Property Relations Between Husband and Wife: CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions
Property Relations Between Husband and Wife: CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions
Property Relations Between Husband and Wife: CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions
Marriages under Civil Code (prior to Aug. 3, 1988) – Conjugal o If acceptance is made in a separate instrument, donor
Partnership of Gains (CPG) shall be notified in an authentic form. This must be noted
Properties of spouses who got married prior to the effectivity of Family in both instruments
Code without a marriage settlement shall be governed by CPG and shall not Effect when formalities are not followed: void
be converted to ACP, because doing so would be to impair their acquired or Express acceptance – under NCC, valid. Under FC, must follow
vested rights to their separate properties under CPG. formalities, otherwise, void.
Agreed property regime in marriage settlement is other than ACP
LOCAL CUSTOMS Donation of future spouse in favor of the other, as stipulated in
May only arise if future spouses execute a marriage settlement and marriage settlement– must not exceed 1/5 of present property of
stipulate therein that the absolute community shall not exist between donor
them but without providing for the rules or regime that shall govern their Excess over 1/5 – void; remainder – valid
property relations. If donation propter nuptias exceeding 1/5 of present property of
donor-spouse is not contained in the marriage settlement –
CHAPTER 2 – Donations by Reason of Marriage excess shall still be void. Intent of the law is to avoid taking
Donation Propter Nuptias – those made before its celebration, in advantage of property of spouses.
consideration of the same, and in favor of one or both of the future If no marriage settlement – 1/5 shall not apply because by default,
spouses ACP will govern their property relations
Requisites: Donation of future property
Made before the celebration of marriage Ordinary donation of future property – prohibited
Made in consideration of marriage Donation propter nuptias of future property where donor is a
Made in favor of one or both spouses third party - prohibited
o Donee/s must be either or both of the spouses, although Donation propter nuptias of future property between spouses –
the donor need not be one of the spouses. allowed
Celebration of marriage is not a condition sine qua non for the validity of o This shall be in the nature of a donation mortis causa –
the donation. Hence, it remains valid, but becomes revocable, even if no effective only upon death of donor spouse
marriage takes place. o Formalities – formalities of wills outlined in Art. 804 to
FORMALITIES 809 of NCC shall apply
Movable – orally or in writing DONATIONS SUBJECT TO ENCUMBRANCE
o Oral donation requires simultaneous delivery Donation propter nuptias of a property subject to encumbrance is valid. In
o Personal property exceeding P5,000 – donation and case of foreclosure:
acceptance must be in writing Proceeds not sufficient to cover total indebtedness – donee shall
Immovable – public document not be liable
o Acceptance – made in the same deed of donation or in a Proceeds are more than the amount of indebtedness – donee
separate public document shall be entitled to the excess
By reason of non-celebration of marriage This action is personal to the donor and is not transmissible to his
If stipulated under marriage settlement – void heirs and neither may this action be brought against the heir of
If made outside marriage settlement – remains valid but becomes the donee, unless upon the latter’s death the complaint has been
revocable filed
By judicial declaration of nullity of marriage Grounds (Art. 765 of NCC)
General rule: remains valid but becomes revocable o Donee commited some offense against the person,
Exception: the following shall result to revocation by operation of honor, or property of the donor, or of his wife or children
law under parental authority
o Void under Art. 40 of FC if donee contracted marriage in o Donee imputes to donor any criminal offense or any act
bad faith involving moral turpitude, unless it has been committed
o Subsequent marriages under Art. 41 of FC where both against the donee himself, his wife or children under his
spouses acted in bad faith and void under Art. 44 authority
(donation between spouses) o Unduly refuses to support donor when donee is legally or
If donee is a third party – revocable morally bound to do the same