"Why Created Mankind?": Submitted To
"Why Created Mankind?": Submitted To
"Why Created Mankind?": Submitted To
The motivation behind making the humanity is love from the perspective of humankind, the
request "For what reason did God make man" gathers "For what expectation was man made?" It
is uncommon to discover somebody who has not asked himself or others the inquiry: "What is
the reason for our creation?" A gathering of individuals persistently come into this world while
another gathering leave it, getting to be stifled for ever - what is the thought behind this traveling
every which way?
It is uncommon to discover somebody who has not asked himself or others the inquiry: "What is
the reason for our creation?" A gathering of individuals constantly come into this world while
another gathering leave it, getting to be stifled for ever - what is the thought behind this going
back and forth?
Mankind creation
“Verily We created man from a product of wet earth; then placed him as a
drop (of seed) in a safe lodging; then We fashioned the drop into a clot,
then We fashioned the clot into a little lump, then We fashioned the little
lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it
another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators!” [Al-Tiin
However, when a God-worshipping person asks himself this question, he never finds himself in
despair. Primarily, he knows that the Creator of this world is Wise and therefore His act of
creation is undoubtedly based on wisdom - although some men might not be aware of it;
secondly, viewing every part of himself, he observes that each one possesses an objective. Not
only the brain, heart, blood vessels and the nerves, but even the nails, eyelashes, fingerprints, the
depressions in the palms and the feet; each has a philosophy attached to its presence which has
been identified and proven today. These inquiries are questions which each and everybody of us
ponders sooner or later during their life.
Man is not the greatest act of creation, this universe is far more complex and far more
magnificent than man. So the issue of creation should then go to, "Why did God create?", as
opposed to simply, "Why create man?" Fundamentally, we can say that the creation is the natural
consequence of the attribute of creator. Allah is the creator. That is one of his attributes. That is
what he has informed us. That being his attribute, the creator, the natural consequence or the
product of this attribute is his creation.
"The creation of the Heavens and the Earth is indeed greater then the
creation of mankind; yet, most of mankind know not” [Al-Qur'an 40:57]
Right when a Muslim keeps an eye regarding this matter, we have to find our understanding from
Divine Revelation and not human speculation. Since human hypothesis has no restrictions; we can
imagine a wide scope of things and if any of you has inspected thinking of religion, you will
acknowledge what number of sentiments there are about the creation of man and nearness. Because
of the grouping of strategies for thinking which are out there, it's not possible for anyone to state
this one is correct or that one is mixed up, in light of the fact that there is no heading behind it. No
Divine Revelation. It is simply from Divine Revelation that we can choose reality of our creation,
since it is Allah who has made us along these lines He knows the explanation behind our creation.
We can scarcely grasp it ourselves, significantly less endeavoring to fathom the pith of things. So
it is for
Allah to exhort us through the exposure in the Qur'an and the sunnah (the Prophetic traditions)
which were brought to us by His Last Messenger and the Messengers before him.
By and by if we are to take a gander from the outset into exposure, to choose for what reason was
man made, there is an increasingly significant request that we should show before that.
• http://www.islam-guide.com/purpose-of-life.htm
• https://islamqa.info/en/answers/45529/the-reason-why-mankind-
• https://archive.org/details/LaqadKhalaqnaAlinsanaFeeAhsaniTaqweemin