particu- digital rights agendas within a highly com- this year, including Native American drone
public urban areas) of connected dynamic games in the genre we call pSims (participa- together scholars, creators, and technologists, larly at the cell and DNA level. Prototype mercialized digital culture. They conducted activist and creator of Digital Smoke Signals,
lighting supported by an A.I. agent. tory simulations), exploring innovative uses this past year has been devoted to exploring development and initial research is supported qualitative interviews with representatives of Myron Dewey. During his visit Dewey gave
In addition to sponsored research projects, of mobile technology to engage youth in the use of play in varying contexts, including by a $450,000 unrestricted gift from Oculus. different digital privacy advocacy organiza- a public lecture in the CMS and Civic Arts
the lab has continued its efforts in running STEM learning and 21st Century skills. The education and technology. Additional funds have been provided through tions, including Public Knowledge, Center Lecture Series, screened his documentary
two internal research observatories; User- development team worked toward comple- The seven courses offered by the Game the MIT Integrated Learning Initiative to for Democracy & Technology, Access Now, film, Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock,
Value Experience Research and Emerging tion of the Virus Game, and began design of Lab, connected with its research and develop- support further study and investigation using Electronic Frontier Foundation, and several and met with AISES students at MIT as well
Technologies Research. Using primary and two additional ecology-themed games. Pilot ment opportunities, have maintained MIT’s VR in education. others. Lab R.A.’s have transcribed the inter- as with students SHASS and in the Media
secondary research methods the research testing included 23 groups of participants standing within the Princeton Review’s views, and they are continuing research and Lab. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for
team engaged in consolidation, analysis, and (ages 10+). Additional partnerships, sponsor- top schools for undergraduate or graduate will write up findings and submit an article Diversity and Equity helped support the
evaluation of collected qualitative data and ship, and research opportunities continue to study of game development for a ninth year to a peer-reviewed journal in the coming AISES meeting. They lab also hosted Profes-
produced two internal report books. be explored. running. months. This work was supported by a small sors Caren Kaplan (UC Davis) and Haidee
Two other notable workshops were also Three hundred Biology teachers from In Fall 2018, the Game Lab co-hosted the grant from the International Policy Lab at Wasson (Concordia University) who came
hosted by the Design Lab team. The first one, almost every timezone around the world are Boston Festival of Indie Games for its sixth MIT. to campus to give lectures in the CMS col-
Augmented Tailor Workshop with an Italian participating and sharing their knowledge year. Over 3,000 people attended the event In January 2019 four members of our loquium and civic arts series and met with
brand Brunello Cucinelli, looked into the and expertise with each other in a MOOC across multiple locations at MIT to see games lab traveled to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to students and faculty members.
impact of connected technology in augment- we launched, titled “BioGraph: Teaching developed by 300 invited developers and lead a two-week workshop called Social
ing tailor’s handcraft work. Outcomes of the Biology through Systems, Models, & Argu- studios, giving students direct access to prac- IT Solutions (SITS), supported by a J-WEL
exercise was presented in Cucinelli headquar- mentation.” In it, participants learn how to titioners in game development. The event grant.1 The team consisted of Professor Parks
ters in Solomeo, Italy. A second workshop integrate computational modeling, a systems was covered in national media, placing MIT and three CMS grad students.
was in collaboration with the New England perspective, and the practice of scientific ar- and the MIT Game Lab as a center for inde- An important goal of the GMTaC lab has
Aquarium of Boston, and the Open Ocean gumentation, into their biology classes. pendent game development. been to provide research and publishing op-
Initiative at MIT Media Lab. Participating STEP has also continued work with col- The Game Lab has been pursuing projects The Global Media Technologies and portunities for MIT students. This past year
researchers, scientists, and professionals en- laborators such as the Emerson Collective in collaboration with the entertainment video Cultures Lab, had a very busy year. Members the lab has made significant progress on
visioned experiences and products to raise on implementing project based learning game industry through the Ludus Center of the lab conducted fieldwork in connec- several co-authored research publications. The Imagination, Computation, and Ex-
awareness of ocean conservation through in their XQ Schools, the MIT Game Lab for Games, Learning, and Playful Media, tion with an NSF-supported international Parks and R.A. Matt Graydon published an pression Laboratory (ICE Lab), established
design thinking exercises. on co-developing a virtual reality game a membership-based research consortium. research project called Network Sovereign- article called, “Connecting the Unconnect- at MIT in 2010, applies A.I. and cognitive
Most recently, Professor Casalegno taught (CLEVR) funded by Oculus Facebook and Recently, the MIT Game Lab concluded a ty: Sociotechnical relations in rural low- ed: A Critical Assessment of U.S. Satellite science approaches to the research and devel-
MIT Professional Education Courses this the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation research relationship with Stockholm-based income communities. They made research Internet Services, in the refereed journal, opment of interactive narratives, videogames,
summer, titled “Innovation: Beyond the to develop their Masters of Education cur- King Entertainment, creators of Candy trips to Browning, Montana to work with Media, Culture and Society; Parks and R.A. virtual reality, social media, and related
Buzzword”. Co-instructed by Yihyun Lim, riculum for the Woodrow Wilson Academy. Crush Saga, to conduct design research the Blackfeet Community College. They Rachel Thompson have an article entitled forms of digital media. Outcomes of recent
this fourth annual course introduced par- The Science and Engineering Program for around tools to assist game developers with led community forums in Browning about ICE Lab projects include a three-year MIT
ticipants (forty mid-level professionals from Teachers (which partners with MIT alumni assessing diversity in the character designs in internet services and social media use on the
various industries) to the concepts in design clubs) was successfully held again this year their games. A new research relationship has Blackfoot Indian Reservation and conducted
tions-workshop 2

54  in medias res 2019 55


CSAIL-Qatar Computing Research Institute faculty affiliate (Vivek Bald) and collabora- Ford Foundation and includes contributions challenge through designing and researching and into their graduate education. WRAP
(QCRI) collaboration researching cultur- tions with leading institutions including by MIT faculty, researchers and students. the future of online and blended learning for administers the graduate writing exam,
ally-specific everyday uses of virtual iden- Sundance institute, Mozilla Foundation, and This spring, ODL Director Sarah Wolozin educators, and through developing a series of teaches the graduate subjects 21W.800J —
tities in social media and videogames (with PBS. It has attracted the interest of major continued her speaking and writing en- teacher practice spaces that allow educators The Trope Tank, directed by Professor Nick Business Writing for Supply Chain Manage-
the Middle East and North Africa region as foundations including the MacArthur and gagements with a sneak peak presentation to rehearse for and reflect upon important Montfort, is a lab for research, teaching, and ment, and 21W.801J — Thesis Writing for
a case study). This research analyzed a dataset Ford foundations. of the forthcoming Collective Wisdom decisions in teaching. The lab has two creative production. Its mission is to develop Supply Chain Management, provides in-
of over 42,000 publicly available social media This year ODL completed and launched study at Sundance Film Festival as well as research scientists, three post-doctoral re- new poetic practices and new understandings struction in professional communication in
profiles using computational approaches (ar- their field study, Collective Wisdom: Co-Creat- an article in Immerse3 about her observa- searchers, five instructional design staff, three of digital media by focusing on the material, 16.995: Doctoral Research and Communica-
chetypal analysis) augmented with social ing Media within Communities, across Disciplines tions at Sundance. She, as well as William graduate students from Comparative Media formal, and historical aspects of computation tion Seminar and 1S.977: Special Graduate
science-based semi-structured interviews. and with Algorithms. Authored by Professor Uricchio and Sandra Rodriguez, participated Studies and from Electrical Engineering/ and language. Subject in Civil and Environmental Engi-
This resulted in a set of five needs/values William Uricchio and researcher Katerina and spoke at a summit about Arts and A.I. Computer Science, and thirteen undergradu- During 2018-2019, the Trope Tank was neering, and provides integrated communi-
exhibited by Qatari users supporting their Cizek together with several co-authors, this curated by Columbia University and hosted ates who work with the lab during the year. fortunate to have CMSW’s support for a cation workshops for Leadership in Global
creativity in effectively using virtual identi- first-of-its-kind field study of the media by the The New Museum of Contemporary Justin Reich won the Jan Hawkins Award graduate research assistant, Judy Heflin. This Operations (LGO). In this past year, WRAP
ties: Arab cultural features, self-expression, industry highlights trends, opportunities, and Art. In May, Kat Cizek, William Uricchio, for Humanistic Research in Learning Tech- support allowed regular research to continue has collaborated with new communication-
social connections, social monitoring, and challenges to help advance the understand- Rashin Fahandej, and Sarah formed a panel nologies from the American Education and a new project to be established. Also intensive subjects in Civil and Environmental
physical and virtual identity contrasts; it also ing and recognition of co-created works and and presented their findings in the Collective Research Association. part of the core team this academic year, and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Brain
resulted in guidelines to support developers practices — efforts that live outside the limits Wisdom study. This past spring, Teaching Systems Lab continuing with the Trope Tank, are Angela and Cognitive Sciences, and Management,
of virtual identity systems in better serving of singular authorship. ODL Principal Investigator William staff taught a new class, Education Technol- Chang, Ph.D., a volunteer research associate, and is working with NEET (New Engineer-
these users while preserving their cultural ODL hosted and curated a Collective Uricchio gave several talks and keynotes ogy Studio to thirteen MIT undergraduates and Sebastian Bartlett, a visiting undergradu- ing Education Transformation) to develop
values and creative agency. Another ICE Wisdom symposium in May with over two including “The Electric Gaze: an interna- and students from Wellesley and Harvard ate. NEET-specific CI subjects. Throughout the
Lab outcome is MazeStar, an NSF-supported hundred invited guests, five panels, break-out tional seminar on the intersections between Medical School. The course focused on the The literary magazine Taper continued year, WRAP offers workshops outside of CI-
computer science learning curriculum and sessions, performances and an exhibit. They image, technology, and critical thought” at development, deployment, and evaluation into its second and third issues; a call for work subjects as well, such as a workshop on poster
educational computer game creation platform officially launched a co-creation studio, Cineteca Madrid, “Interrogating XR: media of education technology projects. The cul- for issue four was posted. presentations to students in the MIT Energy
that engages students in learning computer starting with a four-day workshop with a identity and apparatus in an era of change” at minating final project was a public presen- Initiative, and a thesis-writing bootcamp for
science concepts while seeing themselves as Bolivian filmmaking team who is designing Utrecht University, and many more. He also tation of students education technology in- graduate students in Mechanical Engineer-
powerful STEM learners and doers. Last, as a robot. This workshop was funded by Ford published several articles including “Aug- novations, recorded and circulated to PK-12 ing. During Independent Activities Period,
mentioned in his individual update below, Foundation. The studio is developing part- menting Reality: The Markers, Memories, members of the Jameel World Education Lab. WRAP offers workshops in Communicat-
Professor Harrell was appointed the director nerships with Mozilla Foundation, Sundance and Meanings Behind Today’s AR”, in Urban TSL ran four MOOCs on edX, including ing Science to the Public, Writing Successful
of the new Center for Advanced Virtuality. Institute, Witness and others. Interfaces: Media, Art and Performance in Public Launching Innovation in Schools, Compe- Proposals, Reasoning and Argumentation,
ODL received a new three-year $900k Spaces. tency-Based Education: The Why, What, and Beyond Citation: Understanding How grant from the John D. and Catherine T. and How, Design Thinking for Leading and to Reason with Sources, as well as numerous
MacArthur Foundation in September and Learning, and Envisioning the Graduate of workshops on oral presentations.
also received a new $100k grant from the the Future, enrolling approximately 15,000 In terms of special projects, most of our
Ford Foundation for the co-creation studio. participants and awarded 1,553 certificates. time this year was dedicated to the creation
The lab continued its fellows program,
TEACHING At the request of MIT’s Dean of Digital of a new system for assessing writing.
lecture series, convenings, and resource SYSTEMS LAB Learning, the lab conducted an evaluation of Writing, Rhetoric, and Professional Com- WRAP’s affiliated research lab, ArchiMe-
development. In the spring, Dr. Sandra the supply chain management MicroMasters, munication (WRAP), a teaching and dia, investigates how digital media is shaping
Rodriguez offered MIT’s first course on the first MicroMasters program offered by research group of nearly forty lecturers professional communication practices, and
The Open Documentary Lab (ODL) brings Virtual Reality, CMS.S60, Hacking VR for The MIT Teaching Systems Lab — estab- MIT which admitted students to an acceler- within CMS/W, collaborates with MIT how digital tools can be used (and designed)
storytellers, technologists, and scholars the third year in a row. Through a grant from lished in 2015 by Assistant Professor Justin ated blended master’s program on the basis faculty in every department to teach written, to teach professional communication.
together to advance the new arts of docu- the MIT Alumni Funds, the course was ac- Reich — designs, implements, and re- of performance in MOOCs and a proctored oral, and visual communication to over 4,000 With funding from the National Science
mentary. Founded by Professor William companied by an XR lecture series open to searches the future of teacher learning. All exam. At the request of the Associate Dean students a year in more than a hundred com- Foundation, WRAP is participating in a
Uricchio and directed by Sarah Wolozin, the the MIT community and the public. Oculus around the world, education stakeholders for Digital Learning, we conducted a munication-intensive (CI) subjects. WRAP multi-institutional project (with Dartmouth,
lab is a center of documentary scholarship and supplied the equipment. are calling for more ambitious teaching and program evaluation of the new Quantum also teaches the foundational writing subjects the University of Pennsylvania, North
experimentation at MIT. Through courses, ODL continued to develop Docubase, a learning in classrooms: less rote recitation and Computing MOOCs (six of them, taught (CI-HWs) in CMS/W. WRAP is devoted Carolina State University, and the Univer-
workshops, a fellows program, public curated, interactive database of the people, more active, engaged learning. This is only on edX) and professional education courses to teaching students how to analyze and sity of South Florida) to study the effects of
lectures, experimental projects, and research, projects, and tools transforming documenta- possible is if we can dramatically increase (four of them, taught on MITxPRO). They produce effective communication, and is teaching undergraduate STEM students how
the lab educates and actively engages the MIT ry in the digital age. The lab’s Medium pub- the quantity and quality of teacher learning analyzed patterns in terms of demographics, led by Director Suzanne Lane and Associate to effectively peer review each other’s texts.
community and the larger public in a critical lication, “Immerse: Creative Discussion of available to educators throughout their participation and completion of the six MITx Director Andreas Karatsolis. In 2016, WRAP received a three-year
discourse about new documentary practices Emerging Non-fiction Storytelling”, which careers. TSL works on this urgent, global courses on edX, finding similar ones to other WRAP guides MIT students from the grant of $240,000 from the Davis Educational
and encourages people to push the boundar- lab director Sarah Wolozin serves as editor- demanding courses. essay exam that they take online before Foundation to collaborate with science and
ies of non-fiction storytelling. The lab at-large continues to thrive. It has received entering as freshmen, through their four engineering faculty to produce “disciplinary
currently has two graduate students, one funding from the Knight Foundation and required communication-intensive subjects, reasoning diagrams” of six different STEM

56  in medias res 2019 57


fields, and this grant is now coming to an partment of Biology and the Whitehead He was also appointed to the MIT Corpo- A short story excerpt from lecturer Micah
end. These reasoning diagrams function as Institute. ration Visiting Committee for the Humani- Nathan’s next novel is included in a forth-
discipline-specific maps that visualize rela- ties, which covers CMS. It has been a lot of coming anthology, From Sea to Stormy Sea
tionships between concepts and the reasoning Systems Administrator Mike Gravito made an fun seeing old professors and meeting new Pegasus Books, Dec. 2019). , “Get Him”, is
patterns that connect them. appearance in a Boston Globe article catching ones and seeing what the administrative side described as “Midwest crime stuff, ca. 1950.”
Finally, with the aid of an Alumni Funds up with past recipients of college scholarships of academia looks like.
grant, ArchiMedia has been developing provided by George Weiss, the founder of the Samira Okudo (S.B., Computer Science,
Metalogon, an online tool for rhetorically nonprofit organization Say Yes to Education. Professor Thomas Levenson published Comparative Media Studies, ’19) received a
analyzing speeches and oral presentations. “Game over, the Chinese have won”, in The Fulbright Fellowship to work in Brazil with
The platform allows teachers and students At the AAAI 2019 Spring Symposium, Ph.D. Boston Globe, arguing that China’s long-term university students training to be English-
to upload video recordings of presentations, candidate Danielle Olson and her advisor threat to America’s tech dominance isn’t language instructors.
and then to embed commentary on rhetorical Professor D. Fox Harrell presented a model stolen intellectual property but rather that the
elements, which plays back in real time. for virtual worlds that may facilitate training U.S. “chose to surrender its commanding role In May, Professor Lisa Parks delivered the
for teachers and students who encounter bias in the search for [scientific] knowledge — and 2019 commencement address at the Univer- in the classroom. The model was incorpo- by doing so, abandoned a unique and often sity of Montana, her alma mater.
rated into “Passage Home VR”, an interac- overlooked source of American power.”
tive narrative VR game and research tool that Les Perelman, former director of Writing
PERSONAL UPDATES simulates how users are socialized to think Marjorie Liu, teaching The Art of Comic Across the Curriculum at MIT who also
about race and ethnicity. Book Writing this fall, won her third con- served as Associate Dean of Undergradu-
Jim Bizzocchi (S.M., Comparative Media secutive best graphic story Hugo Award for ate Education, was named a “Champion of
Studies, ’01) has formally retired but Professor Heather Hendershot was named a her writing in Monstress. Public Education” by the New South Wales
continues at Simon Fraser University as a Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow at Harvard Teachers Federation.
Professor Emeritus. He is still doing some and, for the 2019/20 academic year, a fellow Recent graduate Rekha Malhotra (S.M.,
academic writing and supervising a few at the Stanford Humanities Center. Comparative Media Studies, ’19) was Postdoc Alex Pfeiffer developed the game
The CMS master’s class of 2019. Back row Matthew Graydon and James Bowie-Wilson. Front row: Josefina
graduate students. featured on by the MIT Office “Gallery Defender” with colleagues from the
Buschmann, Rachel Thompson, Rekha Malhotra, Libby Falck. (Not pictured: Sultan Sharrief.)
Jim recently presented papers at the Liwen Jin (S.M., Comparative Media Studies, of Graduate Education, highlighting how as Texas A&M University (Livelab). It follows
Canadian Society for Digital Humanities — ’08) works at frog as Global Marketing a New York City D.J., she “draws inspiration a combined game-based learning and assess-
one on virtual reality and the other on gen- Possibilities, which is due out in December Studies, ’04) came out in its second edition4 Director, and constantly travels between from the intersection of art and activism.” ment approach. The learning part and the
erative video. He is working on his video from Oxford University Press. last spring. The original edition was mostly Boston, New York, and Shanghai for work. exam are based on the same game mechanic
art, which includes the further development written while she was still a postdoctoral With this role, she manages frog’s global Motherboard, the technology section from and the same subject area, but still take
of a generative autonomous video editing In January, Kurt Fendt was appointed Senior associate at CMS. knowledge management and marketing VICE, covered the culture around “demo- place separately. The special feature of the
system. He has two projects on that system: Lecturer in CMS/W. At the same time, he analytics, and she also leads client engage- scenes” by profiling Professor Nick Mont- game, however, is that the exam results are
his ongoing work in ambient video art and made the Active Archives Initiative the Garret Fitzpatrick (S.M., Science Writing, ment and the revenue team in frog China. She fort’s Synchrony, “one of the U.S.’s last active encrypted on blockchain-based tokens. The
his latest project on a generative documen- new home for many former HyperStudio ’12) was promoted to the Head of Products recently published a Chinese book Meditation demoparties, where programmers showcase approach can be seen as one of the first in the
tary system. He is happy to be associated with projects. He gave a number of invited and at Shell TechWorks, an innovation center in from a Balcony on Amazon U.S. The book is a artistic audiovisual works made in marathon world to take advantage of Blockchain Tech-
the Open Documentary Lab on that project peer reviewed talks at the Folger Library, at Cambridge developing new, cleaner energy collection of her essays written over the past coding sessions.” nology to store and share exam results, espe-
and looks forward to more consultations with the Intentionally Digital/Intentionally Black technologies. Meanwhile, he and his wife, decade on a myriad of topics including human cially from a game-based exam environment.
ODL’s founder and principle investigator conference, the University of Innsbruck and Megan, made the move to the ’burbs with nature and relationships, cultural differences CMS graduate student Sam Mendez received
Professor William Uricchio and lab director others. In October 2018, he organized an in- their two sons, Gavin and Dylan. They now between East and West, youth and maturity, the 2019 Benjamin Siegel Writing Prize from Kendra Pierre-Louis (S.M., Science Writing,
Sarah Wolozin. terdisciplinary round table on the influence live in Framingham, Mass. love and affinity, philosophy and life, etc. the MIT Program in Science, Technology, ’16), a reporter at the Climate desk at The New
of the Bauhaus at the German Studies As- The book has been ranked #1 of best-sellers & Society. The prize committee, comprised York Times, authored a piece for The Open
Candis Callison (S.M., Comparative Media sociation annual conference; in July he gave Conor Gearin (S.M., Science Writing, ’16) and #1 of new releases in the Kindle ebooks of STS professors Merritt Roe Smith and Notebook called “Navigating Newsrooms as
Studies, ’02) was elected to the American a one-week workshop at the NEH Summer moved back to Massachusetts in late 2018 Chinese (traditional) category since it went Roz Williams, selected his paper “All of a Minority”. In it, she documented the kind
Academic of Arts and Sciences, joining the Institute “Museums: Humanities in the after finishing his M.S. in biology at the Uni- live in October 2019. Us? A Case for Ritual Communication in of racism found in many work environments
more than thirteen thousand scholars elected Public Sphere”; shortly afterwards, the 4th versity of Nebraska Omaha. In October, his Community Engagement for Health Equity.” but also examples specific to journalism, such
since the Academy’s founding in 1780, “in Art Biennale opened at the Haus der Kunst in essay first published in The Millions came out Earlier this year Jameel Khalfan (S.B., as when minority reporters are doubted for
cross-disciplinary efforts to produce reflec- Munich to which he and CMS grad student in The Best American Science and Nature Writing Computer Science and Comparative Media Andrew Moseman (S.M., Comparative their ability to report on stories outside their
tive, independent, and pragmatic studies that Ben Silverman contributed a collaborative 2019. He and fellow alum Raleigh McElvery Studies, ’06) left his job leading content part- Media Studies, ’08), formerly the Digital communities but then accused of preferential
inform public policy and advance the public archival work on the post-WWII history of (S.M., Science Writing, ’17) released a new nerships for a mobile storytelling platform Director at Popular Mechanics, became a bias when they do report on them.
good.” Third Reich art objects. podcast, “BioGenesis”, from the MIT De- and is now working at Google leading efforts Senior Writer in Advancement Communi-
With University of British Columbia on its new Play Pass game subscription. He cations at Caltech. He covers the Institute’s Aswin Punathambekar (S.M., Comparative
colleague Mary Lynn Young, she recently Introduction to Game Analysis, a book by Clara says has been a big change but is excited to major research initiatives and the philanthro- Media Studies, ’03) has co-edited the book
co-authored Reckoning: Journalism’s Limits and Fernández-Vara (S.M., Comparative Media shape the future of premium gaming. py that supports them. Global Digital Cultures: Perspectives from South

58  in medias res 2019 59



Asia. And after nearly thirteen years at the For the past year and a half, Karen Schrier inducted as a MIT MacVicar Faculty Fellow
University of Michigan, he will be taking up Shaenfield (S.M., Comparative Media last March and was one of several CMS/W
a faculty position in the Department of Media Studies, ’05) has been working as a Belfer faculty featured in a series on “Ethics, Thursday, Sep 12, 5pm | 56-114 Monday,Oct 22, 7pm | 32-155
Studies at the University of Virginia starting. Fellow at the ADL, where she is research- Computing, and A.I.” by MIT’s School Amplius Ludo, Beyond the Horizon The William Corbett Poetry Series
He is excited to join two fellow CMS alums ing games, inclusion, and identity. She of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Christopher Weaver, Founder of Bethesda Softworks, will discuss Andrea Cohen is the author of six poetry collections, including, most
at Virginia, Kevin Driscoll (’09) and Lana created a whitepaper5 that explores game She discussed the “environment for ethical how games work and why they are such potent tools in areas as recently Nightshade and Unfathoming.
Swartz (’09). design, empathy, and bias and a game jam action,” arguing that “we can cultivate our disparate as military simulation, childhood education, and medicine.
guide6 for creating identity-related games. In students as ethical thinkers but if they aren’t Thursday, Oct 24, 5pm | E15-318 (Open Area)
Lecturer and Open Documentary Lab fellow addition, the third volume in her edited series working in (or studying in) structures that Thursday, Sep 19, 5pm | E15-318 (Open Area) Why Co-Create? And Why Now? Reports from A Field
Sandra Rodriguez shared a 2019 Prix Ars Learning, Education & Games is coming out in support advocacy, interventions, and pushing Sound, Learning and Democracy: The Curvature of Study
Electronica in the computer animation November 2019. It is called “100 Games to back on proposed processes, they will be Social Space-Time through Japanese Music, from William Uricchio on how co-creation is picking up steam as a claim,
category for their work on Manic VR, “a Use in the Classroom & Beyond” — and it’s stymied.” Underground Techno to Pop Idols aspiration, and buzz-word du jour. But what is and why does it matter?
virtual reality documentary that intro- free to download from ETC Press (Carnegie Ian Condry explores contemporary Japanese music, with a compari-
duces users to the complex world of bipolar Mellon) and features games made by current Collaborators from the Teaching Systems Lab son of diverse examples, such as female Japanese rappers, underground Thursday, Nov 7, 5pm | 56-114 | Co-hosted with the MIT Program on Science,
disorder.” Sandra also welcomed Laetitia, a and former MIT folks. She still an Associate and MIT Open Learning, including research techno festivals, the virtual idol Hatsune Miku, and the pop idol Technology and Society
daughter, on October 14. Professor/Director of Games at Marist scientist Meredith Thompson, Teaching group AKB48. Artificial Intelligence & Modern Warfare
College in Poughkeepsie, New York, but Systems Lab Associate Director Rachel Lucy Suchman’s concern is with the asymmetric distributions of so-
Thalia Rubio is excited about being the now lives in beautiful South Salem (with two Slama, and Professor Justin Reich, published Monday, Sep 26, 5pm | E15-318 (Open Area) ciotechnologies of (in)security, their deadly and injurious effects, and
Interim Director of the Writing and Com- kids, a husband, and some cats). Come visit! “Teacher Moments: A Digital Simulation for Poet/Programmers, Artist/Programmers, and the legal, ethical, and moral questions that haunt their operations.
munication Center until July, 2020, when Preservice Teachers to Approximate Parent– Scholar/Programmers: What and Who Are They?
Elena Kallestinova will join from Yale Parmesh Shahani (S.M., Comparative Teacher Conversations” in the Journal of Nick Montfort develops computational poetry and art and has partici- Thursday, Nov 14, 2pm | E51-095
University. As always, she reminds us, send Media Studies, ’05) continued with the flying Digital Learning in Teacher Education. pated in dozens of literary and academic collaborations. Comparative Media Studies Graduate Admissions
your students to the WCC for professional the CMS flag in India, when he hosted The Information Session
guidance in written and oral communication. Great Indian Fandom Studies at the Godrej Professor William Uricchio published “Re- Monday, Sep 30, 7pm | 32-141 Meet faculty and research managers, learn about the program, and ask
The WCC is also presenting workshops on India Culture Lab, which he runs. This thinking the social documentary” in the The William Corbett Poetry Series questions. Followed by our weekly colloquium. Livestream available.
topics such as writing an abstract or a grant was India’s first-ever, full-blown academic edited volume The Playful Citizen: Civic En- The inaugural event, featuring poets Ruth Lepson, Keith Jones,
application; avoiding plagiarism; procrasti- fandom conference. This historic event gagement in a Mediatized Culture, published Daniel Bouchard, Fanny Howe, Roland Pease, Michael Franco, Thursday, Nov 14, 5pm | E15-318 (Open Area)
nating better; and explaining your research brought together fan studies scholars, fandom by Amsterdam University Press. He also Patrick Pritchett, Ed Barrett. Design Based Research on Participatory Simulations
to people outside your field. community managers and more on the same published “Augmenting Reality: The Eric Klopfer and The Education Arcade are working on a set of “Par-
stage and it was absolutely “fan-tastic”. He Markers, Memories, and Meanings Behind Thursday, Oct 3, 5pm | E15-318 (Open Area) ticipatory Simulations”: mobile collaborative systems-based games.
M.R. Sauter (S.M., Comparative Media also continued being fabulous, by speaking at Today’s AR” in a special issue of the Leonardo Pomegranate
Studies, ’13) is now Assistant Professor at the conferences within India and outside, about Electronic Almanac dedicated to urban inter- Helen Elaine Lee reads from the manuscript of her novel, “Pome- Friday, Nov 15, 3pm | 14E-304
University of Maryland’s College of Infor- LGBTQ India and intersectionality. faces. granate”, about a recovering addict who is getting out of prison and Graduate Program in Science Writing Information
mation studies, where they are “exploring trying to stay clean, regain custody of her children, and choose life. Session
how innovation economy companies work At the end of June, Steven Strang stepped This summer, Professor Jing Wang celebrat- Meet faculty, learn about the program, and ask questions. Livestream
with local and national governments to down as director of the Writing and Com- ed the 10th anniversary of the founding of Oct 9-11 | E15 available.
redevelop urban areas and jumpstart lagging munication Center, a position he held for 37 NGO2.0 and launched a new project “Future Design and Semantics of Form and Movement
economies.” years, ever since he started the WCC in 1982. Village” in collaboration with Shenzhen The DeSForM conference seeks to present current research into the Thursday, Nov 21, 5pm | E15-318 (Open Area)
The WCC has worked with thousands of Open Innovation Lab and the School of Ex- nature, character and behavior of emerging typologies of connected Portable Postsocialisms [postsocialismos de bolsillo]
Professor Edward Schiappa completed his clients including undergraduate and graduate perimental Art at the Chinese Academy of and intelligent objects within adaptive systems. Paloma Duong on “how revisiting our assumptions about digital
term as CMS/W Head after six years. He students, post-docs, faculty, staff, and spouses. Fine Arts. Her new book The Other Digital media and cultural agency, both in Cuba and in the broader hemi-
published three articles in 2019: “Sophisticat- He will remain teaching Rhetoric for the China: Nonconfrontational Activism on the Social Thursday, Oct 10, 5pm | E15-318 (Open Area) spheric context, can speak to the dreams and demands of constituen-
ed Modernism and Truth”, in James E. Katz next couple of years. Web is due out in December. How Entertainment Can Help Fix the System cies that operate between, beneath, and beyond the pressures of global
& Kate K. Mays, eds., Journalism and Truth Anushka Shah asks, our trust in politics and public institutions is markets and the nation-state.”
in an Age of Social Media; “Communication Professor T.L. Taylor‘s book on game live In January in New York, Jia Zhang (S.M., falling globally — can entertainment and pop culture be a way out?
Instruction in Science & Engineering Uni- streaming, Watch Me Play (Princeton, 2018), Comparative Media Studies, ’13) married Thursday, Dec 5, 5pm | E15-318 (Open Area)
versities: The MIT Experience”, International received the American Sociological Asso- Eric Ross Finkelstein. The two met as under- Thursday, Oct 17, 5pm | E15-318 (Open Area) Play as Transformative Work
Journal of Management and Applied Science; and ciation Communication, Information Tech- graduates at the Rhode Island School of If I Could Reach the Border… T.L. Taylor will explore the ways game live streamers are transforming
“Will & Grace”, in The State of SIE: Mapping nologies, and Media Sociology (CITAMS) Design. Jia, who received her Ph.D. from the Vivek Bald will read from a new essay that uses a teenage encounter their otherwise private play into public entertainment.
the Landscape of Social Impact Entertainment. He section’s 2019 book award. She was also Media Lab following her time in the CMS with police and the justice system to explore questions of immigrant
is now working on a book titled The Challenge program, is now a Mellon Associate Research acceptability, racialization, and the South Asians American embrace A full schedule, including special events, is available at Miss an
of Defining “Sex” and “Gender”: The Transgen- Scholar at Columbia University’s Center for of model minority status. event? Catch up at
der Exigency. Spatial Research.

60  in medias res 2019 61


“Bringing the War Home” – Visual Aftermaths and Erik Loyer

Domestic Disturbances in the Era of Modern Warfare Loyer’s award-winning work explores new blends of game dynamics,
Caren Kaplan focuses on the period from the Vietnam War into poetic expression and interactive visual storytelling.
the “War on Terror” through Martha Rosler’s photo collage series
“House Beautiful: Bringing the War Home” (1967-2004). Do-it Yourself Cinema: Portable Film Projectors as
Media History
The Language of Civic Life: Past to Present Haidee Wasson explores the vibrant place of portable film devices in
The University of Texas’ Roderick Hart argues that raucous disagree- the history of small media, repositioning the “movie theatre” as the
ments draw citizens in, at least enough of them to sustain civic hope. singular or even central figuration of film presentation and viewing.

Protecting the Water in Solidarity and Unity Thumbs Type and Swipe
Myron Dewey has pioneered the blending of citizen monitoring, doc- Lauren Boyle and DIS enlist leading artists and thinkers to expand
umentary filmmaking, and social networking in the cause of environ- the reach of key conversations bubbling up through contemporary art,
ment, social justice and indigenous people’s rights. culture, philosophy, and technology.

The Julius Schwartz Lecture The Battle of Algiers as Ghost Archive: Specters of a Muslim International
Last November We welcomed award-winning comics creator Brian
Michael Bendis, one of the most successful writers working in main- Sohail Daulatzai on the film’s “competing narratives, a battleground
stream comics. over the meaning and memory of decolonization and Western power,
and a site for challenging the current imperial consensus.”
Practitioner-led Research to Reimagine Technology
for Social Justice Computer Games in Communist Czechoslovakia as Entertainment and Activism
Sasha Costanza-Chock explores key findings and recommendations
from #MoreThanCode, a recently-released field scan based on more Jaroslav Švelch discusses the surprising ways computer hobbyists
than 100 practitioner interviews. in Czechoslovakia challenged the power of the oppressive political
regime and harnessed early microcomputer technology for entertain-
Marisa Morán Jahn ment and activism.
Jahn is a multi-media artist, writer, educator and activist, whose Social Media Entertainment
colorful, often humorous uses of personae and media create imagina-
tive pathways to civic awareness of urgent public issues. Media scholars Stuart Cunningham and David Craig propose chal-
lenging accounts of the political economy of digital media, the precar-
Daniel Bacchieri ious status of creative labor and media management, and the possibili- ties of progressive cultural politics in commercializing environments.
Bacchieri is an award-winning Brazilian journalist, documentary

March 2019 student hack of “The Alchemist”.

film maker and collaborative web developer/curator, whose visually “The Good Stuff”: The Intersections of Work,
inspiring StreetMusicMap platform has been widely praised for its Leisure, and Relational Bonding on Tumblr and
curation of street performers from across the globe. Patreon
“Collective Wisdom” Keynote Nick-Brie Guarriello on the political economies and labor demands of micro-celebrity and influencer culture.
Critically-acclaimed filmmaker and artist Thomas Allen Harris
reveals his process, experiences, and unexpected outcomes working Ready for more podcasts and videos? Catch up, or subscribe for just-posted ones, at
with communities in online and offline shared spaces and places. and

62  in medias res

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