Turn Up Procedure

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=======ONT provisioning================================

configure equipment slot lt:1/1/16 planned-type nglt-

configure pon interface 1/1/16/1 admin-state up
configure equipment ont interface 1/1/16/1/1 sw-ver-pland 3FE56557AFDA35 sernum
ALCL:F8150B1C sw-dnload-version auto plnd-var SIP voip-allowed iphost pland-
cfgfile1 auto dnload-cfgfile1 auto pland-cfgfile2 auto dnload-cfgfile2 auto
configure equipment ont interface 1/1/16/1/1 admin-state up
configure equipment ont slot 1/1/16/1/1/1 planned-card-type 10_100base
plndnumdataports 4 plndnumvoiceports 0 admin-state up
configure equipment ont slot 1/1/16/1/1/2 planned-card-type pots plndnumdataports 0
plndnumvoiceports 2 admin-state up
configure equipment ont slot 1/1/16/1/1/14 planned-card-type veip plndnumdataports
1 plndnumvoiceports 0 admin-state up
configure interface port uni:1/1/16/1/1/1/[1�4] admin-up
configure interface port uni:1/1/16/1/1/14/1 admin-up

-----show commands------
show pon unprovision-onu
show equipment ont sw-download
show interface port ont:1/1/16/1/1

=================HSI configuration=======================================

configure vlan id 958 mode residential-bridge name HSI-VLAN new-broadcast enable

pppoe-relay-tag configurable in-qos-prof-name name:Default_TC0

configure service vpls 958 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 958 create

configure service vpls 958 description HSI-Node_Name
configure service vpls 958 sap lt:1/1/16:958 create
configure service vpls 958 sap ntio-1:sfp:2:958 create
configure service vpls 958 sap nt-a:xfp:1:958 create
configure service vpls 958 sap nt-b:xfp:1:958 create

configure qos profiles bandwidth A5MHSI committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate

5120 excessive-info-rate 5120 delay-tolerance 10
configure qos profiles bandwidth E5MHSI committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate 0
excessive-info-rate 5120 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth A10MHSI committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate
10240 excessive-info-rate 10240 delay-tolerance 10
configure qos profiles bandwidth A50MHSI committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate
51200 excessive-info-rate 51200 delay-tolerance 7
configure qos profiles bandwidth E10MHSI committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate 0
excessive-info-rate 10240 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth E50MHSI committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate 0
excessive-info-rate 51200 delay-tolerance 32
configure qos profiles bandwidth A100MHSI committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate
102400 excessive-info-rate 102400 delay-tolerance 3
configure qos profiles bandwidth E100MHSI committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate 0
excessive-info-rate 102400 delay-tolerance 32

configure qos interface 1/1/16/1/1/14/1 upstream-queue 0 bandwidth-profile

configure bridge port 1/1/16/1/1/14/1 max-unicast-mac 20
configure bridge port 1/1/16/1/1/14/1 vlan-id 881 tag single-tagged network-vlan
958 vlan-scope local
=============VOD and IPTV configuration=====================================
configure vlan id 459 mode residential-bridge name VOD-Node_Name new-broadcast
enable pppoe-relay-tag true in-qos-prof-name name:Default_TC5
configure vlan id 3999 mode residential-bridge name MCAST-VLAN new-broadcast enable
pppoe-relay-tag true in-qos-prof-name name:Default_TC5

configure service vpls 459 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 459 create

configure service vpls 459 description VOD_Node_Name
configure service vpls 459 sap lt:1/1/16:459 create
configure service vpls 459 sap ntio-1:sfp:2:459 create
configure service vpls 459 sap nt-a:xfp:1:459 create
configure service vpls 459 sap nt-b:xfp:1:459 create
configure qos interface 1/1/16/1/1/1/1/4 upstream-queue 5 bandwidth-profile
configure bridge port 1/1/16/1/1/1/1/4 max-unicast-mac 20
configure bridge port 1/1/16/1/1/1/1/4 vlan-id 3999
configure bridge port 1/1/16/1/1/1/1/4 vlan-id 459
configure bridge port 1/1/16/1/1/1/1/4 pvid 459
configure igmp channel vlan:1/1/16/1/1/1/1/4:459 max-num-group 8
configure igmp channel vlan:1/1/16/1/1/1/1/4:459 fullview-packages "[1]"
configure igmp channel vlan:1/1/16/1/1/1/1/4:459 preview-packages "[1...1024]"

================Voice Service Provisioning =====================================

configure service vpls 444 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 444 create
configure service vpls 444 description SIP-Node_Name
configure service vpls 444 user-user-com
configure service vpls 444 sap lt:1/1/16:444 create
configure service vpls 444 sap ntio-1:sfp:2:444 create
configure service vpls 444 sap nt-a:xfp:1:444 create
configure service vpls 444 sap nt-b:xfp:1:444 create

configure qos profiles bandwidth VOICE committed-info-rate 300 assured-info-rate

300 excessive-info-rate 300 delay-tolerance 8
configure qos interface 1/1/16/1/1/voip upstream-queue 7 bandwidth-profile

configure bridge port 1/1/16/1/1/voip max-unicast-mac 8

configure bridge port 1/1/16/1/1/voip vlan-id 444
configure bridge port 1/1/16/1/1/voip pvid 444

configure iphost ont ont:1/1/16/1/1/1 ip-address net-mask

default-router dns-addr ping enabled vlan 2222

configure iphost ont ont:1/1/16/1/1/1 admin-state up

-----voip config-------
configure voice ont voip-config ont:1/1/16/1/1/1 protocol sip conf-method OMCI
configure voice ont sec-uri-profile 14 name SIP_REGISTRAR uri-prof 1 auth-securi-
prof 4
configure voice ont auth-sec-prof 4 name REGISTRAR_AUTH validation-scheme md5-
digest realm Huawei

1.voip config...>config method(omci/ftp)...>protcol...>

2.securi-profile(sec-uri-profile xml)...>address(ip address/URI)...>
3.auth-securi-prof...>validation-scheme(basic)...>username&password (of ftp server)
-----sip-config (generic sip server settings)-------
configure voice ont sip-config ont:1/1/16/1/1/1 proxyserv-prof 1 outproxyserv-prof
1 registrar-prof 14 soft-sw-vendor THIN uri-format sip-uri primary-dns

1.registrar-prof (sec-uri-prof)...>uri prof(AOR ip address)...>auth-securi-

2.proxyserv-profil (uri-prof)(proxy server ip address)
3.outputproexyserv-prof (uri prof)
4.aor-host-prt-prof (uri-prof)(ip address of AOR)

--------voice sip port-----------

configure voice ont voip-app-service 1 name Voip_Appl_Service calling-number enable

call-waiting enable three-way-calling enable call-transfer enable call-hold enable
call-park enable do-not-disturb enable dir-conn-prof none bridge-prof none conf-
prof none
configure voice ont feat-acccode-prof 1 name Voip_AccesCodes cancel-call-wait *70
hold *52 intercom 0
configure voice ont nwdial-plan-prof 1 name DigitMapProfile critical-timeout
2.000000 partial-timout 16.000000 format not-def digitmap1 "[*#0-9]." digitmap2 ""
digitmap3 "" digitmap4 ""

configure voice ont voice-sip-port 1/1/16/1/1/2/1 user-aor 4710022 user-name

4710022 password plain:0022 realm Huawei voice-mail-prof none ntwk-dp-prof 1 app-
serv-prof 1 ac-code-prof 1
configure voice ont voice-sip-port 1/1/16/1/1/2/2 user-aor 4710023 user-name
4710023 password plain:0023 realm Huawei voice-mail-prof none ntwk-dp-prof 1 app-
serv-prof 1 ac-code-prof 1


configure voice ont uri-prof 2 name FTP_Server address

configure voice ont auth-sec-prof 3 name FTP_Login_Credentials_New user-name root
password plain:alcatel
configure voice ont sec-uri-profile 23 name FTP_Server uri-prof 2 auth-securi-prof
configure voice ont voice-serv-prof 1 name Voice_Service securi-prof 23 toneset-
prof none ringingset-prof none announce-type not-applicable echo-cancel enabled
hook-flash-min 85 hook-flash-max 700 pstn-variant 92
configure voice ont rtp-profile 1 name RTP_Profile_1 dscp 26
configure voice ont voip-media-prof 1 name VOIP_Media_profile_1 voiceserviceprof 1
rtp-prof 1 codec1st pcma pkt-period1st 20 silence1st on codec2nd g729 pkt-period2nd
configure voice ont voice-port 1/1/16/1/1/2/1 custinfo 4710022 voipconfig sip pots-
pwr-timer 300 rx-gain 1.0 tx-gain 2.0 impedance 600 voip-media-prof 3
configure voice ont voice-port 1/1/16/1/1/2/2 custinfo 4710023 voipconfig sip
pots-pwr-timer 300 rx-gain 1.0 tx-gain 2.0 impedance 600 voip-media-prof 3

POTs Creation:
configure voice ont pots 1/1/16/1/1/2/1 custinfo 4294444 pots-pwr-timer 300 rx-gain
1.0 tx-gain 2.0
configure voice ont voice-port 1/1/16/1/1/2/1 custinfo 4294444 voipconfig sip pots-
pwr-timer 300 rx-gain 1.0 tx-gain 2.0 impedance 600 voip-media-prof 9
configure voice ont sip-config ont:1/1/16/1/1/1 proxyserv-prof 9 outproxyserv-prof
9 primary-dns registrar-prof 9 soft-sw-vendor THIN uri-format sip-uri
configure voice ont voice-sip-port 1/1/16/1/1/2/1 user-aor 4294444 user-name
4294444 password plain:4294444 realm Huawei voice-mail-prof none ntwk-dp-prof 9
app-serv-prof 9 ac-code-prof 9

configure voice ont voice-port 1/1/16/1/1/2/1 admin-state unlocked

configure voice ont voice-port 1/1/16/1/1/2/2 admin-state unlocked

UNI Admin UP:


configure ethernet ont 1/1/16/1/1/1/1 admin-state up

configure ethernet ont 1/1/16/1/1/1/2 admin-state up

configure ethernet ont 1/1/16/1/1/1/3 admin-state up

configure ethernet ont 1/1/16/1/1/1/4 admin-state up

configure interface port uni:1/1/16/1/1/14/1 admin-up

configure veip ont 1/1/16/1/1/14/1 admin-state up

check PON status:

show interface port pon:1/1/16/1

Check ONT status:

show interface port ont:1/1/16/1/1

ONT Optical Power status:

show equipment ont optics 1/1/16/1/1

Check Uni Status:

show interface port uni:1/1/16/1/1/1/4 (For IPTV port 4)

show interface port uni:1/1/16/1/1/14/1 (For HSI VEIP port)

Check IPHost Status:

show iphost ont operational-data ont:1/1/16/1/1/1

Check Voice number registration status:

show voice ont pots operational-data 1/1/16/1/1/2/1 (for line 1)

show voice ont pots operational-data 1/1/16/1/1/2/2 (for line 2)

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