MTA 98 361 Software Development Fundamentals PDF
MTA 98 361 Software Development Fundamentals PDF
MTA 98 361 Software Development Fundamentals PDF
Software Development
NCMTA.361 | Durasi: 3 (Tiga) Hari
■ Exam Track: MTA 98-361
■ Biaya Training: 6.800.000 IDR
(Sudah termasuk biaya Exam)
Outline Materi
■ Understanding Core Programming
■ Computer Storage and Data Types
■ Computer Decision Structures
■ Identify the Appropriate Method for Handling Repetition
■ Error Handling
■ Understanding Object-Oriented Programming
■ The Fundamentals of Classes
■ Inheritance
■ Polymorphism
■ Encapsulation
■ Understanding General Software Development
Training Center: Jl. Setrasari Kulon V No. 10, Bandung 40152, Jawa Barat
Phone • WhatsApp • Telegram: 0851.0848.1111 • 0851.0848.4848 • [email protected]