Measurements & Electronic Instruments Laboratory Experiment Manual
Measurements & Electronic Instruments Laboratory Experiment Manual
Measurements & Electronic Instruments Laboratory Experiment Manual
The differential gain can be adjusted by varying R2. The main advantage of an
Instrumentation Amplifier, (i) High differential gain, (ii) Large common mode
rejection, (iii) High input impedance and (iv) Moderate bandwidth.
The circuit will provide approximately Vi1 – Vi2 = 0.01V1. Apply 1V p-p
Sin wave from the function generator at 10Hz, 100Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz
and 100 kHz observe the output V0 by Oscilloscope. Compute differential
gain Ad for different frequencies. Plot the frequency response.
5. Compute the Ac common mode gain Ac by removing R5 and R6 in Fig-2,
at difference frequency mentioned above. Apply V1 = 10V p-p. Compute
CMRR for all the frequencies.
6. Study the pin configuration and performance of a single chip
Instrumentation Amplifier AD624.