Financial Abuse
Financial Abuse
Financial Abuse
Financial Abuse
Step 3: Make Peace With What You Have Lost or Are Going To Lose
As we know, narcissists love to take your money and your stuff and hold it
over you to keep you hooked to them – it’s fabulous A-grade narcissistic
Know this: if you have no way of legally retrieving what is yours, accept
it’s not coming back to you.
If you legally can go after them do (I have a resource here that can help
you know how to defeat narcissists legally) but if not, the following is vital
to understand:
Firstly, the narcissist has convinced themselves you owe them at least what
they have taken. Secondly, them withholding is used as a tool to torture
you, as malicious vindication for the narcissist considering what they
believe you did to them.
There is only one way out of that hellhole, let go and do everything you
can to make PEACE with your losses. Sometimes we have to pay to have
our rubbish removed.
The truth is our soul health is worth far more than any physical thing. I
know, when I lost copious amounts (pretty much everything I had worked
my entire life for), I had to work very hard with Quanta Freedom Healing
to release the excruciating trauma of that.
It worked. I did reach complete peace, and I know so many others who
have also.
Please know, it can be hard to shift our pain and rage at the narcissist for
skipping off into the sunset, apparently thrilled with taking what is ours,
while we are left behind broken and destitute.
Through inner healing and aligning ourselves with the truth, we can let this
go too. Narcissists are never having a great time, no matter what they do or
don’t have. It is all illusionary.
But WE can generate real, and incredibly soul gratifying lives.
Which leads us to the next important step.
Step 6: Release The Guilt of Having Put People You Love Through
Financial Hardship
Many of us have struggled with this next important step.
After narcissist number 1 my son was devastated that we lost his home. He
was traumatised beyond measure regarding the step down in
accommodation that we had to make.
I promise you that, when I led the way and accepted that what was
happening to us was a part of our soul evolution, including his, and got
‘okay’ with it, he followed.
I am so proud to say now that my son is not superficial and doesn’t prize
‘stuff’ over people or his soul. We both generated incredible building of
our lives, and he is a successful self-actualised balanced adult financially.
Rather than there being ‘scars’ concerning what we went through, the
rebuild, starting with our souls, was some of the most powerful and
abundant lessons we ever learnt.
Step 7: Become Who You Are Truly Meant To Be
So many people work in vocations they don’t like, just to make money.
That isn’t a living. It’s a dying.
My suggestion is, whilst you are healing and aligning with your soul, to
cover your needs with a job that is not going to be all-consuming, even if it
isn’t your dream purpose.
Then as you release trauma and heal, start asking yourself the following
1) WHO am I?
2) What lights me up?
3) What do I want to unfold from within me to make a difference?
4) What unique contribution can I make?
I also suggest doing specific Quanta Freedom Healing Shifts on any
traumas getting in the way of you aligning with the answers to these
questions. Many people who have done this, have fast-tracked toward the
unfoldment of their true soul’s missions, that have not only gratified their
sense of purpose magnificently but also provided grand abundance to them
as well.
Which is exactly what happens when we get on soul and on song!
I promise you that when you devote to healing and releasing your True
Self, your mission will emerge from within. It starts as feelings and urges
and the more you shift out the doubts and blocks within you, the more this
will come into focus, bringing opportunities, possibility and miracle in to
cogenerate it with you.
I hope that these 7 steps have provided you with a way through that will
grant you clarity, direction, relief and personal power.
(If this article is really resonating with you and you would like to learn
more about the complete system I have developed to not only survive but
Thrive after narcissistic financial abuse, with the use of energetic work,
then I recommend you take a look at the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
I look forward to answering your comments and questions about this very
important topic.