All About IIFT
All About IIFT
All About IIFT
Introduction 3
IIFT Fast Facts 4
IIFT Important Dates 5
IIFT Eligibility Criteria 6
IIFT Application Form 7
IIFT Exam Pattern 8
IIFT Sample Paper 9
IIFT Result 10
IIFT Cutoff 11
IIFT Selection Procedure 12
IIFT Expert Analysis 13
IIFT Topper Interview 16
IFT is a national level post-graduation entrance examination, conducted by
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade. The institute offers two-year full time MBA
in International Business, at its three campuses- IIFT Delhi, Kolkata and
Kakinada. Each year around 60,000 aspirants apply for the test. The applica-
tion starts from July continue till September. The exam is usually scheduled in
November/ December and the results are announced in December.
IIFT entrance exam is considered to be a tough nut to crack owing to its high
difficulty level. The cutoff and selection process is also on the higher side which
makes it another coveted MBA entrance test to crack for the management aspir-
ants. As far as IIFT is concerned, it is one of the most sought after B-schools in
India, which is ranked among the top management institutes. Established in the
year 1963 by the Government of India (Ministry of Commerce and Industry), it
is an autonomous B-School whose flagship programme is MBA in International
Business (MBA-IB). It is the only top B-School which offers this programme. IIFT
has a second campus in Kolkata which was established in 2006. It is an exten-
sion of the Delhi campus with rotating faculty and central placement at both the
campuses. Kakinada campus was inaugurated in 2017.
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In the table given below, candidates can check the tentative IIFT important
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Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) will announce the result of IIFT 2018 MBA
(IB) in the fourth week of December 2017. The institute will declare the IIFT
results in the form of score card which will have the sectional and overall marks
scored in IIFT. On the basis of the IIFT result, candidates will be selected for the
next round of selection procedure. In the next selection round, candidates can
expect Group Discussion, Writing Skill Assessment and Personal Interview. After
the selection is complete, candidates will be selected on the basis of the marks
scored in these rounds and then granted admission to the IIFT Delhi, Kolkata and
Kakinada. Candidates who take the test can check here for all the details regard-
ing the IIFT result, merit list and information regarding the next selection round.
●● Those who appeared for the entrance exam can check their IIFT result from
the link shared below
●● The IIFT result for MBA (IB) will be available in the PDF format
●● To begin with, candidates have to enter their seven digit Roll Number along
with Date of Birth (DOB)
●● The format of DOB should be – DD/MM/YYYY
●● After entering the above details, candidates have to click on the ‘Submit’ button
●● Post which candidates can download or take a print out of the same for future
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) will release the Previous Year IIFT Cutoff
cutoff of IIFT after declaring the result. The IIFT result In the table given below, candidates can check previ-
is likely to be declared in the fourth week of Decem- ous year cut off of IIFT:
ber 2017. While the entrance exam is scheduled to be
held on December 3, 2017. IIFT cutoff is the minimum Overall IIFT Cutoff
marks a test taker has to score in order to clear the Category Cutoff marks Max. Marks
management exam. IIFT will declare the IIFT cutoff
General 48.5 100
for all categories including General, OBC, ST/SC and
OBC (NCL) 43.5 100
Physically handicapped. Only those candidates will
be invited for the next selection procedure who meet SC 38.5 100
the IIFT cutoff set by the institute. The next selection ST 27.17 100
round may contain Group Discussion, Personal Inter- PH 28.85 100
view and Essay Writing.
Sectional IIFT Cutoff
Factors determining the IIFT Cutoff Section Cutoff marks Max. Marks
The cutoff of IIFT that will be declared by the institute
EC 9.67 31
is dependent on certain factors mentioned below:
QA 4.01 20
●● Number of candidates’ appearing for IIFT
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states, “A couple of questions from P&C and Prob- but the remaining three sets had simple calculations
ability were slightly difficult and the language of the and were straight forward ones. Analysing individual
right circular cylinder questions was slightly mislead- questions of the DI area, VistaMind states, “The set
ing.” As per the sectional analysis presented by Vista- on revenue and expenses is the easiest one. The Set
Mind, there were some sitter questions in the section. on Foreign Investment (FI) and Domestic Investment
(DI) also was easily doable. Incidentally, even the one
DATA INTERPRETATION & on T-Shirt Manufacturing across 5 stores was also
LOGICAL REASONING: EASY DI direct and easy. The only set, which had some calcu-
AND TRICKY LR QUESTIONS lations, though easy ones, was the table on Students
There were 22 questions from Logical Reasoning in Five Kingdoms and their Pass Percentages across
area which could be termed as easy to moderate dif- five years.”
ficulty level. Regarding a particular question on LR,
the analysis by T.I.M.E. mentions, “One of the missing VERBAL ABILITY & READING
letters question was a bit confusing. Those who did COMPREHENSION: VOCABULARY
not spend much time on this question (the question TOOK THE CAKE
which had a table filled with ABCD, abcd and 1234 in Unlike previous years, the Reading Comprehension
three rows) would have done themselves a favour.” passages were much shorter and concise. The ques-
There were two questions from Verbal Reasoning tions were direct and easy to comprehend. There
and rest of the 20 questions were from Non-Verbal were four passages which were on familiar subjects
Reasoning. with four questions from each passage. The sectional
difficulty level was also higher compared to past IIFT
Talking about particular questions and their nature, entrance exams.
Career Launcher mentions, “The Star figure ques-
tion tested you on length/area and clockwise/anti- The Verbal Ability or English Usage section posed
clockwise logic. The tribes question was doable but challenge to the test takers with introduction of
would have taken a little time. The hexagon seating new question types like Crossword and Etymology.
arrangement set and the Doctors set would be time “Nearly all the questions were vocabulary based,
consuming. The first question in the Logistic/Finance/ apart from 2 jumbled sentence questions (also a new
Administration question was incorrect since Finance question type for IIFT, but easy to do). The Fill in the
was a clear-cut answer (Finance or Logistics was the Blanks questions required you to know certain idio-
next best). The singlets were doable and students matic/colloquial expressions that not everyone would
should have attempted them first.” have been familiar with. Apart from the difficulty of
the words themselves, several of the questions were
The Data Interpretation part had four sets - two were time consuming, as they involved consulting long
based on ‘Tables’ and the remaining two were on ‘Bar lists and tables of words,” mentions the analysis by
Graph’. Out of the four sets, one was relatively more IMS Learning.
calculation intensive (the one based on Garments),
According to experts, the difficulty level of the section is moderate to tough. The
section had a good mix of current affairs and static GK questions. The Career
Launcher expert shares, “Questions were from static Business & Economy and
current affairs as well as miscellaneous GK. There were questions from history,
geography, polity, science, books, and sports. As many as 10 - 12 questions
were from CL’s mock & compendium as well as Gyandhara.”
IMS Learning adds, “Out of these 25 questions, 14 were on world affairs and
only 11 on national events. This section was a little tougher than the GA sec-
tion last year. There were a few ‘Match the Column’ questions which were easy
because identifying only one correct pair would have given you the answer.
However, some current event questions were quite difficult. The themes of the
questions were mostly on business, personalities, headquarters and sports, with
a couple from science and technology.”
Careers360: Why did you plan to pursue MBA in cut-off. I then shifted to the other sections. In the end, I came
International Business from IIFT? back to the start of paper and then tried to maximise my over-
Aditya: I was working in the government sector which is all score by scoring most in QA and RC-VA.
considered a secure job especially as the economic recession
hit a few years back. But I had a gut feeling that probably the Careers360: How did you prepare for the post exam
worst of the economic recession is over. New opportunities selection rounds of IIFT?
are opening up and even the policies of the present-day gov- Aditya: I attended the GD-PI classes of my coaching insti-
ernment are encouraging the private sector to take the lead. I tute. I met with the faculty there and got feedbacks regarding
chose to tap the opportunity and IIFT was an obvious choice my CV form. It helped me in preparing answers for HR ques-
because of the focus of the curriculum on International Busi- tions of the interview. The mock GD and mock PI sessions
ness. It would equip me to face the challenges that as a future also helped.
manager I may face in a globalised world.
Careers360: What do you think are the key factors
Careers360: When did you start preparing for IIFT that influenced your selection at the GD-PI stage?
and what was your overall strategy? Aditya: I prepared quite a lot through reading newspapers
Aditya: I started preparing in June for the exam scheduled and mock sessions for GD-PI. It instilled confidence in me
in November. I joined a weekend batch of Career Launcher and a positive energy to tackle the GD-PI challenge.
as I was out of touch with the pattern of entrance exams. Also,
I got all the study material in one place and did not have to Careers360: What was your essay topic and how did
waste time in sifting books. My strategy was to attend all the you structure it?
classes without fail. I had a habit of reading the newspaper Aditya: My essay topic was on financial inclusion in India. I
regularly so it took care of the GK part of the entrance exam. started with the definition of the term and its implication for
the masses of India. Then, I wrote about the steps taken by
Careers360: Tell us about your strong and weak areas in the government in this regard. I ended the essay on a positive
IIFT entrance test? How did you tackle your weak areas? note with some suggestions that could further deepen the
Aditya: RC was always my strong area. I scored full marks financial inclusion in the country.
in the exam. My weakest area was Data Interpretation (DI).
I went through the DI questions once but if I could not make Careers360: What would you like to advise the IIFT
sense out of them, I tried maximising my score through the aspirants?
LR questions and other sections like QA. Aditya: Time management is the key. Focus on clearing
sectional cut-offs first and then try to maximise the overall
Careers360: What was your time management strat- score. Read at least one newspaper regularly. It will help not
egy for IIFT in terms of preparations and test? only in the GA section but till your GD-PI round. Lastly, do
Aditya: I knew that the sectional cut-offs are usually very not get bogged down by low percentiles in mock tests. Focus
low in this exam. So, I attempted only that many questions in on the IIFT exam and finish your quota of failing well before
my first attempt that could easily help me clear the sectional 26 Nov, 2016.
Careers360: Since when did you start preparing for I was pretty confident of my verbal skills, hence I just revised
IIFT? What was the strategy you followed? the Barron’s word list and made it a habit to solve multi-
Mohit: I started my preparation in earnest from July. I ple reading comprehensions and also brushed up basics of
first analysed the exam notification and started working on Grammar.
my strategies. I found out my weak and strong sections and For General Knowledge, I struck to reading newspapers like
focused first on the weaker parts. I also made time table for Hindu and Mint and they didn’t disappoint me in the exam.
when to start giving the mocks.
In exam, I first pounced on the Verbal section, followed by
Careers360: From last two years, CAT has been in General Knowledge, LR & DI and lastly Quants.
news for its changes in the test pattern, whereasIIFT
pattern has remained on the similar lines. Do you think Careers360: What were your strong and weak areas?
IIFT should also bring some changes in its pattern in How did you tackle your weak area in the test?
terms of sections, mode of conduct, use of calculator, Mohit: I was strong in Verbal and General Knowledge sec-
along with defining definitive set of questions and tion but lagged behind in Quants. To remedy the situation,
marks? I devoted majority of time during the early phases of my
preparation to brushing up my Quants basics and deciding
Mohit: I believe IIFT is one of the best conducted com- on which topic to focus and which topics to leave altogether. I
petitive examinations in India. According to me, aptitude picked up high scoring and formulae based topics like Geom-
tests are best conducted in paper-pen format. Most of the etry, Probability, etc.
questions which appear in IIFT test are conceptual in nature
and not very calculation intensive. IIFT exam also gives the Careers360: After the exam, how did you prepare for
aspirant the freedom to choose the section of test which he the selection rounds?
wants to solve first and in the process, make and implement Mohit: After the examination, I was very confident of my
their strategies. chances of getting through. So, I almost immediately started
preparing for the next selection rounds. I read newspapers
Careers360: What was your time management strategy like Hindu and Mint religiously because having good grasp of
for IIFT; both during preparations and during the test? current affairs will give you an upper hand over other aspir-
Mohit: Since, I was weak in Quants, I dedicated most of my ants. I also read a few good books to provide a solid base for
time to brush up the basics of quants and also solve multitude my mentioned hobby, which is reading.
of problems. I chose the topics cautiously and solved every
related problem so that I was sure that I will be able to solve Careers360: What are the key factors, you think, that
most of the questions pertaining to that topic. As far as LR & influenced your selection at the GD-PI stage?
DI goes, practice is the key. I made it a habit to solve at least Mohit: According to me, you should have confidence on
five caselets every day of different type so that I felt com- your ability to shine at critical moments. In the essay round,
fortable with the topic. The key here is to solve problems of I refrained from using flowery language and stayed on the
almost every kind imaginable so that you don’t have to waste point. Group Discussions in IIFT are one of the longest you
much time during exam to analyse the data. will ever face. Everybody gets enough time to elucidate his or
her point. Knowing the subject matter is most important in such cases.
My interview was mostly cantered on my hobby which is reading and I was able to comfort-
ably answer most of the questions they asked.
Careers360: What was your essay topic and how did you structure your write up?
Mohit: My essay topic was ‘Public-Private partnerships: a boon or bane’. I first introduced
the subject and mentioned some of the latest happenings in the field that might have trig-
gered this topic. I then went on to enunciate the benefits of PPP by giving examples. I also
mentioned some of the projects that were not able to achieve the desired results and con-
cluded by mentioning how PPP were the way to go and though there are still some creases,
it will not be beneficial to term PPP as a bane.
The important thing will writing the essay is to make sure that your sentences are coherent
and your change of paragraphs are smooth and flawless.
Careers360: What made you pursue MBA in International Business from IIFT?
Mohit: As it is widely said, “No business is domestic; all businesses are international.”
No business in today’s world is a domestic business. Every business has global ambitions
and even the businesses not going global face competition from multinational companies.
The curriculum for International Business is very closely linked to the industry expecta-
tions and thus holds you in good stride for future.