Money Concepts - Access Consciousness

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PROBLEM, you are.


What if all your money problems could be fixed with gentle inner work, not harder and longer
hours at work? Multi-million dollar business owner, wise elder, international speaker and Access
Consciousness founder, Gary Douglas, is the best-selling author of two radical books about you
and your relationship to money - Money is Not The Problem, You Are and Right Riches for You.

The cutting edge tools and strategies he talks about have transformed the lives of thousands
of people in more than 50 countries worldwide. “Most people come into the world with the sense
of what they can’t have rather than the possibility of things they can, so the majority of this
work is about getting people to change their thinking around what is possible and be open
to receiving,” he says.

He will reveal his inner work strategies for money making in Sydney, April 11.

5 Things Stopping You

From Having The Money You Desire
1. No defined purpose for having money - Not knowing what the purpose for your money
will be, will keep you closed from receiving it. You must know what you would use your
money for it you had it.

2. No life target - No target to aim for will keep you flitting from one thing to the next
in constant state of wonderment around which one will work. Knowing your life target
will guide you in a direction that will help you fulfill the life and money target you want.

3. No joy - Money follows happiness. Most people don’t choose a happy path in their
attempt to create money. “If someone said, ‘hey, come to my party... there will be no
fun, no food, no drink, no singing and no dancing’ I’d say, ‘no, I don’t want to come.
’ Money does too,” Gary says. Do something that brings you total joy, and money
will come to your party.

4. Wrong info about how to get money - We’re all trained to believe we have to earn
money in the same way our parents did, eg work harder to earn more money. That’s
not true. What would it be like if you found out what the best way to make money
for you was?

5. Wanting things we don’t truly desire - Most people say they want a big house and
car, but can’t afford it. Not being able to afford it (ie can’t have it) is what actually
drives the want for it, rather than it actually being a true desire or need. Ask it.
5 Tools You Can Use Today to Have The Money You Want

1. If the spending feels light, it’s right; if it feels heavy, its wrong and a lie
- Always ask in every money moment, does spending this money on this thing make
me feel light. If it does then do it.

2. Ask: if I buy you, will you make me money?

- It sounds crazy, but always ask the thing you are buying this question. We believe
things are inanimate and indifferent but every molecule has consciousness and plays a
role in our future results. You have to be willing to open you awareness to whether
a thing will contribute to you making money or not, so ask it.

3. Tithe to the church of you - Three practical steps to having more money:

i. Put 10 per cent of every dollar that comes into your life away as savings and don’t
ever spend it ever. Within 6 months you will be in a position where you have turned
your financial situation around and money will flow in with greater ease.
ii. Keep a large sum of money with you at all times and never spend it. “I carry $2000
at all times,” Gary says.
iii. Know how much money it costs to run your life. “If you don’t know what you’re asking
for (ie. how much money), you can’t be open to receive it. If you ask for exactly what
you want, you will get what you desire,”

4. Live in the question - Living in the question – eg. how can I make more money?
- means you don’t settle in any false conclusion. When you arrive at: ‘this isn’t working’
then any future possibility you have already set in creative motion stops.

5. All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory

- Say it ten times in the morning and evening.


PROBLEM, you are. LIVE
Presented by Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness®,
International speaker and best selling author

For Interview contact Justine McKell

E: [email protected]
T: (+61) 415 144 407 (AUS) or (+1) 424 288 9236 (USA)

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