The document lists many English irregular verbs along with their base form, third person singular form, simple past tense, past participle, and present participle. For each verb, it provides the equivalent translation in Spanish. There are over 70 irregular verbs included in the table.
The document lists many English irregular verbs along with their base form, third person singular form, simple past tense, past participle, and present participle. For each verb, it provides the equivalent translation in Spanish. There are over 70 irregular verbs included in the table.
The document lists many English irregular verbs along with their base form, third person singular form, simple past tense, past participle, and present participle. For each verb, it provides the equivalent translation in Spanish. There are over 70 irregular verbs included in the table.
The document lists many English irregular verbs along with their base form, third person singular form, simple past tense, past participle, and present participle. For each verb, it provides the equivalent translation in Spanish. There are over 70 irregular verbs included in the table.
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Irregular verbs
PERSON PARTICIPLE PARTICIPLE SINGULAR to awake awakes awoke awoken awaking despertar, despertarse to be is was/were been being ser, estar to bear bears borne borne, born bearing llevar, dar a luz to beat beats beat beaten, beat beating golpear, sacudir to become becomes became become becoming convertirse en, hacerse to begin begins began begun beginning comenzar, empezar to bend bends bent bent bending doblar, inclinar to bid bids bade, bid bidden, bid bidding licitar, pedir to bite bites bit bit, bitten biting morder to bleed bleeds bled bled bleeding sangrar to blow blows blew blown blowing soplar to break breaks broke broken breaking romper, quebrar to bring brings brought brought bringing traer, llevar to build builds built built building construir, edificar to burn burns burned, burnt burned, burnt burning quemar, incendiar to burst bursts burst burst bursting reventar, estallar to buy buys bought bought buying comprar to catch catches caught caught catching atrapar, coger to choose chooses chose chosen choosing escoger to cling clings clung clung clinging asirse to come comes came come coming venir, llegar to cost costs cost cost costing costar to creep creeps crept crept creeping arrastrarse; trapear to cut cuts cut cut cutting cortar to deal deals dealt dealt dealing repartir (naipes); tratar to do does did done doing hacer to draw draws drew drawn drawing dibujar to dream dreams dreamed, dreamt dreamed, dreamt dreaming soñar to drink drinks drank drunk, drank drinking tomar, beber to drive drives drove driven driving manejar to eat eats ate eaten eating comer to fall falls fell fallen falling caer, descender to feed feeds fed fed feeding alimentar, comer to feel feels felt felt feeling sentir; palpar to fight fights fought fought fighting pelear, combatir to find finds found found finding encontrar, hallar to fly flies flew flown flying volar, huir to forget forgets forgot forgotten, forgot forgetting olvidar to freeze freezes froze frozen freezing congelar, helar to get gets got got, gotten getting conseguir, obtener to give gives gave given giving dar, ceder to go goes went gone going ir, caminar, marcharse to grow grows grew grown growing crecer to hang hangs hung, hanged hung, hanged hanging ahorcar, colgar to have has had had having tener, haber to hear hears heard heard hearding oír, prestar atención to hide hides hid hidden, hid hiding esconder to hit hits hit hit hitting dar, golpear, batear to hold holds held held holding sujetar, asir, sostener to hurt hurts hurt hurt hurting herir, lastimar to keep keeps kept kept keeping guardar, conservar, tener to know knows knew known knowing conocer, saber, distinguir to lay laies laid laid laying poner, colocar to lead leads led led leading guiar, dirigir to leap leaps leapt, leaped leapt, leaped leaping saltar, brincar to lean leans leaned, lent leaned, lent leaning apoyarse to learn learns learned, learnt learned, learnt learning aprender to leave leaves left left leaving dejar, partir, marcharse to lend lends lent lent lending prestar to let lets let let letting permitir, dejar to lie lies lay lain lying estar acostado to light lights lit, light lit, light lighting encender to lose loses lost lost losing perder to make makes made made making hacer to mean means meant meant meaning significar encontrarse con; aceptar la opinión de to meet meets met met meeting to pay pays paid paid paying pagar, compensar to put puts put put putting poner, colocar, situar to read reads read read reading leer to ride rides rode, rid ridden, rid, rode riding montar, cabalgar to ring rings rang rung ringing sonar, resonar to rise rises rose risen rising levantarse, ascender to run runs ran run running correr, apresurarse to say says said said saying decir, manifestarse to see sees saw seen seeing ver, divisar, entender to sell sells sold sold selling vender to send sends sent sent sending enviar, mandar, remitir to set sets set set setting poner, meter, colocar to sew sews sewed sewn sewing coser to shake shakes shook shaken shaking sacudir, temblar to shine shines shined, shone shined, shone shining brillar, resplandecer to shoot shoots shot shot shooting tirar, lanzar, arrojar; disparar to show shows showed showed, shown showing mostrar, exhibir, enseñar to shut shuts shut shut shutting cerrar to sing sings sang sung singing cantar to sink sinks sank, sunk sunk sinking hundir, sumergirse to sit sits sat sat sitting tomar asiento, empollar to sleep sleeps slept slept sleeping dormir to smell smells smelled, smelt smelled, smelt smelling oler, olfatear to speak speaks spoke spoken speaking hablar, discursear to spell spells spelled, spelt spelled, spelt spelling deletrear, escribir to spend spends spent spent spending gastar, expender, pasar to spill spills spilled, spilt spilled, spilt spilling derramar, verter to spin spins spun spun spinning hilar, hacer dar vueltas to spit spits spit, spat spit, spat spitting escupir, echar to split splits split split splitting hender, partir to spread spreads spread spread spreading extender, estirar to spring springs sprang sprung springing saltar, brincar, rebotar to stand stands stood stood standing estar de pie, ponerse de pie to steal steals stole stolen stealing robar, hurtar to stick sticks stuck stuck sticking clavar, fijar con tachuelas to stink stinks stanks, stunk stunk stinking heder to strike strikes struck struck, stricken stricking golpear, chocar contra algo to strive strives strove, strived striven striving esforzarse, luchar to swear swears swore sworn swearing jurar to sweep sweeps swept swept sweeping barrer, limpiar to swell swells swelled swelled, swollen swelling hincharse, aumentar, inflar to swim swims swam swum swimming nadar to swing swings swung swung swinging columpiar, mecer to take takes took taken taking tomar, coger, ocupar to teach teaches taught taught teaching enseñar, instruir, educar to tear tears tore torn tearing desgarrar, arrancar to tell tells told told telling decir, contar, narrar to think thinks thought thought thinking pensar, concebir, idear to throw throws threw thrown throwing arrojar, lanzar, tirar to wake wakes woke, waked woke, waked waking despertarse, revivir llevar o tener puesto; calzar, vestir, usar to wear wears wore worn wearing to weave weaves wove, weaved woven, weaved weaving tejer, entrelazar to weep weeps wept wept weeping llorar, lamentar to win wins won won winning ganar, triunfar to write writes wrote written writing escribir
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