HR HR HR Hrdev: Example: Using Data Pump Export and Data Pump Import
HR HR HR Hrdev: Example: Using Data Pump Export and Data Pump Import
HR HR HR Hrdev: Example: Using Data Pump Export and Data Pump Import
On Windows:
MKDIR c:\oraclexe\app\tmp
On Linux:
mkdir /usr/lib/oracle/xe/tmp
On Windows:
11. Import the dump file, schema.dmp, into another schema, in this
case, HRDEV. You use the REMAP_SCHEMA command parameter to
indicate that objects are to be imported into a schema other than their
original schema. Because the HRDEV user account does not already
exist, the import process automatically creates it. In this example, you will
import everything except constraints, ref_constraints, and indexes. If a
table already exists, it is replaced with the table in the export file.
The HRDEV schema is now populated with data from the HR schema.
12. Assign a password to the newly created HRDEV user account. To do so,
start SQL Command Line and connect as user SYSTEM (as you did in
step 4), and then at the SQL prompt, enter the
following ALTER USER statement:
You can now work in the HRDEV schema without affecting your
production data in the HR schema.
Exporting and Importing Data with the Export and Import Utilities
The Export and Import utilities provide a simple way for you to transfer data
objects between Oracle databases. They are invoked with
the exp and imp commands, respectively. These utilities provide support for
XMLType data, whereas the Data Pump Export and Import utilities do not.