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The secret of the monoatomic at the level of geometric alchemy!

The empty tetrahedron, of any metal, submerged in liquids, is self-insulating by pyramidal effect.
After two days we have a white-silver powder with glassy tint on the bottom of the glass.
This powder has monoatomic granulation and the metal becomes non-metallic by dissolution.
Monoatomic powder naturally helps the biological body in any DNA problem.
The monoatomic of strong electronegative metals enters the composition of antigravity fuselages.
The Tetrahedron comprises the magnetic-gravitationally field in the form of the Yin-Yang symbol (the neutron).
3D pyramids from base 3 to base 9, emit one third of the base Gamma radiation.

Secretul monoatomicului la nivel de alchimie geometrica !

Tetrahedron gol, din orice metal, scufundat in lichide se autodizolva prin efect de piramida.
Dupa doua zile avem pe fundul paharului o pulbere alb-argintie cu tenta sticloasa.
Aceasta pulbere are granulatie monoatomica iar metalul devine nemetal prin dizolvare.
Pulberea monoatomica ajuta medical corpul biologic in orice problema ADN.
Monoatomicul metalelor puternic electronegative intra in compozitia fuselajelor antigravitationale.
Tetrahedronul cuprinde campul magneto-gravitational sub forma de simbol Yin-Yang (neutronul).
Piramidele 3D de la cele cu baza 3 pana la cele cu baza 9, emit la o treime de baza radiatie Gamma.

Copyright ISSN - 1844 - 6914

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