2 - Generator Model Validation PDF
2 - Generator Model Validation PDF
2 - Generator Model Validation PDF
Voltage Stability
Ability to maintain steady-state and transient voltages at all buses of a system
Instability may be caused by a loss of transmission lines, increase in load
demand, or other disturbances.
Instability usually leads to progressive and uncontrollable fall or rise in voltage
dt 0 r
2 H d r T T D r
m e
r , T m , T e in per unit
t in seconds
0 in electrical radians per second
Important Notes:
1) Self-inductances of stator windings are positive, and varies with rotor position θ
which in turn varies with time
2) Mutual inductance between stator windings are negative, also varies with rotor
position θ
3) Self- and mutual inductance of rotor windings are positive. The mutual
inductance between fd and kq windings, and kd and kq windings are zero since
they are displaced in 90 degrees apart.
4) Mutual inductance between stator and rotor windings are positive, but varies
with rotor position θ
Remark: It’s nearly impossible to obtain an analytical solution due to the time-
varying self- and mutual inductances which are a function of rotor position θ.
24 - Generator Model Validation – August 2017
Park (dq0) Transformation
• Conventional method
– based on short circuit test on unloaded machine; IEEE standard
115-1983 (1995, 2009)
– provides only d-axis data; field circuit not specifically identified
S P jQ Et I t Et I t cos j sin
~ ~*
• The high field currents corresponding to the overexcited condition keep the
retaining ring saturated, so that end leakage flux is small. However, in the
underexcited region the field current is low and the retaining ring is not
saturated; this permits an increase in armature end leakage flux.
This test will be used for determining reactive current compensation setting,
and further validating the excitation system model.
(1) AVR voltage setter/follower should be blocked/disabled
(2) Reverse power relay may be disabled to prevent turbine tripping
Simulation Tools: